HSB Respiration and Breathing
HSB Respiration and Breathing
HSB Respiration and Breathing
Respiration is the breakdown of food substrates such as glucose to release energy and do
work in cells.
Breathing is the movement of air into out of the lungs.
Combustion is a chemical process in which a substance reacts rapidly with oxygen and gives
off heat.
Industries such as the drinks and baking industries are based on anaerobic respiration of yeast
to make alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Oxygen debt- a temporary oxygen shortage in the body tissues arising from exercise.
Respiratory System
It provides the oxygen and removes the carbon dioxide made cellular respiration. The
respiratory system is mainly the trachea, bronchus and lungs, and is in the thorax
Inspiration- Inspiration is when muscles of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles
contract, reducing the pressure so air enters the lungs.
Expiration- Expiration is when muscles of the diaphragm relax and the external intercostal
muscles relax , increasing the pressure to air out. Internal intercostal muscles can force are
Vitality capacity- is the maximum volume of air blown out after a full inspiration
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is given to restart breathing by blowing in expired air.