Statistics - Activity 1

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Instructor: Dr. Felix Costan
October 23, 2021

1. Study the following problems and determine what is more appropriate to use – descriptive or inferential
statistics and why

a. An ecologist says that the fish in a certain pond has 400 units of mercury on the average.
 Inferential Statistics. Because, it’s not practical to catch all the fish in the pond and kill them. Instead, select a
smaller set of fish to perform a test, observe and draw conclusion out of it.

b. Are the sales of a specific product improving or not?

 Descriptive Statistics. Sales and Inventory system go together in order to simultaneously track sales activity
and stock inventory. So, in order to understand the status and how the specific product perform especially in
sales is through gathering of data from day 1 that the product start selling and make a simple graphic analysis if
the product is improving or not.

c. A pollster would like to predict the mayoralty winner of a certain municipality. However, he has budget for
a quick survey for only 25 out of the 100 barangays of that municipality.
 Inferential Statistics. Because, it cost a lot of money if they’re going to have surveys of all 100 barangays
rather take a 25 out of 100 barangays into a survey, perform test, observe and draw conclusion.

d. Do girls learn to speak at an earlier age than boys?

 Inferential Statistics. Because, in order to save time and money and to be able to perform the test take out a
selected number of populations, analyze and draw conclusion.

e. Last year, 80% of the employees of a company were absent for at least 10 working days.
 Descriptive Statistics. It describes the data of percentages of absent employees from a population of a certain
company last year

f. Five percent of all suicides are committed by teen-agers.

 Inferential Statistics. It is not directly indicated who are included in the survey. It just made inference that 5%
of who committed suicides are teenagers. It is hard to determine the total cases of suicides in the population, so
with the use of inferential statistics, we can take a smaller sample from the entire population and area and make
a generalization.

g. Does Manny Pacquiao’s income from the pay-per-view TV exceed his prize money, considering his last four
boxing bouts?
 Descriptive Statistics. The subject of the question is limited to a certain sample, Manny Pacquiao’s pay per
view versus prize money in his last four boxing bouts. We can summarize the data from the records provided and
make tabulated or graphical representations to make the conclusions easier to generate.
2. Identify the following as qualitative or quantitative variable. If quantitative, classify whether discrete or
continuous. Also, indicate the minimum level of measurement required in each.

a. Income per month of employees

 Quantitative  Discrete  Ratio
b. Citizenship
 Qualitative  Nominal
c. Car ownership (answers the question: Do you own a car?).
 Qualitative  Ratio
d. Civil status
 Qualitative  Nominal
e. Educational level of a respondent
 Qualitative  Nominal
f. Car - license number
 Qualitative  Nominal
g. Yield of corn plant (kg/ha.).
 Quantitative  Continuous  Ratio
g. Number of shares sold in the stock market
 Quantitative  Discrete  Nominal
h. Color of the skin
 Qualitative  Nominal
i. Number of children in a family
 Quantitative  Discrete  Ordinal

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