Chapter 2-Accounting For Partnership Firms - Fundamentals: Exercise

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Chapter 2- Accounting for Partnership Firms-


Question 1

In the absence of Partnership Deed, what are the rules related to :

(a) Salaries of partners,

(b) Interest on partners’ capitals

(c) Interest on partners’ loan

(d) Division of profit, and

(e) Interest on partners’ drawings


The rules are

(a) Partners will not be allowed any salary

(b) On partner’s capital, no interest will be allowed

(c) Only 6% interest in Partner’s Loan

(d) Profit distribution to be done in equal ratio

(e) In partner’s drawings, no Interest will be charged

Question 2

Following differences have arisen among P, Q and R. State who is correct in each case:

(a) P used ₹ 20,000 belonging to the firm and made a profit of ₹ 5,000. Q and R want the amount
to be given to the firm?

(b) Q used ₹ 5,000 belonging to the firm and suffered a loss of ₹ 1000. He wants the firm to bear
the loss?

(c) P and Q want to purchase goods from A Ltd., R does not agree?

(d) Q and R want to admit C as a partner, P does not agree?


(a) P will pay ₹20,000 along with ₹ 5,000 profit to the company as the money belongs to the
company. It is because of the relation between the principal and agent. Here, P is both the
principal and the agent to Q and R and the firm. And according to the Partnership Act rules, if an
agent makes a profit made by utilising the firm’s assets is due to the company.

(b) Q has to pay the firm ₹ 5,000. The Partnership Act, 1932, all the partnership firm partners’ are
liable for all the losses made by their negligence. In this scenario, Q is liable for the loss as he has
utilized the company’s property and portrayed himself as a principal and not an agent to the firm
and other partners.

(c) A partner can purchase and trade products without discussing with the other partners. The
discussion happens only if a partner has some restriction to purchase and trade firm properties
and a public notice is issued.

(d) In this scenario, C will not be included in the firm as P, has disagreed to admit C. The Act says,
a new partner will not get admission to a firm if the existing partners disagree for his/her

Question 3

A, B and C are partners in a firm. They do not have a Partnership Deed. At the end of the first year
of the commencement of the firm, they have faced the following problems :

(a) A wants that interest on capital should be allowed to the partners but B and C do not agree.

(b) B wants that the partners should be allowed to draw a salary but A and C do not agree.

(c) C wants that the loan given by him to the firm should bear interest @ 10% p.a. but A and B do
not agree.

(d) A and B having contributed larger amounts of capital, desire that the profits should be divided
in the ratio of their capital contribution but C does not agree.

State how you will settle these disputes if the partners approach you for purpose.


Disputes Reasonable Judgements

The partnership Act says, no capital interest
A wants that interest on capital should be
will be granted because between A, B, and C
(a) allowed to the partners but B and C do not
no agreement has bee signed regarding
capital interest.
B wants that the partners should be allowed to No partners are liable for any salary because
draw a salary but A and C do not agree. of no partnership agreement.
C wants that the loan given by him to the firm Only 6% interest is allowed on a partner’s
(c) should bear interest @ 10% p.a. but A and B loan when there is no partnership
do not agree. agreement.
A and B having contributed larger amounts of
capital, desire that the profits should be Profits will be equally shared in the absence
divided in the ratio of their capital contribution of a partnership agreement
but C does not agree.

Question 4

Jaspal and Rosy were partners with a capital contribution of ₹ 10,00,000 and ₹ 5,00,000
respectively. They do not have a Partnership Deed. Jaspal wants that profits of the firm should be
shared in their capital ratio. Rosy convinced Jaspal that profits should be shared equally. Explain
how Rosy would have convinced Jaspal for sharing the profit equally.


In any partnership firm when there is no partnership deed, then the rule of the Indian Partnership
Act of 1932 applies. In the act, when the agreement is not signed then the profit should be
distributed equally to all the partners.

In this scenario, Jaspal’s point of view does not align with the partnership Act rule and therefore,
Rosy would have convinced her by explaining her the Partnership Act, 1932 provisions.

Question 5

Harshad and Dhiman have been in partnership since 1st April, 2018. No partnership agreement
was made. They contributed ₹ 4,00,000 and ₹ 1,00,000 respectively as capital. In addition,
Harshad advanced an amount of ₹ 1,00,000 to the firm on 1st October, 2018. Due to long illness,
Harshad could not participate in business activities from 1st August, 2018 to 30th September,
2018. Profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019 was ₹ 1,80,000. The dispute has arisen between
Harshad and Dhiman.

Harshad Claims :

(i) He should be given interest @ 10% per annum on capital and loan;

(ii) Profit should be distributed in the ratio of capital;

Dhiman Claims :

(i) Profit should be distributed equally;

(ii) He should be allowed ₹ 2,000 p.m. as remuneration for the period he managed the business in
the absence of Harshad;

(iii) Interest on Capital and loan should be allowed @ 6% p.a.

You are required to settle the dispute between Harshad and Dhiman. Also, prepare Profit and Loss
Appropriation Account.


Harshad Declaration:

(i) According to Indian partnership act 1932, in the absence of agreement, only 6% of interest is
allowed on a partner’s loan and no interest will be incurred in partner’s capital..

(ii) As per the partnership act 1932, in the absence of agreement profit will be shared equally.

Dhiman Claims:

(i) True, according to partnership act 1932, if no agreement is signed between the partners the
profit will be equally distributed.

(ii) No partners are entitled to any sort of salary or remuneration when there is no agreement.

(iii) Here, if there is no agreement between the partners only 6% will be allowed to partner’s loan
and no interest in a partner’s capital.

Profit Distribution:

Profit and Loss Adjustment Account as on 31st

Dr. Cr.
March, 2019
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Partner’s Loan Profit and Loss A/c 1,80,000
Harshad 1,00,000 × (6/100) ×
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c 1,77,000
1,80,000 1,80,000

Profit and Loss Appropriation Account as on 31st March,

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Profit transferred to Profit and Loss Adjustment A/c 1,77,000
Harshad’s Capital 88,500
Dhiman’s Capital 88,500
1,77,000 1,77,000

Question 6

A and B are partners from 1st April 2018, without a Partnership Deed and they introduced capitals
of ₹ 35,000 and ₹ 20,000 respectively. On 1st October 2018, A advanced loan of ₹ 8,000 to the
firm without any agreement as to interest. The profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st
March 2019 shows a profit of ₹ 15,000 but the partners cannot agree on payment of interest and
on the basis of division of profits.

You are required to divide the profits between them giving reasons for your method.


Profit and Loss Account as on March 31, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
A’s Loan Interest 240 Profit (before Interest) 15,000
Profit transferred to:
A’s Capital A/c 7,380
B’s Capital A/c 7,380 14,760
15,000 15,000

Working Notes 1: Loan interest Evaluation

Loan interest to be provided @ 6% p.a.

Loan Amount = ₹ 8,000

Time (from 1st October to 31st March) = 6 months

A’s loan interest = 8,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹ 240

Working Notes 1: Profit Share of Partner Evaluation

Equal distribution of profit

Profit after A’s loan Interest = ₹ 15,000 − ₹ 240 = ₹ 14,760

Therefore, A and B profit-sharing = 14,760 X 1/2 = ₹7,380

Question 7

A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3: 2. They had advanced to the firm a
sum of ₹ 30,000 as a loan in their profit-sharing ratio on 1st October, 2017. The Partnership Deed
is silent on interest on loans from partners. Compute interest payable by the firm to the partners,
assuming the firm closes its books every year on 31st March.


The total advanced amount given by the partners = ₹ 30,000

Profit-sharing ratio = 3:2

A’s advance = 30,000 X 3/5 = ₹18,000

B’s advance = 30,000 X 2/5 = ₹12,000

Duration (from 1st October, 2017 to 31st March, 2018) = 6 months

Rate of Interest = 6% p.a.

Interest incurred on Advances Evaluation

A’s advance interest = 18,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹ 540

B’s advance interest = 12,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹ 360

Note: Because there is no partnership agreement only 6% of the interest rate is allowed on the

Question 8

X and Y are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2 : 3 with capitals ₹ 2,00,000 and ₹
3,00,000 respectively. On 1st October, 2018, X and Y gave loans of ₹ 80,000 and ₹ 40,000
respectively to the firm. Show distribution of profits/losses for the year ended 31st March, 2019 in
each of the following alternative cases:

Case 1: If the profits before interest for the year amounted to ₹ 21,000.

Case 2: If the profits before interest for the year amounted to ₹ 3,000.

Case 3: If the profits before interest for the year amounted to ₹ 5,000.

Case 4: If the loss before interest for the year amounted to ₹ 1,400.


Loan Interest Evaluation

X’s loan interest for six months = 80,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹ 2,400

Y’s loan interest for six months = 40,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹ 1,200

Case 1- Profits without the interest = ₹ 21,000

Profit and Loss Account as on March 31, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
X’s Loan Interest 2,400 Profit (before interest) 21,000
Y’s Loan Interest 1,200
Profit transferred to
X’s Capital A/c (17,400 X 2/5 6,960
Y’s Capital A/c (17,400 X 3/5) 10,440 17,400
21,000 21,000

Case 2 – Profits before interest ₹ 3,000

Profit and Loss Account as on March 31, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on X’s Loan 2,400 Profit (before interest) 3,000
Interest on Y’s Loan 1,200 Loss transferred to-
X’s Capital A/c (600 × 2/5) 240
Y’s Capital A/c (600 × (3/5) 360 600

3,600 3,600

Case 3- Profits before interest ₹ 5,000

Profit and Loss Account as on March 31, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on X’s Loan 2,400 Profit (before interest) 5,000
Interest on Y’s Loan 1,200
Profit transferred to:
X’s Capital A/c (1400 × 2/5) 560
Y’s Capital A/c (1400 × 3/5) 840 1,400
5,000 5,000

Case 4- Loss before interest ₹ 1,400

Profit and Loss Account as on March 31, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Loss (before interest) 1,400 Loss transferred to-
Interest on X’s Loan 2,400 X’s Capital A/c (5,000 × 2/5) 2,000
Interest on Y’s Loan 1,200 Y’s Capital A/c (5,000 × 3/5) 3,000 5,000

5,000 5,000

Question 9

Bat and Ball are partners sharing the profits in the ratio of 2 : 3 with capitals of ₹ 1,20,000 and ₹
60,000 respectively. On 1st October, 2018, Bat and Ball gave loans of ₹ 2,40,000 and ₹ 1,20,000
respectively to the firm. Bat had allowed the firm to use his property for business for a monthly
rent of ₹ 5,000. The loss for the year ended 31st March, 2019 before rent and interest amounted
to ₹ 9,000. Show distribution of profit/loss.


Profit and Loss Account as on March 31, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Loss (before interest) 9,000
Rent (5,000 x 12) 60,000 Loss transferred to:
Bat’s loan Interest 7,200 Bat’s Capital A/c 31,920
Ball’s loan Interest 3,600 Ball’s Capital A/c 47,880 79,800
79,800 79,800

Working Notes 1: Partner’s Loan Interest

Bat’s Loan interest for six months = ₹ 2,40,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹ 7,200

Bat’s Loan interest for six months = ₹1,20,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹ 3,600

Working Notes 2: Loss distribution to partners Evaluation

Bat’s Loan share = 79,800 X 2/5 = ₹ 31,920

Ball’s Loan share = 79,800 X 3/5 = ₹ 47,880

Question 10

A and B are partners. A’s Capital is ₹ 1,00,000 and B’s Capital is ₹ 60,000. Interest on capital is
payable @ 6% p.a. B is entitled to a salary of ₹ 3,000 per month. Profit for the current year before
interest and salary to B is ₹ 80,000.

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 80,000
A 6,000
B 3,600 9,600
Salary to B (₹ 3,000 × 12) 36,000
Profit transferred to:
A’s Capital A/c 17,200
B’s Capital A/c 17,200 34,400
80,000 80,000

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

A’s Capital Interest = ₹ 1,00,000 X 6/100 = ₹ 6,000

B’s Capital Interest = ₹ 60,000 X 6/100 = ₹ 3,600

Working Notes 2: Partner Profit Sharing Evaluation

Divisible Profit = ₹ 80,000 – ₹ 9,600 – ₹ 36,000 = ₹ 34,400

A and B profit sharing = 34,4000 X 1/2 = ₹17,200 each

Question 11

X, Y and Z are partners in a firm sharing profits in 2 : 2 : 1 ratio. The fixed capitals of the partners
were : X ₹5,00,000; Y ₹ 5,00,000 and Z ₹ 2,50,000 respectively. The Partnership Deed provides
that interest on capital is to be allowed @ 10% p.a. Z is to be allowed a salary of ₹ 2,000 per
month. The profit of the firm for the year ended 31st March, 2018 after debiting Z’s salary was ₹

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March 2018

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Profit and Loss A/c

Interest on Capital: 4,00,000

(After Z’s salary net Profit)

X 50,000
Y 50,000
Z 25,000 1,25000
Profit transferred to:
X’s Capital A/c 1,10,000
Y’s Capital A/c 1,10,000
Z’s Capital A/c 55,000 2,75,000
4,00,000 4,00,000

Working Notes 1: Z’s salary will not be debited to the Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c because
₹ 4,00,000 Profit is given after adjusting Z’s salary.

Working Note 2: Capital Interest Evaluation

X’s Capital Interest = ₹5,00,000 X 10/100 = ₹50,000

Y’s Capital Interest = ₹5,00,000 X 10/100 = ₹50,000

Z’s Capital Interest = ₹2,50,000 X 10/100 = ₹25,000

Working Note 3: Partner’s profit sharing Evaluation

Profit sharing ratio = 2 : 2 : 1

X’s Profit Share = ₹2,75,000 X 2/5 = ₹ 1,10,000

Y’s Profit Share = ₹2,75,000X 2/5 = ₹ 1,10,000

Z’s Profit Share = ₹2,75,000 X 1/5 = ₹ 55,000

Question 12

X and Y are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 2 with capitals of ₹ 8,00,000 and ₹ 6,00,000
respectively. Interest on capital is agreed @ 5% p.a. Y is to be allowed an annual salary of ₹
60,000 which has not been withdrawn. Profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019 before interest
on capital but after charging Y’s salary amounted to ₹ 2,40,000.

A provision of 5% of the profit is to be made in respect commission to the manager. Prepare an

account showing the allocation profits.


Profit and Loss Adjustment Account as on 31st March 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Profit and Loss A/c

Commission for Manager (3,00,000×5%) 15,000 2,40,000

(Net Profit after Y’s

Y’s Salary 60,000

Transferred profit to Profit and Loss
A/cAppropriation A/c
3,00,000 3,00,000

Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Salary to Y 60,000 Profit and Loss Adjustment A/c 2,85,000
Interest on Capital: (After manager’s commission)
X 40,000
Y 30,000 70,000
Profit transferred to:
X’s Capital A/c 93,000
Y’s Capital A/c 62,000 1,55,000

2,85,000 2,85,000

Working Notes 1: Manager’s Commission Evaluation

Profit for making Managers’ Commission = 2,40,000 + 60,000 (Y’s Salary) = ₹3,00,000

Manager’s Commission=₹(3,00,000 X 5/100) = 415,000

Working Notes 2: Capital Interest Evaluation

X’s Capital Interest =( ₹ 8,00,000 X 5/100) = ₹40,000

Y’s Capital Interest =( ₹ 6,00,000 X 5/100) = ₹30,000

Working Notes 3: Partner’s capital share Evaluation

Distribution of profit = ₹ 2,85,000 − ₹ 60,000 − ₹ 70,000 = ₹1,55,000

X’s Share of Profit=₹(1,55,000 X 3/5 = ₹ 93,000

Y’s Share of Profit=₹(1,55,000 X 2/5 = ₹ 62,000

Question 13

Prem and Manoj are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 2. The Partnership Deed
provided that Prem was to be paid a salary of ₹ 2,500 per month and Manoj was to get a
commission of ₹ 10,000 per year. Interest on capital was to be allowed @ 5% p.a. and interest on
drawings was to be charged @ 6% p.a. Interest on Prem’s drawings was ₹ 1,250 and on Manoj’s
drawings was ₹ 425. Interest on Capitals of the partners were ₹ 10,000 and ₹ 7,500 respectively.
The firm earned a profit of ₹ 90,575 for the year ended 31st March, 2018.

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account of the firm.


Profit and Loss Appropriation Account as on 31st March 2018

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Prem Salary (₹ 2,500 × 12) 30,000 Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 90,575
Manoj Commission 10,000 Interest on Drawings A/c:
Capital Interest: Prem 1,250
Prem 10,000 Manoj 425 1,675
Manoj 7,500 17,500
Profit transferred to:
Prem’s Current A/c 20,850
Manoj’s Current A/c 13,900 34,750
92,250 92,250

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Prem’s Capital Interest = 2,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 10,000

Manoj’s Capital Interest = 1,50,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 7,500

Working Notes 2: Partner Profit Share Evaluation

Profit sharing ratio = 3 : 2

Profit sharing for Prem = 34,750 X 3/5= ₹ 20,850

Profit sharing for Manoj = 34,750 X 2/5= ₹ 13,900

Question 14

Reema and Seema are partners sharing profits equally. The Partnership Deed provides that both
Reema and Seema will get monthly salary of Rs 15,000 each, Interest on Capital will be allowed @
5% p.a. and Interest on Drawings will be charged @ 10% p.a. Their capitals were Rs 5,00,000
each and drawings during the year were Rs 60,000 each.

The firm incurred a loss of Rs 1,00,000 during the year ended 31st March, 2018.

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2018

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Profit and Loss A/c 1,00,000 Interest on Drawings A/c:
Reema 3,000
Seema 3,000 6,000
Loss transferred to
Reema 47,000
Seema 47,000 94,000
1,00,000 1,00,000

Note: There will be no capital and salary share to the partners as the company has incurred loss.

Working Notes 1: Partner Drawing Evaluation

Reema’s Share = 60,000 X 10% X 6/12 = ₹3,000

Seema’s Share = 60,000 X 10% X 6/12 = ₹3,000

Question 15

Bhanu and Partab are partners sharing profits equally. Their fixed capitals as on 1st April, 2018 are
₹ 8,00,000 and ₹ 10,00,000 respectively. Their drawings during the year were ₹ 50,000 and ₹
1,00,000 respectively. Interest on Capital is a charge and is to be allowed @ 10% p.a. and interest
on drawings is to be charged @ 15% p.a. Net Profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019 was ₹

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.


Profit and Loss Appropriation Account as on March 31, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest A/c: Profit and Loss A/c 1,20,000
Bhanu’s Current A/c 80,000 Interest on Drawings A/c:
Partap’s Current A/c 1,00,000 1,80,000 Bhanu’s Current A/c 3,750
Partap’s Current A/c 7,500 11,250
Loss transferred to
Bhanu’s Current A/c 24,375
Partap’s Current A/c 24,375 48,750

1,80,000 1,80,000

Working Note 1: Partner Drawing Interest Evaluation

Bhanu’s Drawing Interest – 50,000 X 15% X 6/12 = ₹3,750

Pratap’s Drawing Interest – 1,00,000 X 15% X 6/12 = ₹7,500

Working Note 2: Partner Capital Interest Evaluation

Bhanu’s Capital Interest – 50,000 X 10% ₹ 80,000

Pratap’s Capital Interest – 1,00,000 X 10% = ₹ 1,00,000

Question 16

Amar and Bimal entered into partnership on 1st April, 2018 contributing ₹ 1,50,000 and ₹
2,50,000 respectively towards capital. The Partnership Deed provided for interest on capital @
10% p.a. It also provided that Capital Accounts shall be maintained following the Fixed Capital
Accounts method. The firm earned net profit of ₹ 1,00,000 for the year ended 31st March 2019.

Pass the Journal entry for interest on capital.


Debit Credit
Date Particulars L.F.
₹ ₹
Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 40,000
To Amar’s Current A/c 15,000
To Bimal’s Current A/c 25,000
(Capital interest transferred to Profit & Loss Appropriation

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Amar’s Capital Interest = 1,50,000 X 10/100 = ₹15,000

Amar’s Capital Interest = 2,50,000 X 10/100 = ₹25,000

Question 17

Kamal and Kapil are partners having fixed capitals of ₹ 5,00,000 each as on 31st March, 2018.
Kamal introduced further capital of ₹ 1,00,000 on 1st October, 2018 whereas Kapil withdrew ₹
1,00,000 on 1st October, 2018 out of capital.

Interest on capital is to be allowed @ 10% p.a.

The firm earned net profit of ₹ 6,00,000 for the year ended 31st March 2019.

Pass the Journal entry for interest on capital and prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.


Date Particulars L.F. Debit ₹

Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 1,00,000
To Kamal’s Current A/c 55,000
To Kapil’s Current A/c 45,000
(Capital interest transferred to Profit & Loss Appropriation
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March 2019
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest A/c: Profit and Loss A/c 6,00,000
Kamal 55,000
Kapil 45,000 1,00,000
Profit transferred to:
Kamal’s Current A/c 2,50,000
Kapil’s Current A/c 2,50,000 5,00,000
6,00,000 6,00,000

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Question 18

Simran and Reema are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 2. Their capitals as on 31st
March, 2018 were ₹ 2,00,000 each whereas Current Accounts had balances of ₹ 50,000 and ₹
25,000 respectively interest is to be allowed @ 5% p.a. on balances in Capital Accounts. The firm
earned net profit of ₹ 3,00,000 for the year ended 31st March 2019.

Pass the Journal entries for interest on capital and distribution of profit. Also prepare Profit and
Loss Appropriation Account for the year.


Date Particulars L.F. Debit ₹ Credit ₹
Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 20,000
To Simran’s Current A/c 10,000
To Reema’s Current A/c 10,000
(Interest on capital transferred to Profit & Loss Appropriation

Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c 2,80,000

To Simran’s Current A/c 1,68,000
To Reema’s Current A/c 1,12,000
(Profit transferred to Partners’ Current A/c)

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital A/c: Profit and Loss A/c 3,00,000
Simran 10,000
Reema 10,000 20,000
Profit transferred to:
Simran’s Current A/c 1,68,000
Reema’s Current A/c 1,12,000 2,80,000
3,00,000 3,00,000

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Capital Interest Simran’s = 2,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 10,000

Capital Interest Simran’s = 2,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 10,000

Question 19

Anita and Ankita are partners sharing profits equally. Their capitals, maintained following the
Fluctuating Capital Accounts Method, as on 31st March, 2018 were ₹ 5,00,000 and ₹ 4,00,000
respectively. Partnership Deed provided to allow interest on capital @ 10% p.a. The firm earned
net profit of ₹ 2,00,000 for the year ended 31st March, 2019.

Pass the Journal entry for interest on capital.


Debit Credit
Date Particulars L.F.
₹ ₹
Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 90,000
To Anita’s Capital A/c 50,000
To Ankita’s Capital A/c 40,000
(Capital Interest transferred to Profit & Loss Appropriation

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Capital Interest Anita’s = 5,00,000 X 10/100 = ₹50,000

Capital Interest Ankita’s = 4,00,000 X 10/100 = ₹40,000

Question 20

Ashish and Aakash are partners sharing profit in the ratio of 3 : 2. Their Capital Accounts showed
a credit balance of ₹ 5,00,000 and ₹ 6,00,000 respectively as on 31st March, 2019 after debit of
drawings during the year of ₹ 1,50,000 and ₹ 1,00,000 respectively. Net profit for the year ended
31st March, 2019 was ₹ 5,00,000. Interest on capital is to be allowed @ 10% p.a.

Pass the Journal entry for interest on capital and prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.

Date Particulars L.F. Debit ₹ Credit ₹
Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 1,35,000
To Ashish’s Capital A/c 65,000
To Aakash’s Capital A/c 70,000
(Capital Interest transferred to Profit & Loss Appropriation
Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c 2,19,000
To Ashish’s Capital A/c 1,46,000
To Akash’s Capital A/c
(Profit transferred to Partners’ Capital A/c)

Profit and Loss Appropriation Account as on 31st March 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital A/c: Profit and Loss A/c 5,00,000
Ashish 65,000
Aakash 70,000 1,35,000
Profit transferred to:
Ashish’s Capital A/c 2,19,000
Aakash’s Capital A/c 1,46,000 3,65,000
5,00,000 5,00,000

Working Notes 1: Opening Capital Evaluation

Particulars Ashish Aakash

Capital at the end 5,00,000 6,00,000
Add: Drawings made 1,50,000 1,00,000
Capital at the beginning 6,50,000 7,00,000

Working Notes 2: Capital Interest Evaluation

Ashish’s Capital Interest = 6,50,000 X 10/100 = ₹65,000

Askash’s Capital Interest = 7,00,000 X 10/100 = ₹70,000

Question 21

Naresh and Sukesh are partners with capital of ₹ 3,00,000 each as on 31st March, 2019. Naresh
had withdrawn ₹ 50,000 against capital on 1st October, 2018 and also ₹ 1,00,000 besides the
drawings against capital. Sukesh also had drawings of ₹ 1,00,000.
Interest on capital is to be allowed @ 10% p.a.

Net profit for the year was ₹ 2,00,000, which is yet to be distributed.

Pass the Journal entries for interest on capital and distribution of profit.


Date Particulars L.F. Debit ₹

Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 82,500
To Naresh’s Capital A/c 42,500
To Sukesh’s Capital A/c 40,000
(Capital interest transferred to Profit & Loss Appropriation
Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 1,17,500
To Naresh’s Capital A/c 58,750
To Sukesh’s Capital A/c 58,750
(Profit transferred to Partners’ Capital A/c)

Working Notes 1 : Opening Capital Evaluation

Particulars Naresh Sukesh

Capital at the end 3,00,000 3,00,000
Add: Capital drawings out 50,000 –
Add: Profit drawings against 1,00,000 1,00,000
Capital at the beginning 4,50,000 4,00,000

Working Notes 1 : Capital Interest Evaluation

Question 22

On 1st April, 2013, Jay and Vijay entered into partnership for supplying laboratory equipment to
government schools situated in remote and backward areas. They contributed capital of ₹ 80,000
and ₹ 50,000 respectively and agreed to share the profits in the ratio of 3 : 2. The partnership
Deed provided that interest on capital shall be allowed at 9% per annum. During the year the firm
earned a profit of ₹ 7,800. Showing your calculations clearly, prepare ‘Profit and Loss
Appropriation Account’ of Jay and Vijay for the year ended 31st March, 2014.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on March 2014

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital A/c: Profit and Loss A/c 7,800
Jay 4,800
Vijay 3,000 7,800

7,800 7,800

Working Notes 1: Capital interest Evaluation

Jay’s Capital = 80,000 X 9/100 = ₹7,200

Vijay’s Capital = 50,000 X 9/100 = ₹4,500

Total Interest = 7,200 + 4,500 = ₹ 11,700

Working Notes 2: Proportionate Interest on Capital Evaluation

Jay Proportionate Interest = 7,200/11,700 x 7,800 = ₹4,800

Vijay Proportionate Interest = 4,500/11,700 x 7,800 = ₹3,000

Question 23

Amar, Bhanu, and Charu are partners in a firm. Amar and Bhanu are to get an annual salary of ₹
1,20,000 p.a. each as they are fully involved in the business. Net profit for the year is ₹ 4,80,000.
Determine the share of profit to be credited to each partner.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Salary: Profit and Loss A/c 4,80,000
Amar 1,20,000
Bhanu 1,20,000 2,40,000
Profit transferred to:
Amar’s Capital A/c 80,000
Bhanu’s Capital A/c 80,000
Charu’s Capital A/c 80,000 2,40,000
4,80,000 4,80,000

Question 24

A, B and C are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1 respectively. A is entitled
to a commission of 10% on the net profit. Net profit for the year is ₹ 1,10,000.

Determine the amount of commission payable to A.


Net Profit before commission = ₹ 1,10,000

Commission to A = 10% of Net Profit before commission was charged

Commission to A = Net Profit X Rate/100

= 1,10,000 X 10/100 = ₹ 11,000

Question 25

X, Y and
Z are partners sharing profits and losses equally. As per Partnership Deed,
Z is entitled to a commission of 10% on the net profit after charging such commission. The net
profit before charging commission is ₹ 2,20,000.

Determine the amount of commission payable to



Net Profit before Commission = ₹ 2,20,000

Commission to Z = Net Profit 10% after charging commission

Commission to A = Net Profit X Rate/100+Rate

= 2,20,000 X 10/100 = ₹ 20,000

Question 26

A, B, C, and D are partners in a firm sharing profits as 4 : 3 : 2 : 1 respectively. It earned a profit

of ₹ 1,80,000 for the year ended 31st March, 2018. As per the Partnership Deed, they are to
charge a commission @ 20% of the profit after charging such commission which they will share as
2 : 3 : 2 : 3. You are required to show appropriation of profits among the partners.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2018

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Partners’ Commission: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 1,80,000
A 6,000
B 9,000
C 6,000
D 9,000 30,000
Profit transferred to:
A’s Capital A/c 60,000
B’s Capital A/c 45,000
C’s Capital A/c 30,000
D’s Capital A/c 15,000 1,50,000
1,80,000 1,80,000

Working Notes 1 : Partners’ Commission Evaluation

Partners’ Commission = Net Profit 20% after commission charged

Partner’s Commission = Net Profit X \(\frac{Rate}{100

+ Rate}\)

=1,80,000 X 20/100+20

=1,80,000 X 20/120 = ₹30,000

Partners commission in the ratio 2 : 3 : 2 : 3

A’s Commission = 30,000 X 2/10 = ₹ 6,000

B’s Commission = 30,000 X 3/10 = ₹ 9,000

C’s Commission = 30,000 X 2/10 = ₹ 6,000

D’s Commission = 30,000 X 3/10 = ₹ 9,000

Working Notes 2 : Partners’ Profit Share Evaluation

Distribution of Profit = ₹ 1,80,000 − ₹ 30,000 = ₹ 1,50,000

Profit sharing ratio = 4 : 3 : 2 : 1

A’s Commission = 1,50,000 X 4/10 = ₹ 60,000

B’s Commission = 1,50,000 X 3/10 = ₹ 45,000

C’s Commission = 1,50,000 X 2/10 = ₹ 30,000

D’s Commission = 1,50,000 X 1/10 = ₹ 15,000

Question 27

X and
Y are partners in a firm.
X is entitled to a salary of ₹ 10,000 per month and commission of 10% of the net profit after
partners’ salaries but before charging commission.
Y is entitled to a salary of ₹ 25,000 p.a. and commission of 10% of the net profit after charging all
commission and partners’ salaries. Net profit before providing for partners’ salaries and
commission for the year ended 31st March, 2019 was ₹ 4,20,000. Show distribution of profit.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Partners’ Salary: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 4,20,000
X (10,000 × 12) 1,20,000
Y 25,000 1,45,000
Partners’ Commission:
X 27,500
Y 22,500 50,000
Profit transferred to:
X’s Capital A/c 1,12,500
Y’s Capital A/c 1,12,500 2,25,000
4,20,000 4,20,000
Working Note 1: Commission Evaluation

X’s Commission = Net Profit @ 10% after partners’ salaries.

Profit after Partner’s Salaries = 4,20,000 − 1,45,000 = ₹ 2,75,000

X ‘s Commission = Profit after salaries X 10/100

= 2,75,000 X 10/100 = ₹27,500

Commission to Y = Net Profit @ 10% after partners’ salaries and Commission

Profit after partners’ salaries and commission = 4,20,000 − 1,45,000 − 27,500 = ₹ 2,47,500

Y ‘s Commission = Profit after partners’ salaries and commission X 10/100+Rate

= 2,47,500 X 10/110 = ₹22,500

Working Note 1: Partner’s Profit Sharing Evaluation

Profit’s for distribution = 4,20,000 − 1,45,000 − 50,000 = ₹ 2,25,000

Profit sharing ratio = 1 : 1

Profit sharing of X and Y each = 2,25,000 X 1/2 = ₹1,12,500

Question 28

Ram and Mohan, two partners, drew for their personal use ₹ 1,20,000 and ₹ 80,000. Interest is
chargeable @ 6% p.a. on the drawings. What is the amount of interest chargeable from each


Since, the drawing’s date made by the partners is not mentioned, the interest drawing is evaluated
on average basis for six months.

Ram’s Drawing Interest = 1,20,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹3,600

Mohan’s Drawing Interest = 80,000 X 6/100 X 6/12 = ₹2,400

Question 29

Brij and Mohan are partners in a firm. They withdrew ₹ 48,000 and ₹ 36,000 respectively during
the year evenly in the middle of every month. According to the partnership agreement, interest on
drawings is to be charged @ 10% p.a.

Calculate interest on drawings of the partners using the appropriate formula.


Every month in the middle, drawings are made even, so, drawings interest is evaluated for six

Brij’s Drawings Interest=₹ 48,000 X 10/100 X 6/12 = ₹2,400

Mohan’s Drawings Interest=₹ 36,000 X 10/100 X 6/12 = ₹1,800

Question 30

A and B are partners sharing profits equally. A drew regularly ₹ 4,000 in the beginning of every
month for six months ended 30th September, 2019. Calculate interest on drawings @ 5% p.a. for
a period of six months.

Drawing amount = 4,000

Number of Drawing = 6

Total Drawings = 4,000 X 6 = ₹ 24,000

Rate of Interest = 5% p.a

= 6+1/2

= 3.5 months

Drawing Interest = Total Drawings X Rate/100 X Time/12

= 24,000 X 5/100 x 3.5/12


Question 31

One of the partners in a partnership firm has withdrawn ₹ 9,000 at the end of each quarter,
throughout the year. Calculate interest on drawings at the rate of 6% per annum.


Drawings Amount = ₹ 9,000 per quarter

Annual Drawings = ₹ (9,000 × 4) = ₹ 36,000

Interest Rate on Drawings = 6% p.a.

Question 32

A and B are partners sharing profits equally. A drew regularly ₹ 4,000 at the end of every month
for six months ended 30th September, 2019. Calculate interest on drawings @ 5% p.a. for a
period of six months.


Drawing amount = 4,000

Number of Drawing = 6

Total Drawings = 4,000 X 6 = ₹ 24,000

Rate of Interest = 5% p.a

= 5+0/2

= 2.5 months

Drawing Interest = Total Drawings X Rate/100 X Time/12

= 24,000 X 5/100 x 2.5/12


Question 33

Calculate interest on drawings of Ashok @ 10% p.a. for the year ended 31st March, 2019, in each
of the following alternative cases:

Case 1. If he withdrew ₹ 7,500 at the beginning of each quarter.

Case 2. If he withdrew ₹ 7,500 at the end of each quarter.

Case 3. If he withdrew ₹ 7,500 during the middle of each quarter.


Drawings Total = 7,500 × 4 = ₹ 30,000

Interest Rate = 10% p.a.

Case (1)

In the beginning of each quarter when equal amount is withdrawn, the drawing interest would be
evaluated for 7.5 months as an average period.

Drawing Interest = Total Drawings X Rate/100 X Time/12

So, Ashok’s interest on drawing = 30,000 X 10/100 X 7.5/12 = ₹1,875

Case (2)

At the end of each quarter when equal amount is withdrawn, the drawing interest would be
evaluated for 4.5 months as an average period.

Drawing Interest = Total Drawings X Rate/100 X Time/12

So, Ashok’s interest on drawing = 30,000 X 10/100 X 4.5/12 = ₹1,125

Case (3)

At the middle of each quarter when equal amount is withdrawn, the drawing interest would be
evaluated for 6 months as an average period.

Drawing Interest = Total Drawings X Rate/100 X Time/12

So, Ashok’s interest on drawing = 30,000 X 10/100 X 6/12 = ₹1,500

Question 34

Kanika and Gautam are partners doing a dry cleaning business in Lucknow, sharing profits in the
ratio 2 : 1 with capitals ₹ 5,00,000 and ₹ 4,00,000 respectively. Kanika withdrew the following
amounts during the year to pay the hostel expenses of her son:

1st April ₹ 10,000

1st June ₹ 9,000
1st November ₹ 14,000
1st December ₹ 5,000

Gautam withdrew ₹ 15,000 on the first day of April, July, October and January to pay rent for the
accommodation of his family. He also paid ₹ 20,000 per month as rent for the office of partnership
which was in a nearby shopping complex.

Calculate interest on drawings @ 6% p.a.


Kanika’s Drawings interest = ₹ 1,500

Gautam’s Drawings interest= ₹ 2,250

Working Notes 1: Kanika’s Drawings interest Evaluation

By Product Method
Amount Months Product

(I) (II) (I × II)

April 1 10,000 12 1,20,000

June 1 9,000 10 90,000
November 1 14,000 5 70,000
December 1 5,000 4 20,000
Product Sum 3,00,000

Drawing Interest = Total product sum X Rate/100 X Time/12

= 3,00,000 X 6/100 X 1/12 = ₹1,500

Working Notes 2: Gautam’s Drawings Interest Evaluation

At the beginning of the quarter, Gautam withdrew ₹ 15,000.

Drawing Interest = Drawings Total X Rate/100 X Time/12

= (15,000×4) X 6/100 X 7.5/12 = ₹2,250

Question 35

A and B are partners sharing Profit and Loss in the ratio 3 : 2 having Capital Account balances of ₹
50,000 and ₹ 40,000 on 1st April, 2018. On 1st July, 2018, A introduced ₹ 10,000 as his additional
capital whereas B introduced only ₹ 1,000. Interest on capital is allowed to partners @ 10% p.a.

Calculate interest on capital for the financial year ended 31st March, 2019.


A’s Capital Interest Evaluation

Date Capital × Period = Product

1st April, 2018 to 30th June, 2018 50,000 × 3 = 1,50,000
1st July, 2018 to 31st March, 2019 60,000 × 9 = 5,40,000
Product Total 6,90,000

A’s Capital Interest = Total product sum X Rate/100 X Time/12

= 6,90,000 X 10/100 X 1/12 = ₹5,750

B’s Capital Interest Evaluation

Date Capital × Period = Product

1st April, 2018 to 30th June, 2018 40,000 × 3 = 1,20,000
1st July, 2018 to 31st March, 2019 41,000 × 9 = 3,69,000
Product Total 4,89,000

B’s Capital Interest = Total product sum X Rate/100 X Time/12

= 4,89,000 X 10/100 X 1/12 = ₹4,075

Question 36

Ram and Mohan are partners in a business. Their capitals at the end of the year were ₹ 24,000
and ₹ 18,000 respectively. During the year, Ram’s drawings and Mohan’s drawings were ₹ 4,000
and ₹ 6,000 respectively. Profit (before charging interest on capital) during the year was ₹ 16,000.
Calculate interest on capital @ 5% p.a. for the year ended 31st March, 2019.


Capital Interest is evaluated on the partner’s capital opening balance.

Particulars Ram ₹ Mohan ₹

Capital at the end 24,000 18,000
Less: Profit credited (1:1) (8,000) (8,000)
Add: Debited Drawings 4,000 6,000
Capital at the beginning 20,000 16,000

Ram’s Capital Interest = ₹ 20,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 1,000

Mohan’s Capital Interest = ₹ 16,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 800

Question 37

Following is the extract of the Balance Sheet of Neelkant and Mahadev as on 31st March, 2019.

Liabilities ₹ Assets ₹
Neelkant’s Capital 10,00,000 Sundry Assets 30,00,000
Mahadev’s Capital 10,00,000
Neelkant’s Current A/c 1,00,000
Mahadev’ Current A/c 1,00,000
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c (2018-19) 8,00,000
30,00,000 30,00,000

During the year, Mahadev’s drawings were ₹ 30,000. Profits during the year ended 31st March,
2019 is ₹ 10,00,000. Calculate interest on capital @ 5% p.a. for the year ending 31st March,


Neelkant’s Capital Interest 10,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹50,000

Mahadev’s Capital Interest 10,00,000 X 5/100 = = ₹ 50,000

Note: Since, both the partners capital and current accounts are mentioned, we can assume that
both the partners capital is fixed. Therefore, when there is a fixed capital and drawing the capital
balance does not get affected, but the current account does.

So, in this particular case the beginning and the closing capital remains the same and the capital
interest is evaluated on the fixed capital balances.

Question 38

From the following Balance Sheet of Long and Short, calculate interest on capital @ 8% p.a. for
the year ended 31st March, 2019.

Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2019

Liabilities ₹ Assets ₹
Long’s Capital A/c 1,20,000 Fixed Assets 3,00,000
Short’s Capital A/c 1,40,000 Other Assets 60,000
General Reserve 1,00,000
3,60,000 3,60,000

During the year, Long withdrew ₹ 40,000 and Short withdrew ₹ 50,000. Profit for the year was ₹
1,50,000 out of which ₹ 1,00,000 was transferred to General Reserve.


Capital at the beginning Evaluation as on 1st, 2018

Long Short

₹ ₹

Capital at the end 1,60,000 1,40,000

Less: Profit Adjusted (1,50,000 – 1,00,000) in 1:1 ratio (25,000) (25,000)
Add: Drawings Adjusted – 50,000
Capital in the beginning 1,35,000 1,65,000

Long’s Capital Interest = 1,35,000 X 8/100 = ₹10,800

Short’s Capital Interest = 1,65,000 X 8/100 = ₹13,200

Question 39

Moli and Bholi contribute ₹ 20,000 and ₹ 10,000 respectively towards capital. They decide to allow
interest on capital @ 6% p.a. Their respective share of profits is 2 : 3 and the net profit for the
year is ₹ 1,500. Show distribution of profits:

(i) when there is no agreement except for interest on capitals; and

(ii) when there is an agreement that the interest on capital as a charge.


Capital Interest Evaluation

Moli’s Capital Interest =₹(20,000 × 6/100) = ₹ 1,200

Bholi’s Capital Interest =₹(10,000 × 6/100) = ₹ 600

Total Capital Interest = (1,200+600) = ₹1,800

Case (1)

When there is no agreement except for interest on capitals

Profit at the year end= ₹ 1,500

Total Interest = ₹ 1,800

In this scenario, the total capital interest is more than the profit available for distribution. So, ₹
1,500 profit will be distributed between Moli and Bholi.THe distribution will be according to their
capital interest ratio.

Particulars Moli : Bholi

Interest on Capital 1,200 : 600
or, Ratio of interest on Capital 2:1

Moli’s Capital Interest = (1,500 X 2/3) = ₹1,000

Bholi’s Capital Interest = (1,500 X 1/3) = ₹500

Case (2)

Moli’s Capital Interest =₹(20,000 × 6/100) = ₹ 1,200

Bholi’s Capital Interest =₹(10,000 × 6/100) = ₹ 600

Total Interest (1,200+600) = ₹ 1,800

Firm’s total profit = ₹ 1,500

So, the firm encountered the loss of ₹ 300 and shared between Moli and Bholi as per their profit
sharing ratio of 2 : 3.

Moli Loss = (300 X 2/5) = ₹ 120

Bholi Loss = (300 X 3/5) = ₹ 180

Question 40

Amit and Bramit started business on 1st April, 2018 with capitals of ₹ 15,00,000 and ₹ 9,00,000
respectively. On 1st October, 2018, they decided that their capitals should be ₹ 12,00,000 each.
The necessary adjustments in capitals were made by introducing or withdrawing by cheque.
Interest on capital is allowed @ 8% p.a. Compute interest on capital for the year ended 31st
March, 2019.


Amit’s Capital Interest Evaluation

Date Capital × Period = Product

1st April, 2018 to 30th Sept, 2018 15,00,000 × 6 = 90,00,000
1st Oct. 01, 2018 to 31st March, 2019 12,00,000 × 6 = 72,00,000
Product Sum 1,62,00,000

Amit’s Capital Interest = Product Sum X Rate/100 1/12

= 1,62,00,000 X 8/100 X 1/12

= ₹ 1,08,000

Bramit’s Capital Interest Evaluation

Date Capital × Period = Product

1st April, 2018 to 30th Sept, 2018 9,00,000 × 6 = 54,00,000
1st Oct. 01, 2018 to 31st March, 2019 12,00,000 × 6 = 72,00,000
Product Sum 1,26,00,000

Bramit’s Capital Interest = Product Sum X Rate/100 1/12

= 1,26,00,000 X 8/100 X 1/12

= ₹ 84,000

Question 41

Simrat and Bir are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2. On 31st March,
2019 after closing the books of account, their Capital Accounts stood at ₹ 4,80,000 and ₹ 6,00,000
respectively. On 1st May, 2018, Simrat introduced an additional capital of ₹ 1,20,000 and Bir
withdrew ₹ 60,000 from his capital.On 1st October, 2018, Simrat withdrew ₹ 2,40,000 from her
capital and Bir introduced ₹ 3,00,000. Interest on capital is allowed at 6% p.a. Subsequently, it
was noticed that interest on capital @ 6% p.a. had been omitted. Profit for the year ended 31st
March, 2019 amounted to ₹ 2,40,000 and the partners’ drawings had been: Simrat – ₹ 1,20,000
and Bir – ₹ 60,000. Compute the interest on capital if the capitals are (a) fixed, and (b)


Case (1): When Capital is fixed:

Working Notes: Opening Capital Evaluation

Particulars Simrat Bir

Capital at the end 4,80,000 6,00,000
Add: Drawings out of capital 2,40,000 60,000
Less: New capital introduced 1,20,000 3,00,000
Opening Capital 6,00,000 3,60,000

Case 2: When capitals are fluctuating:

Working Notes: Opening Capital Evaluation

Particulars Simrat Bir

Capital at the end 4,80,000 6,00,000
Add: Drawings out of capital 2,40,000 60,000
Add: Drawings out of profit 1,20,000 60,000
Less: New capital introduced 1,20,000 3,00,000
Less: Profit credited 1,44,000 96,000
Operating Capital 5,76,000 3,24,000

Question 42

C and D are partners in a firm; C has contributed ₹ 1,00,000 and D ₹ 60,000 as capital. Interest in
payable @ 6% p.a. and D is entitled to a salary of ₹ 3,000 per month. In the year ended 31st
March, 2019, the profit was ₹ 80,000 before interest and salary. Divide the amount between C and


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31stMarch,2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 80,000
C 6,000
D 3,600 9,600
D salary (3000 × 12) 36,000
Profit transferred to :
C’s Capital A/c 17,200
D’s Capital A/c 17,200 34,400
80,000 80,000

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

C’s Capital Interest = 1,00,000 X 6/100 = ₹ 6,000

D’s Capital Interest = 60,000 X 6/100 = ₹ 3,600

Working Notes 2: Partner’s profit share Evaluation

Available profit for distribution = 80,000 − 9,600 − 36,000 = ₹ 34,400

Profit sharing between C and D = ₹ 34,400 X 1/2 = ₹ 17,200 each

So, Total amount C received = Capital Interest + Profit Share = ₹ 6,000 + ₹ 17,200 = ₹ 23,200
Total amount D received = Interest on Capital + Salary + Profit Share = ₹ 3,600 + ₹ 36,000 + ₹
17,200 = ₹ 56,800

Question 43

Amit and Vijay started a partnership business on 1st April, 2018. Their capital contributions were ₹
2,00,000 and ₹ 1,50,000 respectively. The Partnership Deed provided as follows:

(a) Interest on capital be allowed @ 10% p.a.

(b) Amit to get a salary of ₹ 2,000 per month and Vijay ₹ 3,000 per month.

(c) Profits are to be shared in the ratio of 3 : 2.

Net profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019 was ₹ 2,16,000. Interest on drawings amounted to
₹ 2,200 for Amit and ₹ 2,500 for Vijay.

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.


Profit and Loss Appropriation Account as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 2,16,000
Amit 20,000 Drawings Interest A/c:
Vijay 15,000 35,000 Amit 2,200
Salary to: Vijay 2,500 4,700
Amit (2,000 × 12) 24,000
Vijay (3,000 × 12) 36,000 60,000
Profit transferred to:
Amit’s Capital A/c 75,420
Vijay’s Capital A/c 50,280 1,25,700
2,20,700 2,20,700

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Amit’s Capital Interest = 2,00,000 X 10/100 = ₹ 20,000

Vijay’s Capital Interest = 1,50,000 X 10/100 = ₹ 15,000

Working Notes 1: Each Partner’s profit sharing evaluation

Divisible Profit = ₹ 2,16,000 + ₹ 4,700 − ₹ 35,000 − ₹ 60,000 = ₹ 1, 25,700

Profit sharing ratio = 3 : 2

Amit’s Profit Share = 1,25,700 X 3/5 = ₹ 75,420

Vijay’s Profit Share = 1,25,700 X 2/5 = ₹ 50,280

Question 44

Show how the following will be recorded in the Capital Accounts of the Partners Sohan and Mohan
when their capitals are fluctuating:
Sohan (₹) Mohan (₹)
Capital on 1st April, 2018 4,00,000 3,00,000
Drawings during the year ended 31st march, 2019 50,000 30,000
Interest on Capital 5% 5%
Interest on Drawings 1,250 750
Share of Profit for the year ended 31st march, 2019 60,000 50,000
Partner’s Salary 36,000 …..
Commission 5,000 3,000


Partners’ Capital Accounts

Dr. Cr.
Particulars Sohan ₹ Mohan ₹ Particulars Sohan ₹ Mohan ₹
Drawings A/c 50,000 30,000 Balance b/d 4,00,000 3,00,000
Drawings Interest A/c 1,250 750 Interest on Capital A/c 20,000 15,000
P&L Appropriation A/c 60,000 50,000
Balance c/d 4,69,750 3,37,250 Partners’ Salary 36,000 –
Commission 5,000 3,000
5,21,000 3,68,000 5,21,000 3,68,000

Working Note: Capital Interest Evaluation

Sohan’s Capital Interest = 4,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 20,000

Mohan’s Capital Interest = 3,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 15,000

Question 45

Sajal and Kajal are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2 : 1. On 1st April, 2018 their
Capitals were: Sajal – ₹ 50,000 and Kajal – ₹ 40,000.

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and the Partners’ Capital Accounts at the end of the
year after considering the following items:

(a) Interest on Capital is to be allowed @ 5% p.a.

(b) Interest on the loan advanced by Kajal for the whole year, the amount of loan being ₹ 30,000.

(c) Interest on partners’ drawings @ 6% p.a. Drawings: Sajal ₹ 10,000 and Kajal ₹ 8,000.

(d) 10% of the divisible profit is to be transferred to Reserve.

Net profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019 is ₹ 68,460.

Note: Net profit means net profit after debit of interest on loan by the partner.


Profit and Loss A/c as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Kajal’s loan Interest @ 6% p.a. 1,800 Profit 70,260
Profit transferred to P/L Appropriation A/c 68,460

70,260 70,260
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2019
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest A/c: Profit and Loss A/c 68,460
Sajal 2,500
Kajal 2,000 4,500 Drawings Interest A/c:
Sajal 300
Reserve 6,450 Kajal 240 540
Profit transferred to:
Sajal’s Capital A/c 38,700
Kajal’s Capital A/c 19,350 58,050
69,000 69,000
Partners’ Capital Accounts
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Sajal ₹ Kajal ₹ Particulars Sajal ₹ Kajal ₹
Drawings A/c 10,000 8,000 Balance b/d 50,000 40,000
Interest on Drawings A/c 300 240 Interest on Capital A/c 2,500 2,000
P&L Appropriation A/c 38,700 19,350
Balance c/d 80,900 53,110
91,200 61,350 91,200 61,350

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Sajal’s Capital Interest = 50,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 2,500

Kajal’s Capital Interest = 20,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 2,000

Working Notes 2: Drawings Interest Evaluation

Sajal’s Drawings Interest = 10,000 X 6/100 X 6/12= ₹ 300

Kajal’s Drawings Interest = 20,000 X 6/100 X 6/12= ₹ 240

Working Notes 3: Amount to be transferred to Reserve Evaluation

Reserve Amount = 10% of Divisible Profit

Divisible Profit = Profit + Interest on Drawings − Interest on Capital

= 68,460 + 540 − 4,500 = ₹ 64,500

So, Reserve Amount = 64,500 X 10/100 = ₹ 6,450

Working Notes 4: Each Partner’s Profit Sharing Evaluation

Available Profit for Distribution = 68,460 + 540 − 4,500 − 6,450 = ₹ 58,050

Profit sharing ratio = 2 : 1

Sajal’s Profit Share = 58,050 X 2/3 = ₹ 38,700

Kajal’s Profit Share = 58,050 X 1/3 = ₹ 19,7350

Question 46

A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 1. On 1st April, 2018, their
capitals were: A ₹ 50,000 and B ₹ 30,000. During the year ended 31st March, 2019 they earned a
net profit of ₹ 50,000. The terms of partnership are:

(a) Interest on capital is to allowed @ 6% p.a.

(b) A will get a commission @ 2% on turnover.

(c) B will get a salary of ₹ 500 per month.

(d) B will get commission of 5% on profits after deduction of all expenses including such

Partners’ drawings for the year were: A ₹ 8,000 and B ₹ 6,000. Turnover for the year was ₹

After considering the above facts, you are required to prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation
Account and Partners’ Capital Accounts.


Profit and Loss Appropriation Account as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 50,000
A 3,000
B 1,800 4,800
B’s Salary (500 × 12) 6,000
Partner’s Commission
A 6,000
B 1,581 7,581
Profit transferred to:
A’s Capital A/c 23,714
B’s Capital A/c 7,905 31,619
50,000 50,000
Partners’ Capital A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars A₹ B₹ Particulars A₹ B₹
Drawings A/c 8,000 6,000 Balance b/d 50,000 30,000
Capital Interest A/c 3,000 1,800
Commission A/c 6,000 1,581
Salary A/c 6,000
Balance c/d 74,714 41,286 P/L Appropriation A/c 23,714 7,905
82,714 47,286 82,714 47,286

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

A’s Capital Interest = 50,000 X 6/100 = ₹ 3,000

B’s Capital Interest = 30,000 X 6/100 = ₹ 1,800

Working Notes 2: Partner’s Commission Evaluation

A’s Commission = 2% on turnover

= 2/100 X 3,00,000 = ₹6,000

B’s Commission = 5% on profit after all expenses along with commission

Profits after all expense = ₹ 50,000 − ₹ 4,800 − ₹ 6,000 −₹ 6,000 = ₹ 33,200

So, Commission to B = Profits after all expense X Rate/100+Rate

= 33,200 X 5/105 = ₹1,581 (Approx)

Working Notes 3: Partners’ Profit Share Evaluation

Available Profit for Distribution = ₹ 50,000 −₹ 4,800 − ₹ 6,000 − ₹ 7,581 = ₹ 31,619

Profit sharing ratio = 3 : 1

Profit Share of A = 31,619 X 3/4 = ₹ 23,714

Profit Share of b = 31,619 X 1/4 = ₹ 7,905

Question 47

A, B and C were partners in a firm having capital of ₹ 50,000 ; ₹ 50,000 and ₹ 1,00,000
respectively. Their Current Account balances were A: ₹ 10,000; B: ₹ 5,000 and C: ₹ 2,000 (Dr.).
According to the Partnership Deed the partners were entitled to an interest on Capital @ 10% p.a.
C being the working partner was also entitled to a salary of ₹ 12,000 p.a. The profits were to be
divided as:

(a) The first ₹ 20,000 in proportion to their capitals.

(b) Next ₹ 30,000 in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2.

(c) Remaining profits to be shared equally.

The firm earned net profit of ₹ 1,72,000 before charging any of the above items.

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and pass necessary Journal entry for the
appropriation of profits.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 1,72,000
A 5,000
B 5,000
C 10,000 20,000
Salary to C 12,000
Profit transferred to:
A’s Current A/c 50,000
B’s Current A/c 44,000
C’s Current A/c 46,000 1,40,000
1,72,000 1,72,000
Journal Entry
Date Particulars L.F. Debit ₹

Capital Interest A/c Dr. 20,000
To A’s Current A/c 5,000
To B’s Current A/c 5,000
To C’s Current A/c

(Partners’ capital interest allowed to partners)

Salary A/c Dr. 12,000

To C’s Current A/c 12,000
(C’s Salary)

Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 1,40,000

To A’s Current A/c 50,000
To B’s Current A/c 44,000
To C’s Current A/c 46,000
(Available Profit for distribution transferred to partners’ current

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

A’s Capital Interest = 50,000 X 10/100 = ₹ 5,000

B’s Capital Interest = 50,000 X 10/100 = ₹ 5,000

C’s Capital Interest = 1,00,000 X 10/100 = ₹ 10,000

Working Notes 2: Partners’ Profit Share Evaluation

Available Profits for Distribution = ₹ 1,72,000 − ₹ 20,000 − ₹ 12,000

= ₹ 1,40,000

(a) Distribution of first ₹ 20,000 in 1:1:2 as the Capital Ratio.

Profit Share of A = 20,000 X 1/4= ₹ 5,000

Profit Share of B = 20,000 X 1/4= ₹ 5,000

Profit Share of C = 20,000 X 2/4= ₹ 10,000

(b) Distribution of ₹ 30,000 in 5:3:2 ratio

Profit Share of A = 30,000 X 5/10= ₹ 15,000

Profit Share of B = 30,000 X 3/10= ₹ 9,000

Profit Share of C = 30,000 X 2/10= ₹ 6,000

(c). Remaining Profit for distribution = ₹ 1,40,000 − ₹ 20,000 − ₹ 30,000 = ₹ 90,000

The remaining ₹ 90,000 profit will be shared between the partners.

A,B, and C each will receive = 90,000 X 1/3 = ₹ 30,000

S, the total profit share of each partner’s will be:

A’s total profit share = 5,000 + 15,000 + 30,000 = ₹ 50,000

B’s total profit share = 5,000 + 9,000 + 30,000 = ₹ 44,000

C’s total profit share = 10,000 + 6,000 + 30,000 = ₹ 46,000

Question 48

A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 2 with capitals of ₹ 50,000 and ₹ 30,000
respectively. Interest on capital is agreed @ 6% p.a. B is to be allowed an annual salary of ₹
2,500. During the year profit prior to interest on capital but after charging B’s salary amounted to
₹ 12,500. A provision of 5% of the profits is to be made in respect of the Manager’s Commission.


Profit and Loss A/c

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Manager’s Commission 750 Profit before B’s Salary 15,000
(5% of Rs 15,000) (12,500 + 2,500)
Transferred Profit t to Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c 14,250
15,000 15,000
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest A/c: Profit and Loss A/c 14,250
A 3,000
B 1,800 4,800
B’s Salary 2,500
Profit transferred to:
A’s Capital A/c 4,170
B’s Capital A/c 2,780 6,950
14,250 14,250
Partners’ Capital Accounts
Dr. Cr.
Particulars A B Particulars A B
Balance c/d 57,170 37,080 Balance b/d 50,000 30,000
Interest on Capital A/c 3,000 1,800
Salary A/c 2,500
P/L Appropriation A/c 4,170 2,780
57,170 37,080 57,170 37,080

Working Notes 1 : Manager’s Commission Evaluation

Managers’ Commission = 5% on Net Profit (before Salary)

Profit before Salary = Profit after Salary + Salary = 12,500 + 2500 = ₹ 15,000

So, Managers’ Commission = 15,000 X 5/100 = ₹750

Working Notes 2 : Capital Interest Evaluation

A’s Capital Interest = 50,000 X 6/100 = ₹ 3,000

B’s Capital Interest = 50,000 X 6/100 = ₹ 1,800

Working Notes 3 : Partners’ Profit Sharing Evaluation

Profit available for distribution = ₹ 12,500 − ₹ 750 − ₹ 3,000 − ₹ 1,800 = ₹ 6,950

Profit Sharing Ratio = 3:2

Profit Share of A = 6,950 x 3/5 = ₹ 4,170

Profit Share of B = 6,950 x 2/5 = ₹ 2,750

Question 49

P, Q and R are in a partnership and as of 1st April, 2018 their respective capitals were: ₹ 40,000,
₹ 30,000 and ₹ 30,000. Q is entitled to a salary of ₹ 6,000 and R ₹ 4,000 p.a. payable before
division of profits. Interest is allowed on capital @ 5% p.a. and is not charged on drawings. Of the
divisible profits, P is entitled to 50% of the first ₹ 10,000, Q to 30% and R to 20%, rest of the
profit are shared equally. Profits for the year ended 31st March, 2019, after debiting partners’
salaries but before charging interest on capital was ₹ 21,000 and the partners had drawn ₹ 10,000
each on account of salaries, interest and profit.

Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March, 2019 showing the
distribution of profit and the Capital Accounts of the partners.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital: Profit (after Salary) 21,000
P 2,000
Q 1,500
R 1,500 5,000
Profit transferred to:
P’s Capital A/c 7,000
Q’s Capital A/c 5,000
R’s Capital A/c 4,000 16,000
21,000 21,000

Partners’ Capital A/c

Dr. Cr.
Particulars P Q R Particulars P Q R
Drawings A/c 10,000 10,000 10,000 Balance b/d 40,000 30,000 30,000
Salaries A/c – 6,000 4,000
Capital Interest A/c 2,000 1,500 1,500
Balance c/d 39,000 32,500 29,500 P/L Appropriation A/c 7,000 5,000 4,000
49,000 32,500 29,500 49,000 32,500 29,500

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

P’s Capital Interest = 40,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 2,000

Q’s Capital Interest = 30,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 1,500

R’s Capital Interest = 30,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 1,500

Working Notes 2: Partners’ Profit Share Evaluation

Available Profit for distribution = ₹ 21,000 −₹ 5000 = ₹ 16,000

a. Distribution of first ₹ 10,000 into P 50%, Q 30%, and R 20%

Profit Share of P = 10,000 X 50/100 = ₹ 5,000

Profit Share of Q = 10,000 X 30/100 = ₹ 3,000

Profit Share of R = 10,000 X 20/100 = ₹ 2,000

b. Distribution of remaining Profit ₹ 6,000 (16,000 − 10,000) equally

P, Q, and R Profit Share = 6,000 X 1/3 = ₹2,000 each

So, the total profit share of P, Q, and R will be

P’s Total Profit Share= 5,000 + 2,000 = ₹ 7,000

Q’s Total Profit Share= 3,000 + 2,000 = ₹ 5,000

R’s Total Profit Share= 2,000 + 2,000 = ₹ 4,000

Question 50

A, B and C are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of A 1/2, B 3/10, C 1/5 after
providing for interest @ 5% on their respective capitals, viz., A ₹ 50,000; B ₹ 30,000 and C ₹
20,000 and allowing B and C a salary of ₹ 5,000 each per annum. During the year ended 31st
March, 2019, A has drawn ₹ 10,000 and B and C in addition to their salaries have drawn ₹ 2,500
and ₹ 1,000 respectively. Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2019 showed a
net profit of ₹ 45,000. On 1st April, 2018, the balances in the Current Accounts of the partners
were A (Cr.) ₹ 4,500; B (Cr.) ₹ 1,500 and C (Cr.) ₹ 1,000. Interest is not charged on Drawings or
Current Account balances. Show Partners’ Capital and Current Accounts as at 31st March, 2019
after division of profits in accordance with the partnership agreement.

Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest : Profit and Loss A/c 45,000
A 2,500
B 1,500
C 1,000 5,000
Salary to:
B 5,000
C 5,000 10,000
Profit transferred to:
A’s Current A/c 15,000
B’s Current A/c 9,000
C’s Current A/c 6,000 30,000
45,000 45,000

Partners’ Capital Accounts

Dr. Cr.
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
Balance b/d 50,000 30,000 20,000
Balance c/d 50,000 30,000 20,000
50,000 30,000 20,000 50,000 30,000 20,000
Partners’ Current Accounts
Dr. Cr.
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
Drawings A/c 10,000 7,500 6,000 Balance b/d 4,500 1,500 1,000
Interest on Capital A/c 2,500 1,500 1,000
Salaries A/c 5,000 5,000
Balance c/d 12,000 9,500 7,000 P/L Appropriation A/c 15,000 9,000 6,000
22,000 17,000 13,000 22,000 17,000 13,000

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

A’s Capital Interest = 50,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 2,500

B’s Capital Interest = 30,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 1,500

C’s Capital Interest = 20,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 1,000

Working Notes 2: Partners’ Profit Share Evaluation

Available Profit for Distribution = ₹ 45,000 −₹ 15,000 = ₹ 30,000

A’s Capital Interest = 5 30,000 X 1/2 = ₹ 15,000

B’s Capital Interest = 30,000 X 3/10 = ₹ 9,000

C’s Capital Interest = 30,000 X 1/15 = ₹ 6,000

Question 51

Ali the Bahadur are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses as Ali 70% and Bahadur 30%.
Their respective capitals as at 1st April, 2018 stand as Ali ₹ 25,000 and Bahadur ₹ 20,000. The
partners are allowed interest on capitals @ 5% p.a. Drawings of the partners during the year
ended 31st March, 2019 amounted to ₹ 3,500 and ₹ 2,500 respectively.

Profit for the year, before charging interest on capital and annual salary of Bahadur @ ₹ 3,000,
amounted to ₹ 40,000, 10% of divisible profit is to be transferred to Reserve.

You are asked to show Partners’ Current Account and Capital Accounts recording the above


Partners’ Capital Accounts

Dr. Cr.
Particulars Ali Bahadur Particulars Ali Bahadur
Balance b/d 25,000 20,000
Balance c/d 25,000 20,000
25,000 20,000 25,000 20,000

Partners’ Current Accounts

Dr. Cr.
Particulars Ali Bahadur Particulars Ali Bahadur
Drawings A/c 3,500 2,500 Interest on Capital A/c 1,250 1,000
Bahadur’s Salary A/c 3,000
Balance c/d 19,642 10,883 P/L Appropriation A/c 21,892 9,383
23,142 13,383 23,142 13,383

Working Notes 1:

Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital: Profit and Loss A/c 40,000
Ali 1,250
Bahadur 1,000 2,250
Reserve 3,475
Bahadur’s Salary 3,000
Profit transferred to:
Ali’s Capital A/c 21,892
Bahadur’s Capital A/c 9,383 31,275
40,000 40,000
Working Notes 2 : Capital Interest Evaluation

Ali’s Capital Interest = 25,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 1,250

Bahadur’s Capital Interest = 20,000 X 5/100 = 1,000

Working Notes 3 : Amount to be Transferred to Reserve Evaluation

Amount transferred to Reserve =10% of Divisible Profits

=10% X (₹ 40,000− ₹ 2,250− ₹ 3,000)= ₹ 3,475

Working Notes 4 : Partners’ Profit Sharing Evaluation

Profit available for distribution = ₹ 40,000 − ₹ 2,250 − ₹ 3,000 − ₹ 3,475 = ₹ 31,275

Ali’s Profit Share = 31,275 X 70/100 = ₹ 1,892

Bahadur’s Profit Share = 31,275 X 30/100 = ₹ 9,383

Question 52

Amal, Bimal and Kamal are three partners. On 1st April, 2018, their Capitals stood as: Amal ₹
40,000, Bimal ₹ 30,000 and Kamal ₹ 25,000. It was decided that:

(a) they would receive interest on Capital @ 5% p.a.,

(b) Amal would get a salary of ₹ 250 per month,

(c) Bimal would receive commission @ 4% on net profit after deducting commission, interest on
capital and salary, and

(d) After deducting all of these 10% of the profit should be transferred to the General Reserve.

Before the above items were taken into account, net profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019
was ₹ 33,360. Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and the Capital Accounts of the


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest: Profit and Loss A/c 33,360
Amal 2,000 (Net Profit)
Bimal 1,500
Kamal 1,250 4,750
Amal Salary(250 × 12) 3,000
Commission to Bimal 985
General Reserve 2,462
Profit transferred to:
Amal’s Capital A/c 7,388
Bimal’s Capital A/c 7,388
Kamal’s Capital A/c 7,387 22,163
33,360 33,360
Partners’ Capital Accounts
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amal Bimal Kamal Particulars Amal Bimal Kamal
Balance b/d 40,000 30,000 25,000
Capital Interest A/c 2,000 1,500 1,250
Salary A/c 3,000 – –
Commission – 985 –
Balance c/d 52,388 39,873 33,637 P/L Appropriation A/c 7,388 7,388 7,387
52,388 39,873 33,637 52,388 39,873 33,637

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Amal’s Capital Interest = 40,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 2,000

Bimal’s Capital Interest = 30,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 1,500

Kamal’s Capital Interest = 25,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 1,250

Working Notes 2 : Bimal Commission Evaluation

Bimal Commission = 4% on Net Profits after Commission

Profit after expenses = ₹ 33,360 − ₹ 4,750 − ₹ 3,000 = ₹ 25,610

Bimal Commission = Profit after Expenses X Rate/100+Rate

Therefore, = 25,610 X 4/104 = ₹ 985

Working Notes 3 : Amount to be transferred to General Reserve Evaluation

General Reserve Amount = 10% of Profit

= (33,360 – 4,750 – 3,000 – 985) x 10/100

= 24,625 X 10/100 = ₹ 2,462

Working Notes 3 : Partners’ Profit Share Evaluation

Available Profit for Distribution = ₹ 33,360 − ₹ 4,750 − ₹ 3,000− ₹ 985 − ₹ 2,462

= ₹ 22,163

Profit Share for each Partners’ Amal, Bimal, and Kamal = 22,163 X 1/3 = ₹ 7,388

Question 53

Amit, Binita and Charu are three partners. On 1st April, 2018, their Capitals stood as: Amit ₹
1,00,000, Binita ₹ 2,00,000 and Charu ₹ 3,00,000. It was decided that:

(a) they would receive interest on Capital @ 5% p.a.,

(b) Amit would get a salary of ₹ 10,000 per month,

(c) Binita would receive commission @ 5% of net profit after deduction of commission, and

(d) 10% of the net profit would be transferred to the General Reserve.

Before the above items were taken into account, the profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019
was ₹ 5,00,000.
Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and the Capital Accounts of the partners.


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on 31st March, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Interest on Capital: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 5,00,000
Amit 5,000
Binita 10,000
Charu 15,000 30,000
Salary to Amit (10,000 × 12) 1,20,000
Commission to Binita 23,810
General Reserve 50,000
Profit transferred to:
Amit’s Capital A/c 92,063
Binita’s Capital A/c 92,063
Charu’s Capital A/c 92,064 2,76,190
33,360 33,360
Partners’ Capital Accounts
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amit Binita Charu Particulars Amit Binita Charu
Balance b/d 1,00,000 2,00,000 3,00,000
Interest on
5,000 10,000 15,000
Capital A/c
Salary A/c 1,20,000 – –
Commission – 23,810 –
P/L Appropriation
Balance c/d 3,17,063 3,25,873 4,07,064 92,063 92,063 92,064
3,17,063 3,25,873 4,07,064 3,17,063 3,25,873 4,07,064

Working Notes 1 : Capital Interest Evaluation

Amit Interest = 1,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 5,000

Binita Interest = 2,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 10,000

Charu Interest = 3,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 15,000

Working Notes 2 : Binita Commission Evaluation

Binita Commission = Net Profit X Rate/100+Rate

= 5,00,000 X 5/105 = ₹ 23,810

Working Notes 3 : Amount to be transferred to General Reserve Evaluation

Amount for General Reserve = 10% of Profit

= 5,00,000 X 10100 = ₹ 50,000

Working Notes 4 : Partners’ Profit Share Evaluation

Available Profit for Distribution = ₹ 5,00,000 – ₹ 30,000 – ₹ 1,20,000 – ₹ 23,810 – ₹ 50,000

= ₹ 2,76,190

Profit share of each of the partners = 2,76,190 X 1/3 = ₹ 92, 063

Question 54

Anita, Bimla and Cherry are three partners. On 1st April, 2018, their Capitals stood as: Anita ₹
1,00,000, Bimla ₹ 2,00,000 and Cherry ₹ 3,00,000. It was decided that:

(a) they would receive interest on Capital @ 5% p.a.,

(b) Anita would get a salary of ₹ 5,000 per month,

(c) Bimla would receive commission @ 5% of net profit after deduction of commission, and

(d) 10% of the net divisible profit would be transferred to the General Reserve.

Before the above items were taken into account, the profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019
was ₹ 5,00,000. Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and the Capital Accounts of the


Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c as on March 31, 2019

Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Capital Interest: Profit and Loss A/c (Net Profit) 5,00,000
Anita 5,000
Bimla 10,000
Cherry 15,000 30,000
Anita Salary (5,000 × 12) 60,000
Commission to Bimla 23,810
General Reserve 38,619
Profit transferred to:
Anita’s Capital A/c 1,15,857
Bimla’s Capital A/c 1,15,857
Cherry’s Capital A/c 1,15,857 3,47,571
5,00,000 5,00,000
Partners’ Capital Accounts
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Anita Bimla Cherry Particulars Anita Bimla Cherry
Balance b/d 1,00,000 2,00,000 3,00,000
Interest on Capital A/c 5,000 10,000 15,000
Salary A/c 60,000 – –
Commission – 23,810 –
Balance c/d 2,80,857 3,49,667 4,30,857 P/L Appropriation A/c 1,15,857 1,15,857 1,15,857
2,80,857 3,49,667 4,30,857 2,80,857 3,49,667 4,30,857

Working Notes 1: Capital Interest Evaluation

Anita’s Interest = 1,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 5,000

Bimal’s Interest = 2,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 10,000

Cherry’s Interest = 3,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 15,000

Working Notes 2 : Bimal Commission Evaluation

Bimla Commission = Net Profit X Rate/100+Rate

= 5,00,000 X 5/100 = ₹ 23,810

Working Notes 3 : Amount to be transferred to General Reserve Evaluation

Amount for General Reserve = 10% of Divisible Profit

=3,86,190 X 10/100 = ₹ 38,619

Divisible Profit = ₹ 5,00,000 – ₹ 30,000 – ₹ 23,810 – ₹ 60,000 = ₹ 3,86,190

Working Notes 4 : Partners’ Profit Share Evaluation

Profit available for Distribution = ₹ 5,00,000 –₹ 30,000 – ₹ 60,000 – ₹ 23,810 – ₹ 38,619

= ₹ 3,47,571

Profit share of each partner’s = 3,47,571 X 1/3 = ₹ 1,15,857

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