Reflection Essay 3

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Alexandra Rodriguez

English 1301

Loren Higbee

12 November 2021

Reflection Essay #3

Throughout the writing process of creating essay three, there were a few obstacles I

encountered along the way. A few of those included having writer’s block, not knowing what

more to add to my paper, and not exceeding the word count required. Although these may seem

unpleasant, I was still able to complete my essay to the best of my abilities and believe I

presented a well-written paper and exceeded on the topic of this essay.

As one continues to practice on the structure of a paper and how to correctly state the

topic required, it begins to almost come naturally when one writes more and more essays.

Something I learned in Essay 1 that I was able to incorporate into Essay 3 was the feedback

given to me about sticking to the prompt of the paper and not including my personal opinions

because it is not what the prompt is asking us to write about. Continuing, something I learned in

Essay 2 that I embraced in Essay 3 is to really make my essay sound more professional and not

as casual.

Because one practice more and more, they tend to leave out the negatives that they had in

their previous papers to try and make the new one better. In my case, something I learned from

Essay 1, however, did not use, or was not applicable in Essay 3 was the word count. Essay 1 was

much easier to finish because of how short it was supposed to be. Sadly, that wasn’t the case

with this most recent essay. Additionally, something I learned in Essay 2 that was not applicable

towards Essay 3 was how to compare and contrast three distinct communities. This was not
applicable for Essay 3 because we had to solely focus on whether or not the author did a good

job in explaining their article correctly.

While doing any activity in any class, there are always a few things that can be applied

through other courses whether it be in one way or another. For Essay 3, something that would be

applied to other courses is how well you need to properly write an essay because other class

courses are required at least three essay writings throughout the course of the semester.

With that being said, something that I learned with Essay 3 that would not be applicable

to other courses would be the topic of a written text and how to not make it a research paper. For

example, I have to do two essays for my Anatomy and Physiology class and those require it to be

a research paper.

I believe there is always room for improvement, in this case, the analysis of a peer-

reviewed article would help me improve my writing by knowing how to properly give

information without “stealing” the information from the source and being able to correctly cite

the sources. This will be able to help me with writing tasks in the future because I will not

struggle as much, which will make the writing process much quicker.

While writing a paper, it is always a good idea to get second opinions about your essay

before turning it in. A writing strength that my peers told me I had was being able to choose a

topic that was interesting enough to get their attention and being able to write it in a way that was

easily understandable, without having them to re-read it several times to understand, unlike

several other articles. However, a writing weakness I had, in the beginning, was writing in a way

that made it seem as though I was siding with the author of the article, which was not what the

writing prompt was about. In a way, these strengths and weaknesses are similar to when I wrote

Essay 1 and 2 because of the topics I had chosen to write about.

Once you receive back comments from a reader, usually, the author tends to put that

advice to use to try to make their next paper better, in this case, I believe the comments will be

that I continued to improve on my writing skills and hopefully have gotten a higher grade than

my previous essay because of how much I worked on it.

With all homework assignments or essays, there will always be some challenging and

not-so-challenging aspects of it. For Essay 3, in my opinion, the most challenging thing about it

was trying to get to the word count and create good content without adding filler information.

The least challenging thing about it was choosing a topic I liked and was really familiar with.

I believe my identity as a writer has changed. I believe I have truly gotten better as a

writer than when I first started at the beginning of the semester. Throughout the process, there

were many trials and errors, however, I was able to overcome them and make it through to create

a paper I was really happy about.

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