Nga - STND.0036 1.0.0 WGS84
Nga - STND.0036 1.0.0 WGS84
Nga - STND.0036 1.0.0 WGS84
Version 1.0.0
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
b. All acquisition programs shall make maximum use of standard military data
and digital databases provided by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
and the NSG.
c. DoD Components shall consider the availability of NGA resources and the
impact of the use of unique GEOINT data, products, or services may have on the cost,
schedule, or performance of system development or upgrades when unique GEOINT
data, products, or services are required in the conduct of the system’s operational mission
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
This NGA Standard defines the Department of Defense (DoD) World Geodetic
System 1984 (WGS 84). Significant changes incorporated in this standard include:
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This edition of the Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS
84) NGA Standard, NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 (formerly known as TR8350.2),
reflects significant improvements and changes to WGS 84 since the 3rd edition was
published in 1997. Today, the WGS 84 reflects a family of models, parameters, and a
new reference frame update.
This standard will address the following subject areas with the WGS 84:
Coordinate Systems
The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) in the development of the WGS
84 Reference Frame
Ellipsoid and its defining parameters
Ellipsoidal Gravity formula
Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008)
EGM2008 Geoid Model
The World Magnetic Model (WMM)
WGS 84 relationships with other Geodetic Systems
Accuracy of WGS 84 and its models
Implementation Guidelines
For those first time readers, the data, models, and information contained in this
standard will address issues and analysis related to the following topical areas:
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Today’s modern GNSS’s, such as GPS, have made it possible to establish a truly
global geocentric reference system which can be quickly adapted for precise geodetic
positioning, especially over long distances. It is possible to determine distortions and
mis-orientations of classical geodetic networks around the world. The entire WGS is
being incorporated into a Standards-based environment through the NGA Geospatial
Intelligence Standards Working Group (GWG). The result will be that the WGS 84 and
its future instantiations will become part of the DoD Information Standards Registry
(DISR) thereby increasing interoperability and reducing acquisition costs.
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SUBJECT TERMS .......................................................................................................... ii
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... iv
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7.9 Datums Equivalent to WGS 84 for Mapping and Charting Purposes .... 7-12
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9.4 Range of the Magnetic Elements at the Earth’s Surface ........................... 9-3
10.7 The Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008 and Geoid Model .............. 10-3
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NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) supports a large number and variety
of products and users, which makes it imperative that these products all be related to a common
worldwide geodetic reference system. This ensures interoperability in relating information from
one product to another, supports increasingly stringent accuracy requirements, and supports
military and humanitarian activities worldwide. The refined World Geodetic System 1984
(WGS 84) represents NGA’s best geodetic model of the Earth using data, techniques and
technology available through 2013.
The definition of the World Geodetic System has evolved within NGA and its
predecessor agencies from the initial WGS 60 through subsequent improvements embodied in
WGS 66, WGS 72, and WGS 84. The refinement described in this standard has been possible
due to improved scientific models and additional global data. These data include those from
precise and accurate geodetic positioning, new observations of land gravity data, the availability
of extensive altimetry data, and gravity data from the GRACE satellite mission.
Using these data, an improved Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) and its
associated geoid were developed, and the World Magnetic Model 2010 (WMM2010) was
produced. EGM2008 was developed by NGA with contracted support. WMM2010 was
developed jointly by the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s
National Geophysical Data Center and the British Geological Survey.
The WGS 84 represents the best global geodetic reference system for the Earth available
at this time for practical applications of mapping, charting, geopositioning, and navigation. This
standard includes the definition of the coordinate system, fundamental and derived constants, the
EGM2008, the ellipsoidal (normal) gravity model, a description of the associated WMM, and a
current list of local datum transformations. NGA recommendations regarding the implementation
of WGS 84 are given in Chapter Ten of this standard.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
2.1 Definition
It is geocentric, the center of mass being defined for the whole Earth including oceans
and atmosphere
Its scale is that of the local Earth frame, in the meaning of a relativistic theory of
Its orientation was initially given by the Bureau International de l’Heure (BIH)
orientation of 1984.0
Its time evolution in orientation will create no residual global rotation with regards to
the crust
Earth's Center
of Mass
X WGS 84 Y WGS 84
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Z-Axis = The direction of the IERS Reference Pole (IRP). This direction
corresponds to the direction of the BIH Conventional Terrestrial Pole (CTP)
(epoch 1984.0) with an uncertainty of 0.005 [1]
X-Axis = Intersection of the IERS Reference Meridian (IRM) and the plane
passing through the origin and normal to the Z-axis. The IRM is coincident with
the BIH Zero Meridian (epoch 1984.0) with an uncertainty of 0.005 [1]
The WGS 84 Coordinate System origin also serves as the geometric center of the
WGS 84 Ellipsoid, and the Z-axis serves as the rotational axis of this ellipsoid of revolution.
The definition of the WGS 84 CTRS has not changed in any fundamental way
since its original implementation. This CTRS continues to be defined as a right-handed,
orthogonal, and Earth-fixed coordinate system which is intended to be as closely coincident as
possible with the CTRS defined by the IERS or, prior to 1988, its predecessor, the Bureau
International de l’Heure (BIH).
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) generates the
software which NGA uses for precise GPS orbits and WGS 84 coordinate solutions. To maintain
WGS 84 to the highest level of accuracy and integrity, NGA and NSWCDD assess international
scientific standards to determine their applicability to WGS 84. WGS 84 (G1762) adheres to
IERS TN 36 with limited exceptions as identified in this document. Note that IERS TN 36 often
gives multiple approaches for implementation of models. Specifically, WGS 84 (G1762) will not
include pole corrections and will not include librations in UT1 and polar motion defined in IERS
TN 36 Section 5.5. Previous iterations of WGS 84 (i.e. G1150) are consistent with IERS
Conventions 1996 Technical Note No. 21 [2]. As new standards are adopted, NGA will review
them to determine appropriate implementation. WGS 84 may not conform strictly to all
conventions, but relevant differences will be documented.
2.2 Realization
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The original WGS 84 reference frame was established in 1987 using the Navy
Navigation Satellite System (also called TRANSIT) [3]. The main objective in the original
effort was to align, as closely as possible, the origin, scale and orientation of the WGS 84 frame
with the BIH Terrestrial System (BTS) frame at an epoch of 1984.0. This development is given
in DMA TR 8350.2, Editions 1 and 2. Initial uncertainties, in 1987, were 1-2 meters with respect
to the BTS.
Since that time, NGA has used the combined network of the US Air Force
(USAF) and NGA GPS satellite tracking stations to improve the WGS 84 reference frame. The
WGS 84 reference frame and the GPS Monitor Stations are inherently intertwined. WGS 84 is
the reference frame adopted for the operation of GPS, and all users obtain WGS 84 coordinates
when they use the GPS Broadcast Navigation Messages. NGA generates a set of ‘precise’
ephemerides which adopt the WGS 84, and these ephemerides are used for precise positioning.
This includes calculation of the WGS 84 positions of the permanent DoD GPS Monitor Stations
for both the US Air Force (USAF) and NGA (Figure 2.2) and, therefore, the WGS 84 origin. For
highest accuracy applications such as precise positioning applications, temporal effects should be
considered as described in Section 2.2.4.
NGA is committed to maintaining the highest possible accuracy and stability for
the WGS 84 Reference Frame while remaining both practical and accessible. To do so, NGA has
generated several realizations of WGS 84 incorporating improved data and advances in
geophysical modeling to adequately represent the motion of the Earth’s surface. These
realizations have not affected the fundamental definition of the WGS 84 reference system; but
are necessary for high-accuracy, high-integrity applications. The current realization of the WGS
84 Reference Frame is designated as WGS 84 (G1762). The GPS Operational Control Segment
(OCS) implemented WGS 84 (G1762) on 16 Oct 2013 with NGA implementation on the same
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WGS 84 (G1762) is the sixth update to the realization of the WGS 84 Reference
Frame. The previous realizations were designated WGS 84 (G1674) [5], WGS 84 (G1150) [4],
WGS 84 (G873), WGS 84 (G730) and WGS 84. The “G” indicates that GPS measurements were
used to obtain the coordinates. The number following the “G” indicates the GPS week number
during which the coordinates were approved for implementation by NGA. The original
TRANSIT realization of WGS 84 has no such designation. Detailed documentation of the
previous iterations can be found in the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
TR8350.2, Edition 3, (3 Jan 2000) with its Addendum (2002). Table 2.1 shows the name,
implementation date by the GPS OCS, epoch, and the overall absolute accuracy of each
Data were collected from all sites for the period 11 May – 26 May, 2013.
A subset of IGS stations was selected as control points in the reference frame
solution. IGb08 is a realization of ITRF2008 generated by IGS for their products.
The IGb08 coordinates, at epoch 2005.0, of the IGS stations were held fixed while the
USAF and NGA stations coordinates were adjusted. According to IGS, the difference
between reference station coordinates in IGb08 and ITRF2008 are due to antenna
calibration changes. Transformation parameters between IGb08 and ITRF2008 are
considered to be zero. Reference for more
information on IGS products, including reference frames.
The IGS station positions were determined using their velocities and propagating that
forward to the data collection timeframe.
The WGS 84 coordinates are at epoch 2005.0.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Meteorological data were utilized for all stations. Data from nearby sites or default
values were used when meteorological data were not collected at the GPS station.
NGA adopted the velocities generated for the IGb08 coordinates of the NGA
stations. For USAF stations, NGA adopted the velocities of nearby IGS sites. The velocities of
the USAF and NGA stations used in this realization are given in Table 2.2. Site information for
IGS stations may be obtained through the IGS website currently at
2.2.2 Results
WGS 84 (G1762) improved the overall accuracy of WGS 84 and will reduce
future discrepancies between WGS 84 and ITRF by improving consistency since, in general,
both have adopted IERS Conventions 2010 methods and models. Previous WGS 84 realizations
have shown consistency with ITRF on the order of 1-2 centimeters at their original
implementation date. Over time, small changes in updated models and methods cause
differences between the two reference frames to grow. Improvements in methods, models, and
data, along with geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, are the fundamental reasons for
periodic updates to the WGS 84 reference frame. Each realization of WGS 84 has improved its
accuracy (Table 2.1) and has increased in precision. Table 2.2 gives the positions of the USAF
and NGA GPS monitor stations in Cartesian coordinates with station velocities, and Table 2.3
gives the geodetic coordinates.
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Table 2.2 WGS 84 (G1762) Cartesian Coordinates* and Velocities for Epoch 2005.0
NGA Station X Y Z Ẋ Ẏ Ż
Station Location
Number (m) (m) (m) (m/yr) (m/yr) (m/yr)
Air Force Stations
Colorado Springs 85128 -1248599.695 -4819441.002 3976490.117 -0.0146 0.0009 -0.0049
Ascension 85129 6118523.866 -1572350.772 -876463.909 -0.0002 -0.0057 0.0110
Diego Garcia 85130 1916196.855 6029998.797 -801737.183 -0.0448 0.0176 0.0331
Kwajalein 85131 -6160884.028 1339852.169 960843.154 0.0201 0.0663 0.0295
Hawaii 85132 -5511980.264 -2200246.752 2329481.004 -0.0098 0.0628 0.0320
Cape Canaveral 85143 918988.062 -5534552.894 3023721.362 -0.0126 0.0016 0.0011
NGA Stations
Australia 85402 -3939182.512 3467072.917 -3613217.139 -0.0409 0.0030 0.0485
Argentina 85403 2745499.034 -4483636.563 -3599054.496 0.0045 -0.0079 0.0085
England 85404 4011440.890 -63375.739 4941877.084 -0.0127 0.0168 0.0101
Bahrain 85405 3633910.105 4425277.147 2799862.517 -0.0324 0.0096 0.0270
Ecuador 85406 1272867.304 -6252772.044 -23801.759 0.0067 0.0013 0.0108
US Naval Observatory 85407 1112158.852 -4842855.557 3985497.029 -0.0150 -0.0001 0.0024
Alaska 85410 -2296304.083 -1484805.898 5743078.376 -0.0222 -0.0068 -0.0086
New Zealand 85411 -4749991.001 520984.518 -4210604.147 -0.0219 0.0127 0.0205
South Africa 85412 5066232.068 2719227.028 -2754392.632 -0.0012 0.0197 0.0168
South Korea 85413 -3067863.250 4067640.938 3824295.770 -0.0263 -0.0091 -0.0094
Tahiti 85414 -5246403.943 -3077285.338 -1913839.292 -0.0422 0.0515 0.0327
Notes: * Coordinates are at the Antenna Reference Points.
Reference for current values
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The G1762 realization marks the first time the WGS 84 Reference Frame (RF) is
tied to the site’s Antenna Reference Point (ARP) located at the base of the ground plane which
supports the antenna’s electronics. All previous realizations of the WGS 84 RF were tied to the
antenna’s electrical phase center so as to conform to the GPS Control Segment’s expectations.
However, modern standards for reporting reference frame anchor points are for the ARP. This
difference, coupled with NGA’s adaptation of elevation angle dependent antenna phase center
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
calibration tables, is the cause of the relatively large discrepancies seen in Table 2.4, almost all in
the vertical direction.
Table 2.4 WGS 84 (G1674) Minus WGS 84 (G1762) for Epoch 2005.0
∆X ∆Y ∆Z Total
Station Location Station
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Air Force Stations
Colorado Springs 85128 0.018 -0.031 0.017 0.040
Ascension 85129 0.044 0.017 0.000 0.047
Diego Garcia 85130 -0.033 0.025 0.032 0.053
Kwajalein 85131 -0.011 -0.004 -0.002 0.012
Hawaii 85132 -0.003 -0.047 -0.007 0.047
Cape Canaveral 85143 0.011 -0.039 0.016 0.043
NGA Stations
Australia 85402 -0.018 0.048 -0.036 0.062
Argentina 85403 0.061 -0.032 -0.039 0.079
England 85404 0.007 -0.002 0.038 0.039
Bahrain 85405 -0.015 0.012 0.020 0.027
Ecuador 85406 0.022 -0.091 -0.008 0.094
US Naval
85407 0.012 -0.050 0.037 0.064
Alaska 85410 0.010 -0.017 0.003 0.021
New Zealand 85411 -0.038 -0.016 -0.064 0.077
South Africa 85412 0.054 0.019 -0.027 0.063
South Korea 85413 -0.026 0.058 0.046 0.079
Tahiti 85414 -0.056 -0.006 -0.016 0.059
NGA and its predecessor organizations have ensured that WGS 84 is consistent
with the most recent ITRF realization. The purpose of this alignment is to adhere to international
standards and pursue the highest possible level of practical global reference frame accuracy. The
ITRF incorporates multiple methods to realize their series of reference systems such as Satellite
Laser Ranging (SLR) and Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) that NGA does not
include. Constraining the WGS 84 reference frame to align with ITRF as closely as possible
allows the WGS 84 reference frame to take advantage of those methods without directly
incorporating them into the coordinate determination software. This alignment is necessary for
interoperability with other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). While GPS is currently
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
the most widely used GNSS, there are other systems operating or being developed. The US bi-
lateral agreement with the European Union states that WGS 84 and ITRF will be closely aligned
to support interoperability between GPS and Galileo.
The most recent update of WGS 84 (G1762) aligns WGS 84 with ITRF with an
accuracy better than one cm-per-component, resulting in an overall difference of less than one
cm. Specific comparisons with other reference systems are given in Chapter 7.
Transformations between WGS 84 (G1762) and earlier versions of WGS 84 and IGb08 are given
in Table 2.5. The comparison of WGS 84 (G1762) and WGS 84 (G1674) shows that a bias was
introduced into WGS 84 (G1674) which is now corrected in WGS 84 (G1762). This bias is also
indicated by a resultant zero rotation when WGS 84 (G1762) is compared to WGS 84 (G1150).
As shown in Table 2.5, the transformation between WGS 84 (G1762) and IGb08 is zero by
statistical analysis. Mean differences are 1-2 millimeters and significantly less than the error in
the conversion, making the transformation parameters effectively zero. This is expected since
the IGb08 coordinates and velocities were adopted for NGA stations with corrections only for
movement of the stations or antennas. Because of the relationship of IGb08 to ITRF2008, it is
equivalent to state that the transformation parameters between WGS 84 (G1762) and ITRF2008
are also zero.
0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*
Notes: The parameters are defined from the listed reference frame to WGS 84 (G1762) at epoch
# The sign convention for the rotations Rx, Ry, and Rz is what NGA uses in its orbit comparison
programs and is opposite to that of IERS Conventions 2010.
*Mean differences are 1-2 millimeters and significantly less than the error in the conversion, thus
they are effectively zero.
where x, y, z, D, Rx, Ry, and Rz describe the transformation in the equation
1 Rz Ry 1 0 0 X x X
Rz 1
Rx D 0 1 0 Y y Y
Rx 1 0 0 1 Z WGS 84 z Z ITRF 2008
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The precision of the current realization of the WGS 84 Reference Frame (G1762) is
better than one centimeter overall (<1 cm per component). Maintaining that one-centimeter
accuracy poses special challenges as discussed below in detail.
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NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA uses stations velocities to account for plate tectonic motion in both the
development of G1762 and in precise GPS orbit calculations. At the beginning of each year,
NGA supplies the USAF with station coordinates of both the USAF and NGA sites. The
coordinates are adjusted to an epoch at the half year mark for plate tectonic motion for use in
GPS orbit computation. For example, on 25 Jan 2013, the USAF began using coordinates for the
DoD GPS reference sites with an epoch of 2013.5. This results in an annual step-wise update to
the WGS 84 frame used to generate the GPS broadcast message.
The amount of time elapsed between the epoch of a station’s coordinates and the
time of interest will be a dominant factor in deciding whether application of station velocities or
a plate motion model is warranted. For example, a station on a plate that moves at a rate of 5
cm/year may not require station velocity/plate motion model correction if the epoch of the
coordinates is less than a year old. If, however, these same coordinates are used over a 5-year
period, 25 cm of horizontal displacement will have accumulated in that time and application of a
correction may be advisable, depending on the accuracy requirements of the geodetic survey,
application, or system.
Earthquakes and other episodic movements of the Earth’s crust may cause sudden
displacement of GPS monitor stations. These sudden displacements must be incorporated in
station coordinate references for high accuracy positioning and navigation. In November 2002,
NGA’s Alaska station had an approximately 8 cm displacement caused by a 7.9 magnitude
earthquake. In March 2011, the 9.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan moved NGA’s
station in South Korea approximately 4 cm. When sudden movements like these occur, a re-
determination of the monitor station’s coordinates is necessary for the station to maintain its
stated accuracy. New coordinates are calculated and moved to the epoch of the current reference
frame to maintain consistency. Station displacement varies depending upon the earthquake’s
magnitude and distance from the station. In each of the cases above, the steady-state velocity of
the station was assumed to be unchanged due to the earthquake. Depending on the accuracy
required by the user, this may not be a valid assumption. Small changes in station velocities
have been documented immediately following these major events. Users with sub-centimeter
requirements cannot ignore this issue.
Equipment changes or moves can also cause sudden monitor station displacement.
In 2009 and 2010, new antennas were installed at USAF and NGA monitor stations resulting in
each site being displaced by small amounts. The actual movements were minimal in comparison
to plate tectonic motion. Users who are not concerned with better than decimeter-level accuracy
are not affected.
When any displacement of NGA or USAF stations occur that would warrant
permanent changes that impact station coordinates, NGA provides direct notification to the
USAF so that the new coordinates may be utilized in their GPS orbit determination process;
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Note that many practical geodetic surveying algorithms are not equipped to
rigorously account for tidal effects. Often, these effects are completely ignored or allowed to
‘average-out’. This approach may be adequate if the data collection period is long enough since
the majority of the displacement is diurnal and semi-diurnal in nature. Coordinates determined
from GPS differential (baseline) processing would typically contain whatever tidal components
are present in the coordinates of the fixed (known) end of the baseline. If decimeter level or
better absolute accuracy is required, careful consideration must be given to these station
displacements since the peak absolute, instantaneous effect can be as large as 42 cm [7]. In the
most demanding applications, a rigorous model such as that outlined in [1] should be applied.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
along the equator of the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) (i.e. the equinox or the celestial
intermediate origin (CIO)). In the case of the former, the reference frame is called “equinox-
based” and, in the case of the latter, “CIO-based”. Each procedure is based on a specific
representation of the transformation matrix components Q(t) and R(t) of Eq. (2-1), which
depends on the corresponding origin on the CIP equator, while the representation of the
transformation matrix component W(t) is common to both techniques. NGA has implemented
the Celestial Intermediate Origin (CIO) in its orbit determination process. Since a detailed
definition of these concepts is beyond the scope of this document, the reader is referred to
Appendix A and [1] for in-depth discussion. Appendix A discusses the transformation between
the CIO and GCRS.
Traditionally, the mathematical relationship between the ICRS and a CTRS (in
this case, the WGS 84 Coordinate System) at the date (t) is expressed as
where the matrices Q(t), R(t), and W(t) are the transformational matrices representing the effects
of nutation and precession, Earth rotation, and polar motion, respectively. Precession/nutation
(coordinates of CIP in the ICRS or celestial pole offsets), Earth rotation, and polar motion
parameters are known as Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP).
The specific formulations for the generation of matrices Q(t), R(t), and W(t) can
be found in the references cited above and appendix A. With adoption of new precession-
nutation models, IAU 2006/2000 Precession-Nutation Model [1], the coordinates of the CIP in
the GCRS, X and Y, can be modeled at the 0.2 milli arc-second (mas) level. With such high
levels of precision, observations and predictions of the coordinates X and Y or celestial pole
offsets (i.e. Q matrix elements) are not necessary for near real-time orbit determination
applications. Therefore, the discussion of EOPs and EOP predictions presented here will only
refer to Earth rotation and polar motion (i.e. R and W matrix elements).
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
than those published in [1, Tables 8.2 & 8.3]. Position error due to unaccounted EOPs
(combined effect of polar motion and Earth rotation variability) could exceed one meter per day
on the surface of the Earth. In the future, these predictions may be performed more than once per
day. The NGA EOP prediction models are given in equation (2-2). The NGA EOP prediction
models are documented and the quantities A, B, Cn, Dn, E, F, Gn, Hn, Pn, Qn, I, J, Kn, Ln, Rn, Ta, Tb,
and T are defined on
( ) ( )
( ) ∑ ( ) ∑ ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ∑ ( ) ∑ ( ) (2-2)
( ) ( )
( ) ∑ ( ) ∑ ( )
The actual Earth rotation rate (represented by UT1) undergoes periodic variations
due to tidal deformation of the polar moment of inertia. These highly predictable periodic
variations have a peak-to-peak amplitude of 3 milliseconds and can be modeled by using the
formulation found in Chapter 8 of [1]. If an orbit determination application requires extreme
accuracy and uses tracking data from stations on the Earth, these UT1 variations should be
modeled in the orbit estimation process. See Appendix A.
2.4 Summary
WGS 84 (G1762) represents the most recent realization of the WGS 84 Reference Frame.
Further improvements and future realizations of the WGS 84 Reference Frame are anticipated.
When new stations are added to the permanent DoD GPS tracking network or when existing
stations (and/or antennas) are moved or replaced, new station coordinates will be required. NGA
will update the WGS 84 Reference Frame as new standards are developed and as new methods
and models are implemented. As these changes occur, NGA will take steps to ensure that the
highest possible degree of fidelity is maintained and changes are identified to the appropriate
organizations. Changes to WGS 84 will be made to ensure that it remains state-of-the-art while
considering the general user is not unduly impacted by frequent updates. Users should reference for authoritative information particularly for WGS 84
reference frame coordinates and Earth orientation models.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
3.1 General
While selecting the WGS 84 Ellipsoid and associated parameters, the original
WGS 84 Development Committee decided to closely adhere to the approach used by the
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), when the latter established and adopted
the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS 80) [9]. Accordingly, a geocentric ellipsoid of
revolution was taken as the form for the WGS 84 Ellipsoid. The parameters selected to
originally define the WGS 84 Ellipsoid were the semi-major axis (a), the Earth’s gravitational
constant (GM), the angular velocity of the Earth (ω), and the normalized second degree zonal
gravitational coefficient ( ̅ ). These parameters are identical to those of the GRS 80 Ellipsoid
with one exception. The form of the coefficient used for the normalized second degree zonal is
that of the original WGS 84 Earth Gravitational Model rather than the dynamical form factor of
the Earth (J2) used with GRS 80. J2 and ̅ are related by:
̅ (3-1)
In 1993, two efforts were initiated which resulted in significant refinements to the
original WGS 84 defining parameters. The first refinement occurred when DMA recommended,
based on a body of empirical evidence, a refined value for the GM parameter [10], [11]. In 1994,
this improved GM parameter was recommended for use in all high-accuracy DoD orbit
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
determination applications. The second refinement occurred when the joint NASA/NIMA Earth
Gravitational Model 1996 (EGM96) project produced a new estimated dynamic value for the
second degree zonal coefficient.
A decision was made to retain the original WGS 84 Ellipsoid semi-major axis and
flattening factor of the Earth values (a = 6378137.0 m and 1/f = 298.257223563). For this reason
the four defining parameters for WGS 84 were chosen then to be a, f, GM, and ω. Further details
regarding this decision are provided in [12]. The reader should also note that the refined GM
value is within 1σ of the original (1987) GM value. Additionally, there are now distinct values
for the ̅ term, one dynamically derived as part of the WGS 84 Earth Gravitational Models and
the other geometric, implied by the defining parameters.
One of the goals of the WGS 84 Development Committee was to examine the
various International Standards to see where WGS 84 could best be aligned with them, where
practical, without causing detrimental change for the users of WGS 84. The WGS 84 team used
IERS TN 36 as the major source document to update and align certain constants and parameters.
The following sections will highlight those constants that are in agreement with International
The semi-major axis (a) is one of the defining parameters for WGS 84. The
original WGS 84 semi-major axis will be retained. This value is the same as that of the GRS 80
Ellipsoid. As stated in [13], the GRS 80, and thus the WGS 84 semi-major axis is based on
estimates derived from work performed during 1976-1979 using laser, Doppler and radar
altimeter data and techniques. Its adopted value is:
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The flattening factor of the Earth (1/f) is one of the defining parameters for WGS
84 and remains the same as previously defined. This term was called ‘flattening’. This edition
will rename this term to be ‘flattening factor of the Earth’ to align with other international
naming conventions. Its adopted value is:
As discussed in 3.4.1, there are numerous practical reasons for retaining this
flattening factor of the Earth value along with the semi-major axis as part of the definition of the
WGS 84 Ellipsoid.
The original WGS 84 development effort used the fully-normalized second degree
zonal harmonic coefficient value ̅ as a defining parameter. In this case, the flattening factor
of the Earth value was derived from ̅ through an accepted, rigorous expression. This derived
flattening factor turned out to be slightly different than the GRS 80 flattening because the
̅ value was truncated in the normalization process. Although this slight difference has no
practical consequences, the flattening factor of the Earth for the WGS 84 Ellipsoid is numerically
distinct from the GRS 80 flattening factor of the Earth.
The central term in the Earth’s gravitational field (GM) is known with much
greater accuracy than either ‘G’, the universal gravitational constant, or ‘M’, the mass of the
Earth. Significant improvement in the knowledge of GM has occurred since the original WGS
84 development effort and the original WGS 84 value was updated in 1994 and reflected in [12].
The value from TR8350.2 3rd edition will be retained. The term will be renamed to ‘Geocentric
Gravitational Constant (GM)’ to align with other international naming conventions. The value of
the WGS 84 GM parameter is:
This value is recommended in [1] and includes the mass of the atmosphere. The
GPS Operational Control Segment (OCS) shall use this value in its orbit determination process.
See Sec. 3.7.1 for further discussion on the use of GM for GPS equipment. Also see Sec. 3.6.2
for further discussion on the individual ‘G’ and ‘M’ terms.
The nominal mean angular velocity of the Earth (ω) is one of the defining
parameters for WGS 84. The original WGS 84 nominal mean angular velocity of the Earth from
previous TR8350.2 will be retained. The term will be renamed to Nominal Mean Angular
Velocity of the Earth to align with other international naming conventions.
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This value represents a standard Earth rotating with a constant angular velocity,
and is recommended in [1]. Note that the actual angular velocity of the Earth fluctuates with
time. Some geodetic applications that require angular velocity do not need to consider these
Geocentric Gravitational
GM 3.986004418 × 10+14 m3 / s2
Nominal Mean Angular
ω 7.292115 × 10−05 rads / s
Velocity of the Earth
The following values are the dynamic second degree zonal and sectorial
harmonics directly from the EGM2008 spherical harmonics data file. They should not be
confused with the purely geometric second degree zonal and sectorial harmonics that can be
derived from the ellipsoid parameters. To add to this, multiple EGMs now exist within WGS 84.
In an effort to help reduce ambiguity and clearly identify which term is being used, the suffix of
‘dyn’ or ‘geo’ are being added to the ̅ term to represent the EGM dynamic or purely
geometric parameter, respectively. The dynamic parameters will include the year of the WGS 84
EGM used. As demonstrated below, the EGM2008 derived dynamic second degree zonal and
sectorial harmonics are represented as
̅ [ ] (3-6)
̅ [ ] (3-7)
These values, along with the dynamical ellipticity, are used in the computation of
the Moments of Inertia.
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The accepted value for the velocity of light in a vacuum (c) [1] is:
The recently updated and accepted value for the universal constant of gravitation
(G) [1] is:
( ) (3-9)
It should be noted that the Geocentric Gravitational Constant (GM) is simply the
product of the Universal Constant of Gravitation (G) and the Mass of the Earth (M). With the
recent update to G, the various International Standards groups agreed to continue to maintain the
historical product of G × M and adjust the G and M terms accordingly. The WGS 84
Development Committee has implemented these updated changes. Therefore, it should be noted
that the Mass of the Earth, M, has changed as well.
3.6.3 Total Mean Mass of the Atmosphere (with water vapor) (MA)
Lacking an internationally accepted value for the mass of the atmosphere (with
water vapor) (MA), the recommend value [14] is:
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Based on a recommendation in a DMA letter to the Air Force [11], the refined
WGS 84 GM value (3.986004418 x 1014 m3/s2) was implemented in the GPS OCS during the fall
of 1994. This improvement removed a 1.3 meter radial bias from the OCS orbit estimates.
To avoid any loss of accuracy, the GPS receiver’s interpolation process must use
the same GM value that was used to generate the fitted parameters of the broadcast message.
Note that this fitting process is somewhat arbitrary but must be commensurate with the algorithm
in the receiver. There are many thousands of GPS receivers in use around the world, and any
proposed, coordinated software modifications to these receivers would be a costly,
unmanageable endeavor. As a result, Aerospace Corporation [15] suggested that the original
WGS 84 GM value be retained in GPS receivers and in the OCS process which fits a set of
broadcast elements to the Cartesian vectors. This approach takes advantage of the improved
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
orbit accuracy for both the estimated and predicted states facilitated by the refined GM value and
avoids the expense of software modifications to all GPS receivers.
For the above reasons, the GPS interface control document (ICD-GPS-200),
which defines the space segment to user segment interface, shall retain the original WGS 84 GM
value. The refined WGS 84 GM value shall be used in the OCS orbit estimation process. Most
importantly, this approach avoids the introduction of any error to a GPS user.
To reduce previous ambiguity, the original WGS 84 GM value for use in GPS
receivers, in the OCS process which fits the broadcast elements to the Cartesian vectors, and by
ICD-GPS-200 shall be named as GMGPSNAV.
Although the angular velocity () is suitable for use with a standard Earth and the
WGS 84 Ellipsoid, it is the International Astronomical Union (IAU), or the GRS 67, version of
this value () that was used with the new definition of time [16].
For consistent satellite applications, the value of the Earth’s angular velocity, (),
rather than , should be used in the following formula to obtain the angular velocity of the Earth
in a precessing reference frame, (*).
In the above equation [16] [14], the precession rate in right ascension (m) is:
( ) (3-15)
( )
( )
Therefore, the angular velocity of the Earth in a precessing reference frame, for
satellite applications, is given by:
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
( ) (3-16)
Note that values for , , and * have remained unchanged from previous
editions of TR8350.2.
Many constants associated with the WGS 84 Ellipsoid, other than the four defining
parameters (Table 3.1), are needed for geodetic applications. Using the four defining
parameters, and supplemented with values from Sec. 3.5 and 3.6, it is possible to derive these
associated constants. The more commonly used geometric and physical constants associated
with the WGS 84 Ellipsoid are listed in Tables 3.5 and 3.6. The formulas used in the calculation
of these constants are primarily from [9], [17], [18] and [19]. Derived constants should retain the
listed significant digits if consistency among the precision levels of the various parameters is to
be maintained.
The differences between the dynamic and geometric even degree zonal harmonics to
degree 20 are used in spherical harmonic expansions to calculate the geoid and other geodetic
quantities as described in Chapters 5 and 6 of this standard. The EGM2008 values provided in
Table 5.1 should be used in orbit determination applications. A description of the EGM2008
geopotential coefficients can be found in Chapter 5, while details on its development and
evaluation are provided in [20].
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NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
4.1 General
Normal gravity (γ), the magnitude of the gradient of the normal potential function
(U), is given on (at) the surface of the ellipsoid (h=0) by the closed formula of Somigliana [18]
This form of the normal gravity equation is the WGS 84 Ellipsoidal Gravity
Formula. The equipotential ellipsoid not only serves as the reference for horizontal and vertical
surfaces, or geometric figure of the Earth, but also serves as the reference surface for the normal
gravity of the Earth.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
b' a'
ψ β ϕ x-y plane
F1 C F2
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
When the geodetic height (h) is small, the normal gravity above the ellipsoid (γh)
can be estimated by upward continuing γ at the ellipsoidal surface using a truncated Taylor series
expansion as
A frequently used Taylor series expansion for the magnitude of normal gravity
above the ellipsoid with a positive direction downward along the geodetic normal to the
reference ellipsoid is [18]:
[ ( ) ] (4-3)
At moderate and high geodetic heights where Equation (4-3) may yield results
with less than desired accuracy, an alternate approach based on formulating normal gravity in the
ellipsoidal coordinate system (λ, β, u) is recommended over the Taylor series method. The
coordinate u is the semi-minor axis (b'), therefore (u = b'), of an ellipsoid of revolution whose
surface passes through the point P in Figure 4.1. This ellipsoid is confocal with the reference
ellipsoid and therefore has the same linear eccentricity (E). Its semi-major axis (a) will reduce
to the semi-major axis (a) of the reference ellipsoid when u = b. The β coordinate is known in
geodesy as the “reduced latitude” (the definition is seen in Figure 4.1), and λ is the usual
geocentric longitude with a value in the open interval 0 - 360E.
The component that is colinear with the geodetic normal line and directed
positively downward (γh) of the total normal gravity vector ( γ⃗total ) for point P in Figure 4.2 can
be estimated with sub-microgal precision to geodetic heights of at least 20,000 meters by using
the normal gravity components (γβ, γλ, γu,) in the ellipsoidal coordinate system:
|⃗ | √ (4-4)
The normal gravity field from the ellipsoidal representation is symmetrical about
the rotation axis, and therefore γλ = 0. The radical expression in Equation (4-4) is the true
magnitude of the total normal gravity vector ⃗ that is perpendicular to the equipotential
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
surface passing through the point P at geodetic height h. The fact that the angular separation (ε)
in the inset of Figure 4.2 between the component γh and the total normal gravity vector ⃗ at
the point P is small, even for large geodetic heights, is the basis for using Equation (4-4) to
approximate the component γh. On the reference ellipsoidal surface where h = 0, γβ = 0, and u =
b, Equation (4-4) is equivalent to Somigliana’s Equation (4-1).
The two ellipsoidal components (γβ, γu) of the normal gravity vector ( γ total) that
are needed in Equation (4-4) are shown in [18] to be functions of the ellipsoidal coordinates (,
u) shown in Figure 4.1. These two components can be computed with unlimited numerical
accuracy by the closed expressions:
( ) [ ( )] (4-5)
( ) √ (4-6)
√ (4-7)
√ ( )[ √ ] (4-8)
( )
( ) (4-9)
√ (4-10)
[( ) ( ) ] (4-11)
[( ) ( ) ] (4-12)
( )[ ( )] (4-13)
The rectangular coordinates (x, y, z) required in Equations (4-8) and (4-9) can be
computed from known geodetic coordinates (λ, φ, h) through the equations:
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
( )
( ) (4-14)
[( ) ]
√ (4-15)
To compute the component γh at point P in Figure 4.2 exactly, (account for the
angle ε in Figure 4.2 that is being treated as negligible in Equation (4-4)), the ellipsoidal normal
gravity components (γβ, γu) are rotated to a spherical coordinate system (λ, ψ, r) resulting in the
spherical normal gravity components, (γψ, γr). Then, the spherical components are projected onto
the geodetic normal line through point P using the angular difference, α = φ – ψ, between
geodetic (φ) and geocentric (ψ) latitudes. The equations to calculate the exact value of γh at
point P follow:
⃗ ⃗ ⃗
⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗ ⃗ (4-17)
{ } → { } → { }
[ √ ]
[ ] (4-19)
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
→ →
The γλ component in the two normal gravity vectors, γ E and γ S, in Equation (4-
17) is zero since the normal gravity potential is not a function of longitude, λ. The definitions for
the other two relevant angles depicted in the inset of Figure 4.2 are:
( ) (4-22)
The equations listed here for the angles (α, ε, θ) are applicable to both the
northern and southern hemispheres. For positive h, each of these angles is zero when point P is
directly above one of the poles or lies in the equatorial plane. Elsewhere for h > 0, they have the
same sign as the geodetic latitude for point P. For h = 0, the angles and θ are equal and = 0.
Numerical results have indicated that the angular separation (ε) between the component γh and
the total normal gravity vector γ total satisfies the inequality | ε | < 4 arcseconds for geodetic
heights up to 20,000 meters. For completeness the component ( of the total normal gravity
vector γ total at point P in Figure 4.2 that is orthogonal to γh and lies in the meridian plane for
point P is given by the expression:
The component has a positive sense northward. For geodetic height h = 0, the
component is zero. Numerical tests with whole degree latitudes showed that the magnitude of
remains less than 0.002% of the value of γh for geodetic heights up to 20,000 meters.
Equations (4-16) and (4-23) provide an alternative way to compute the magnitude | γ total | of the
total normal gravity vector through the equation:
|⃗ | √ (4-24)
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
5) and (4-6), respectively. These last attraction terms account for the centrifugal force due to the
angular velocity () of the reference ellipsoid.
Z γψ
P(λ, ϕ, h) ϴ
α ε
γr γh γtotal γr ⊥ γψ
γh γh ⊥ γϕ
Inset ∠ϴ=∠α+∠ε
C ψ Y
λ ϕ zP
λ = geodetic longitude of P C = center of ellipsoid
ψ = geocentric latitude of P x P , y P , zP = 3D Cartesian coordinates of P
ϕ = geodetic latitude of P γ r = norma l gra vity component a long the geocentric ra dius
h = geodetic height γ h = normal gravity component along the geodetic normal
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
5.1 EGM2008
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The WGS 84 EGM2008 coefficients through degree and order 18 are provided in
Table 5.1 in fully-normalized form. Coefficient error estimates are available for the entire model
up to degree 2190 and order 2159. In addition, global 5 x 5 grids containing the EGM2008
commission error estimates in gravity anomalies, geoid undulations, and in the north-south, east-
west (,) components of the deflection of the vertical, are available at the NGA web site at:
The gravity anomaly degree variances implied by EGM2008 up to degree and order 2159 are
plotted in Figure 5.1.
where V is the gravitational potential and is the potential due to the Earth’s rotation. If ω is
the angular velocity of the Earth [Equation (3-5)], then:
( ) (5-2)
where x and y are the geocentric coordinates of a given point in the WGS 84 reference frame
(See Figure 2.1).
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
[ ∑ ( ) ∑( ) ( )] (5-3)
( )
( ) ( )
[ ] ( )
( )
( )
( ) [ ( )]
( )
[ ( )]
( )
( )
( )
| | [ ] | |
( ) ( )
( )
Convergence of the series (5-3) is guaranteed for r a [18]. The series can be
used with negligible error for points located near or on the Earth’s surface. The series should not
be used for points located below Earth’s surface.
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NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
10 0
cn (n 1)
2 2
c (mGal )
2 (km) 111
0 360 720 1080 1440 1800 2160
Spherical Harmonic Degree (n)
Figure 5.1 Anomaly Degree Variances
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
6.1 General
In geodetic applications, three primary reference surfaces for the Earth are used:
1) the Earth’s topographic surface, 2) an ellipsoid of revolution, which is a reference surface of
purely mathematical nature, and 3) the geoid.
The locus of points (X, Y, Z) at which the gravity potential (W) maintains a
constant value, as shown in Equation (6-1), defines an equipotential surface called a geop [18].
There is an infinite number of geops associated with the Earth’s gravity field. Each one of these
can be defined by changing the numerical value of the constant in Equation (6-1). The geoid is
that particular geop that is closely associated with the mean ocean surface.
( ) (6-1)
( )
( ) ( )
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The telluroid [38] is a surface defined in such way that the normal potential (U) at
every point Q on the telluroid is equal to the actual potential (W) at its corresponding point P on
the Earth’s surface [18]. Point Q is located on the line normal to the ellipsoid that passes through
P. The height anomaly is the distance between point Q on the telluroid and point P on the
Earth’s surface.
The WGS 84 EGM2008 geoid undulations were computed following the same
general procedure as in the case of the EGM96 geoid undulations [18]. The difference is that in
the case of EGM2008 [20] the expansion in Equation (6-4) extends to degree and order 2190,
while in the case of EGM96, it extended only to degree and order 360. Using the EGM2008
spherical harmonic coefficients in Equation (6-4), height anomalies are first computed with
respect to an ‘ideal’ (best-fitting) mean-Earth ellipsoid, in the tide-free system. According to
[28], the best estimates of the parameters of the ‘ideal’ mean-Earth ellipsoid, in the tide-free
system (Love number k = 0.3), are: semi-major axis a = 6378136.58 meters and reciprocal
flattening 1/f = 298.257686. The height anomalies are then transformed to geoid undulations
using the procedure described in [27] and [29], and a set of correction coefficients complete up
to degree and order 2160. Finally, the constant value of -0.41 meters is added to these geoid
undulations. This is the zero-degree height anomaly (ζz) that accounts for the difference between
the ‘ideal’ mean-Earth ellipsoid in a tide-free system and the WGS 84 ellipsoid. Due to the fact
that the height anomaly to geoid undulation conversion terms do not average to zero globally, the
-41 cm (ζz) value results in a -46.3 cm zero-degree geoid undulation value (N0) [20].
The zero-degree height anomaly (ζz) that was computed when the WGS 84
EGM96 geoid was released was equal to -0.53 meters [27]. The primary reason for the change
in the numerical value of ζz from the EGM96 to the current best estimate is the discovery by
Quan-Zan Zanife (CLS, France) of an error in the Oscillator Drift correction applied to TOPEX
altimeter data [30]. The erroneous correction was producing TOPEX Sea Surface Heights biased
by 12 to 13 centimeters.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
6.2.1 Formulas
The formula for calculating the WGS 84 EGM2008 geoid undulations starts with
the calculation of the height anomaly (ζ) [29]:
( ) [ ∑ ( ) ∑( ) ( )] (6-4)
( )
( ( ))
( )
Equation (6-4) is evaluated at a point P(r, ,) on the surface of the Earth’s
In Equation (6-4), the even degree zonal coefficients of degree 2 through 20 are
remainders after subtracting from the EGM2008 gravitational potential coefficients, the
corresponding coefficients implied by the WGS 84 normal gravitational field.
The relationship between the height anomaly and disturbing potential is given by:
( )
( ) (6-5)
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) (6-6)
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) (6-7)
( )
In the calculation of geoid undulations from the EGM2008, the second degree
zonal harmonic coefficient is given in the tide-free system. The tide-free definition means that
any geoid undulations calculated from EGM2008 exist for a tide-free Earth with all (direct and
indirect) tidal effects of the Sun and Moon removed. Other geoids to consider are the mean
geoid (geoid which would exist in the presence of the Sun and Moon) and the zero-tide geoid
(geoid which exists if the permanent direct effects of the Sun and Moon are removed but the
indirect effect related to the Earth’s elastic deformation is retained). A complete set of equations
to convert from one tide system to another can be found in [31].
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
( ) (6-8)
The geoid undulations can be depicted as a color map showing the deviations of
the geoid from the ellipsoid, the latter being selected as the mathematical figure of the Earth.
Figure 6.1 is such a color map, created from a worldwide 2.5 x 2.5 grid of the WGS 84
EGM2008 geoid undulations which were calculated using the procedure described in Section
6.2.1. These values exhibit the following statistics:
Figure 6.2 shows the propagated (commission) error that was estimated for the
WGS 84 EGM2008 geoid undulations. These values were computed using the procedure
described in [32] and [20], on a global 5’x5’ grid. These error estimates have a global Root
Mean Square (RMS) value of approximately 11 centimeters, but vary considerably in a
geographic sense, reflecting the geographically varying accuracy of the gravity data that were
available for the development of EGM2008.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The EGM2008 spherical harmonic coefficients to degree 2190 and order 2159.
A 2.5 x 2.5 WGS 84 EGM2008 geoid undulation grid file calculated using the
procedure described in Section 6.2.1, along with software that can be used to
interpolate from this grid. Differences in the results using these versus
harmonic synthesis do not exceed 1 centimeter.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Figure 6.1 EGM2008 Geoid Undulations on a Global 2.5 x 2.5 Grid, with respect to the WGS 84 Ellipsoid. Unit is Meter.
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Figure 6.2 Propagated (Commission) Errors of the EGM2008 Geoid Undulations on a Global 5 x 5 Grid.
Unit is Centimeter.
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7.1 General
One of the principal purposes of a world geodetic system is to eliminate the use of
local horizontal geodetic datums by providing a globally consistent reference system. Although
the number of local horizontal geodetic datums, counting island and astronomic-based datums,
continues to significantly decrease, there are still several hundred currently in use. Until a global
geodetic datum is accepted, used, and implemented worldwide, a means to relate these traditional
geodetic datums to WGS 84 is required. To accomplish the conversion, local geodetic datum
and WGS coordinates are both required at one or more sites within the local datum area so that a
local geodetic datum to WGS datum shift can be computed using a suitable model. Satellite
stations positioned within WGS 84, with known local geodetic datum coordinates, were the basic
ingredients in the development of local geodetic datum to WGS 84 datum shifts.
Local horizontal datums were developed in the past to satisfy mapping and
navigation requirements for specific regions of the Earth. Geocentric datums of large geographic
extent are the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) and the North American Datum of 1983
(NAD 83). In the past couple of decades, development of global geocentric datums has become
possible, e.g., WGS 84 and the ITRF.
WGS 84 has undergone several enhancements since its original definition. The
practical realization of the reference frame is determined by a set of globally distributed,
permanent GPS tracking stations which are aligned with highly accurate ITRF coordinates.
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Some countries and regions have been converting to datums based on the ITRF:
such ITRF-based datums can be considered as identical to WGS 84, e.g., the European
Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989 (EUREF89) at mapping and charting scales. Users requiring
high accuracies will need to quantify the differences between them.
NAD 83 uses the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS 80) ellipsoid as its
reference ellipsoid with the geometric center of the ellipsoid coincident with the center of mass
of the Earth and the origin of the coordinate system. The semi-major axis and flattening factor of
the Earth parameters are adopted directly as
1/ =298.257222101
The WGS 84 ellipsoid is, for all practical purposes, identical to the GRS 80
ellipsoid. They both use the same value for the semi-major axis and have the same orientation
with respect to the center of mass and the coordinate system origin. However, WGS 84 uses a
derived value for the flattening factor that is computed from the normalized second degree zonal
harmonic gravitational coefficient ( ̅ ). This value was derived from the GRS 80 value for J2
and truncated to 8 significant digits as
̅ (7-1)
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The resulting WGS 84 value for 1/f is 298.257223563. The difference between
the GRS 80 and WGS 84 values for f creates a difference of 0.1 mm in the derived semi-minor
axes of the two ellipsoids.
The original NAD 83 reference frame, denoted NAD 83(1986) in the USA, is
based on a horizontal adjustment of triangulation and trilateration data with the inclusion of
Transit Satellite Doppler data and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data. The global
Doppler and VLBI observations were used to align NAD 83(1986) to the BIH Terrestrial System
of 1984. Consequently, the origin and orientation of the Earth-centered, Earth-fixed (ECEF)
coordinate axes of NAD 83(1986) are identical to that of the original WGS 84 reference frame.
After 1986, both GPS and Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) measurements allowed
geodesists to locate the geocenter with a precision of a few centimeters. In doing so, these
technologies revealed that the geocenter adopted for both NAD 83(1986) and the original WGS
84 reference frame is displaced by more than two meters from the true geocenter. Similarly,
GPS, SLR, and VLBI revealed that the orientation of the Cartesian axes of NAD 83(1986) and
the original WGS 84 is misaligned by over 0.03 arc seconds relative to the orientation associated
with current versions of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), and that the scale
of NAD 83(1986) and the original WGS 84 differs by approximately 0.0871 parts per million
(ppm) from the true definition of a meter.
These discrepancies caused significant concern as the use of highly accurate GPS
measurements proliferated. As a result, both NAD 83 and WGS 84 have evolved over the past
few decades. In 1994, DoD introduced a new WGS 84 realization, called WGS 84 (G730),
whose origin, orientation and scale would be identical to those adopted for the International
Terrestrial Reference Frame of 1991 (ITRF91). Hence, from 1994 onward, NAD 83 coordinates
and WGS 84 coordinates have systematically differed by more than two meters.
Let x(t)A ,y(t)A, and z(t)A denote the positional coordinates of a location at time t
referred to reference frame A in a 3D-ECEF Cartesian coordinate system. These coordinates are
expressed as a function of time to reflect the reality of crustal motion. Similarly, let x(t)B, y(t)B,
and z(t)B denote the positional coordinates of this same location at time (t) referred to reference
frame B also in a 3D-ECEF Cartesian coordinate system. The coordinates in frame A are
approximately related to those in frame B via the following equations of a 14-parameter
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
( ) ( ) [ ( )] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ( )] ( ) ( ) ( ) (7-2)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ( )] ( )
Tx(t), Ty(t), and Tz(t) are translations along the x-, y-, and z-axis, respectively;
wx(t), wy(t), and wz(t) are counterclockwise rotations about these same three axes; and s(t) is the
differential scale between reference frame A and reference frame B. These approximate
equations suffice because the three rotations have relatively small magnitudes. Note: Each of the
seven quantities is represented as a function of time because modern geodetic technology has
enabled scientists to detect their time-related variations with some degree of accuracy. These
time-related variations are assumed to be linear, so that each of the seven quantities may be
expressed by an equation of the form:
( ) ( ) ̇( ) (7-3)
where τ denotes a prespecified time of reference and the two quantities, P(τ) and ̇ , are
constants. Thus, the seven quantities give rise to 14 parameters, but notice that the values of
seven of these parameters depend on the value chosen for τ. The following table provides
parameter values for τ = 1997.0; i.e., January 1, 1997.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Table 7.1 Parameters for transforming WGS 84 (G1762) coordinates to NAD 83 coordinates.
Parameter Units NAD 83(2011) NAD 83(PA11) NAD 83(MA11)
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The datum shift parameters (ΔX, ΔY, ΔZ) are the distances between the center of
a local geodetic system’s ellipsoid and the center of the WGS 84 ellipsoid, i.e., the center of the
local ellipsoid in WGS 84 coordinates.
Appendix C lists the reference ellipsoid names and parameters (semi-major axis
and flattening factor) for local datums currently tied to WGS 84 and used for generating datum
Updates to the datum transformation parameters are identified through the use of
cycle numbers and issue dates. Cycle numbers have been set to the numerical value of zero for
all datum transformations appearing in the August 1993 Insert 1 and the WGS 84 TR8350.2
Second Edition. New datum transformations will carry a cycle number of zero. As updates are
made the cycle number will increment by one.
The shift parameters can be applied directly to the local geocentric system as
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
1) Convert the local geodetic coordinates to local geocentric Cartesian coordinates using the
local ellipsoid parameters.
2) Shift the local geocentric Cartesian coordinates to WGS 84 geocentric coordinates.
3) Convert the WGS 84 geocentric Cartesian coordinates to WGS 84 geodetic coordinates
using the parameters of the WGS 84 ellipsoid.
Transformation to WGS 84 Geodetic Coordinates: Molodensky Shifts
λ (7-5)
where h are provided by the standard Molodensky transformation formulas [37], [38]
{ ( )⁄
[ ( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )] } [( ) ]
[ ] [( ) ] (7-5)
( ⁄ )
( ⁄ )
( )
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
() ( )
( )
( )
( )
Due to the errors and distortions that affect most local geodetic datums, the use of
mean datum shifts (X, Y, Z) in the standard Molodensky datum transformation formulas
may produce results with a poor quality of “fit”. Improved fit between the local datum and WGS
84 may result only with better and denser ties with local or regional control points.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The coordinate frame rotation model, widely used in the United States and
Australia, can be expressed as
[ ] [ ] [ ][ ] (7-6)
The position vector transformation model, used by IERS [1] and recommended
for use by NATO members, can be expressed as
[ ] [ ] ( )[ ][ ] (7-7)
S = the scale correction
( )
( )
( )
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
In this model, the rotations and scale change take place in the region of interest, not the
geocenter, hence the additional three parameters. This is done to alleviate high correlations that
may exist among the usual seven parameters when computed at the geocenter.
This model can have two variations of rotations, as was described for the seven parameter
models. A drawback to this method is that it is not reversible in the absolute sense. It is
described by:
[ ] ( )[ ][ ] [ ] [ ] (7-9)
For , the general form of the Multiple Regression Equation is (also see [40]):
( )
( )
( )
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
( )
Similar equations are obtained for and h by replacing in the left portion
of Equation (7-10) by and h, respectively.
See Appendix G.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
8.1 Discussion
General geodetic solution for station coordinates, orbits, and other parameters of
Same as above but using the Broadcast GPS Ephemerides and Clock States
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
positioning with GPS. The NGA-developed technique [44] [45] which performs this function
has been demonstrated to achieve an accuracy at a single station of:
Because geospatial information within the DoD often originates from multiple
sources and processes, the absolute accuracy of a given WGS 84 position becomes very
important when information from these various sources is combined in Geographic Information
Systems or ‘geospatial databases’. Due to their high fidelity, surveyed WGS 84 geodetic control
points can often serve to improve or validate the accuracy of maps, image products, or other
geospatial information. Even GPS navigation solutions can serve a similar role, as long as the
accuracy of these solutions is well understood.
8.3 Summary
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
largely on the metric fidelity of the process used to collect that information. WGS 84-surveyed
control points provide an accuracy level which meets or exceeds all current operational DoD
requirements. The user must ensure that the method chosen to obtain WGS 84 coordinates meets
their accuracy requirements.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
9.1 Introduction
At every location on or above the Earth, its magnetic field has a more or less well-
known direction which can be used as a reference frame to orient ships, aircraft, satellites,
antennas, drilling equipment, and handheld devices. At some places on the globe the horizontal
direction of the magnetic field coincides with the direction of geographic north (“true” north),
but in general this is not the case. The angular amount by which the horizontal direction of the
magnetic field differs from true north is called the magnetic declination, or simply declination
(D). This is the correction required to convert between a magnetic bearing and a true bearing.
The main utility of the World Magnetic Model (WMM) is to provide the magnetic declination
for any desired location on the globe. In addition to the magnetic declination, the WMM also
provides the complete geometry of the field from 1 km below the Earth’s surface to 850 km
above the surface. The magnetic field extends deep into the Earth and far out into space, but the
WMM is not valid there.
The Earth’s magnetism has several sources. All the sources will affect a scientific
or navigational instrument, but only some of them are represented in the WMM. The strongest
contributor, by far, is the magnetic field produced by the Earth’s liquid-iron outer core, called the
“core field”. Magnetic minerals in the crust and upper mantle make a further contribution that
can be locally significant. Electric currents induced by the flow of conducting sea water through
the ambient magnetic field make a further, albeit weak, contribution to the observed magnetic
field. All of these are of “internal” origin. Deliberately excluded from the WMM, by the data
selection process and by other means, are the so-called “disturbance fields”. These are
contributions arising from electric currents in the upper atmosphere and near-Earth space.
Because the “external” magnetic fields so produced are time-varying, there is a further effect.
They induce electric currents in the Earth and oceans, producing secondary internal magnetic
fields, which are considered part of the disturbance field and are therefore not represented in the
The core field changes perceptibly from year to year. This effect, called secular
variation (SV), is accounted for in the WMM by a linear SV model. Specifically, a straight line is
used as the model of the time-dependence of each coefficient of the spherical harmonic
representation of the magnetic potential. Due to unpredictable, non-linear changes in the core
field, the values of the WMM coefficients need to be updated every five years. WMM2010, is
valid from 2010.0 to 2015.0.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The geomagnetic field vector (Bm) is described by 7 elements. These are the
northerly intensity (X), the easterly intensity (Y), the vertical intensity (Z) (positive downwards),
and the following quantities derived from X, Y, and Z: the horizontal intensity (H), the total
intensity (F), the inclination angle (I), (also called the dip angle and measured from the
horizontal plane to the field vector, positive downwards), and the declination angle (D) (also
called the magnetic variation and measured clockwise from true north to the horizontal
component of the field vector). In the descriptions of X, Y, Z, H, F, I and D above, the vertical
direction is perpendicular to the WGS 84 ellipsoid model of the Earth, the horizontal plane is
perpendicular to the vertical direction, and the rotational directions clockwise and counter-
clockwise are determined by a view from above.
The quantities X, Y, and Z are the sizes of perpendicular vectors that add
vectorially to Bm. Conversely, X, Y, and Z can be determined from the quantities F, I, and D
(i.e., the quantities that specify the size and direction of Bm).
In the polar regions, or near the rotation axis of the Earth, the angle D changes
strongly with a change in the longitude of the observer, and is therefore a poor measure of the
direction of Bm. For this reason, the WMM technical report and software have defined an
auxiliary angle, GV, for the direction of Bm in the horizontal plane. Its definition is:
The angle GV should also be understood as the angle on the plane of the
Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grid for the appropriate hemisphere at the observer’s
location measured clockwise from the direction parallel to the UPS Northing axis (y-axis) to the
horizontal component of Bm. To emphasize this, the designation GVUPS may be used for the
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Table 9.1 shows the expected range of the magnetic field elements, measured in
nanoTeslas, and GV at the Earth’s surface.
This section describes the representation of the magnetic field in the WMM. All
variables in this section adhere to the following measurement conventions: angles are in radians,
lengths are in meters, magnetic intensities are in nano-Teslas (nT), and times are in years.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The main magnetic field (Bm) is a potential field and therefore can be written in
geocentric spherical coordinates (longitude , latitude ' , radius r ) as the negative spatial gradient of
a scalar potential:
( ) ( ) (9-3)
( ) {∑ ∑ ( ( ) ( ) )( ) ̆ } (9-4)
N = 12 is the degree of the expansion of the WMM
Pnm ( ) are the Schmidt semi-normalized associated Legendre functions defined as
(n m)!
Pnm ( ) 2 Pn ,m ( ) if m 0
(n m)! (9-5)
Pnm ( ) Pn ,m ( ) if m 0
Here, we use the definition of Pn,m ( ) commonly used in geodesy and geomagnetism [18].
WMM2010 comprises two sets of Gauss coefficients to degree and order N=12.
One set provides a spherical-harmonic main field model for 2010.0 in units of nT, the other set
provides a predictive secular variation model for the period 2010.0 to 2015.0 in units of nT/year.
Further details on the computation of magnetic field elements can be found in [46].
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The model coefficients, also referred to as Gauss coefficients, are listed in Table
9.2. These coefficients can be used to compute values for the field elements and their annual
rates of change at any location near the surface of the Earth and at any date between 2010.0 and
n m ( ) ( ) ̇ ( ) ̇ ( )
1 0 -29496.6 11.6
1 1 -1586.3 4944.4 16.5 -25.9
2 0 -2396.6 -12.1
2 1 3026.1 -2707.7 -4.4 -22.5
2 2 1668.6 -576.1 1.9 -11.8
3 0 1340.1 0.4
3 1 -2326.2 -160.2 -4.1 7.3
3 2 1231.9 251.9 -2.9 -3.9
3 3 634.0 -536.6 -7.7 -2.6
4 0 912.6 -1.8
4 1 808.9 286.4 2.3 1.1
4 2 166.7 -211.2 -8.7 2.7
4 3 -357.1 164.3 4.6 3.9
4 4 89.4 -309.1 -2.1 -0.8
5 0 -230.9 -1.0
5 1 357.2 44.6 0.6 0.4
5 2 200.3 188.9 -1.8 1.8
5 3 -141.1 -118.2 -1.0 1.2
5 4 -163.0 0.0 0.9 4.0
5 5 -7.8 100.9 1.0 -0.6
6 0 72.8 -0.2
6 1 68.6 -20.8 -0.2 -0.2
6 2 76.0 44.1 -0.1 -2.1
6 3 -141.4 61.5 2.0 -0.4
6 4 -22.8 -66.3 -1.7 -0.6
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
n m ( ) ( ) ̇ ( ) ̇ ( )
6 5 13.2 3.1 -0.3 0.5
6 6 -77.9 55.0 1.7 0.9
7 0 80.5 0.1
7 1 -75.1 -57.9 -0.1 0.7
7 2 -4.7 -21.1 -0.6 0.3
7 3 45.3 6.5 1.3 -0.1
7 4 13.9 24.9 0.4 -0.1
7 5 10.4 7.0 0.3 -0.8
7 6 1.7 -27.7 -0.7 -0.3
7 7 4.9 -3.3 0.6 0.3
8 0 24.4 -0.1
8 1 8.1 11.0 0.1 -0.1
8 2 -14.5 -20.0 -0.6 0.2
8 3 -5.6 11.9 0.2 0.4
8 4 -19.3 -17.4 -0.2 0.4
8 5 11.5 16.7 0.3 0.1
8 6 10.9 7.0 0.3 -0.1
8 7 -14.1 -10.8 -0.6 0.4
8 8 -3.7 1.7 0.2 0.3
9 0 5.4 0.0
9 1 9.4 -20.5 -0.1 0.0
9 2 3.4 11.5 0.0 -0.2
9 3 -5.2 12.8 0.3 0.0
9 4 3.1 -7.2 -0.4 -0.1
9 5 -12.4 -7.4 -0.3 0.1
9 6 -0.7 8.0 0.1 0.0
9 7 8.4 2.1 -0.1 -0.2
9 8 -8.5 -6.1 -0.4 0.3
9 9 -10.1 7.0 -0.2 0.2
10 0 -2.0 0.0
10 1 -6.3 2.8 0.0 0.1
10 2 0.9 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1
10 3 -1.1 4.7 0.2 0.0
10 4 -0.2 4.4 0.0 -0.1
10 5 2.5 -7.2 -0.1 -0.1
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
n m ( ) ( ) ̇ ( ) ̇ ( )
10 6 -0.3 -1.0 -0.2 0.0
10 7 2.2 -3.9 0.0 -0.1
10 8 3.1 -2.0 -0.1 -0.2
10 9 -1.0 -2.0 -0.2 0.0
10 10 -2.8 -8.3 -0.2 -0.1
11 0 3.0 0.0
11 1 -1.5 0.2 0.0 0.0
11 2 -2.1 1.7 0.0 0.1
11 3 1.7 -0.6 0.1 0.0
11 4 -0.5 -1.8 0.0 0.1
11 5 0.5 0.9 0.0 0.0
11 6 -0.8 -0.4 0.0 0.1
11 7 0.4 -2.5 0.0 0.0
11 8 1.8 -1.3 0.0 -0.1
11 9 0.1 -2.1 0.0 -0.1
11 10 0.7 -1.9 -0.1 0.0
11 11 3.8 -1.8 0.0 -0.1
12 0 -2.2 0.0
12 1 -0.2 -0.9 0.0 0.0
12 2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0
12 3 1.0 2.1 0.1 0.0
12 4 -0.6 -2.5 -0.1 0.0
12 5 0.9 0.5 0.0 0.0
12 6 -0.1 0.6 0.0 0.1
12 7 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
12 8 -0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0
12 9 -0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0
12 10 0.2 -0.9 0.0 0.0
12 11 -0.8 -0.2 -0.1 0.0
12 12 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.0
There are different ways of defining magnetic poles. The most common
understanding is that they are the positions on the Earth's surface where the geomagnetic field is
vertical, that is, perpendicular to the ellipsoid. These positions are called dip poles, and the north
and south dip poles do not have to be (and are not now) antipodal.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Other definitions originate from models of the geomagnetic field. The WMM
representation of this field includes a magnetic dipole at the center of the Earth. This dipole
defines an axis that intersects the Earth's surface at two antipodal points, known as geomagnetic
poles. The geomagnetic poles, otherwise known as the dipole poles, can be computed from the
first three Gauss coefficients of the WMM. Based on the WMM2010 coefficients for 2010.0, the
geomagnetic north pole is at 72.21°W longitude and 80.02°N geocentric latitude (80.08°N
geodetic latitude); and the geomagnetic south pole is at 107.79°E longitude and 80.02°S
geocentric latitude (80.08°S geodetic latitude). The axis of the dipole is currently inclined at
9.98° to the Earth's rotation axis. The same dipole is the basis for the simple geomagnetic
coordinate system of geomagnetic latitude and longitude. The geomagnetic equator is at
geomagnetic latitude 0°.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
10.1 Introduction
WGS 84 (G1762) supports the most stringent accuracy requirements for geodetic
positioning, navigation and mapping within the NSG. WGS 84 (G1762) accuracy is less than
1cm in each axis of the WGS 84 ECEF coordinate system.
The basic tracking stations which are used are updated, repositioned or their number is
Additional data make it possible to improve the accuracy of individual local datum
relationships to WGS 84
Additional surface gravity data become available in various areas of the world to improve
the gravity and geoid models
Five year updates of the World Magnetic Model
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
improved information becomes available to NGA, and this may necessitate updates to existing
implementations as future operational accuracy requirements become known. For example,
implementations of the geoid undulation values as a grid in a lookup table may facilitate easier
future updates than implementation as spherical harmonic coefficients. NGA recommends that
NSG systems be designed to allow for updates to the WGS 84 system, data, parameters,
and algorithms.
NGA is committed to maintaining the highest possible accuracy and stability for
the WGS 84 Reference Frame. To do so, NGA has generated several realizations of WGS 84,
incorporating improved data and advances in geophysical modeling to define the motion of the
earth’s surface. These realizations have not affected the fundamental definition of the WGS 84
reference system but the improvements may be necessary for high-accuracy, high-integrity
The WGS 84 Reference Frame and Coordinate System are delivered via the
GPS. The most accurate approach for obtaining WGS 84 coordinates is to acquire satellite
tracking data at the site of interest and position it directly in WGS 84 using GPS positioning
techniques. For precise surveying applications, it is recommended that coordinates be
maintained with an epoch assigned to each coordinate determination along with an indication of
the fixed station GPS coordinate set used for the realization, such as WGS 84 (G1762).
The main utility of the World Magnetic Model (WMM) is to provide magnetic
declination for any desired location on the globe. In addition to the magnetic declination, the
WMM also provides the complete geometry of the field from 1 km below the Earth’s surface to
850 km above the surface. The magnetic field extends deep into the Earth and far out into space,
but the WMM is not valid there. NGA recommends that the NSG implement the World
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Magnetic Model as described in, The US/UK World Magnetic Model for 2010-2015, NOAA
Technical Report NESDIS/NGDC.
Before satellite geodetic techniques became available, the local horizontal datum
was defined independently of the local vertical datum. NGA has developed datum
transformations to convert over 120 local horizontal datums to WGS 84. This generally entails
making survey ties between a number of local geodetic control points and their corresponding
geodetic positions derived from satellite observations. NGA did this for many years with
Doppler observations from TRANSIT satellites and continues to do it now with GPS. Aside from
the countless maps and charts which are still based on these classical local datums, numerous
land records, property boundaries and other geographic information in many countries are
referenced to local datums.
There is currently no world vertical system defined to unify and tie together local
vertical systems. Generally the vertical datum is defined by a series of tide gauges in the area or
by approximating mean sea level by the geoid, leading to numerous realizations of mean sea
level. Unfortunately, the local geodetic coordinates on these datums are of limited use for
modern survey, navigation and mapping operations. NGA recommends that all heights be
reported as WGS 84 ellipsoidal heights (also known as geodetic heights). If a MSL height is
required, NGA recommends that orthometric heights computed from WGS 84 Earth
Gravitational Model 2008, or the current model, be used to compute these MSL heights.
Nearly every system and component of WGS 84 has nearly ubiquitous and
universal implementation throughout the NSG, except for the Earth gravitational model and
geoids. The purpose of the geoid is to perform a datum transformation between ellipsoid heights
and orthometric heights (or Mean Sea Level). Numerous and incompatible implementations
stem from many sources, including data file size and a general lack of understanding of the true
nature of the geoid’s transformation relationship between ellipsoid height and orthometric
heights (or Mean Sea Level). Past implementation guidance for geoids recommended that the
application determine their overall accuracy and then decimate the geoid grid to their accuracy,
in essence, editing and changing the transformation. For those systems that require a Mean
Sea Level height, NGA recommends that orthometric heights computed from the WGS 84
Earth Gravitational Model 2008 be used to compute these MSL heights.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
It should be noted that most users depend on the ECEF coordinate system but for
some they must depend on the Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) reference frame. This inertial
reference frame is a stationary reference frame from which Newton’s equations of motion hold
true. The ECI coordinates are then transformed into ECEF coordinates using Earth Orientation
Parameters (EOP). They are the parameters which provide the rotation of ECI to ECEF
Reference frame as function of time, see definition for EOP. These EOP values and models are
available at and can be downloaded via
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The current national horizontal map accuracy standard indicates that well defined
points should be located with accuracy of better than 1/30 of an inch (0.85 mm) at a 90 percent
confidence level on maps with scales greater than 1:20,000. This translates to 8.5 m on a
1:10,000 scale map which is easily met by WGS 84, assuming, of course, that the mapping
products are on WGS 84 and not a local datum. If the maps or charts are on a local datum, then
the application of appropriate datum transformation is necessary to preserve interoperability with
other geospatial information. Depending on the local datum, the accuracy of the datum
transformations can vary from 1 meter to over 25 meters in each Cartesian component.
10.11 Summary
A new realization of the WGS 84 reference frame, tied to the IERS TN 36 and
International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 2010, will be established in 2014. In Mid-
2015, a new edition of NGA.STND.0036 incorporating this 2014 WGS 84 reference frame and
an updated WMM 2015 will be written and propagated. This 5th edition will begin a five-year
update cycle of the Standard and its related models as required. The 2020 update may be a
rigorous review of the WGS which may result in refining parameters for the WGS.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
1. IERS Conventions (2010). Gérard Petit and Brian Luzum (eds.). (IERS Technical Note 36)
Frankfurt am Main: Verlag des Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2010.
2. IERS Technical Note 21, IERS Conventions (1996), D. McCarthy, editor, Observatoire de
Paris; l July 1996.
4. Merrigan, M., Swift, E., Wong, R., and Saffel, J.; “A Refinement to the World Geodetic
System 1984 Reference Frame”; Proceedings of the ION-GPS-2002; Portland, Oregon;
September 2002.
5. Wong, R., Rollins, C., and Minter, C.; “Recent Updates to the WGS 84 Reference Frame”;
Proceedings of the ION GPS 2012; Nashville, TN; September 2012.
7. Cunningham, J.P. and Curtis, V.L.; “Estimating GPS Orbits, Clocks and Covariances in
Support of SATRACK II”; NAVSWC TR 91-539; Dahlgren, Va.; August 1991.
8. Arias E.F., Charlot P., Feissel M., Lestrade J.-F., 1995, “The Extragalactic Reference
System of the International Earth Rotation Service, ICRS,” Astron. Astrophys., 303, pp.
9. Moritz, H.; “Geodetic Reference System 1980”; Bulletin Geodesique; Vol. 54, No.3; Paris,
France; 1980.
10. Malys, S. and Slater, J.A.; “Maintenance and Enhancement of the World Geodetic System
1984”; Proceedings of ION GPS-94; Salt Lake City, Utah; September 1994.
11. DMA Letter; “Improved WGS 84 Coordinates and GM Value for Air Force and Defense
Mapping Agency Global Positioning System Monitor Stations for High Accuracy Satellite
Orbit Determination”; Office Code OPG; 15 May 1994.
12. National Imagery and Mapping Agency Technical Report 8350.2, Department of Defense
World Geodetic System 1984, Its Definition and Relationships with Local Geodetic
Systems, Third Edition, Amendment 2, 23 June 2004.
13. Moritz H.; “Fundamental Geodetic Constants”; Report of Special Study Group No. 5.39 of
the International Association of Geodesy (IAG); XVII General Assembly of the
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
14. Trenberth, Kevin E.; Smith, Lesley; The Mass of the Atmosphere: A Constraint on Global
Analyses. Journal of Climate, vol. 18, Issue 6, pp.864-875.
16. Aoki, S., Guinot, B., Kaplan, G.H., Kinoshita, H., McCarthy, D.D, and Seidelmann, P. K.;
“The New Definition of Universal Time”; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 105; 1982.
18. Heiskanen, W. A. and Moritz, H.; Physical Geodesy; W. H. Freeman and Company; San
Francisco, California and London, UK; 1967.
19. Groten, E.; Fundamental Parameters and Current (2004) Best Estimates of the Parameters
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Volume 77, Numbers 10-11 / April, 2004.
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31. Ekman, M.; “Impacts of Geodynamic Phenomena on Systems for Height and Gravity”;
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39. Malys, S.; Dispersion and Correlation Among Transformation Parameters Relating Two
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42. NGA’s Precise Point Positioning (PPP) software GPS/RINEX ARL:UT PPP Estimator
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43. Federal Geodetic Control Committee, “Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards and
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January 2010; “The US/UK World Magnetic Model for 2010-2015”; NOAA Technical
47. The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2001, US Government Printing Office and the UK
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48. Capitaine, N., J. Chapront, S. Lambert, and P.T. Wallace. (2003), “Expressions for IAU
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precession-nutation model”, Astronomy and Astrophysics.400, 1145-1154.
50. IAU, 2000, Resolutions of the XXIVth General Assembly of the International Astronomical
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51. IAU, 2006, Resolutions of the XXVIth General Assembly of the International Astronomical
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52. Capitaine, N., M. Folgueira, and J. Souchay (2006). “Earth rotation based on the celestial
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53. Lieske, J. H., Lederle, T., Fricke, W., et al. (1977), “Expressions for the Precession
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54. Williams, J.G., Newhall, X.X., and Dickey, J.O. (1991), “Luni-solar precession:
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57. Capitaine, N. (1990), “The celestial pole coordinates”, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 48(2),
58. Simon, J.L., Bretagnon, P., Chapront, J., Chapront-Touze, M., Francou, G., and Laskar, J.
(1994), “Numerical Expression for Precession Formulae and Mean Elements for the Moon
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59. Souchay, J. Loysel, B., Kinoshita, H., and Folgueira, M. (1999), “Correction and new
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1. General
The CRF (ECI) to WGS 84 TRF (ECEF) transformation makes use of the International
Astronomical Union (IAU) 2006 precession theory, the IAU2000 nutation theory, the
definition of universal time, and the CIO-based transformation adopted by the IAU and as
documented in [1].
Throughout this appendix the following definitions and conventions apply. The
definitions are taken largely from [1].
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for continuity with previous fundamental reference systems. Its orientation is independent
of epoch, ecliptic or equator and is realized by a list of adopted coordinates of
extragalactic sources (ICRF).
International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) - a realization of ITRS, through
the realization of its origin, orientation axes and scale, and their time evolution.
International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) - the specific GTRS for which
the orientation is operationally maintained in continuity with past international
agreements. It has no residual rotation with regard to the Earth’s surface, and the
geocenter is understood as the center of mass of the whole Earth system, including
oceans and atmosphere. For continuity with previous terrestrial reference systems, the
first alignment was close to the mean equator of 1900 and the Greenwich meridian.
J2000.0 - defined in the framework of General Relativity by IAU as being the epoch at
the geocenter and at the date 2000 January 1.5 TT = Julian Date 245 1545.0 TT. Note that
this event has different dates in different time scales.
mean pole - the direction on the celestial sphere towards which the Earth’s axis points
at a particular epoch, with the oscillations due to precession-nutation removed.
modified Julian date (MJD) - The Modified Julian Date or Day (MJD) is defined as
MJD = JD-2400000.5, where JD is the Julian Day, a continuous count of days beginning
at 12 noon 1 January -4712 (4713BC). [2]
non-rotating origin (NRO) - in the context of the GCRS or the ITRS, the point on the
intermediate equator such that its instantaneous motion with respect to the system (GCRS
or ITRS as appropriate) has no component along the intermediate equator (i.e. its
instantaneous motion is perpendicular to the intermediate equator). It is called the CIO
and TIO in the GCRS and ITRS, respectively.
polar motion - the motion of the Earth’s rotation axis with respect to the ITRS. The
main components are the Chandlerian free motion, with a period of approximately 435
days, and an annual motion. It also includes sub-daily variations caused by ocean tides
and periodic motions driven by gravitational torques with periods less than two days.
Sub-daily variations are not included in the values distributed by the IERS, and are
therefore to be added, after interpolation to the date of interest, using a model provided
by the IERS Conventions[1].
precession-nutation - the ensemble of effects of external torques on the motion in
space of the rotation axis of a freely rotating body, or alternatively, the forced motion of
the pole of rotation due to those external torques. In the case of the Earth, a practical
definition consistent with the IAU 2000 resolutions is that precession-nutation is the
motion of the CIP in the GCRS, including FCN and other corrections to the standard
models: precession is the secular part of this motion plus the term of 26000-year period
and nutation is that part of the CIP motion not classed as precession.
Terrestrial Intermediate Origin (TIO) - non-rotating origin of longitude
recommended by the IAU in the ITRS. The TIO was originally set at the ITRF origin of
longitude and throughout 1900-2100 stays within 0.1 mas of the ITRF zero meridian.
Terrestrial Intermediate Reference System (TIRS) - a geocentric reference system
defined by the intermediate equator of the CIP and the TIO. It is related to the ITRS by
polar motion and the TIO locater, s′. It is related to the Celestial Intermediate Reference
System by a rotation of ERA around the CIP, which defines the common z-axis of the
two systems.
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In the following, all coordinate systems are right-handed and orthogonal and positive
rotations are counterclockwise. Specifically, the notation R1, R2, and R3 indicates
rotations about the x, y, and z axes of the reference system, respectively. That is:
1 0 0
R1 0 cos sin ;
0 sin cos
cos 0 sin
R2 0 1 0 ;
sin 0 cos
cos sin 0
R3 sin cos 0 .
0 0 1
There are various systems based on the diurnal rotation of the Earth that are of interest
here, including sidereal time, Julian date, terrestrial time, solar or universal time.
Sidereal time is realized by observations of the Earth’s rotation angle with respect to
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celestial objects, particularly extragalactic radio sources (such as quasars and active
galactic nuclei). In these observations, consideration must be given to the effects of polar
motion. Mean solar time is associated with a mean fictitious sun that moves along the
celestial equator with a uniform sidereal motion approximately commensurate with the
mean rate of the annual motion of the true sun along the ecliptic. If the hour angle of the
mean sun is referred to the BIH-defined Zero Meridian, the resulting time is called
universal time (UT). Universal and sidereal time, like other rotation based times, are
affected by the irregularities in the rotation of the Earth. These irregularities take the
form of polar motion (variations in the position of the Earth’s rotation axis with respect to
the earth’s crust), and variations in the Earth’s angular rotation rate.
The time scale distributed by most broadcast time services is coordinated universal
time (UTC). It is based on the redefined coordinated universal time, which differs from
international atomic time (TAI), another time scale, by an integral number of seconds.
The TAI time scale is the most precisely determined time scale available, and results
from the analyses by the BIH of data from the atomic time standards of many supporting
countries. Another time scale associated with TAI is terrestrial time (TT); TT =
TAI+32.184 seconds.
Universal time (UTC), is maintained to within 0.90 second of UT1 through the
introduction of one second time steps (called leap seconds) when necessary. Universal
and sidereal time are equivalent time systems since UT1 is formally defined by an
equation which relates it to mean sidereal time (MST).
On any given date, a star’s or source’s computed apparent position, upon which its
contribution to the UT1 determination depends, is a function not only of its’ catalog
position and proper motion, but also of the adopted theory of precession, astronomical
nutation, aberration, etc. Therefore, a change from one celestial inertial system (CIS) to
another and changes in the values of astronomical constants have complex and subtle
effects on the value of UT1. For the current GCRS, Greenwich mean sidereal time,
which is related to the equinox, can be expressed as a function of the Earth rotation angle
(ERA) which is a function of UT1. These relationships are developed in Section 3.3.
The unit of time, T, in the formulas for precession and astronomical nutation is the
Julian Century of 36525 days. Since the Julian Day begins at noon, the time interval in
the GCRS-to-TRS transformation to be discussed later is Julian Centuries measured from
2000 January 1.5.
where t is in centuries. Note that 2000 January 1.5 TT = Julian Date 2451545.0 TT.
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3.1 General
The IAU 2000 and IAU 2006 resolutions presented in TN36 [1], defined the
transformation between the CRS, the CIO, the TIO, and the ECEF TRS as realized
within the WGS 84 at the date t of the observation as
where Q(t), R(t), and W(t) are the transformation matrices describing the motion of
the celestial pole in the CRF, the rotation of the Earth around the axis associated with
the pole and the motion of the pole with respect to the TRF, known as polar motion,
In the following sub-sections the three matrices that make up this transform will be
where E and d are related to the coordinates of the CIP in the GCRS (see Figure 1).
1 aX 2 aXY X
Q (t ) aXY 1 aY ·R3 s
Y (A-6)
Y 1 a X Y
2 2
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
1 2 1 8 X 2 Y 2
a (A-6a)
1 cos(d )
The approximation has an accuracy of 1μas, and X and Y are the “coordinates” of the
CIP in the CRS that are provided by the conventional IAU 2000A models, which is
based on geophysical and astronomical theory.
The quantities E and d are defined with respect to the X, Y, and Z GCRS
coordinates as
X = sin(d) cos(E),
Y = sin(d) sin(E),
s specifies the position of the Celestial Intermediate Origin on the equator of the
Celestial Intermediate Pole and can be expressed as a function of X and Y,
̇ ̇
( ) ∫ (A-8)
Figure 1. The Geocentric Celestial Reference System, GCRS (pole Co, X-axis origin Σ )
and Celestial Intermediate Reference System, CIRS (CIP which is point P, CIP equator,
CIO σ). CIP has GCRS coordinates that are defined by X and Y which are functions of
E and d (see text definitions). The CIOA-9 is represented by point σ and due to the
kinematical definition of the non-rotating origin, the instantaneous motion of σ is
perpendicular to the CIP equator. Po and are the CIP and CIO at J2000.0 [52].
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This formulation models the motion of the pole due to lunisolar and planetary
motions. The parameters X and Y are given as function of time using the IAU 2006
precession and IAU 2000A nutation (IAU 2006/2000A) models that are valid at the
one as level that corresponds to the pole and equinox at J2000.0 with respect to the
GCRS [1, Section 5.5.4].
= – 0.006951" – 0.025896" t – 22.4072747" t
+ 0.00190059" t3 + 0.001112526" t4 + 0.0000001358" t5
+ Σi [(bc,0)i cos(ARGUMENT) + (bs,0)i sin(ARGUMENT)]
+ Σi [(bc,1)i t cos(ARGUMENT) + (bs,1)i t sin(ARGUMENT)]
+ Σi [(bc,2)i t2 cos(ARGUMENT) + (bs,2)i t2 sin(ARGUMENT)] +...
Each of the lunisolar terms in the nutation series is characterized by a set of five
integers Nj which determines the argument for the term as a linear combination of the
five Fundamental Arguments Fj, namely the Delaunay variables(l, l', F, D, Ω):
ARGUMENT j 1 N j Fj ,
where the values (N1,...,N5) of the multipliers characterize the term and the Fj are
functions of time as given in [1, Section 5.7.2, Eq. 5.43].
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
F3 F L
93.27209062 1739527262.8478" t - 12.7512" t 2 0.001037" t 3 0.00000417" t 4
The mean longitudes of the planets used in the arguments for the planetary
nutation (F6,…,F14) for determination of Celestial Poles X and Y are essentially those
provided by Souchay et al. [59] and Petit and Luzum [1, Section 5.7.2, Eq. 5.43],
based on theories and constants of VSOP82 [60] and ELP 2000 [61] and
developments of Simon et al. [58, Tables 5.8.1-5.8.8]. Their developments are given
in Eq. A-12 in radians with t in Julian centuries [1, Section 5.7.3, Eq. 5.44].
F7 ≡ LV e = 3.176146697+ 1021.3285546211 t
F8 ≡ LE = 1.753470314+ 628.3075849991 t
The Fj are functions of time, and the angular frequency of the nutation described
by the term is given by
ω ≡ d(ARGUMENT)/dt.
The angular frequency is positive for most terms, and negative for some terms. The
planetary nutation terms differ from the lunisolar nutation terms only in the fact that
ARGUMENT j 6 N j F j , F6 to F13, as noted in Tables 5.2a-5.2b and 5.3b of [1],
with the mean longitudes of the planets including the Earth (LMe, LV e, LE, LMa, LJ, LSa,
LU, lNe) and F’14 is the general precession in longitude pA.
The numerical values of the coefficients of the polynomial part of X and Y are
derived from the development as a function of time of the precession in longitude and
obliquity and pole offset at J2000.0 and the amplitudes (ac,j)i, (as,j)i, (bc,j)i, and (bs,j)i
for j = 0, 1, 2, ... are derived from the amplitudes of the precession and nutation
series. The amplitudes (as,0)i, (bc,0)i of the sine and cosine terms in X and Y
respectively are equal to the amplitudes ( ) and of the series for nutation
in longitude [ ( )] and obliquity, except for a few terms in each coordinate X
and Y which contain a contribution from crossed-nutation effects. The coordinates X
and Y contain Poisson terms in t sin, t cos, t2 sin, t2 cos, ... which originate from
crossed terms between precession and nutation.
The numerical development of the quantity ( ) (i.e. the CIO locator) appearing
in the prior equations, compatible with the IAU 2006/2000A precession-nutation
model as well as the corresponding celestial offset at J2000.0, has been derived in a
way similar to that based on the IERS Conventions 2003 [48]. The results from the
above expression for ( ) [Eq. A-8] using the developments of X and Y as functions
of time [49] has the following form [1, Section 5.5.6]:
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
s t
94.00e - 6" 3808.65e - 6" t 122.68e - 6" t 2
polynomial component
72574.11e - 6" t 3
27.98e - 6" t 4
15.62e - 6" t 5
8 8
c s[ 0 ,n ] sin N 0,n ,m Fm cc[ 0,n ] cos N 0,n ,m Fm
m1 m1
periodic component for t
n 1
8 8
t cs[1,n ] sin N1,n ,m Fm cc[1,n ] cos N1,n ,m Fm periodic component for t
n 1 m1 m1
8 8
t 2 cs[ 2,n ] sin N 2,n ,m Fm cc[ 2,n ] cos N 2,n ,m Fm periodic component for t
n 1 m1 m1
8 8
t 3 cs[ 3,n ] sin N 3,n ,m Fm cc[ 3,n ] cos N 3,n ,m Fm periodic component for t
n 1 m1 m1
8 8
t 4 cs[ 4,1] sin N 4,n ,m Fm cc[ 4,1] cos N 4,n ,m Fm periodic component for t
m1 m1
The constant term for s, which was previously chosen so that s(J2000.0) = 0, was
subsequently fitted [49] to ensure continuity of UT1 at the date of change (1 January
2003) consistent with the Earth rotation angle (ERA) relationship and the current
VLBI procedure for estimating UT1.
The series of amplitudes (Ck) of sin and cosine terms for s+XY/2 with all terms
larger than 0.1 as is available on the IERS Conventions Center website:
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The CIO based transformation matrix resulting from the rotation of the Earth
around the axis of the CIP can be expressed as
RT (t ) R3 ( ERA(t )) (A-15)
where ERA(t) is the Earth Rotation angle between the CIO and the Terrestrial
Intermediate Origin (TIO) at the date t on the equator of the CIP, which provides a
rigorous definition of the sidereal rotation of the Earth. ERA(t) is defined as [1,
Section 5.5.3]
and UT1 Julian day fraction is the fractional part of a Julian day with
The Earth orientation parameter UT1-UTC must be observed. The observed and
predicted values of UT1-UTC are supplied in the NGA-generated EOPP bulletin as
follows (see Section 2.3 for details):
2 MJD Tb 4 2 MJD Tb . (A-17)
UT1 UTC I J MJD Tb K n sin Ln cos
n 3 Rn n 3 Rn
Because the Earth’s rotation angle is variable, the parameter UT1 that characterizes
that angle must be observed in the form of the Earth orientation parameter UT1-UTC.
Note: to use the (UT1-UTC) parameter, users need to apply zonal, diurnal and semi-
diurnal tides as described in [1, Chapter 8]. The restoration of zonal tides should be
consistent with the NGA’s usage based on [1, Table 8.1]. Similarly, the application of
the diurnal and semi-diurnal ocean tides should be consistent with NGA’s usage
described in [1, Section 8.2].
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W (t ) R3 (s) R2 ( x p ) R1 ( y p ) (A-18)
or its transpose
W T (t ) R1 ( y p ) R2 ( x p ) R3 (s)
where and being the “pole coordinates” of the CIP in the TRS and being the
“Terrestrial Intermediate Origin (TIO) locator” that provides the position of the TIO
on the equator of the CIP corresponding to the kinematical definition of the “non-
rotating” origin (NRO) in the TRS when the CIP is moving with respect to the TRS
due to polar motion. The parameter s’ is a function of the polar motion and its rate of
change over time.
( ) ∫ ( ̇ ̇ )
It can be written in terms of the average amplitude of the Chandlerian and Annual
wobbles, and , respectively, as
( ) ( ) (A-19)
( ) as. (A-20)
The xp and yp polar coordinates in (A-18) must be observed. The observed and
predicted values of the polar coordinates xp and yp are supplied in NGA-generated
EOPP bulletin as follows:
2 T Ta 2 2 T Ta
x p A BT Ta C n sin Dn cos
n 1 P n n 1 P n
2 T Ta 2 2 T Ta
y p E F T Ta Gn sin H n cos
n 1 Qn n 1 Qn
where the terms in (A-21) are discussed in Section 2.3 above as well as described on
the NGA web site:
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describing the content and format of these predictions are found in the Interface
Control Document ICD-GPS-211G-001 [63]. These predictive xp and yp values are
provided for the real-time applications of portion 3.4 in this appendix, while the
predictive (UT1-UTC) are for the real-time applications of portion 3.3. An updated
version of this interface, designated as ICD-GPS-811, is under development and is
being designed to be compatible with the new GPS Control Segment known as OCX.
To use the polar coordinates xp and yp , the user needs to apply the diurnal and
semi-diurnal ocean tides as described in [1, Chapter 8].
Because the polar motion is variable, the xp and yp polar coordinates must be
observed. To use the polar coordinates, users should apply the diurnal and semi-
diurnal ocean tides as described in [1, Chapter 8]. The application of the diurnal and
semi-diurnal ocean tides should be consistent with NGA’s usage based on [1, Section
As stated in Section 3.1, the transformation from the TRS to the GCRS can be
defined as
[ ] ( ) ( ) ( )[ ]. (A-22)
We can then define parameter (t) to represent the total rotation about the Z-axis,
excluding E parameter, as
We can define
W T (t ) R1 ( y p ) R2 ( x p ) , (A-24)
R T (t ) R3 () , (A-25)
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Q T (t ) R3 ( E ) R2 (d ) R3 ( E ) . (A-26)
This results in the rapidly changing terms involving rotations about the Z-axis to all
be in the R(t) term, the polar motion transformation reduces to the variations of the
polar coordinates (xp and yp), and the Q(t) is a simpler function of E and d. This
means that the position and velocity transformations now can be, respectively, written
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[TR S ] W T (t ) R T (t )Q T (t )[GCRS ] W T (t ) R T (t )Q T (t )[GC RS ] (Velocity) (A-28)
4. Summary of Transformations
The matrices previously described and the equations to compute the angles and other
quantities required in these matrices are summarized below. However, the expressions for
the IAU 2006/2000A precession-nutation model have too many terms for complete
representation here. Users can use the software provided by the IERS to validate these
models. The IERS software required for these transformations can be found at: .
(Eq. A-2; t is the time elapsed as measured in centuries since 2000 January 1.5.)
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Compute xp, yp, and UT1-UTC using Eqs. A-17 and A-21 (Section 2.3)
W (t ) R3 (s) R2 ( x p ) R1 ( y p )
~ ~ ~
Compute R (t ) , W (t ) , and Q (t )
Perform Transformation
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[TR S ] W T (t ) R T (t )Q T (t )[GCRS ] W T (t ) R T (t )Q T (t )[GC RS ]
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Appendix B
Calculation and Validation of the World Geodetic System 1984
Fundamental Parameters, Derived Constants, and Miscellaneous Principal Values
1. Scope
2. Fundamental Constants
2.1 Overview
The explanation and rationale for the following fundamental WGS 84 Defining
Parameters and Special Parameters, and Other Fundamental Constants are presented in
Chapter 3; and the values are reproduced here.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
By definition, and from [17](3-28), the semi-major axis, b, can be calculated as,
( ) (B-2)
( ) (B-4)
Equation (B-4) is derived by substitution of (B-2) into (B-3). It should be noted that there
is a significant figure sensitivity associated with the b2 term. Therefore, it is
recommended that the calculation of the first eccentricity squared use Equation (B-4).
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
√ (B-5)
By definition, and from [18](2-94), the second eccentricity squared is given by:
Equation (B-7) is derived by substitution of (B-2) and (B-3) into (B-6) which agrees with
[17](3-26). It is recommended that the calculation of the second eccentricity squared use
Equation (B-7).
√ (B-8)
√ (B-9)
Equation (B-10) is derived by substitution of (B-3) into (B-9). It is recommended that the
linear eccentricity use Equation (B-10).
3.8 Aspect Ratio (AR) The aspect ratio is given simply by:
There are several formulas for the polar radius of curvature given by [17](3-33)
and [18](2-82). However, these formulas can be reduced using (B-2) and (B-4) to just
the ellipsoid terms of a and f as
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
( ) (B-13)
The mean radius of the three semi-axes is given by [17](3-38) and [9] as
( ) (B-14)
( )
The radius of a sphere of equal volume is given by [17](3-43) and by [9], and can
be reduced using (B-2) to just the ellipsoid terms of a and f as:
√ (B-16)
√ (B-17)
3.13 q0
[( ) ( ) ]
3.14 q0’
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
[( )( ( ))]
Direct calculation of many of the values presented for WGS 84 depend upon the
determination of the intermediate terms q0 and q0′. Although the formulas for these Eqs.
(B-19) and (B-20) are exact, their calculations present numerical challenges. Both of
these terms are dependent upon the calculation algorithm used for the arctan() function.
( ) (B-21)
̅ (B-22)
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The normal gravity at the equator is given by [17](3-63) ,[18](2-73), and [9] as
( )
( )
4.4 k
( ) (B-26)
The general expression for the average or mean value of normal gravity is usually
transformed by series expansion into the following given by [17](3-69) and [9] as
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
The mass of the Earth is derived from Table B.1 and Table B.3 as
5.1 Overview
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
5.2 Dynamic Moment of Inertia (C), with respect to the Z-Axis of Rotation
From [17] Table 3.11 the dynamic moment of inertia C can be calculated as
5.3 Dynamic Moment of Inertia (A), with respect to the X-Axis in the Equatorial
From [17] Table 3.11 the dynamic moment of inertia A can be calculated as
√ [( ) ̅ ]
√ (B-32)
5.4 Dynamic Moment of Inertia (B), with respect to the Y-Axis in the Equatorial
From [17] Table 3.11 the dynamic moment of inertia B can be calculated as
√ [( ) ̅ ]
√ (B-33)
5.5 Geometric Moment of Inertia (C), with respect to the Z-Axis of Rotation
From [17] Table 3.10 or [17](3-80) the geometric moment of inertia C can be
calculated as
( √ )
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
5.6 Geometric Moment of Inertia (A), with respect to Any Axis in the Equatorial
√ ̅
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
1. General
This appendix lists the reference ellipsoids and their constants (a, f -1) associated
with the local geodetic datums which are tied to WGS 84 through datum transformation
constants and/or MREs (Appendices D, E and F).
2. Constant Characteristics
In Appendix C.1, some of the reference ellipsoids have more than one semi-major
axis (a) associated with them. These different values of axis (a) vary from one region or
country to another or from one year to another within the same region or country.
A typical example of such an ellipsoid is Everest whose semi-major axis (a) was
originally defined in yards. Changes in the yard to meter conversion ratio over the years
have resulted in five different values for the constant (a), as identified in Appendix C.1.
Appendix C.1
Reference Ellipsoid Names and Constants
Used for Datum Transformations*
Reference Ellipsoid Name ID Code a (Meters) f -1
Airy 1830 AA 6377563.396 299.3249646
Bessel 1841
Ethiopia, Indonesia, Japan and Korea BR 6377397.155 299.1528128
Namibia BN 6377483.865 299.1528128
Brunei and E. Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) EB 6377298.556 300.8017
India 1830 EA 6377276.345 300.8017
India 1956*** EC 6377301.243 300.8017
Pakistan*** EF 6377309.613 300.8017
W. Malaysia and Singapore 1948 EE 6377304.063 300.8017
W. Malaysia 1969*** ED 6377295.664 300.8017
Appendix C.1
Reference Ellipsoid Names and Constants
Used for Datum Transformations*
Reference Ellipsoid Name ID Code a (Meters) f
Hough 1960 HO 6378270 297
1. General
This appendix provides the details about the reference ellipsoids (Appendix C)
which are used as defining parameters for the geodetic datums and systems.
There are 125 local geodetic datums which are currently related to WGS 84
through satellite ties.
Appendix D.1 lists, alphabetically, the local geodetic datums with their associated
ellipsoids. Two letter ellipsoidal codes (Appendix C) have also been included against
each datum to indicate which specific “version” of the ellipsoid was used in determining
the transformation constants.
3. Transformation Constants
Appendices D.2 through D.7 list the constants for local datums for continental
areas. The continents and the local geodetic datums are arranged alphabetically.
Appendices D.8 through D.10 list the constants for local datums which fall within
the ocean areas. The ocean areas and the geodetic datums are also arranged
The year of initial publication and cycle numbers have been provided. This
makes it possible for a user to determine when a particular set of transformation
parameters first became available and if the current set has replaced an outdated set.
A cycle number of zero indicates that the set of parameters is as it was published
in DMA TR 8350.2, Second Edition, 1 September 1991, including Insert 1, 30 August
1993, or that the parameters is new to this publication. A cycle number of one (or
greater) indicates that the current parameters have replaced outdated parameters that were
in the previous edition. A change page is included for convenience.
4. Error Estimates
the errors of the common control station coordinates which were used to compute the
shift constants.
For datums having four or less common control stations, the 1 errors for shift
constants are non-computed estimates.
The current set of error estimates has been reevaluated and revised after careful
consideration of the datum transformation solutions and the related geodetic information:
the intent has been to assign the most realistic estimates possible.
Appendix D.1
Geodetic Datums/Reference Systems
Related to World Geodetic System 1984
(Through Satellite Ties)
Appendix D.1
Geodetic Datums/Reference Systems
Related to World Geodetic System 1984
(Through Satellite Ties)
Appendix D.1
Geodetic Datums/Reference Systems
Related to World Geodetic System 1984
(Through Satellite Ties)
Appendix D.2
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AFRICA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
ACCRA ACC War Office -163.58 -0.25567714
Ghana 1924 4 0 2012 -170 +3 33 +4 326 +3
Burkina Faso ADI-E 1 0 1991 -118 +25 -14 +25 218 +25
Appendix D.2
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AFRICA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Mean Solution ARF-M 41 0 1987 -143 +20 -90 +33 -294 +20
(Botswana, Lesotho,
Malawi, Swaziland,
Zaire, Zambia and
Dem Rep of the Congo ARF-E 2 0 1991 -169 +25 -19 +25 -278 +25
Appendix D.2
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AFRICA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Appendix D.2
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AFRICA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Appendix D.2
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AFRICA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Appendix D.2
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AFRICA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Algeria 3 0 1993 -186 +25 -93 +25 310 +25
Mean Solution (Burkina 2 0 1991 -106 +25 -129 +25 165 +25
Faso and Niger)
Appendix D.2
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AFRICA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Appendix D.2
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AFRICA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Algeria 2 0 1993 -123 +25 -206 +25 219 +25
* This a value reflects an a-value of 6377483.865 meters for the Bessel 1841 Ellipsoid in Namibia.
Appendix D.3
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: ASIA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
AIN EL ABD 1970 AIN International -251 -0.14192702
Bahrain Island AIN-A 2 0 1991 -150 +25 -250 +25 -1 +25
Appendix D.3
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: ASIA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Bangladesh IND-B Everest 860.655* 0.28361368 6 0 1991 282 +10 726 +8 254 +12
India and Nepal IND-I Everest 835.757* 0.28361368 7 0 1991 295 +12 736 +10 257 +15
INDIAN 1954 INF Everest 860.655* 0.28361368
Thailand INF-A 11 0 1993 217 +15 823 +6 299 +12
Con Son Island ING-B 1 0 1993 182 +25 915 +25 344 +25
* See Appendix C
Appendix D.3
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: ASIA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
* See Appendix C
Appendix D.3
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: ASIA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
NAHRWAN NAH Clarke 1880 -112.145 -0.54750714
Masirah Island (Oman) NAH-A 2 0 1987 -247 +25 -148 +25 369 +25
United Arab Emirates NAH-B 2 0 1987 -249 +25 -156 +25 381 +25
Saudi Arabia NAH-C 3 0 1991 -243 +20 -192 +20 477 +20
Appendix D.3
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: ASIA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
TIMBALAI 1948 TIL Everest 838.444* 0.28361368
Brunei and East 8 0 1987 -679 +10 669 +10 -48 +12
(Sarawak and
Mean Solution (Japan, TOY-M 31 0 1991 -148 +20 507 +5 685 +20
Okinawa and South
* See Appendix C
Appendix D.4
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: AUSTRALIA
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
AUSTRALIAN AUA Australian -23 -0.00081204
GEODETIC 1966 National
Australia and Tasmania 161 1 2012 -128 +5 -52 +5 153 +5
Appendix D.5
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: EUROPE
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
CO-ORDINATE EST Bessel 1841 739.85 0.10037483
Appendix D.5
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: EUROPE
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
EUROPEAN 1950 EUR International -251 -0.14192702
(cont’d) 1924
Appendix D.5
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: EUROPE
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
EUROPEAN 1950 EUR International -251 -0.14192702
(cont’d) 1924
Appendix D.5
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: EUROPE
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
EUROPEAN 1979 EUS International -251 -0.14192702
Mean Solution (Austria, 22 0 1987 -86 +3 -98 +3 -119 +3
Finland, Netherlands,
Norway, Spain, Sweden
and Switzerland)
Appendix D.5
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: EUROPE
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
ORDNANCE SURVEY OGB Airy 573.604 0.11960023
Mean Solution (England, OGB-M 38 0 1987 375 +10 -111 +10 431 +15
Isle of Man, Scotland,
Shetland Islands and
England, Isle of Man and OGB-B 25 0 1991 371 +10 -111 +10 434 +15
Scotland and Shetland OGB-C 13 0 1991 384 +10 -111 +10 425 +10
Appendix D.5
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: EUROPE
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
ROME 1940 MOD International -251 -0.14192702
Sardinia 1 0 1987 -225 +25 -65 +25 9 +25
Appendix D.5
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Continent: EUROPE
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
S-JTSK CCD Bessel 1841 739.845 0.10037483
Appendix D.6
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Appendix D.6
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
NORTH AMERICAN NAS Clarke 1866 -69.4 -0.37264639
1927 (cont’d)
Appendix D.6
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
NORTH AMERICAN NAS Clarke 1866 -69.4 -0.37264639
1927 (cont’d)
Aleutian Islands
San Salvador Island NAS-R 1 0 1987 1 +25 140 +25 165 +25
Canada Mean Solution NAS-E 112 0 1987 -10 +15 158 +11 187 +6
Appendix D.6
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
NORTH AMERICAN NAS Clarke 1866 -69.4 -0.37264639
1927 (cont’d)
Appendix D.6
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
NORTH AMERICAN NAS Clarke 1866 -69.4 -0.37264639
1927 (cont’d)
Appendix D.6
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
NORTH AMERICAN NAR GRS 80 0 -0.00000016
1983 (cont’d)
Appendix D.7
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Appendix D.7
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
PROVISIONAL PRP International -251 -0.14192702
Mean Solution PRP-M 63 0 1987 -288 +17 175 +27 -376 27
(Bolivia, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador,
Guyana, Peru and
17° 30’S to 26°S PRP-B1 5 0 2014 -302 +10 272 +10 -360 +10
26°S to 36°S PRP-B2 7 0 2014 -328 +10 340 +10 -329 +10
36°S to 44°S PRP-C1 6 0 2014 -352 +10 403 +10 -287 +10
Appendix D.7
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
PROVISIONAL PRP International -251 -0.14192702
1956 (cont’d)
Appendix D.7
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
SOUTH AMERICAN SAN South -23 -0.00081204
1969 American
Mean Solution SAN-M 84 0 1987 -57 +15 1 +6 -41 +9
(Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador,
Guyana, Paraguay,
Peru, Trinidad and
Tobago and Venezuela)
Appendix D.7
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
SOUTH AMERICAN SAN South -23 -0.00081204
1969 (cont’d) American
Baltra and Galapagos SAN-J 1 0 1991 -47 +25 26 +25 -42 +25
Trinidad and Tobago SAN-K 1 0 1991 -45 +25 12 +25 -33 +25
Appendix D.7
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
SOUTH AMERICAN SIR GRS 80 0 -0.00000016
Appendix D.8
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
ANTIGUA ISLAND AIA Clarke 1880 -112.145 -0.54750714
ASTRO 1943
Appendix D.8
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
CAPE CANAVERAL CAC Clarke 1866 -69.4 -0.37264639
Mean Solution
(Bahamas and Florida) 19 0 1991 -2 +3 151 +3 181 +3
Nevis, St. Kitts and 2 0 1991 -7 +25 215 +25 225 +25
Leeward Islands
Appendix D.8
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
HJORSEY 1955 HJO International -251 -0.14192702
Iceland 16 1 2012 -73 +3 47 +3 -83 +6
Montserrat and Leeward 1 0 1991 174 +25 359 +25 365 +25
Appendix D.8
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
OBSERVATORIO FLO International -251 -0.14192702
Appendix D.8
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
SAO BRAZ SAO International -251 -0.14192702
Sao Miguel and Santa 2 0 1987 -203 +25 141 +25 53 +25
Maria Islands (Azores)
Appendix D.9
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
ANNA 1 ASTRO 1965 ANO Australian -23 -0.00081204
Cocos Islands 1 0 1987 -491 +25 -22 +25 435 +25
Appendix D.9
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Appendix D.10
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
AMERICAN SAMOA AMA Clarke 1866 -69.4 -0.37264639
Appendix D.10
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Chatham Island (New 4 0 1987 175 +15 -38 +15 113 +15
Appendix D.10
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Appendix D.10
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
Mindanao Island LUZ-B 1 0 1987 -133 +25 -79 +25 -72 +25
Appendix D.10
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
OLD HAWAIIAN OHA Clarke 1866 -69.4 -0.37264639
Mean Solution OHI-M 15 0 2000 201 +25 -228 +20 -346 +20
Appendix D.10
Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
No. of
Local Geodetic Datums Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter Satellite Transformation Parameters
Differences Stations
Cycle Pub.
Name Code Name a(m) f x 104 Number Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
SANTO (DOS) 1965 SAE International -251 -0.14192702
Espirito Santo Island 1 0 1987 170 +25 42 +25 84 +25
1. General
This appendix provides the details about the reference ellipsoids (Appendix C) used
as defining parameters for the local geodetic datums which are related to WGS 84
through non-satellite ties to the local control.
There are sixteen such local/regional geodetic datums, one region under the
European Datum 1950 (EUR-S), and two regional realizations of the Indian Datum
Appendix E.1 lists, alphabetically, the local geodetic datums and their associated
ellipsoids. Two letter ellipsoidal codes (Appendix B) have also been included to clearly
indicate which “version” of the ellipsoid has been used to determine the transformation
3. Transformation Constants
Appendix E.2 lists, alphabetically, the local geodetic datums and the three special
areas with the associated shift constants.
The year of initial publication and cycle numbers have been provided as a new
feature in this edition. This makes it possible for a user to determine when a particular
set of transformation parameters first became available and if the current set has replaced
an outdated set.
A cycle number of zero indicates that the set of parameters are as they were
published in DMA TR 8350.2, Second Edition, 1 September 1991, including Insert 1, 30
August 1993, or that the parameters are new to this publication. A cycle number of one
indicates that the current parameters have replaced outdated parameters that were in the
previous edition.
4. Error Estimates
The error estimates are not available for the datum transformation constants listed
in the Appendix E.2.
Appendix E.1
Local Geodetic Datums and their Associated Ellipsoids
Related to World Geodetic System 1984
(Through non-Satellite Ties)
Local Geodetic Datum Reference Ellipsoid Code
Aden Clarke 1880 CD
Beijing (Peking) 1954 Krassovsky 1940 KA
Bekaa Valley 1920 Clarke 1880 CD
Bukit Rimpah Bessel 1841 BR
Camp Area Astro International 1924 IN
Conakry 1905 Clarke 1880 (IGN) CG
European 1950 International 1924 IN
Gunung Segara Bessel 1841 BR
Herat North International 1924 IN
Hermannskogel Bessel 1841 BR
Indian Everest EA
Indian Everest EF
Mayotte Combani International 1924 IN
Ocotopeque Clarke 1866 CC
Pulkovo 1942 Krassovsky 1940 KA
New Triangulation of France Clarke 1880 (IGN) CG
St Pierre et Miquelon 1950 Clarke 1866 CC
Voirol 1874 Clarke 1880 CD
Yacare International 1924 IN
* See Appendix C.1 for associated constants a,f -1.
Appendix E.2
Non-Satellite Derived Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter
Local Geodetic Datums Transformation Parameters
f x 104 Cycle
Name Code Name a(m) Number
Pub. Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
ADEN ADN Clarke 1880 -112.145 -0.54750714
BUR Bessel 1841 739.845 0.10037483
Bangka and Belitung 0 1987 -384 664 -48
Islands (Indonesia)
Appendix E.2
Non-Satellite Derived Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter
Local Geodetic Datums Transformation Parameters
f x 104 Cycle
Name Code Name a(m) Number
Pub. Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
EUROPEAN 1950 EUR-S International 1924 -251 -0.14192702
Sri Lanka IND-S Everest 860.655* 0.28361368 0 2012 272 706 242
Appendix E.2
Non-Satellite Derived Transformation Parameters
Local Geodetic Datums to WGS 84
Reference Ellipsoids and Parameter
Local Geodetic Datums Transformation Parameters
f x 104 Cycle
Name Code Name a(m) Number
Pub. Date X(m) Y(m) Z(m)
MAYOTTE COMBANI MCX International 1924 -251 -0.14192702
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
1. General
This appendix provides the Multiple Regression Equations’ (MREs) parameters for
continent-sized datums and large, contiguous large land areas (Table F.1).
Table F.1
Datums with Multiple Regression Equations
2. Applications
The coverage areas for MREs’ application are defined in detail for each datum. MREs’
coverage area should never be extrapolated and are not to be used over islands and/or isolated
land areas.
The main advantage of MREs lies in their modeling of distortions for datums, which
cover continent-sized land areas, to obtain better transformation fits in geodetic applications.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Test Case :
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Test Case :
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Test Case :
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Test Case :
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Test Case :
* See Table F.1 (Page F-2) for the list of countries covered by the above set of MREs.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Test Case :
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Area of Applicability : USA (Continental contiguous land areas only; excluding Alaska and
Test Case :
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Test Case
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Situations arise where only WGS 72 coordinates are available for a site. In such
instances, the WGS 72 to WGS 84 transformations listed in Table G.1 can be used with
the following equations to obtain WGS 84 coordinates for the sites:
WGS 84 = WGS 72 +
WGS 84 = WGS 72 +
hWGS 84 = hWGS 72 + h
Table G.1 should not be used for local satellite geodetic stations whose
WGS 72 coordinates were determined using datum shifts from [37]. The preferred
approach is to transform such WGS 72 coordinates, using datum shifts from [37], back to
their respective local datums, and then transform the local datum coordinates to WGS 84
using Appendices D or E.
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Table G.1
Formulas and Parameters
to Transform WGS 72 Coordinates
to WGS 84 Coordinates
= (4.5 cos ) / (a sin 1) + (f sin 2) / (sin 1)
a = 6378135 m
a = 2.0 m
r = 1.4 m
To obtain WGS 84 coordinates, add the , h changes
calculated using WGS 72 coordinates to the WGS 72
INSTRUCTIONS coordinates (, h, respectively).
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Appendix H
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
Appendix H
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08
NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84 2014-07-08