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Card Number:__________________________________________________
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Exp. Date:__________________________

Lexile ISBN Title

10 978-0-8368-8981-9 Counting at the Market
20 978-0-8368-8982-6 Finding Shortest and Longest
30 978-0-8368-8983-3 Adding and Subtracting at the Lake
50 978-0-8368-8993-2 Vamos a sumar y restar en el lago (Adding
and Subtracting at the Lake)
60 978-0-8368-8487-6 CONTANDO en el zoológico (COUNTING at
the Zoo)
60 978-0-8368-8486-9 CONTANDO por la ciudad (COUNTING in
the City)
70 978-0-8368-8488-3 SUMANDO y RESTANDO en el club de
matemáticas (ADDING and SUBTRACTING
in Math Club)
90 978-0-8368-8994-9 Vamos a usar las matemáticas al aire libre
(Using Math Outdoors)
100 978-0-8368-8293-3 Alive and Not Alive
100 978-0-8368-8303-9 Alive and Not Alive/Vivo y no vivo
100 978-0-8368-6353-6 Autumn
100 978-0-8368-6532-5 Autumn/Otoño
100 978-0-8368-8294-0 Hot and Cold
100 978-0-8368-8304-6 Hot and Cold/Caliente y frío
100 978-0-8368-7805-9 Let's Read About Rain
100 978-0-8368-7806-6 Let's Read About Snow
100 978-0-8368-7808-0 Let's Read About Wind
100 978-0-8368-8295-7 Light and Heavy
100 978-0-8368-8305-3 Light and Heavy/Ligero y pesado
100 978-0-8368-8296-4 Soft and Hard
100 978-0-8368-8306-0 Soft and Hard/Blando y duro
100 978-0-8368-6354-3 Spring
100 978-0-8368-6533-2 Spring/Primavera
100 978-0-8368-6355-0 Summer
100 978-0-8368-6534-9 Summer/Verano
100 978-0-8368-6811-1 Things I Play With
100 978-0-8368-7223-1 Things I Play With/Las cosas con las que
100 978-0-8368-6356-7 Winter
100 978-0-8368-6535-6 Winter/Invierno
110 978-0-8368-6474-8 I Know Big and Small
110 978-0-8368-6484-7 I Know Big and Small/Grande y pequeño
110 978-0-8368-6476-2 I Know Same and Different
110 978-0-8368-6486-1 I Know Same and Different/Igual y diferente

110 978-0-8368-6487-8 I Know Shapes/Las figuras

110 978-0-8368-4126-8 I Live in the City/Vivo en la ciudad
110 978-0-8368-4079-7 I Live in the Country
110 978-0-8368-4130-5 I Live Near the Ocean/Vivo cerca del mar
110 978-0-8368-6810-4 Things I Eat
110 978-0-8368-7222-4 Things I Eat/Las cosas que como
120 978-0-8368-6783-1 After School
120 978-0-8368-7357-3 After School/Después de la escuela
120 978-0-8368-8217-9 Alligators
120 978-0-8368-3998-2 Bears/Los osos
120 978-0-8368-8232-2 Cheetahs/Guepardos
120 978-0-8368-4415-3 El olfato (Smell)
120 978-1-4339-3356-1 Eyes
120 978-1-4339-3732-3 Eyes / Los ojos
120 978-0-8368-6785-5 Getting Ready for School
120 978-0-8368-8219-3 Gorillas
120 978-1-4339-3362-2 Hair
120 978-1-4339-3738-5 Hair / El cabello
120 978-0-8368-6463-2 How Peas Grow/Cómo crecen los guisantes

120 978-0-8368-6477-9 I Know Shapes

120 978-0-8368-4083-4 I Live in a Town
120 978-0-8368-4131-2 I Live in a Town/Vivo en un pueblo
120 978-0-8368-4078-0 I Live in the City
120 978-0-8368-4127-5 I Live in the Country/Vivo en el campo
120 978-0-8368-4128-2 I Live in the Desert/Vivo en el desierto
120 978-0-8368-4081-0 I Live in the Mountains
120 978-1-4339-3368-4 Mouth
120 978-1-4339-3744-6 Mouth / La boca
120 978-0-8368-7424-2 Ositos (Little Bears)
120 978-0-8368-8235-3 Peacocks/Pavos reales
120 978-0-8368-6788-6 Playing at School
120 978-0-8368-7362-7 Playing at School/Juego en la escuela
120 978-1-4339-3374-5 Skin
120 978-1-4339-3750-7 Skin / La piel
120 978-0-8368-7796-0 Staying Safe on the Street
120 978-0-8368-8992-5 Vamos a encontrar lo más corto y lo más
largo (Finding Shortest and Longest)
140 978-0-8368-8231-5 Alligators/Caimanes
140 978-0-8368-7422-8 Cerditos (Little Pigs)
140 978-0-8368-8218-6 Cheetahs
140 978-1-4339-3353-0 Ears
140 978-1-4339-3729-3 Ears / Los oídos
140 978-0-8368-4413-9 El gusto (Taste)
140 978-1-4339-3359-2 Feet
140 978-1-4339-3735-4 Feet / Los pies
140 978-0-8368-3073-6 Feet/Pies
140 978-0-8368-7359-7 Getting Ready for School/Me preparo para ir
a la escuela
140 978-0-8368-8233-9 Gorillas/Gorilas
140 978-1-4339-3365-3 Hands
140 978-1-4339-3741-5 Hands / Las manos
140 978-0-8368-6460-1 How Apple Trees Grow/Cómo crecen los
140 978-0-8368-4080-3 I Live in the Desert
140 978-0-8368-4129-9 I Live in the Mountains/Vivo en las
140 978-0-8368-4383-5 Monkeys/Los monos
140 978-0-8368-3076-7 Mouth/Boca
140 978-1-4339-3371-4 Nose
140 978-1-4339-3747-7 Nose / La nariz
140 978-0-8368-8221-6 Peacocks
140 978-0-8368-8061-8 Staying Safe on the Street/La seguridad en
la calle
140 978-0-8368-8984-0 Using Math Outdoors
160 978-0-8368-6329-1 How Apple Trees Grow
160 978-0-8368-6332-1 How Peas Grow
180 978-0-8368-7358-0 Eating Lunch at School/El almuerzo en la
180 978-0-8368-4414-6 El oído (Hearing)
180 978-0-8368-4416-0 El tacto (Touch)
180 978-0-8368-7360-3 Going to School/De camino a la escuela
180 978-0-8368-7361-0 In the Classroom/En el salón de clases
180 978-0-8368-4417-7 La vista (Sight)
200 978-0-8368-8967-3 A New House
200 978-0-8368-8468-5 COUNTING in the City
200 978-0-8368-3608-0 It Won't Work!
200 978-0-8368-3610-3 Move Over!
200 978-0-8368-3927-2 My Mom
200 978-0-8368-7386-3 What Happens at a Bike Shop?/¿Qué pasa
en una tienda de bicicletas?
220 978-0-8368-8470-8 ADDING and SUBTRACTING in Math Club
220 978-0-8368-7423-5 Conejitos (Little Rabbits)
220 978-0-8368-8283-4 Do You Help Others?/¿Ayudas a los
220 978-0-8368-8284-1 Do You Listen?/¿Escuchas?
220 978-0-8368-6784-8 Eating Lunch at School
220 978-1-4339-3338-7 Firefighters
220 978-1-4339-3756-9 Firefighters / Bomberos
220 978-0-8368-6786-2 Going to School
220 978-0-8368-6462-5 How Grass Grows/Cómo crece la hierba
220 978-0-8368-6333-8 How Pine Trees Grow
220 978-0-8368-6334-5 How Tulips Grow
220 978-0-8368-6465-6 How Tulips Grow/Cómo crecen los tulipanes

220 978-0-8368-6787-9 In the Classroom

220 978-0-8368-7849-3 Raccoons Are Night Animals
220 978-0-8368-8046-5 Raccoons Are Night Animals/Los mapaches
son animales nocturnos
220 978-0-8368-8056-4 Staying Safe at Home/La seguridad en casa

220 978-0-8368-8057-1 Staying Safe at School/La seguridad en la

220 978-0-8368-8058-8 Staying Safe in the Car/La seguridad en el
220 978-0-8368-8059-5 Staying Safe on My Bike/La seguridad en mi
220 978-0-8368-8060-1 Staying Safe on the School Bus/La
seguridad en el autobús escolar
220 978-0-8368-9275-8 What Happens at a Magazine?
220 978-0-8368-9281-9 What Happens at a Magazine?/¿Qué pasa
en la editorial de una revista?
230 978-0-8368-7385-6 What Happens at a Bakery?/¿Qué pasa en
una panadería?
240 978-0-8368-8469-2 COUNTING at the Zoo
240 978-0-8368-4000-1 Giraffes/Los jirafas
240 978-0-8368-6330-7 How Corn Grows
240 978-0-8368-6461-8 How Corn Grows/Cómo crece el maíz
240 978-0-8368-6464-9 How Pine Trees Grow/Cómo crecen los
240 978-1-4339-3341-7 Librarians
240 978-1-4339-3759-0 Librarians / Bibliotecarios
240 978-0-8368-7488-4 One Cool Watermelon
240 978-0-8368-8220-9 Pandas
240 978-0-8368-8234-6 Pandas/Pandas
240 978-0-8368-7425-9 Patitos (Little Ducks)
240 978-0-8368-3273-0 Penguins
240 978-0-8368-8222-3 Rhinos
240 978-0-8368-8236-0 Rhinos/Rinocerontes
240 978-0-8368-4384-2 Sea Lions/Los leones marinos
240 978-0-8368-4385-9 Snakes/Las serpientes
240 978-0-8368-7791-5 Staying Safe at Home
240 978-0-8368-7792-2 Staying Safe at School
240 978-0-8368-7793-9 Staying Safe in the Car
240 978-0-8368-7794-6 Staying Safe on My Bike
240 978-0-8368-7795-3 Staying Safe on the School Bus
240 978-0-8368-8489-0 TABLAS y GRÁFICAS de cosas saludables
(TABLES and GRAPHS of Healthy Things)
240 978-0-8368-3276-1 Tigers
240 978-0-8368-4386-6 Tigers/Los tigres
250 978-0-8368-8273-5 Do You Help Others?
250 978-0-8368-8274-2 Do You Listen?
250 978-0-8368-8972-7 First Plane Trip
250 978-0-8368-3607-3 Go Away!
250 978-0-8368-6331-4 How Grass Grows
250 978-0-8368-3609-7 It's Mine!
250 978-1-4339-1923-7 July
250 978-1-4339-1935-0 July/julio
250 978-0-8368-3926-5 My Grandparents
250 978-0-8368-3928-9 My Sister
250 978-1-4339-1927-5 November
250 978-1-4339-1939-8 November/noviembre
250 978-0-8368-8493-7 USAMOS MATEMÁTICAS en la fiesta del
salón (USING MATH at the Class Party)
260 978-0-8368-3606-6 Don't Say That!
260 978-0-8368-8971-0 First Day at School
260 978-1-4339-1921-3 May
260 978-1-4339-1933-6 May/mayo
260 978-0-8368-3925-8 My Dad
260 978-1-4339-1926-8 October
260 978-1-4339-1938-1 October/octubre
270 978-0-8368-4109-1 Crayola Counting
270 978-0-8368-9020-4 Diversión con DOBLES en la granja
(DOUBLES Fun on the Farm)
270 978-0-8368-8275-9 Do You Share?
270 978-0-8368-8276-6 Do You Take Turns?
270 978-0-8368-4245-6 I Can Be Responsible
270 978-0-8368-4247-0 I Can Show I Care
270 978-0-8368-4248-7 I Can Show Respect
270 978-1-4339-3607-4 Kenny Chesney
270 978-0-8368-4110-7 Learning about Coins
270 978-0-8368-3931-9 Mi hermano (My Brother)
270 978-0-8368-7848-6 Owls Are Night Animals
270 978-0-8368-8045-8 Owls Are Night Animals/Los búhos son
animales nocturnos
270 978-1-4339-3616-6 Rascal Flatts
270 978-1-4339-3610-4 Taylor Swift
270 978-0-8368-4452-8 The Library
270 978-0-8368-4596-9 The Library/La biblioteca
270 978-0-8368-4454-2 The Playground
270 978-0-8368-4598-3 The Playground/El parque
270 978-0-8368-4455-9 The Shopping Mall
270 978-0-8368-4599-0 The Shopping Mall/El centro comercial
270 978-0-8368-4456-6 The Zoo
270 978-0-8368-4600-3 The Zoo/El zoológico
270 978-0-8368-8491-3 Un desfile de PATRONES (PATTERNS on
270 978-0-8368-9021-1 Vamos a planear una fiesta con
270 978-0-8368-9569-8 Whales/Ballenas
270 978-0-8368-6887-6 What Happens at a Firehouse?
270 978-0-8368-7390-0 What Happens at a Toy Factory?/¿Qué
pasa en una fábrica de juguetes?
280 978-0-8368-4803-8 Animal Sight
280 978-0-8368-4804-5 Animal Smell
280 978-0-8368-4805-2 Animal Taste
280 978-0-8368-4806-9 Animal Touch
280 978-0-8368-4818-2 Animal Touch/El tacto en los animales
280 978-0-8368-8103-5 Animales de la charca (Animals at the Pond)

280 978-0-8368-8104-2 Animales de la granja (Animals on the

280 978-0-8368-8211-7 Animales de las montañas (Animals of the
280 978-0-8368-8161-5 Animales de vivos colores (Colorful Animals)

280 978-0-8368-8213-1 Animales del bosque (Animals in the Forest)

280 978-0-8368-8214-8 Animales del desierto (Animals in the

280 978-0-8368-8107-3 Animales del jardín (Animals in the Garden)

280 978-0-8368-8162-2 Animales marinos (Sea Animals)

280 978-0-8368-7830-1 Animals at the Pond
280 978-0-8368-8203-2 Animals in Polar Regions
280 978-0-8368-8204-9 Animals in the Desert
280 978-0-8368-8205-6 Animals in the Forest
280 978-0-8368-7832-5 Animals in the Garden
280 978-0-8368-8207-0 Animals of the Mountains
280 978-0-8368-8208-7 Animals of the Ocean
280 978-0-8368-7834-9 Animals on the Farm
280 978-1-4339-1920-6 April
280 978-1-4339-1932-9 April/abril
280 978-0-8368-8969-7 At the Doctor
280 978-0-8368-8970-3 At the Hospital
280 978-0-8368-4051-3 Bees
280 978-0-8368-8159-2 Colorful Animals
280 978-1-4339-1928-2 December
280 978-1-4339-1940-4 December/diciembre
280 978-0-8368-3605-9 Don’t Do That!
280 978-1-4339-1917-6 January
280 978-1-4339-1929-9 January/enero
280 978-1-4339-1919-0 March
280 978-1-4339-1931-2 March/marzo
280 978-0-8368-3923-4 My Aunt and Uncle
280 978-0-8368-8160-8 Sea Animals
280 978-1-4339-0070-9 What Happens at a TV Station?
290 978-1-4339-3622-7 Bo Diddley: Rock & Roll All-Star
290 978-1-4339-3335-6 Bus Drivers
290 978-1-4339-3753-8 Bus Drivers / Conductores de autobuses
290 978-1-4339-3601-2 Carrie Underwood
290 978-1-4339-3797-2 Crossing Guards
290 978-0-8368-8285-8 Do You Share?/¿Compartes?
290 978-0-8368-8286-5 Do You Take Turns?/¿Te turnas con otros?
290 978-1-4339-3613-5 Faith Hill
290 978-0-8368-6001-6 I Use Math at the Store/Uso las
matemáticas en la tienda
290 978-0-8368-6002-3 I Use Math in the Kitchen/Uso las
matemáticas en la cocina
290 978-1-4339-3625-8 John Lee Hooker: Master of Boogie and
290 978-1-4339-3604-3 Keith Urban
290 978-1-4339-3637-1 LeBron James: Basketball Legend
290 978-1-4339-3344-8 Mail Carriers
290 978-1-4339-3762-0 Mail Carriers / Carteros
290 978-0-8368-8458-6 Oils/Aceites
290 978-0-8368-3297-6 Police Officer
290 978-1-4339-3350-9 Police Officers
290 978-1-4339-3768-2 Police Officers / Policías
290 978-1-4339-3619-7 Robert Johnson: Legend of the Delta Blues

290 978-0-8368-8471-5 TABLES and GRAPHS of Healthy Things

290 978-0-8368-7389-4 What Happens at a Recycling
Center?/¿Qué pasa en un centro de
300 978-0-8368-4802-1 Animal Hearing
300 978-0-8368-4814-4 Animal Hearing/El oído en los animales
300 978-0-8368-8105-9 Animales de la noche (Animals of the Night)

300 978-0-8368-8108-0 Animales sorprendentes (Unusual Animals)

300 978-0-8368-7829-5 Animals Around the House

300 978-0-8368-7831-8 Animals in the Field
300 978-0-8368-8206-3 Animals in the Jungle
300 978-0-8368-7833-2 Animals of the Night
300 978-0-8368-4050-6 Ants
300 978-0-8368-8968-0 At the Dentist
300 978-0-8368-7835-6 Baby Animals
300 978-0-8368-7847-9 Coyotes Are Night Animals
300 978-0-8368-8044-1 Coyotes Are Night Animals/Los coyotes son
animales nocturnos
300 978-0-8368-8109-7 Crías de animales (Baby Animals)
300 978-1-4339-1918-3 February
300 978-1-4339-1930-5 February/febrero
300 978-1-4339-3962-4 Kyle Busch
300 978-0-8368-9001-3 TELLING TIME All the Time
300 978-0-8368-7836-3 Unusual Animals
300 978-0-8368-6885-2 What Happens at a Bike Shop?
300 978-0-8368-7387-0 What Happens at a Dairy Farm?/¿Qué pasa
en una granja lechera?
300 978-1-4339-0072-3 What Happens at an Airport?
310 978-0-8368-9414-1 Allosaurus
310 978-0-8368-4052-0 Butterflies
310 978-0-8368-3589-2 Crossing Guard
310 978-1-4339-3950-1 Denny Hamlin
310 978-0-8368-7816-5 Dolphins
310 978-0-8368-8005-2 Dolphins/Delfines
310 978-0-8368-9002-0 DOUBLES Fun on the Farm
310 978-0-8368-4339-2 Football
310 978-0-8368-7817-2 Kangaroos
310 978-0-8368-8006-9 Kangaroos/Canguros
310 978-0-8368-8492-0 MIDIENDO en la exposición de perros
(MEASURING at the Dog Show)
310 978-1-4339-3833-7 Neptune: The Stormy Planet
310 978-0-8368-7819-6 Pelicans
310 978-0-8368-8008-3 Pelicans/Pelícanos
310 978-1-4339-1925-1 September
310 978-1-4339-1937-4 September/septiembre
310 978-0-8368-7850-9 Skunks Are Night Animals
310 978-0-8368-8047-2 Skunks Are Night Animals/Los zorrillos son
animales nocturnos
310 978-0-8368-8490-6 USAMOS DINERO en el puesto de
limonada (USING MONEY at the Lemonade
310 978-0-8368-9022-8 Vamos a USAR DINERO en un viaje de
compras (USING MONEY on a Shopping
310 978-0-8368-6872-2 What Grassland Animals Eat
310 978-0-8368-7373-3 What Grassland Animals Eat/¿Qué comen
los animales de las praderas?
310 978-0-8368-9272-7 What Happens at a Zoo?
310 978-0-8368-9278-9 What Happens at a Zoo?/¿Qué pasa en un
310 978-0-8368-6873-9 What Polar Animals Eat
310 978-0-8368-7374-0 What Polar Animals Eat/¿Qué comen los
animales de los polos?
320 978-1-4339-2396-8 Cows
320 978-1-4339-2428-6 Cows/Las vacas
320 978-0-8368-6298-0 Find It at the Beach
320 978-0-8368-6303-1 Find It on the Farm
320 978-1-4339-2397-5 Goats
320 978-1-4339-2429-3 Goats/Las cabras
320 978-1-4339-2398-2 Horses
320 978-1-4339-2430-9 Horses/Los caballos
320 978-0-8368-4244-9 I Can Accept Others
320 978-0-8368-4246-3 I Can Share With Others
320 978-0-8368-4249-4 I Can Tell the Truth
320 978-0-8368-7818-9 Koalas
320 978-0-8368-8007-6 Koalas/Koalas
320 978-0-8368-3935-7 Mis tíos (My Aunt and Uncle)
320 978-0-8368-7820-2 Sea Turtles
320 978-0-8368-8009-0 Sea Turtles/Tortugas marinas
320 978-0-8368-9023-5 Vamos a hacer una maqueta con FIGURAS
SÓLIDAS (Making a Model With SOLID
320 978-0-8368-9294-9 Vamos a usar DATOS DE DIVISIÓN en el
jardín (Using DIVISION FACTS in the
330 978-0-8368-9024-2 ¿A qué distancia? Vamos a COMPARAR
viajes (How Far Away? COMPARING Trips)
330 978-1-4339-2395-1 Chickens
330 978-1-4339-2427-9 Chickens/Las gallinas
330 978-0-8368-4883-0 Coral Reefs
330 978-0-8368-6028-3 Coral Reefs/Arrecifes de coral
330 978-0-8368-6299-7 Find It in a Rain Forest
330 978-0-8368-6300-0 Find It in the Desert
330 978-0-8368-6301-7 Find It in the Park
330 978-0-8368-6302-4 Find It on a Coral Reef
330 978-0-8368-3930-2 Mi hermana (My Sister)
330 978-1-4339-2399-9 Pigs
330 978-1-4339-2431-6 Pigs/Los cerdos
330 978-1-4339-2400-2 Sheep
330 978-1-4339-2432-3 Sheep/Las ovejas
330 978-1-4339-2351-7 Tornadoes
330 978-1-4339-2358-6 Tornados (Tornadoes)
330 978-0-8368-4887-8 Wetlands
330 978-0-8368-6032-0 Wetlands/Terrenos pantanosos
330 978-0-8368-6889-0 What Happens at a Toy Factory?
330 978-1-4339-0071-6 What Happens at a Vet's Office?
340 978-0-8368-4815-1 Animal Sight/La vista en los animales
340 978-0-8368-4816-8 Animal Smell/El olfato en los animales
340 978-0-8368-4817-5 Animal Taste/El gusto en los animales
340 978-0-8368-9415-8 Ankylosaurus
340 978-0-8368-7845-5 Bats Are Night Animals
340 978-0-8368-8042-7 Bats Are Night Animals/Los murciélagos son
animales nocturnos
340 978-1-4339-3929-7 Brad Paisley
340 978-0-8368-7846-2 Cats Are Night Animals
340 978-0-8368-8043-4 Cats Are Night Animals/Los felinos son
animales nocturnos
340 978-0-8368-4055-1 Ladybugs
340 978-0-8368-4886-1 Rivers
340 978-0-8368-6031-3 Rivers/Ríos
340 978-1-4339-3938-9 Sugarland
340 978-0-8368-6884-5 What Happens at a Bakery?
340 978-1-4339-0073-0 What Happens at an Amusement Park?
350 978-0-8368-7768-7 Ella the Elephant
350 978-1-4339-3953-2 Jeff Gordon
350 978-1-4339-1922-0 June
350 978-1-4339-1934-3 June/junio
350 978-0-8368-7770-0 Lisa the Lion
350 978-0-8368-8457-9 Milk and Cheese/Leche y queso
350 978-0-8368-8473-9 PATTERNS on Parade
350 978-0-8368-7771-7 Rudy the Rhinoceros
350 978-1-4339-2349-4 Snowstorms
350 978-1-4339-3944-0 Toby Keith
350 978-1-4339-2355-5 Tormentas de nieve (Snowstorms)
350 978-1-4339-2356-2 Tormentas de polvo (Dust Storms)
350 978-0-8368-9003-7 USING MATH to Make Party Plans
350 978-0-8368-9277-2 What Happens at a Party Store?
350 978-0-8368-9283-3 What Happens at a Party Store?/¿Qué pasa
en una tienda de cosas para fiestas?
360 978-1-4339-3932-7 Julianne Hough
360 978-0-8368-9417-2 Oviraptor
360 978-1-4339-3941-9 Tim McGraw
360 978-1-4339-0079-2 What Happens at a Vet's Office?/¿Qué pasa
en una clínica veterinaria?
370 978-1-4339-1924-4 August
370 978-1-4339-1936-7 August/agosto
370 978-1-4339-3803-0 Doctors
370 978-0-8368-8455-5 Fruit/Fruta
370 978-1-4339-3917-4 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
370 978-0-8368-6520-2 Martin Luther King Jr. Day/Día de Martin
Luther King Jr.
370 978-1-4339-3920-4 Memorial Day
370 978-1-4339-3923-5 Presidents' Day
370 978-0-8368-6522-6 Presidents' Day/Día de los Presidentes
370 978-1-4339-2350-0 Thunderstorms
370 978-1-4339-2357-9 Tormentas eléctricas (Thunderstorms)
370 978-0-8368-8475-3 USING MATH at the Class Party
370 978-0-8368-8459-3 Vegetables/Vegetales
370 978-1-4339-3812-2 Veterinarians
370 978-0-8368-6871-5 What Forest Animals Eat
370 978-0-8368-7372-6 What Forest Animals Eat/¿Qué comen los
animales del bosque?
370 978-0-8368-9274-1 What Happens at a Horse Farm?
370 978-0-8368-9280-2 What Happens at a Horse Farm?/¿Qué
pasa en una granja de caballos?
370 978-0-8368-6888-3 What Happens at a Recycling Center?
370 978-1-4339-0074-7 What Happens at an Aquarium?
380 978-0-8368-6310-9 All Around Town
380 978-0-8368-9422-6 Allosaurus/Alosaurio
380 978-0-8368-6860-9 Animal Feet and Legs
380 978-0-8368-6863-0 Animal Tails
380 978-0-8368-9423-3 Ankylosaurus/Anquilosaurio
380 978-0-8368-6313-0 At the Seashore
380 978-0-8368-8454-8 Bread and Cereal/Pan y cereales
380 978-0-8368-3626-4 Drawing with Nature
380 978-0-8368-3629-5 Drawing with Your Hands
380 978-1-4339-3640-1 Dwight Howard: Superman of Basketball
380 978-1-4339-3634-0 Kathleen Battle: American Soprano
380 978-0-8368-7769-4 Koby the Koala
380 978-1-4339-3643-2 Larry Fitzgerald: Pro Bowl Receiver
380 978-1-4339-3628-9 Leontyne Price: First Lady of Opera
380 978-0-8368-8474-6 MEASURING at the Dog Show
380 978-1-4339-3806-1 Nurses
380 978-1-4339-3905-1 Polar Bears
380 978-1-4339-2407-1 Porcupines
380 978-1-4339-2439-2 Porcupines/Puercoespines
380 978-1-4339-3649-4 Prince Fielder: Home-Run King
380 978-1-4339-3646-3 Reggie Bush: Superstar on Offense
380 978-1-4339-3631-9 Scott Joplin: King of Ragtime
380 978-0-8368-9245-1 Sharks
380 978-0-8368-9251-2 Sharks/Tiburones
380 978-0-8368-4342-2 Tennis
380 978-0-8368-6379-6 The Life Cycle of a Bat
380 978-0-8368-6381-9 The Life Cycle of a Dragonfly
380 978-0-8368-6382-6 The Life Cycle of a Flamingo
380 978-0-8368-6383-3 The Life Cycle of a Hummingbird
380 978-0-8368-6384-0 The Life Cycle of a Moth
380 978-0-8368-6345-1 The Stars
380 978-0-8368-8472-2 USING MONEY at the Lemonade Stand
380 978-0-8368-9004-4 USING MONEY on a Shopping Trip
380 978-1-4339-2392-0 Vultures
380 978-1-4339-2424-8 Vultures/Buitres
380 978-0-8368-9273-4 What Happens at a Crayon Factory?
380 978-0-8368-9279-6 What Happens at a Crayon Factory?/¿Qué
pasa en una fábrica de crayones?
380 978-1-4339-0077-8 What Happens at a Supermarket?/¿Qué
pasa en un supermercado?
390 978-1-4339-0078-5 What Happens at a TV Station?/¿Qué pasa
en una emisora de televisión?
400 978-0-8368-6862-3 Animal Skin and Fur
400 978-0-8368-6312-3 At the Circus
400 978-1-4339-2402-6 Black Bears
400 978-1-4339-2434-7 Black Bears/Osos Negros
400 978-1-4339-3815-3 Comets and Asteroids: Space Rocks
400 978-1-4339-2190-2 Coyotes
400 978-1-4339-2060-8 Coyotes/Coyotes
400 978-0-8368-9240-6 Dolphins
400 978-0-8368-3625-7 Drawing with Circles
400 978-0-8368-3628-8 Drawing with Your Fingerprints
400 978-0-8368-4053-7 Fireflies
400 978-0-8368-4054-4 Grasshoppers
400 978-0-8368-8112-7 Hace viento (Let's Read About Wind)
400 978-0-8368-4340-8 Hockey
400 978-0-8368-9005-1 Making a Model With SOLID FIGURES
400 978-1-4339-3824-5 Mars: The Red Planet
400 978-0-8368-3932-6 Mi mamá (My Mom)
400 978-0-8368-3933-3 Mi papá (My Dad)
400 978-0-8368-9025-9 MIDIENDO para una búsqueda del tesoro
(MEASURING on a Treasure Hunt)
400 978-0-8368-8114-1 Nieva (Let's Read About Snow)
400 978-1-4339-3830-6 The Moon: Earth's Satellite
400 978-0-8368-6344-4 The Planets
400 978-0-8368-6346-8 The Sun
400 978-0-8368-9019-8 Vamos a DECIR LA HORA todo el tiempo
(TELLING TIME All the Time)
400 978-1-4339-3845-0 Venus: The Masked Planet
400 978-1-4339-0080-8 What Happens at an Airport?/¿Qué pasa en
un aeropuerto?
400 978-1-4339-0081-5 What Happens at an Amusement
Park?/¿Qué pasa en un parque de
410 978-0-8368-8018-2 Apatosaurus/Apatosaurio
410 978-1-4339-3893-1 Arctic Wolves
410 978-0-8368-4338-5 Basketball
410 978-0-8368-7719-9 Cut and Paste Farm Animals
410 978-0-8368-7721-2 Cut and Paste Trucks, Trains, and Big
410 978-1-4339-3947-1 Dale Earnhardt Jr.
410 978-0-8368-9064-8 Descubramos Etiopía (Looking at Ethiopia)

410 978-1-4339-3818-4 Earth: The Blue Planet

410 978-1-4339-2353-1 Granizadas (Hailstorms)
410 978-1-4339-2347-0 Hailstorms
410 978-1-4339-2354-8 Huracanes (Hurricanes)
410 978-1-4339-3821-4 Jupiter: The Largest Planet
410 978-0-8368-8456-2 Meat and Beans/Carne y frijoles
410 978-1-4339-3827-6 Mercury: The Iron Planet
410 978-1-4339-3836-8 Pluto: The Dwarf Planet
410 978-1-4339-3347-9 Teachers
410 978-1-4339-3765-1 Teachers / Maestros
410 978-1-4339-3968-6 Tony Stewart
410 978-0-8368-9296-3 Vamos a usar la DIVISIÓN en el
campamento de deportes (Using DIVISION
at Sports Camp)
410 978-0-8368-6870-8 What Desert Animals Eat
410 978-0-8368-7371-9 What Desert Animals Eat/¿Qué comen los
animales del desierto?
410 978-0-8368-6886-9 What Happens at a Dairy Farm?
410 978-0-8368-9276-5 What Happens at a Museum?
410 978-0-8368-9282-6 What Happens at a Museum?/¿Qué pasa
en un museo?
410 978-1-4339-0069-3 What Happens at a Supermarket?
420 978-1-4339-2441-5 Bighorn Sheep/Carnero de Canadá
420 978-1-4339-2410-1 Condors
420 978-1-4339-2442-2 Condors/Cóndor
420 978-0-8368-9567-4 Whales
430 978-1-4339-3956-3 Jimmie Johnson
430 978-0-8368-3934-0 Mis abuelos (My Grandparents)
430 978-1-4339-3839-9 Saturn: The Ringed Planet
430 978-0-8368-4341-5 Soccer
430 978-0-8368-9286-4 Using DIVISION FACTS in the Garden
430 978-0-8368-9026-6 Vamos a HACER GRÁFICAS de nuestras
cosas favoritas (GRAPHING Favorite
430 978-1-4339-0082-2 What Happens at an Aquarium?/¿Qué pasa
en un acuario?
430 978-0-8368-6874-6 What River Animals Eat
430 978-0-8368-7375-7 What River Animals Eat/¿Qué comen los
animales de los ríos?
440 978-1-4339-2346-3 Dust Storms
440 978-0-8368-9006-8 How Far Away? COMPARING Trips
440 978-1-4339-2348-7 Hurricanes
440 978-1-4339-3959-4 Juan Pablo Montoya
440 978-1-4339-3965-5 Mark Martin
440 978-1-4339-3935-8 Miranda Lambert
440 978-0-8368-9293-2 MULTIPLICAR para planear una fiesta
(MULTIPLY to Make Party Plans)
440 978-0-8368-9297-0 Pizza por partes: ¡FRACCIONES! (Pizza
440 978-0-8368-3592-2 Sanitation Worker
440 978-1-4339-3848-1 The Sun: Star of the Solar System
440 978-1-4339-3842-9 Uranus: The Ice Planet
440 978-0-8368-6875-3 What Sea Animals Eat
440 978-0-8368-7376-4 What Sea Animals Eat/¿Qué comen los
animales del mar?
450 978-1-4339-3567-1 Arts and Crafts for Myths and Tales
450 978-1-4339-3546-6 Backyard Crafts
450 978-0-8368-8250-6 Bread and Cereal
450 978-1-4339-3896-2 Caribou
450 978-0-8368-7815-8 Crocodiles
450 978-0-8368-8004-5 Crocodiles/Cocodrilos
450 978-0-8368-7720-5 Cut and Paste Sea Creatures
450 978-0-8368-9056-3 Descubramos Afganistán (Looking at
450 978-0-8368-9068-6 Descubramos Polonia (Looking at Poland)
450 978-0-8368-9416-5 Diplodocus
450 978-0-8368-8251-3 Fruit
450 978-0-8368-7696-3 Giganotosaurus
450 978-0-8368-8019-9 Giganotosaurus/Giganotosaurio
450 978-1-4339-3899-3 Grizzly Bears
450 978-1-4339-3869-6 Hyenas
450 978-0-8368-8252-0 Meat and Beans
450 978-1-4339-3875-7 Meerkats
450 978-0-8368-8253-7 Milk and Cheese
450 978-0-8368-6441-0 Motocross
450 978-1-4339-3902-0 Musk Oxen
450 978-0-8368-8254-4 Oils
450 978-1-4339-3908-2 Snowy Owls
450 978-0-8368-7697-0 Stegosaurus
450 978-0-8368-8020-5 Stegosaurus/Estegosaurio
450 978-0-8368-7698-7 Triceratops
450 978-0-8368-8021-2 Triceratops/Triceratops
450 978-0-8368-7699-4 Tyrannosaurus Rex
450 978-0-8368-8022-9 Tyrannosaurus Rex/Tiranosaurio Rex
450 978-0-8368-8255-1 Vegetables
450 978-0-8368-7700-7 Velociraptor
450 978-0-8368-8023-6 Velociraptor/Velociraptor
450 978-1-4339-3884-9 Wildebeests
460 978-0-8368-4108-4 Adding
460 978-0-8368-7880-6 Ana Frank
460 978-0-8368-4882-3 Beaches
460 978-0-8368-6027-6 Beaches/Playas
460 978-1-4339-3549-7 Bead Crafts
460 978-1-4339-2409-5 Bighorn Sheep
460 978-1-4339-3552-7 Birthday Crafts
460 978-0-8368-5985-0 Camiones basculantes (Giant Dump Trucks)

460 978-1-4339-3863-4 Cheetahs

460 978-0-8368-6373-4 Cockroaches
460 978-1-4339-3574-9 Crabs
460 978-1-4339-2403-3 Deer
460 978-1-4339-2435-4 Deer/Venados
460 978-0-8368-9076-1 Descubramos Venezuela (Looking at
460 978-0-8368-7892-9 El ataque a Pearl Harbor (The Bombing of
Pearl Harbor)
460 978-0-8368-7897-4 El primer alunizaje (The First Moon Landing)

460 978-0-8368-4365-1 El sol (Sunshine)

460 978-0-8368-6494-6 El Sol (The Sun)
460 978-1-4339-2444-6 Elk / Uapitíes
460 978-0-8368-9270-3 Energía del agua (Water Power)
460 978-0-8368-9268-0 Energía nuclear (Nuclear Power)
460 978-0-8368-5988-1 Excavadoras (Giant Diggers)
460 978-1-4339-3911-2 Flag Day
460 978-0-8368-6518-9 Flag Day/Día de la Bandera
460 978-0-8368-6375-8 Fleas
460 978-0-8368-4504-4 Flowers
460 978-0-8368-6519-6 Fourth of July/Cuatro de Julio
460 978-1-4339-3558-9 Friendship Crafts
460 978-1-4339-1951-0 Gila Monsters
460 978-1-4339-2062-2 Gila Monsters/Monstruos de Gila
460 978-1-4339-3866-5 Giraffes
460 978-1-4339-2413-2 Golden Eagles
460 978-0-8368-8070-0 Granizadas (Hailstorms)
460 978-0-8368-6376-5 Honeybees
460 978-1-4339-3914-3 Independence Day
460 978-1-4339-3575-6 Insects
460 978-0-8368-7882-0 Jackie Robinson
460 978-1-4339-0023-5 Jaguars
460 978-0-8368-4367-5 La lluvia (Rain)
460 978-0-8368-4884-7 Lakes
460 978-0-8368-6029-0 Lakes/Lagos
460 978-0-8368-6496-0 Las estrellas (The Stars)
460 978-1-4339-3872-6 Lions
460 978-0-8368-4506-8 Mammals
460 978-0-8368-9241-3 Manatees
460 978-0-8368-9247-5 Manatees/Manatíes
460 978-1-4339-3571-8 Marine Minibeasts
460 978-0-8368-4112-1 Measuring
460 978-0-8368-9007-5 MEASURING on a Treasure Hunt
460 978-0-8368-4507-5 Mollusks
460 978-0-8368-6546-2 Montañas (Mountains)
460 978-0-8368-6395-6 Mountains
460 978-0-8368-4885-4 Ocean Floors
460 978-0-8368-6030-6 Ocean Floors/Fondos oceánicos
460 978-1-4339-3878-8 Ostriches
460 978-0-8368-5965-2 Paper Folding Fun
460 978-0-8368-5966-9 Papier Mâché Fun
460 978-0-8368-6396-3 Plains
460 978-0-8368-4299-9 Rain
460 978-1-4339-3572-5 Reptiles
460 978-1-4339-3881-8 Rhinoceroses
460 978-0-8368-6398-7 Seas
460 978-0-8368-4407-8 Sight
460 978-0-8368-4113-8 Subtracting
460 978-0-8368-4301-9 Sunshine
460 978-0-8368-4409-2 Taste
460 978-1-4339-3926-6 Thanksgiving
460 978-0-8368-6523-3 Thanksgiving/Día de Acción de Gracias
460 978-0-8368-4451-1 The Aquarium
460 978-0-8368-4140-4 The Golden Gate Bridge
460 978-0-8368-4143-5 The Statue of Liberty
460 978-0-8368-7772-4 Timba the Tiger
460 978-0-8368-8072-4 Tormentas de nieve (Snowstorms)
460 978-0-8368-4410-8 Touch
460 978-0-8368-4509-9 Trees
460 978-0-8368-4302-6 Wind
460 978-1-4339-3577-0 Worms
470 978-1-4339-3570-1 Arachnids
470 978-0-8368-5964-5 Art Foam Fun
470 978-1-4339-3542-8 Back-to-School Crafts
470 978-1-4339-3580-0 Birds
470 978-0-8368-5987-4 Cargadores (Giant Loaders)
470 978-0-8368-7879-0 César Chávez
470 978-1-4339-3555-8 Costume Crafts
470 978-0-8368-9060-0 Descubramos Cuba (Looking at Cuba)
470 978-0-8368-6374-1 Dung Beetles
470 978-0-8368-7895-0 El boicot a los autobuses de Montgomery
(The Montgomery Bus Boycott)
470 978-0-8368-4366-8 El viento (Wind)
470 978-0-8368-9271-0 Energía del viento (Wind Power)
470 978-1-4339-3578-7 Frogs
470 978-0-8368-8071-7 Huracanes (Hurricanes)
470 978-0-8368-4505-1 Insects
470 978-0-8368-6495-3 La Luna (The Moon)
470 978-0-8368-6394-9 Lakes
470 978-0-8368-6544-8 Llanuras (Plains)
470 978-1-4339-3573-2 Mammals
470 978-1-4339-3581-7 Marine Creatures
470 978-1-4339-3576-3 Minibeasts
470 978-0-8368-4142-8 Mount Rushmore
470 978-0-8368-9298-7 PROBABILIDAD con juegos y diversión
(PROBABILITY With Fun and Games)
470 978-0-8368-4508-2 Reptiles
470 978-0-8368-6547-9 Ríos (Rivers)
470 978-0-8368-6397-0 Rivers
470 978-0-8368-5967-6 Salt Dough Fun
470 978-1-4339-3579-4 Sea Birds
470 978-0-8368-4408-5 Smell
470 978-0-8368-4300-2 Snow
470 978-0-8368-6377-2 Tarantulas
470 978-1-4339-3561-9 World Crafts
480 978-0-8368-7767-0 Charlie the Cheetah
480 978-0-8368-6393-2 Deserts
480 978-0-8368-7499-0 George Eastman and the Camera
480 978-0-8368-7500-3 Henry Ford and the Model T Car
480 978-1-4339-4103-0 How Your Brain Works
480 978-1-4339-0062-4 Jaguars/Jaguares
480 978-0-8368-7434-1 Los viajes en la historia de América (Travel
in American History)
480 978-0-8368-9285-7 MULTIPLY to Make Party Plans
480 978-0-8368-9425-7 Oviraptor/Oviraptor
480 978-1-4339-4046-0 Scary Sea Monsters
480 978-0-8368-7502-7 The Wright Brothers and the Airplane
480 978-0-8368-7501-0 Thomas Edison and the Lightbulb
480 978-0-8368-7210-1 Travel in American History
480 978-1-4339-3600-5 Valentine Crafts
490 978-1-4339-0009-9 Karate Contractions
490 978-0-8368-6778-7 Pet Goldfish
490 978-0-8368-7209-5 Toys, Games, and Fun in American History

490 978-0-8368-9566-7 Walruses

490 978-0-8368-9568-1 Walruses/Morsas
500 978-0-8368-3706-3 101 Facts About Deserts
500 978-0-8368-4036-0 101 Facts About Eagles
500 978-0-8368-3707-0 101 Facts About Lakes
500 978-0-8368-4037-7 101 Facts About Lions
500 978-0-8368-6311-6 Animal Favorites
500 978-0-8368-6861-6 Animal Heads and Necks
500 978-0-8368-8388-6 At the Beach: The Parts of a Day
500 978-0-8368-4337-8 Baseball
500 978-0-8368-3024-8 Cheetahs
500 978-1-4339-3800-9 Dentists
500 978-0-8368-8784-6 Descubramos Israel (Looking at Israel)
500 978-1-4339-4058-3 Drawing Dungeon Creatures
500 978-0-8368-3627-1 Drawing with Objects
500 978-0-8368-7911-7 Dust Storms
500 978-1-4339-3720-0 El ahorro (Saving Money)
500 978-0-8368-9269-7 Energía solar (Solar Power)
500 978-0-8368-9266-6 Etanol y otros combustibles nuevos (Ethanol
and Other New Fuels)
500 978-0-8368-4503-7 Fish
500 978-0-8368-4910-3 Giant Bulldozers
500 978-0-8368-4914-1 Giant Scrapers
500 978-0-8368-4915-8 Giant Tractors
500 978-0-8368-9008-2 GRAPHING Favorite Things
500 978-0-8368-7912-4 Hailstorms
500 978-1-4339-4097-2 How the Aztecs Lived
500 978-1-4339-4100-9 How Your Body Moves
500 978-0-8368-7913-1 Hurricanes
500 978-1-4339-2194-0 Jackrabbits
500 978-1-4339-2131-5 Jackrabbits/Liebres americanas
500 978-0-8368-7893-6 La batalla de El Álamo (The Battle of the
500 978-0-8368-7894-3 La batalla de Gettysburg (The Battle of
500 978-0-8368-4368-2 La nieve (Snow)
500 978-1-4339-3411-7 Life in a Pond
500 978-1-4339-3417-9 Life on the Tundra
500 978-1-4339-3717-0 Los billetes (Paper Money)
500 978-0-8368-7883-7 Los hermanos Wright
500 978-0-8368-6497-7 Los planetas (The Planets)
500 978-0-8368-7878-3 Louis Armstrong
500 978-1-4339-2404-0 Moose
500 978-1-4339-2436-1 Moose/Alces
500 978-0-8368-5989-8 Niveladoras (Giant Bulldozers)
500 978-0-8368-9242-0 Octopuses and Squids
500 978-0-8368-9248-2 Octopuses and Squids/Pulpos y calamares

500 978-1-4339-2406-4 Owls

500 978-1-4339-2438-5 Owls/Búhos y lechuzas
500 978-0-8368-5990-4 Raspadores (Giant Scrapers)
500 978-1-4339-2391-3 Roadrunners
500 978-1-4339-2423-1 Roadrunners/Correcaminos
500 978-1-4339-3386-8 Saving Money
500 978-0-8368-9244-4 Sea Turtles
500 978-0-8368-9250-5 Sea Turtles/Tortugas marinas
500 978-0-8368-7914-8 Snowstorms
500 978-0-8368-6800-5 Solids
500 978-1-4339-3564-0 Spooky Crafts
500 978-0-8368-6424-3 Superbike
500 978-0-8368-6426-7 Supermoto
500 978-0-8368-6343-7 The Moon
500 978-0-8368-7915-5 Thunderstorms
500 978-0-8368-8073-1 Tormentas de polvo (Dust Storms)
500 978-0-8368-8074-8 Tormentas eléctricas (Thunderstorms)
500 978-0-8368-7916-2 Tornadoes
500 978-0-8368-9295-6 Vamos a explorar CUERPOS SÓLIDOS en
la red (Exploring SOLID FIGURES on the
500 978-1-4339-3392-9 What Is a Bank?
500 978-0-8368-3641-7 Whose House Is This?
500 978-0-8368-3643-1 Whose Teeth Are These?
510 978-0-8368-6372-7 Army Ants
510 978-0-8368-4502-0 Birds
510 978-1-4339-0008-2 Catch-a-Wave Compounds
510 978-0-8368-4911-0 Giant Diggers
510 978-0-8368-4912-7 Giant Dump Trucks
510 978-0-8368-4913-4 Giant Loaders
510 978-0-8368-4406-1 Hearing
510 978-1-4339-3860-3 I Have Epilepsy
510 978-0-8368-6799-2 Liquids
510 978-0-8368-6776-3 Pet Cats
510 978-0-8368-6779-4 Pet Guinea Pigs
510 978-1-4339-0011-2 Pit Stop Prefixes
510 978-1-4339-3652-4 Ryan Howard: Power Hitter
520 978-0-8368-8390-9 At School: Telling Time by the Half Hour
520 978-0-8368-8389-3 At the Park: Telling Time by the Hour
520 978-0-8368-8391-6 At the Zoo: Telling Time by the Quarter Hour

520 978-0-8368-8780-8 Descubramos el Congo (Looking at the

520 978-0-8368-8782-2 Descubramos Iran (Looking at Iran)
520 978-0-8368-6545-5 Mares (Seas)
530 978-0-8368-8872-0 ¿Cuáles son las partes del gobierno? (What
Are the Parts of Government?)
530 978-0-8368-5723-8 Arizona
530 978-0-8368-3025-5 Cougars
530 978-0-8368-9072-3 Descubramos Estados Unidos (Looking at
the United States)
530 978-1-4339-4052-1 Drawing Heroic Warriors
530 978-1-4339-4064-4 Drawing Mighty Rulers
530 978-1-4339-4067-5 Drawing Wicked Tyrants
530 978-1-4339-4106-1 How Your Ears Work
530 978-1-4339-4109-2 How Your Eyes Work
530 978-0-8368-5544-9 Illinois
530 978-1-4339-2405-7 Opossums
530 978-1-4339-2437-8 Opossums/Zarigüeyas
530 978-1-4339-2150-6 Rattlesnakes
530 978-1-4339-2133-9 Rattlesnakes/Serpientes de cascabel
530 978-1-4339-3809-2 Sanitation Workers
530 978-0-8368-5547-0 Texas
530 978-0-8368-4595-2 The Aquarium/El acuario
530 978-0-8368-4597-6 The Museum/El museo
530 978-1-4339-4115-3 Your Sense of Touch
540 978-1-4339-3726-2 ¿Qué es un banco? (What Is a Bank?)
540 978-0-8368-3708-7 101 Facts About Mountains
540 978-0-8368-3709-4 101 Facts About Oceans
540 978-0-8368-4038-4 101 Facts About Polar Bears
540 978-0-8368-3710-0 101 Facts About Rain Forests
540 978-0-8368-4039-1 101 Facts About Sharks
540 978-0-8368-4040-7 101 Facts About Snakes
540 978-0-8368-8779-2 Descubramos Argentina (Looking at
540 978-1-4339-3723-1 Gastar el dinero (Spending Money)
540 978-0-8368-6440-3 Hillclimb
540 978-1-4339-4091-0 How the Ancient Greeks Lived
540 978-1-4339-3714-9 La historia del dinero (The History of Money)

540 978-1-4339-3711-8 Las monedas (Coins)

540 978-0-8368-3026-2 Leopards
540 978-0-8368-3027-9 Lions
540 978-0-8368-3028-6 Lynxes
540 978-0-8368-6443-4 Supercross
540 978-0-8368-6444-1 Supermoto
540 978-0-8368-9292-5 Trabajemos con NÚMEROS en las noticias
(Working With NUMBERS in the News)
550 978-0-8368-3711-7 101 Facts About Rivers
550 978-0-8368-4041-4 101 Facts About Tigers
550 978-0-8368-6703-9 A Paper Bag
550 978-0-8368-8783-9 Descubramos Irlanda (Looking at Ireland)
550 978-0-8368-6797-8 Gases
550 978-0-8368-7235-4 I Come From India
550 978-0-8368-7237-8 I Come From South Korea
550 978-0-8368-7896-7 La fiebre del oro en California (The
California Gold Rush)
550 978-0-8368-7881-3 Nelson Mandela
550 978-0-8368-9267-3 Petróleo, gas y carbón (Oil, Gas, and Coal)
550 978-0-8368-3029-3 Tigers
550 978-0-8368-8075-5 Tornados (Tornadoes)
550 978-0-8368-5986-7 Tractores (Giant Tractors)
550 978-0-8368-9284-0 Working With NUMBERS in the News
560 978-1-4339-0010-5 Half-Pipe Homonyms
560 978-0-8368-6798-5 How Water Changes
560 978-0-8368-7236-1 I Come From Ivory Coast
560 978-0-8368-7238-5 I Come From Ukraine
560 978-0-8368-6777-0 Pet Dogs
560 978-0-8368-6380-2 The Life Cycle of a Cicada
560 978-0-8368-9288-8 Using DIVISION at Sports Camp
590 978-0-8368-8901-7 Bowling Alley Adjectives
590 978-0-8368-4102-2 Cat
590 978-0-8368-6831-9 Horse and Pony Basics
590 978-0-8368-4105-3 Rabbit
600 978-0-8368-8851-5 ¿Quiénes gobiernan nuestro país? (Who
Leads Our Country?)
600 978-0-8368-3653-0 Anacondas
600 978-0-8368-4759-8 César Chávez
600 978-0-8368-8314-5 Chief Joseph
600 978-0-8368-7205-7 Clothing in American History
600 978-0-8368-7681-9 Crispus Attucks
600 978-0-8368-7980-3 Crispus Attucks
600 978-1-4339-4043-9 Ferocious Sharks
600 978-0-8368-4043-8 Festivals
600 978-0-8368-8315-2 Frederick Douglass
600 978-0-8368-8328-2 Frederick Douglass
600 978-0-8368-8327-5 George Washington Carver
600 978-0-8368-8385-5 Guinea Pig
600 978-0-8368-6854-8 Hats and Headdresses through History
600 978-0-8368-8903-1 Home Run Verbs
600 978-0-8368-6833-3 Horse and Pony Care
600 978-1-4339-4088-0 How the Ancient Egyptians Lived
600 978-0-8368-4761-1 John F. Kennedy
600 978-0-8368-8035-9 La Edad Media (The Middle Ages)
600 978-0-8368-7433-4 La ropa en la historia de América (Clothing
in American History)
600 978-0-8368-4758-1 Neil Armstrong
600 978-0-8368-7685-7 Sacagawea
600 978-0-8368-7984-1 Sacagawea
600 978-0-8368-8316-9 Sam Houston
600 978-0-8368-8329-9 Sam Houston
600 978-0-8368-3657-8 Scrub Pythons
600 978-1-4339-4049-1 Spooky Spiders
600 978-0-8368-7997-1 Thomas Edison y la bombilla eléctrica
(Thomas Edison and the Lightbulb)
600 978-0-8368-7684-0 Thomas Jefferson
600 978-0-8368-7983-4 Thomas Jefferson
600 978-0-8368-4355-2 Tiger Woods
600 978-0-8368-6858-6 Uniforms through History
600 978-0-8368-4586-0 Venus y Serena Williams
600 978-0-8368-7860-8 What Lives On Other Animals?
610 978-0-8368-9062-4 Looking at Ethiopia
610 978-0-8368-9289-5 Pizza Parts: FRACTIONS!
620 978-0-8368-4223-4 Alan Apostrophe
620 978-1-4339-3441-4 Amphibians
620 978-0-8368-4442-9 Animals in Art
620 978-0-8368-8317-6 Anne Hutchinson
620 978-0-8368-8330-5 Anne Hutchinson
620 978-0-8368-3655-4 Asian Rock Pythons
620 978-1-4339-4034-7 Beastly Bugs
620 978-0-8368-3654-7 Boa Constrictors
620 978-0-8368-8781-5 Descubramos Alemania (Looking at
620 978-0-8368-7838-7 Digging for Dinosaurs
620 978-0-8368-9287-1 Exploring SOLID FIGURES on the Web
620 978-0-8368-4445-0 Eyes in Art
620 978-0-8368-4446-7 Fish in Art
620 978-0-8368-6439-7 Flat Track
620 978-0-8368-7206-4 Food and Cooking in American History
620 978-0-8368-7906-3 Granite and Other Igneous Rocks
620 978-0-8368-7686-4 Harriet Tubman
620 978-0-8368-6855-5 High-Style Clothes through History
620 978-1-4339-2188-9 Hillary Rodham Clinton
620 978-1-4339-3462-9 How Does a Car Work?
620 978-1-4339-3474-2 How Does a Powerboat Work?
620 978-1-4339-3477-3 How Does a Rocket Work?
620 978-1-4339-3854-2 I Have Diabetes
620 978-0-8368-8331-2 Jefe Joseph (Chief Joseph)
620 978-0-8368-6856-2 Jewelry and Makeup through History
620 978-0-8368-7430-3 La comida y la cocina en la historia de
América (Food and Cooking in American
620 978-0-8368-9054-9 Looking at Afghanistan
620 978-0-8368-4448-1 Nature in Art
620 978-0-8368-3051-4 Odds 'n' Ends Art
620 978-0-8368-4227-2 Peter Period
620 978-0-8368-4541-9 Rock Climbing
620 978-0-8368-6442-7 Superbike
620 978-0-8368-7842-4 Treasure Hunt in the Jungle
620 978-1-4339-3438-4 Turtles
620 978-0-8368-7861-5 What Lives On Your Body?
620 978-0-8368-7862-2 What Lives Under the Carpet?
620 978-0-8368-8841-6 Who Leads Our Country?
630 978-0-8368-8871-3 ¿Cuáles son los derechos básicos de los
ciudadanos? (What Are Citizens' Basic
630 978-0-8368-3652-3 African Rock Pythons
630 978-0-8368-7726-7 American Cars of the 1970s
630 978-0-8368-5542-5 California
630 978-0-8368-3746-9 Clay
630 978-0-8368-7446-4 Cómo funcionan las ruedas y los ejes (How
Wheels and Axles Work)
630 978-0-8368-8429-6 Cómo migran los animales (How Animals
630 978-0-8368-8185-1 Descubramos Japón (Looking at Japan)
630 978-0-8368-6016-0 Dinosaurios: Espinas óseas y cuellos
(Dinosaur Spikes and Necks)
630 978-0-8368-6367-3 Diving
630 978-0-8368-6853-1 Everyday Clothes through History
630 978-0-8368-4104-6 Hamster
630 978-0-8368-6834-0 Horse and Pony Competitions
630 978-1-4339-1942-8 Kick Ball Capitalization
630 978-0-8368-7414-3 Las patas y los pies de los animales (Animal
Feet and Legs)
630 978-0-8368-7969-8 Leonor la leona (Lisa the Lion)
630 978-0-8368-9066-2 Looking at Poland
630 978-1-4339-1943-5 Make-a-Splash Writing Rules
630 978-0-8368-4044-5 Masks
630 978-1-4339-0094-5 Member of Congress
630 978-0-8368-5545-6 Nueva Jersey (New Jersey)
630 978-0-8368-3747-6 Paper
630 978-1-4339-1941-1 Pedaling to Perfect Punctuation
630 978-0-8368-3748-3 Plants and Seeds
630 978-0-8368-8810-2 Por qué algunos animales viven en nidos
(Why Animals Live in Nests)
630 978-1-4339-0095-2 President
630 978-0-8368-9290-1 PROBABILITY With Fun and Games
630 978-0-8368-3656-1 Reticulated Pythons
630 978-0-8368-6857-9 Shoes and Boots through History
630 978-1-4339-1944-2 Skating to Spelling Success
630 978-0-8368-8904-8 Slam Dunk Pronouns
630 978-1-4339-1945-9 Snowboarding Similes and Metaphors
630 978-0-8368-7405-1 Sólidos (Solids)
630 978-0-8368-4019-3 Stones and “Stuff”
630 978-0-8368-8906-2 Touchdown Nouns
630 978-1-4339-1946-6 Track Star Sentences
630 978-0-8368-7859-2 What Lives In the Garden?
630 978-0-8368-3633-2 Your Digestive System
640 978-0-8368-7683-3 Andrew Jackson
640 978-0-8368-7982-7 Andrew Jackson
640 978-0-8368-7682-6 Benjamin Franklin
640 978-0-8368-7981-0 Benjamín Franklin
640 978-1-4339-4037-8 Dangerous Dinosaurs
640 978-0-8368-8313-8 George Washington Carver
640 978-0-8368-4540-2 Hang Gliding and Parasailing
640 978-0-8368-7985-8 Harriet Tubman
640 978-0-8368-8318-3 John Muir
640 978-0-8368-8332-9 John Muir
640 978-1-4339-0092-1 Judge
640 978-0-8368-7208-8 Keeping in Touch in American History
640 978-0-8368-7431-0 La comunicación en la historia de América
(Keeping in Touch in American History)
640 978-0-8368-8342-8 Living in Mountains
640 978-0-8368-8770-9 Looking at Israel
640 978-0-8368-6780-0 Pet Parakeets
640 978-1-4339-0013-6 Slap Shot Synonyms and Antonyms
640 978-0-8368-3053-8 Terrific Toys
640 978-0-8368-4544-0 Triathlons
640 978-0-8368-8843-0 Why Do We Have Laws?
640 978-0-8368-3631-8 Your Blood
650 978-0-8368-8853-9 ¿Por qué tenemos leyes? (Why Do We
Have Laws?)
650 978-0-8368-6293-5 A Chocolate Bar
650 978-0-8368-6294-2 A Cotton T-Shirt
650 978-0-8368-6701-5 A Glass Jar
650 978-0-8368-6702-2 A Metal Can
650 978-0-8368-6704-6 A Plastic Toy
650 978-0-8368-6295-9 A Rubber Tire
650 978-0-8368-6296-6 A Wooden Chair
650 978-0-8368-7782-3 Ancient Greece
650 978-0-8368-4352-1 Bill Gates
650 978-0-8368-4444-3 Cats in Art
650 978-0-8368-0358-7 Counting on Frank
650 978-1-4339-1969-5 Derek Jeter
650 978-0-8368-4897-7 Dinosaur Skeletons and Skulls
650 978-0-8368-6018-4 Dinosaurios: Garras y crestas (Dinosaur
Claws and Crests)
650 978-0-8368-4103-9 Dog
650 978-0-8368-4225-8 Emma Exclamation Point
650 978-0-8368-4781-9 Festivals in Art
650 978-0-8368-4380-4 Food in Art
650 978-0-8368-8902-4 Hole-in-One Adverbs
650 978-0-8368-6832-6 Horse and Pony Breeds
650 978-1-4339-3468-1 How Does a High-Speed Train Work?
650 978-0-8368-4353-8 Jackie Robinson
650 978-0-8368-8198-1 Kenny Chesney
650 978-0-8368-8034-2 La antigua Roma (Ancient Rome)
650 978-0-8368-8352-7 La vida en las montañas (Living in
650 978-0-8368-8353-4 La vida en las regiones polares (Living in
Polar Regions)
650 978-0-8368-8354-1 La vida en las selvas tropicales (Living in
Tropical Rain Forests)
650 978-1-4339-3426-1 Lizards
650 978-0-8368-8766-2 Looking at the Congo
650 978-0-8368-9074-7 Looking at Venezuela
650 978-0-8368-7996-4 Los hermanos Wright y el avión (The Wright
Brothers and the Airplane)
650 978-1-4339-1950-3 Michael Phelps
650 978-0-8368-4757-4 Muhammad Ali
650 978-0-8368-7840-0 Ocean Giants
650 978-1-4339-4227-3 Parasaurolophus and Other Duck-Billed and
Beaked Herbivores
650 978-0-8368-6781-7 Pet Rabbits
650 978-0-8368-8811-9 Por qué algunos animales tienen caparazón
(Why Animals Live in Shells)
650 978-0-8368-7908-7 Quartz and Other Minerals
650 978-0-8368-8386-2 Rat
650 978-1-4339-0012-9 Soccer Goal Suffixes
650 978-0-8368-4585-3 Steven Spielberg
650 978-0-8368-8905-5 Tennis Court Conjunctions
650 978-0-8368-4783-3 The Sky in Art
650 978-0-8368-9264-2 Water Power
650 978-0-8368-3635-6 Your Muscles and Bones
650 978-0-8368-3636-3 Your Senses
660 978-0-8368-7724-3 American Cars of the 1950s
660 978-0-8368-8427-2 Animales migratorios: Por aire (Migrating
Animals of the Air)
660 978-0-8368-5911-9 Asia
660 978-0-8368-7275-0 Astronauts
660 978-0-8368-6365-9 Auto Racing
660 978-0-8368-4230-2 Beyoncé
660 978-1-4339-3533-6 Chinese and Japanese Myths
660 978-0-8368-7444-0 Cómo funcionan las poleas (How Pulleys
660 978-0-8368-3703-2 Cree
660 978-0-8368-6014-6 Dinosaurios: Colas y corazas (Dinosaur
Tails and Armor)
660 978-1-4339-3444-5 Experiments with Electricity and Magnetism

660 978-1-4339-3453-7 Experiments with Light and Color

660 978-0-8368-3212-9 Fish and Amphibians
660 978-0-8368-7403-7 Gases (Gases)
660 978-0-8368-7967-4 Gerardo el guepardo (Charlie the Cheetah)

660 978-1-4339-0091-4 Governor

660 978-0-8368-7650-5 Johnny Depp
660 978-0-8368-7412-9 Las cabezas y los cuellos de los animales
(Animal Heads and Necks)
660 978-0-8368-6194-5 Louis Armstrong
660 978-0-8368-5099-4 Margaret Mead
660 978-0-8368-4016-2 Metal
660 978-1-4339-3998-3 Miranda Cosgrove
660 978-0-8368-5613-2 Native Tribes of the Plains and Prairie
660 978-0-8368-4220-3 Oneida
660 978-0-8368-4017-9 Papier-Mâché
660 978-0-8368-8248-3 Polar Region Survival
660 978-0-8368-8809-6 Por qué algunos animales viven en
colmenas (Why Animals Live in Hives)
660 978-0-8368-4018-6 Recyclables
660 978-0-8368-3725-4 Snowboarding
660 978-0-8368-3404-8 The Atom Bomb Project
660 978-0-8368-7971-1 Timba el tigre (Timba the Tiger)
660 978-1-4339-4121-4 Understanding Geothermal Energy and
660 978-0-8368-8862-1 What Are the Parts of Government?
660 978-0-8368-3749-0 Wood and Cork
670 978-0-8368-8873-7 ¿Qué es una constitución? (What Is a
670 978-1-4339-1964-0 All About Defensive Backs
670 978-1-4339-1959-6 All About Linebackers
670 978-1-4339-1960-2 All About Linemen
670 978-1-4339-1961-9 All About Quarterbacks
670 978-1-4339-1962-6 All About Receivers
670 978-1-4339-1963-3 All About Running Backs
670 978-0-8368-7723-6 American Cars before 1950
670 978-0-8368-7725-0 American Cars of the 1960s
670 978-0-8368-7781-6 Ancient Egypt
670 978-0-8368-4560-0 Anglerfish
670 978-0-8368-8428-9 Animales migratorios: Por tierra (Migrating
Animals of the Land)
670 978-0-8368-6366-6 Bikes, Boards, and Blades
670 978-0-8368-4443-6 Birds in Art
670 978-0-8368-4224-1 Christopher Comma
670 978-0-8368-5724-5 Colorado
670 978-0-8368-7445-7 Cómo funcionan las rampas, las cuñas y los
tornillos (How Ramps, Wedges, and Screws
670 978-0-8368-5131-1 Connecticut
670 978-1-4339-3435-3 Crocodiles and Alligators
670 978-0-8368-8881-2 Deep-Sea Fishing
670 978-0-8368-4698-0 Delaware
670 978-0-8368-4899-1 Dinosaur Tails and Armor
670 978-0-8368-4900-4 Dinosaur Teeth and Beaks
670 978-0-8368-4901-1 Dinosaur Wings and Fins
670 978-0-8368-6015-3 Dinosaurios: Dientes y picos (Dinosaur
Teeth and Beaks)
670 978-0-8368-7740-3 Eating Right
670 978-0-8368-4378-1 Faces in Art
670 978-0-8368-7839-4 Firefighters to the Rescue
670 978-0-8368-4447-4 Flowers in Art
670 978-0-8368-4562-4 Giant Tubeworms
670 978-0-8368-6904-0 Helicopters
670 978-1-4339-3465-0 How Does a Helicopter Work?
670 978-0-8368-4497-9 Hurricane Andrew
670 978-1-4339-3857-3 I Have Down Syndrome
670 978-0-8368-5116-8 Indiana
670 978-0-8368-4664-5 Iowa
670 978-1-4339-1949-7 Joe Biden
670 978-1-4339-1970-1 Jonas Brothers
670 978-0-8368-7968-1 Koby el koala (Koby the Koala)
670 978-0-8368-7413-6 Las colas de los animales (Animal Tails)
670 978-0-8368-7404-4 Líquidos (Liquids)
670 978-0-8368-8765-5 Looking at Argentina
670 978-0-8368-7907-0 Marble and Other Metamorphic Rocks
670 978-1-4339-1967-1 Maria Sharapova
670 978-0-8368-5123-6 Massachusetts
670 978-0-8368-4669-0 Minnesota
670 978-0-8368-4498-6 Mount St. Helens
670 978-1-4339-4085-9 Nasty Pirates
670 978-0-8368-5154-0 Nevada
670 978-0-8368-4629-4 New Jersey
670 978-0-8368-5546-3 Nueva York (New York)
670 978-0-8368-5725-2 Nuevo México (New Mexico)
670 978-0-8368-4782-6 Oceans in Art
670 978-0-8368-5124-3 Ohio
670 978-0-8368-4673-7 Oregon
670 978-0-8368-8808-9 Por qué algunos animales viven en cuevas
(Why Animals Live in Caves)
670 978-0-8368-5726-9 Puerto Rico y Otras Áreas Periféricas
(Puerto Rico and Other Outlying Areas)
670 978-0-8368-4228-9 Quincy Question Mark
670 978-1-4339-1965-7 Rafael Nadal
670 978-1-4339-1968-8 Shaun White
670 978-0-8368-5160-1 South Dakota
670 978-0-8368-4564-8 Squids
670 978-0-8368-4635-5 Texas
670 978-1-4339-3429-2 Venomous Snakes
670 978-0-8368-5162-5 Washington, D.C.
670 978-0-8368-8885-0 Wildlife Photographer
670 978-1-4339-2380-7 Will Smith
670 978-0-8368-4638-6 Wisconsin
670 978-0-8368-7843-1 Zookeeper for a Day
680 978-0-8368-8870-6 ¿Cómo elegimos a nuestros líderes? (How
Do We Elect Our Leaders?)
680 978-0-8368-5147-2 Alaska
680 978-0-8368-7783-0 Ancient Rome
680 978-0-8368-4660-7 Arizona
680 978-0-8368-7739-7 Avoiding Injuries
680 978-0-8368-3197-9 Bigfoot
680 978-0-8368-4310-1 Bill Gates
680 978-0-8368-5113-7 California
680 978-0-8368-4780-2 Clothing in Art
680 978-0-8368-4561-7 Coelacanth: The Living Fossil
680 978-0-8368-5130-4 Colorado
680 978-0-8368-4662-1 Colorado
680 978-0-8368-4663-8 Connecticut
680 978-0-8368-4898-4 Dinosaur Spikes and Necks
680 978-1-4339-1966-4 Eli Manning
680 978-0-8368-6408-3 Ellis Island
680 978-1-4339-3450-6 Experiments with Heat and Energy
680 978-1-4339-3447-6 Experiments with Weather and Climate
680 978-0-8368-4379-8 Figures in Art
680 978-0-8368-5114-4 Florida
680 978-0-8368-5543-2 Florida
680 978-0-8368-4623-2 Georgia
680 978-0-8368-4226-5 Hannah Hyphen-Hyphen
680 978-0-8368-6422-9 Hillclimb
680 978-0-8368-4381-1 Houses in Art
680 978-1-4339-3471-1 How Does a Jet Plane Work?
680 978-0-8368-7349-8 How Ramps, Wedges, and Screws Work
680 978-0-8368-7234-7 I Come From Chile
680 978-1-4339-3851-1 I Have Asthma
680 978-0-8368-5150-2 Idaho
680 978-0-8368-4624-9 Illinois
680 978-0-8368-5115-1 Illinois
680 978-0-8368-4625-6 Indiana
680 978-0-8368-4747-5 John F. Kennedy
680 978-1-4339-0099-0 Juez (Judge)
680 978-0-8368-5134-2 Kansas
680 978-0-8368-7742-7 Keeping Clean
680 978-0-8368-4666-9 Kentucky
680 978-0-8368-7939-1 Let's Explore Earth
680 978-0-8368-7944-5 Let's Explore Neptune
680 978-0-8368-7950-6 Let's Explore Venus
680 978-1-4339-3423-0 Life in a Coral Reef
680 978-0-8368-9058-7 Looking at Cuba
680 978-0-8368-5151-9 Maine
680 978-0-8368-5137-3 Maryland
680 978-0-8368-4626-3 Massachusetts
680 978-1-4339-0093-8 Mayor
680 978-0-8368-4627-0 Michigan
680 978-0-8368-5138-0 Minnesota
680 978-0-8368-4628-7 Missouri
680 978-0-8368-5153-3 Montana
680 978-1-4339-4082-8 Murderous Mythical Creatures
680 978-0-8368-5140-3 Nebraska
680 978-1-4339-1948-0 Neil Armstrong
680 978-0-8368-4671-3 Nevada
680 978-0-8368-4704-8 New Hampshire
680 978-0-8368-5141-0 New Jersey
680 978-0-8368-4630-0 New York
680 978-1-4339-3432-2 Nonvenomous Snakes
680 978-0-8368-5119-9 North Carolina
680 978-0-8368-5157-1 North Dakota
680 978-0-8368-4632-4 Ohio
680 978-0-8368-4672-0 Oklahoma
680 978-0-8368-5143-4 Oregon
680 978-0-8368-4674-4 Puerto Rico and Other Outlying Areas
680 978-1-4339-2189-6 Rachael Ray
680 978-0-8368-5159-5 Rhode Island
680 978-1-4339-2379-1 Rihanna
680 978-0-8368-7841-7 Rocket to the Moon
680 978-0-8368-4748-2 Rosa Parks
680 978-0-8368-7909-4 Sandstone and Other Sedimentary Rocks
680 978-0-8368-4563-1 Sea Slugs
680 978-0-8368-5144-1 South Carolina
680 978-0-8368-4708-6 South Dakota
680 978-0-8368-6412-0 St. Augustine
680 978-0-8368-4634-8 Tennessee
680 978-0-8368-5121-2 Texas
680 978-1-4339-3380-6 The History of Money
680 978-0-8368-3200-6 The Loch Ness Monster
680 978-0-8368-4314-9 The Wright Brothers
680 978-0-8368-4449-8 Trees in Art
680 978-1-4339-4233-4 Triceratops and Other Horned Herbivores
680 978-0-8368-3201-3 UFOs
680 978-0-8368-4710-9 Vermont
680 978-1-4339-0096-9 Vice President
680 978-1-4339-0103-4 Vicepresidente (Vice President)
680 978-0-8368-5125-0 Virginia
680 978-0-8368-5122-9 Washington
680 978-0-8368-4676-8 Washington, D.C.
680 978-0-8368-4711-6 West Virginia
680 978-0-8368-4565-5 Whale Sharks
680 978-0-8368-3639-4 Whose Bottom Is This?
680 978-1-4339-2378-4 Will Ferrell
680 978-0-8368-9265-9 Wind Power
680 978-0-8368-5126-7 Wisconsin
680 978-0-8368-3632-5 Your Brain
680 978-0-8368-3634-9 Your Lungs
690 978-0-8368-8852-2 ¿Por qué son importantes las elecciones?
(Why Are Elections Important?)
690 978-0-8368-5127-4 Alabama
690 978-0-8368-4697-3 Alaska
690 978-0-8368-4351-4 Anne Frank
690 978-0-8368-4745-1 César Chávez
690 978-1-4339-3377-6 Coins
690 978-0-8368-5148-9 Delaware
690 978-0-8368-8187-5 Descubramos Rusia (Looking at Russia)
690 978-0-8368-4115-2 Dolphins
690 978-0-8368-7741-0 Exercising
690 978-0-8368-6421-2 Flat Track
690 978-0-8368-4622-5 Florida
690 978-0-8368-3767-4 Funnel-Web Spiders
690 978-0-8368-4582-2 Henry Ford
690 978-0-8368-7995-7 Henry Ford y el automóvil Modelo T (Henry
Ford and the Model T Car)
690 978-0-8368-4118-3 Hippos
690 978-1-4339-4112-2 How Your Mouth and Nose Work
690 978-0-8368-6898-2 Inventions We Use at Home
690 978-0-8368-5133-5 Iowa
690 978-0-8368-4665-2 Kansas
690 978-0-8368-8033-5 La antigua Grecia (Ancient Greece)
690 978-0-8368-8351-0 La vida en los desiertos (Living in Deserts)
690 978-0-8368-7940-7 Let's Explore Jupiter
690 978-0-8368-7945-2 Let's Explore Pluto and Beyond
690 978-1-4339-3414-8 Life in a Backyard
690 978-1-4339-3410-0 Life in a Rain Forest
690 978-1-4339-3420-9 Life in the Desert
690 978-0-8368-4433-7 Little Bees
690 978-0-8368-4434-4 Little Elephants
690 978-0-8368-6168-6 Little Ladybugs
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690 978-0-8368-8768-6 Looking at Iran
690 978-0-8368-4701-7 Maine
690 978-0-8368-4467-2 Martin Luther King Jr.
690 978-0-8368-4583-9 Martin Luther King, Jr.
690 978-0-8368-5117-5 Michigan
690 978-0-8368-4670-6 Mississippi
690 978-0-8368-6423-6 Motocross
690 978-1-4339-0021-1 Nancy Pelosi
690 978-0-8368-5155-7 New Hampshire
690 978-0-8368-4705-5 New Mexico
690 978-0-8368-5142-7 Oklahoma
690 978-0-8368-4046-9 Paper Crafts
690 978-1-4339-3383-7 Paper Money
690 978-0-8368-4122-0 Parrots
690 978-0-8368-4633-1 Pennsylvania
690 978-1-4339-3974-7 Point Guard
690 978-0-8368-6828-9 Power Tractors
690 978-0-8368-4762-8 Rosa Parks
690 978-1-4339-3389-9 Spending Money
690 978-0-8368-4172-5 Spiders
690 978-0-8368-4469-6 Steven Spielberg
690 978-0-8368-6425-0 Supercross
690 978-1-4339-3662-3 Talking About Exercise
690 978-1-4339-3659-3 Talking About the Dangers of Taking Risks
690 978-1-4339-3656-2 Talking About What You Eat
690 978-0-8368-5145-8 Tennessee
690 978-0-8368-3196-2 The Bermuda Triangle
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690 978-0-8368-4537-2 The Story of Rolls-Royce
690 978-0-8368-4144-2 The Washington Monument
690 978-0-8368-4709-3 Utah
690 978-0-8368-9299-4 Vamos a MEDIR en el estanque
(MEASURING at the Pond)
690 978-0-8368-4760-4 Walt Disney
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690 978-0-8368-3638-7 Whose Baby Is This?
690 978-0-8368-3640-0 Whose Feet Are These?
690 978-0-8368-3642-4 Whose Nose Is This?
690 978-0-8368-4712-3 Wyoming
690 978-0-8368-4190-9 Zebras
700 978-0-8368-8850-8 ¿Cuáles son tus derechos básicos? (What
Are your Basic Rights?)
700 978-0-8368-4494-8 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
700 978-0-8368-4581-5 Amelia Earhart
700 978-0-8368-7728-1 American Cars of the 1990s and Today
700 978-0-8368-4309-5 Anne Frank
700 978-1-4339-0000-6 Archaeologist
700 978-0-8368-5128-1 Arizona
700 978-0-8368-4661-4 Arkansas
700 978-0-8368-5129-8 Arkansas
700 978-0-8368-4621-8 California
700 978-1-4339-2381-4 Carrie Underwood
700 978-1-4339-3971-6 Center
700 978-0-8368-4171-8 Chimpanzees
700 978-0-8368-4182-4 Crocodiles
700 978-1-4339-4040-8 Deadly Snakes
700 978-0-8368-8183-7 Descubramos China (Looking at China)
700 978-0-8368-4896-0 Dinosaur Claws and Crests
700 978-0-8368-6017-7 Dinosaurios: Esqueletos y cráneos
(Dinosaur Skeletons and Skulls)
700 978-1-4339-4061-3 Drawing Magical Beings
700 978-0-8368-8032-8 El antiguo Egipto (Ancient Egypt)
700 978-0-8368-4584-6 Eleanor Roosevelt
700 978-0-8368-3198-6 ESP
700 978-1-4339-3459-9 Experiments with Force and Motion
700 978-1-4339-3456-8 Experiments with Sound and Hearing
700 978-0-8368-8882-9 Forest Firefighter
700 978-0-8368-4184-8 Frogs
700 978-0-8368-7994-0 George Eastman y la cámara (George
Eastman and the Camera)
700 978-0-8368-5132-8 Georgia
700 978-0-8368-3199-3 Ghosts
700 978-0-8368-4116-9 Giraffes
700 978-1-4339-0098-3 Gobernador (Governor)
700 978-0-8368-7207-1 Going to School in American History
700 978-0-8368-4699-7 Hawaii
700 978-0-8368-5149-6 Hawaii
700 978-0-8368-7651-2 Hilary Duff
700 978-0-8368-3050-7 Holiday Handiwork
700 978-0-8368-7347-4 How Levers Work
700 978-0-8368-7350-4 How Wheels and Axles Work
700 978-0-8368-7233-0 I Come From Afghanistan
700 978-0-8368-4700-0 Idaho
700 978-0-8368-4311-8 Jackie Robinson
700 978-0-8368-7743-4 Keeping Safe
700 978-0-8368-5135-9 Kentucky
700 978-0-8368-7432-7 La escuela en la historia de América (Going
to School in American History)
700 978-0-8368-6543-1 Lagos (Lakes)
700 978-0-8368-7947-6 Let's Explore Comets and Asteroids
700 978-0-8368-7943-8 Let's Explore the Moon
700 978-0-8368-7949-0 Let's Explore Uranus
700 978-0-8368-4185-5 Lions
700 978-0-8368-4356-9 Los hermanos Wright
700 978-0-8368-4667-6 Louisiana
700 978-0-8368-5136-6 Louisiana
700 978-0-8368-4668-3 Maryland
700 978-0-8368-5152-6 Mississippi
700 978-0-8368-5139-7 Missouri
700 978-0-8368-4702-4 Montana
700 978-0-8368-4703-1 Nebraska
700 978-0-8368-5156-4 New Mexico
700 978-0-8368-5118-2 New York
700 978-0-8368-4631-7 North Carolina
700 978-0-8368-4706-2 North Dakota
700 978-0-8368-4312-5 Oprah Winfrey
700 978-0-8368-4354-5 Oprah Winfrey
700 978-0-8368-4121-3 Pandas
700 978-0-8368-5120-5 Pennsylvania
700 978-0-8368-4187-9 Polar Bears
700 978-1-4339-3977-8 Power Forward
700 978-0-8368-5158-8 Puerto Rico and Other Outlying Areas
700 978-0-8368-3052-1 Rainy Day Fun
700 978-0-8368-6905-7 Record Breakers
700 978-0-8368-4707-9 Rhode Island
700 978-0-8368-4188-6 Sharks
700 978-1-4339-3983-9 Small Forward
700 978-0-8368-9263-5 Solar Power
700 978-0-8368-4675-1 South Carolina
700 978-1-4339-4070-5 Spooky Mysteries
700 978-0-8368-7744-1 Staying Well
700 978-1-4339-3660-9 Talking About Making Good Choices
700 978-1-4339-3661-6 Talking About the Dangers of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Caffeine
700 978-1-4339-3655-5 Talking About Your Weight
700 978-0-8368-6407-6 The Alamo
700 978-0-8368-6411-3 The Lincoln Memorial
700 978-0-8368-4499-3 Titanic
700 978-0-8368-4123-7 Turtles
700 978-0-8368-5161-8 Utah
700 978-1-4339-4224-2 Velociraptor and Other Raptors and Small
700 978-0-8368-5146-5 Vermont
700 978-0-8368-9197-3 Veterinarian
700 978-0-8368-4636-2 Virginia
700 978-0-8368-4746-8 Walt Disney
700 978-0-8368-4637-9 Washington
700 978-0-8368-8842-3 Why Are Elections Important?
700 978-0-8368-4124-4 Wolves
700 978-0-8368-5164-9 Wyoming
710 978-0-8368-4659-1 Alabama
710 978-0-8368-7292-7 America in World War I
710 978-0-8368-7727-4 American Cars of the 1980s
710 978-0-8368-5912-6 Australia, Antarctica, and the Pacific
710 978-0-8368-9157-7 Basketball
710 978-0-8368-3765-0 Black Widow Spiders
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710 978-0-8368-4181-7 Camels
710 978-0-8368-4231-9 Cameron Diaz
710 978-0-8368-7333-7 Conflicts of the Middle East
710 978-0-8368-4217-3 Creek
710 978-0-8368-7309-2 Cuban Americans
710 978-0-8368-5883-9 Democracy
710 978-0-8368-7253-8 Desert Habitats
710 978-1-4339-3992-1 Drew Brees
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710 978-0-8368-4468-9 Eleanor Roosevelt
710 978-0-8368-3357-7 Elements
710 978-0-8368-4183-1 Elephants
710 978-0-8368-7276-7 Exploring the Universe
710 978-0-8368-6748-0 Focus on Afghanistan
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710 978-1-4339-1982-4 Food Safety
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710 978-1-4339-3515-2 Government Maps
710 978-0-8368-7926-1 Great Stories of Courage (Call of the Wild/
Red Badge of Courage/ Treasure Island)
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710 978-0-8368-7941-4 Let's Explore Mars
710 978-0-8368-7942-1 Let's Explore Mercury
710 978-0-8368-7946-9 Let's Explore Saturn
710 978-0-8368-7948-3 Let's Explore the Sun
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710 978-0-8368-3361-4 Matter
710 978-1-4339-3539-8 Mesoamerican Myths
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710 978-1-4339-0101-0 Miembro del Congreso (Member of
710 978-0-8368-6368-0 Motorbike Racing
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710 978-0-8368-5096-3 Muhammad Ali
710 978-0-8368-5614-9 Native Tribes of the Southeast
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710 978-0-8368-9262-8 Nuclear Power
710 978-0-8368-8247-6 Ocean Survival
710 978-0-8368-5943-0 Origins of the Holocaust
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710 978-0-8368-6559-2 Pan Am 103 and State-Sponsored
710 978-0-8368-4186-2 Penguins
710 978-0-8368-4992-9 Protecting Ocean Habitats
710 978-0-8368-4994-3 Protecting Rain Forests
710 978-0-8368-4047-6 Puppets
710 978-0-8368-5651-4 Rembrandt
710 978-0-8368-3668-4 Seminole
710 978-0-8368-3724-7 Skateboarding
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710 978-0-8368-3373-7 Space Exploration
710 978-0-8368-6711-4 Sudan
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710 978-1-4339-4001-9 Taylor Swift
710 978-0-8368-5645-3 Terrorism
710 978-0-8368-5791-7 Texas Joins the United States
710 978-0-8368-5456-5 The Armed Forces
710 978-0-8368-3391-1 The Battle of Gettysburg
710 978-0-8368-7291-0 The Civil War
710 978-0-8368-5585-2 The Civil War at Sea
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710 978-0-8368-3192-4 The Story of Model T Fords
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710 978-0-8368-4189-3 Tigers
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710 978-1-4339-4124-5 Understanding Nuclear Power
710 978-0-8368-6765-7 Using Math to Climb Mount Everest
710 978-0-8368-6766-4 Using Math to Design a Roller Coaster
710 978-0-8368-4470-2 Venus and Serena Williams
710 978-0-8368-8863-8 What Is a Constitution?
710 978-1-4339-4166-5 Why Did the Cold War Happen?
710 978-0-8368-5668-2 World War I
710 978-0-8368-5983-6 World War II: A Primary Source History
720 978-0-8368-6287-4 A History of Railroads
720 978-0-8368-6288-1 A History of Shipwrecks
720 978-0-8368-6289-8 A History of Time
720 978-0-8368-8426-5 Animales migratorios: En el agua (Migrating
Animals of the Water)
720 978-1-4339-0017-4 Barack Obama
720 978-0-8368-9156-0 Baseball
720 978-0-8368-3766-7 Brown Recluse Spiders
720 978-0-8368-7402-0 Cómo cambia el agua (How Water
720 978-0-8368-7443-3 Cómo funcionan las palancas (How Levers
720 978-0-8368-6013-9 Dinosaurios: Alas y aletas (Dinosaur Wings
and Fins)
720 978-0-8368-7966-7 Elisa la elefanta (Ella the Elephant)
720 978-0-8368-3414-7 Fort Sumter: The Civil War Begins
720 978-0-8368-6900-2 Inventions We Use for Play
720 978-1-4339-4076-7 Killer Animals
720 978-0-8368-7415-0 La piel y el pelo de los animales (Animal
Skin and Fur)
720 978-1-4339-0016-7 LeBron James
720 978-0-8368-3398-0 Lexington and Concord
720 978-0-8368-4734-5 Little Beavers
720 978-0-8368-6697-1 Little Ducks
720 978-0-8368-6167-9 Little Horses
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720 978-0-8368-9195-9 Mountain Rescuer
720 978-0-8368-7747-2 Pandora's Box
720 978-0-8368-8812-6 Por qué algunos animales tejen telarañas
(Why Animals Live in Webs)
720 978-0-8368-8807-2 Por qué algunos animales viven en
madrigueras (Why Animals Live in Burrows)
720 978-0-8368-7652-9 Queen Latifah
720 978-0-8368-7970-4 Rudy el rinoceronte (Rudy the Rhinoceros)

720 978-0-8368-3769-8 Tarantulas

720 978-0-8368-6204-1 The Battle of Gettysburg
720 978-0-8368-6206-5 The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
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720 978-0-8368-7751-9 The Twelve Labors of Hercules
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720 978-0-8368-7749-6 Theseus and the Minotaur

720 978-0-8368-4048-3 Toys
730 978-0-8368-6185-3 Albert Pujols
730 978-1-4339-0019-8 Ellen Ochoa
730 978-0-8368-9159-1 Football
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730 978-1-4339-0004-4 Journalist
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740 978-0-8368-6750-3 Focus on Indonesia
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740 978-0-8368-5644-6 Immigrants and Refugees
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740 978-0-8368-3217-4 Mammals
740 978-0-8368-6274-4 Mediterranean Sea
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740 978-0-8368-8861-4 What Are Citizens' Basic Rights?
750 978-0-8368-4495-5 1993 Mississippi River Floods
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750 978-0-8368-3368-3 Forces and Gravity
750 978-0-8368-5643-9 Genetic Engineering
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750 978-0-8368-6273-7 Indian Ocean
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750 978-0-8368-6308-6 Plants and Animals
750 978-0-8368-7317-7 Polish Americans
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930 978-0-8368-7310-8 German Americans
930 978-0-8368-3358-4 Heat
930 978-0-8368-7927-8 Historical Adventure (A Connecticut Yankee
in King Arthur's Court/ Around the World in
80 Days/ The Prisoner of Zenda)
930 978-0-8368-4218-0 Hopi
930 978-0-8368-7254-5 Inland Water Habitats
930 978-0-8368-7248-4 Inside Fires and Floods
930 978-0-8368-7313-9 Japanese Americans
930 978-1-4339-3518-3 Maps and Cities
930 978-0-8368-6709-1 North Korea
930 978-0-8368-3362-1 Nuclear Energy
930 978-0-8368-7277-4 Observing the Universe
930 978-0-8368-3383-6 Oceans
930 978-0-8368-9099-0 Orangutans
930 978-0-8368-5878-5 Plastics
930 978-0-8368-5478-7 Political Parties, Interest Groups, and the
930 978-0-8368-4993-6 Protecting Polar Regions
930 978-0-8368-4995-0 Protecting Temperate Forests
930 978-0-8368-3371-3 Protists and Fungi
930 978-1-4339-0059-4 Ray Bradbury: Legendary Fantasy Writer
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930 978-0-8368-5582-1 The Civil War in the East (1861-July 1863)
930 978-0-8368-5829-7 The Great Depression and World War II
930 978-0-8368-5979-9 The Holocaust: A Primary Source History
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930 978-0-8368-3374-4 The Universe
930 978-0-8368-6431-1 Ulysses S. Grant and the Road to
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930 978-0-8368-4212-8 Using Math to Fly a Jumbo Jet
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950 978-0-8368-5894-5 Feudalism and Village Life in the Middle
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950 978-0-8368-7336-8 History of the Middle East
950 978-0-8368-5931-7 Leaders of the American Revolution
950 978-0-8368-8418-0 Migrating Animals of the Land
950 978-0-8368-7757-1 Poverty
950 978-0-8368-7765-6 Rocks and Fossils
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960 978-0-8368-8361-9 The Biggest Thrill Rides
970 978-0-8368-7761-8 Biomes and Ecosystems
980 978-0-8368-7760-1 Air and Weather
980 978-0-8368-5930-0 Daily Life During the American Revolution
980 978-0-8368-7754-0 Earth's Water Crisis
980 978-1-4339-0060-0 Steve Jobs: The Brilliant Mind Behind Apple

990 978-0-8368-8362-6 The Largest Indoor Parks and Malls

1000 978-1-4339-1986-2 Communication
1000 978-1-4339-1985-5 Crime Fighting
1000 978-0-8368-9200-0 Eating Disorders
1000 978-1-4339-1987-9 Energy Sources
1000 978-1-4339-1988-6 Health and Medicine
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1000 978-0-8368-8088-5 The Nature of Matter
1000 978-1-4339-1990-9 Transportation
1000 978-1-4339-4181-8 Why Did World War I Happen?
1010 978-1-4339-0085-3 AIDS and Other Epidemics
1010 978-0-8368-8087-8 Forces and Motion
1010 978-1-4339-4139-9 Medieval Science (500 – 1500)
1010 978-0-8368-5926-3 The American Colonies Declare
1010 978-1-4339-4175-7 Why Did the Rise of the Nazis Happen?
1020 978-0-8368-9201-7 Family Crises
1020 978-1-4339-0047-1 Pearl Harbor: A Primary Source History
1020 978-1-4339-4163-4 Why Did Hiroshima Happen?
1020 978-1-4339-4172-6 Why Did the Holocaust Happen?
1030 978-0-8368-8086-1 History of Science
1030 978-0-8368-9203-1 Stress and Depression
1040 978-0-8368-8090-8 Sound
1050 978-0-8368-7762-5 Earth's Core and Crust
1050 978-0-8368-8089-2 Science and Society
1060 978-1-4339-0088-4 Overcrowded World
1060 978-0-8368-7338-2 Religions of the Middle East
1060 978-0-8368-6822-7 The Doomed and the Dead
1070 978-0-8368-5892-1 Churches and Religion in the Middle Ages
1070 978-0-8368-5884-6 Dictatorship
1070 978-0-8368-8085-4 Electricity and Magnetism
1070 978-1-4339-0086-0 Endangered Species
1070 978-0-8368-5932-4 Forming a New American Government
1070 978-0-8368-7334-4 Geography and Resources of the Middle
1070 978-0-8368-7709-0 Investigating a Crime Scene
1070 978-0-8368-5868-6 Islam
1070 978-0-8368-7867-7 Machines in Medicine
1070 978-0-8368-5854-9 The First Computers
1070 978-1-4339-3486-5 Timeline of the Renaissance
1070 978-0-8368-6268-3 UFOs
1070 978-1-4339-4169-6 Why Did the Great Depression Happen?
1070 978-0-8368-5669-9 World War II: Europe
1080 978-0-8368-5893-8 Cities and Towns in the Middle Ages
1080 978-1-4339-1981-7 Drug Trafficking
1080 978-1-4339-0087-7 Fossil Fuels
1080 978-0-8368-7335-1 Governments and Leaders of the Middle
1080 978-0-8368-5869-3 Judaism
1080 978-0-8368-5927-0 Key Battles of the American Revolution
1080 978-0-8368-5885-3 Monarchy
1080 978-0-8368-7868-4 Organ Transplants
1080 978-0-8368-9202-4 Self-Harm and Suicide
1080 978-0-8368-5855-6 The First Polio Vaccine
1080 978-1-4339-4178-8 Why Did the Vietnam War Happen?
1080 978-0-8368-5670-5 World War II: The Pacific
1090 978-1-4339-0050-1 World War II: Life on the Homefront: A
Primary Source History
1100 978-0-8368-9199-7 Alcohol and Drug Abuse
1100 978-0-8368-8084-7 Chemical Reactions
1100 978-1-4339-0049-5 Spies and Code Breakers: A Primary
Source History
1100 978-1-4339-3489-6 Timeline of the Muslim World
1110 978-0-8368-8091-5 Transfer of Energy
1120 978-1-4339-0048-8 September 11: A Primary Source History
1210 978-0-8368-7763-2 Earth's Resources
1210 978-0-8368-7764-9 Properties of Water
BR 978-0-8368-6475-5 I Know Numbers
BR 978-0-8368-6485-4 I Know Numbers/Los números
BR 978-0-8368-7807-3 Let's Read About Sun
BR 978-0-8368-6807-4 Things at Home
BR 978-0-8368-7219-4 Things at Home/Las cosas de mi casa
BR 978-0-8368-6808-1 Things at School
BR 978-0-8368-7220-0 Things at School/Las cosas de la escuela
BR 978-0-8368-6809-8 Things at the Park
BR 978-0-8368-7221-7 Things at the Park/Las cosas del parque
BR 978-0-8368-6812-8 Things I Wear
BR 978-0-8368-7224-8 Things I Wear/Las cosas que me pongo
BR 978-0-8368-9252-9 This Is My Ball
BR 978-0-8368-9256-7 This Is My Ball/Ésta es mi pelota
BR 978-0-8368-9253-6 This Is My Bear
BR 978-0-8368-9257-4 This Is My Bear/Éste es mi oso
BR 978-0-8368-9254-3 This Is My Book
BR 978-0-8368-9258-1 This Is My Book/Éste es mi libro
BR 978-0-8368-9255-0 This Is My Truck
BR 978-0-8368-9259-8 This Is My Truck/Éste es mi camión
BR 978-0-8368-8991-8 Vamos a contar en el mercado (Counting at
the Market)
IG1030 978-0-8368-8960-4 Hang Gliding
IG1050 978-0-8368-8965-9 White Water Sports
IG590 978-0-8368-9204-8 Environments
IG610 978-0-8368-9205-5 Habitats
IG610 978-0-8368-9207-9 Where We Live
IG620 978-0-8368-9206-2 Resources
IG630 978-0-8368-8918-5 Earth's Rocks and Fossils
IG650 978-0-8368-8915-4 Earth's Crust and Core
IG680 978-0-8368-9223-9 Fossils
IG690 978-0-8368-8897-3 Amazing Plants
IG690 978-0-8368-8933-8 Be a Crime Scene Investigator
IG690 978-0-8368-9222-2 Crystals and Gemstones
IG690 978-0-8368-9224-6 Minerals
IG690 978-0-8368-9225-3 Rocks
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IG730 978-0-8368-8931-4 Study Earthquakes
IG740 978-0-8368-8895-9 Amazing Fish
IG750 978-0-8368-8894-2 Amazing Birds
IG750 978-0-8368-8930-7 Be a Volcanologist
IG750 978-1-4339-0030-3 Body and Health
IG750 978-1-4339-0032-7 Flight
IG750 978-0-8368-8932-1 Join a Shark Expedition
IG760 978-0-8368-8957-4 Guinea Pigs
IG760 978-1-4339-0045-7 The Science of a Piece of Paper
IG760 978-1-4339-0037-2 Water
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IG770 978-0-8368-8955-0 Dogs
IG770 978-1-4339-0036-5 Structures
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IG780 978-0-8368-8958-1 Rabbits
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IG790 978-1-4339-0034-1 Technology
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IG820 978-0-8368-8917-8 Earth's Natural Resources
IG820 978-0-8368-8919-2 Earth's Water Cycle
IG840 978-1-4339-0033-4 Materials
IG840 978-0-8368-9231-4 Simple Machines
IG850 978-0-8368-9227-7 Energy
IG850 978-1-4339-0040-2 The Science of a Bicycle
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IG860 978-0-8368-9219-2 Poisonous Spiders
IG860 978-0-8368-9232-1 Space
IG860 978-0-8368-9233-8 Weather
IG870 978-0-8368-9216-1 Armored and Spiked Dinosaurs
IG870 978-0-8368-9226-0 Communication
IG870 978-0-8368-9220-8 Constrictor Snakes
IG870 978-1-4339-0031-0 Electricity
IG870 978-0-8368-9229-1 Light and Color
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IG960 978-0-8368-6174-7 Poisonous Snakes
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IG980 978-0-8368-6173-0 Lizards
IG990 978-0-8368-6177-8 Fierce Water Creatures
IG990 978-0-8368-8964-2 Surfing
NC1010 978-0-8368-7668-0 Looking at France
NC1060 978-0-8368-8416-6 How Animals Migrate
NC520 978-1-4339-2446-0 Mountain Goats/Cabra montés
NC520 978-1-4339-0026-6 Sloths
NC530 978-0-8368-9243-7 Sea Horses
NC530 978-0-8368-9249-9 Sea Horses/Caballitos de mar
NC540 978-1-4339-2411-8 Cougars
NC540 978-1-4339-2443-9 Cougars/Puma
NC540 978-1-4339-2412-5 Elk
NC540 978-1-4339-0025-9 Frogs
NC540 978-1-4339-0066-2 Snakes/Serpientes
NC550 978-1-4339-0064-8 Frogs/Ranas
NC560 978-1-4339-2445-3 Golden Eagles/Águila real
NC560 978-1-4339-0024-2 Monkeys
NC560 978-1-4339-0063-1 Monkeys/Monos
NC560 978-1-4339-2414-9 Mountain Goats
NC570 978-0-8368-9424-0 Diplodocus/Diplodocus
NC580 978-1-4339-0065-5 Sloths/Perezosos
NC580 978-1-4339-0027-3 Snakes
NC630 978-1-4339-0067-9 Toucans and Other Birds/Tucanes y otras
NC640 978-0-8368-9246-8 Dolphins/Delfines
NC640 978-1-4339-0028-0 Toucans and Other Birds
NC700 978-0-8368-8797-6 Why Animals Live in Shells
NC710 978-0-8368-8793-8 Why Animals Live in Burrows
NC710 978-0-8368-8794-5 Why Animals Live in Caves
NC720 978-1-4339-0102-7 Presidente (President)
NC720 978-0-8368-8796-9 Why Animals Live in Nests
NC730 978-1-4339-0100-3 Alcalde (Mayor)
NC730 978-0-8368-8767-9 Looking at Germany
NC730 978-0-8368-8840-9 What Are Your Basic Rights?
NC740 978-0-8368-8184-4 Descubramos Gran Bretaña (Looking at
Great Britain)
NC740 978-0-8368-8341-1 Living in Deserts
NC740 978-0-8368-8769-3 Looking at Ireland
NC750 978-0-8368-8795-2 Why Animals Live in Hives
NC760 978-0-8368-8344-2 Living in Tropical Rain Forests
NC780 978-0-8368-8182-0 Descubramos Canadá (Looking at Canada)

NC780 978-0-8368-7956-8 Descubramos Nigeria (Looking at Nigeria)

NC780 978-0-8368-9291-8 MEASURING at the Pond
NC790 978-0-8368-7952-0 Descubramos España (Looking at Spain)
NC790 978-0-8368-8186-8 Descubramos México (Looking at Mexico)
NC790 978-0-8368-8171-4 Looking at Japan
NC800 978-0-8368-8798-3 Why Animals Live in Webs
NC810 978-0-8368-7955-1 Descubramos Italia (Looking at Italy)
NC820 978-0-8368-7954-4 Descubramos la India (Looking at India)
NC820 978-0-8368-7957-5 Descubramos países del Caribe (Looking at
Caribbean Countries)
NC850 978-0-8368-7953-7 Descubramos Francia (Looking at France)
NC850 978-0-8368-8169-1 Looking at China
NC880 978-0-8368-8173-8 Looking at Russia
NC900 978-0-8368-8172-1 Looking at Mexico
NC910 978-0-8368-8170-7 Looking at Great Britain
NC920 978-0-8368-8168-4 Looking at Canada
NC930 978-0-8368-7669-7 Looking at India
NC930 978-0-8368-7672-7 Looking at Spain
NC940 978-0-8368-7670-3 Looking at Italy
NC940 978-0-8368-7671-0 Looking at Nigeria
NC950 978-0-8368-7667-3 Looking at Caribbean Countries
NP 978-0-8368-8822-5 Animal Opposites
NP 978-0-8368-9038-9 Animal Opposites/Opuestos animales
NP 978-0-8368-8821-8 Animals in Color
NP 978-0-8368-9037-2 Animals in Color/Animales en color
NP 978-0-8368-8823-2 Counting with Animals
NP 978-0-8368-9039-6 Counting with Animals/Cuenta con los
NP 978-1-4339-1911-4 In the Arctic
NP 978-1-4339-1912-1 In the Forest
NP 978-1-4339-1913-8 In the Jungle
NP 978-1-4339-1914-5 In the Sea
NP 978-1-4339-1915-2 On the Farm
NP 978-1-4339-1916-9 On the Savanna
NP 978-0-8368-8824-9 Shapes in Animals
NP 978-0-8368-9040-2 Shapes in Animals/Figuras en los animales
ISBN: 978-1-4339-5042-

Code: GSLX10

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3014620220010675;001 1875
3014620220028834;002 1834

3014620220036183;003 1883

3014620220044591;004 1891

3014620220051000;005 1800

3014620220069267;006 1867

3014620220077591;007 1891
3014620220085834;008 1834
3014620220093267;009 1867
3014620220101342;010 1842
3014620220119591;011 1891
3014620220127834;012 1834
3014620220135183;013 1883
3014620220143591;014 1891
3014620220150000;015 1800
3014620220168267;016 1867
3014620220176591;017 1891
3014620220184918;018 1818
3014620220192267;019 1867
3014620220200342;020 1842
3014620220218591;021 1891
3014620220226834;022 1834
3014620220234267;023 1867
3014620220242591;024 1891
3014620220259918;025 1818

3014620220267267;026 1867
3014620220275591;027 1891
3014620220283918;028 1818
3014620220291267;029 1867
3014620220309267;030 1867
3014620220317591;031 1891

3014620220325834;032 1834
3014620220333267;033 1867
3014620220341591;034 1891
3014620220358918;035 1818
3014620220366267;036 1867
3014620220374675;037 1875
3014620220382918;038 1818
3014620220390267;039 1867
3014620220408267;040 1867
3014620220416591;041 1891
3014620220424918;042 1818
3014620220432267;043 1867
3014620220440591;044 1891
3014620220457918;045 1818
3014620220465267;046 1867
3014620220473675;047 1875
3014620220481918;048 1818
3014620220499183;049 1883
3014620220507183;050 1883

3014620220515426;051 1826
3014620220523834;052 1834
3014620220531183;053 1883
3014620220549342;054 1842
3014620220556834;055 1834
3014620220564267;056 1867
3014620220572591;057 1891
3014620220580834;058 1834
3014620220598000;059 1800
3014620220606183;060 1883
3014620220614591;061 1891
3014620220622834;062 1834
3014620220630183;063 1883
3014620220648342;064 1842
3014620220655834;065 1834
3014620220663267;066 1867
3014620220671591;067 1891

3014620220689759;068 1859
3014620220697000;069 1800
3014620220705183;070 1883
3014620220713591;071 1891
3014620220721834;072 1831
3014620220739000;073 1800
3014620220747342;074 1842
3014620220754918;075 1818
3014620220762267;076 1867
3014620220770591;077 1891

3014620220788759;078 1859
3014620220796000;079 1800
3014620220804267;080 1867
3014620220812591;081 1891

3014620220820834;082 1834
3014620220838000;083 1800

3014620220846342;084 1842
3014620220853918;085 1818
3014620220861267;086 1867
3014620220879426;087 1826
3014620220887759;088 1859
3014620220895000;089 1800

3014620220903267;090 1867
3014620220911591;091 1891
3014620220929759;092 1859
3014620220937000;093 1800

3014620220945342;094 1842
3014620220952918;095 1818
3014620220960267;096 1867
3014620220978426;097 1826
3014620220986759;098 1859
3014620220994183;099 1883
3014620221000675;100 1875
3014620221018834;101 1834
3014620221026183;102 1883
3014620221034591;103 1891
3014620221042834;104 1834

3014620221059267;105 1867
3014620221067591;106 1891
3014620221075834;107 1834

3014620221083267;108 1867
3014620221091591;109 1891
3014620221109591;110 1891
3014620221117834;111 1834
3014620221125183;112 1883
3014620221133591;113 1891
3014620221141834;114 1834
3014620221158267;115 1867
3014620221166591;116 1891

3014620221174918;117 1818
3014620221182267;118 1867
3014620221190591;119 1891

3014620221208591;120 1891

3014620221216834;121 1834

3014620221224267;122 1867

3014620221232591;123 1891

3014620221240834;124 1834

3014620221257267;125 1867
3014620221265591;126 1891

3014620221273918;127 1818

3014620221281267;128 1867
3014620221299426;129 1826
3014620221307591;130 1891
3014620221315834;131 1834
3014620221323267;132 1867

3014620221331591;133 1891
3014620221349759;134 1859
3014620221356267;135 1867
3014620221364675;136 1875
3014620221372918;137 1818
3014620221380267;138 1867
3014620221328426;139 1826
3014620221406591;140 1891
3014620221414918;141 1818
3014620221422267;142 1867
3014620221430591;143 1891
3014620221448759;144 1859
3014620221455267;145 1867
3014620221463675;146 1876
3014620221471918;147 1818
3014620221489183;148 1883
3014620221497426;149 1826

3014620221505426;150 1826
3014620221513834;151 1834
3014620221521183;152 1883
3014620221539342;153 1842
3014620221547675;154 1875
3014620221554267;155 1867
3014620221562591;156 1891
3014620221570834;157 1834
3014620221588000;158 1800
3014620221596342;159 1842
3014620221604591;160 1891
3014620221612834;161 1834
3014620221620183;162 1883
3014620221638342;163 1842
3014620221646675;164 1875

3014620221653267;165 1867
3014620221661591;166 1891
3014620221679759;167 1859
3014620221687000;168 1800
3014620221695342;169 1842
3014620221703591;170 1891
3014620221711834;171 1834
3014620221729000;172 1800
3014620221737342;173 1842

3014620221745675;174 1875
3014620221752267;175 1867
3014620221760591;176 1891
3014620221778759;177 1859
3014620221786000;178 1800
3014620221794426;179 1826
3014620221802591;180 1891
3014620221810834;181 1834
3014620221828000;182 1800
3014620221836342;183 1842

3014620221844759;184 1859
3014620221851267;185 1867
3014620221869426;186 1826
3014620221877759;187 1859
3014620221885000;188 1800
3014620221893426;189 1826
3014620221901591;190 1891
3014620221919759;191 1859
3014620221927000;192 1800
3014620221935342;193 1842
3014620221943759;194 1859

3014620221950267;195 1867

3014620221968426;196 1826
3014620221976759;197 1859
3014620221984183;198 1883

3014620221992426;199 1826
3014620222008834;200 1834
3014620222016183;201 1883
3014620222024591;202 1891
3014620222032834;203 1834
3014620222040183;204 1883
3014620222057591;205 1891

3014620222065834;206 1834

3014620222073267;207 1867

3014620222081591;208 1891

3014620222099759;209 1859

3014620222107834;210 1834

3014620222115183;211 1883
3014620222123591;212 1891
3014620222131834;213 1834
3014620222149000;214 1800
3014620222156591;215 1891
3014620222164918;216 1818
3014620222172267;217 1867
3014620222180591;218 1891
3014620222198759;219 1859
3014620222206834;220 1834
3014620222214267;221 1867
3014620222222591;222 1891
3014620222230834;223 1834
3014620222248000;224 1800
3014620222255591;225 1891
3014620222263918;226 1818
3014620222271267;227 1867
3014620222289426;228 1826
3014620222297759;229 1859
3014620222305834;230 1834
3014620222313267;231 1867
3014620222321591;232 1891
3014620222339759;233 1859
3014620222347000;234 1800
3014620222354675;235 1875
3014620222362918;236 1818
3014620222370267;237 1867
3014620222388426;238 1826
3014620222396759;239 1859
3014620222404918;240 1818
3014620222412267;241 1867
3014620222420591;242 1891
3014620222438759;243 1859
3014620222446000;244 1800

3014620222453675;245 1875

3014620222461918;246 1818

3014620222479183;247 1883
3014620222487426;248 1826
3014620222495759;249 1859
3014620222503834;250 1834
3014620222511183;251 1883
3014620222529342;252 1842
3014620222537675;253 1875
3014620222545918;254 1818
3014620222552591;255 1891

3014620222560834;256 1834
3014620222578000;257 1800

3014620222586342;258 1842
3014620222594759;259 1859
3014620222602834;260 1834

3014620222610183;261 1883

3014620222628342;262 1842
3014620222636675;263 1875
3014620222644000;264 1800
3014620222651591;265 1891
3014620222669759;266 1859
3014620222677000;267 1800
3014620222685342;268 1842
3014620222693759;269 1859
3014620222701834;270 1834

3014620222719000;271 1800
3014620222727342;272 1842
3014620222735675;273 1875
3014620222743000;274 1800
3014620222750591;275 1891
3014620222768759;276 1859
3014620222776000;277 1800
3014620222784426;278 1826

3014620222792759;279 1859
3014620222800834;280 1834
3014620222818000;281 1800
3014620222826342;282 1842
3014620222834759;283 1859
3014620222842000;284 1800
3014620222859426;285 1826
3014620222867759;286 1859
3014620222875000;287 1800
3014620222883426;288 1826
3014620222891759;289 1859
3014620222909759;290 1859

3014620222917000;291 1800
3014620222925342;292 1842
3014620222933759;293 1859
3014620222941000;294 1800
3014620222958426;295 1826
3014620222966759;296 1859
3014620222974183;297 1883
3014620222982426;298 1826

3014620222990759;299 1859

3014620223006183;300 1883
3014620223014591;301 1891

3014620223022834;302 1834
3014620223030183;303 1883

3014620223048342;304 1842
3014620223055834;305 1834

3014620223063267;306 1867
3014620223071591;307 1891
3014620223089759;308 1859
3014620223097000;309 1800
3014620223105183;310 1883
3014620223113591;311 1891
3014620223121834;312 1834
3014620223139000;313 1800
3014620223147342;314 1842
3014620223154918;315 1818
3014620223162267;316 1867
3014620223170591;317 1891
3014620223188759;318 1859
3014620223196000;319 1800
3014620223204267;320 1867
3014620223212591;321 1891
3014620223220834;322 1834

3014620223238000;323 1800

3014620223246342;324 1842

3014620223253918;325 1818
3014620223261267;326 1867
3014620223279426;327 1826
3014620223287759;328 1859
3014620223295000;329 1800
3014620223303267;330 1867
3014620223311591;331 1891
3014620223329759;332 1859
3014620223337000;333 1800
3014620223345342;334 1842
3014620223352918;335 1818
3014620223360267;336 1867
3014620223378426;337 1826
3014620223386759;338 1859
3014620223394183;339 1883
3014620223402267;340 1867
3014620223410591;341 1891
3014620223428759;342 1859
3014620223436000;343 1800
3014620223444426;344 1826
3014620223451918;345 1818
3014620223469183;346 1883
3014620223477426;347 1826
3014620223485759;348 1859
3014620223493183;349 1883

3014620223501183;350 1883
3014620223519342;351 1842
3014620223527675;352 1875

3014620223535918;353 1818
3014620223543342;354 1842
3014620223550834;355 1834
3014620223568000;356 1800
3014620223576342;357 1842
3014620223584759;358 1859
3014620223592000;359 1800
3014620223600183;360 1883
3014620223618342;361 1842
3014620223626675;362 1875
3014620223634000;363 1800
3014620223642342;364 1842
3014620223659759;365 1859
3014620223667000;366 1800
3014620223675342;367 1842
3014620223683759;368 1859
3014620223691000;369 1800
3014620223709000;370 1800
3014620223717342;371 1842
3014620223725675;372 1875
3014620223733000;373 1800

3014620223741342;374 1842
3014620223758759;375 1859
3014620223766000;376 1800
3014620223774426;377 1826

3014620223782759;378 1859
3014620223790000;379 1820
3014620223808000;380 1800
3014620223816342;381 1842
3014620223824759;382 1859
3014620223832000;383 1800

3014620223840342;384 1842
3014620223857759;385 1859
3014620223865000;386 1800
3014620223873426;387 1826
3014620223881759;388 1859
3014620223899918;389 1818
3014620223907000;390 1800
3014620223915342;391 1842
3014620223923759;392 1859
3014620223931000;393 1800

3014620223949267;394 1867
3014620223956759;395 1859

3014620223964183;396 1883
3014620223972426;397 1826
3014620223980759;398 1859
3014620223998918;399 1818
3014620224004591;400 1891
3014620224012834;401 1834
3014620224020183;402 1883
3014620224038342;403 1842
3014620224046675;404 1875
3014620224053267;405 1867
3014620224061591;406 1891
3014620224079759;407 1859
3014620224087000;408 1800
3014620224095342;409 1842
3014620224103591;410 1891
3014620224111834;411 1834
3014620224129000;412 1800
3014620224137342;413 1842
3014620224145675;414 1875
3014620224152267;415 1867
3014620224160591;416 1891
3014620224178759;417 1859
3014620224186000;418 1800
3014620224194426;419 1826
3014620224202591;420 1891
3014620224210834;421 1834
3014620224228000;422 1800
3014620224236342;423 1842
3014620224244759;424 1859
3014620224251267;425 1867
3014620224269426;426 1826
3014620224277759;427 1859
3014620224285000;428 1800
3014620224293426;429 1826
3014620224301591;430 1891
3014620224319759;431 1859
3014620224327000;432 1800
3014620224335342;433 1842
3014620224343759;434 1859

3014620224350267;435 1867

3014620224368426;436 1826

3014620224376759;437 1859
3014620224384183;438 1883
3014620224392426;439 1826
3014620224400591;440 1891
3014620224418759;441 1859
3014620224426000;442 1800
3014620224434426;443 1826
3014620224442759;444 1859
3014620224459183;445 1883
3014620224467426;446 1826
3014620224475759;447 1859
3014620224483183;448 1883
3014620224431426;449 1826
3014620224509342;450 1842
3014620224517675;451 1875
3014620224525918;452 1818
3014620224533342;453 1842
3014620224541675;454 1875
3014620224558000;455 1800

3014620224566342;456 1842
3014620224574759;457 1859
3014620224582000;458 1800
3014620224590342;459 1842
3014620224608342;460 1842

3014620224616675;461 1875
3014620224624000;462 1800

3014620224632342;463 1842

3014620224640675;464 1875
3014620224657000;465 1800
3014620224665342;466 1842
3014620224673759;467 1859
3014620224681000;468 1800

3014620224699267;469 1867
3014620224707342;470 1842

3014620224715675;471 1875
3014620224723000;472 1800
3014620224731342;473 1842
3014620224749591;474 1891
3014620224756000;475 1800
3014620224764426;476 1826
3014620224772759;477 1859
3014620224780000;478 1800
3014620224798267;479 1867
3014620224806342;480 1842
3014620224814759;481 1859
3014620224822000;482 1800

3014620224830342;483 1842
3014620224848591;484 1891

3014620224855000;485 1800
3014620224863426;486 1826
3014620224871759;487 1859

3014620224889918;488 1818
3014620224897267;489 1867
3014620224905342;490 1842
3014620224913759;491 1859
3014620224921000;492 1800
3014620224939267;493 1867
3014620224947591;494 1891
3014620224954183;495 1883
3014620224962426;496 1826
3014620224970759;497 1859
3014620224988918;498 1818

3014620224996267;499 1867

3014620225001000;500 1800
3014620225019267;501 1867

3014620225027591;502 1891
3014620225035834;503 1834
3014620225043267;504 1867
3014620225050759;505 1859
3014620225068918;506 1818
3014620225076267;507 1867
3014620225084675;508 1875

3014620225092918;509 1818

3014620225100000;510 1800
3014620225118267;511 1867
3014620225126591;512 1891
3014620225134918;513 1818
3014620225142267;514 1867

3014620225159675;515 1875
3014620225167918;516 1818
3014620225175267;517 1867
3014620225183675;518 1875
3014620225191918;519 1818
3014620225209918;520 1818
3014620225217267;521 1867
3014620225225591;522 1891

3014620225233918;523 1818
3014620225241267;524 1867
3014620225258675;525 1875
3014620225266918;526 1818
3014620225274342;527 1842
3014620225282675;528 1875
3014620225290918;529 1818
3014620225308918;530 1818
3014620225316267;531 1867
3014620225324675;532 1875
3014620225332918;533 1818
3014620225340267;534 1867
3014620225357675;535 1875
3014620225365918;536 1818
3014620225373342;537 1842
3014620225381675;538 1875
3014620225399834;539 1834
3014620225407918;540 1818
3014620225415267;541 1867
3014620225423675;542 1875
3014620225431918;543 1818
3014620225449183;544 1883
3014620225456675;545 1875
3014620225464000;546 1800
3014620225472342;547 1842
3014620225480675;548 1875
3014620225498834;549 1834
3014620225506834;550 1834
3014620225514267;551 1867
3014620225522591;552 1891
3014620225530834;553 1834
3014620225548000;554 1800

3014620225555591;555 1891
3014620225563918;556 1818
3014620225571267;557 1867
3014620225589426;558 1826
3014620225597759;559 1859
3014620225605834;560 1834

3014620225613267;561 1867

3014620225621591;562 1891

3014620225639759;563 1859
3014620225647000;564 1800
3014620225654675;565 1875
3014620225662918;566 1818
3014620225670000;567 1800
3014620225688426;568 1826
3014620225696759;569 1859
3014620225704918;570 1818
3014620225712267;571 1867
3014620225720591;572 1891
3014620225738759;573 1859
3014620225746000;574 1800
3014620225753675;575 1875
3014620225761918;576 1818
3014620225779183;577 1883
3014620225787426;578 1826
3014620225795759;579 1859
3014620225803918;580 1818
3014620225811267;581 1867
3014620225829426;582 1826
3014620225837759;583 1859
3014620225845000;584 1800
3014620225852675;585 1875
3014620225860918;586 1818
3014620225878183;587 1883
3014620225886426;588 1826
3014620225894834;589 1834
3014620225902918;590 1818
3014620225910267;591 1867
3014620225928426;592 1826
3014620225936759;593 1859
3014620225944183;594 1883
3014620225951675;595 1875
3014620225969834;596 1834
3014620225977183;597 1883
3014620225985426;598 1826
3014620225993834;599 1834
3014620226009267;600 1867
3014620226017591;601 1891
3014620226025834;602 1834
3014620226033267;603 1867
3014620226041591;604 1891
3014620226058918;605 1818
3014620226066267;606 1867
3014620226074675;607 1875
3014620226082918;608 1818
3014620226090267;609 1867
3014620226108267;610 1867
3014620226116591;611 1891
3014620226124918;612 1818
3014620226132267;613 1867
3014620226140591;614 1891
3014620226157918;615 1818
3014620226165267;616 1867
3014620226173675;617 1875
3014620226181918;618 1818
3014620226199183;619 1883
3014620226207267;620 1867
3014620226215591;621 1891
3014620226223918;622 1818
3014620226231267;623 1867
3014620226249426;624 1826
3014620226256918;625 1818
3014620226264342;626 1842
3014620226272675;627 1875
3014620226280918;628 1818
3014620226298183;629 1883
3014620226306267;630 1867
3014620226314675;631 1875
3014620226322918;632 1818
3014620226330267;633 1867

3014620226348426;634 1826
3014620226355918;635 1818
3014620226363342;636 1842
3014620226371675;637 1875
3014620226389834;638 1834
3014620226397183;639 1883
3014620226405267;640 1867
3014620226413675;641 1875
3014620226421918;642 1818
3014620226439183;643 1883
3014620226447426;644 1826
3014620226454000;645 1800
3014620226462342;646 1842

3014620226470675;647 1875
3014620226488834;648 1834
3014620226496183;649 1883
3014620226504267;650 1867
3014620226512591;651 1891
3014620226520834;652 1834
3014620226538000;653 1800
3014620226546342;654 1842
3014620226553918;655 1818
3014620226561267;656 1867
3014620226579426;657 1826
3014620226587759;658 1859
3014620226595000;659 1800
3014620226603267;660 1867
3014620226611591;661 1891
3014620226629759;662 1859

3014620226637000;663 1800
3014620226645342;664 1842
3014620226652918;665 1818
3014620226660267;666 1867
3014620226678426;667 1826
3014620226686759;668 1859
3014620226694183;669 1883
3014620226702267;670 1867
3014620226710591;671 1891
3014620226728759;672 1859

3014620226736000;673 1800
3014620226744426;674 1826
3014620226751918;675 1818
3014620226769183;676 1883
3014620226777426;677 1826
3014620226785759;678 1859
3014620226793183;679 1883
3014620226801267;680 1867
3014620226819426;681 1826
3014620226827759;682 1859
3014620226835000;683 1800
3014620226843426;684 1826
3014620226850918;685 1818
3014620226868183;686 1883
3014620226876426;687 1826
3014620226884834;688 1834
3014620226892183;689 1883
3014620226900267;690 1867
3014620226918426;691 1826

3014620226926759;692 1859
3014620226934183;693 1883
3014620226942426;694 1826
3014620226959834;695 1834
3014620226967183;696 1883
3014620226975426;697 1826
3014620226983834;698 1834
3014620226991183;699 1883
3014620227007591;700 1891
3014620227015834;701 1834
3014620227023267;702 1867
3014620227031591;703 1891

3014620227049759;704 1859

3014620227056267;705 1867
3014620227064675;706 1875
3014620227072918;707 1818
3014620227080267;708 1867
3014620227098426;709 1826
3014620227106591;710 1891
3014620227114918;711 1818
3014620227122267;712 1867
3014620227130591;113 1891
3014620227148759;114 1859
3014620227155267;115 1867
3014620227163675;116 1875

3014620227171918;117 1818
3014620227189183;118 1883
3014620227197426;119 1826
3014620227205591;720 1891
3014620227213918;721 1818
3014620227221267;722 1867
3014620227239426;723 1826
3014620227247759;724 1859
3014620227254342;725 1842
3014620227262675;726 1875
3014620227270918;727 1818
3014620227288183;728 1883
3014620227296426;729 1826
3014620227304675;730 1875
3014620227312918;731 1818
3014620227320267;732 1867
3014620227338426;733 1826
3014620227346759;734 1859
3014620227353342;735 1842
3014620227361675;736 1875
3014620227379834;737 1834
3014620227387183;738 1883
3014620227395426;739 1826
3014620227403675;740 1875
3014620227411918;741 1818
3014620227429183;742 1883
3014620227437426;743 1826
3014620227445759;744 1859
3014620227452342;745 1842
3014620227460675;746 1875
3014620227478834;747 1834
3014620227486183;748 1883
3014620227494591;749 1891
3014620227502591;750 1891
3014620227510834;751 1834
3014620227528000;752 1800
3014620227536342;753 1842
3014620227544759;754 1859

3014620227551267;755 1867

3014620227569426;756 1826
3014620227577759;757 1859
3014620227585000;758 1800

3014620227593426;759 1826
3014620227601591;760 1891
3014620227619759;761 1859

3014620227627000;762 1800
3014620227635342;763 1842
3014620227643759;764 1859
3014620227650267;765 1867
3014620227668426;766 1826
3014620227676759;767 1859
3014620227684183;768 1883
3014620227692426;769 1826
3014620227700591;770 1891
3014620227718759;771 1859
3014620227726000;772 1800
3014620227734426;773 1826
3014620227742759;774 1859
3014620227759183;775 1883
3014620227767426;776 1826
3014620227775759;777 1859
3014620227783183;778 1883
3014620227791426;779 1826
3014620227809426;780 1826
3014620227817759;781 1859
3014620227825000;782 1800
3014620227833426;783 1826
3014620227841759;784 1859

3014620227858183;785 1883
3014620227866426;786 1826
3014620227874834;787 1834
3014620227882183;788 1883

3014620227890426;789 1826
3014620227908426;790 1826
3014620227916759;791 1859
3014620227924183;792 1883
3014620227932426;793 1826
3014620227940759;794 1859
3014620227957183;795 1883

3014620227965426;796 1826
3014620227973834;797 1834
3014620227981183;798 1883
3014620227999342;799 1842
3014620228005834;800 1834
3014620228013267;801 1867
3014620228021591;802 1891
3014620228039759;803 1859

3014620228047000;804 1800
3014620228054675;805 1875
3014620228062918;806 1818
3014620228070267;807 1867
3014620228088426;808 1826
3014620228096759;809 1859
3014620228104918;810 1818
3014620228112267;811 1867
3014620228120591;812 1891
3014620228138759;813 1859
3014620228146000;814 1800
3014620228153675;815 1875
3014620228161918;816 1818
3014620228179183;817 1883
3014620228187426;818 1826
3014620228195759;819 1859
3014620228203918;820 1818
3014620228211267;821 1867

3014620228229426;822 1826
3014620228237759;823 1859
3014620228245000;824 1800
3014620228252675;825 1875
3014620228260918;826 1818
3014620228278183;827 1883
3014620228286426;828 1826
3014620228294834;829 1834
3014620228302918;830 1818
3014620228310267;831 1867
3014620228328426;832 1826
3014620228336759;833 1859
3014620228344183;834 1883
3014620228351675;835 1875
3014620228369834;836 1834
3014620228377183;837 1883
3014620228385426;838 1826
3014620228393834;839 1834
3014620228401918;840 1818

3014620228419183;841 1883
3014620228427426;842 1826
3014620228435759;843 1859
3014620228443183;844 1883
3014620228450675;845 1875
3014620228468834;846 1834
3014620228476183;847 1883
3014620228484591;848 1891

3014620228492834;849 1834
3014620228500834;850 1834
3014620228518000;851 1800
3014620228526342;852 1842
3014620228534759;853 1859
3014620228542000;854 1800
3014620228559426;855 1826
3014620228567759;856 1859
3014620228575000;857 1800
3014620228583426;858 1826
3014620228591759;859 1859
3014620228609759;860 1859
3014620228617000;861 1800
3014620228625342;862 1842
3014620228633759;863 1859
3014620228641000;864 1800
3014620228658426;865 1826

3014620228666759;866 1859
3014620228674183;867 1883
3014620228682426;868 1826
3014620228690759;869 1859
3014620228708759;870 1859
3014620228716000;871 1800
3014620228724426;872 1826
3014620228732759;873 1859
3014620228740000;874 1800
3014620228757426;875 1826
3014620228765759;876 1859
3014620228773183;877 1883
3014620228781426;878 1826
3014620228799675;879 1875
3014620228807759;880 1859
3014620228815000;881 1800
3014620228823426;882 1826
3014620228831759;883 1859
3014620228849918;884 1818
3014620228856426;885 1826
3014620228864834;886 1834
3014620228872183;887 1883
3014620228880426;888 1826
3014620228898675;889 1875
3014620228906759;890 1859
3014620228914183;891 1883
3014620228922426;892 1826
3014620228930759;893 1859
3014620228948918;894 1818

3014620228955426;895 1826
3014620228963834;896 1834
3014620228971183;897 1883
3014620228989342;898 1842
3014620228997675;899 1875

3014620229003267;900 1867

3014620229011591;901 1891
3014620229029759;902 1859

3014620229037000;903 1800
3014620229045342;904 1842
3014620229052918;905 1818
3014620229060267;906 1867
3014620229078426;907 1826
3014620229086759;908 1859

3014620229094183;909 1883
3014620229102267;910 1867
3014620229110591;911 1891
3014620229128759;912 1859
3014620229136000;913 1800
3014620229144426;914 1826
3014620229151918;915 1818
3014620229169183;916 1883
3014620229177426;917 1826
3014620229185759;918 1859

3014620229193183;919 1883
3014620229201267;920 1867
3014620229219426;921 1826
3014620229227759;922 1859
3014620229235000;923 1800
3014620229243426;924 1826
3014620229250918;925 1818
3014620229268183;926 1883
3014620229276426;927 1826
3014620229284834;928 1834
3014620229292183;929 1883
3014620229300267;930 1867
3014620229318426;931 1826
3014620229326759;932 1859
3014620229334183;933 1883
3014620229342426;934 1826
3014620229359834;935 1834
3014620229367183;936 1883
3014620229375426;937 1826
3014620229383834;938 1834
3014620229391183;939 1883
3014620229409183;940 1883
3014620229417426;941 1826
3014620229425759;942 1859
3014620229433183;943 1883
3014620229441426;944 1826

3014620229458834;945 1834
3014620229466183;946 1883
3014620229474591;947 1891
3014620229482834;948 1834
3014620229490183;949 1883
3014620229508000;950 1800
3014620229516342;951 1842
3014620229524759;952 1859
3014620229532000;953 1800

3014620229540342;954 1842
3014620229557759;955 1859
3014620229565000;956 1800
3014620229573426;957 1826
3014620229581759;958 1859
3014620229599918;959 1818
3014620229607000;960 1800
3014620229615342;961 1842
3014620229623759;962 1859
3014620229631000;963 1800
3014620229649267;964 1867
3014620229656759;965 1859
3014620229664183;966 1883
3014620229672426;967 1826

3014620229680759;968 1859
3014620229698918;969 1818
3014620229706000;970 1800
3014620229714426;971 1826
3014620229722759;972 1859
3014620229730000;973 1800
3014620229748267;974 1867
3014620229755759;975 1859
3014620229763183;976 1883
3014620229771426;977 1826
3014620229789675;978 1875
3014620229797918;979 1818

3014620229805000;980 1800

3014620229813426;981 1826
3014620229821759;982 1859
3014620229839918;983 1818
3014620229847267;984 1867

3014620229854834;985 1834
3014620229862183;986 1883
3014620229870426;987 1826
3014620229888675;988 1875

3014620229896918;989 1818
3014620229904183;990 1883

3014620229914183;991 1883
3014620229920759;992 1859
3014620229938918;993 1818
3014620229946267;994 1867
3014620229953834;995 1834
3014620229961183;996 1883
3014620229979342;997 1842
3014620229987675;998 1875
3014620229995918;999 1818
3014620230001342;000 1842
3014620230019591;001 1891

3014620230027834;002 1834
3014620230035183;003 1883
3014620230043591;004 1891
3014620230050000;005 1800
3014620230068267;006 1867
3014620230076591;007 1891

3014620230084918;008 1818
3014620230092267;009 1867

3014620230100342;010 1842

3014620230118591;011 1891
3014620230126834;012 1834
3014620230134267;013 1867
3014620230142591;014 1891

3014620230159918;015 1818
3014620230167267;016 1867
3014620230175591;017 1891

3014620230183918;018 1818
3014620230191267;019 1867
3014620230209267;020 1867
3014620230217591;021 1891
3014620230225834;022 1834
3014620230233267;023 1867
3014620230241591;024 1891
3014620230258918;025 1818
3014620230266267;026 1867

3014620230274675;027 1875
3014620230282918;028 1818
3014620230290267;029 1867
3014620230308367;030 1867
3014620230316591;031 1891

3014620230324918;032 1818
3014620230332267;033 1867
3014620230340591;034 1891

3014620230357918;035 1818
3014620230365267;036 1867
3014620230373675;037 1875
3014620230381918;038 1818
3014620230399183;039 1883
3014620230407267;040 1867
3014620230415591;041 1891
3014620230423918;042 1818
3014620230431267;043 1867
3014620230449426;044 1826
3014620230456918;045 1818

3014620230464342;046 1842
3014620230472675;047 1875
3014620230480918;048 1818
3014620230498183;049 1883
3014620230506183;050 1883

3014620230514591;051 1891
3014620230522834;052 1834
3014620230530183;053 1883
3014620230548342;054 1842
3014620230555834;055 1834
3014620230563267;056 1867
3014620230571591;057 1891
3014620230589759;058 1859

3014620230597000;059 1800
3014620230605183;060 1883
3014620230613591;061 1891
3014620230621834;062 1834
3014620230639000;063 1800
3014620230647342;064 1842
3014620230654918;065 1818
3014620230662267;066 1867
3014620230670591;067 1891
3014620230688759;068 1859
3014620230696000;069 1800
3014620230704267;070 1867
3014620230712591;071 1891
3014620230720834;072 1834
3014620230738000;073 1800
3014620230746342;074 1842
3014620230753918;075 1818
3014620230761267;076 1867
3014620230779426;077 1826
3014620230787759;078 1859
3014620230795000;079 1800
3014620230803267;080 1867
3014620230811591;081 1891
3014620230829759;082 1859
3014620230837000;083 1800
3014620230845342;084 1842
3014620230852918;085 1818
3014620230860267;086 1867
3014620230878426;087 1826
3014620230886759;088 1859
3014620230894183;089 1883

3014620230902267;090 1867

3014620230910591;091 1891
3014620230928759;092 1859
3014620230936000;093 1800
3014620230944426;094 1826
3014620230951918;095 1818
3014620230969183;096 1883
3014620230977426;097 1826
3014620230985759;098 1859
3014620230993183;099 1883
3014620231009591;100 1891
3014620231017834;101 1834
3014620231025183;102 1883
3014620231033591;103 1891

3014620231041834;104 1834
3014620231058267;105 1867
3014620231066591;106 1891
3014620231074918;107 1818
3014620231082267;108 1867
3014620231090591;109 1891
3014620231108591;110 1891
3014620231116834;111 1834
3014620231124267;112 1867
3014620231132591;113 1891
3014620231140834;114 1834
3014620231157267;115 1867
3014620231165591;116 1891
3014620231173918;117 1818
3014620231181267;118 1867
3014620231199426;119 1826
3014620231207591;120 1891
3014620231215834;121 1834
3014620231223267;122 1867
3014620231231591;123 1891
3014620231249759;124 1859
3014620231256267;125 1867
3014620231264675;126 1875
3014620231272918;127 1818
3014620231280267;128 1867
3014620231298426;129 1826
3014620231306591;130 1891
3014620231314918;131 1818
3014620231322267;132 1867
3014620231330591;133 1891
3014620231348759;134 1859
3014620231355267;135 1867
3014620231363675;136 1875
3014620231371918;137 1818
3014620231389183;138 1883
3014620231397426;139 1826
3014620231405591;140 1891
3014620231413918;141 1818
3014620231421267;142 1867
3014620231439426;143 1826
3014620231447759;144 1859
3014620231454342;145 1842
3014620231462675;146 1875
3014620231470918;147 1818
3014620231488183;148 1883
3014620231496426;149 1826
3014620231504591;150 1891
3014620231512834;151 1834
3014620231520183;152 1883
3014620231538342;153 1842
3014620231546675;154 1875
3014620231553267;155 1867
3014620231561591;156 1891
3014620231579759;157 1859
3014620231587000;158 1800
3014620231595342;159 1842
3014620231603591;160 1891
3014620231611834;161 1834
3014620231629000;162 1800
3014620231637342;163 1842
3014620231645675;164 1875
3014620231652267;165 1867
3014620231660591;166 1891
3014620231678759;167 1859
3014620231686000;168 1800
3014620231694426;169 1826
3014620231702591;170 1891
3014620231710834;171 1834
3014620231728000;172 1800
3014620231736342;173 1842
3014620231744759;174 1859
3014620231751267;175 1867
3014620231769426;176 1826
3014620231777759;177 1859
3014620231785000;178 1800
3014620231793426;179 1826
3014620231801591;180 1891
3014620231819759;181 1859
3014620231827000;182 1800
3014620231835342;183 1842
3014620231843759;184 1859
3014620231850267;185 1867
3014620231868426;186 1826
3014620231876759;187 1859
3014620231884183;188 1883
3014620231892426;189 1826
3014620231900591;190 1891
3014620231918759;191 1859
3014620231926000;192 1800
3014620231934426;193 1826
3014620231942759;194 1859
3014620231959183;195 1883
3014620231967426;196 1826
3014620231975759;197 1859
3014620231983183;198 1883
3014620231991426;199 1826
3014620232007834;200 1834

3014620232015183;201 1883
3014620232023591;202 1891
3014620232031834;203 1834
3014620232049000;204 1800
3014620232056591;205 1891
3014620232064918;206 1818
3014620232072267;207 1867
3014620232080591;208 1891
3014620232098759;209 1859
3014620232106834;210 1834
3014620232114267;211 1867
3014620232122591;212 1891
3014620232130834;213 1834
3014620232148000;214 1800

3014620232155591;215 1891
3014620232163918;216 1818
3014620232171267;217 1867
3014620232189426;218 1826
3014620232197759;219 1859
3014620232205834;220 1834
3014620232213267;221 1867
3014620232221591;222 1891
3014620232239759;223 1859
3014620232247000;224 1800
3014620232254675;225 1875
3014620232262918;226 1818
3014620232270267;227 1867
3014620232288426;228 1826
3014620232296759;229 1859
3014620232304918;230 1818
3014620232312267;231 1867
3014620232320591;232 1891
3014620232338759;233 1859
3014620232346000;234 1800
3014620232353675;235 1875
3014620232361918;236 1818
3014620232379183;237 1883
3014620232387426;238 1826
3014620232395759;239 1859
3014620232403918;240 1818
3014620232411267;241 1867
3014620232429426;242 1826
3014620232437759;243 1859
3014620232445000;244 1800
3014620232452675;245 1875
3014620232460918;246 1818
3014620232478183;247 1883
3014620232486426;248 1826
3014620232494834;249 1834
3014620232502834;250 1834
3014620232510183;251 1883
3014620232528342;252 1842
3014620232536675;253 1875
3014620232544000;254 1800
3014620232551591;255 1891
3014620232569759;256 1859
3014620232577000;257 1800
3014620232585342;258 1842
3014620232593759;259 1859
3014620232601834;260 1834
3014620232619000;261 1800
3014620232627342;262 1842
3014620232635675;263 1875
3014620232643000;264 1800

3014620232650591;265 1891
3014620232668759;266 1859
3014620232676000;267 1800
3014620232684426;268 1826
3014620232692759;269 1859
3014620232700834;270 1834
3014620232718000;271 1800
3014620232726342;272 1842

3014620232734759;273 1859
3014620232742000;274 1800
3014620232759426;275 1826
3014620232767759;276 1859
3014620232775000;277 1800
3014620232783426;278 1826
3014620232791759;279 1859
3014620232809759;280 1859
3014620232817000;281 1800
3014620232825342;282 1842
3014620232833759;283 1859
3014620232841000;284 1800
3014620232858426;285 1826
3014620232866759;286 1859
3014620232874183;287 1883
3014620232882426;288 1826
3014620232890759;289 1859

3014620232908759;290 1859
3014620232916000;291 1800
3014620232924426;292 1826
3014620232932759;293 1859
3014620232940000;294 1800
3014620232957426;295 1826
3014620232965759;296 1859
3014620232973183;297 1883
3014620232981426;298 1826

3014620232999675;299 1875
3014620233005183;300 1883
3014620233013591;301 1891
3014620233021834;302 1834
3014620233039000;303 1800
3014620233047342;304 1842
3014620233054918;305 1818
3014620233062267;306 1867
3014620233070591;307 1891
3014620233088759;308 1859
3014620233096000;309 1800
3014620233104267;310 1867
3014620233112591;311 1891
3014620233120834;312 1834
3014620233138000;313 1800
3014620233146342;314 1842
3014620233153918;315 1818

3014620233161267;316 1867
3014620233179426;317 1826
3014620233187759;318 1859
3014620233195000;319 1800
3014620233203267;320 1867
3014620233211591;321 1891
3014620233229759;322 1859
3014620233237000;323 1800
3014620233245342;324 1842
3014620233252918;325 1818
3014620233260267;326 1867
3014620233278426;327 1826
3014620233286759;328 1859
3014620233294183;329 1883
3014620233302267;330 1867
3014620233310591;331 1891
3014620233328759;332 1859
3014620233336000;333 1800
3014620233344426;334 1826
3014620233351918;335 1818
3014620233369183;336 1883
3014620233377426;337 1826
3014620233385759;338 1859
3014620233393183;339 1883
3014620233401267;340 1867
3014620233419426;341 1826
3014620233427759;342 1859
3014620233435000;343 1800
3014620233443426;344 1826
3014620233450918;345 1818
3014620233463183;346 1883
3014620233476426;347 1826
3014620233484834;348 1834
3014620233492183;349 1883
3014620233500183;350 1883

3014620233518342;351 1842
3014620233526675;352 1875
3014620233534000;353 1800
3014620233542342;354 1842
3014620233559759;355 1859
3014620233567000;356 1800
3014620233575342;357 1842

3014620233583759;358 1859
3014620233591000;359 1800
3014620233609000;360 1800
3014620233617342;361 1842
3014620233625675;362 1875
3014620233633000;363 1800
3014620233641342;364 1842
3014620233658759;365 1859
3014620233666000;366 1800
3014620233674426;367 1826
3014620233682759;368 1859
3014620233690000;369 1800
3014620233708000;370 1800
3014620233716342;371 1842
3014620233724759;372 1859
3014620233732000;373 1800
3014620233740342;374 1842
3014620233757759;375 1859
3014620233765000;376 1800
3014620233773426;377 1826
3014620233781759;378 1859
3014620233799918;379 1818
3014620233807000;380 1800
3014620233815342;381 1842
3014620233823759;382 1859
3014620233831000;383 1800
3014620233849267;384 1867
3014620233856759;385 1859
3014620233864183;386 1883
3014620233872426;387 1826
3014620233880759;388 1859
3014620233898918;389 1818
3014620233906000;390 1800
3014620233914426;391 1826
3014620233922759;392 1859
3014620233930000;393 1800
3014620233948267;394 1867
3014620233955759;395 1859

3014620233963183;396 1883
3014620233971426;397 1826
3014620233989675;398 1875
3014620233997918;399 1818
3014620234003591;400 1891
3014620234011834;401 1834
3014620234029000;402 1800
3014620234037342;403 1842
3014620234045675;404 1875
3014620234052267;405 1867
3014620234060591;406 1891
3014620234078759;407 1859
3014620234086000;408 1800
3014620234094426;409 1826
3014620234102591;410 1891
3014620234110834;411 1834
3014620234128000;412 1800
3014620234136342;413 1842
3014620234144759;414 1859
3014620234151267;415 1867
3014620234169426;416 1826
3014620234177759;417 1859
3014620234185000;418 1800
3014620234193426;419 1826
3014620234201591;420 1891
3014620234219759;421 1859
3014620234227000;422 1800

3014620234235342;423 1842
3014620234243759;424 1859
3014620234250267;425 1867
3014620234268426;426 1826
3014620234276759;427 1859
3014620234284183;428 1883
3014620234292426;429 1826
3014620234300591;430 1891
3014620234318759;431 1859
3014620234326000;432 1800
3014620234334426;433 1826
3014620234342759;434 1859
3014620234359183;435 1883
3014620234367426;436 1826
3014620234375759;437 1859
3014620234383183;438 1883
3014620234391426;439 1826
3014620234409426;440 1826
3014620234417759;441 1859
3014620234425000;442 1800
3014620234433426;443 1826

3014620234441759;444 1859
3014620234458183;445 1883
3014620234466426;446 1826
3014620234474834;447 1834
3014620234482183;448 1883
3014620234490426;449 1826
3014620234508342;450 1842
3014620234516675;451 1875
3014620234524000;452 1800

3014620234532342;453 1842

3014620234540675;454 1875
3014620234557000;455 1800
3014620234565342;456 1842
3014620234573759;457 1859
3014620234581000;458 1800
3014620234599267;459 1867
3014620234607342;460 1842
3014620234615675;461 1875
3014620234623000;462 1800
3014620234631342;463 1842
3014620234649591;464 1891
3014620234656000;465 1800
3014620234664426;466 1826
3014620234672759;467 1859
3014620234680000;468 1800
3014620234698267;469 1867
3014620234706342;470 1842
3014620234714759;471 1859
3014620234722000;472 1800
3014620234730342;473 1842
3014620234748591;474 1891
3014620234755000;475 1800
3014620234763426;476 1826
3014620234771759;477 1859
3014620234789918;478 1818

3014620234797267;479 1867
3014620234805342;480 1842
3014620234813759;481 1859
3014620234821000;482 1800

3014620234839267;483 1867

3014620234847591;484 1891

3014620234854183;485 1883
3014620234862426;486 1826
3014620234870759;487 1859
3014620234888918;488 1818
3014620234896267;489 1867

3014620234904426;490 1826
3014620234912759;491 1859
3014620234920000;492 1800
3014620234938267;493 1867
3014620234946591;494 1891
3014620234953183;495 1883
3014620234961426;496 1826
3014620234979675;497 1875
3014620234987918;498 1818
3014620234995267;499 1867

3014620235000000;500 1800

3014620235018267;501 1867
3014620235026591;502 1891

3014620235034918;503 1818
3014620235042267;504 1867
3014620235059675;505 1876
3014620235067918;506 1818
3014620235075267;507 1867
3014620235083675;508 1875
3014620235091918;509 1818
3014620235109918;510 1818
3014620235117267;511 1867
3014620235125591;512 1891

3014620235133918;513 1818
3014620235141267;514 1867
3014620235158675;515 1875
3014620235166918;516 1818
3014620235174342;517 1842
3014620235182675;518 1875

3014620235190918;519 1818
3014620235208918;520 1818
3014620235216267;521 1867
3014620235224675;522 1875
3014620235232918;523 1818
3014620235240267;524 1867
3014620235257675;525 1875
3014620235265918;526 1818
3014620235273342;527 1842
3014620235281675;528 1875
3014620235299834;529 1834
3014620235307918;530 1818
3014620235315267;531 1867
3014620235323675;532 1875
3014620235331918;533 1818
3014620235349183;534 1883
3014620235356675;535 1875
3014620235364000;536 1800
3014620235372342;537 1842
3014620235380675;538 1875
3014620235398834;539 1834
3014620235406918;540 1818
3014620235414342;541 1842
3014620235422675;542 1875
3014620235430918;543 1818
3014620235448183;544 1883
3014620235455675;545 1875
3014620235463000;546 1800
3014620235471342;547 1842
3014620235489591;548 1891
3014620235497834;549 1834
3014620235505834;550 1834
3014620235513267;551 1867

3014620235521591;552 1891
3014620235539759;553 1859
3014620235547000;554 1800
3014620235554675;555 1875
3014620235562918;556 1818
3014620235570267;557 1867

3014620235588426;558 1826
3014620235596759;559 1859
3014620235604918;560 1818
3014620235612267;561 1867
3014620235620591;562 1891
3014620235638759;563 1859
3014620235646000;564 1800

3014620235653675;565 1875
3014620235661918;566 1818
3014620235679183;567 1883
3014620235687426;568 1826
3014620235695759;569 1859
3014620235703918;570 1818
3014620235711267;571 1867
3014620235729426;572 1826
3014620235737759;573 1859
3014620235745000;574 1800
3014620235752675;575 1875
3014620235760918;576 1818
3014620235778183;577 1883
3014620235786426;578 1826
3014620235794834;579 1834
3014620235802918;580 1818
3014620235810267;581 1867
3014620235828426;582 1826

3014620235836759;583 1859
3014620235844183;584 1883
3014620235851675;585 1875
3014620235869834;586 1834
3014620235877183;587 1883
3014620235885426;588 1826
3014620235893834;589 1834
3014620235901918;590 1818
3014620235919183;591 1883
3014620235927426;592 1826

3014620235935759;593 1859
3014620235943183;594 1883
3014620235950675;595 1875
3014620235968834;596 1835
3014620235976183;597 1883
3014620235984591;598 1891
3014620235992834;599 1834
3014620236008267;600 1867
3014620236016591;601 1891
3014620236024918;602 1818

3014620236032267;603 1867
3014620236040591;604 1891
3014620236057918;605 1818
3014620236065267;506 1867
3014620236073675;607 1875
3014620236081918;608 1818
3014620236099183;609 1883
3014620236107267;610 1867
3014620236115591;611 1891
3014620236123918;612 1818
3014620236131267;613 1867
3014620236149426;614 1826
3014620236156918;615 1818
3014620236164342;616 1842
3014620236172675;617 1875
3014620236180918;618 1818
3014620236198183;619 1883
3014620236206267;620 1867
3014620236214675;621 1875
3014620236222918;622 1818
3014620236230267;623 1867
3014620236248426;624 1826
3014620236255918;625 1818
3014620236263342;626 1842
3014620236271675;627 1875
3014620236289834;628 1834
3014620236297183;629 1883
3014620236305267;630 1867
3014620236313675;631 1875
3014620236321918;632 1818
3014620236339183;633 1883
3014620236347426;634 1826
3014620236354000;635 1800
3014620236362342;636 1842
3014620236370675;637 1875

3014620236388834;638 1834
3014620236396183;639 1883
3014620236404342;640 1842
3014620236412675;641 1876
3014620236420918;642 1818
3014620236438183;643 1883
3014620236446426;644 1826
3014620236453000;645 1800
3014620236461342;646 1842
3014620236479591;647 1891
3014620236487834;648 1834
3014620236495183;649 1883
3014620236503267;650 1867
3014620236511591;651 1891
3014620236529759;652 1859
3014620236537000;653 1800
3014620236545342;654 1842
3014620236552918;655 1818
3014620236560267;656 1867
3014620236578426;657 1826
3014620236586759;658 1859
3014620236594183;659 1883

3014620236602267;660 1867
3014620236610591;661 1891
3014620236628759;662 1859
3014620236636000;663 1800
3014620236644426;664 1826
3014620236651918;665 1818
3014620236669183;666 1883
3014620236677426;667 1826
3014620236685759;668 1859
3014620236693183;669 1883
3014620236701267;670 1867
3014620236719426;671 1826
3014620236727759;672 1859
3014620236735000;673 1800
3014620236743426;674 1826
3014620236750918;675 1818

3014620236768183;676 1883
3014620236776426;677 1826
3014620236784834;678 1834
3014620236792183;679 1883
3014620236800267;680 1867
3014620236818426;681 1826
3014620236826759;682 1859
3014620236834183;683 1883
3014620236842426;684 1826
3014620236859834;685 1834
3014620236867183;686 1883
3014620236875426;687 1826
3014620236883834;688 1834
3014620236891183;689 1883
3014620236909183;690 1883

3014620236917426;691 1826
3014620236925759;692 1859
3014620236933183;693 1883
3014620236941426;694 1826
3014620236958834;695 1834
3014620236966183;696 1883
3014620236974591;697 1891
3014620236982834;698 1834
3014620236990183;699 1883

3014620237006591;700 1891
3014620237014918;701 1818
3014620237022267;702 1867
3014620237030591;703 1891
3014620237048759;704 1859
3014620237055267;705 1867
3014620237063675;706 1875
3014620237071918;707 1818

3014620237089183;708 1883
3014620237097426;709 1826
3014620237105591;710 1891
3014620237113918;711 1818
3014620237121267;712 1867
3014620237139426;713 1826
3014620237147759;714 1859
3014620237154342;715 1842
3014620237162675;716 1875
3014620237170918;717 1818
3014620237188183;718 1883
3014620237196426;719 1826

3014620237204675;720 1875
3014620237212918;721 1818

3014620237220267;722 1867
3014620237238426;723 1826
3014620237246759;724 1859
3014620237253342;725 1842
3014620237261675;726 1875
3014620237279834;727 1834
3014620237287183;728 1883
3014620237295426;729 1826
3014620237303675;730 1875
3014620237311918;731 1818
3014620237329183;732 1883
3014620237337426;733 1826
3014620237345759;734 1859
3014620237352342;735 1842
3014620237360675;736 1875

3014620237378834;737 1834
3014620237386183;738 1883
3014620237394591;739 1891
3014620237402675;740 1875
3014620237410918;741 1818
3014620237428183;742 1883

3014620237436426;743 1826
3014620237444834;744 1834
3014620237451342;745 1842
3014620237469591;746 1891
3014620237477834;747 1834
3014620237485183;748 1883
3014620237493591;749 1891
3014620237501591;750 1891
3014620237519759;751 1859
3014620237527000;752 1800
3014620237535342;753 1842
3014620237543759;754 1859
3014620237550267;755 1867
3014620237568426;756 1826
3014620237576759;757 1859
3014620237584183;758 1883
3014620237592426;759 1826
3014620237600591;760 1891
3014620237618759;761 1859
3014620237626000;762 1800
3014620237634426;763 1826
3014620237642759;764 1859
3014620237659183;765 1883
3014620237667426;766 1826
3014620237675759;767 1859
3014620237683183;768 1883
3014620237691426;769 1826
3014620237709426;770 1826
3014620237717759;771 1859
3014620237725000;772 1800
3014620237733426;773 1826
3014620237741759;774 1859
3014620237758183;775 1883
3014620237766426;776 1826
3014620237774834;777 1834
3014620237782183;778 1883
3014620237790426;779 1826
3014620237808426;780 1826
3014620237816759;781 1859
3014620237824183;782 1883
3014620237832426;783 1826
3014620237840759;784 1859

3014620237857183;785 1883
3014620237865426;786 1826

3014620237873834;787 1834
3014620237881183;788 1883
3014620237899342;789 1843

3014620237907426;790 1826
3014620237915759;791 1859
3014620237923183;792 1883
3014620237931426;793 1826
3014620237949675;794 1875
3014620237956183;795 1883

3014620237964591;796 1891
3014620237972834;797 1834
3014620237980183;798 1883
3014620237998342;799 1842

3014620238004918;800 1818
3014620238012267;801 1867

3014620238020591;802 1891
3014620238038759;803 1859
3014620238046000;804 1800

3014620238053675;805 1875

3014620238061918;806 1818
3014620238079183;807 1883
3014620238087426;808 1826
3014620238095759;809 1859
3014620238103918;810 1818
3014620238111267;811 1867
3014620238129426;812 1826
3014620238137759;813 1859
3014620238145000;814 1800
3014620238152675;815 1875
3014620238160918;816 1818
3014620238178183;817 1883
3014620238186426;818 1826
3014620238194834;819 1834
3014620238202918;820 1818
3014620238210267;821 1867
3014620238228426;822 1826
3014620238236759;823 1859
3014620238244183;824 1883
3014620238251675;825 1875
3014620238269834;826 1834
3014620238277183;827 1883
3014620238285426;828 1826
3014620238293834;829 1834

3014620238301918;830 1818
3014620238319183;831 1883
3014620238327426;832 1826
3014620238335759;833 1859
3014620238343183;834 1883
3014620238350675;835 1875
3014620238368834;836 1834
3014620238376183;837 1883
3014620238384591;838 1891
3014620238392834;839 1834
3014620238400918;840 1818
3014620238418183;841 1883
3014620238426426;842 1826
3014620238434834;843 1834
3014620238442183;844 1883
3014620238459591;845 1891
3014620238467834;846 1834
3014620238475183;847 1883
3014620238483591;848 1891
3014620238491834;849 1834

3014620238509759;850 1859
3014620238517000;851 1800
3014620238525342;852 1842
3014620238533759;853 1859
3014620238541000;854 1800
3014620238558426;855 1826
3014620238566759;856 1859
3014620238574183;857 1883
3014620238582426;858 1826
3014620238590759;859 1859
3014620238608759;860 1859
3014620238616000;861 1800
3014620238624426;862 1826
3014620238632759;863 1859
3014620238640000;864 1800
3014620238657426;865 1826
3014620238665759;866 1859
3014620238673183;867 1883
3014620238681426;868 1826
3014620238699675;869 1875
3014620238707759;870 1859
3014620238715000;871 1800
3014620238723426;872 1826
3014620238731759;873 1859
3014620238749918;874 1818
3014620238756426;875 1826

3014620238764834;876 1834
3014620238772183;877 1883
3014620238780426;878 1826
3014620238798675;879 1875
3014620238806759;880 1859
3014620238814183;881 1883
3014620238822426;882 1826
3014620238830759;883 1859
3014620238848918;884 1818

3014620238855426;885 1826
3014620238863834;886 1834
3014620238871183;887 1883
3014620238889342;888 1842
3014620238897675;889 1875

3014620238905759;890 1859
3014620238913183;891 1883
3014620238921426;892 1826
3014620238939675;893 1875
3014620238947918;894 1818
3014620238954591;895 1891
3014620238962834;896 1834
3014620238970183;897 1883
3014620238988342;898 1842
3014620238996675;899 1875
3014620239002267;900 1867
3014620239010591;901 1891
3014620239028759;902 1859
3014620239036000;903 1800

3014620239044426;904 1826
3014620239051918;905 1818
3014620239069183;906 1883
3014620239077426;907 1826
3014620239085759;908 1859
3014620239093183;909 1883

3014620239101267;910 1867
3014620239119426;911 1826
3014620239127759;912 1859
3014620239135000;913 1800
3014620239143426;914 1826
3014620239150918;915 1818
3014620239168183;916 1883

3014620239176426;917 1826
3014620239184834;918 1834
3014620239192183;919 1883
3014620239200267;920 1867
3014620239218426;921 1826
3014620239226759;922 1859
3014620239234183;923 1883
3014620239242426;924 1826
3014620239259834;925 1834
3014620239267183;926 1883
3014620239275426;927 1826
3014620239283834;928 1834
3014620239291183;929 1883
3014620239309183;930 1883
3014620239317426;931 1826
3014620239325759;932 1859
3014620239333183;933 1883
3014620239341426;934 1826
3014620239358834;935 1834
3014620239366183;936 1883
3014620239374591;937 1891
3014620239382834;938 1834
3014620239390183;939 1883
3014620239408183;940 1883
3014620239416426;941 1826
3014620239424834;942 1834
3014620239432183;943 1883
3014620239440426;944 1826
3014620239457834;945 1834
3014620239465183;946 1883
3014620239473591;947 1891

3014620239481834;948 1834
3014620239499000;949 1800
3014620239507000;950 1800
3014620239515342;951 1842
3014620239523759;952 1859
3014620239531000;953 1800
3014620239549267;954 1867
3014620239556759;955 1859
3014620239564183;956 1883
3014620239572426;957 1826
3014620239580759;958 1859
3014620239598918;959 1818
3014620239606000;960 1800

3014620239614426;961 1826
3014620239622759;962 1859
3014620239630000;963 1800
3014620239648267;964 1867
3014620239655759;965 1859
3014620239663183;966 1883
3014620239671426;967 1826
3014620239689675;968 1875
3014620239697918;969 1818
3014620239705000;970 1800
3014620239713426;971 1826
3014620239721759;972 1859
3014620239739918;973 1818
3014620239747267;974 1867
3014620239754834;975 1834
3014620239762183;976 1883
3014620239770426;977 1826
3014620239788675;978 1875
3014620239796918;979 1818
3014620239804183;980 1883
3014620239812426;981 1826
3014620239820759;982 1859
3014620239838918;983 1818
3014620239846267;984 1867
3014620239853834;985 1834
3014620239861183;986 1883
3014620239879342;987 1842
3014620239887675;988 1875
3014620239895918;989 1818
3014620239903183;990 1883
3014620239911426;991 1826
3014620239929675;992 1875
3014620239937918;993 1818
3014620239945267;994 1867
3014620239952834;995 1834
3014620239960183;996 1883
3014620239978342;997 1843
3014620239986675;998 1875
3014620239994000;999 1800
3014620240000342;000 1842
3014620240018591;001 1891
3014620240026834;002 1834
3014620240034267;003 1867
3014620240042591;004 1891
3014620240059918;005 1818
3014620240067267;006 1867
3014620240075591;007 1891
3014620240083918;008 1818
3014620240091267;009 1867

3014620240109267;010 1867
3014620240117591;011 1891
3014620240125834;012 1834
3014620240133267;013 1867
3014620240141591;014 1891
3014620240158918;015 1818
3014620240166267;016 1867
3014620240174675;017 1875
3014620240182918;018 1818
3014620240190267;019 1867
3014620240208267;020 1867
3014620240216591;021 1891

3014620240224918;022 1818
3014620240232267;023 1867
3014620240240591;024 1891
3014620240257918;025 1818
3014620240265267;026 1867
3014620240273675;027 1875
3014620240281918;028 1818
3014620240299183;029 1883
3014620240307267;030 1867
3014620240315591;031 1891
3014620240323918;032 1818
3014620240331267;033 1867
3014620240349426;034 1826
3014620240356918;035 1818

3014620240364342;036 1845
3014620240372675;037 1875
3014620240380918;038 1818
3014620240398183;039 1883
3014620240406267;040 1867
3014620240414675;041 1875
3014620240422918;042 1818
3014620240430267;043 1867
3014620240448426;044 1826
3014620240455918;045 1818
3014620240463342;046 1842
3014620240471675;047 1875
3014620240489834;048 1834
3014620240497183;049 1883
3014620240505183;050 1883
3014620240513591;051 1891
3014620240521834;052 1834
3014620240539000;053 1800
3014620240547342;054 1842
3014620240554918;055 1818
3014620240562267;056 1867
3014620240570591;057 1891
3014620240588759;058 1859
3014620240596000;059 1800
3014620240604267;060 1867

3014620240612591;061 1891
3014620240620834;062 1834
3014620240638000;063 1800
3014620240646342;064 1842
3014620240653918;065 1818
3014620240661267;066 1867
3014620240679426;067 1826
3014620240687759;068 1859
3014620240695000;069 1800

3014620240703267;070 1867
3014620240711591;071 1891
3014620240729759;072 1859
3014620240737000;073 1800
3014620240745342;074 1842
3014620240752918;075 1818
3014620240760267;076 1867
3014620240778426;077 1826
3014620240786759;078 1859
3014620240794183;079 1883
3014620240802267;080 1867
3014620240810591;081 1891

3014620240828759;082 1859
3014620240836000;083 1800
3014620240844426;084 1826
3014620240851918;085 1818
3014620240869183;086 1883
3014620240877426;087 1826

3014620240885759;088 1859
3014620240893183;089 1883
3014620240901267;090 1867
3014620240919426;091 1826
3014620240927759;092 1859
3014620240935000;093 1800
3014620240943426;094 1826

3014620240950918;095 1818
3014620240968183;096 1883
3014620240976426;097 1826
3014620240984834;098 1834
3014620240992183;099 1883
3014620241008591;100 1891
3014620241016834;101 1834

3014620241024267;102 1867
3014620241032591;103 1891
3014620241040834;104 1834
3014620241057267;105 1867
3014620241065591;106 1891
3014620241073918;107 1818
3014620241081267;108 1867
3014620241099426;109 1826
3014620241107591;110 1891
3014620241115834;111 1834
3014620241123267;112 1867
3014620241131591;113 1891

3014620241149759;114 1859
3014620241156267;115 1867
3014620241164675;116 1875

3014620241172918;117 1818
3014620241180267;118 1867
3014620241198426;119 1826
3014620241206591;120 1891
3014620241214918;121 1818
3014620241222267;122 1867

3014620241230591;123 1891
3014620241248759;124 1859
3014620241255267;125 1867
3014620241263675;126 1875
3014620241271918;127 1818
3014620241289183;128 1883
3014620241297426;129 1826
3014620241305591;130 1891
3014620241313918;131 1818
3014620241321267;132 1867
3014620241339426;133 1826
3014620241347759;134 1859
3014620241354342;135 1842
3014620241362675;136 1875

3014620241370918;137 1818
3014620241388183;138 1883
3014620241396426;139 1826
3014620241404675;140 1875
3014620241412918;141 1818
3014620241420267;142 1867
3014620241438426;143 1826
3014620241446759;144 1859
3014620241453342;145 1842
3014620241461675;146 1875
3014620241479834;147 1834
3014620241487183;148 1883
3014620241495426;149 1826
3014620241503591;150 1891

3014620241511834;151 1834
3014620241529000;152 1800
3014620241537342;153 1842
3014620241545675;154 1875
3014620241552267;155 1867
3014620241560591;156 1891
3014620241578759;157 1859
3014620241586000;158 1800
3014620241594426;159 1826
3014620241602591;160 1891
3014620241610834;161 1834
3014620241628000;162 1800
3014620241636342;163 1842
3014620241644759;164 1859
3014620241651267;165 1867
3014620241669426;166 1826
3014620241677759;167 1859
3014620241685000;168 1800
3014620241693426;169 1826

3014620241701591;170 1891
3014620241719759;171 1859
3014620241727000;172 1800
3014620241735342;173 1842
3014620241743759;174 1859
3014620241750267;175 1867
3014620241768426;176 1826
3014620241776759;177 1859
3014620241784183;178 1883
3014620241792426;179 1826
3014620241800591;180 1891
3014620241818759;181 1859

3014620241826000;182 1800
3014620241834426;183 1826

3014620241842759;184 1859
3014620241859183;185 1883
3014620241867426;186 1826
3014620241875759;187 1859
3014620241883183;188 1883
3014620241891426;189 1826
3014620241909426;190 1826

3014620241917759;191 1859
3014620241925000;192 1800
3014620241933426;193 1826

3014620241941759;194 1859
3014620241958183;195 1883
3014620241966426;196 1826
3014620241974834;197 1834
3014620241982183;198 1883
3014620241990426;199 1826
3014620242006834;200 1834
3014620242014267;201 1867
3014620242022591;202 1891
3014620242030834;203 1834
3014620242048000;204 1800
3014620242055591;205 1891
3014620242063918;206 1818
3014620242071267;207 1867
3014620242089426;208 1826
3014620242097759;209 1859
3014620242105834;210 1834
3014620242113267;211 1867
3014620242121591;212 1891
3014620242139759;213 1859
3014620242147000;214 1800
3014620242154675;215 1875
3014620242162918;216 1818
3014620242170267;217 1867
3014620242188426;218 1826

3014620242196759;219 1859
3014620242204918;220 1818
3014620242212267;221 1867
3014620242220591;222 1891
3014620242238759;223 1859
3014620242246000;224 1800
3014620242253675;225 1875
3014620242261918;226 1818
3014620242279183;227 1883
3014620242287426;228 1826
3014620242295759;229 1859
3014620242303918;230 1818
3014620242311267;231 1867
3014620242329426;232 1826
3014620242337759;233 1859
3014620242345000;234 1800
3014620242352675;235 1875
3014620242360918;236 1818
3014620242378183;237 1883
3014620242386426;238 1826
3014620242394834;239 1834
3014620242402918;240 1818
3014620242410267;241 1867
3014620242428426;242 1826
3014620242436759;243 1859
3014620242444183;244 1883
3014620242451675;245 1875
3014620242469834;246 1834
3014620242477183;247 1883
3014620242485426;248 1826
3014620242493834;249 1834
3014620242501834;250 1834
3014620242519000;251 1800
3014620242527342;252 1842
3014620242535675;253 1875
3014620242543000;254 1800
3014620242550591;255 1891
3014620242568759;256 1859
3014620242576000;257 1800
3014620242584426;258 1826
3014620242592759;259 1859
3014620242600834;260 1834
3014620242618000;261 1800
3014620242626342;262 1842
3014620242634759;263 1859
3014620242642000;264 1800
3014620242659426;265 1826
3014620242667759;266 1859
3014620242675000;267 1800
3014620242683426;268 1826
3014620242691759;269 1859
3014620242709759;270 1859
3014620242717000;271 1800
3014620242725342;272 1842
3014620242733759;273 1859
3014620242741000;274 1800
3014620242758426;275 1826
3014620242766759;276 1859
3014620242774183;277 1883
3014620242782426;278 1826
3014620242790759;279 1859
3014620242808759;280 1859
3014620242816000;281 1800
3014620242824426;282 1826
3014620242832759;283 1859
3014620242840000;284 1800
3014620242857426;285 1826
3014620242865759;286 1859
3014620242873183;287 1883
3014620242881426;288 1826
3014620242899675;289 1875
3014620242907759;290 1859
3014620242915000;291 1800
3014620242923426;292 1826
3014620242931759;293 1859
3014620242949918;294 1818
3014620242956426;295 1826
3014620242964834;296 1834
3014620242972183;297 1883
3014620242980426;298 1826
3014620242998675;299 1875
3014620243004267;300 1867
3014620243012591;301 1891
3014620243020834;302 1834
3014620243038000;303 1800
3014620243046342;304 1842
3014620243053918;305 1818
3014620243061267;306 1867
3014620243079426;307 1826
3014620243087759;308 1859
3014620243095000;309 1800
3014620243103267;310 1867
3014620243111591;311 1891
3014620243129759;312 1859
3014620243137000;313 1800
3014620243145342;314 1842
3014620243152918;315 1818
3014620243160267;316 1867
3014620243178426;317 1826
3014620243186759;318 1859
3014620243194183;319 1883
3014620243202267;320 1867
3014620243210591;321 1891
3014620243228759;322 1859
3014620243236000;323 1800

3014620243244426;324 1826
3014620243251918;325 1818
3014620243269183;326 1883
3014620243277426;327 1826
3014620243285759;328 1859
3014620243293183;329 1883
3014620243301267;330 1867
3014620243319426;331 1826
3014620243327759;332 1859
3014620243335000;333 1800
3014620243343426;334 1826

3014620243350918;335 1818
3014620243368183;336 1883
3014620243376426;337 1826
3014620243384834;338 1834
3014620243392183;339 1883

3014620243400267;340 1867
3014620243418426;341 1826
3014620243426759;342 1859
3014620243434183;343 1883
3014620243442426;344 1826
3014620243459834;345 1834
3014620243467183;346 1883
3014620243475426;347 1826
3014620243483834;348 1834

3014620243491183;349 1883
3014620243509000;350 1800
3014620243517342;351 1842
3014620243525675;352 1875
3014620243533000;353 1800
3014620243541342;354 1842
3014620243558759;355 1859
3014620243566000;356 1800
3014620243574426;357 1826
3014620243582759;358 1859
3014620243590000;359 1800
3014620243608000;360 1800
3014620243616342;361 1842
3014620243624759;362 1859
3014620243632000;363 1800
3014620243640342;364 1842
3014620243657759;365 1859

3014620243665000;366 1800
3014620243673426;367 1826
3014620243681759;368 1859
3014620243699918;369 1818
3014620243707000;370 1800
3014620243715342;371 1842
3014620243723759;372 1859
3014620243731000;373 1800

3014620243749267;374 1867

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