AP Module4 TasksBC-Diaz

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John Rafael O.

Anatomy and Physiology
Module 4
Mr. Jefferson Flores
September 21, 2021
B. Do the labelling activity found in the module (pages 92 – 94).

Simple squamous epithelium Simple cuboidal epithelium Simple columnar epithelium


Stratified squamous epithelium Transitional epithelium


Adipose tissue Areolar connective tissue

4 7
1 3
2 5

Elastic cartilage Hyaline cartilage

Compact bone


Smooth muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle



Nervous tissue

C. Go to the Critical Thinking portion of the Module (page 95). Answer items 2 – 6.
2. A major tenet of the cell theory is that all bodily structure and function are based
on cells. The structural properties of bone, cartilage, and tendons, however, are
due more to their extracellular material than to their cells. Is this an exception
to the cell theory? Why or why not?
• No, it does not deviate from the cell theory. Because the extracellular matrix
and extracellular components of the tissue are created by the cells in the
tissues. This indicates that the extracellular substance is produced by a
specific cell, confirming the cell theory.
3. The epithelium of the respiratory tract is mostly of the pseudostratified
columnar ciliated type, but in the alveoli – the tiny air sacs where oxygen and
carbon dioxide are exchanged between the blood and inhaled air – the
epithelium is simple squamous. Explain the functional significance of this
histological difference. That is, why don’t the alveoli have the same kind of
epithelium as the rest of the respiratory tract?
• Transporting chemicals via membrane or diffusion is one of the basic squamous
processes. That's also essential in the alveoli since they exchange gasses in
the lungs fast. The gasses would not be able to diffuse quickly through the
membrane if the alveoli had ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelial. The
function of ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelia is to secrete mucus,
which blocks gasses from entering and exiting the membrane.
4. Which do you think would heal faster, cartilage or bone? Stratified squamous
or simple columnar epithelium? Why?
• Bones would heal more quickly. It's due to the fact that when bone cells are
injured, they respond and divide more rapidly. Because bone cells are
constantly renewed, and osteoblasts and osteoclasts work together to replace
injured bone cells, bone cells are always active.
• Simple cell layers heal faster than stratified cell layers almost every time. It’s
because stratified entails multiple layers, which means that many layers have
been destroyed and must be repaired.
5. Name a tissue that has the following characteristics: abundant extracellular
matrix consisting almost entirely of collagen fibers that are parallel to each
other. Then state which of the following injuries results from damage to this kind
of tissue: dislocated neck vertebrae, torn tendon, or ruptured intervertebral disk.
• Dense irregular and a torn tendon.
6. You are entering a “Cutest Baby Contest” and have asked your colleagues to
help you choose the most adorable picture of yourself as a baby. One of your
colleagues rudely points out that you were quite chubby as an infant. You,
however, are not offended and proceed to explain to your colleague the benefit
of that “baby fat.
• Brown fat, which contains many mitochondria and is highly vascularized, is
found in high proportion in infants. Brown fat produces heat as it is broken down,
which helps to keep newborns' bodies warm. This heat can also warm the
blood, which then circulates it throughout the body.

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