Matière: Anglais Technique: Examen Semestriel

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MASTER 1 (ME-RE-CE) , L1 , L2

Année 2020/2021

Examen semestriel

Matière : Anglais technique

Translate the following passage into french or arabic

The transformer is the static device which works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It is used for
transferring the electrical power from one circuit to another without any variation in their frequency. In
electromagnetic induction, the transfer of energy from one circuit to another takes places by the help of the
mutual induction

Switch down the mathematical equations from  letters  to numbers or from numbers to
Five minus two is three……………………………………

Three times four Equals twelve……………………………

Eight divided by two is four………………………………

9.95 ≈ 10 ………………………………………………..

95> 37 …………………………………………………

10 ± 8 = 2 OR 18………………………………………….

1 ÷ 7 = 1/7…………………………………………………

Complete the foIlowing sentences with a form of the word in brackets.

1 In the………………….. industry, ………………………..develop processes for producing plastics, fibres,
medicines, etc. from simple chemicals. (chemistry)

2 Producing steel using the Bessemer process is one of the best-known…………………… processes.

3 Most …………………….devices need oil as a lubricant. (mechanics)

4 FoIlowing the earthquake. every building had to be inspected to see whether it had
suffered………………………. any damage. (structure)
5 Certain chemicals are added to glue to………………………….. it. (hard)

6 Excavators and power shovels are two types of……………………… equipment used
by………………………. when they are removing rocks from the ground. (mine)

Here is an extract from a speech made by a careers advisor to a group of students

choosing their future courses of study at university. Complete the speech by choosing one
of the words from the box
Machines highway mechanical chemical civil physics electrical
develop production electronic

Engineering students shoutd have an understanding of maths, (a)………………….. and chemistry. Working
with pharmaceuticals, food, mineral processing and chemical manutacturing, a (b)
……………………………. engineer is trained to understand, design, control, and investigate material
flows. If you enjoy problem solving and find projects such as the Channel Tunnel and the Three Gorges
Dam interesting,(c)………………………. engineering may be for you. You will produce creative designs at
an economical price white paying due concern to the environment. If your interest is in road building then
you may decide to follow a specialized course in (d)…………………….. engineering. By studying (e)
………………………… and (f)………………………….. engineering you learn about the design ot
complete systems, such as computers, controllers, power and transport systems. (g)………………………
engineers plan, design and (h) ………………………a wide range ot things: washing machines, cars and
spacecraft. engineers work very closely with mechanical engineers, to make new products at the right price,
on time and in the correct quantity. As wetl as designing and selecting (u)…………………………….. and
materials, they also organize people and finance.

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