Etec-419 Radar and Navigation: (1 Point)

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11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)


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1. If a given maximum range of a radar is to be doubled all others factors

remaining constant, the peak output power must be increased 
(1 Point)

four fold

eight fold

sixteen fold

thirty two fold

2. Which of the following diode is used as detector in radar

(1 Point)

gunn diode 

schottky diode 

IMPATT diode 

any of the above

3. For precise target location and tracking radar operates in 

(1 Point)


D -band 

L band… 1/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

None of the above 

4. In radar systems which of the following is used for transmitter output tubes 
(1 Point)




any of the above

5. Side lobeof an antenna causes 

(1 Point)

Reduction in gain of an antenna

Reduction in beam width of  an antenna

Ambiguity in direction finding

None of the above

6. A radar consists of 

(1 Point)




All of the above

7. A CW radar can't give information about 

(1 Point)


Direction… 2/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

both range and direction

Range direction and past track

8. Which of the following is not a display method

(1 Point)


computer feeding

monopulse conical scanning

A scope

9. The sensitivity of a radar receiver is ultimately set by 

(1 Point)

high S/N ratio

lower limit of useful signal input

overall all noise temperature 

none of the above 

10. The duty cycle of pulsed radar can not be increased beyond a point because it 
(1 Point)

affects the operating frequency

increases the average power of transmitter tube

does not detect weak signal

none of the above

11. A high noise figure in a receiver means

(1 Point)

poor minimum detectable signal… 3/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

good detectable signal

receiver bandwidth is reduced

high power loss

12. which of the following is the remedy for blind spped problem 
(1 Point)

change in doppler frequency 

use of MTI

use of monopulse 

variation in PRF

13. Large antenna is used in radar systems because it has 

(1 Point)

higher gain

gives lesser side lobes 

increase the beam width

none of the above

14. A radar used for measuring the height of an aircraft is known as 
(1 Point)

radar altimeter

radar elevator

radar speedometer

radar latitude

15. Clutter on  the rain due to rain can be reduced by use of 
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11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

enhance switch

delay switch

radar on/off switch

A/C rain control

16. In case the antenna diameter in a radar system is increased to four times, the
maximum range increases by   
(1 Point)

√2 times

2 times

4 times

8 times

17. STALO stands for 

(1 Point)

standard local oscillator

stable L- band output

stabilized local oscillator

saturated and linear oscillator

18. Blind speed causes target to appear 

(1 Point)

moving uniformily

moving irregularily


intermittently… 5/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

19. If the peak transmitted power in a radar system is increased by a factor of 16,
then the maximum range will be increased by 
(1 Point)

2 times

4 times

8 times

16 times

20. The antenna used for radar is 

(1 Point)

paraboloid antenna

horn feed paraboloid reflectors


any of the above

21. which of the following statement is incorrect ? The Doppler effect is used in 
(1 Point)

MTI Radar

CW Radar

FM Radar

Moving target plotting on PPI

22. A simple CW radar does not give range information because 

(1 Point)

it uses the principle of Doppler shift 

continuous echo can not be associated with any specific part of  the transmitted

CW waves do not reflect from target… 6/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

multiechoes distort the information

23. PPI in radar stands for 

(1 Point)

plan position indicator

pulse position indicator

plan position image

prior postion indicator

24. in case of target cross-section is changing the best system for accurate tracking
(1 Point)


lobe switching

sequential switching

conical scanning

25. The minimum range of detection by a pulse radar depends on 

(1 Point)

pulse width

average transmitted power 

beam width of antenna

All of the above 

26. Which of the following is the biggest disadvantage of CW Doppler radar?

(1 Point)

it does not give the target velocity

it does not give the target position… 7/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

a transponder is required at the target

it does not give the target range

27. A rectangular waveguide behaves like a 

(1 Point)




None of the above

28. A COHO in MTI radar operates at the 

(1 Point)

received frequency

pulse repetition frequency

transmitted frequency

intermediate frequency

29. An MTI radar operates at 100 GHz with PRF of 3000pps. The lowest  blind
speed is 
(1 Point)

40 Km/hr

66 Km/hr

81 Km/hr

162 Km/hr… 8/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

30. A radar system operates at 3 cm with a peak power of 500 KW. Its minimum
receivable power is 1 mW, the capture area is 5msquare and radar cross section
of target is 20 m square . The max range of radrar will be 
(1 Point)

343 Km




31. The A scope displays

(1 Point)

neither target range nor position, but only target velocity

the target position , but not range 

the target position and range

the target range , but not position

32. In radar receiver IF amplifier is tuned to the ........... the local oscillator and echo
(1 Point)

Sum of 

Difference between  

Both A and B

None of the above 

33. in case the cross-section of a target is changing, tracking is generally done by

(1 Point)

conical… 9/13
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34. Radar detection is limited to line of sight because 

(1 Point)

of curvature of earth

the waves are not reflected  due to ionosphere

long wavelengths are used 

short wavelengths are used 

35. Increasing the pulse width in  pulse radar 

(1 Point)

increases resolution

decreases resolution  

has no effect on resolution

None of the above

36. The maximum range of a radar depends on all of the following except
(1 Point)

peak transmitted power 

direction of movement of target

target area 

capture area

37. VOR stands for

(1 Point)… 10/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

VHF omni range

visually operated radar

voltage output of regulator

none of the aboe

38. In radar as soon as the transmitted pulse terminates, the transmitter is

disconnected from the antenna by
(1 Point)



ART switch


39. In of the following case the lowest blind speed will be 90 Km/hr
(1 Point)

frequency 1 GHz and PRF 300 pps

frequency 3 GHz and PRF 500 pps

frequency 5 GHz and PRF 700 pps

frequency 7 GHz and PRF 1000 pps

40. A radar which is used for determining the velocity of the moving target along
with its position and range is  
(1 Point)

moving target indicator

radar speedometer

pulse radar

radar range finder… 11/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

41. which of the following will be  the best scanning system for tracking after a
target has been acquired 
(1 Point)





42. "Second time around" echoes are caused by 

(1 Point)

second time reflection from target

echoes returning from targets beyond the cathode ray tube 

echoes that arrive from target after transmission of the next pulse 

extreme end of the bandwidth

43. The term rat race in a radar is associated with

(1 Point)




none of the above

44. A wobbulator circuit is used to

(1 Point)

vary the radar's pulse length

vary the radar PRT

increases the peak power… 12/13
11/26/21, 2:00 PM ETEC-419 RADAR AND NAVIGATION (ECE 7-E789 Lab Group 8)

none of the above 

45. Stagger PRF is used to

(1 Point)

shift the target velocities to which the MTI system is blind

improve the detection of moving target against target against cluster background

increase the avg power transmitted 

increase the peak power limited 

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