Winchester Model 61

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70 TfJK£ DOWN f1/~/ SLIDE fiCTION -----4

~--7{)-7i-71f(£OOWN STOCJf-tiUI1f?l) ~!fouPRfOJv/ BAR/fEL-

/fECElV£P Cf(ou,o- .TA!.(£!X?wtl5CIf&/.



Fig. 1,. 2, J
To Remove Guard-5tock Group from Barrel-Receiver Group
Hold the gun, by the barrel vU.h t.op of receiver upward in a suitable
vise with protected j sws. With a saitabls screwdriver, loosen the talcedovn
screw, at rear ot the lett side of the receiver, by taming it counter-
Pull IIcrew out of aide ot receiver as far ss it will go, and hold it
out with the left ham. ldtb the right hand pull guard group rearward frOIl
the receiver.
~e: In met of the following operations, it is suggested that the
- gun be held by the barrel, in a suitable ville having protected


.70 71/1(£ DOWN 11~1, J../f!Jv1MERL£55 SLIDE t1CT/O/l/-

PR't'ING -BOLT UB-YA,e&J 7l) .

Get lJJG oUT (F OJ~ SLOT IN .fU%

F~. 4. 41.. S
To Remove Bolt fro. Receiver

vi•• with protected j.....

Hold groBp by the barrel, inverted 1n 8 aui t.ble
Slide the bolt to re.r of rec.iTer. by lllOena

tool, gwDtl,y pry bolt forward end upward .0

of the action slid. lock handle. With a Buitable screwdriver or other
th.t the cem lug co.... out of
the in:lined CUI eDt in the .ctlon .lide har. C1r••p holt vi th thUlllb end
rore!1ngwr and .lide it b.cleverd out of receiver.

Fig. 6

To Remove Inner Magazine Tube

Turn i1UlOr magazine tllbe by ""'ana of kmrled from. end ao that lock1~ pin
ia freed from retaining notch in tube and withdraw tube from out.aide tube
lengthwiee tuward muzzle.

7V TllKEDOWN INNER I'1RGi1Zlrv£ 72J8~~-.
II' :1/i'l _


.- --- "'::::;":::::::-'::~.7 _


Fig. 7, 8
To Take Down I"..r Mlglzine Tube

·Hold the tube on two lead block. with • ...,. hand holding a auitable
drift and drive out the rregazlne plug pin using 8 suitable hamer. Re-
move magazine plug from end of tube. The magazi", epring with the megazine
follower in the lnl'»lr end may be resdlly removed. TLe follover may be
removed from spring, i! necesssry.

71J 7llKE DOWN M 0/ HI1t1MEFfL£55, sLJo£ /lCT10tl-
77J f?El10V£ MlltflJ?/II£ If/II& PIt{ FR.OM Mflt;, R/A4~~=-::EJ-=-=;4IT=-- --+
oUT1£"R MI1(j
FiG '1 J lUBE·

Fig •. 9, 10

To IlembYe Magezine Rill: Pin froM Rear Magazine Ring

lleMove Magazine ring pin frOJll rear magazine ring by driving it froM
~tt to right out of ring, ""ing e auitable drift and hamner.

77J 7l!/(E DOWN M 6/ H4Jv111£RLES5,5LJD£ IlCTJON-

Fig. 11, 12

To Remove Outer MagarlIE Tube from Gun

Draw tube toward muzzle, from its seat in cartridge cut-off retainer,
in trod end of receiver, and forward off the barrel through the front
and rear magaZine rings.
7D l11fl£ DOriN 11/01 H4t1M£RLESS ,_~!![)£ IlCiJOw
__- ----.1
70 f1E/10V£ !1CTJOJl 5L!O£ CiIfOUP-
------C7G/3_ !3ARRcL
__ HANOLE-flg/Otl ff./O£ 8I!R ~~~~r'
I7C770/i 5LII:)£ __>..; .
.~£IVEIf ~-' - - ,..... .

Fig. 13, 14, 15, 16

To Remove the Action Slide Group

Held the gun inverted, by the barrel, in a auitable viae with pre-
tected jawa. Graap action alide handle with left ham. Meve the slide.
wlq forward and roll 1 t orf the barrel 80 that action slide bar comes
out from the slot 1n the receiver toward the rlgh t.

7D 7fl/(EDOWN H/~/ I-1I1MME'R.LES5 SLIDE 4CT7oN-

1'1g. 17, 16
To RemoYe Rendle trom Action Slide

Bold .lide bar ••••mbly iDl'erted, b7 the .ction .lide bar, in a

.citable nae with protected jaw•• With a .uit.ble .crewdriver re..,..e
the two .etion .lide hondb 'erev' b7 tnrn1~ tbell eoUDter-clockv1•••
Be oaret'w. DOt to 1088 .crevs or esoutcheoD8 or aar hMldle.

TO 7111(£ lJOrlNI1/01 HI1t1t1cRLEss,SLlD£ I1CT!ON-
7D /f£l10V£ flflt/DLE FIiVMlfmOI'/SLIDE 5LfEVE/;L.
17-42 4. f?CT!ON5LIDE SLEEVE ffl()v{ BII
i _ £l0/.L2J:LjJ.JPE.
, jUEV/£
,./ fff!NI/L_OdAC1JQd fLIP£


rna 70
4cT/OH.5LJ/?E 5L£.£Y£
f11lG. 7lJl3E: ~::;;,.,~~
I-IER£ .-

.et.I5fJRANCE./ZlR.I3fJLJ _g,Q;o..ti..}L/l1£:.
.4CTJOtLiLJP, . _.E&':..

Fig. 19. 20, 21

Hold .lide bllI" in vise horl.zontsl17 .ad pnll the h.adle t%'01ll the
sleeve. Remove action eUde bar f:rom action slide bar sleeve.

7V fl55£MBLE M ~I HflMtt1£RLE55 SLIDE !1CT/ON- J

70 I!$SEMBL£ ~/ON 5L1DE HANf)L£, 5L££V£& flC7/011

Elu- '71 I'1CTIOt!.. .j"IDE. SLJDE BAFf-
__ ._S/2£


Fig. 174,17" 176

To Add Action Slid. Bar to Action Sl.en

PlIIce action slide bAr on 8ction slide sleeve and place the em of
a1ift bar with ..,.,t mill cuts in protacted j • • ot 'ris.. 1Io1d slsen on
bar lett hurl ond slide handle ollto slsen with right hondo



Fig. 177. 176

L1no up .orew bole. in alono and bandle Tiouall,y. inaert. .0...... • ad

turn them home clockV1lSe into eSCQtcheoDl.

71J flS5t=!18LE M 6/, J.II1I1f1£ 'LE5S SLIDe: 4CT/Otl-
-m I7S$E:t1BL£ 1lC!70N5LIOE HHNOLEI755£M8LY 70
q6/U R£CEIVE/T&88L-

Fig. 179, 180, 181, 182

To Add Action Slide Bandle Aeaemb17 to Rece1vsr--Barrel Aaaemb17

1m.rt reor end of action aU<je ber in open1~ in front left aide of
1.....rted rece1... r beld b:r barrel. Rocle h..dle OTCr to aeat on barrel aa 1t
1a a1nllll!: in, parallel vi th barrel.


70 flSSEMBLE fIl/fJl HfiMMERLE$.5 5L1P..£ flCTlON-

R1 18.C
_ ...tWo _


Fig. 183, 184, 185, 186

To Add MagaziDe llI.~a to Ban-el

With bar....l hold i""arted in a Tieo i ......t the .... ar IUgaziDe ring
(the ri~ hn1~ • pin hole) int.o the circular dontoll in b .......l. Ua1Dc.
ehort rod approx1llllltaly 5 - 5-1/4" lo~ which 10 a eUding fit in hole in
ring, lIB a han:!le, with fi'Vora on rod""meI thWlbe at ri~ tarn ri~ ho...
clockvi8e to seat OD barrel.
The tect that rod is a sUdi~ fit io ri'V en:! projecto eqaallT 00
eech oido of ring p....Tent. dlotortioo of holo io ring.

10 oil1l1lar mOIlDBr i ....rt froD; I118ga.iDe ri'V.


70 1I.55EMBL£ n!bJ;f..I411t1ERL£55 SLIDE /JCf70tl-

Fig. 187. 188

To Add MagazlDll Tobe to Barrel-Recel.vor A.....bly

IIold barrel lnverted ln vi.e with proteoted jove. Gr.op ooter
tube BId slide it throagh :front. and rear magazine rings, through action
sllde sleeve am 111;0 cartridge cut...,!! ret.81lJlr ln recelver. The plain
em o! tabe enters !int.

70 f15.5EJv1BLE!1 0/, HAMMERLEss, sLIDE fJCTJON-
70 fJ/}f) OUTER I1fltiflZINE lUBE 70 Bf1RR£L-!f£CDVEf?

-HIlBU.lHE._ :n.lBE:..

Fig. 189, 190

L1no up notch on side ot t.ube next. to barrel T1eually wit.h pin hols
in rear magazine ring. Insert. _gazine ring pin in ring ao:l dri... it.
homa with a suitable dr1!t and haueer. 'lhe tube, ring., barrel, action
sUde ele""" and reeeiTer are t.hWl held in aUgment..

To 115SEMBL£/1/f>/"Hlit1NEfi'LE55 SLIDE flcT/o//-

_ _J.ll>'M",,'N,t=.8....MfI64 ~J!:jE:...:.=wac.~

pu.,J- Flt/~
LaacttJ OilrEIf:-Ht9..&--.JYlJE..

·.s:HRWi!iif..:f£CTloH t1T PH

Fig. 191, 192, 193

To Ase.ble I.-r Mog.,1D1l Tube

IlISert Il&gas1ne tollover in encl or mg••1m spri~. Slide mg••1na

.pr1~, tollover encl first into em ot inner l!IlgautlO tot>e. Pre••
Il&ga.itlO plug into plain em ot tot>e ancl line up holes in plug and tot>e.
Hold plug end on lood blouk, burt ... go.1m plug pin .m drive it in
..naSh with ODlt side oJJlJr or tube.

~-70-A--=-'!JD/NNERHM/IZ/NE. WBE f-lS5£11BLY-

l"1g. 194, 19S

Insert folloWllr elll! or 1DDBr "S801ne tube iD froDt em of outer
DIlS8.1ne tube. Slide tube 1D toword reoeher aUll look p1D 1s 1D 1001<1,.
DOtch of outer DIOS8.1.. tube. TIU'Il t1i>e olookrlae how front end
to look 1t 111 pleoe.

0------- --------------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - ----------

~__/~:f!&.~~1:-IT _~I.J!.YATf>.J'X
I'-_--&J'!'" ~ .j/GH-T __,

Pig. 196. 197. 196

To Add Reor S1ght

With borrel held 1n nee with rece1Ter cprl@llt. stort reor s1@llt
doTtlto11 1nto the d"""toll 1n borrel w1th po1nted end or eight roc1~
IIlllIZle. Ue1~ 0 suitoble bross rod ond hllllllllsr, top s1ght rroll right to
lett l1Iltll 1t 10 centrol w1th bOrTel.
WIle n oight 1s properly leeated, grasp elevator w1th 1'1 ~ere or one
hand and 11 Mng notched end or s1@llt with eithsr band, sl1de tbe elevator

Yor10,," he1 ghta or aeat 1n elevator

elevator longitudi..lly on borrol.
dcwn 1nto the a1ght bmeath the bottoll edge or the notched section. The
be coed to adj cst s1ght by- l8OT1ng

TO fl55£I1BL£ n
6/, Hf1MI1Efi'LE55 SLIDE f7(T/ON-

~. 199
To Add Fro ot Sight

Start dovotsl.l or sigjlt in dovets1l on top or ban-ol rrom ri&l>t to

lett. Usiqj; I suitlble brass rod In:! ha"",or drive sight ioto ban-el dovI-
ts1l until it il contrll with borrel.

, .
70 f15SD1BLE 11/0/> HIlI1MEf\LESS,SL/l£f1CT/OIY-
7l) 170Dff55P'1BL~D /3fJLT 7V IISSEMBLED/fEC£JVEff-
. -----.. " ......E#2CQ.

/3OLT ;5LIO£ B4lC1( SV WAT
om LUG ENrc/f5 C'/J!-f Ji4T
, --.//1 /1m or{ .5L/f/E: MR. IN ~m1
. Pa5morl·
~ _@t. ._-::f2/PL-
, "~",,, l1CT/orl ,5L.!17E..t5!he
~~'~ J/AIIpL£ .Bt'fCl( &_
flJeTIl 7l'J 7c5T
. I'iJllqlodJdf.
/lCTlSJI/ :fUOE: !3.4/f- i

. _C"..4.d Likf

Fig. 200, 201, 202

To Add Bolt to Receiver

Hold receiver inverted with aotion !Slide bar in rear position. Grasp
bolt in f1~era of hanet and elide it iDto rear or receiver, compressing the
bolt retaining epriQl, aDd hav1Ql the Cllll lug on len _ide of bolt enter
grOOTe from Tear en:! ot receiver atd elide along on top of action slide bar
Slide bolt forward until cam lug hae pa_.ed cem in action _Ude bar. Slide
bolt back 80 lug goes down in cem aDd bolt i_ controlled by _ction elida
bar. The bolt will be he ld down in receiver by the bolt reta1Il1ng _pring
and engage atop cnte in recelTer under lo~ltad1nal travel ot action elide
bar. Move action _lide b_ck end forth to teet ru..,tioniQl of bolt.

70 fl55£M8L £ 11 '6/~ H!lt1f1EffLE55~5L;OE llQ"/ol'!-
7{) f/55£1r1BL£ f34RREL-RECE/V£F( cq/WLiP TO GUIl/fo- ;
771ffE /XJWr'-s:e, sm:;K qRJLlP-

" S~

~ ..

• f \'-........ - -

I , -.:J71'CI(_.~

Fig. 203, 204, 20S

To Assemble Guard-Stook Group to Receiver-Barrel Group

Place receher-bsrrel group in a suitable viae 1dth recdver top up-

vari. Grasp guard-atock group 1dth haD:! aD:! pull takecbyn sCreY yay out
to lett or guard. Insert guard in receiver an:! 11ne up takedovn screw 1dth
its aeat in lett aide of receiver. Push sCreY into the aeat an:! tarn it
clock1dse llIrt;1l it 10 tilll>t in seat. A screwdriver mq be 118ld to tighten
it atill further.


~c ::-:------:_-,

JAREDONfII&f153E&B1Y f1/~~ H4Jvff1£8.Lf.5.S...-AfY/b~-

1- 4CT/Of,/ 5LioE. LOU( BINOS ,
/- C-flECI( /lLJ&NrlENT (IFJ31lf( •
Z- CI-IEC/f /XlLT ~f? FRCE.lJOI1 OF /-10V£f1ENT.

f----------.--- _.. -.----. -. - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j

/-CI-·IEO( CUT or=r=;

---- - -. -. .----- -.. --- ----..----- ---------------------1


2- CI-/EI7J( I-I£/U? .H'IlCE:. .
.3 - 0-1eCI-( FMfl riC; PN rolf mec:. tJo'1 OF fo1O VJD-1E:t--Ir,

J-----,-----,----- --------- -----.-- -- -- ---------_.---------..----------.----.-._.-----

4- LOJ<lE/f i~JtT.f:.",4C;T0.e.J PROP,f .fUEJ...L •
1- Ct-Il£'c;-r r
I£XTR;4Co o lf SP17/H&•
. .I ' IJ ,f

z- CHECJ( £:<TR/lqoR ff7R P/?yPE!i' al/l=- ON flE.41J tJP~J-1E:LL

J .. /fE:1100E:. 13UJr!f5 !'7i'OYJ .fflELL CHA;.,NEL '

,5=!JPPEIf qlf14CJl7If, IJROP$ SJ-I£LL •

/- CHEq- E.Y{jf/lCfOIf PLUH&£/f' pAlo .JPlflt--ltj
Zoo CHic/( £'/TjfIJC(o/f .'VI\" P/fOPE"f !J3'Tl£. 'OiJ !-ItIlP ff5i1l!/.J

- -----.----------1
~- 07RT/'i?I06E5 F.4IL ~ FEEZ7 ~ Hfl6/.1<?IHE...
/- CflECt( CIlf7IfIPG£ curOFF m/fPIWR:/f.4f/Uflrte ;.rr.

1 - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
7- mlL.i 70 .If)EC;' .
1- ClEOr 'fjEqOR FOIf' F/fEP: P0!f OF '10v'EI1EJ-JTt
2- OlEO( .t:)EcjDlf .;'Pffl'*fl

iBKE...iJOJI{.N0 -"'5::Ster,
dl:f. rVlBLv u//j•• "",o/l>''-'1u"55
I 1'1/"' I JJ117fLifJ:'O I - ~L}£J,'E .
-_" flCTKN.
SERYICE.N0TE!5.- ----- - .--.- -------. ------
8- Tl?IGG£R LfJc..K13IA//?$,

I----~-----_._---- -- ----_....-.- - - . . . --_. ---- .. ---

1- flQ70Jl silo£' 8INO.J 0;/ f1flG4rINE-. .
/- Cl-/£CJ( PCT!otl.5UO£' IVI( 511f4/GI-/TNESS,
?-OIECIf /VlflGflZ/HE. FbI? .5TtrflIGI-ITNES5.

I-----~.~-----_. ...---.----.. ~-.-- ..-- .. --.. --. .--- ....--.-.

10- LIGHT gLow OFRIfII'/q- Plr!·
1- Q-/ECI( flEIJ//.5P.4C£.. ,
?- OlEO( ElVpOr r/IfIHq PIH,

I-----~---- -_.- ---- --....-- ..._.-- ..--. --.---------------1

,....- /,,,,~ liT< O. C;; O~ .......1


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