Floor Supervisor

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The key takeaways are that a floor supervisor oversees housekeeping staff and ensures clean guest rooms and high cleaning standards. Their main responsibilities include assigning duties, inspecting staff appearance, and handling any guest complaints or maintenance issues.

The main responsibilities of a floor supervisor include assigning daily tasks to room attendants, allocating special cleaning jobs like VIP rooms, inspecting staff appearance, recording keys, handling guest requests, and reporting any lost items or maintenance problems.

Some of the human responsibilities of a floor supervisor include joining housekeeping meetings, assigning duties to room attendants, being responsible for staff appearance and discipline, and providing regular performance evaluations to employees.


DATE : REPORS TO : Executive Housekeeper


Revision :

General Mission
Tugas Umum

1. To supervise and coordinate housekeeping staf directly. Conduct and work in a

manner which will result in attraction and clean rooms in the assignment area to
maintain high standard of guest rooms cleanliness. To lease and maintain good

Hotel Job Description

relationship with other section
Mengawasi dan mengkoordinasi staf Tatagraha secara langsung. Menjalankan
dan memberikan pelatihan dan penugasan kerja serta menjaga standar
kebersihan yang ada di kamar. Serta menjaga hubungan baik antar seksi

Main Responsibilities
Tanggung Jawab Utama

1. Assign room attendants their daily and special duties & conduct briefing every
Memberikan penugasan kerja harian dan kerja khusus kepada petugas kebersihan
dan memberikan pengarahan disetiap jadwal kerja

2. Allocate any special task such as VIP ROOMS and periodical cleaning.
Mengalokasikan pekerjaan khusus seperti kamar VIP dan pembersihan kamar
secara periodik

3. Relays any special instruction to the staf that relate either to the dept. Invites staf
to Their any suggestion if they may have.
Menyampaikan /memberikan instruksi kepada staf dan berikan staf kesempatan
untuk memberikan saran.

4. Inspect the staf appearance, doesn’t permit anyone to start work unless they are
properly attired.
Inspeksi kepada staf mengenai penampilan, jangan izinkan staf untuk bekerja jika
perlengkapan kerja tidak lengkap.

5. In and out keys must be recorded properly.

Keluar masuk kunci harus dicatat dengan benar.

6. During hand over shift the position of each keys must be clearly written.
Serah terima ke petugas berikutnya, kunci harus di catat dengan benar dan jelas.


DATE : REPORS TO : Executive Housekeeper


Revision :

7. Instruct staf to clean room if any request from the guest.

Instruksikan kepada staf jika ada tamu yang kamarnya minta di bersihkan

8. Commences daily routine by inspecting guest corridor and pantry.

Periksa setiap gudang dan koridor secara rutin.

Hotel Job Description

9. Ensure all staf roster for the day have reported to work on time
Memastikan Laporan kerja karyawan di laporkan tepat waktu.

10. Report found articles into lost and found room with relevant documented
information at lease with FO immediately.
Laporkan jika ada Barang hilang /temuan dikamar kepada petugas depan

11. Checking C / O room procedure.

Cek kamar yang tamunya check out sesuai standar.

12. To conduct room attendant training skill.

Memberikan pelatihan kepada Petugas kebersihan kamar

13. Document ability and work performance continually. Inform to Asst Executive
Housekeeper or Executive Housekeeper if performance is not satisfactory.
Kemampuan arsip dan kinerja yang berkesinambungan. Memberitahukan kepada
kepala bagian tatagraha jika penampilan staf tidak memuaskan

14. Responsible for appearance and discipline of employee working under his / her
Bertanggung jawab terhadap penampilan dan disiplin kerja bawahannya.

15. Inspect all VIP rooms and suites in their assignment section, well before arrival
time, the condition of the room must be well checked and clean, report and
handle any problem as soon as possible.
Inspeksi semua kamar VIP, dan suite pada bagian yang menjadi tanggung
jawabnya, dan harus dalam kondisi bersih sebelum tamu datang, jika ada masalah
laporkan secepatnya.

16. Report any maintenance deficiencies, check out of order room.

Laporkan jika ada kamar yang perlu di perbaiki, dan buat “OOO”

17. Investigates complaints and makes corrective action.


DATE : REPORS TO : Executive Housekeeper


Revision :

Investigasi setiap keluhan dan mencari solusi secepatnya.

18. Check equipment in use and their proper routine maintenance.

Check semua peralatan setelah digunakan dan di rawat setiap hari

19. Any unusual occurrences is to be reported immediately to Asst EHK /EHK

Jika ada masalah yang tidak bisa di atasi cepat laporkan kepada asst EHK atau

Hotel Job Description


20. Procedures in the event of fire.

Sesuai Prosedur jika terjadi kebakaran.

21. Procedures in the event of accident.

Sesuai Prosedur jika terjadi kecelakaan.

Human Responsibilities
Tanggung Jawab antar sesama Karyawan

1. Joint the periodical Housekeeping meeting and Housekeeping expenses

Bergabung dalam pertemuan Tatagraha secara periodic begitu juga dengan
pertemuan expenses di HK

2. Assign room attendants their daily and special duties & conduct briefing every
Memberikan penugasan kerja harian dan kerja khusus kepada petugas kebersihan
kamar dan memberikan pengarahan disetiap jadwal kerja

3. Responsible for appearance and discipline of employee working under his / her
Bertanggung jawab terhadap penampilan dan disiplin kerja kepada bawahannya

4. Appraised the employees / trainee on regular basis.

Memberikan penilaian kepada karyawan atau pelatihan sesuai regulasi



DATE : REPORS TO : Executive Housekeeper


Revision :

1. Relation with co- worker.

Menjaga Hubungan baik dengan antar satu seksi

2. Relation with order department.

Menjaga Hubungan baik dengan seksi lain.

3. Brief all trainees to do training and follow the housekeeping and Management

Hotel Job Description

roles & regulations.
Memberikan pengarahan kepada semua trainee dan harus mengikuti peraturan
yang diberikan oleh manajemen

Replacement & Temporary Mission

Pengganti & Misi sementara

4. Supervisor will incharge as room attendant if possible

Jika diperlukan supervisor bisa bekerja sebagai room attendant

5. Record and follow up the defect list of room

Mencatat dan menindak lanjuti kekurangan-kekurangan kamar

6. Handles other duties and projects as assigned.

Menangani tugas lain dan proyek seperti yang diperintahkan.

7. Being prepared to implement assigned tasks during emergencies such as fires,

power cuts and bomb threats.
Siap untuk melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan pada keadaan darurat seperti
kebakaran, pemutusan arus listrik, dan ancaman bom.

8. Encourages the highest possible standard of environmental management.

Memacu untuk mendapatkan standar tertinggi dalam lingkungan kerja.


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