623 Engine Management Porsche
623 Engine Management Porsche
623 Engine Management Porsche
AfterSales Training
Engine Management Systems
Porsche AfterSales Training
Student Name: ________________________________________________
Date: ___________________
Important Notice: Some of the contents of this AfterSales Training brochure was originally written by Porsche AG for its rest-
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subject to change without notice.
We have attempted to render the text within this publication to American English as best as we could. We reserve the right to
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i
E-Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
System Descriptions From E-Throttle Systems, Sports Cars 7.2, 7.8 and
Cayenne 7.1, MED 9.1 & EMS SDI 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
OBD-II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Conversion Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Over the past several years, the engine management and related systems of Porsche vehicles have had
to respond to ever-lower emissions standards and increasingly complex legislative requirements. While
each new engine design produced more torque and horsepower and lower fuel consumption, engine
management systems become increasingly efficient and complex. This has increased the amount of
information that the technician must have command of and the complexity of the systems the technican
must understand, exponentially. This training book attempts to organize the information and system
theory of Porsche engine management in an understandable and organized manner. We hope this will
make your study of Porsche engine management a successful undertaking that will improve your ability
to repair and diagnose Porsche engine management systems.
Viel Spass!
Power (3)
During the power stroke the valves are When the vehicle is at idle, the throttle plate will close off
closed and the air/fuel mixture has the intake air flow path and the engine will be held to a low
been ignited by the ignition system. RPM. This will cause the pressure in the intake system (7)
The pressure that is generated by the to drop below atmospheric pressure (6) since the engine
burning of the air/fuel mixture pushes is attempting to pull air past the closed throttle plate. As
the piston down. This stroke creates the throttle plate is opened, the pressure will rise towards
rotational force (torque), which is trans- atmospheric pressure, at wide-open throttle the pressure
mitted to the crankshaft via the will be close to atmospheric pressure.
connecting rod.
The exhaust system directs the combustion by-products
Exhaust (4) from the engine (9) to the rear of the vehicle. The pressure
in the exhaust system (10) pulses positive/negative, due
During the exhaust stroke, the exhaust to the gas inertia of the exhaust flow. The exhaust gas
valve is opened and the piston begins continues to move after the exhaust valve has closed,
moving up and forces the by products forming a low pressure in the exhaust runner below the
of the combustion process out past the closed valve.
exhaust valve and into the exhaust
The inductive ignition system utilized on current Porsche strong magnetic field is built up. A second coil of wire is
models generates the high-tension current required for connected to the first at the grounded (switched - breaker
reliable ignition, and then delivers it to the correct spark points) end and to the spark plug on the other. This
plug at precisely the right time. To describe how this is second coil of wire is known as the secondary winding and
achieved, we need to examine the three main functions is coaxial (sharing the same axis) with the first (primary)
of the ignition system: winding. The switch is commonly known as the breaker
1. Produce a spark of sufficient intensity to ignite the air/
fuel mixture. These coils of wire are contained together in one housing
referred to as the ignition coil. When the switch is opened
2. Distribute this spark to the correct cylinder. and current flow ceases, the magnetic field collapses. This
induces a very high voltage in the secondary winding.
3. Time the point when the spark is generated in relation When this voltage rises to a value high enough to force
to piston position (Ignition timing). electrons to jump the gap between the center electrode of
the spark plug and the ground electrode, a intense spark
Producing the Spark is produced, this spark ignites the mixture in the combus-
tion chamber. The relationship between when the points
When a magnetic field passes through a conductor (for open and crankshaft position is called; ignition timing. The
example a coil of copper wire) it generates current flow. amount of time that the points are closed is referred to as
The opposite is also the case when a current passes dwell. The more time that the points are closed, the
through a conductor (for example a coil of copper wire), it stronger the magnetic field will be and the hotter and more
produces a magnetic field. This basic electrical law is the intense the spark.
operational principal of the inductive ignition system.
This inductive process produces heat and for that reason
In the automotive ignition system, one coil of wire is the dwell has to be limited to prevent overheating the coil.
connected to power on one end and to ground across a The amount of dwell is a balance between having a hot
switch on the other. This coil of wire is known as the intense spark and preventing damage to the coil and
primary winding and when current passes through it a points from overheating.
In older systems the coil was filled with oil to prevent the
windings from overheating. Newer systems have the
windings embedded in a plastic that is heat resistant.
Graph 2 shows the timing map that you get from a conven-
tional distributor system. You can clearly see the
limitations of conventional ignition control. Graph 1 is the
advance amount for optimum performance and fuel
economy, this is what a digital electronic system uses to
control ignition timing.
The goal of the fuel system is to maintain the air fuel ratio Below is the Power vs. Fuel economy graph, it illustrates
at the Stoichiometric point. “Stoichiometry”, is the combi- the benefits of an air to fuel ratio at Lambda.
nation of air and fuel that will produce complete combus-
tion of all the fuel in the mixture. This ratio is also referred
to as Lambda 1. Lambda 1 and stoichiometry refer to the
same mixture ratio. At Lambda 1 the mixture ratio is 14.7
parts air to 1 part fuel, by weight (14.7:1).
When discussing mixture ratio in Porsche fuel systems we When we analyze the Power vs. Fuel economy graph you
use the term Lambda (Short for Lambda1) to indicate a can see the advantage of a air fuel ratio of Lambda 1:
mixture at a ratio of 14.7 to 1 fuel to air by weight. It is
also the term we use for oxygen sensors “Lambda Notice that the curves have a steep section and a flat
sensor”, since Lambda sensors measure mixture. section.
Move mixture to the max power point and you gain only
a small increase in power and you have a large increase
in fuel consumption.
Move to the point of lowest fuel consumption and you
gain only a small amount of fuel economy and lose a
large amount of power.
Let’s talk about how the goal of the fuel system is In the simple system model the following can be observed:
Air flowing into the engine is measured by the air flow
The fuel control system is complex on late model Porsche sensor. This is an input to the electronic control unit.
vehicles, however we can gain a solid understanding of how The electronic control unit determines the correct amount
this complex system works by reducing the system to its of fuel to be added to this airflow to achieve the
least complex form. We call this least complex form the Stoichiometric air fuel ratio.
simple system model. It consists of the following: The ECU opens the injectors just long enough to inject the
correct amount of fuel (with this system we open the
A fuel pump to supply fuel to the engine. injectors at TDC of each crank revolution).
l l
Electromechanical fuel injection valves to deliver the fuel. When the throttle opens further, more air enters the
An electronic sensor for airflow measurement. engine.
l l
A control unit to control the system function. The airflow measure from the airflow sensor increases.
l l
The engine mechanical system. The electronic control unit opens the injectors for a longer
period of time in order to maintain the Stoichiometric ratio.
Our systems are digital and the following items are added:
Software program
Third – send a command to the injector operating
circuit to open the injector for that amount of time.
Lambda Map
Back to step one, over and over (loop) as long as the
engine is running.
As you can see, there are a lot more data points in this
map than there were in the first example. We can fine tune
Our description of the injector opening time map in the
the fuel amount for each speed/airflow point. This will give
example above is very basic, so let’s take a more detailed
the optimum mixture under all operating conditions.
look. We need to have engine speed as well as air flow in
the map, because we need a different amount of fuel at
This system model works very similar to our model
low RPM for an airflow than we will need at a higher RPM
without engine speed.
for the same airflow. We need to add a speed sensor to
the system model to accomplish this. l
Get the air mass and engine speed from the sensors.
Go to the map and retrieve the injector opening time (Ti
We will describe how our sensors and actuators function in
or injector duration).
following sections. l
Direct the injector final stage to open the injector for
that amount of time.
When we add engine speed to our map, we end up with a
grid like the injector duration (Map #2) with the upper right
We have more precise mixture control when we add
being wide open throttle and the lower left is idle.
engine speed to our Ti map.
For example:
Cold start – We want to heat the engine up, and, fuel
doesn’t atomize well when it is cold.
Full throttle – We want to provide extra fuel to reduce
NOx. The heating that is required to evaporate the fuel
lowers the combustion chamber temperature and
reduces NOx. Combustion by Products vs. Lambda 1
Digital systems are capable of processing a lot of data in The one gas that stands out is NOx, it peaks at Lambda 1.
very short periods of time. They are very precise as a This is a problem since the amount of NOx that a vehicle
result. It is easy to see that we can have a digital system can emit is limited by legislation. The HC and CO
match the mixture to the specific operating conditions. emissions are limited as well, but NOx is the largest
concern. In order to sell vehicles in the USA, you must
have some way to lower the NOx.
The more efficient that the engine is, the more NOx
it will produce.
Catalytic Components
In the above illustration you will notice the change that allows us to achieve our goal is a sensor that measures O2. We call it a
Lambda sensor or oxygen sensor. As you observed in the Combustion by Products vs. Lambda graph, the oxygen content in
the exhaust flow is directly proportional to air fuel ratio. This means that you can determine the air fuel ratio by looking at the
oxygen content of the exhaust.
When current flows in the solenoid winding a magnetic
field is created.
This magnetic field lifts the armature off it’s seat
Heated Lambda Sensor allowing fuel to flow. When the current stops, the
armature is returned to it’s seat by spring pressure and
1. Sensor housing fuel flow stops.
2. Protective ceramic tube The injector is installed in the intake manifold with the
3. Connecton cable injector pointing across the intake valve into the
4. Protective tube with slots combustion chamber.
5. Zerconium dioxide ceramic The injector is connected to the control unit by a wiring
6. Contact section harness with waterproof connector
7. Protective sleeve The injector is connected to the fuel system by the fuel
8. Heating element rail with a connection sealed by an o-ring.
9. Connector cable terminals for heating element
Each injector has a specific flow rate, so each engine has
The Lambda sensor above has a internal heating element, the flow rate of its injectors modified for that specific
this allows the system to go into feedback mixture control motor. You need to make sure that the injectors are the
faster than a non heated sensor (remember you need correct part number for the application. The injectors used
650° F. (350° C) for the sensor to operate). All Porsche by late model Porsche vehicles have special features like
oxygen sensors have been the heated type since M.Y. multiple injection orifices and smaller overall diameter of
1985. Later model Porsche vehicles also use planar the injector body.
sensors, these features will be described in the vehicle
specific sections.
1. Sensor plate
2. Air temperature sensor
3. Output ECU
4. Potentiometer
5. Damping chamber
6. Compensation flap
QL. Intake air flow
The airflow meter is a chamber with a hinged flap that is
moved by the air flowing into the engine.
The more air flowing into the engine the higher the flap
is raised.
The chamber and the flap are calibrated so that at wide-
open throttle the flap is just short of fully open.
There is a second flap connected at a 90-degree angle
to the first flap, this flap acts as a damping control.
It compresses air in a chamber in the meter housing and
this dampens the pulsations caused by the intake
The flap has a potentiometer connected to it that
indicates airflow to the control unit as an analog voltage
that increases as airflow increases. The meter housing
has a bypass passage with an adjustable cross section
for adjustment this is used to calibrate the system by
adjusting the idle CO concentration.
Now that we have described the operation of the The information from this sensor is used to sense engine
basic fuel system, the oxygen sensor mixture fine- temperature so that the air fuel mixture can be adjusted to
tuning system, and three-way catalytic converter. compensate for the effect of cold conditions on starting
We need to revisit our system model and add more and running.
components and discuss system operation in closer
detail. A cold engine requires more fuel, so if we do not make
the mixture richer when starting, the engine will be hard
In the system diagram above, you can see we have added to start or won’t start at all.
some new components to our system model, so lets
discuss their function. This is due to several factors:
Engine Temperature Sensor The cold intake tract, cylinder walls and combustion
chamber, which condense fuel on the surfaces of the
The engine temperature sensor is a semiconductor intake tract, combustion chamber and reduce atomiza-
temperature sensor (thermistor) with a negative tempera- tion.
ture coefficient (as temperature rises the resistance of the After startup, a cold engine requires additional fuel until
sensor decreases). It is screwed into the coolant jacket. the intake and combustion chamber heat up and fuel
atomization improves.
A cold engine has more friction and requires more
energy to turn over until it reaches operating
The enrichment provides additional torque for a smooth
cold idle.
The cold enrichment is gradually reduced as the engine
Engine Temperature Sensor temperature rises to operating temperature and the
need for cold enrichment ends.
1. Electrical terminals 2. Housing
3. NTC resistor 4. Coolant
a. Housing
b. Hot film sensor (mounted in the middle)
1. Heat sink
2. Intermediate module
3. Power module
4. Hybrid circuit
5. Sensor element
1. Hybrid circuit
2. Cover
3. Metal insert
4. Venturi with hot wire
5. Housing
6. Screen
7. Retaining ring
Hot air is thinner and has less oxygen per unit.
Cold air is denser and has more oxygen per unit.
We need to lean out the air fuel mixture for hot intake air
and richen up the mixture when the intake air is cooler.
We use the intake air temperature for ignition timing
control as well we retard the timing as temperature
It has a map.
A program looks at inputs.
The program controls the idle speed stabilizer based on
the inputs.
The bottom line is that the inputs and outputs for fuel and Notes:
ignition control are either the same, or very close to the
same for both systems. So combining them in one control
unit just made sense.
Adding the microcomputer was the only way you can have
data maps stored in memory (for example injection
duration and ignition timing maps), and a program that
utilizes them to control engine management systems. This
achieved exceptional output and performance while main-
taining the emissions levels required by law.
Let’s utilize a basic DME system to take a closer The DME example above is close to the systems Porsche
look at how digital engine management works. used up until M.Y. 1994, it uses an airflow meter to
measure the amount of air entering the engine. After M.Y.
1. Fuel pump 1994, Porsche systems use an air mass sensor to
2. Fuel filter measure the air entering the engine.
3. Fuel pressure damper
4. Fuel pressure regulator
5. Fuel rail and lines
6. Idle air control valve
7. Airflow meter
8. Throttle position sensor
9. Intake air temperature sensor
10. Engine coolant temperature sensor
11. Knock sensor
12. Engine speed sensor
13. Flywheel with speed sensor ring with teeth missing for
reference signal
14. Control unit with microcomputer
15. Ignition coil
16. Distributor cap and rotor
First is the speed and reference sensor. It is an inductive The fuel pressure damper, is a device that reduces
sensor. pressure pulsations in the fuel rail.
l l
It uses a magnetic field moving through a coil of wire to These pulsations might intrude into the passenger
produce a signal that indicates engine speed. compartment as a buzzing noise.
l l
It has an area where two teeth have been removed to We don’t need a pressure damper on systems with
give a reference to top dead center of cylinder number sequential injection as we are not operating all of the
one. injectors at TDC of each crankshaft revolution, instead,
The sensor ring on the flywheel would have 60 teeth, when the intake valve of each cylinder opens we inject
but two have been removed for the reference signal. fuel.
l l
This gives us 6 degrees for each tooth, 3 degrees for This greatly reduces the amplitude of the pressure
the high section, and 3 degrees for the low section. pulses and eliminates the need for the damper.
The computer can determine crankshaft position even
further to a fraction of a degree, giving DME the ability Relays
to see crankshaft position, acceleration and
deceleration in fine detail. We also see the duplex relay for system power and fuel
pump control (DME relay). This type of relay was used up
to M.Y. 1997. After 1997, two separate relays were used.
The fuel and ignition control are combined into one control
unit, since both the fuel injectors and the ignition final
stage are outputs for this system. The other big change is
the addition of a knock sensor which operates as a
feedback input for ignition control.
Engine Speed Sensor
1. Permanent magnet
2. Housing
3. Engine Housing
4. Soft iron core
5. Winding
6. Ring gear w/reference point (tooth gap)
You can use a more aggressive ignition-timing map; and
then if the sensor detects an ignition knock, the DME
can retard the timing of the cylinder that knocked.
The system determines the cylinder that needs to be
retarded by counting. In a six cylinder engine, the same
cylinder that the knock was detected from will be back
in six ignition cycles, so the system counts six cycles
from the knock and retards that cylinder.
The early systems with knock control moved timing in
steps of three degrees, up to a total of nine degrees.
The newer systems have different steps and totals, for
example, the 911 Carrera (996) move in steps of two
and three quarters degrees for a total of twelve
Most of the knock control systems also utilize a Hall
sensor to determine which reference signal indicates
TDC cylinder number one.
This is needed when there are two knock sensors. For
example; on a flat six, if cylinder number one has just
fired and the knock sensor that is monitoring the
cylinder four through six bank senses a knock, the
system can ignore that sensor.
The knocking cannot be from the ignition of cylinder
number 1 and retarding the timing will have no effect on
the knock and only reduce the power output of the
The mixture control system has evolved over the last two The next level of control is the fuel trim system. This
decades into a self-adjusting system that “learns” and self system utilizes the oxygen sensor to modify the Ti that the
adjusts. main mixture control sends to the injector driver circuit.
This system has three main levels of control: After 1996 (with OBD-II), this system divides the fuel
system in half and each bank of the engine has it’s own
Main determination of injector duration for entire engine. fuel trim system. These systems make a small change in
Fuel trim system, adjusting mixture based on oxygen the Ti based on the oxygen sensor voltage.
sensor voltage. OBD-II vehicles have two systems, one
for each cylinder bank. When the voltage goes high, it indicates the mixture is
Adaptation system adjusting fuel maps on long-term rich and the control moves the mixture lean by reducing
basis. To understand this system we need to examine Ti.
these control levels in detail, so we will start at the When the voltage goes low, it indicates the mixture is
beginning with a review of main injector duration deter- lean and the control moves the mixture rich by
mination. increasing Ti.
The program takes the present engine load and engine
speed and retrieves an injector duration from the
injector duration map.
The program then modifies the injector duration based
on the real time inputs (for example, if the engine
coolant temperature is low, time is added to move the
mixture rich).
This injector duration (Ti) is then sent to the injector
driver circuit and the injector is opened by this Ti. When we analyze the Voltage vs. Lambda graph we see
three things:
When the oxygen sensor voltage is in the area of 150
millivolts to 850 millivolts we are close to Lambda.
In this area our three-way catalyst will operate at
optimum efficiency.
We will have good control of pollutant emissions.
This control system is referred to as the integrator. This The answer to this is; it comes from the development
control system is also known as short term fuel trim. It department at Weissach. Porsche fuel system engineers
turns the oxygen sensor voltage into a decision to move generate the Ti map with a test engine on a motor
mixture. dynamometer. They run the engine in each load/speed
range and then move the mixture rich and lean until the
It keeps the oxygen sensor voltage moving between 150 engine operates at Lambda 1. This gives us a Ti map for
millivolts and 850 millivolts by adding or subtracting time an ideal engine (The timing map is generated in the same
from injector duration. way).
For example: This is a great method however, not all engines are made
equal, and engines change as they age. So one fuel map
A normal idle Ti could be 2.4 milliseconds. (one size fits all) can’t be perfect for all engines. Even if
A normal idle fuel trim might be + 0.24 milliseconds. the map were perfect when the engine was new, it would
2.4 milliseconds + .24 milliseconds = 2.64milliseconds not be perfect after the engine has been run 100,000
of Ti. The mixture is richer (adding Ti adds fuel). miles.
This would be a correction for a lean reading.
The opposite would be true for a rich reading. We have a special addition to the fuel mixture software, it
is called adaptation (long term fuel trim). Here is how it
The mixture moves up and down and the oxygen sensor works.
voltage follows. The oxygen sensor voltage is always
moving between 150 and 850 Millivolts. The adaptation program monitors the mixture control
system for a time period. For example ten minutes; let’s
There are reasons for the movement between rich and say that during that time period the integrator has had
lean: to add .25 milliseconds to the Ti for the entire time.
We then know that the Ti map is too lean by .25 millisec-
When the integrator (short term fuel trim) moves the onds.
mixture rich, it creates a lack of oxygen in the catalyst, The adaptation program adds .25 milliseconds of time
this is needed for the reduction of NOx. to the fuel map. When the fuel trim system gets a Ti
from the fuel map, it only needs to make a small correc-
When the integrator moves the mixture lean, it creates a tion since the Ti map has been adjusted to fit the engine
surplus of oxygen needed for the oxidation of HC and that it’s in control of.
The adaptation program has no hardware or moving parts.
This is how a three-way catalytic converter is capable of It is a system that exists only as lines of code in the fuel
meeting stringent emissions regulations. trim system software.
One range is adaptation for idle, RKAT (before model 1. VarioCam
year 2000 we called it TRA) 2. Resonance Intake System
The Idle range as we have described in our example
adds or subtracts injection time in response to oxygen We just add the hardware to the engine, and instructions
sensor input. to the program to drive the hardware (output). There can
Another range is adaptation for the load range FRA (in also be features that have no hardware. They only exist as
the latest models the FRA is divided into an upper and lines of code in the fuel system software. These systems
lower range) will be discussed in a separate section.
The load range is slightly different. It does not add and
subtract time from the Ti; it multiplies the Ti.
Subject Page
DME 5.2 – 1996 911 Carrera (993) & 1996 911 Turbo (993)
Introductory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.21
DME 5.2.2 – 1997 Boxster (986) & 1999 911 Carrera (996)
Introductory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.39
1 - Air filter
2 - Mass air flow sensor
3 - Throttle body
4 - Intake manifold flap positioner
5 - Intake tank
6 - Resonance pipes
1 - Fuel tank
2 - Expansion tank
3 - Fuel tank sender 1 - Fuel tank
4 - Filler neck 2 - Expansion tank
3 - Fuel pump
The fuel tank is shaped in such a way that it can be 4 - Fuel filter
removed without removing the transverse wall and held in 5 - Carbon canister
place by a single restraining strap. 6 - Purge air line
7 - Tank vent
The expansion tank is mounted directly onto the fuel tank 8 - Return line
with three screws and has two connection pipes. The tank
fuel level sender is located on the right hand side of the
tank, and the connection to the filler neck is on the left of
the tank.
The fuel pump is a EKP 4/2 roller-cell pump. Features of the DME control unit:
55 - Diagnosis K wire
54 - Characteristic map switch
53 - Throttle potentiometer
52 - Throttle position to transmission control unit
51 - Transmission input
50 - Knocking, yes/no
49 - Speed/reference mark sender +
48 - Speed/reference mark sender –
47 - Air intake temperature
46 - Not used
45 - Engine NTC II
44 - Tiptronic coding
43 - Not used
42 - Selector lever switch
41 - Heater control unit
40 - A/C compressor coupling
39 - Not used
38 - Not used
37 - DME relay 87
36 - Ground, DME relay 85
35 - Injection valve cylinder No. 2
34 - Injection valve cylinder No. 4
33 - Tank vent
32 - Auxiliary air pump (USA)
31 - Final stage ignition circuit 2
30 - Ground, knock sensors
29 - Knock sensor 2
28 - Oxygen sensor/CO potentiometer
27 - Terminal 15
26 - Ground, mass air flow sensor
25 - Final stage ignition circuit 1
24 - Ground, remaining final stages
23 - Injection valve cylinder No. 5
22 - Intake manifold flap closed
21 - Check engine monitor (USA)
20 - Oxygen sensor heating
19 - Ground, electronics, all shields
18 - Battery +
17 - Injection valve cylinder No. 1
16 - Injection valve cylinder No. 6
15 - Not used
14 - Ground, throttle flap potentiometer/NTCs
13 - Diagnosis L wire
12 - Positive supply throttle flap potentiometer/Hall sender
11 - Knock sensor 1
10 - Ground, oxygen sensor
9 - Vehicle speed
8 - Hall sender signal
7 - Mass airflow sensor signal
6 - Tachometer counter
5 - Injection valve cylinder No. 3
4 - Intake manifold flap open
3 - Ground, DME relay 85 b
2 - Not used
1 - Resonance flap
To be able to retrieve the various maps, a 2-pin connector Detection of the air drawn into the intake is performed by
is branched off from the DME wire harness near the a hot film mass airflow sensor (1). It is installed between
control unit connector. the air filter housing (2) and the throttle body (3).
On vehicles fitted with Tiptronic, the DME control unit is
coded with a special Tiptronic wire harness.
Measures the passing air mass (gas mass) per time unit
independent of its density and temperature.
1 - Sensor hybrid
2 - Hybrid
3 - Power electronic component
4 - Intermediate plate
5 - Heat sink for power final stage
6 - Measurement channel
The measuring element in the air mass sensor housing
must never be removed since the components are
calibrated during manufacture of the unit.
Oxygen Sensor
If the battery has been disconnected or the control unit 1 - New plug generation
has been separated from the system, the engine must be 2 - Sensor housing (new) on exhaust side (holes instead of slots)
restarted with the throttle valve fully closed. A self-adaptive
In addition, the DME control unit is coded for operation Hall Sender
with open-loop catalytic converter. As the adaptive oxygen
sensor control is omitted at the same time, a CO basic
setting at engine idle speed is required. For this purpose a
potentiometer is installed on a bracket on the right-hand
side in the engine compartment. The connecting wire of
this potentiometer is connected to the DME control unit
harness via an adapter cable instead of the oxygen sensor
Knocking combustion can lead to engine damage. For this In order to perform adaptive knock regulation, the
reason the 911 Carrera (993) engine is equipped with a electronic ignition map is subdivided up into 8 engine
knock regulator that individually retards ignition timing speed and 4 load ranges. If a knock occurs, the ignition
within each cylinder when uncontrolled combustion occurs angle is retarded by 3° for the respective cylinder, and is
in the form of knocking. then retuned to the optimized ignition angle in small steps
dependent on time. If, however, the corresponding
Basic Features load/engine speed range is exceeded (e.g. during acceler-
ation) while ignition timing is retarded, the last ignition
The engine is equipped with two knock bridges with a timing angle set (learnt) when the load/engine speed
knock sensor screwed into each of those knock bridges. range was left is now adapted. In the next load/engine
The knock bridges connect the individual cylinders no.1 to speed range, the new (optimized) ignition angle stored in
3 and 4 to 6. The knock detection circuit is matched to the control unit is immediately set. In this manner, longer
the bridges which is why no other components may be and unnecessary retarding of the ignition is avoided and
mounted to the bridges (interference). As is the case with the dynamic behavior of the engine is improved. If the
all knock sensors, the correct tightening torque and the engine now returns to the load/engine speed range with
correct assembly sequence must be observed. the adapted (learnt) ignition angle, the reduced value
Inadvertent mixup of the connectors of the knock sensors deviating from the optimum ignition angle is set first. This
on the wire harness end cannot occur. The plug connector helps to reduce the total number of knocks.
is of green color.
Voltage Supply for the DME Control Unit over the
If a knocking combustion is detected, the ignition timing DME Relays
for the respective cylinder is retarded by 3°. If the
knocking combustion continues, each knock sensor When the ignition is switched on, a positive voltage is
retards the ignition in 3° stages up to a maximum of 9°. If supplied to terminal 27 of the DME control unit across the
no more knocking combustion is detected, the ignition airbag and alarm control unit. At the same time, the DME
timing is advanced to the optimum value or the relay terminal 85 is grounded via terminal 36 of the DME
programmed ignition timing angle again in small steps control unit. The relay closes and a further positive input
according to the time elapsed. signal is supplied to terminal 37 of the DME control unit.
Once the ignition has been switched off, the DME unit is
shut down across terminal 36 with a delay off approx. 2-3
seconds to allow internal tests to be carried out in the
control unit.
The 911 Carrera (993) engine is equipped with a twin The distributor is equuipped with a hose connection to the
ignition system, i.e. there are two spark plugs per air guide housing to vent the interior of the distributor.
combustion chamber to ignite the air-fuel mixture. This
reduces in the spark travel in the cylinder and reduces Ignition Wires
combustion time while producing a faster pressure
increase. In addition, a more stable combustion is New ignition wire sets are used. The previously used
achieved thanks to the second spark source, i.e. the silicon ignition wire have been replaced with Hypalon
differences between one working stroke and another are ignition wires. The spark plug connectors of ignition circuit
reduced. 1 have only two sealing lips to accommodate the modified
rocker cover. The spark plug connectors of ignition circuit
Ignition Final Stage 2 are fitted with a lead-in to ensure correct attachment to
the spark plugs.
A double final stage with two transistors supplies current
to both ignition coils. The double final stage is mounted
under the left hand seat, mounted on a bracket next to the
DME control unit.
Ignition Coils
Certain input values are tested for plausibility in the DME control unit of the 911 Carrera (993). If a fault is detected, they are
replaced by a value preprogrammed in the control unit.
Mass air flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Calculation of air volume from throttle angle and engine speed. When a
fault is detected at the throttle potentiometer at the same time, only rpm-
dependent load line is introduced.
Engine temperature sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mixture formation as for 252° F. (122.2° C) cylinder head temperature.
Oxygen sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .None, but control unit switches from regulation to control
Temperature sensor – intake air . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ignition angle as for 122° F. (50.2° C) intake temperature
Hall sender and knock sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .As of a specified engine load, ignition angle of all cylinders is retarded by
6° and knock regulation is off
Oxygen sensor closed-loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .None, but control unit switches from regulation to control
Throttle potentiometer* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Engine idle and full load features are dependent on air flow. Replacement
value dependent on rpm, 10 – 45° throttle valve angle.
Speed signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .None, but no system adaptation either
* If implausible values occur at the throttle potentiometer, contact resistances may be present in the plug or directly at the
On vehicles with catalytic converter and an oxygen sensor
system, the air-fuel mixture is adapted during vehicle
operation, i.e. the oxygen sensor system modifies
injection timing and, hence, the injection signal accordingly
when a deviation from the nominal value is detected. This
process compensates for engine-specific tolerances and
specific mixture composition faults. Thanks to this
adaptive modification of the air-fuel mixture, it is not
necessary to adjust the idle CO to a basic setting.
DME Components
DME Components
The air drawn in by the engine passes the air filter and the 1 - Air filter
hot film mass airflow sensor. The air flow is then divided 2 - Mass airflow sensor
into two partial flows that are drawn in by the 3 - Turbocharger
compressors of the two turbochargers. The compressed 4 - Intercooler
air now passes one intercooler per cylinder bank and is 5 - Throttle
cooled off in this process. This design gives a relatively 6 - IACV
large cooling surface. The partial air flows merge 7 - Check valve
downstream of the intercoolers and are fed across a 8 - Vacuum accumulator
throttle into the intake housing and the individual cylinders. 9 - Solenoid switching valve
10 - Pneumatic switching valve
Exhaust Flow 11 - Air pump
12 - Air pump relay
After leaving the combustion chambers, the exhaust gas in 13 - Bypass valve diaphragm capsule
an initial stage flows into the exhaust manifolds designed 14 - Catalytic converter
as heat exchangers. Then the exhaust is fed into one 15 - Rear muffler
turbine wheel of the exhaust turbocharger (one per 16 - Oil drip pan
cylinder bank) with integral bypass flap. Downstream of 17 - Twin oil pump
the turbochargers, the exhaust passes a catalytic 18 - Intake line
converter with metal substrate and rear muffler towards 19 - Vent line
the tailpipes featuring adjustable baffles. Each cylinder 20 - Throttle, 2 mm dia.
bank has its own exhaust system that is a separate unit 21 - Oil tank
from the cylinder exhaust ports right to the tailpipes. 22 - Check valve
23 - Vent line
This separation of the exhaust flows and the resultant 24 - Recirculating air valve, left turbocharger
installation of two catalytic converters reduce exhaust 25 - Recirculating air valve, right turbocharger
backpressure in the exhaust system and, therefore, 26 - Throttle, 4 mm dia.
provide unrestricted gas exchange. The separated exhaust 27 - Frequency valve for boost pressure control
flows and separate mixture control require stereo A/F 28 - Rollover safety valve
control to accommodate the new diagnostic system. For 29 - Carbon canister
this reason, each cylinder bank is equipped with one 30 - Tank venting valve
sensor ahead of and one sensor behind the catalytic A - From fuel pump
converter. This allows exhaust emissions to be reduced to R - Tank return
a level that is significantly below US limits. T - Tank venting line
B - Turbocharger intake side
C - Turbocharger delivery side
D - Exhaust side
E - Intake manifold pressure
F - Control line for boost pressure control and secondary air
G - Vent lines
H - Vent line for turbocharger lubrication
I - Intake line for carbon canister
J - Auxiliary air line
K - Oil line for turbocharger
The fuel is supplied by an electric roller-cell pump that The fuel pump is a roller-cell design. To provide the
keeps fuel delivery to the injection valves at a constant required fuel pressure and the required fuel quantity, the
level. The fuel quantity required by the engine is supplies fuel pump is activated briefly by the DME control module
to the engine by electromagnetic injection valves. whenever the ignition is switched on. To allow this feature
to become activated, however, the engine must rev up at
Fuel Tank least to idle rpm when the ignition is switched on
repeatedly and a waiting time of approx. 5 seconds must
The fuel tank is located in the luggage compartment have elapsed after the engine has been switched off.
ahead of the heater. It is made of blown polyethylene
plastic. The noise-insulated fuel pump is located under the Injection Valves
tank and is accessible from the vehicle floor through a
separate cover. The injection valves are designed for the engine output of
400 hp (300 kW). The valve coils are made of brass and
Fuel Circuit have an internal resistance of approx. 16 Ω. Due to the
sequential injection system, the feed wires must never be
The fuel flows from the fuel strainer screwed into the fuel interchanged and have therefore been marked to provide
tank to the pump, then to the fuel filter and across a Z- positive identification.
shaped Tecalan plastic pipe below the intake housing to
the pressure regulator. This Tecalan pipe must never be Fuel Filter
kinked or pinched. From the pressure regulator, excess
fuel is returned to the tank across the return pipe that The fuel filter is installed to the wheel housing on the right-
enters the tank near the fuel pump. hand side of the engine compartment.
1 - Fuel tank
2 - Reservoir
3 - Fuel pump
4 - Fuel filter
5 - Carbon canister
6 - Scavenging air pipe
7 - Tank vent
8 - Return pipe
The heart of the hot film mass airflow sensor is a hot film
sensor placed in the intake air flow. The heating current
required to keep the hot film sensor at a constant temper-
ature is determined by the voltage signal to the DME
control module.
Speed Signal
The 911 Turbo (993) engine is provided with an adaptive When the ignition is switched on, a positive voltage is fed
knock control system that selectively retards the ignition to the DME control module (terminal 56) across the airbag
timing of the respective cylinder when a knocking combus- and alarm control modules.
tion condition occurs.
In this process, the DME control module connects terminal
Operation 85 of the DME relay to the ground across terminal 27. The
relay then closes and another positive signal is fed to the
The engine has two knock bridges that hold one knock DME control module.
sensor each. These knock bridges form a link between the
individual cylinders No. 1 to 3 and 4 to 6, respectively. After switching off the ignition, the DME is switched off
across terminal 27 with a certain time lag (approx. 2 to 3
The knock detection circuit is designed for these bridges, sec). This lag is required to allow internal tests in the
and no additional components must therefore be mounted control module to be run (watch dog).
on these bridges (to prevent interference). As with any
knock sensor, correct tightening torque and assembly Sequential Injection
sequence are essential. The wiring harness is designed in
such a way that any mixing-up of the knock sensor connec- Sequential injection means that the full calculated fuel
tors is impossible. quantity is metered to each cylinder individually once per
cycle in accordance with the firing order. This ensures a
If a knock condition is detected, the ignition timing of the more uniform mixture formation.
respective cylinder is retarded by 2.25°. If the knock
condition persists, ignition timing is retarded to a Ignition Final Stage
maximum of 12°. In 2.25° steps per knock signal.
The ignition final stage of the 911 Turbo (993) was built
If the maximum retard setting of 12° is not sufficient, the into the DME control module so that the primary circuit is
boost pressure controller reduces boost to reduce the established across coil terminal 1 to the DME control
danger of knocking during combustion. If no knock module terminal 49 and the ignition final stage built into
condition is detected any further, the ignition timing is the control unit and across terminal 55 to ground point V
readvanced incrementally to its optimum setting, i.e. the of the vehicle.
programmed setting, in a time-dependent manner.
Ignition Coil
In the case of an engine speed of 2,000 rpm, for example,
eight operating cycles are required, and at 6,000 rpm, 25 The ignition coil mounted fully preassembled to a bracket
cycles are required until the programmed map is attained at the left rear engine mount. To prevent touching wires
again. carrying high voltages, the electrical connections are
covered with rubber caps.
The hydrocarbons generated by evaporation of fuel in the A solenoid valve is built into the line between the carbon
fuel tank are not routed to the ambient air across the tank canister and the intake system. The direction of flow is
vent but are instead collected in a carbon canister. This indicated by an arrow on the plastic housing of the
canister is located in the rear left wheel housing. solenoid. From a cylinder head temperature > 203° F.
(95° C), the valve is timed under map control. This causes
To return these hydrocarbons into the combustion the pulse/duty factor to increase as the air flow rate at the
process, the carbon canister is flushed with air and the mass air flow sensor increases. When the mixture drifts
carbon is regenerated. from Lambda = 1 towards a rich or lean setting, this is
detected by the control module across the oxygen sensing
system and is corrected by readjusting the mixture control
during the tank venting phase. The first tank venting phase
after starting the engine and reaching the required cylinder
head temperature ends 250 seconds after starting the
engine. This is followed by a 100-second mixture adapta-
tion phase. Then, in turn, the next tank venting phase
occurs, and so on.
1 - Carbon canister
2 - Scavenging air hose
3 - Hose from fuel tank Solenoid Valve (Arrow)
5 - Solenoid valve
6 - DME control module The system makes sure that the correct purge air quantity
8 - Throttle is added in accordance with the intake air quantity. When
no voltage is applied, the solenoid is closed. The “Drive
link test” menu item may be used to test the valve with
System Tester 9288.
The air pump now starts to operate and, at the same time,
the pneumatic switching valve opens due to the vacuum
taken from the vacuum tank and supplied by the solenoid
valve. In this process, the air fed by the air pump is
supplied across an air line to the pneumatic switching
When the input conditions are met, the control module valve and the check valve to the camshaft housing.
connects terminal 37 to ground. This causes the air pump
relay to close. This relay is located on a relay plate on the
left side of the engine compartment.
General Downstream of the mass airflow sensor, the intake air flow
is split towards the left and right exhaust turbochargers.
The 911 Turbo (993) engine is based on the air-cooled The compressed partial flows enter separate intercoolers
naturally-aspirated engine of the 911 Carrera (993). The optimized for minimum pressure loss. The intercoolers are
main differences are found in the intake and exhaust located above the engine and below the engine compart-
systems. ment air inlet grill and are passed by cooling air under the
effect of the pressure differential between the environment
Schematic Overview of Boost Pressure System and the engine compartment.
The large cooling surface and the great block depth of the
intercoolers ensure good cooling at low boost air pressure
losses. The outlet volumes of both coolers form one single
housing. The reunited boost air flows pass the throttle and
the low-resistance plastic intake distributor to enter the
cylinder heads. The flat-six engine offers ideal conditions
for turbocharging. As the cylinders are combined in
groups of three at offsets of 240°, the exhaust flows enter
the turbine in virtually direct sequence or with minimum
overlap. Short manifold tubes leading directly into the
turbine inlet provide an intensive boost effect and, hence,
high turbine efficiency, especially at low engine rpm.
1 - Hot film mass airflow sensor Efficiency of the exhaust turbine with closed bypass valve
2 - Frequency valve (bypass valve opens at 2,700 rpm).
3 - DME control module
4 - Diaphragm capsule
5 - Bypass valve
6 - Turbocharger inlet side
7 - Turbocharger delivery side
8 - Exhaust system
A - Turbine efficiency in %
B - Engine speed in rpm
The knock control system corrects the specified air mass Switching to Air Mass Open-Loop Control
if required. If heavy knock occurs, not only is the ignition
angle “retarded” (see section on knock control) but the air When the following faults occur, a switchover is made
mass is reduced as well. The knock control system reacts from closed-loop control to open-loop control:
in three successive phases:
1. High regulating deviation from specified air mass value
1st phase: Ignition angle is retarded rapidly. 2. Combustion misfire detected
3. Lambda adaptation limit detected
2nd phase: Mixture is enriched according to the retarded 4. Faulty mass air flow sensor, throttle signal or knock
ignition setting. sensors
3rd phase: Air mass is reduced at larger retard settings. When the air mass closed-loop control is switched off, a
load and rpm-dependent map specifies the pulse/duty
In the initial phase, the ignition angle is immediately factor. Depending on ambient conditions, the air mass will
retarded. This increases exhaust temperatures. To avoid then be up to 25% less.
damage to the exhaust turbine and to the catalytic
converter, the mixture is enriched in the second phase if a 1. Regulating Deviation
total retarding amount is exceeded that has been
programmed in accordance with load and rpm (i.e. cumu- If the measured air mass deviates from the specified value
lative retarding of the cylinders of one engine side). by a certain amount for a longer period, a switchover to
open-loop control is made. The deviation may be caused
If the cumulative retard setting increases beyond another, e.g. by a faulty exhaust turbocharger or a blocked exhaust
higher predefined threshold, the air mass is reduced in the system. These faults are highly critical as the control
third phase. This air mass reduction occurs in a linear system tried to obtain the specified air mass from the
manner until the actual value drops below the air mass remaining exhaust turbocharger. If engine speeds are
threshold again. Then the air mass is increased again until above 3,800 rpm, this may lead to critical turbocharger
the specified value is reached. This reduction of the air speeds.
mass is adapted by the DME control module.
To prevent erroneous recognition, the deviation must be
The combination of retarding the ignition angle, mixture present for a certain period. An insufficient actual air mass
enrichment and air mass reduction allows the DME control value may be compensated at higher engine speeds and
module to react rapidly and to ensure engine operation at higher engine loads by increased charger speeds. At lower
optimum efficiency and torque. engine loads and engine rpm, however, the control range
is not sufficient to allow conditions to be compensated
without faulty detection. For this reason, diagnosis of the
deviation is only active at high engine loads and engine
speeds between 2,800 rpm and 3,800 rpm.
2. Combustion Misfire
An in-tank pump draws the fuel from the fuel tank (installed
at the front of the vehicle) and pumps it into the fuel filter.
Afterwards, the fuel enters the fuel manifold for cylinder
line 1 - 3. The inlet to this manifold is located at cylinder 3.
The test connection for fuel pressure is located at the
manifold for cylinder line 1 - 3, which like the manifold for
cylinder line 4 - 6 is made of metal and coated yellow.
Fuel Pipes
The air (A) drawn in by the engine flows into the throttle
housing (E) via the air filter (C) with mass airflow sensor The plastic fuel pipes have connectors which allow compo-
(D). A muffler which reduces air intake noise caused by nents to be connected quickly, simply, and precisely.
vibrations is integrated in the air filter housing (B). Great care must be taken when handling these pipes since
damage to the sealing faces as well as dirt may cause
Fuel Supply leakage.
Fuel Pump
1 - Fuel tank
2 - Fuel filter
3 - Fuel supply
4 - Fuel return
5 - From carbon canister An in-tank pump is used in the 911 Carrera (996). This
6 - Carbon canister provides advantages with regard to noise and residual fuel
7 - Scavenging air pipe suction behavior since it is installed in the fuel tank (noise
damping) and, is attached directly to the specially
designed base of the fuel tank (suction behavior) by
means of a bayonet ring.
When the engine has been started, the airbag control unit
sends a signal to the DME control unit, the frequency and
pulse duty factor of which is defined as “airbag not
triggered”. When the airbag is triggered, the pulse duty
factor changes this signal. This change causes the DME
control unit to switch off the fuel pump.
Fuel Filter
DME Diagram
The engine electronics are controlled by the DME control Furthermore, when the engine has been switched off, the
unit, the processor of which processes the previously engine compartment fan may continue to run depending
digitized analog signals from the various system on the current engine compartment temperature. This
components. The processor speed, i.e. the cycle time of means that the control unit is supplied with power via the
the processor, is 16 MHz and the total storage capacity is DME relay and terminal 54 for a programmed time after
144 KB. If used in combination with the Porsche System terminal 15 has been deactivated. The engine
Tester 2, it is now possible to change, expand, or comple- compartment cooling fan may switch on during this time.
ment certain data externally via the diagnosis socket.
The DME control unit is installed in the passenger Since the control units are programmed for operation with
compartment under the storage shelf behind the rear seat oxygen sensing system and catalytic converters, adapta-
backs. tion of the air/fuel mixture takes place when the engine is
running. This means that the control unit together with the
As a result, engine-specific tolerances are corrected when oxygen sensing system compensates deviations from the
the mixture is being produced. Adaptation of the fuel/air programmed injection precontrol by correcting the
mixture also means that it is not necessary to adjust the injection period.
idle speed CO to a basic setting.
To determine the engine compartment temperature, an The Hall signal is generated by a rotor which is attached to
NTC has been installed between the intake pipes for the intake camshaft for cylinder line 1 - 3. Apart from
cylinders 4 and 5. The engine compartment fan is determination of the ignition TDC of the 1st cylinder and
actuated by the DME control unit depending on the respec- the associated assignment of the injection signals (sequen-
tive engine compartment temperature and various other tial), the ignition signals (permanent high-voltage distribu-
factors. tion), and the knock sensor signals (knock control), the
Hall-effect sensor signal is also used for diagnosis in the
VarioCam system.
When the air-conditioning system is switched on, the Due to the stereo oxygen sensing system, the exhaust
heating/air-conditioning control unit sends a signal to the system has two submersible oxygen sensors. These are
DME control unit (terminal 69). The size of the signal potential-free, i.e. the DME control unit applies ground to
depends on the current power consumption of the air- the oxygen sensor. The sensors are installed in each
conditioning compressor and results in changes in the exhaust gas flow before the catalytic converter.
basic air quantities which the DME control unit supplies to
the engine using the idle speed air control valve. Oxygen Sensor Heating System
The DME control unit then sends a signal to the air-condi- The sensors are heated electrically as well as by the flow
tioning relay via terminal 62, this closes and connects the of exhaust gas. In addition, the oxygen sensor injection
compressor coupling. and ignition relay is also activated when the DME relay is
switched. This relay applies a positive potential to the
The following conditions must apply before the air- oxygen sensor heating elements. The DME control unit
conditioning relay is actuated: switches ground to the heating resistors.
• Engine temperature between 37° F. (3° C) and 242° F. Oxygen Sensing System
(117° C)
• Intake air temperature >32° F (0° C) Mixture formation is regulated individually for each cylinder
• Time after engine start > 5 seconds line (stereo oxygen sensing system). In addition, 2 oxygen
regulators which are each controlled by an oxygen sensor
Additional function before the catalytic converter per cylinder line are also
integrated in the DME control unit. The oxygen regulation
If, when the air-conditioning system is switched on, the values and the adaptation data can be read out using the
engine undergoes heavy acceleration, the compressor is Porsche System Tester 2.
switched off for 15 seconds. If the AC button is actuated
and the engine started, the air-conditioning relay is not Tiptronic Transmission
activated until the system detects that the engine is
running. If an automatic exhaust emission test is carried If the vehicle has a Tiptronic transmission, the DME control
out, the air-conditioning compressor switches off. unit receives this information via the engine cable harness
whereby terminal 38 of the DME control unit is connected
If the DME control unit performs the tank venting to ground.
diagnosis, the current compressor status is retained for
the duration of the diagnosis. A constant data exchange between the DME control unit
and the Tiptronic control unit occurs when the engine is
Pressure Switch running (see Tiptronic transmission). During this data
exchange, the Tiptronic control unit informs the DME
The air-conditioning system pressure switch closes with control unit of shifting operations in the transmission
pressures > 232 psi (16 bar). Ground potential is applied triggered by the Tiptronic control unit. To optimize shifting,
to the DME control unit via terminal 14. This causes the the DME control unit reduces the ignition angle thus
radiator fan to be switched to speed 2 when the engine is reducing the engine torque.
In conjunction with the DME control unit, the idle speed air
control valve also regulates the idle speeds required for
the different operating conditions of the engine.
Resonance Flap
If the engine temperature has not dropped below
176.4° F. (80.25° C) after the engine compartment fan
has been running for 25 seconds, a fan fault is registered
and the coolant level warning light is activated (flashes).
To increase the torque and to improve cylinder charging,
the engine has two VarioCam actuators which are installed If combustion faults are detected by the DME control unit
in the chain tensioners of the camshafts. The two and if the frequency at which these faults occur could
actuators are operated by electromagnetic valves result in thermal damage to the catalytic converter, the
activated by the DME control unit. check-engine light flashes. If the engine load or engine
speed is reduced by the driver (see Owner's Manual), the
Functioning warning light ceases to flash and is permanently lit. In
addition, the injection valve at the appropriate cylinder is
When the ignition is switched on, the electromagnetic closed by the DME control unit.
valves of the camshaft adjusters are supplied with positive
potential. If the engine is started, the control unit applies Diagnosis
ground to terminal 25 (camshaft adjuster for cylinder line
4 - 6) and to terminal 52 (camshaft adjuster for cylinder
line 1 - 3) if the following conditions are fulfilled (VarioCam
Since USA vehicles must fully satisfy the OBD II To reduce pollutants contained in the exhaust gas during
standard, the components on the following pages the warm-up phase and to achieve the emission limits of
have been added to the DME system of these the roll test in the USA, USA vehicles have a secondary air
vehicles: system. For this reason, an electric air pump has been
mounted on the left-hand side of the engine compartment.
Hall-Effect Sensor This pump is activated by the DME control unit and blows
the additional air through air ducts to the discharge valve.
An additional Hall-effect sensor has been installed at the A pneumatic switching valve which is closed when the
intake camshaft for cylinder line 4 - 6. This sensor sends a secondary air system is inactive thus preventing the flow
signal to the DME control unit (also terminal 21) when the of additional air is installed between the air pump and the
Hall-effect sensor for cylinder 1 - 3 registers a crank angle discharge valve.
of 120°. With USA vehicles, this additional Hall signal is
used for diagnosis of the VarioCam system for cylinder Functioning
line 4 - 6. If the Hall-effect sensor for cylinder line 1 - 3 has
failed, the DME control unit can still be triggered by the If the engine is started in a temperature range between
additional Hall signal at the ignition TDC for the 1st minus 51° F. (10.5° C) and plus 113 ° F. (45° C), the
cylinder. secondary air system is activated for a period of time
dependent on the start temperature (min. 50 seconds,
Oxygen Sensor After Catalytic Convertor max. 179 seconds).
To check the efficiency of the catalytic converters, an The secondary air system is only activated if the
additional oxygen sensor is installed in the exhaust-gas following engine-related operating conditions apply:
circuit after each of the two catalytic converters. The
signals from these sensors are sent to terminal 76 and 77 • Engine load (TL) between 0.7 ms/rev. and 4.7ms/rev.
of the DME control unit. If the engine fulfills the operating • Air mass (ML) not greater than 300 kg/h
conditions required to allow diagnosis of the catalytic • Engine speed between 680 rpm and 2,800 rpm
converter, the DME control unit calculates the amplitude • Altitude adaptation factor greater than 0.76,
ratio using the signal from the oxygen sensors before and corresponding to less than 7,800 ft. (2,400 meters)
after the catalytic converter. This ratio is dependent on the above sea level.
oxygen storage capability of the catalytic converter. This
allows an old or faulty catalytic converter to be detected. Overview of the Secondary Air System
From model year '99, a test for tank system leakage will
be required for vehicles with OBD II. This test can detect
leaks in the tank system measuring up to 1 mm in
Apart from the already familiar components of the tank An electromagnetic shut-off valve is installed at the outlet
venting system (e.g. carbon canister and tank venting of the purge air line of the carbon canister. This valve is
valve), a pressure sensor for differential pressure in the used to seal off the tank system from the outside air
tank and a shut-off valve for the purge air line used to seal during the leak test. The shut-off valve is actuated by the
the tank venting system are also to be installed to make DME control unit.
this new diagnosis function possible.
Overview of the Tank System
Pressure Sensor
Subject Page
E-Throttle Systems – Sports Cars 7.2, 7.8 and Cayenne 7.1, MED 9.1 & EMS SDI 4.1
Basic Principal of E-Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3
System Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.4
Throttle Valve Control Module Self Test and Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.4
Accelerator Pedal Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.5
Throttle Valve Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.6
Emergency Operation and Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.8
With E--Throttle when the driver puts his/her foot down, the
engine control unit:
The E-Throttle system consists of three main components. The E-Throttle system performs a self- test of the throttle
valve control module each time the ignition is switched on,
• Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor if the time before the engine is started is longer than 10
• Engine Management Control Unit seconds.
• Throttle Valve Control Module
The following items are checked:
When the driver depresses the accelerator pedal:
• Closing spring test
1. The pedal position sensor potentiometers send a pedal • Opening spring test
position signal to the engine management control unit. • Emergency position test (where the throttle plate parks
2. Based on this signal, the control unit determines the when the electric motor is not energized)
desired throttle valve position.
3. The control unit sends current to the motor connected An adaptation can also be performed with the tester.
to the throttle plate, and it moves.
4. The motor moves the throttle plate until the signals • When the adaptation is performed the engine manage-
from the throttle plate potentiometers indicate that the ment control unit closes the throttle plate completely to
desired throttle valve position has been reached. determine its “mechanical stop”.
• It then remembers this position and establishes an
“electrical stop”.
• Afterward the throttle is not closed beyond the electrical
• This prevents the throttle from wearing a groove in the
throttle body that the throttle would bind in.
• The two potentiometers P1 and P2 are electrically A - Throttle housing with throttle valve
isolated (there is no connection between the two B - Throttle valve drive unit
circuits). C - Cover with motor connectors
• The engine management control unit has two parallel D - Potentiometer circuit in cover
processors for E-Throttle that cross check each other
to guarantee no malfunction will cause defective The pedal assembly and throttle valve control
operation of the system. module are not serviceable and should not be
• The resistor at E has a resistance equal to the opened. If defective, they must be replaced.
resistance of the potentiometer P2, this causes the
resistor E to drop 2.5 volts. The following steps outline throttle valve control unit
• This leaves P2 to operate at half the applied 5 volts or operation:
2.5 volts.
• P1 operates with a range of .5 volts to 4.5 volts. • The electric motor of the throttle valve control unit
• P2 operates with a range of .25 volts to 2.25 volts. receives a PWM current from the engine management
control unit.
The maximum voltage that P2 can drop is only half that of • This causes the motor to act against one of the two
P1. Stated another way, P1 will drop twice the voltage of springs in the throttle housing.
P2 for a given pedal position. • When there is no power supplied to the motor, the
throttle valve will park between the two springs in the
The Boxster (987) and 911 Carrera (997) use a non- alternative air position.
contact inductive sensor in the pedal assembly in place of • To move the throttle plate in either direction towards
the potentiometer. close or open, the motor must act against one of these
two springs.
• When the throttle is moved from full closed to full open
the motor must change polarity at the alternative air
• The spring below the alternative position helps move
the throttle in the open direction and the motor slows
• After the alternative air position, the motor must work
against the upper spring.
• The potentiometers in the cover of the throttle valve
control unit feed back the position of the throttle valve
to the engine management control unit.
• The voltage of potentiometer 1 rises as the throttle If the throttle position potentiometers are defective, you
plate opens. can look at air mass and RPM and see that the indicated
• The voltage of potentiometer 2 falls as the throttle plate throttle position and the air mass and RPM are not rational
opens. (i.e. for a given air mass and RPM, we are seeing a throttle
• At half throttle the voltages are equal. position that is not possible).
As with the pedal position sensor, the mechanical You can also see how the circuit is set up to give us P1
operation range is C and voltages below D or above E are rising and P2 falling as the throttle opens.
used for fault detection.
• The bottom of P1 is connected to ground and the top of
• Potentiometer 1 is used as the operating input P2 is connected to ground.
potentiometer. • Conversely, the top of P1 and bottom of P2 are
• Potentiometer 2 is used to check that potentiometer 1 connected to the 5-volt reference.
is operating correctly.
• The air mass is also used to cross check the throttle This gives us potentiometers with opposite voltage charac-
position potentiometers (virtual potentiometer 3). teristics.
Subject Page
E-Throttle System Description MED 9.1 (Bosch) & EMS SDI 4.1 (Siemens)
Cayenne/S/T M.Y. 2008 (2nd Generation)
Introductory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.71
The output engine torque must allow any driving condition The advantage of this approach is that the individual power
desired by the driver (determined via the pedal valuator) consumers can pass on their torque requirement to the
and ensure operation of all components and supple- “coordinator” integrated in the control unit regardless of
mentary assemblies. In addition, external requirements the current operating state of the engine. They do not
from the drive train and driving dynamics control systems need to carry out the actual intervention action, nor do
must also be met. The basic concept of the ME 7.2 they require any information concerning the status of other
system is based on the coordination of these requirements functions. This rules out any mutual interference between
placed on the engine on a uniform, physical level. All of the individual functions with regard to the manipulated
this can be formulated as a torque requirement. variables. Since torque coordination is the only instance
where intervention actions are performed in the engine,
The current torque requirement of the driver is determined the maps and characteristics for the key functions
from the position of the accelerator pedal (pedal valuator). necessary for intervention are solely dependent on the
Vehicle speed control, driving dynamics control (PSM), and engine. For this reason, no cross-coupling exists between
the Tiptronic control unit can communicate their torque the individual function groups, which simplifies the
requirement to the Motronic control unit in the same way. synchronization to the new control unit generation.
However, protective functions such as electronic engine
speed control and catalyst overheating prevention can be
defined such that they limit the maximum permitted
torque. The engine control module with E-Throttle has the
task of coordinating the different torque requirements of
the individual consumers and protective functions in order
to determine the required control activities for the engine
whereby the timing angle and throttle position are provided
as the main manipulated variables.
The basic variable for the torque structure of the ME 7.2 is Option 1 (fast option)
the inner torque of the engine (mi) resulting from the
combustion process. The inner torque is that which is All manipulative actions which influence the torque regard-
produced by the gas pressure in the high-pressure phase less of charging are contained in the crankshaft synchro-
of the piston movement cycle. If losses due to friction and nous option:
the charge cycle are deducted from the inner torque, this
gives the indexed torque. • Timing angle.
• Cylinder suppression.
The task of torque guidance is to adjust the inner torque • Injection time.
using a suitable selection of manipulated engine variables
such that all losses caused by supplementary assemblies, Option 2 (slow option)
friction losses, and other losses upstream of the wheel
torque are covered and that the engine torque is sufficient The charging option controls those manipulated variables
to meet the driverís requirements. which influence charging:
To enable the inner torque to be adjusted, the torque coor- • Throttle angle and, therefore, the quantity of air drawn
dinator of the ME 7.2 has two possible control options, a in by the engine.
fast option by means of varying the timing angle and/or
suppressing individual cylinders, and a slow option by
means of actuating the throttle. The faster option is the
timing angle option which is responsible for dynamic
torque adjustment. The slow option, also referred to as
the charging option, is responsible for stationary operation
with optimum A/F value. To generate the nominal torque,
the manipulated variables are coordinated taking into
consideration consumption and emission values so that
optimum control is possible.
The mass air flow required for a certain torque (rL = The fuel volume required for the given situation and the
relative air charge) is determined using an arithmetic optimum timing angle are realized via Option 2.
model and provided via the throttle.
P1 - Potentiometer 1
A - Control unit
C - Pull-down resistor A - Alternative Air Function
P2 - Potentiometer 2
B - Throttle adjusting unit 4. The upper electrical stop.
D - Pull-down resistor This stop is determined by the control unit and does
not need to be adapted (learned). To ensure that the
Functional Positions of Throttle Adjusting Unit precise angle position of the throttle can be
determined, the angle sensors of the throttle drive
The Motronic control unit detects four important functional must be adapted.
positions of the throttle adjusting unit:
For the Motronic control unit, the accelerator pedal • The accelerator pedal position is determined using 2
position is the fundamental input information reflecting the potentiometers which are each independently supplied
driverís power requirements. For this purpose, a pedal with 5 V by the Motronic control unit.
valuator which is connected to the accelerator pedal via a • Potentiometer 2 has a balanced ballast resistor which is
cable is mounted under the knee protection bar in the identical to the bulk resistance. Consequently, its char-
driverís footwell. acteristic ascent is only half that of Potentiometer 1
(important in the diagnosis of short-circuits along the
Accelerator pedal positions which are interpreted as being potentiometer signal lines).
larger than they are in reality would lead to undesired and • If a wire-break occurs along a signal line, the
excessive engine power which would not be recognized at appropriate signal is connected to ground by the appro-
another point in the system. For this reason, determination priate control unit input resistor (safe condition).
of the driverís requirement is central in calculating the
torque and controlling the electronic throttle.
P1 - Potentiometer 1
P2 - Potentiometer 2
C - Mechanically accessible range
D - Idling position
A - Accelerator E - Full-throttle position
B - Pedal valuator F - Accelerator pedal position
The alternative air function is only performed if both • The engine only runs at idling speed and a fault entry is
throttle angle sensors were reliably detected at their alter- made in the control unit.
native air position.
Driving Speed Control (cruise control)
Example 3
The basic functions of the cruise control system (set,
The Motronic control unit cannot clearly determine the resume, and so on ) as well as the cruise control switch
throttle position or the throttle is jammed between the and its functions are identical to the 911 Carrera (996)
electrical stops (does not move): and Boxster models.
• The throttle drive is deactivated. If possible, the throttle However, due to the E-Throttle function of the Motronic ME
is moved to its alternative air position. 7.2, an additional control unit and actuator is not required
• The injection valves are deactivated at a programmed for the cruise control system since these functions are
engine speed (approx. 1200 rpm). taken over by the Motronic control unit and the throttle
adjusting unit.
The throttle adjusting unit must not undergo any The required information is stored in the Motronic control
repair work. If the throttle adjusting unit is faulty, the unit:
complete unit must be changed.
• Main cruise control switch.
Example 4 • Set current vehicle speed (cruise control lever).
• Accelerate (cruise control lever).
The signal from one of the two potentiometers of the • Decelerate (cruise control lever).
pedal valuator has failed: • Resume (cruise control lever).
• Gradual increase of nominal speed (cruise control
• Pedal value is limited to a defined value (approx. 60%). lever).
• If the accelerator pedal is actuated quickly, the engine
torque only increases slowly (up to 60%).
• If the brakes are applied, the throttle is moved to the
idling position.
• Cruise control no longer operational.
• Hot-film air mass measurement As with ME 7.2, the throttle valve is controlled by an
• Individual ignition coils for each cylinder with solid-state electric motor via a two-stage gear on the throttle valve. A
HT distribution mechanical throttle cable is no longer used. The volume of
• Sequential fuel injection air drawn in by the engine is controlled electronically
• Electronic idle-speed control across the entire load and engine speed range via the
• Throttle control via E-Throttle function ME 7.8 Engine Control Module (ECM).
• Closed fuel tank system
• Stereo oxygen sensor control The advantages of the E-Throttle system are:
• Improved driveability
• Natural integration with PSM
• Improved cruise control function
• Reduced engine emissions
Intake air flows through the air filter (1) and air mass Advantages of intercooling:
sensor (2). The air flow is then split into two and drawn in
by the two turbocharger compressors (3). The air that has • Cooled air has a higher density; thus improving
been compressed and heated by the turbochargers is then volumetric efficiency.
cooled through the two intercoolers (4). The intercoolers • Lowers the air temperature, reduces the temperature of
are mounted behind the left and right rear wheels. The two components, and reduces the possibility of pre-ignition
flows of compressed air merge again upstream of the (pinging).
throttle valve control unit. The air is then distributed to the
individual cylinders by the intake manifold.
A - Air inlet
B - Air Duct
C - Intercooler (Charge-air radiator)
The exhaust system up to the rear silencers (6) consists of The engine-compartment catalytic converters are mounted
separate left and right exhaust system branches. The immediately downstream of the turbochargers. The first
exhaust gases are merged and mixed in the rear silencer, catalytic converter (primary catalytic converter) with its
with one tailpipe (7) per exhaust system branch. The small volume reaches operating temperature very soon
exhaust gases are fed to the turbochargers (2) via partially after the engine has been started. As a result, the volume
air-gap-insulated exhaust manifolds. The exhaust manifolds of pollutants is reduced during the warm-up phase as well
(1) have extremely short pipe lengths to reduce the energy as when the engine has reached operating temperature.
lost by the exhaust gases before reaching the The main catalytic converter is used to reduce the
turbochargers. The short pipes also allow the catalytic exhaust-emission level further to below the specified
converters to heat up quickly. emission limits, even after a long service life. The new
911 Turbo is classified as an LEV (Low Emission Vehicle)
in the USA.
As with the previous model, the turbochargers of the new The desired engine torque is calculated by the ME 7.8
911 Turbo (996) are installed parallel to each other. The ECM based on the accelerator pedal potentiometer input
small diameter of the intake ducting and the short exhaust (driver requirement), the engine speed input, and a number
manifolds ensure immediate turbocharger response in the of other factors. The intake air volume required for a
lower speed range as well as high torque under full-load certain torque is determined by calculating the air-mass
conditions. and is adjusted by controlling the boost pressure. With the
new Turbo, it is the boost pressure that is regulated, and
The speed of the turbochargers with the engine idling is not the air mass (as was the case of the 911 Turbo 993).
approx. 8,000 rpm, and approx. 125,000 rpm at full load.
The control system limits the maximum speed to approx. The boost pressure is regulated based on the absolute
150,000 rpm at altitudes above 2,000 meters (fatigue pressure “reference variable.” This reference variable is
limit). measured by the boost pressure sensor. Behavior
according to altitude and temperature is similar to the air
The flanges of the turbochargers have been modified mass based system of the previous Turbo model.
compared to those of the earlier 911 Turbo (993).
The combination of the boost pressure sensor, airmass
Boost Pressure Control sensor and E-Throttle improve torque considerably. Boost
pressure diagnosis is also more accurate since the
The ME 7.8 ECM controls the boost pressure timing valve effective boost pressure is an input signal to the ME 7.8
(1) to regulate the opening pressure of the boost pressure ECM.
control valves. The boost pressure control valves (D) are
connected to the turbocharger bypass valves (wastegates) Boost Pressure Adaptation
via control rods. The signal to the timing valve is pulse-
width-modulated (PWM) for accurate control of the boost The 911 Turbo (996) features adaptive boost pressure
pressure. control. For diagnostic purposes, the adaptive boost
pressure control correction value can be read out of the
ECM memory using the Porsche System Tester 2 and now
with the PIWIS Tester. The adaptation range for boost
pressure control is approx. ± 15%. Regulation begins at a
deviation of greater than ± 30%. The opening frequency
(duty cycle factor) of the boost pressure timing valve
depends on the amount of boost required. Full boost
pressure is available from a speed of approx. 2,500 rpm.
The boost pressure is regulated at higher speeds.
1 - Protective Gel
2 - Effect of Intake Pipe Pressure
3 - Pressure Sensor Chip
4 - Bond Connector
5 - Ceramic Substrate
6 - Glass Base
1 - Bond Connector
2 - Cover
3 - Pressure Sensor Chip
4 - Ceramic Substrate
5 - Housing With Pressure Sensor Flange
6 - Sealing Ring
7 - NTC Element of Temperature Sensor
P - Pressure (hPa)
V - Voltage (VDC)
A - Resistance (k )
B - Voltage (VDC)
When heated to at least 1100° F. /600° C (normal Modified LSF4 (offset) oxygen sensors are used down-
operating temperature 1400° F./750° C), the Nernst cell stream of the catalytic converters (previous vehicles had
(1) produces a voltage which corresponds to the LSH25 offset sensors).
difference in the oxygen concentration in the exhaust gas
(A) to the oxygen concentration in the sensor’s diffusion Electric Switching Valve For Overrun Air
chamber (3). An electronic circuit controls the “pump” Recirculation
current (C) through the oxygen-pump cell (2) so that, the
composition of the exhaust gas in the diffusion chamber The opening of the deceleration air recirculation valves is
(3) remains constant at lambda=1. This corresponds to a controlled via an electric switching valve. The ME 7.8 ECM
voltage at the Nernst concentration cell of UN = 450 mV. can activate the switching valve irrespective of the intake
pipe pressure. In the event of a sudden transition from
In the case of “lean” exhaust gas, UN < 450 mV, the high load to deceleration, the overrun air recirculation
oxygen-pump cell (2) is controlled so that, the oxygen ions valves are opened and turbocharger boost pressure is
are “pumped” out of the diffusion chamber (3). redirected back to the suction side of the compressor.
While, in the case of “rich” exhaust gas, UN >450 mV, Operational Plan and Installation Position
the current is controlled so that oxygen-pump cell (2),
“pumps” oxygen ions into the diffusion chamber (3). It can
be said, that, pump current is proportional to the oxygen
concentration in the “lean” exhaust gas and to the
deficiency of oxygen in ‘rich’ exhaust gas. Together with its
control electronics (ECM), the sensor (LSU4) provides a
clear, continuous signal throughout a wide lambda range
[>0.7 to infinity (air)].
Advantages Of Wide-band Oxygen Sensor LSU4 • The controlled opening of the air recirculation valves
reduces the noise in the intake tract and reduces fuel
• Linear (continual) characteristic curve consumption.
• Precise measurement in broad lambda range from > • The electric air recirculation valves together with the
0.7 to infinity (lean-air) vacuum reservoir allow the air recirculation valves to
• Short response times < 100 ms function irrespective of the intake pipe pressure.
• On line (closed-loop) quickly • The system is configured so that the pneumatic air
recirculation valves continue to be opened by the intake
pipe pressure if the electric air recirculation valve fails.
The intake camshaft adjustment system (VarioCam) has The electrohydraulic 3/2-way switching valve is closed
been upgraded to the VarioCam Plus system by the when de-energized. When closed, the valve stroke of the
addition of an intake valve stroke control function. The two inlet camshafts is 3 mm. With the small valve stroke (3
systems of the VarioCam Plus are actuated independently mm), the new Turbo can reach a maximum speed of 90
of each other by the ME 7.8 ECM. mph (150 km/h).
With the new Turbo, the adjustment range of the inlet The radiator cooling fan switching stages are based on
camshaft is 30° CA (Crankshaft Angle). The coolant temperature and other relevant information:
electrohydraulic 4/3-way switching valve is closed when
de-energized and the cam timing is set to the retard 1st Stage:
position (minor valve overlap). To ensure a high level of
driving comfort, the system is switched over to advanced At approx. 212° F. (100° C), and/or air-conditioning
timing and the large valve stroke before the boost compressor is ON and intake air temperature of air-condi-
pressure builds up. tioning system > 46° F. (8° C).
Electrical faults affecting the VarioCam Plus can be read 2nd Stage:
out of the ECM memory using the Porsche System Tester
2. At approx. 221° F. (105° C), and/or high A/C refrigerant
Camshaft Position Sensors, Bank 1 and 2
3rd Stage:
The Hall sensors on the camshaft for cylinder banks 1 and
2 supply a modified quick-start signal to the ECM. With this At approx. 226° F. (108° C) with vehicle speed >6mph (10
signal, the ECM requires less than one engine revolution to km/h) and engine not idling.
determine the position of the crankshaft and camshafts.
With this system, the engine will start even if there is no The cooling system is configured so that the 3rd stage is
engine speed sensor signal. activated only under extreme conditions.
Switching Stages
2nd Stage:
The after-run phase is active for max. 40 minutes after A separate counter for erasing the fault is assigned to
shut down. each detected fault. The counter determines how long the
fault will stay in memory. When a fault is first detected, the
Requirement: Engine compartment temp. with ignition erasing counter is set at a certain value.
OFF must be >77° F. (25° C)
If a pending fault is not present during the next monitor
• After-run ON for 3 minutes at engine compartment routine, the erasing counter is set to a fault-specific value
temp. >172° F. (78° C). (e.g. 10). The erasing counter is then reduced by 1 after
• The switch-on condition of > 172° F. (78° C) is then every drive cycle. (i.e. the engine is started and the
checked every 10 seconds. coolant temperature has increased from 86° F./30° C to >
158° F./70° C).
Diagnosis – OBD II
When a pending fault has been confirmed (i.e. the Check
Fault Memory Management Engine Light has been turned on), the erasing counter is
set to 40. This value is retained until the fault is no longer
The on-board diagnosis system displays a visual warning in present. If the fault no longer exists, the erasing counter is
the instrument cluster if an emission related fault or a fault reduced by 1 after every warm-up cycle (i.e. the engine is
that may damage the catalytic converter occurs. The OBD started and the coolant temperature has increased from
functions are adapted to the different legal regulations in 86° F./30° C to > 158° F./70° C).
the USA (OBD II), Europe (Euro OBD) and the rest of the
world. If the erasing counter reaches 0, the fault is erased from
the memory and the check engine light is turned off.
If an emission-related fault occurs, the ME 7.8 ECM
activates the Check Engine lamp and the fault is stored in Note: To ensure that the Check Engine lamp is functioning
the ME 7.8 ECM. A flashing Check Engine lamp indicates a correctly, it is illuminated for 10 seconds whenever
combustion fault which may damage the catalytic the ignition switch is on.
converter. If the detected fault is not catalytic converter
damaging and not emission-related, the Check Engine is Brief Information On Other Components
not turned on, although the fault is stored in the ME 7.8.
Coolant Temperature Sensor - The NTC coolant
The ambient conditions are stored (freeze frame) together temperature sensor is a simple 2- pin sensor. Its signal is
with the detected fault. This information can be read out of sent to the ME 7.8 ECM and supplied to the instrument
the ECM memory using the Porsche System Tester 2. This cluster via the CAN interface. The same type of sensor is
makes troubleshooting much easier since the operating also used for the oil temperature sensor.
data for the first and last occurrence of the fault is
provided. Oil Level Sensor - The oil level sensor consists of an
electrically heated resistance wire. The sensor is installed
Fault Confirmation in the oil reservoir tank. The processor in the instrument
cluster determines the oil level from the immersion depth
If a fault is detected during a diagnosis monitor routine, it in the engine oil and the respective cooling behavior.
is registered as a pending fault until it is confirmed during
a second drive cycle with a new monitor routine (at least Engine Compartment Temperature Sensor - Identical
120 seconds after the engine has been started). to that used in the Boxster (986) and 911 Carrera (996)
Engine Data:
The model year 2007 911 Turbo (997) was equipped with
the ME 7.8.1 Motronic engine management system. Displacement . . . . . . . . . .3,600 cm3
Bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 mm
The following DME 7.8.1 information was first Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76.4 mm
published in the 2007 911 Turbo (997) Service Power output . . . . . . . . . .480 bhp (353 kW)
Information Technik book. At engine speed . . . . . . . .6,000 rpm
Max. torque . . . . . . . . . . .460 ft lb. (620 Nm)
General At engine speed . . . . . . . .1,950 - 5,000 rpm
Max. torque (Overboost) . . .505 ft lb. (680 Nm)
With the new 911 Turbo (997), Porsche is using a At engine speed . . . . . . . .2,100 - 4,000 rpm
turbocharger with variable turbine geometry on an Compression ratio . . . . . . .9.0 : 1
gasoline fueled engine for the first time. The focus here is Governed speed . . . . . . . .6,750 rpm (6th gear 6,800 rpm)
on new developments and modifications compared with Idling speed . . . . . . . . . . .740 +/- 40 rpm
the 911 Turbo (996).
E-Throttle Pedal Unit
Motronic Control Unit ME 7.8.1
The 911 Turbo (997) is provided with an electronic accel-
The further-developed Motronic control unit ME 7.8.1 is erator pedal unit from the current 911 (997) series.
used worldwide. It is based on the ME 7.8 of the 911
Turbo (996) and the further development of the current CAN Communication For The Motronic Control Unit
911 generation. The new Motronic control unit features a (DME)
processor speed of 40 MHz with a memory capacity of
1 MB. On the 911 Turbo (997), diagnosis of the DME control unit
is performed for the first time via CAN.
Summary of Modifications
The DME control unit communicates with the
• Variable-geometry turbocharger following control units via CAN:
• Higher power and torque values
• Component reinforcement • Gateway control unit
• Overboost function in conjunction with the “Sport Chrono • Driver authorization control unit
Package Turbo” option • Tiptronic control unit
• Advanced VarioCam Plus • PSM control unit
• Further developed dry sump lubrication with 9 oil pumps • PTM control unit
• Increased cooling performance, including 2-stage oil • Steering angle sensor
cooling • Yaw velocity sensor
• Enhanced charge air cooling • Airbag control unit
• Air conditioning control unit
Pump 2
1.4 qts/30 sec.
Pump 1
1.0 qts/30 sec.
P1 Fuel pump 1
Empty Tank
P2 Fuel pump 2
SSP1 Sucking jet pump, right Unless fuel requirement
SSP2 Sucking jet pump, left is greater than 26 Gal/h
then pump 2 runs.
H Pressure holding valve
V Distributor valve Fuel Filter
D Pressure side to engine
R Return line from pressure regulator
Fuel Pumps
The fuel tank of the 911 Turbo (997) has 2 fuel pumps
which are integrated into the common pump chamber
(tandem pump). The fuel pump 1 delivers 1 qt. (1.1 liters)
in 30 seconds, and fuel pump 2 delivers 1.4 qts. (1.5
liters) in 30 seconds. The two fuel pump relays are
activated as required by way of switching points in the
DME control unit.
Fuel pump 1 runs with a tank content of less than 13.7 The fuel filter is located on the left-hand side of the engine
gal. (52 liters). Fuel pump 2 is activated when a computed compartment and must be changed every 60,000 miles
fuel requirement of greater than 26 gal/h (100 l/h). (90,000 km) or after 6 years.
The fuel pressure regulator is installed on the fuel distrib- The functionality of the tank vent systems/carbon canister
utor rail on the right (cylinder row 4 - 6 or bank 2) in the corresponds to that of the 987/997 vehicles. USA
engine compartment. A return line runs from the fuel vehicles have a carbon canister with tank leakage
pressure regulator to the fuel tank. The Technical Manual diagnostic module (DM-TL) which is located in the front
describes how to check the fuel pressure. The holding luggage compartment.
pressure should be > 29 psi (2 bar) after 1 hour.
Ignition System
New EV-14 ST Injection Valve
The individual ignition coils and spark plug connectors are
the same as for the previous model.
Spark Plugs
Rear Lid
Flow Duct To Charge Air Cooler The charge air coolers have been further developed
compared with the 911 Turbo (996) and the air flow onto
the cooler surfaces improved. The result is more efficient
charge air cooling and therefore higher power and torque
The outlet openings for the outgoing air of the charge air
coolers were provided with a new design in the completely
newly developed rear apron.
Technical Challenge
The design of variable turbine geometry is based on On the new 911 Turbo, the boost pressure is controlled
adjustable vanes which guide the exhaust mass flow from only by adjusting the vanes (without bypass valve). This is
the engine onto the turbine of the turbocharger in a done by way of an adjusting ring, which is actuated by an
variable and targeted manner. The use of variable turbine electric servo motor via a coupling rod (one "boost
geometry for Otto engines is made more difficult by the pressure adjuster" per turbocharger).
significantly higher exhaust temperatures. Compared with
temperatures of approx. 1472° F (800° C) in the case of Small turbochargers have good response characteristics
diesel engines, the maximum exhaust temperatures at the (small "turbo lag") due to the small acceleration mass of
turbine inlet on Otto engines with exhaust turbocharger are the turbine wheel and the high flow momentum of the
significantly higher at approx. 1832° F (1,000° C). This exhaust gas. This momentum is generated in the turbine
leads to considerable additional stressing of the material housing in the transition to the turbine wheel by way of
and high demands on design realization. The delicate small flow cross-sections with high flow speeds. However,
adjusting elements of the vanes in the hot exhaust stream the small flow cross-sections in both the turbine housing
are particularly critical. In addition to the high-temperature and turbine wheel increase the flow resistance for high air
resistance of individual components, it is also necessary throughputs and therefore high engine speeds, and also
to take into account high temperature fluctuations in produce high exhaust backpressures ("choking"). As a
design. result, the maximum engine power is limited.
In view of a possible temperature range from cold starting Large turbochargers have poor response characteristics
at -20 F (-30° C) up to a maximum regulated exhaust (large "turbo lag") due to the high acceleration mass of the
temperature (at the turbine inlet) of approx. 1832° F turbine wheel and the low flow momentum of the exhaust
(1,000° C), it is necessary to take into account the gas. In contrast to small turbochargers, however, the
different material expansion factors and safeguard the exhaust backpressures are lower for high air throughputs
functioning of the entire adjustment system, including the due to the larger flow cross-sections in the turbine housing
many individual components. This is guaranteed, by and turbine wheel. This results in less exhaust work for the
selection of suitable materials, oil cooling, as well as by pistons, as well as an improved charge cycle with a lower
additional water cooling of the bearing housing. This can residual gas amount in the cylinder and better cylinder
be activated via the Motronic system by an electric filling, for example. This results in a higher maximum
coolant pump both at low speed (< 2,000 rpm) combined engine power.
with high coolant temperature (> 208° F/98° C) as well as
after the engine is switched off.
Each boost pressure adjuster is connected to the DME When the ignition is switched on, the function "Test boost
control unit by two signal lines. The DME control unit pressure adjuster" is available on the PIWIS Tester in the
sends a setpoint (PWM signal) or special pulse/duty ratios DME control unit under the system test function. A corre-
(e.g. command to travel to and learn end stops) via one of sponding fault is entered after this test in the event of
the lines. The electric boost pressure adjuster then sends malfunctions.
the actual value (PWM signal) and special pulse/duty ratios
(self-diagnosis of electric adjuster for fault memory entry In order to check functioning of the adjusting device, the
in the DME) to the DME via the other line. electric boost pressure adjuster is supplied with a
pulse/duty ratio of 16 % and 84 % after the ignition is
Control By The Motronic Control Unit ME 7.8.1 switched off. The function test is also audible for the
Optimum adjustment angles are set by way of functions in
the engine control unit depending on the engine operating Teaching The Electric Boost Pressure Adjuster
point, so that the target engine torque is reached as
quickly as possible. The optimum vane positions for It is necessary to perform adaptation of the electric boost
maximum efficiency were determined for the complete pressure adjuster if a turbocharger or the electric boost
engine map as part of extensive application work. The pressure adjuster itself is replaced. When the ignition is
goal was above all to optimize the response behavior switched on, the function "Boost pressure adjuster adapta-
particularly for dynamic acceleration. Variable turbine tion" is available on the PIWIS Tester in the DME control
geometry allows a full torque characteristic to be achieved unit under the system test function. During this adaptation,
even at low engine speeds and also provides a wide power the mechanical limit stops (20 % and 80 %) are taught
spectrum in the nominal output range. again and stored in the boost pressure adjuster.
The “Sport Chrono Package Plus” offers the driver distinc- Overboost operation is indicated by an arrow symbol in
tively sporty settings for various vehicle functions, the boost pressure display of the instrument cluster. The
therefore providing a completely new sporty driving experi- arrow next to the boost pressure display indicates the
ence. The accelerator pedal characteristic, engine brief Overboost operation, which is possible only in
behavior at the speed limit and in the event of load conjunction with activated Sport function (text “SPORT”
changes, PSM intervention thresholds as well as the char- shown on display). The boost pressure indication is shown
acteristics of PASM and Tiptronic S are all changed at the as a digital value and as a graphic representation in the
push of a button. The Sport Chrono program also allows multi-function display. The boost pressure can increase up
the driver to control these advantages as required to take to approx. 1.2 bar (17.4 psi) when the Sport button is
into account contemporary conditions. pressed; a pressure of approx. 1.0 bar (14.5 psi) is
reached when this function is not activated.
Additional Function – Overboost
The new 911 Turbo (997) is provided with the latest devel- VarioCam Plus already significantly improves cold starting
opment version of the variable valve control VarioCam Plus of the engine, and also allows emissions to be reduced
with continuous adjustment of the intake camshafts and during the warming-up phase.
valve lift switching of the intake valves. This system
permits optimization of engine output and torque on the Idle Speed
one hand and, on the other, also makes it possible to
reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emissions while The engine is operated with the small intake cam (3.6 mm)
improving running smoothness. at idle speed. Optimum timing is guaranteed thanks to fully
variable camshaft adjustment. The small valve lift permits
Both individual systems of the VarioCam Plus (camshaft a reduction in fictional loss, a significantly increased
adjustment and valve lift switchover) are controlled by the charge movement thanks to the extremely short opening
Motronic control unit ME7.8.1. This control unit has been times, as well as lower emissions from previous combus-
designed specifically for these requirements with a high tions in the combustion chamber. This results in consump-
processor capacity. This is necessary because the input tion and emission reductions of up to 10 % at the same
values for “engine speed”, “accelerator pedal position”, time as significantly improved idling quality.
“engine oil and water temperature” as well as gear speed
detection are required to control VarioCam Plus. The Partial Load
demand for torque or power is compared with the stored
program maps. A decision on how VarioCam Plus must Operation with internal exhaust gas recirculation is
react is made in milliseconds. optimum under partial load conditions for the purpose of
dethrottling and in order to reduce the engine
Camshaft Adjustment Of The Intake Camshafts consumption. For this purpose, the camshaft phasing for
the small valve lift is adjusted in order to achieve a large
The 911 Turbo (997) features continuous adjustment of overlap, therefore allowing a large proportion of time for
the intake camshafts by vane adjusters. The load and exhaust recirculation.
speed dependent adjustment range of the intake
camshafts is 0 to 40 ° crankshaft angle. Full Load
Valve Lift Switching Of The Intake Camshafts In full-load operation, a high torque and high maximum
output are achieved on the one hand through a low-loss
The small valve lift was increased from 3.0 mm (996) to charge cycle and, on the other, by an uncompromising
3.6 mm in order to make more efficient use of the advan- cam contour design with a maximum valve lift of ten
tages of VarioCam Plus with continuous camshaft adjust- millimeters and correspondingly adapted opening and
ment and a larger adjustment range with respect to closing times of the valve strokes.
consumption, output and exhaust emissions. The valve lift
adjustment system consists of switchable flat-base
tappets on the intake side of the engine which are
operated by means of an electrohydraulic 3/2-way
switching valve.
Cayenne Turbo
Fuel Tank
The fuel tank is located ahead of the rear axle and is addi-
tionally protected from below by high-strength plastic
covers. The fuel tank is made of high-density, multi-layer
polyethylene with a capacity of approximately 26.5 gallons
(of which approximately 4 gallons is reserve).
A returnless fuel system (RLFS = Return Less Fuel The fuel filter does not need to be changed. It is
System) is used on the Cayenne. In this system the fuel integrated into the left-side sending unit. The connections
pressure regulator as well as the fuel filter is integrated into at the fuel filter for the left-side and right-side fuel pumps
the fuel tank. As a result, no return line from the fuel distrib- are different in diameter.
utor in the engine compartment to the fuel is required with
this system. Only the quantity of fuel injected by the fuel Fuel Pressure Regulator
injectors is pumped to the fuel distributor in the engine
compartment. Doing away with the return line has the The pressure regulator is also built into the fuel tank below
benefit that no fuel heated in the engine compartment is the right-side tank flange.
returned to the fuel tank to increase fuel temperature there.
This further reduces the formation of fuel vapor in the tank. Fuel pressure, which is present right up to the fuel
Fuel Pump (Left-side and Right-Side) injectors, is about 58 psi (4.0 bar) from idle to wide-open
throttle. The quantity injected is thus dependent on intake
Two electric fuel pumps with integral pressure-side manifold pressure, which is measured by the DME control
operated vacuum booster pumps are installed. Fuel pump module when calculating injection duration.
2 comes into operation depending on demand and fuel
level in the tank. Fuel Supply Sender
The operating principle is the same as that of the sports The information from the two senders for the fuel supply is
cars. In each case, a two-stage full-flow pump is combined reported to the instrument cluster to calculate the fuel
in one, with a pre-stage for charging and a main stage for supply. To prevent corrosion and poor contact, the poten-
pressure build-up. The vacuum booster pump for fuel tiometer sliding contacts are gold-plated.
pump (1) is located in the right half of the fuel tank, the
one for fuel pump (2) in the left half. So fuel is picked up at Fuel Gauge
four different locations in the tank. This ensures a supply
of fuel even in difficult terrain. With this cross-over delivery, With the ignition switched off, fuel tank contents are
the tank can be drained on a level road by each pump. displayed. If the amount of fuel falls below about 4 gallons,
the reserve warning light is activated.
When the driver’s door is first opened, the signal from the
door contact switch (via CAN) is additionally used to briefly
activate the fuel pump. Fuel pressure is already built up
before the engine is started. In the event of an accident
with airbag deployment, the fuel pumps are switched off.
If the power locking system should fail, the fuel filler flap
can still be unlocked mechanically.
Open the rear hatch, remove the cover from the right-side
storage bin in the baggage compartment and pull the
emergency release in the direction of the arrow (A), the Fuel Injector Layout
filler flap will pop open.
1 - Fuel Connection
Fuel injector (EV-6) 2 - Seal O-ring
3 - Filter Screen
Small external dimensions and low weight characterize 4 - Winding
this fuel injector. The risk of vapor lock with hot fuel is very 5 - Spring
low. As a result, it is well suited for use with returnless fuel 6 - Needle Valve With Solenoid Armature And Sealing Ball
systems, since fuel temperature in the fuel injector 7 - Perforated Injection Disk
compared with systems with a return is higher. 8 - Electrical Connection
9 - Injector Housing
Fuel is atomized with a perforated disk (4 holes). The 10 - Injector Seat
stamped injection orifices provide great consistency in the
quantity of injected fuel as well as insensitivity to fuel
deposits. Good tightness in the area of the injector seat is
ensured through the cone/sphere sealing.
Ignition Coil
A - Mounting Eye
B - Connector Terminal
C - Plug Recess Gasket
D - High Voltage Connector To Spark Plug
1 - Power Output Stage
2 - Cooling Plate For Power Output Stage
3 - Electronics Board With Integral Diagnostic Function And
Current Limiter
1 - Ignition Coil Cylinder 1 (bank 1 right front) 4 - Magnetic Core
2 - Ignition Coil Cylinder 2 5 - Secondary Winding
3 - VarioCam Valve (bank 1) 6 - Primary Winding
4 - Crankcase Ventilation 7 - Electrical Resistance
With this new coil design, the final stage electronics are Note:
combined in the ignition module housing. The housing is The coil must be pulled straight out of the valve cover and
connected electrically and mechanically by the short high- not tipped to the side when it is removed or the coil may
voltage connector to the spark plug in the plug recess. be damaged.
Diagnostic functions are also integrated. When an error is The use of glide spark plugs is not possible especially with
detected, pin 4 (trigger input) is switched to high turbocharged engines, since ceramic nicks can be caused
impedance. This is detected in turn by the DME and the on the insulator tip by higher combustion pressures, which
error is entered in the trouble code memory. in turn can result in reduced change intervals or premature
failure of the spark plug.
Cayenne S Spark Plugs
Engine Speed Sensor
With these glide spark plugs the 4 ground electrodes are
located to the side of the ceramic insulator. As a result, The inductive engine speed sensor on the bell housing
the sparks (1) always glide over the surface of the registers engine RPM and the current position of the
insulator (4) and jump through a small gas path to the crankshaft by means of 57 windows in a flange on the flex
ground electrode (2), producing better ignition properties. plate. One window is made wider to indicate crankshaft
The primary benefit of the glide spark plug lies in the self- position to the DME control unit.
cleaning effect of the insulator tip since any shunts
occurring between the center electrode and ground
electrode are eliminated through the sliding sparks, partic-
ularly during cold starts. These spark plugs make possible
a change interval of 60,000 miles (90,000 km) in the
Cayenne S.
A modified rotor is mounted on the intake camshafts for The knock sensors are mounted on the crankcase below
both banks of cylinders. Based on the rotor position, the the intake manifold. They detect the structural acoustic
Hall sensor determines the current position of the intake oscillations of the crankcase. The mechanical vibrations
camshaft 4 times per camshaft revolution and passes this are transmitted with the help of the piezoelectric effect as
value on to the control module. Thus the exact position of electrical voltage signals to the DME control module. If the
both intake camshafts is determined, which is the precon- DME control module detects “knock,” the ignition timing at
dition for continuous camshaft adjustment. the cylinder in question (cylinder-selective) is retarded.
Retardation takes place in steps of 3º CA (crankshaft
angle) and can be advanced again in stages of 0.75º,
which takes place within 10 to 20 seconds. Maximum
retardation of ignition timing is 18º of crankshaft angle up
to 1600 RPM, over 1600 RPM it is limited to 15º of crank-
shaft angle.
A - Hall Sensor
B - Camshaft Rotor
Cayenne S Air flows from the air duct (intake pipe) behind the front
end, through an air filter on both the left and right to the
Air flow from the air duct (intake pipe) behind the front two mass air sensors. Then the intake air is delivered to
end, through an air filter on both the left and right to the the compressors of the two turbochargers. Then the
two mass air sensors. Then the intake air flows together compressed and heated charge air is recooled by means
ahead of the throttle valve control unit (E-Gas) and is of a charge intercooler located in each of the wheel
delivered to the engine through the intake manifold. housings. Boost pressure and charge air temperature of
the intake air that is being delivered to the engine is regis-
tered in the combined airflow ahead of the throttle valve
control unit. Cooling the compressed charge air achieves
good cylinder filling and low component temperatures.
The venturi mass air sensors on the left and right are
supplied as a replacement part with the measuring venturi.
The mass air sensor must not be removed from the
measuring venturi, since these parts were matched on a
flow bench. The diameters of the measuring venturis are
different based on the different air throughput between
Cayenne S (low) and Cayenne Turbo (high).
With the newly developed accelerator pedal in the The range of operation of E-Gas corresponds basically to
Cayenne, the accelerator position sensor is integrated into the operation described for vehicles with Motronic ME 7.2
the pedal assembly. Therefore no throttle cable is and ME 7.8. In the case of the electronic throttle valve
required. The characteristic curves of the two integral control unit (E-Gas), the throttle valve is adjusted by an
potentiometers are comparable with those of the ME 7.2 electric motor over a two-stage gear. Thus electronic
systems and act as an input signal (driver request) to control of the air inducted by the engine is possible over
calculate the torque-oriented operational construct, which the entire load range.
triggers the engine management system accordingly.
Operating characteristics (relationship between
engine torque and accelerator pedal position) are
clearly established with E-Gas, which offers the
following benefits:
1 - Filler Neck
2 - Percolation Tank (ORVR one-piece)
Cayenne Turbo Crankcase Ventilation 2A - Fuel Tank Operating Ventilation
2B - Refueling Ventilation
1 - Heating Element For Crankcase Ventilation 3 - Connection To Carbon Canister
2 - Non-return Valves - Intake Side/Pressure Side 4 - Pressure holding Valve
3 - Oil Vapor Separator 5 - Carbon Canister (ORVR with flange for leak diagnosis pump)
4 - Tube To Intake Manifold 6 - Water Separator With Filter Element and Fresh Air Induction
5 - Hose To Intake Side Of The Left Turbocharger 7 - Leak Diagnosis Pump
6 - Connection For Fuel Tank Ventilation 7A - Vacuum Line From Intake Manifold To Leak Diagnosis
8 - Shut-off Valve
Fuel Tank Ventilation ORVR Vehicles A - To Fuel Tank Ventilation Valve (in engine compartment)
During a leak diagnosis check the Evap Valve (12) and the
Evap Vent Valve (13) are closed by the DME. The DME
then cycles the Electric frequency valve for the diaphragm
pump (2, top of page) allowing manifold vacuum to enter
from vacuum reservoir in intake manifold (1, top of page)
this causes the Vacuum side of the diaphragm pump (3,
top of page) to rise and draw air in the Connecting pipe to
the water separator/filter element (6, illustration to left).
The vacuum is then released as the pressure is built from
this pumping action the Connecting pipe to the activated
filter charcoal filter (5, illustration to left) raises the
pressure throughout the evap system. The rising pressure
causes the Electrical Reed Switch (7, illustration to left) to
make contact and send a signal to the DME 1 - Electric Vacuum Pump
2 - Pressure Sensor
If the pump cannot build enough pressure to keep the reed 3 - Vacuum Brake Booster
switch closed during the checking phase of the test, this 4 - Non-return Valves
indicates a minor leak to the DME. If the pump cannot 5 - DME Control Module
build enough pressure to close the reed switch during the 6 - Relay
test phase of the test this indicates a major leak to the V - Vacuum To Engine
The Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo underscore the engine By means of a cross-connection (cross-over point only on
note through a typical Porsche load-dependent exhaust Cayenne S), that is, a pipe which connects both exhaust
note, which was tuned through the rear mufflers and tail tracts, the two exhaust tracts, or the oscillating exhaust
pipes and satisfies all applicable legal requirements. To gas columns, are linked together after the primary
achieve long life and long-term attractive appearance, the catalytic converters. This positively influences the torque
entire exhaust system is made of stainless steel, which curve in the lower RPM range.
has particularly good corrosion resistance. The exhaust
system consists of two exhaust tracts. Exhaust gases are The rear muffler in the Cayenne S has individual tail pipe
taken through air-gap insulated exhaust headers with the tips on the left and right.
shortest possible pipe length to the preliminary catalytic
converters. The short pipe lengths not only speed up
heating of the catalytic converters, but also reduce energy
losses in the exhaust gases.
The exhaust system on the Cayenne Turbo was matched Contributing factors to the excellent emissions numbers
to the increased requirements and different exhaust gas for the Cayenne include the modern control concept of the
velocities and exhaust gas pulsations through exhaust DME, the On-Board Diagnostic System (OBD II and EOBD)
pipes with a larger cross section. as well as the exhaust system with metallic catalytic
converters and two-channel oxygen sensor feed back. Two
As a result of the smoothing of the exhaust gas pulsations oxygen sensors per cylinder bank handle monitoring of
in the turbochargers, the demands on the rear muffler are exhaust gases and functional monitoring of the catalytic
different than with the Cayenne S. An optimal exhaust note converters. They provide the information to the DME
is achieved through specific damping and pipe routing control module for regulating exhaust gas figures. The
inside the rear muffler together with the tail pipes. lowest possible emission of pollutants is achieved through
this two-channel oxygen sensor feedback. To reduce pollu-
Differing from the Cayenne S, the exhaust pipes for the tants during warm-up, the catalytic converters are heated
Cayenne Turbo do not have a crossover point. The rear up rapidly as the result of measures in the engine manage-
muffler on the Cayenne Turbo is also installed as a visible ment system, such as, retarded ignition and injection of
design element. Exhaust gases leave the Cayenne Turbo secondary air in the exhaust tract for afterburning. The
through two tail pipe tips on the outer left and right, whose corresponding opening of the throttle valve control unit
design differs from the Cayenne S. compensates for the associated reduction in torque.
Emissions Standard
The preliminary and primary catalytic converters are made The V8 engines in the Cayenne have separate secondary
of metal. This allowed the coated inner walls to be of a air systems for the left and right cylinder bank, mounted at
thinner design than, for example, ceramic catalytic the rear of the appropriate cylinder head. The secondary
converters and the result is a greater total surface area air blower for banks 1 and 2 are activated through relays
for the catalyzing passages. This ensures faster warm-up, by the DME control module. This builds up pressure over
long life and greater efficiency in the conversion of the connecting hoses up to the secondary air valves. At
pollutants. about 80 mbar delivery pressure from the blower, the
diaphragm in the secondary air valves is opened; as a
Metallic converter substrates have only about 1/3 the wall result, the injected secondary air arrives behind the
thickness of ceramic substrates. They are more compact exhaust valves through the distribution pipe in the
and have more active surface to convert pollutants. In the appropriate cylinder head. The injection of secondary air
warm-up phase, the operating temperature for exhaust after the exhaust valves results in a reduction of CO and
gas treatment is reached more quickly. In addition, a HC, which are generated in greater amounts in the cold
metallic catalytic converter is less sensitive to heat, start phase with lambda < 1.
impacts and ages more slowly. Because of lower exhaust
gas pressure, increased engine performance is achieved. Additionally, the catalytic converters reach their light-off
temperature of about 662° F. (350° C) as a result of the
heat released during afterburning. During the first cold
start, the condition for air injection is reached when
coolant temperature is between 14° F. (–10° C) and 86° F.
(30° C). In the range close to idle, secondary air injection
runs for up to about 100 seconds, at part throttle this is
reduced to about 40 seconds. If the inducted volume of
air of about 340 kg/h is exceeded during secondary air
injection, secondary air injection is switched off. A supple-
mentary non-return valve is integrated in the secondary air
Cayenne Turbo System valve of the Cayenne Turbo, which prevents opening as the
result of pressure spikes in the exhaust system. End stage
A - LSU Oxygen Sensor (ahead of preliminary catalytic converter) diagnostics monitors the relays, the operation of the
B - LSF Oxygen Sensor (after the preliminary catalytic converter) secondary air system is monitored by closed loop Oxygen
C - Preliminary Catalytic Converter sensor control.
D - Main Catalytic Converter
1 - Exhaust Header
1A - Exhaust Turbocharger
1B - Boost Pressure Control Valve
2 - Decoupling Element
Fan Run-On
At part throttle, operation with high residual gas content in a - VarioCam Adjustment Angle in ° Crankshaft Rotation
the combustion chamber, meaning already burned air-fuel n - Engine Speed In RPM
mixture, is optimal for reducing charge cycle losses and M - Torque In Nm
for improving combustion uniformity. Besides reducing fuel P - Power In kW
consumption this results in better emissions
characteristics. In the part-throttle range the engine is
load-dependent, that is, it is operated with different
degrees of valve overlap depending on engine RPM and
accelerator pedal position. The movement of the charge,
which provides good turbulence in the cylinders, promotes
Wide-Open Throttle
With the throttle valve fully open, the optimal closing timing
for the intake valves is permanently set for any RPM with
the continuously adjustable intake camshaft (vane-type
VarioCam). This prevents the backflow of fresh gases from
the combustion chamber. At medium RPM and at wide-
open throttle, the engine is running with the greatest valve
overlap and early closing of the intake valve.
Direct Fuel Injection (DFI) The most important technical components of the
direct fuel injection system are:
Porsche is using direct fuel injection (DFI) for the first time
in its new generation of Cayenne engines. DFI offers
numerous advantages compared to intake manifold
injection. The main objective here is to achieve an air/fuel
mixture adapted specifically to the respective operating
and charge states of the engine using an injection system
and mixture formation. This provides the perfect solution
A totally redesigned generation of engines with DFI is used for meeting the various demands relating to economy,
for the new Cayenne models: a 3.6 l V6 engine for the power, vehicle handling and emissions. With direct fuel
Cayenne, a 4.8 l V8 naturally aspirated engine for the injection, the fuel is injected directly into the combustion
Cayenne S and a 4.8 l V8 bi-turbo engine for the Cayenne chamber and mixture formation takes place almost
Turbo. completely in the combustion chamber.
Development objectives for the new DFI engines: The direct fuel injection system used in the new
Cayenne models is characterized by the following:
• More power and torque.
• Reduced fuel consumption. • Homogeneous operation.
• Reduced weight. • Better cylinder filling.
• Reduced knock sensitivity.
• Higher compression ratio.
• High pressure stratified charge ignition.
• Dual injection.
Within the injector, the fuel jet creates a vortex (rotated Upper Load Range of DFI Engines
around the longitudinal axis). This rotation forms a conical
cloud of fuel. The fine atomization produced by this allows Dual injection always occurs in the upper load range up
faster evaporation of the fuel. The fuel evaporation approx. 3500 rpms. The amount of fuel required for
process takes the required heat energy from the air, combustion is distributed in two consecutive injection
thereby cooling the air. This reduces the cylinder charge processes. In the upper load range, both injections occur
volume and additional air is drawn in through the open in- during the intake stroke (intake synchronous injection) with
take valve, which in turn improves cylinder filling. the intake valves open, thereby ensuring reduced fuel
The reduced temperature level also helps to meet the pre- consumption through improved homogenization.
requisites for the higher compression ratio in all new
Cayenne engines since knock sensitivity has been Piston Recesses in DFI Engines
improved. The higher compression ratio in turn increases
engine efficiency. The piston recesses are important for high pressure strati-
fied charge ignition and for dual injection during the
Start Phase of DFI Engines catalytic converter heating phase. They allow late injection
of fuel in order to create an ignitable air/fuel mixture
High pressure stratified charge ignition is used in the DFI around the spark plug for late ignition.
systems of the new Cayenne engines in order to optimize
cold starting with regard to fuel consumption and
emissions. With this ignition system, fuel injection occurs
very late – just before the end of the compression stroke – Intake manifold injection
when starting the engine. The high pressure stratified
charge ignition system injects fuel directly only once into > With the intake manifold injection system, the fuel is
the specially molded piston recess so that a stratification, injected into the intake duct earlier and mixture
which creates an ignitable mixture, is formed around the formation takes place partly in the intake duct and partly
spark plug. The piston recess ensures that the injected in the combustion chamber. During the intake process,
fuel is directed straight to the spark plug. This reduces fuel is deposited on cylinder walls and valves and as a
both the amount of fuel required and the emissions result, this fuel is no longer available for combustion.
compared to intake manifold injection. This is particularly the case during the start phase of the
engine at low temperatures and the consequence of this
Catalytic Converter Heating Phase in DFI Engines is that the amount of fuel used exceeds the amount of
fuel that is actually needed for combustion.
Once the high pressure stratified charge ignition system
starts the engine, engine management switches to the cat-
alytic converter heating phase. In this operating state, a
dual injection system helps to bring the catalytic converter
to the temperature required for optimal conversion as
quickly as possible by increasing the exhaust emissions
Always read and follow the safety instructions in the
Technical Manual, Group 2 when working on the fuel
supply system.
> Fuel low-pressure system in DFI engines.
On the new Cayenne Turbo, displacement has also been
increased by 0.3 liters to 4.8 liters with a compression Technical Manual
ratio of 10.5. Engine power has increased by 50 HP to
500 HP, while the torque is now 518 ftlb. (700 Nm – an The procedure for checking the fuel pressure and the
increase of +56 ftlb. (+80 Nm). Idling rpm is 580 rpm amount of fuel delivered by the fuel pumps is described in
(550 rpm for AT with transmission range engaged) and the Technical Manual.
maximum engine rpm is 6700. The new DME control unit
EMS SDI 4.1 has been specially adapted to suit direct fuel • The low pressure system delivers the fuel from the fuel
injection and the modified engine specifications of the V8 tank to the high pressure pump on the cylinder head.
turbo engine. • The new Cayenne vehicles have a returnless fuel system
• DFI direct fuel injection. • The demand control function of the fuel delivery rate
• New intake system. reduces fuel heating in the tank by switching on the sec-
• Adaptation of turbochargers and boost pressure ond fuel pump.
The fuel tank is not symmetrical. The left half of the tank
Piston Recess has a higher volume than the right side. There is a “hump”
in the middle so that both chambers are separated from
each other once a certain fuel level is reached in the tank.
When the tank is half full, the left fuel pump is activated
because the left half of the tank has the higher volume.
The fuel pumps are each supplied by one sucking jet pump
whose hoses are routed diagonally and which “helps itself”
to fuel from the other half of the tank.
The fuel pressure and the way in which the two fuel pumps
are activated has changed compared to Cayenne vehicles
up to model year 2006. On Cayenne vehicles up to M.Y.
2006, the left fuel pump was permanently activated and
The piston recesses are specially adapted to the charac- the right pump was only activated as required (for starting,
teristics of the V8 turbo engine. The increase in the higher delivery rate, etc.).
compression ratio from 9.5 to 10.5:1 as a result of DFI
serves to optimize both engine power and fuel consump-
Page 5.76 Engine Management Systems
System Descriptions – E-Throttle MED 9.1 & EMS SDI 4.1
Functional diagram of the low pressure side in the fuel tank.
Fuel Pressure On The Low Pressure Side. Other switching functions include:
For DFI engines, the fuel pressure on the low pressure • If the ignition was switched off for more than 30
side has been increased to approx. 80 psi/5.5 bar (this minutes, the left fuel pump is activated for approx. 1 to
was previously approx. 58 psi/4 bar). The left or right fuel 2 seconds when the driver’s door is first opened in
pump is operated as the main pump in order to distribute order to build up fuel pressure even before the ignition
the higher load to both fuel pumps, depending on the fuel is switched on.
level. • Both fuel pumps are activated while starting the engine
and for several seconds after starting the engine.
The fuel pumps are activated if the level of fuel in
the tank is reduced and if the engine requires more
• Fuel level > 15.8 gal. (60 liters) to 26 gal. (100 Iiters):
When the tank is relatively full, the right fuel pump is
activated; if more fuel is required (> 13 gal./50
liters/h), the left pump is activated.
• Fuel level > 4 gals/15 liters to 15.8 gals/60 liters:
When the tank is half-full, the left fuel pump is activated;
if more fuel is required (> 13 gals/50 liters/h), the right
pump is activated.
• Fuel level < 4 gals./15 liters: If the tank is relatively
empty, both pumps run continuously.
The fuel high pressure system generates an injection The fuel high pressure pump creates a high pressure of up
pressure of up to 1740 psi (120 bar) in the combustion to 1740 psi (120 bar), which is required for injection. It is
chamber. The components of the V6 engine and the V8 controlled by demand and adapts the fuel quantity
engines are different. according to engine requirements via a flow control valve.
This piston pump with one piston is located on the cylinder
The following pages describe the functions of the head. The high pressure pump is driven by the timing
components of the V6 DFI engine first, and then chain via a double-cam gear wheel. The double-cam gear
those of the V8 DFI engines. wheel uses a roller to actuate the pump piston, which
creates the fuel high pressure in the pump.
V6 DFI Engine C - Fuel high pressure pump with flow control valve
G - DS Fuel pressure sensor
The fuel high pressure system in the V6 DFI engine is
made up of the following parts/components.
Pressure variations can occur on the low pressure side
while measuring fuel pressure at idling speed due to the
piston pump on the high pressure side with one piston.
Technical Manual
Two high pressure rails are used in the V6 engine. The fuel
is pumped from the high pressure pump to the two distrib-
ution rails on cylinder bank 1 and 2 via the high pressure
line. The same fuel pressure is available for all fuel
injectors from there.
Fuel Temperature Sensor (on low pressure side) The high pressure pump -HD- used in the Cayenne Turbo
is a six-piston pump with a maximum delivery rate of
approx. 58 gals./245 liters/h at 1740 psi (120 bar). It
builds up pressure and ensures flow control.
The electric control valve for the fuel high pressure side
-1- is located on the fuel high pressure pump and
operates as a flow control valve. The Motronic control unit
regulates the delivery rate of the high pressure pump in
the fuel supply to the pump via the control valve. When the
engine is switched off, the fuel high pressure is reduced
by an integrated pressure reducing valve. The fuel
pressure sensor monitors the required fuel pressure
(approx. 580 psi/40 to 1740psi/120 bar).
• If the control valve fails, the Motronic control unit goes 1 - Bypass valve, including pressure relief valve
into emergency operation, whereby the engine can still 2 - Volume control valve
run in a limited way with low pressure (80 psi/5.5 bar). Blue - Low pressure inlet from the in-tank fuel pump
In this case, the bypass valve in the pump opens and Red - High pressure to the injectors
provides a direct route from the low pressure side to
the high pressure side. Pressure Control Valve
• The bypass valve is also activated for filling the empty
fuel rail on new engines or following repairs in order to The pressure control valve is integrated into the fuel high
reduce starting times. pressure pump. This safety valve opens a connection to
the fuel low pressure system if the fuel pressure in the
high pressure system exceeds approx. 2030 psi (140
A - Buffer
B - Disc spring
C - Lock washer
D - Rib to prevent in correct assembly
The central high pressure rail in V8 engines is located in
the engine’s inner V. From here, the fuel is supplied via Fuel Pressure Sensor
individual lines to the fuel injectors for cylinders 1 to 8. The fuel pressure sensor is installed on the central high
The high pressure rail provides the same pressure for all pressure rail under the intake system and informs the
injectors. The volume of the high pressure rail is adapted Motronic control unit about the current pressure in the fuel
according to the amount of fuel the engine needs (V8 high pressure system. The Motronic control unit evaluates
naturally aspirated engine 100 cm3, V8 Turbo 150 cm3). the signal and regulates the fuel pressure on the high pres-
sure side via the flow control valve.
• The rail volume is determined by the required pressure
variation behavior and the shortness of the starting Fuel Injectors/High Pressure Injectors
Sealing contact area of the high pressure fuel lines. The electromagnetically operated fuel injectors are on the
intake side of the cylinder head. They are activated by the
DME control unit in accordance with the firing order.
Following activation, they inject fuel directly into the
combustion chamber at a pressure of 580 psi (40 bar) to
1740 psi (120 bar). During this process, a vortex is
created even before the fuel emerges at the valve tip.
S - Spray angle (taper angle of the fuel jet, approx. 69° on the
naturally aspirated engine, 68° on the turbo engine).
B - Bend angle (distance between the injection jet and the axis of
the fuel injector; approx. 8.5° on the naturally aspirated
engine, approx. 7.5° on the turbo engine).
Fuel Injectors -V8 Turbo The four retainers -NH- for the two injectors ensure the
At a fuel pressure of 580 psi (40 bar) and an injection time
of 0.6 ms, the amount of fuel injected is approx. 7.8 • Installation as a pre-assembled unit with injectors
mg/stroke. While at a fuel pressure of 1740 psi (120 bar) installed.
and an injection time of 6.1 ms, the amount of fuel • Twist-lock protection for screwing on fuel lines.
injected is approx. 107 mg/stroke. • Exact installation position for aligning the fuel jet in the
combustion chamber.
In addition to the amount of fuel injected and the injection • Correct pretensioning of the fuel injectors in the cylinder
time, the shape and alignment of the fuel jet is also head.
important. • Vibration damper for reducing the transmission of vibra-
tions from the cylinder head to the injectors.
Spark Plugs
The V6 engine has air gap spark plugs with one ground
electrode, which must be changed every 36,000 miles
(60,000 km) or after 4 years according to the Technical
Spark plug replacement intervals have changed for M.Y.
2008 when compared to the 2003-2006 Cayenne models.
Ignition Coils
Air filter replacement intervals have changed for M.Y.
2008 when compared to the 2003-2006 Cayenne models.
1 - Upper shell
1 - Air intakes behind the headlights
2 - Effective pipe length at power position (284.2 mm)
2 - Left and right air filter housings
3 - Middle shell
3 - Leftand right pipe mass airflow sensors
4 - Sealed plastic flaps on a steel shaft
4 - Left turbo (right turbo is behind the charge air cooler)
5 - Inlay
5 - Left and right charge air cooler
6 - Effective pipe length at torque position (538 mm)
6 - Pressure sensor with temperature sensor
7 - Lower shell
7 - To electronic throttle
The illustration shows the intake system, from the air
The variable intake system is made of a shell shaped fiber intakes behind the left and right headlights, the air filter
reinforced polyamide. A total of five plastic shells are housings, the two pipe mass air flow sensors, the
welded together here. Four switching flaps are installed on turbocharger and the charge air cooler to the electronic
a steel shaft for each bank and are coated with silicon for throttle. A sensor in front of the electronic throttle records
a reliable seal. The weight of the intake system in the 4.8 l the boost pressure and air temperature.
naturally aspirated engine compared to the 4.5 l engine is
reduced by approx. 10.5 oz (0.3 kg) despite the Turbo Pressure System
integration of the switching flaps for the variable intake
manifold system.
The pressure that exists at any time between the removal 1 - Pre-catalytic converters (metal substrate)
position and the crankcase causes a steady flow of fresh 2 - Decoupling elements
air through the crankcase in all map points. To ensure 3 - Main catalytic converters (ceramic substrate)
sufficient vacuum in the crankcase in all map points, the 4 - Front muffler with crossover pipe
vacuum in the intake manifold is used in the partial load 5 - Main exhaust muffler
ranges. A pressure regulating valve regulates this vacuum 6 - Exhaust tailpipes with trim
until the required value is reached. In the operating range
with accumulated boost pressure (full load) in which there The exhaust system has two pre-catalytic converters and
is no vacuum in the intake manifold, the vacuum upstream new in the V6 engine, two main catalytic converters as
of the compressor is used. well as a crossover pipe between the two exhaust tracts.
The pre-catalytic converters installed in USA vehicles are
To prevent the PCV system from freezing during the different to those used in RoW vehicles.
winter, the blow-by gases on both naturally aspirated and
turbo engines are supplied to the combustion air through a The exhaust quality is monitored by two oxygen sensors
heated adapter. (LSU) in front of the pre-catalytic converters and two
oxygen sensors (LSF) behind the pre-catalytic converters.
Exhaust System, Emission Control In addition, the V6 exhaust system as far as the rear
muffler has been designed as a dual flow system. This
General improves the gas cycle by reducing the exhaust back
pressure and ensuring better matching of the gas oscilla-
The exhaust systems in all new Cayenne models have tions in the exhaust system. Behind the two main catalytic
been redesigned for direct fuel injection (DFI) in order to converters, there is a crossover pipe in the front muffler
achieve maximum performance with minimum emissions. that connects the exhaust tracts. As a result, the torque
curve is positively influenced at the lower end of the rpm
All exhaust systems include the following: range by an improved gas cycle.
Water fording depth is reduced when the sports exhaust
system is installed. Consult vehicle owner’s manual for
The DME control unit also activates the two drivers for the
The pressure sensor in front of the throttle valve reports electric radiator fans in order to achieve infinitely
the boost pressure to the DME control unit. Depending on adjustable control.
the current required and actual boost pressure, the DME
control unit activates the cycle valve for boost pressure
control according to a pulse/duty factor. This modulates a
control pressure, which adjusts the bypass valves (-W-
wastegate) on the turbochargers via the pressure units for
boost pressure control in order to regulate the boost
Subject Page
Systems That Effect Engine Management System Operation Via Data Transfer
Tiptronic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.13
Stability Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.14
Traction Control (TC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.14
Engine Drag Control (EDC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.14
Sport Chrono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.14
There are a number of sub systems that are controlled by Porsche has utilized exhaust gas turbocharging to improve
the engine management system and not part of the the performance of power plants since the 1970s. In the
mixture control ignition control function. These systems 1980s we began to control the turbocharger with
work with the engine management system however are electronic control systems. To understand how electronic
not involved in mixture and ignition control. control of turbocharger works, we need to examine how a
basic waste gate control system works.
The function and purpose of these systems will be
described in this section:
• Turbocharger Control
• Cam Timing Control
• Intake Tuning Systems
• Fan Control
1 - Compressor Housing
2 - Compressor Wheel
3 - Axial Bearing
4 - Compressor Back Wall
5 - Turbine Housing
6 - Bearing Housing
7 - Rotor
8 - Sleeve
B - Oil Pressure From Engine
D - Oil Return Flow
F - Water Jacket
The speed of the turbine and impeller is not controlled by Pressure/RPM Curve
engine speed, but is a function of the balance between the
energy that compressing the air charge requires, and the This is how a waste-gate without electronic control works.
energy that the exhaust gas puts into the turbine. The The boost rises steeply as RPM rises until it reaches it’s
speed of the rotating assembly can be very high, speeds maximum level and then flattens out.
up to 100,000 RPM are not uncommon.
Porsche first used digital electronic turbocharger control Turbo charger control needs to know what the pressure in
in 1986 on the 944 Turbo, most of the turbocharged the intake manifold is in order to control the wastegate, for
Porsche motors since have had digital electronic this reason there is a pressure sensor connected to the
turbocharger control. intake manifold.
With digital electronic turbocharger control the basic With digital control of the turbocharger, we have mapped
system operates like our previously described wastegate control of the wastegate. Later systems have adaptive
system. The difference is there is an electronic solenoid control, the vehicle specific sections have details of the
valve #1 that can vent the pressure that acts on the control strategies for the turbo charger. For the most part,
wastegate pressure cell to atmosphere (at the compressor cycling the wastegate control is the main function that
stage inlet). When this happens, the turbocharger will not engine management has to provide for turbocharger
be controlled by the wastegate since the pressure that control. Other functions that can be provided, include
would open the bypass is vented or partially vented to control of electric coolant pump and the boost
atmosphere. recirculation control.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Basic Setting
The operational principal of the one step VarioCam is illus-
trated in the graphic. We see the non actuated position in Figure 1 - Adjustment of the chain tensioner is performed
black (this is how a non VarioCam 944 operates all of the by hydraulic pressure cylinders and spring
time). The exhaust camshaft is chain driven off of the packs. Switchover pulses to the solenoid (1)
crankshaft and the intake camshaft is chain driven off of are produced by the DME control units. When
the exhaust camshaft. If we push the guide block down deenergized, both chain guides 2 and 3 are at
(the position shown in red), we advance the intake cam raised position.
without moving the exhaust cam. The 968 intake cam is Figure 2 - Solenoid (1) deenergized. Oil pressure (red) fills
moved by 15 degrees, the Boxster intake cam is moved interior of chain tensioner (2) and supports
by 25 degrees. force of springs (3) and (4). Both tensioner
chain guides (5) and (6) rest on the roller chain
Control is via a solenoid hydraulic valve to advance the links (7) and (8). Oil pressure (light red) is also
cam.The DME grounds the solenoid and oil pressure fed into the annular chamber (9) and supports
moves the piston attached to the lower chain guide to the the spring (10). Piston (11) remains at top.
advanced position. The upper chain guide is attached to Non-pressurized oil (blue) is diverted.
the tensioner that acts against the slack side of the chain.
Figure 3 Figure 4
In 1987, the 928S was equipped with a resonance-tuning With the intake valve closed, the intake tract becomes a
flap. This is in a tubular passage between the two sealed chamber, so the air fuel charge is compressed on
plenums, one over bank 1 to 4, and one over bank 5 to 8. top of the intake valve. When the inertia bleeds off, this
A vacuum motor actuated by an electric solenoid compressed air fuel charge expands back up into the
controlled by the LH control unit opened this flap. The intake tract as a pressure wave. It is this pressure wave
switching point of the flap was determined from a that resonant intake tuning utilizes to move air into the
load/RPM map. motor.
The cylinder draws the air through the long torque runners
directly from the main collector, which achieves very good
cylinder charging at low engine speeds.
Fan Control
Beginning with the Boxster (986) the radiator cooling fans of Porsche vehicles are controlled by the engine management
control. With the exception of the 911 Turbo (996) that has three speeds up until 2005, these system had only two speeds,
low and high. In addition, the engine management controls the engine compartment ventilation fan, this is why there is a road
speed input to engine management (the fan is not needed when the vehicle is in motion). With 911 Carrera (997) and Boxster
(987) fan control is a distributed system that communicates via the CAN bus and the radiator fans are infinitely variable.
Page 6.12 Engine Management Systems
Special Control Systems
Systems That Effect Engine Management System Operation Via Data Transfer
There are several systems that have effect on the operation of engine management via programs in the engine management
control unit that utilize data from other systems.
Tiptronic Transmission
Porsche has had the engine management system act on information from the transmission going back to the 928. The 928
has a switch that closes when the transmission shifts from 1st to 2nd so the ignition control can retard the ignition timing to
soften the upshift.
All Porsche vehicles with Tiptronic transmissions have communication between the engine management control and transmis-
sion control so the transmission and engine can operate in coordination. The data transfer is bi-directional with load, RPM,
throttle position, “ambient conditions” and engine temperature transferred from engine management to transmission control,
and requests to retard ignition timing and gear selector position are sent from transmission control to engine management.
When the engine is cold, the transmission control engages a catalyst warm up shift program to speed catalyst warm up. This
is why the transmission control is OBD-II relevant and why the MIL can be turned on by the transmission control unit. In 1997,
the Boxster was the first Porsche vehicle to utilize a CAN bus system. It was used to connect the Tiptronic control unit to the
Engine Management Control Unit.
The 1995 911 Carrera (993) was equipped with ABD The 2005 911 Carrera (997) and Boxster (987) have
(automatic brake differential). Porsche traction control Sport Chrono as an option, when this system is active the
began to utilize information from the engine management engine management switches the E-throttle to a faster rise
system. ABD actuates the rear brakes to eliminate wheel of the throttle opening curve and a more aggressive RPM
slip and it utilizes load information from engine limiter.
management to determine the limit for brake actuation
(when load is high the brake application time limit is Sports Chrono Functions of the Motronic
Subject Page
P-Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.23
As we discuss the emissions control systems on Porsche OBD-I was introduced to Porsche vehicles in 1991. The
vehicles we will discover that these systems are enfolded system consisted for the most part as software in the
by the OBD-II system, and when we study the Porsche DME control unit, the only hardware involved was the light
OBD-II system we are studying Porsche emissions controls in the instrument cluster. With OBD-I, if an emissions
in a comprehensive manner. Examining these systems related component failure is detected by the diagnostic
inside the framework of OBD-II as a complete system will program a check engine warning light is illuminated. In
organize and simplify our study of emission systems. addition, the fault is stored in memory and can be read out
as a “blink code”.
We will divide OBD-II into five topics:
Misfire Monitor
We call this process flywheel adaptation and it has These monitors are the big difference between OBD-II and
to take place the only time that there is no combus- earlier systems. They are unique in that they require some
tion, during deceleration. special conditions in order to run such as a certain load
level, engine RPM, or temperature.
In addition to establishing the flywheel adaptation, the
misfire program can tell if there is damage to the sensor 1. Air Injection Monitor
ring or flywheel. The misfire monitor is unique in that it is 2. Evaporative Monitor
the one monitor that will turn on the malfunction indicator A. Fuel Tank Ventilation
light immediately. All of the other monitors have some B. Fuel Tank Pressure Test
amount of time that the fault must be present before the
light will be turned on. This is due to the damage that can 3. Catalyst Aging Monitor
happen to the catalytic converter if misfire occurs in a 4. Oxygen Sensor Monitor
high RPM/load range or for too long of a period of time. 5. Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor
All of the monitors we have discussed so far are The air injection systems on Porsche engines with OBD-II
continuous monitors that operate all of the time in the operate only for the first several minutes after start up.
background. They run from the time that the engine is They utilize electric air pumps since this eliminates any
started until the vehicle is shut down. These monitors are load on the engine when the air pump is not operating.
for the most part software modifications and require little The length of time that the air pump operates is
or no additional hardware be added to the vehicle. dependent on the engine temperature at the time of start
If the voltage falls when the air pump is actuated, then air
Cylinder Head Air Injection Passage (arrow) is being injected. If there is no drop or a weak drop, the
system has some problem that is keeping air from being
The point of injecting air into the exhaust is to promote injected. The comprehensive component monitor checks
oxidation of excess HC that is present during start up. In the circuit of the air pump control and with Sports Cars
addition to controlling HCs, the heat produced by this before 2005, the vacuum control solenoid.
process heats up the catalytic converter and enables early
light off of the catalyst.
1. Fuel Tank Ventilation Monitor This process continues the entire time the vehicle is static.
2. Fuel Tank Leakage Monitor After the engine has run long enough for it’s temperature
to rise above the level required for tank vent operation, the
These two systems check the same system, however, EVAP canister purge valve opens and air flows into the
they operate independently and for the most part at flushing air line at #3 and across the carbon in the EVAP
different times. The tank ventilation monitor is very similar canister and through the purge valve into intake manifold.
vehicle to vehicle, and with the tank leakage monitor, there As the air crosses the carbon in the EVAP canister (a large
are three different systems. amount of air at a high flow rate) it picks up the HCs that
were deposited in the carbon during the static mode and
In addition, there are some features that all OBD-II vehicles carries them into the intake where they become part of
have that are not actually functioning components of the the fuel used in the combustion process. The fuel mixture
emissions system but have an effect on how well the control system must adjust the Ti to compensate for the
systems function. For example, all Porsche models from additional fuel that is delivered by this system.
2002 have returnless fuel systems with the exception of
Turbo and GT3. This reduces the temperature of the fuel in The mixture control system operates the purge valve from
the tank, and therefore the amount of HC vapors a map that must be compensated for the amount of fuel
generated in the tank. that has been stored in the EVAP canister. The amount of
HC stored in the EVAP canister can vary greatly. If the
Fuel Tank Ventilation Monitor vehicle has been operating for an extended period at
highway speeds, there will be almost no HCs stored and
To understand the tank vent monitor we must first examine when the purge valve is opened it is an air leak.
the operation of the evaporative emissions control system.
The tank ventilation system operates as part of the
mixture control system and is even used to compensate
for short-term mixture control deviations (if for example an
air leak occurs, the mixture control will increase the purge
valve on time until the system can adapt).
System Overview
1 - Fuel Tank
2 - EVAP Canister
3 - Purge Valve
4 - DME
5 - Tank Pressure Sensor
6 - Shutoff Valve
7 - Vacuum Limit Valve
1 - Fuel tank
2 - Rollover valve
3 - Fill level limit valve
4 - Spit-back valve
5 - Filler pipes
6 - ORVR valve
7 - Underpressure limit valve
8 - Pressure sensor
9 - Operative venting valve
10 - Filter casing
11 - Fresh air valve
12 - Shut-off valve
13 - Active carbon canister
14 - Air filter
15 - Tank venting valve
16 - Engine
In the diagram above we can see the ORVR path indicated It is important that the tank not be topped off after
in red. The ORVR system is not electronic, it has two the nozzle shuts off. We see that the ORVR overlays the
electromechanical solenoids, the ORVR valve at (6) and the tank ventilation system (vapor path shown in green) and
fresh air valve at (11), they open when the reed switch at the tank leak system – so we have three vapor systems
(9) is closed by a magnet on the back of the filler pipe flap. interconnected in this diagram. Looking at the diagram as
one system can be confusing, however if we look at the
The ORVR is not monitored by the engine management diagram one system at a time, system operation becomes
system, it only operates during refueling and cannot affect clear.
the tank leak test. The spit back valve at (4), only allows
liquid fuel to pass into the tank, it will not allow the vapors
in the tank to pass back up the filler pipe. So as the tank
fills, the vapors in the tank are forced to take the path
indicated in green through the active carbon canister
where the HCs are captured. When the fill limit valve at (3)
closes the vapor path, the gas station filler nozzle will shut
1. Evaporative Emissions,
2. ORVR, and,
3. Tank Leak Check.
Diaphragm Lifting
Diaphragm Falling
The fuel vapor-venting path of the 2005 Sports Cars Diagnosis Reference Measurement
shown in red is simplified compared with the earlier sports
car system. Air enters through the air filter in the DM-TL, When diagnosis is initiated, the DM-TL valve is in a position
flows across the activated carbon canister picking up HCs, that connects the pump to the reference orifice, and, the
and then flows into the intake manifold via the venting pump is switched on. The amount of current the pump
valve. The ORVR vapor path shown in green is also simpli- consumes when pumping against the reference orifice is
fied, there is a valve at the bottom of the fuel filler pipe to measured and stored by the diagnosis program. The
prevent vapors from venting up the filler pipe during purge valve is closed and the DM-TL valve is then moved
fueling, and a fill limit valve as in the earlier ORVR. With to a position that closes off the path to atmosphere and
DM-TL, ORVR and Evaporative emissions share vapor lines, opens a passage to the tank across the active carbon
this reduces the number of lines in the system. canister.
The goal of the catalyst monitor is to find out if the If we see that the rear sensor is the same as the
catalyst is doing its job of lowering the N0x, HC, and CO front sensor, we know the catalyst is not operating
emissions in the exhaust flow. To do this, we install a and the tailpipe emissions will be above the legal
second 02 sensor after the catalyst (or in the case of a limit.
system with two catalysts per bank after the first catalyst).
If the catalyst is operating correctly, the O2 level at the The reason that this monitor is run only once per key cycle
second sensor will be relatively low. If the second sensor and has special conditions, is that if we don’t run it when
looks just like the first (mixture control) sensor, then the the catalyst has had a chance to get up to operating
catalyst is not doing it’s job and is defective and needs to temperature and has a good amount of flow, we can fail a
be replaced. good catalyst.
We can see in the two examples above, when the catalyst To understand the way the engine management computer
is operating correctly, the 02 sensor in front moves in a looks at inputs, we need to remember that it has no eyes,
range between 100mV and 900mV, and the sensor behind so it cannot look at the waveforms of the two sensors and
the catalyst, in a range between 800mV and 900mV (this compare them as we do. The processor can only deal with
can be broader but will be above 500mV). numbers it is just an adding machine a complex fast
adding machine but still just an adding machine.
The voltage is high and that means 02 is low. This is due
to the fact that when the catalyst is operating correctly, it
uses up the 02, turning the CO and HC into C02 and H2O.
It not only needs the 02 in the exhaust stream, it also uses
up the 02 from catalyzing the NOx and reducing it to free
02 and N.
O2 Sensor Evaluation
Wide band oxygen sensors have a distinct advantage over The heart of the wide band sensor is a Nernst concentra-
narrow band oxygen sensors (Lambda sensors) and that is tion cell this is the engineering term for a lambda oxygen
that wide band sensors can begin to control mixture within sensor. So in the middle of the wide band sensor is a
approximately 30 seconds of engine start and remain in narrow band sensor, this sensor cell lies between the
control of mixture as long as the engine is running. This reference air channel at #4 and the exhaust gas flow
has the obvious benefit of improved emission levels, fuel coming in at A into measurement cell #3. The output from
consumption and performance. Both DME 7.8 and DME the sensor cell is connected to the negative terminal of an
7.1 are normally equipped with wide band sensors in front operational amplifier in the control unit. The other
of the catalyst. Only the version of 7.8 used on the measurement terminal of the operational amplifier is
naturally aspirated 911 Carrera (996) and Boxster (986) connected to a fixed reference voltage at D. The Op amp
use narrow band lambda sensors. compares the two voltages and based on the polarity and
amplitude difference between the two voltages, the Op
amp generates a current at its output.
The first digit of the code (letter) identifies the system the
code has set. There are 4 systems: The following PID’s are supported for the oxygen sensors
upstream of the catalytic converter (banks 1 and 2,
B – For Body sensor 1).
P – For Engine
The second digit identifies the generic code (P0xxx), or $02 Lean To Rich Threshold Voltage
the manufacturer code (P1xxx).
P07xx – Transmission
The required range and the actual value are indicated. The required range and the actual value are indicated.
A - Sensor OK
B - Sensor characteristic offset e.g. by silicone
C - Sensor characteristic offset e.g. lead
D1 - Sensor offset towards leaner mixture (PID 31)
D2 - Sensor offset towards richer mixture (PID 30)