SP-18 Co vs. Rosario FULL TEXT

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Republic of the Philippines Subsequently, petitioner brought the matter to the CA on

SUPREME COURT petition for certiorari under Rule 65. In the aforesaid

Manila challenged October 28, 2003 Decision,9 the appellate court
affirmed the revocation of the appointment and dismissed
THIRD DIVISION the petition. Thus, the instant petition for review
on certiorari under Rule 45.
G.R. No. 160671             April 30, 2008
The petition is bereft of merit.
LUIS L. CO, petitioner, 
vs. We affirm the appellate court’s ruling that the trial court
HON. RICARDO R. ROSARIO, in his capacity as the did not act with grave abuse of discretion in revoking
Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 66, Alvin’s appointment as special co-administrator. Settled is
Makati City, ELIZABETH RACHEL CO, ASTRID the rule that the selection or removal
MELODY CO-LIM, GENEVIEVE CO-CHUN, of special administrators is not governed by the rules
CAROL CO, KEVIN CO, EDWARD CO and the regarding the selection or removal
ESTATE OF LIM SEE TE, respondents. of regular administrators. 10 Courts may appoint or remove
special administrators based on grounds other than those
DECISION enumerated in the Rules, at their discretion.11 As long as the
said discretion is exercised without grave abuse, higher
courts will not interfere with it. 12 This, however, is no
authority for the judge to become partial, or to make his
personal likes and dislikes prevail over, or his passions to
For the resolution of the Court is a petition for review rule, his judgment. The exercise of such discretion must be
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court based on reason, equity, justice and legal principles.13
questioning the October 28, 2003 Decision1 of the Court of
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 72055.
Thus, even if a special administrator had already been
appointed, once the court finds the appointee no longer
The relevant facts and proceedings follow. entitled to its confidence, it is justified in withdrawing the
appointment and giving no valid effect thereto.14 The
On March 4, 1998, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) OF special administrator is an officer of the court who is
Makati City, Branch 66, in Sp. Proc. No. M-4615, subject to its supervision and control and who is expected
appointed petitioner and Vicente O. Yu, Sr. as the special to work for the best interest of the entire estate, especially
administrators of the estate of the petitioner’s father, Co with respect to its smooth administration and earliest
Bun Chun.2However, on motion of the other heirs, the trial settlement. 15
court set aside petitioner’s appointment as special co-
administrator.3Petitioner consequently, nominated his son, In this case, we find that the trial court’s judgment on the
Alvin Milton Co (Alvin, for brevity), for appointment as issue of Alvin’s removal as special co-administrator is
co-administrator of the estate.4 On August 31, 1998, the grounded on reason, equity, justice and legal principle. It is
RTC appointed Alvin as special co-administrator.5 not characterized by patent and gross capriciousness, pure
whim and abuse, arbitrariness or despotism, as to be
Almost four years thereafter, the RTC, acting on a correctible by the writ of certiorari.16 In fact, the appellate
motion6 filed by one of the heirs, issued its January 22, court correctly observed that:
2002 Order7 revoking and setting aside the appointment of
Alvin. The trial court reasoned that Alvin had become In ruling to revoke the appointment of Alvin
unsuitable to discharge the trust given to him as special co- Milton Co, the lower court took into consideration
administrator because his capacity, ability or competence to the fiduciary nature of the office of a special
perform the functions of co-administrator had been administrator which demands a high degree of
beclouded by the filing of several criminal cases against trust and confidence in the person to be appointed.
him, which, even if there was no conviction yet, had The court a quo observed that, burdened with the
provided the heirs ample reason to doubt his fitness to criminal charges of falsification of commercial
handle the subject estate with utmost fidelity, trust and documents leveled against him (sic), and the
confidence. corresponding profound duty to defend himself in
these proceedings, Alvin Milton Co’s ability and
Aggrieved, petitioner moved for the reconsideration of the qualification to act as special co-administrator of
said Order, but this was denied in the RTC Order8 of May the estate of the decedent are beclouded, and the
14, 2002. recall of his appointment is only proper under the
attendant circumstances. Such reasoning by the
court a quo finds basis in actual logic and

probability. Without condemning the accused man
(sic) as guilty before he is found such by the
appropriate tribunal, the court merely declared that
it is more consistent with the demands of justice
and orderly processes that the petitioner’s son, who
is already bidden to defend himself against
criminal charges for falsification in other fora be
relieved of his duties and functions as special
administrator, to avoid conflicts and possible

The Court finds no grave abuse of discretion

attending such ruling, as it was reached based on
the court a quo’s own fair assessment of the
circumstances attending the case below, and the
applicable laws.17

As a final note, the Court observes that this prolonged

litigation on the simple issue of the removal of a special co-
administrator could have been avoided if the trial court
promptly appointed a regular administrator. We, therefore,
direct the trial court to proceed with the appointment of a
regular administrator as soon as practicable.

WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is

hereby DENIED. The October 28, 2003 Decision of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 72055


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