MGT 2090 - Course Outline

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MGT2090 – Work-Term Project

Fall 2021

Instructor: Brian D. Leader, FCPA, FCA

Email: [email protected]

Course Objectives:

MGT2090 is designed to help prepare you for success in your MMPA work terms and in your professional career
goals, particularly in the attainment your Canadian CPA designation.

• The MMPA Leadership Development Program provides an understanding of the values

and beliefs, attitudes, skills, knowledge and experience that define an MMPA Leader.
Where relevant, your attention will be drawn to how and when the course covers:
➢ What an MMPA Leader does
➢ MMPA Leadership Values
➢ MMPA Leadership Competencies
For a full discussion of the MMPA Leadership Development Program, refer to
MMPA Leadership Development Program.

• Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory and its practical implications for
development of MMPA student intelligences. The MMPA Program and, MGT1090 in
particular, is designed to develop your technical and enabling competencies to those of an
entry-level professional through a combination of educational and experiential learning
opportunities. The experiential learning opportunities that you are exposed to during your
work terms enhance your educational learning and vice versa. It is up to you to take full
advantage of both.

• CPA Competency Map lays the foundation for the CPA certification program, including education,
accreditation, examinations, and practical experience requirements, and describes the knowledge, skills
and proficiency levels you must achieve to become a Canadian CPA. MGT1090 focuses mainly on the
enabling competencies related to the work environment and success in your work-terms and will include
presentations by the Placement Team, CPA Ontario staff, and MMPA alumni. Emerging issues, for
example: artificial intelligence and big data analytics and their impact on the CPA Profession, will also
be covered as needed to help prepare you for success in your professional careers.

Master of Management & Professional Accounting Program - University of Toronto Mississauga
All Rights Reserved – Copyright ©2021
Course Materials:
All course materials referred to in this course are available online, free-of-charge, including such things as the
CPA Competency Map, The Common Final Examination Report and CPA Ontario videos related to practical
experience requirements, the registration process and the CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP).

This is a credit/no credit course. See Course Requirements below for details.

Instructional Approach:
All scheduled classes will be synchronous. Please enable you video cameras during these sessions.

Hybrid Course Delivery:

As we continue to comply with the social distancing measures required by the provincial State of Emergency, the
MMPA Program will continue to offer online fall classes.

Here are some helpful tips and resources:

• Tech Requirements for Online Learning.

• UTM Library Learn Anywhere Resource website.
• The Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) is the latest network service located in the People’s
Republic of China which will allow for a fast, reliable and consistent connection to U of T’s network and
in turn its online learning resources such as Quercus, Collaborate Ultra and more.
• For Zoom lectures and meetings: students should register for a UTM Zoom account using their UTORid
and password. (Web Portal Login: Students are required to use their video
cameras during classes as indicated above.

Student Resources:
We encourage students to visit the Student Service Virtual Program to learn about a range of virtual support
programming available across campus including: Accessibility Service, Career Centre, Health & Counselling
Center, International Education Centre, Student Housing & Residence and more.

Assignments, Tests & Exams Submission:

Successful completion of the course requires the following:
- Paid co-op work-term placement (between 3 and 4 months in duration); and
- Submission of the Work-term project.

The work-term placement will allow you to utilize and augment the in-class education received to date in a
practical way and to bring your work experiences back into the classroom upon completion of the work term, thus
strengthening the learning environment.
Please note the following:
1. You cannot graduate without completing your Work-term project.
2. You must submit your work-term project on the day of the 2090F as shown in your summer schedule,
which is typically during the second week of May after completion of your co-op work-term.
3. There are a number of events scheduled throughout your MMPA to help prepare you for the world of
work including networking sessions with prospective employers and alumni, resume writing and mock
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interviews, panel discussions and guest speakers and an annual conference (see Listing of Events below
for details). You are expected to attend and attendance will be taken.

Assignment Submission:

The purpose of your work-term project is to ensure that all MMPA students reflect and build upon their academic
studies while facing the practical reality of client/employer service and the expectations of their client/employer
and their profession. Work-term projects facilitate the integration of academic and practical learning to the
benefit of both. This take-home project is due in the second week of classes after the work term. The specific
date will be indicated in your Summer Schedule as 2090F. Your work-term project should be 4-to-5 pages in
length using 1.5 line spacing. It should specifically include:

1. a brief job description (i.e., different types of work you were engaged in);
2. reflective thought on the most important thing(s) you learned, particularly those that contributed most
to your development as a CPA and as an individual;
3. how well the MMPA program helped prepare you for the job; and
4. any suggestions on how the MMPA program might be improved to better prepare students for future
work terms.

Work-term projects must be submitted as an assignment though Quercus. Hard copy submissions will not be
accepted. Unfortunately, due to the current circumstances, we will not be able to accommodate any student
requests in regard to this matter.
Note: There are no tests or exams in this course and there is no grade associated with your work-term project
submission. It is simply marked as complete/incomplete. However, I do read them all so, please put some
thought into your report on the most important things that you learned and suggestions for program
improvement. Completion of your work-term project(s) and the minimum number of work weeks are required
in order to graduate.
Plagiarism Detection Tool: Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to the University’s
plagiarism detection tool for a review of textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so,
students will allow their essays to be included as source documents in the tool’s reference database, where they
will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University’s use of this
tool are described on the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation web site (

Late submissions: Assignments, quizzes, tests and examinations must be submitted by the due date and time.
Late submissions will be penalized. Please consider the fact that it may take a few minutes to upload your work.

Tests and examinations: All students must sign the MMPA Online Exam Integrity Protocol prior to each test or
examination. These must be uploaded to Quercus.

Any modifications to the course will be announced and explained in class.

In-Class and Online Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity represents a set of morals relating to honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and
courage in our learning environment.

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Students should note that cheating, plagiarizing, and usage of unauthorized electronic devices are considered
academic offences and will not be tolerated.

Moving to remote learning and online courses, students are expected to adhere to the Code of Behaviour on
Academic Matters regardless of the course delivery method. Students should maintain the same academic honesty
and integrity that they would in a classroom setting. Potential academic offences in a digital context include, but
are not limited to:

• Accessing unauthorized resources (search engines, chat rooms, Reddit, etc.) for assessments.
• Using technological aids (e.g., software) beyond what is listed as permitted in an assessment.
• Posting test, essay, or exam questions to message boards or social media.
• Creating, accessing, and sharing assessment questions and answers in virtual “course groups.”
• Working collaboratively, in-person or online, with others on assessments that are expected to be
completed individually.

All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated following procedures outlined in the Code of
Behaviour on Academic Matters. If you have questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate academic
behaviour or appropriate research and citation methods, you are expected to seek out additional information on
academic integrity from your instructor or from other institutional resources.

Timeline for Reassessment of Term Work:

Students have eight weeks from the date that term work, e.g., midterm test, project etc., are returned to them to
discuss and request a reassessment of the assigned grade with the instructor. This is the timeline for informal
appeals listed in the School of Graduate Studies calendar. Requests made after eight weeks from the date the
original work was returned to the students will not normally be considered.

Course Schedule:
Most classes will have asynchronous and synchronous components. Where possible, specific dates, times and
locations for each of the following sessions will be set out in your Summer/Fall timetable. Events where details
are yet to be finalized will be indicated as TBD (To Be Determined) and you will be informed well in advance via
e-mail. Note: Attendance will be taken for all of the following mandatory events:

1. 24/12M Orientation Session – Sept 7/21.

2. Get Hired! Boot Camp Work-Shop Series Online (Accessed via Quercus).
3. Annual MMPA Conference (Fall).
4. Career Day and Office Visits – Big Four Firms (Summer).
5. Prospective Employer Information Sessions – Learn about the various sizes and types of employers,
including the Big Four Accounting Firms, Big Banks, medium-sized organizations and small-sized
employers (Summer & Fall).
6. Panel Discussions – Learn more about the various work environments (Summer).
7. Resume Writing, In-Person/Virtual Mock Interviews – Be your best for the real thing (Summer & Fall)

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