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Learning Goals Learning Activities Assessment Activities

Foundational: Identify and select blended Create a fun and playful

Learner will define the learning related instructional video
purpose of the blended resources/activities to introduce demonstrating the different
learning it models of blended learning
approach, identifying its and how each one works.
different models such as Demonstrate how it can be
station rotation, flipped applied in the classroom Pass anonymous surveys to
learning, enriched virtual practically. cast learners’ voting on their
and flex model. favorite model of blended
learning after watching the
Then they will select the video
appropriate model that
suits their learning style.

Application: Demonstrate proficiency in a Collaborate with at least two

Learner will experience variety of blended learning other peers to get feedback
the 4 types of available models and their practical during lesson plans creation
blended learning models application in the classroom to process.
by experimenting with create solid student-made
them to observe which lesson plans
model is most effective to
create and design an
effective lesson plan as a
team for a whole

Integration: Plan, create and design blended Collaborate with peers and
Learner will interview their learning-based lesson plans teachers for feedback during
peers, and other teachers with integrated the lesson plans creation
to get their feedback feedback/suggestion   process. 
about their initiative
lesson plans. Present completed lesson
plan draft to other
Learners then will classes/teachers.
integrate the given
feedbacks/suggestion to
make improvements and
finalize their lesson plans.

Human Dimension & Regularly communicate the Reflect upon peers/teachers

Caring: lesson plan creation process communications/suggestion
Prior to interviewing with peers/teacher for as a class and discuss their
peers/teachers, learners modifications/improvements to comprehension and inputs to
will overcome their fear of the design.  finalize the lesson plans.
speaking/ interviewing by
developing and refining
their communication skills
with my help and

Learning How to Learn: Define their passion, interest, Create and design a post-
Learners will identify their planning, collaborative skills, planning anonymous survey
distinct abilities and vision and personal goals to create a sheet to assess how this
to create their own lesson unique lesson plan that process was with 1-10 ratings
plans that fits their represent their intelligence, to get the learners feedback
interest, skills, and teamwork skills, creativity, and about their experience and for
cognitive abilities. their academic goals to be a future references.
lifelong and self-directed

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