TFN Midterm Exam Review

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TFN Midterm Exam


Midterm Exam Coverage

Dorothy Johnson – Behavioral System Model
Martha Rogers – Theory of Unitary Human Being
Dorothea Orem – Self-care Deficit Theory
Imogene King – Goal Attainment Theory
Betty Neuman – Health Belief Model
Sister Callista Roy – Adaptation Theory
Madeleine Leininger – Transcultural Nursing, Culture
Care Diversity and Universality
Lydia Hall – The Core, Care and Cure Model
Joyce Travelbee – Huma to human Relationship Model
Rosemarie Parse – Human Becoming Theory
Ann Boykin – Theory of Nursing as Caring: A Model for
Transforming Practice
Nola Pender – Health Promotion Model

Dorothy Johnson
Behavioral System Model
- developed her theory because of her philosophical ideas,
theory and research and her clinical background.
- Human Being - strives to make continual adjustments to
achieve, maintain, or regain balance to the steady-state

Imogene King
Goal Attainment Theory
The human process of interactions formed the basis for
designing a model of transactions that depicted theoretical
knowledge used by nurses to help individuals and groups attain
-based on the General Systems framework
General Systems Theory - . It is based on the assumption that
there are universal principles of organization, which hold for all
systems, be they physical, chemical, biological, mental or social.

Martha Rogers
Theory of Unitary Human Being
States that nurses is in constant mutual process with whom
they cared and have opportunity to pattern the environment
for change.
Example: A patient has been visited by relatives who are
coughing and sneezing. What will the nurse do?
Calm the environment, limit interruptions and limit visitors.
educate the visitors, change the environment of the patient.

Dorothea Orem
Self-care Deficit Theory
Self- care deficit occurs when the person cannot carry out self-care
The nurse then meets the self-care needs by acting or doing for;
guiding, teaching, supporting or providing the environment to
promote patient’s ability
Critical question will be - What is the condition that indicates that a
person needs nursing care?

The Self-Care or Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing is composed of

three interrelated theories:
(1) the theory of self-care,
(2) the self-care deficit theory, and
(3) the theory of nursing systems – unifying theory includes all
Wholly compensatory nursing system - Patient dependent
Partially compensatory- Patient can meet some needs but needs
nursing assistance
Supportive educative-Patient can meet self care requisites, but needs
assistance with decision making or knowledge.

Betty Neuman
Health Belief Model
✘ Primarily concerned with effects of stress on health

✘ Person – has protective mechanisms to maintain stability.

✘ Normal line of resistance - to evolve over time as a person

manages different types of stressors.
✘ Flexible line of defense – fight or flight reaction

She believes that wellness exists when parts of the client

system interact in harmony. – Health
Environment – potential to alter or improve stability.

Nursing – aim is to promote wellness. Partnership with the patient

Intervention Modalities:
Primary Prevention
-it includes health promotion and maintenance
of wellness
-nursing expands adjustment abilities and enhances
person and environment transformation.
Secondary Prevention
-preventive measures that lead to early
diagnosis and prompt treatment
Getting the vital signs of the patient
Tertiary Prevention
-preventive measures aimed at rehabilitation
following significant illness.
Assisting a client in the performance of ROM exercises
following an injury.

Sister Callista Roy

Adaptation Theory - nursing interventions should be instituted for
patients when they demonstrate ineffective adaptive responses.
Focuses on the efforts of persons to respond to
environmental challenges.
nursing as the science and practice that expands adjustment abilities
and enhances person and environment transformation.
✘ 4 major concepts -It focuses on persons coping (adaptative) abilities
in response to constantly to changing environment
✘ Nursing can promote effective coping.

Stimulus - a product of the external environment.


The person has four modes of adaptation: physiologic needs,

self-concept, role function, and interdependence. The goal of
nursing is to promote adaptation in the four adaptive modes.
The model includes two subsystems.
The cognator subsystem is a major coping process involving
four cognitive-emotive channels: perceptual and information
processing, learning, judgment, and emotion.
The regulator subsystem is a basic type of adaptive process
that responds automatically through neural, chemical, and
endocrine coping channels.

Nola Pender
Health Promotion Model
Describes the multidimensional nature of persons as they interact
within their environment to pursue health.
✘ Anticipated positive out comes that will occur from health
behaviour. Eg. wearing of mask
✘ Judgment of personal capability to organise and execute a health-
promoting behaviour. Eg. patient stating that he feels positive he
will recover from the illness.

Rosemarie Rizzo Parse

Theory of Human Becoming
- This model incarnate a deep concern for the delicate
sentiments of being human.
- believes that the nurse’s role consists of illuminating meaning,
synchronizing rhythm and recognizing transcendence.

Madeleine Leininger
Transcultural Nursing: Culture Care Diversity and Universality
She recognized that a patient’s ethnicity had the potential to impact
on health and illness.
Proposed that nurses might be more effective in their role if they
developed a deeper understanding of the relationship between
ethnicity and health.
Goal of care – respect beliefs and lifestyles.

Joyce Travelbee

Human to Human Relationship Model

believed that human being is a unique irreplaceable individual,
a one-time being in this world.
Purpose of nursing is the establishment of human-to-human
Transactional Analysis Theory - refer as a psychoanalytic
theory and method of therapy wherein social transactions
are analyzed to determine the ego state of the patient
(whether parent-like, childlike, or adult-like) as a basis for
understanding behavior.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

the basis of the nursing theory of Virginia Henderson Needs
Theory – 14 components based on human needs.
✘ Physiological Needs

✘ The basic physiological needs are probably fairly

apparent—these include the things that are vital to our
survival. Food, Water, Breathing, Homeostasis
✘ making the place as comfortable as possible for survival.

✘ Security and Safety Needs

✘ Some of the basic security and safety needs include:
✘ Financial security
✘ Heath and wellness
✘ Safety against accidents and injury
✘ Finding a job, obtaining health insurance and health care,
contributing money to a savings account, and moving into
a safer neighborhood.
✘ Reverse isolation.

 Love and Belonging Needs

- At this level, the need for emotional relationships
drives human behavior.
- In order to avoid problems such as loneliness,
depression, and anxiety, it is important for people to
feel loved and accepted by other people.
- part of group activities, social events.

✘ Esteem Needs
✘ At the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy is the need for
appreciation and respect. When the needs at the bottom
three levels have been satisfied, the esteem needs begin to
play a more prominent role in motivating behavior.
✘ At this point, it becomes increasingly important to gain the
respect and appreciation of others. People have a need to
accomplish things and then have their efforts recognized.
In addition to the need for feelings of accomplishment and
prestige, esteem needs include such things as self-
esteem and personal worth.

✘ Self-Actualization Needs
✘ At the very peak of Maslow’s hierarchy are the self-actualization
needs. "What a man can be, he must be," Maslow explained,
referring to the need people have to achieve their full potential as
human beings.
✘ Self-actualizing people are self-aware, concerned with personal
growth, less concerned with the opinions of others, and interested
in fulfilling their potential.

End of Discussion
Goodluck on your midterm exam on
Saturday at 10am

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