What You Can Learn From Your Expression Number

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So, Robert, we now know that your expression number is = 6

What You Can Learn From Your Expression Number

“You are very smart and creative with an attention to detail that may be confused with

Robert, your expression number of ( 6 ) tells us about your natural talent and abilities...
Getting caught up in your work is your natural form of self-expression. You like to make
sure your desk is in order, your house is clean, and your bills are paid. When you can't
have your affairs in order, it makes you nervous. You work to be the “nuts and bolts” that
keeps the great machine of life working properly.
You are a person of action, and not one of empty words or promises. You take a down-to-
earth approach to showing others how you emphasize with and care about them. You are
a person of convictions dedicated to making sure your family members and friends are
happy and well cared for.
If you think that your efforts can help other people achieve their goals, you will be a very
hard worker. If people try to go against the team or are arrogant, you push back and try to
bring them back into the fold. You aren't one to suffer people with huge egos.
This may cause you to come into conflict with authority, because you'd rather fall on your
sword doing the right thing than cave into authority and do the wrong thing.
Nature is very important to you. You may maintain a garden. Or, you may own many pets.
Ecological causes are important to you. You believe that man and nature need to work
with each other to make the world a better place.
One of your challenges may be to avoid getting into many arguments. Because you have
strong opinions, other people may consider you to be bossy. You need to find a way to
express your deeply held opinions in ways that are not offensive to others.
When you are in relationships, you are the most loyal partner you can be. But you may
find yourself drawn to people with insecurity issues, and you may be tempted to take
advantage of them. You need to use your natural empathy to break past these impulses.
Because you are highly organized, you will do well in careers that require planning and
focus. You would make a wonderful administrator, surgeon, carpenter or urban planner.
You are very smart and creative with an attention to detail that may be confused with
obsession. Your self-discipline may lead you to become excellent at sports, music or
When you choose your clothes, you do so to ensure they are practical and not flashy.
When you see other people, you are more concerned with their inner beauty than their
outward appearance.
Because you are so well organized, you may become a highly respected member of your
community and achieve success at a young age.
This is what your expression number says about you. Now, before I tell you about the
opportunity I have to offer you, I want to talk about your soul urge.

What Your Soul Urge Says About You

Robert, you have a soul urge number of 2. This number unlocks the secrets of what your
heart really desires out of life.
Your soul urge number says that you always strive to be the best at anything you put your
mind to. You always strive for success and when success eludes you, it can be soul
crushing. Your connection with a higher power makes you feel like you not only let
yourself down, but also let others down when you can't accomplish your goals. This can
lead to a crisis in faith.
You need to work on putting your life into perspective. You can feel that you are always
entitled to success. You need to understand that everyone must fail sometimes so that
they can learn from their experiences. This will be a hard, but important lesson for you to
You have a strong sense of pride and ambition, which may make others dislike you. Other
people may be jealous of your success and work against you. It may be important for you
to hide your high sense of self-esteem so as to not push others away from you.
Yet, you desire other people to see you as special. This may lead to you taking outlandish
actions in order to be noticed, causing you to make mistakes that sabotage your career,
because no matter how much you want to work with others as part of a team, you
constantly stand out from the crowd.
This is also part of why you have trouble with authority figures and may rebel against
You need to be careful that other people don't see you as a braggart. You also have to fight
against your internal desire to create unnecessary drama. You may prefer negative
attention to no attention at all.
You may also find yourself drawn to damaged people because you feel a need to rescue
them. Addiction and obsession are also risks that you may be drawn to.
You should try to find ways to make your natural stubbornness a thing of the past. Use
your natural empathy for others to find ways to deal with them with sensitivity and tact.
Don't be in such a hurry to succeed or be recognized that you damage your future and
your reputation. Instead, use your talents to help make the world a better place and resist
the urge to draw attention to yourself.

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