Technical Communication Unit 1

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Q. What is Communication?
The word "communication" has been derived from a Latin word 'communicare' which means 'sharing'.
Communication is, indeed sharing; sharing of ideas and feeling between two more persons.
Communication is a two-way affair which aims at passing on or receiving a specific piece of

Technical communication
Technical communication is a means to convey scientific, engineering, or other technical information.
Individuals in a variety of contexts and with varied professional credentials engage in technical
communication. Some individuals are designated as technical communicators or technical writers. These
individuals use a set of methods to research, document, and present technical processes or products.
Technical communicators may put the information they capture into paper documents, web pages,
computer-based training, digitally stored text, audio, video, and other media. The Society for Technical
Communication defines the field as any form of communication that focuses on technical or specialized
topics, communicates specifically by using technology or provides instructions on how to do something.
More succinctly, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators defines technical
communication as factual communication, usually about products and services. The European
Association for Technical Communication briefly defines technical communication as "the process of
defining, creating and delivering information products for the safe, efficient and effective use of
products (technical systems, software, services)"
Whatever the definition of technical communication, the overarching goal of the practice is to create
easily accessible information for a specific audience.

Q. What are the features of technical writing (Communication)?

A. Written communication is a powerful medium in all walks of life. The scientists, engineers,
researchers and doctors write reports and prescriptions which are different from general writing. Some
important features of technical writing are mentioned below:
a. Use of familiar and easy words: In professional and technical writing, instead of the abstract words,
familiar words should be used. Technical writing does not require unessential words. The writer should
not use too many words where few would do since unnecessary talk will divert the attention of the writer
as well as of the reader from the main point.
b. Use of clear sentences: The writer should place the main idea at the outset. He should follow normal
word order-subject-verb-object. The sentences must be clear in terms of its sense.
c. Use of sentences of moderate length: Experts are of the opinion that sentences should be of
moderate length. Too much short of too much long sentences make the writings either too simple or too
difficult. Generally 12-15 words should be put in a sentence
d. Use of active voice: Most of the sentences should be written by using active voice rather than passive
voice. Only when the object (work) is having more importance and the subject does not have any
importance; passive voice can be used.
e. Avoid inaccurate expressions: Precision and accuracy are two important features of a technical
writing. Inaccurate expressions lead to obscurity that will ultimately mar the purpose of a technical
f. Logical division of paragraphs: In order to make a technical document clear and meaningful,
thoughts should be properly arranged into different paragraphs. A paragraph is generally defined as a
unit of thought hence a single idea must be conveyed in a paragraph. Just as the usage of the
grammatical principles and the rules of punctuation are necessary for coherence in a professional
document so is the arrangement of ideas in different paragraphs.
Q. Difference between General and Technical (Professional) Communication (Writing)

Short stories, dramas, poems, essays, novels etc. are some of the forms of general communication.
Reports, applications, research papers, articles are some of the forms of technical communication.
Technical and general communications are different from each other from various points of view. Some
basic differences between technical and general communication are as follows:

Technical Communication General Communication

Purpose is to inform and impart information. Just to entertain the people

Technical Communication is based on data and General Communication is based on imagination

facts. and fantasy
Style is accurate and precise Style is poetic, decorative and bombastic
Language should be simple Extravagance and pompous words are used
Is for specific audience/reader Is for general audience/reader
Technical vocab is used General vocab is used
It follows a systematic pattern; start with It does not have a systematic pattern, it can start
introduction, in the mid- discussion are made with end and the rest of activities can be shown
and at the end conclusion is drawn in flash-back.

Q.What are the elements of communication OR What is the process of Communication?

The elements of communication are mainly three:-
1. Sender 2. Message 3. Receiver 4. Channel/Medium

Encode Channe
Sende Receiver
Message l
Feedback (Response)
The writer or the communicator conveys the message. He /she encodes (selects the relevant information
which is to be send) the message it to the reader. The receiver decodes (understand the information
which is received) the message and responds (send the feedback) to the sender.
The transmission of the receivers respond to the sender is called feedback. Feedback is very important
for effective communication. The process of communication can not be complete until feedback is

Origin and Scope of Technical Communication:

The efforts of Royal society in 1660 promoted the scientific researches, later the outbreak of the
industrial revolution in 18thcentury brought revolution in the field of technical communication. Today,
technology such as the internet, e-mail, voice-mail etc. allow people to work faster, better and also at
cheaper cost. It gave the path for global collaboration.

Q. Describe Language as a tool of communication.

Whatever an individual visualizes thinks or looks through the thought process in his/her mind carry
images and memorizes these experiences, which shape our ideas and influence our thoughts and actions,
the moment we experience something new we alter our viewpoint. Hence individuality is the sum of all
these myriad experiences, this is the reason people have varied new points. Language is used by the
people to give shape to their experiences but language too is subject to error and many a times leads to
misunderstanding. Language is essentially a means of communication among the members of a society.
In the expression of culture, language is a fundamental aspect. It is the tool that conveys traditions and
values related to group identity.

Q. Write in brief the purpose of technical written communication.

A. The main purpose of technical communication is to make technology more useful and meaningful. It
serves the primary communication link between technology and its uses. It is a central factor in the
engineering knowledge society where technocrats and professionals are facing new communication
Killingworth describes the three basic purpose of technical writing – to inform, to instruct, to persuade.
The first and foremost purpose of all technical writings is to inform.

1. To Inform- In government or semi-government offices, schools and hospitals, hospitals, people have
to supply and also receive information. A research should know how to prepare the documents, giving
the information about the result of the experiment, similarly, a mechanical engineer has to furnish the
information about the operation of a new machine.
2. To Instruct: The technical writers give instructions for using equipment and alsofor performing
duties. For e.g. The consumers are instructed how to use a new product, the medical practitioners are
directed how to use a machine.
3. To Persuade: Technical writing aims at persuading the readers. A technical writer, for instance, may
prepare a document to persuade readers to do certain things.

Dimensions of Technical Communication

The Technical English has multifarious aspects such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar,
vocabulary etc. the four basic English skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing are very
important for our academic and professional progress as we carry out all these
activities in our every day academic or professional life.

Reading is defined as a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at meaning. The
reading is of different types:
1. Intensive Reading
2. Extensive Reading
3. Critical Reading

Intensive Reading: To read intensively is to completely deconstruct a text, with the goal of absorbing
as much meaning from it as possible. This is done by taking a text, and systematically looking up every
word, phrase, or collocation that you do not understand.

This is an activity that requires great mental effort and focus. Because of this, the learner who engages in
intensive reading must be careful to follow specific guidelines, or else risk boredom and burnout.
Specifically, if you wish to read a text intensively, you must take care to read texts that
are interesting and short, to read only for brief periods of time, and to do so when you have the most
mental energy.

Extensive Reading

To read extensively is to simply read as much as possible, without concerning oneself with the minutia
of meaning and the occasional unknown word. This is done by reading for large swaths of time, and
looking up words only when you deem it absolutely necessary to your understanding of the text.

Critical Reading:
Critical reading is a more ACTIVE way of reading. It is a deeper and more complex engagement with a
text. Critical reading is a process of analyzing, interpreting and, sometimes, evaluating. When we
read critically, we use our critical thinking skills to QUESTION both the text and our own reading of it.
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension refers to the ability to understand information presented in written form. While
this skill usually entails understanding textbook assignments, articles in newspapers and journals,
various business documents, reading passages given in competitive examinations etc.; one’s level of
reading comprehension skills will affect even one one’s interpretation of directions, such as ‘what to do’
and when to do’ that appear on certain documents such as instruction manuals, puzzles, etc. hence it is
important to strengthen one’s skill in comprehending various texts. One needs to understand the
difference between factual and inferential comprehension, to know why one is unable to interpret certain
texts, one should also try and assess one’s ability to comprehend the entire text through some tests.
Reasons for Poor Comprehension
The reason for lack of understanding could be situational, depending on the type of reading matter, the
subject of the material and your mental or physical state. Not all failures in all contexts can be attributed
to the same factor. For example, inability to understand a biology text may be due to vocabulary
problems or unfamiliar technical jargon, while failure to comprehend a mathematical text may be
conceptual, or lack of understanding of the fundamental concepts. The main reasons for poor reading
comprehension are:
 Inability to understand a word.
 Inability to understand a sentence.
 Inability to understand how sentences relate to one another.
 Inability to understand the information fits together in a meaningful way (organization).
 Lack of interest or concentration
Therefore, it is helpful for you to d3evelop a number of strategies in order to deal effectively with
different situations.
Improve Comprehension Skills: Improved reading comprehension skills can positively impact many
facets of a student’s academic performance. Students who have effectively read and understood reading
assignments are better prepared for class, leading to improved class participation and more accurate and
complete notes. Performance in exams and quizzes could greatly improve as students become more
proficient and effective readers. Their interest in a subject is often fostered when they understand the
reading assignments. In addition, as students gain proficiency in reading, self-esteem improves.

Similarly, professionals also read a lot of material related to their work, and it is important for them to
have good reading comprehension skills.

The following are some of the ways in which comprehension skill can be improved:
 Read a variety of materials. Do not limit yourself to textbooks only.
 Read a fairly long portion of the material. It would be difficult to assess reading comprehension
basedon one or two paragraphs. Try to read an entire section or chapter instead.
 Circle unknown or unfamiliar words as you read.
 After reading, recall as much of the4 information as possible. Jot down points if you like. Then
check the accuracy and completeness of your recollections. If the main ideas are presented in a
particular order, see if you can recall the structure.
 Consider how interesting the subject matter is and how much you already know about the
 Answer questions about the material after reading it.
Technical Writing
Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that requires
direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of writing has a very different purpose and
different characteristics than other writing styles such as creative writing, academic writing or business
Tips for Good Technical Writing
Regardless of the type of document which is written, technical writing requires the writer to follow the
properties of knowing their audience, writing in a clear, non-personal style and doing extensive research
on the topic. By including these properties, the writer can create clear instructions and explanations for
the reader.
 Know your audience. An expert in the field will understand certain abbreviations, acronyms, and
lingo that directly applies to such a field. The novice will not understand in the same manner and,
therefore, every detail must be explained and spelled out for them.
 Use an impersonal style. Write from a third person perspective, like a teacher instructing a
student. Any opinions should be omitted.
 The writing should be straightforward, to the point, and as simple as possible to make sure the
reader understands the process or instruction. This at times may appear as simply a list of steps to
take to achieve the desired goal or may be a short or lengthy explanation of a concept or abstract
 Know how to research. Gather information from a number of sources, understand the
information gathered so that it can be analyzed thoroughly, and then put the information into an
easy to understand format to instruct those who read it. The more inexperienced your audience, the
more information you will need to gather and explain.
 Be thorough in description and provide enough detail to make your points; but, you also have to
consider that you need to use an economy of words so that you do not bore your reader with
gratuitous details.
A good technical writer can make a difficult task easy and can quickly explain a complex piece of
Q. What are different kinds of sentence?

The kind of sentences used in a particular piece of writing will depend on the type and nature of the
message. It may be descriptive, narrative, expository or argumentative depending on the purpose of
Descriptive sentence: - It describes a situation or situation in words, it may describe any object or a
process in also provides a critical explanation.
Narrative Sentence: - It provides an account or event in sequence or time.
Expository Sentence: - It exposes and explains ideas while argumentative attempt to persuade or

Q. What is a paragraph?
Paragraph is defined as a distinct section of the piece of writing which consists of several related
sentences and deals with one controlling idea. This controlling idea is called the topic or the theme of
the paragraph. The main function of a paragraph is to develop, support, exemplify or explain the theme.
In simple words it can be said that a paragraph is a system arrangement of sentences.
In technical and professional writing a paragraph may consist of the following three kinds of sentences.

Main Sentence or Topic Sentence: That expresses the main idea of the paragraph.

Major Supporting Sentence: Which expands, elaborate, illustrate, and strengthen, the main idea with
secondary point and major supporting details.

Minor Supporting Sentences: Which further exemplify and support the main idea with minor support
the main idea with minor supporting details is known as minor sentence.

Q. What is Topic Sentence?

The main idea or the theme of a paragraph is usually expressed by one sentence called a "topic
sentence." A topic sentence is a one sentence summary of a paragraph, depending on the logical
arrangement of the paragraph. Sometimes, a topic sentence may not be included and the main idea is
expressed through details.

Q. What are the requisites of a good paragraph/Technical/ Professional Communication? Discuss in

The requisites of good sentence writing in a technical writing are:
1. Clarity
2. Accuracy
3. Brevity
4. Precision
5. Simple and Unbiased Language
6. Objectivity

As a technical writing needs to be purposeful, precise, and reader oriented, it is important to compose
sentences that are clear, cohesive, concise and result oriented.
Clarity and Accuracy: These are essential for good sentence writing. Inappropriate, sloppy, loose and
awkward sentence can never make effective writing. It is important to learn, to write correct and
effective sentence in order to compose a technical write up.

Brevity: It is must and the soul of good writing one must try to be as brief as possible. Every sentence
should give maximum information in the minimum number of word possible.

Precision: Precision is the art of summarising. Precision in the use of word and phrases leads to
effective sentence writing. Moreover, in order to write good sentences one should choose appropriate
sentence patterns, avoid awkward sentence structure, sentence fragments and avoid fused sentence.

Simple and Unbiased Language: A good technical writing/paragraph is written in simple, unbiased
language. It is a document of practical utility; hence, it should be free from various forms of poetic
embellishment such as figure of speech. It should be clear, brief and grammatically correct.

Objectivity: A good technical writing/paragraph should always attain its objectivity.

Q. How can 'coherence' and 'unity' be attained in technical writing?
In a technical writing, every sentence should logically follow from the one preceding. Loosely hanging
fragments, squinting, words and clauses, and dangling modifiers should be linked to the one that goes
before and it will help to make a single whole.
There are four significant devices which may help to attain coherence namely:
a. Pronouns: - A pronoun is used as a substitute for a noun which is its antecedents. This helps in
maintaining continuity of thought. For example, 'he', 'she', 'we', 'it', who', 'where' etc are all pronouns.
b. Repetition: Repetition of certain words also gives coherence to a paragraph while using repetition the
writer must be very careful because too much repletion may lead to monotony.
c. Synonyms: - Synonyms are used in place of certain words, already used and have similar meaning. This
includes variety and thus helps the writer to avoid monotony.
d. Connectives: - The use of connectives is another device which lends coherence to paragraph. Those
connectives which comes at the beginning of a sentence, link it to the sentence, that come before the
connectives such as 'and, but, so, therefore, or, thus, hence etc.
In order to attain unity in a paragraph, the paragraph must follow any of the orders of paragraph writing.
The paragraph can be in the following order:
a. Inductive Order
b. Deductive Order
c. Chronological (Time) Order
d. Spatial (Space) Order
e. Linear Order
f. Expository Order
g. Interrupted Order
Inductive Order: - in this method an author moves from particular statements to the general statement.
The paragraph that begins with certain information concludes with a topic sentence, often known as
conclusion is known as Inductive order.
Deductive Method: - The most popular method used by the writers is the deductive order. It is the
opposite order of Inductive method. In the deductive method, we have a conclusion reached by
reasoning from general laws to a particular case. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in the
paragraph. Starting with some general statements, the author finally tries to deduce the conclusion
logically. This gives the paragraph a direct, straight forward style which most report readers prefer.
Chronological Method: - This method is the natural order of narration in which one event leads to
another. This method is used to document time or the steps in an institution.
Spatial Method: - If a technocrat is writing to describe the parts of a machine or a plot of ground, he/she
will like to organise the thought spatially. This method or order of place involves the process of dividing
a subject or topic based on how they are arranged in space.
Linear Method: - Linear logical order refers to a systematic order as a line one idea logically leads
another idea in a natural way. This order refers systematic order as a line. Unlike circular pattern, linear
logical pattern involves in presenting ideas in a progressive way where sentences are connected to.
Expository Order: - Some ideas cannot be given facts or data to prove it. It can only be explained with
some definition and views. This type exposure of thought is to be said in the expository order.
Interrupted Method: - Sometimes even an interruption serves the purpose well, in this order the author
starts the paragraph with some irrelevant ideas meanwhile he/she gets one main idea and starts
discussing about that. The interrupted method is not a popular method with the technical writer wherever
the writer gives a break to the line of ideas to produce the designed effect.

Technical style: Technical writing includes a wide range of documents. They include instructions,
reviews, reports, newsletters, presentations, web pages, brochures, proposals, letters, fliers, graphics,
memos, press releases, handbooks, specifications, style guides, agendas and so on. There are so many of
them, that in order to understand the differences between them, we need to break them up into
categories. In this article, we will make an attempt to do that. The most common types include:
 Traditional: Repair manuals, medical studies
 End-user documentation: Electronics, consumer products
 Technical marketing content: Press releases, catalogs
  Each type of writing is then narrowed down with subcategories for the purpose of providing
simplified instruction for users.

Traditional Technical Writing

While traditional technical writing sounds broad, pieces of content within this category are
specifically written for professional audiences. These experts rely on traditional technical
writing for targeted research papers, programming guidelines, and repair manuals.

Science and Medical Papers

Research results can be hard to explain, so scientists collaborate with technical writers to
interpret and organize findings. These results are published in medical journals, so the
presentation of material requires fine detail, accuracy, and organization. These papers act as
learning resources for practitioners to understand procedures and results. As with any form of
research, technical writers ensure that proper credibility is given in the text.

Professional Reports and Reviews

In addition to writing for scientists and doctors, technical writers assist in creating reports for
business growth and educational institutions. Examples of professional reports include project
and business status reports, legal case reviews, and personnel activity reports.
 End-User Documentation
Almost every product you purchase has a written explanation of operation. These “how-to”
pieces are written to help users understand and operate products correctly. After all, what good
is a product if users don’t know how to properly use it? Since end-user documentation requires
clear and concise instruction, it’s important to create content that breaks down technological
terms to layman’s terms.
Product Manuals
Product manuals are those small booklets that highlight a product’s main features, general
maintenance, and basic operation.
Assembly Guidelines
Since assembly guidelines tell users how to physically set up a product, technical writers are
responsible for writing clear and user-friendly, step-by-step instructions. It’s important for these
instructions to be written in a way that ensure users can accurately assemble products.

Technical Books
Similar to user help guides, technical writers are hired to write guides for users to understand the
ins and outs of a product; most often software products. It’s critical for these technical books to
be accessible and of interest to non-expert users. 
Technical Marketing Content
Developers’ products wouldn’t be much use if consumers don’t understand how to properly
operate them. To avoid this, technical marketing content serves as a bridge for products,
consumers, and businesses understand each other.
White Papers and Case Studies
White papers are written to highlight a company’s success — and in this case, success with
certain products or services. Technical writers investigate problematic topics of a specific
audience and integrate a company’s product to create solutions.
Proposals and Pitches
Many business to business sale relations involve proposals and pitches written by technical
writers. Once a company presents the specs for a collaboration or solution, tech writers join the
team to explain the technical aspects of proposals. Once the business plan is set, technical
writers then gather key elements  of the executive summary to create a pitch.
Brochures in technical communications are more than pretty pictures of a tropical island you’d
like to plan a vacation to. Brochures take users to a deeper level of understanding and appeal
through clear descriptions, functions, and uses of a product.

Methods of Technical Writing

There are mainly the following methods:
1. Be clear and logical
The information, which we are putting in a technical content that must be logically arranged. The ideas
must be clear to the audience or reader.
2. Focus on the audience
At the outset of communication the audience or reader is the prima factor. The focus should be on the
fulfillment of the need of the audience.
3. Consider every word
The words which we are using must be upto the mark. No unnecessary word should be used.
4. Keep it brief
The matter should be brief. No unnecessary information should be given.
Q. Describe the Levels of Communication?

A. Human communication takes place at various levels:

1. Extra personal Communication: Communication between human beings and non-human beings is extra
personal communication. There should be perfect coordination and understanding between the sender
and the receiver as at least one of them transmits information or responds in sign language only from
any other form. E.g. a pet to human beings.
2. Intrapersonal Communication: The communication takes place within the individual is intrapersonal
communication. As feeling cold, hot, thinking process etc.
3. Interpersonal Communication: Communication at this level refers to the sharing of information among
people. In this communication, the roles of sender and receiver keep alternating. This form of
communication is advantageous because direct and immediate feedback is possible.

Interpersonal communication can be formal or informal. Depending upon the formality of the
situation, interpersonal communication takes on different style.
4. Organisational Communication: - Communication in an organisation takes place at different
hierarchical levels. Since a large number of employees are involved in several different activities, the
need to communication becomes greater in an organisation. It is of two types:
a. Internal Operational:- All communication that occurs in conducting work within an organisation is
classified as internal-operational.
b. External Operational: - The work related communication that an organisation does with the people
outside the organisation is called external operational.
5. Mass Communication: - In this communication, we require a mediator to transmit information, several
mass media such as journals, books, television, and newspapers which such communication.
Characteristics of Mass Communication:-
i. Large Reach:- For the large reach audience scattered over wide area.
ii. Impersonality:-The participants are known to each other.
iii.Presence of Gatekeeper:- Mass communication needs additional persons, institutions or organisation
to convey the message from sender to receiver. The editor is therefore, the gatekeeper in the mass
communication process.
Q. Describes the flow of communication?
Information flows in an organisation both formally and informally. Internal operational and eternal
operational communication can be described as formal. Informal channels, such as policy or procedural
changes, offers, instructions, confidential reports, etc. are classified as formal
communication.Communication can flow in various directions:
1. Downward Communication: - The communication flows from high official to inform instruct,
advice, or request their subordinates is known as downward communication. Such
communication increases awareness about the organisation among subordinates and employees.
It can take any form-memos, notices, face to face interaction, or telephone conversation

Managing Director

Manager2 Manager3

2. Upward Communication: -Communication which flows from subordinates to higher

officials. When subordinates send reports to inform their superiors or to present their findings
and recommendations, the communication flows upward.


c Managing Director




3. Lateral or Horizontal Communication: - The communication which takes place among

equivalent employees hierarchy in an organisation is known as lateral or horizontal
communication. It enables the sharing of information with a view to up rise the peer group of
activities of a department.
For e.g.: - The vice-president (marketing) sending some survey results in the form of a
memo to the vice-president (Production) for further action is an example of lateral

Managing Director



4. Diagonal Communication or Cross-wise Communication: - This type of communication flows in

all direction and cuts across function and levels in an organisation.

For e.g. When a sales manager communicates directly with the vice president (production), who is not
only in a different division but also at a higher level in the organisation, they are engage in diagonal
The increased use of e-mail also encourages cross-wise communication.

Managing Director

Manager1 Manager2 Manager3

M1 M2

2 Director1


Director1 Director3

Q. What is Noise?
A.Any interference in the message sent and message received leads to the production of noise.

Q. What are barriers to communication? Explain in brief.

Barriers to Communication:

The term ‘barrier’ means ‘hurdle’, hindrance’ or obstacle’. Thus, barriers to communication imply
hurdles or obstacles on the way to transmission of ideas from the sender to the receiver. Barriers are
called as hindrance or obstacle in the free flow of communication. These can be because of several
causes. The classification of barriers according to the process of message formation and delivery, are as

1. Intrapersonal Barrier
2. Interpersonal Barrier
3. Organisational Barrier

1. Intrapersonal Barrier: - Individuals differ from each other because of their inbuilt capabilities
like, experience, education, value and personality.
Certain causes are responsible for the individual's inbuilt barriers. They are: -
a. Wrong assumptions
b. Varied perceptions
c. Differing background
d.Wrong inferences
e. Impervious categories
f.Categorical thinking
Wrong Assumption: - These are generally made because the sender or the receiver does not have
adequate knowledge about each other's background or entertains certain false notion, which are fixed in
their mind.
Varied Perceptions: - It occurs with the individuals who perceives situation in different ways. It
happens only when a narrow perspective of the issue is used in communication.
Differing Background: - It occurs when the communication takes place between the speakers of
different backgrounds with listener of different backgrounds. Backgrounds differ in education, culture,
language etc.
Wrong Inferences: - The inference in fact and confusion because of difference between what actually
exists and what had assumed to exit. This is wrong inference.
Impervious Categories: - When Individuals react positively to information only if it is in consonance
with our own views and attitudes. Conversely, when individuals information that does not conform to
our personal views, habits and attitudes or appears unfavourable to them, they tend to react negatively or
even disbelieve. This is impervious categories.
Categorical Thinking: - When individuals react like pansophists (Known it all); they refuse to accept
any further information which they feel that the information is known to them.

2. Interpersonal Barrier: -Intrapersonal barriers stem from an individual's attitude or habits,

whereas Interpersonal Barriers occur due to the inappropriate transaction of words between two
or more people.
Common Reasons for Interpersonal Barriers: -
a. Incongruity of verbal and non-verbal messages.b. Emotional outburst
c.Cultural variance d. Communication selectivity
d.Limited vocabulary f. Poor listening skill
g. Noise in the channel
Incongruity of verbal and non-verbal messages: - When non-verbal cues do not match with verbal
message, then barriers in communication takes place. Non-verbal cues provide a deeper insight into
sender's message. For example: - Action speaks louder than words
Emotional Outburst: - A moderate level of emotional involvement intensifies, communication, making
it more personal. Excessive emotional involvement can be an obstacle in communication. Positive
emotions like happiness and excitement also interfere in communication, but to a lesser extent than
negative feelings.
Limited Vocabulary: - An inadequate, improper vocabulary can be a major hindrance in
communication. A good vocabulary is of no use unless the communicator knows how to use it.
Communication Selectivity: - When the receiver pay attention only to a part of the message, a barrier is
created and it is known as communication selectivity. In such a situation, the sender is not at fault. It is
receiver's fault.
Cultural Variance: - Cultural variance can be in the form of laws, customs and business practices in the
area or management and companies. It is one of the predominant factors in communication failure.
Poor Listening: - A common obstacle to communication is poor listening habits. Listening requires
careful attention and accurate decoding of the signals received from the speaker. Various distractions
that hinder listening can be emotional disturbances, indifference, aggressiveness and wandering
attention. It acts as a barrier when an individual is so engrossed in his/her own thoughts and worries the
he/she is unable to concentrate on the listening.
Noise in the Channel: - Noise interferes greatly in the transmission of signals. Noise is any unwanted
signals which acts as a hindrance in the free flow of communication. Technical noise can be in the form
of disturbances in the telephone wires/lines, illegible writing, dim typescripts etc.

3. Organisational Barrier: - Communication barriers are not limited to an individual or two
people but it exist in entire organisation. Irrespective of size, all organisations have
communication complexity of this protocol usually cause communication barriers.
In an organisation, a rigid, hierarchical structure usually restricts the flow of
communication because of numerous transfer points which result to distort, delay or lose of
The main organisational barriers are enumerated below: -

I. Too Many Transfer Station: - The reasons for filtering or distorting the message, having
too many transfer stations is always a deterrent to effective communications.
II. Fear of Superiors: - In rigidly structured organisations, fear or awe of the supersiors stops
the people to communication frequently by which communication does not flow freely.
III. Negative Tendencies: - Communication barriers occur in an organisation due to confusion
of idea between members and non-members of a group. These groups may be formal or
informal and generally consists of people who shares values, attitudes, opinions, beliefs and
IV. Use of Inappropriate Media: - The common media used in an organisation are graphs,
charts, telephones etc, while choosing the medium, we should consider time, cost, type of
message and intended audiences. If there is no balance between the factors of medium, it
leads to barrier.
V. Information Overloaded: - The availability of huge amounts of data which the receiver is
unable to handle effectively is known as information overloaded. It is one of the major
problems faced in the organisations today.


Effectiveness of the communication largely depends on the reciprocal understanding; mutual exchange
of ideas, facts, and information for it is not one-sided game or the exclusive affair of the transmitter of
the message. The characteristics of a good communication system are as follows:

(i) Two-Way Process:

In communication, two parties are involved, namely, the sender or transmitter, and the receiver. The
effectiveness of the communication depends on both the transmitter and the receiver, a joint role in
making it perfect. A good communication system should be like a two-way-traffic to transfer
knowledge, information, message etc.

(ii) Mutual Trust:

For a good communication system mutual understanding between the transmitter and the receiver of the
message is very important.

Existence of healthy interpersonal relationship between the upper level employees and the subordinates
is also an indicator of a good system of communication.

Clarity of Message:

Clarity is a very important for the free of communication. The information must be as clear as possible.
No ambiguity should creep into it. The message should be encoded in direct and simple language so that
the receiver is able to understand it without much difficulty.

(iii) Timely Message:

Considerable attention should be given to the timeliness of communication. Delayed information is
worse than none at all. Thus the information must reach on time to the receiver of the

Feedback:Communication cannot attain its goal unless the feedback is given. Through feedback system
only can understand the impact of the delivered message.


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