The Theory of Simple Elastic Shells: January 2004

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The Theory of Simple Elastic Shells

Article · January 2004

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-39905-6_1


56 1,525

2 authors, including:

Holm Altenbach
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg


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The Theory of Simple Elastic Shells

Holm Altenbach1 and Pavel A. Zhilin2

Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg,
D-06099 Halle, Germany, [email protected]
Department of Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, Institute for Problems in
Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences, V.O. Bolshoy pr. 61,
RUS-195225 St. Petersburg, Russia, [email protected]

Abstract. In the report the main aspects of the shell theory based on the direct
approach are presented. The main attention will be focussed on the establishment of
the constitutive equations. It is shown that the deformation energy must be an integral
of a system of partial differential equations. Thus it can be expressed as a function
of integrals of the characteristic system of the ordinary differential equations. These
integrals are called the reduced deformation tensors. In order to found the structure of
the elasticity tensors a new theory of symmetry is introduced.

1 Introduction

At present the shell theory find out the new branches of applications. As an ex-
ample, biological membranes, thin polymeric films and thin structures made from
shape memory materials may be pointed out. In addition, the manufacture tech-
nology for some shells results in significant changes of the material properties.
As a result the conventional versions of the shell theory, based on the deriva-
tion of the basic equations from the 3D-theory of elasticity, can not be used.
In these situations the effective elastic modulus of the shell must be found di-
rectly for the shell structure. That means that we have to use the direct method
of the construction of the shell theory. The main idea of the direct approach
is the introduction of an elastic 2D-continuum with some physical properties.
The basic laws of mechanics and thermodynamics are applied directly to this
2D-continuum. The main advantage of the direct approach is the possibility to
obtain quite strict equations.
At present many variants of the shell theory exist. Most of them can be
characterized by two facts: a) they are based on two-dimensional equations and
b) they operate with forces and moments (moments of the higher order are
ignored). These two facts may be used for the following definition:
A simple shell is a 2D-continuum in which the interaction between different
parts of the shell is due to forces and moments.
A simple shell is a model for the description of the mechanical behavior of
shell-type structures. The theory of simple shells allows to make a correct plane
photo of three-dimensional phenomena. The main advantage of the theory of
simple shells is that this theory can be applied for shells with a complex inner
2 Holm Altenbach and Pavel A. Zhilin

structure - for multilayered, for stiffened, etc. In addition, such a theory can be
used in the analysis of biological membranes, etc. In this sense the theory of
simple shells allows the formalization of an old engineering problem - the built
up of the shell theory with effective stiffness.
Below only some part of the report is presented. The results are based on
works of authors (Zhilin, 1976; Zhilin, 1982; Altenbach, 1988; Altenbach and
Zhilin, 1988) with some new modifications.

2 General Nonlinear Theory

2.1 Kinematics of Simple Shells

The kinematical model of a simple shell is based on the introduction of a directed

material surface, i.e. the carrying surface each point of which is connected with
a orthonormal triad of vectors. In what follows the direct tensor notation – see,
for example, Lurie (1990) – will be used. In the reference configuration (t = 0)
the directed surface is determined by

{r(q1 , q2 ); d1 (q1 , q2 ), d2 (q1 , q2 ), d3 (q1 , q2 )} ≡ {r(q); dk (q)}

with r(q) ≡ r(q1 , q2 ) - the position vector defining the geometry of the surface,
q1 , q2 ∈ Ω, dk (q) with k = 1, 2, 3 denote a triad of orthonormal vectors obeying
the condition dk · dm = δkm . In the actual configuration (t = 0) we have

{R(q, t); Dk (q, t)}, Dk · Dm = δkm .

Note that R(q, 0) = r(q), Dk (q, 0) = dk (q). In addition, a natural basis can be
Rα (q, t) = ≡ ∂α R, R3 ≡ N : N · Rα = 0, N · N = 1.

In what follows we use the relation d3 = n. For further derivations we will

introduce the dual basis

Ri : Ri · Rk = δik , R3 ≡ N.

Then we can define the following two-dimensional Hamilton operators

 ≡ Rα (q, t) ∂ ,
∇ ∇ = rα (q)

∂qα ∂qα

Let us introduce the first A and the second B fundamental tensors of the surface

 = Rα (q, t) ⊗ Rα (q, t) = Rα ⊗ Rα = Aαβ Rα ⊗ Rβ = Aαβ Rα ⊗ Rβ ,

A = ∇R

1 = A + N ⊗ N,  = −Rα ⊗ ∂α N = Bαβ Rα ⊗ Rβ = Bαβ Rα ⊗ Rβ ,

B = − ∇N
The Theory of Simple Elastic Shells 3

where 1 is the unity second rank tensor. In what follows we accept a = A(q, 0) =
∇r, b = B(q, 0) = −∇n and n = N(q, 0). Note that all tensors here and below
are introduced as quantities of the 3D-space defined on the surface.
The motion of the directed surface can be defined as
R(q, t), P(q, t) ≡ Dk (q, t) ⊗ dk (q), Dk = δkm Dm .
Here P(q, t) is an orthogonal turn-tensor, Det P = +1, P(q, 0) = 1. Let us
introduce the linear and the angular velocities v, ω of the body-points
v(q, t) = Ṙ(q, t), Ṗ(q, t) = ω(q, t) × P(q, t), P(q, 0) = 1, ḟ ≡ .
For the further discussion we need a vector Φα characterizing the change of
P(q, t) along the surface
∂α P = Φα (q, t) × P(q, t), ⇒ Φα = − [∂α P · PT ]x .
It is easy to show that
Φ̇α = ∂α ω + ω × Φα , ∂α Φβ − ∂β Φα − Φα × Φβ = 0.
Note that Φα = 0 if we have only a rigid body motion.

2.2 Equations of Motion

The local form of equations of motion can be written as

∇·T+ρF T ·
∗ = ρ(v+Θ1 ·ω) ,

∇·M+T · T
× +ρL = ρ(Θ1 ·v+Θ2 ·ω) +ρv×Θ1 ·ω,

where T = Rα ⊗ Tα denotes the force tensor, M = Rα ⊗ Mα – the moment

tensor and T× ≡ Rα × Tα . The vectors F∗ and L are the mass density of the
external forces and moments respectively.
Let the vectors T(ν) and M(ν) be respectively the vectors of external force
and moment acting on the boundary curve with the external normal ν. Then
the formulae of Cauchy are valid
T(ν) = ν · T, M(ν) = ν · M.
Introducing the Piola-Kirchhoff tensors
A  T A  T
TΠ = (∇r) · T, MΠ = (∇r) · M,
a a
the local form of the equations of motion can be rewritten in the reference
∇ · TΠ + ρ0 F = ρ0 (v + ΘT1 · ω)· ,
∇ · MΠ + (∇RT · TΠ )x + ρ0 L = ρ0 (Θ1 · v + Θ2 · ω)· + ρ0 v × ΘT1 · ω.
Note that the last one equations are very convenient for formulating equations
of shell stability problems.
4 Holm Altenbach and Pavel A. Zhilin

2.3 Equation of the Balance of Energy

Let us formulate the balance of energy for the two-dimensional continuum
ρ(K + U)dΣ = ρ(F · v + L · ω)dΣ + (T(v) · v + M(v) · ω)dC,
(ΔΣ) (ΔΣ) C

where U is the mass density of the intrinsic energy. For isothermal processes U
is called the deformation energy. The local form can be expressed as
ρU̇ = TT ·· ∇v
˜ − (Rα × Tα ) · ω − MT ·· ∇ω.
Introducing the energetic tensors (Lurie, 1990)
 T · T · P,
Te = (∇r)  T · M · P,
Me = (∇r)
finally we get
ρU̇ = TTe ·· Ė + MTe ·· Ḟ, (1)
where E, F denote the first and the second deformation tensors
E = ∇R · P − a, F = (Φα · Dk )rα ⊗ dk . (2)
For elastic simple shells from the energy balance equation (2) the Cauchy-Green
relations follow  
A ∂ρ0 U A ∂ρ0 U
Te = , Me = . (3)
a ∂E a ∂F

2.4 Definition of the Tensors of Inertia. Restrictions on the Tensors

of Forces and Moments
The tensors of inertia ρΘα define the distribution of the mass in the material
body-points in the actual configuration. The following equation describes the
relation between the tensors of inertia in the actual and the initial configurations
ρΘα (q, t) = P(q, t) · ρ0 Θ0α (q) · PT (q, t).
The next representations may be proved for the density, the first and the second
tensor of inertia of the directed surface
0 0 2
ρ0 = ρ̃0 , ρ0 Θ1 = −ρ̃0 zc, ρ0 Θ2 = −ρ̃0 z a, f  = f μdΣ,
with c = −a × n, μ = 1 − 2z H + z G, H and G are the mean and Gaussian
curvatures, ρ̃0 (q, z) denotes the 3D-density of mass.
It can be shown that the following relations are valid
ρ ρ
ρΘ2 = ρ̃0 z2 (1 − D3 D3 ), ρΘT1 = ρ̃0 z2 (1 × D3 ). (4)
ρ0 ρ0
Besides, for simple shells of constant thickness and made from non-polar material
the restrictions
L · D3 = 0, M · D3 = 0, MTe ·· [(F − b · c) · c] + TTe ·· [(E + a) · c] = 0 (5)
are valid.
The Theory of Simple Elastic Shells 5

2.5 Reduced Deformation Tensors

The specific deformation energy U = U(E, F) contains 12 scalar arguments. The

number of arguments can be reduced because we have to satisfy the restrictions
(5). Making use of (3) and (5) one may obtain the next system of equations for
the specific energy U(E, F)
 T  T
∂U ∂U ∂ρ0 U
·· [(E + a) · c] + · · [(F − b · c) · c] = 0, = 0. (6)
∂E ∂F ∂(F · n)

For the first equation of this system we have the characteristic system
d d
E = (E + a) · c, F = (F − b · c) · c, (7)
ds ds
This is a system of an order 12, which has only 11 independent integrals. One
can choose the next 11 integrals

E= (E + a) · a · (E + a)T − a , Φ = (F − b·c)·a·(E + a)T +b·c·E+b·c,
γ = E · n, γ∗ = F · n. (8)

Of course, it is possible to choose another set of integrals instead of integrals (8),

but all of them may be expressed in terms of integrals given in (8). Arbitrary
function U(E, Φ, γ, γ∗ ) of the integrals (8) satisfies the first equation of the
system (6). However the second equation in (6) shows that the specific energy
does not depend of the vector γ∗ . Thus we finally have U = U(E, Φ, γ). Tensors
E, Φ, γ are called the reduced deformation tensors. Here E denote tensile and
plane shear strains, Φ - bending and torsional strains and γ - transverse shear.
Up to here all results are the exact ones. They are valid for shells made from
arbitrary materials. Note that all physical properties of a shell are contained in
the specific deformation energy. The above described theory of shell is called the
Reissner-type theory.

2.6 Special cases

Let us briefly discuss the popular versions of the shell theory.

Love-type theory. This is the most popular case in the applied mechanics.
In such a case the deformation of the transversal shear is supposed to be zero

γ ≡ (E + a) · n = ∇R · D3 = rα (Rα · D3 ) = 0 ⇒ D3 = N,

where N is the unit normal to the deformed reference surface. Besides, the equal-
ities (2) and D3 = P · n were used. The inertia tensors (4) and the deformation
tensors must be replaced by
ρ ρ
ρΘ2 = ρ̃0 z2 A, ρΘT1 = − ρ̃0 z2 C, C = −A × N
ρ0 ρ0
6 Holm Altenbach and Pavel A. Zhilin

E= (E + a) · a · (E + a)T − a , Φ = −∇R · B · C · ∇RT + b · c · (1 + E) (9)
Moment-free (membrane) shell theory. This case follows from the Love-
type theory when the specific deformation energy depends on tensor E only. We

A ∂ρ0 U
Te = , Me = 0, Θ2 = Θ1 = 0 ⇒ T = TT , T · N = 0.
a ∂E
Soft shells. Soft shells are made from a material like textile. In addition to
the previous case we have to accept

a· · a  0 ∀a : |a| = 0, a · n = 0.
Besides, some additional restrictions must be accepted. Soft shells are very im-
portant for applications and rather difficult for solving. As far as we know the
general theory of soft shell is absent in the literature.

2.7 Deformation Energy of Solid Shell

For a shell made from the solid material the deformations are relatively small
while the displacements and rotations can be relatively large. In such a case the
following quadratic approximation can be introduced

ρ0 U = T0 ·· E + MT0 ·· Φ + N0 · γ + E ·· (4) C1 ·· E + E ·· (4) C2 ·· Φ+
1 1
Φ ·· (4) C3 ·· Φ + γ · Γ · γ + γ · ((3) Γ 1 ·· E + (3) Γ 2 ·· Φ). (10)
2 2
T0 , M0 , N0 , (4) C1 ,(4) C2 ,(4) C3 , (3) Γ 1 ,(3) Γ 2 , Γ denote stiffness tensors of dif-
ferent rank. They express the effective elastic properties of the simple shell. The
differences between various classes of simple shells are connected with different
expressions of the stiffness tensors, the tensors of inertia and the two-dimensional
density. Approximations like (10) are very popular in the nonlinear theory of
elasticity. The stiffness tensors in (10) do not depend of the deformations. Thus
they may be found from the experiments with the linear shell theory.

2.8 Linearized Basic Equations

In the linear theory there are no differences between the actual and the reference
configurations. This is equivalent to the condition that the energetic and the true
The Theory of Simple Elastic Shells 7

tensors of forces and moments are the same. The displacements and rotations
are supposed to be small. In such a case instead of (8) we have
1 1
≡ (e·a+a·eT ), Φ
k ≡ κ·a+ (e··c)b, γ = e·n = ∇u·n+c·ϕ, (11)
2 2
e = ∇u + a × ϕ, κ = ∇ϕ. (12)
The linearized equations of motion (2.2) take a form

∇ · T + ρF∗ = ρ(ü + ΘT1 · ϕ̈), ∇ · M + Tx + ρL = ρ(Θ1 · ü + Θ2 · ϕ̈). (13)

The Cauchy–Green relations can be rewritten as

1 ∂ρU ∂ρU ∂ρU
T · a + (M ·· b)c = , T·n= , M= .
2 ∂ ∂γ ∂k

Then from (10) we get

T · a + (M ·· b)c = T0 + (4) C1 ··  + (4) C2 ·· k + γ · (3) Γ 1 , (14)

T·n = N0 +Γ ·γ+ (3) Γ 1 ··+ (3) Γ 2 ··k, MT = MT0 +·· (4) C2 + (4) C3 ··k+γ· (3) Γ 2 .

3 Determination of the Elastic Stiffness Tensors

Now we have to realize the most complicated part of the direct approach to the
shell theory and to construct the stiffness tensors. The solution of the problem
was given by Zhilin (1982). It is clear that we have to use the properties of the
symmetry. For this we have to solve two problems. First one: the classical theory
of symmetry can not be used because it is valid for Euclidean tensors only. In the
shell theory the Noneuclidean tensors are used. Second one: the stiffness tensors
depend on the symmetry of the material of the shell, symmetry of the surface
shape at the point under consideration and symmetry of the intrinsic structure
of the shell. Below only the main idea of the approach will be given.

3.1 General Remarks and Restrictions

It is necessary to specified the quantities: T0 , M0 , N0 , (4) C1 , (4) C2 , (4) C3 , Γ,
Γ 1 , 3 Γ 2 . The following constraints are obvious: d··(4) C1 = (4) C1 · ·d, d··(4) C3 =
C3 ··d, c··Γ = 0, c··(4) C1 = 0, c··(4) C2 = 0, (3) Γ··c = 0, T0 ··c = 0, where d is
an arbitrary tensor and c denotes an antisymmetric tensor (both of second rank).
In the Euclidean space R3 we have only polar vectors. In the oriented Euclidean
space R30 - polar and axial vectors. For the shell theory it is convenient to use the
representation R30,n = R20 ⊕ R1n . Here we have three orientations, but only two
of them are independent. We will use orientation of 3D-space and orientation on
the line spanned on the normal n. In the space R30,n four types of tensors can be
8 Holm Altenbach and Pavel A. Zhilin

introduced: 1. polar tensors, which are independent from the orientation in R3

and in the subspaces, 2. axial tensors, which change sign if the orientation in R3
is changing, but not if the orientation changes in R1 , 3. n-oriented tensors, which
change sign if the orientation in R1n changes, but independent of the orientation
in R3 , and 4. axial n-oriented tensors, which change sign if the orientation in R3 is
changing, and if the orientation changes in R1 . In the shell theory the next objects
are introduced. Polar tensors: ρ, U, W, u, u̇, E, T0 , T, a, (4) C1 , (4) C3 , Γ, ρΘ2 . Axial
tensors: ρΘ1 , ϕ, ω, F, Φ, b · c, M0 , (4) C2 . The tensors b, B, γ, Q = T · n, (3) Γ 1 , Q0
are n-oriented objects. Axial n-oriented tensors: c = −a × n, (3) Γ 2 .
Let Q be an orthogonal tensor. Let us introduce the orthogonal transforma-
tion of the tensor (p) S = Si1 i2 ...ip gi1 ⊗ gi2 ⊗ . . . ⊗ gip , where gi is a basis in R3 .
We shall use the notation

1Q ·
S ≡ Si1 i2 ...ip Q · gi1 ⊗ Q · gi2 ⊗ . . . ⊗ Q · gip ,

S ≡ (n · Q · n)β (DetQ)α ⊗p
1 Q·
where α = β = 0, if (p) S is polar; α = 1, β = 0, if (p) S is axial; α = 0, β = 1, if
S is n-oriented; α = β = 1, if (p) S - is axial n-oriented. Note that Q · n = ±n.
The group of symmetry (GS) for a tensor (p) S is called a set of the orthogonal
solutions of the equation
S = (p) S,
where (p) S is given and Q must be found.
In what is followed we shall use the conventional relation

T = μ−1 · σ, M = μ−1 · σ · cz,

where σ is the the stress tensor of the classical theory of elasticity.

The relations

ρ0 (u̇ + ΘT1 · ϕ̇) = ρ̃0 u̇∗ , ρ0 (Θ1 · u̇ + ΘT2 · ϕ̇) = ρ̃0 u̇∗ · cz

may be obtained in order to find the displacement and rotations in terms of the
vector u∗ of displacement of 3D-theory of elasticity.
The external force ρF∗ and moments ρ0 L may be found as

ρ0 F∗ = ρ̃0 F̃ + μ+ σ+ − −
n + μ σn , ρ0 L = n × ρ̃0 F̃z + (h/2)n × (μ+ σ+ − −
n − μ σn ),

where μ+(−) = 1 − (+)hH + (h2 /4)G, σn are the stress vectors on the upper
and lower face surfaces of the shell.

3.2 Local Symmetry Groups of Simple Shells

The local group of symmetry (LGS) is a set of the orthogonal solutions of the
following system

⊗41 Q · C1 = C1 , (Det)Q ⊗41 Q · C2 = C2 , ⊗41 Q · C3 = C3 , Q · Γ · QT = Γ,

(n · Q · n) ⊗31 Q · Γ 1 = Γ 1 , (n · Q · n)(DetQ) ⊗31 Q · Γ 2 = Γ 2 .
The Theory of Simple Elastic Shells 9

If we know the stiffness tensors, then we are able to find LGS of the shell. However
it is much more important to solve the inverse task and to find the structure of
the stiffness tensors, if we know some elements of the shell symmetry. To this
end let us introduce Curie-Neumann’s Principle:
GS of the consequence contains GS of the reason.
The GS of the reason is the intersection of the next groups of symmetry: 1.
GS of the material at given point of the shell, 2. LGS of the surface and 3. LGS
of the intrinsic structure of the shell. For the surface LGS is determined as a set
of the orthogonal solutions of the system

Q · a · QT = a, (n · Q · n)Q · b · QT = b. (15)

It is easy to see that LGS of the surface in a general case contains only three
irreducible elements: 1, n ⊗ n − e1 ⊗ e1 + e2 ⊗ e2 , n ⊗ n + e1 ⊗ e1 − e2 ⊗ e2 , where
eα are eigenvectors of b. For the plates (b = 0) the LGS is much more rich. In a
general case the GS of a shell can not be richer than (15). That means that we
are not able to simplify the structure of the stiffness tensors without additional
assumptions. But up to here we do not use the fact that the shell has small

3.3 Dimension Analysis

Let the material of a shell be isotropic. In such a case the stiffness tensors depend
on the following items: h(q) - thickness of the shell, E(q), ν(q) - isotropic elastic
properties, a, b - first and second metric tensors. Making use of standard analysis
of dimensions one may prove the next representations

Eh ∗ Eh2
C1 = C (hb · c, ν), C2 = C∗ (hb · c, ν),
12(1 − ν2 ) 1 12(1 − ν2 ) 2
Eh3 E
C3 = 2
C∗3 (hb · c, ν), Γ = GhΓ ∗ (hb · c, ν), G = . (16)
12(1 − ν ) 2(1 + ν)
Here all quantities with a star depend on the dimensionless tensor which is small

hb · c 2 = (hb · c) · ·(hb · c)T = h2 /R21 + h2 /R22  1.

Thus one can use the following representation

(0) (1) (2) 3
Cs = Cs + Cs · ·(hb · c) + (hb · c) · ·C s · ·(hb · c) + 0(h ) ,
12(1 − ν2 )
Γ = Gh Γ (0) + Γ (1) · ·(hb · c) + 0(h2 ) , 0(hp ) ≡ 0( hb · c P ) (17)

with s = 1, 2, 3. In what follows we ignore the terms of an order 0(h2 ) with

respect to 1. Only in some situations it is necessary to take into account higher
order terms, e.g. for the positive definiteness of the deformation energy. Instead
of the tensors Ci and Γ we have to consider the tensors Ci and Γ (p) . It seems
10 Holm Altenbach and Pavel A. Zhilin

that the representations for the stiffness tensors does not simplify our discussions.
But the Ci did not depend on the geometrical shape of the surface. In this
case the group of symmetry of the tensors Ci does not include the GS of the
second metric tensor b.

3.4 Homogeneous thin shells

Let us assume that the shell is made from transversally isotropic material. If n is
the axis of isotropy, and the structure of the shell is of such kind that for b → 0
we have instead of the shell a plate with a reference (middle) surface which is a
surface of symmetry. In this case the tensors Ci , Γ (k) (not the tensors Ci , Γ
contains the following elements of symmetry

Q = ± n ⊗ n + q, q · qT = a, q · n = n · q = 0. (18)

In such a case it is easy to show that

(1) (0) (2) (1)
C1 = 0, C2 = 0, C2 = 0, C3 = 0, Γ (1) = 0 (19)

We see that tensors C1 , C3 and Γ with an error of 0(h2 ) can be found from the
plate tests. Tensor C2 may be found only from the shell tests. Let the tensor
(18) belongs to GS of tensors Ci , Γ (k) . That means that these tensors must
be transversally isotropic. It is not difficult to find such tensors and after that
we get

C(1) = 2
A1 a ⊗ a + A2 (rα ⊗ rβ ⊗ rα ⊗ rβ + rα ⊗ a ⊗ rα − a ⊗ a) ,
C(2) = 2
B1 hH a ⊗ c + B2 hH(rα ⊗ c ⊗ rα + cαβ rα ⊗ a ⊗ rβ ) +
12(1 − ν )
+ B3 a ⊗ (hb · c − hHc) + B4 h(b · c − Hc) ⊗ a + B5 h(b − Ha) ⊗ c] ,
C(3) = 2
C1 c ⊗ c + C2 (rα ⊗ rβ ⊗ rα ⊗ rβ + rα ⊗ a ⊗ rα − a ⊗ a)+
12(1 − ν )

+h2 H21 C4 a ⊗ a , Γ = GhΓ0 a (20)

with 2H1 = −(1/R1 ) + (1/R2 ). All results are valid for non-polar material and
have an error 0(h2 ). The modulus A1 , A2 , C1 , C2 , C4 , Γ0 , B1 , . . . , B5 depends only
on the Poisson’s ratio.
Making use of the solutions of some test problems one can obtain the following
elastic modulus
1+ν 1−ν π2 1−ν
A1 = C1 = , A2 = C2 = , Γ0 = , C4 = , (21)
2 2 12 24

ν(1 + ν) 1+ν 1−ν 1

B1 = , B2 = 0, B3 = , B4 = − , B5 = − . (22)
2(1 − ν) 2 4 2
The Theory of Simple Elastic Shells 11

All modulus in (21) and (22), excluding C4 , were found from the tasks in which
they determine the main terms of asymptotic expansions. Modulus C4 is needed
for the deformation energy to be positively defined. Some comments must be
made with respect to the coefficient of transverse shear Γ0 . It may be shown that
the inequality π2 /12  Γ0 < 1 must be valid always. If we are not interested in
the high frequencies, then it would be better to accept Γ0 = 5/(6 − ν). In such
a case the low frequencies can be found more exactly.
The tensors T0 , M0 , Q0 are defined by the expressions

νh  νh2 
T0 = a n · (σ+ −
n − σn ) , M0 = c n · (σ+ −
n − σn ) ,
2(1 − ν) 12(1 − ν)

Q0 = h(1 − Γ0 )a n · (σ+ −
n − σn ) . (23)

Note that the representations (20) are valid for many cases of the nonhomo-
geneous shell.

3.5 Simplest shell theory

In a general case the theory given above can not be simplified. If someone make it,
then there exists the task in which the mistake will be present in the main term.
However there are many practical problems when it is possible to use much more
simple theory. The most popular theory of such a kind was given by L. Balabuh
(1946) and V. Novozhilov (1946). Practically the same theory was given by
W. Koiter (1959) and J. Sanders (1959). It was shown by K. Chernyh (1964)
that the Koiter-Sanders theory differs from the Balabuch-Novozhilov theory in
small terms. Let us note that there exist problems for arbitrary thin shell when
the Balabuch-Novozhilov-Koiter-Sanders theory gives the mistakes in the main
terms. Thus in general this theory can not be named the first-approximation
theory. Shell theory may be called simplest if it is described by means of minimal
number of the elastic modulus. However the deformation energy in the simplest
theory must be positively defined for any type of deformations. In such a case
we have to ignore the tensors T0 , M0 and Q0 . Besides, we have to accept Γ0 →
∞ ⇒ γ = 0 and B1 = B2 = B3 = B4 = B5 = C4 = 0. From the restriction that
the deformation energy must be positive, we obtain A1 > 0, A2 > 0, C1 > 0,
C2 > 0, Γ0 > 0. The deformation energy takes a form

Gh 2ν
ρ0 U = 2E··E + (trE)2 +
2 1−ν

Gh 1 1+ν
+ (Φ + ΦT ) · ·(Φ + ΦT ) − (tr Φ)2 + (c · ·Φ)2 , (24)
24 2 1−ν
where tensors E and Φ are defined by expressions (9). The deformation energy
(24) may be used for small deformation and large rotations. For small rotations
one can use linear shell theory. The vector of small rotation ϕ may be found in
terms of the displacement vector
Γ0 → ∞, |T · n| < ∞ ⇒ γ = 0, ⇒ a · ϕ = c · (∇w + b · u) ,
12 Holm Altenbach and Pavel A. Zhilin

where w = u · n. The Cauchy–Green relations (14) takes a form

1 Eh
T · a + (M ·· b)c = [(1 − ν) + ν(tr )a] ,
2 1 − ν2

Gh3 1+ν
M= k + kT − (tr k)a − (c · ·k)c .
12 1−ν
The vector T · n of the transverse force is defined by the equations of motion.

4 Conclusion
It was above shown that the direct approach to the shell theory is based on some
new ideas of physical nature. As a result, this approach allows to build up the
shell theory which can not be improved without introduction of new dynamics
quantities like moments of higher orders. It is important that the theory does
not need any hypothesis and may be applied for all possible cases. Of course, the
elastic modulus must be found for these cases by means of special considerations.
For example, the elastic modulus of the three-layers shells may be found from
some transcendental equations which do not contain any small parameters and
therefore can not be solved by means of asymptotic methods. The elastic modulus
may be found for case when the friction between layers is present. In such a case
the constitutive equations must be slightly modified.

Acknowledgment. This work was partly supported by RFBR grant No. 02-

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