RA No. 11590 - An Act Taxing Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations, Amending The Tax Code, As Amended
RA No. 11590 - An Act Taxing Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations, Amending The Tax Code, As Amended
RA No. 11590 - An Act Taxing Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations, Amending The Tax Code, As Amended
S. No. 2232
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E x c h a n g e Commission, t h e P h i l i p p i n e
in the Philippines, regardless of term and class
Amusement and Gaming Corporation, and any
of working or employment permit or visa, by a n
special economic zone authority, tourism zone
offshore gaming licensee or its service provider
authority, freeport authority, as provided for
as defined in Section 22(11) and Section 27(G)
in their respective charters, shall issue joint and
of this Code, shall pay a final withholding tax of
consolidated rules and regulations, including the
twenty-five percent (25%) on their gross income
issuance of a gaming employment license by the
a s computed in t h e succeeding p a r a g r a p h :
concerned agency, for the implementation of
Provided, however, That the minimum final
free and efficient exchange of information among
withholding tax due for any taxable month from
the s a i d agencies in relation t o t h e p r o p e r
s id persons shall not be lower than Twelve
payment of taxes by persons covered under this
thousand five hundred pesos (P12,500.00).
Section. For this purpose, the data sharing and
reporting system as well as the joint inspection
“In computing the tax provided in this team created under Joint Memorandum Circular
Section, gross income shall include, whether in No. 1, Series of 2019, entitled, 'Rules a n d
cash or in kind, basic salary/wages, annuities, Procedures Governing Foreign Nationals
compensation, remuneration and other Intending to Work in the Philippines’ shall be
emoluments, such as honoraria and allowances, institutionalized.
received from such service provider or offshore
gaming licensee: Provided, That all offshore
“All foreign employees of offshore gaming
gaming licensees and service providers shall
licensees and their service providers, regardless
submit to the Bureau of Internal Revenue the
of nature of employment, shall have a tax
original copy of n o t a r i z e d c o n t r a c t of
identification number. All offshore gaming
employment clearly stating therein the annual
licensees and service providers that employ or
salary and other benefits and entitlements of
engage a foreign national without the foregoing
the concerned alien.
shall be liable for a fine of Twenty thousand
pesos (P20, 000.00) for every foreign national
“The tax imposed herein shall be withheld without such tax identification number and, in
and remitted in accordance with the provision proper instances, revocation of their primary
of this Code and failure to do so shall be governed and other licenses obtained from government
by this Code. In addition, the alien concerned agencies and/or perpetual or temporary ban in
may be subject to deportation and may be barred employing or engaging foreign nationals for
from reentering the Philippines, or blacklisted their operations: Provided, That the foreign
as a foreign employee by the Department of national concerned shall still pay, and the
Labor and Employment, Bureau of Immigration, employer shall remit, any corresponding taxes,
and other relevant agencies. penalties, interests, and surcharges due in
accordance with this Code.
“For the efficient assessment, verification,
and administration of taxes imposed in this “Any income earned from all other sources
S e c t i o n , the B u r e a u of I m m i g r a t i o n , the within the Philippines by the alien employee
Department of Labor and Employment, the referred to u n d e r this Subsection shall be
Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Securities and
SEC. 4. Section 27 of the National Internal Revenue Code “For purposes of this Section, an accredited
of 1997, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as service provider to an offshore gaming licensee
follows: (‘service provider’) shall be a juridical person that
is duly created or organized within or outside the
“Sec. 27. Rates of Income Tax on Domestic Philippines or a natural person, regardless of
Corporations, - citizenship or residence, which provides ancillary
services to an offshore gaming licensee as defined
“(A) x x x by Section 22(11) of this Code or to any gaming
licensee or operator with licenses from other
“(B) x x x jurisdictions. Such ancillary services may include,
but shall not be limited to, customer and technical
relations and support, information technology,
“(C) x x x
gaming software, d a t a provision, payment
solutions, and live studio and streaming services.”
“(D) x x x
SEC. 5. Section 28 of the National Internal Revenue Code
“(E) x x x of 1997, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as
“(F) Offshore Gaming Licensees, — The
provisions of existing special or general laws to “Sec. 28. Rates of Income Tax on Foreign
the contrary notwithstanding, the non- gaming Corporations, -
revenues of Philippine-based offshore gaming
licensees as duly licensed by the Philippine “(A) Tax on Resident Foreign
Amusement and Gaming Corporation or any Corporations. -
special economic zone authority or tourism zone
authority or freeport authority shall be subject “(1) x x x
to an income tax equivalent to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the taxable income derived “X X X
during each taxable year from all sources within
and without the Philippines.
“(7) Offshore Gaming Licensees. - The
provisions of existing special or general laws to
“(G) Accredited Service Providers t o the contrary notwithstanding, the non-gaming
Offshore Gaming Licensees, - Unless otherwise revenues derived within the Philippines of
p r o v i d e d in this Code, a c c r e d i t e d s e r v i c e foreign-based offshore gaming licensees as
providers to offshore gaming licensees shall not
defined and duly licensed by the Philippine
be subject to the gaming tax imposed by Section
Amusement and Gaming Corporation or any
125-A but shall pay such rate of tax as imposed
8 9
s u b m i t a r e p o r t t o Congress, c o n t a i n i n g all p e r t i n e n t
information, including but not limited to, reports by the This Act was passed by the House of Representatives
third-party auditors and collection performance data of all as House Bill No. 5777 on February 8, 2021, passed by the
offshore gaming licensees, for review of the same for possible Senate of the Philippines as Senate Bill No. 2232 on June 2,
adjustment of rates or any other matter pertinent to the 2021, and adopted by the House of Representatives as an
amendment to House Bill No. 5777 on
taxation of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations.
SEC. 11. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - Within
ninety (90) days after the effectivity of this Act, the Secretary
of F i n a n c e s h a l l , u p o n t h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n of t h e
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, promulgate the necessary MYRA MARIE D. VILLAR1CA Mark Lu .Mendoza
Secretary of the Senate ry Gfyeral
rules Ind regulations for its implementation.
bf Represent tatives
SEC. 12. Separability Clause. - If any provision of this
Act shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, the other
provisions not otherwise affected shall remain in full force Approved: S E P 2 2 2021
and effect.
SEC. 13. Repealing C l a u s e . - All l a w s , d e c r e e s ,
executive orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof,
including Republic Act No. 9487, otherwise known as “PAGCOR
Charter”, Section 12(f) of Republic Act No. 9490 as amended RODRIGO ROADUTERTE
by Republic Act No. 10083, otherwise known as the "Aurora President of the Philippines
Special Economic Zone Act of 2007”, and Republic Act No.
11494, otherwise known as the “Bayanihan to Recover As
One Act”, which are contrary to or inconsistent with this Act o
are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
SEC. 14. Effectivity. - T h i s Act s h a l l t a k e effect
fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette REPUBLIC OF the PHILIPPINES
or in a newspaper of general circulation. PRRD 2016 - 018689
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