Why Is Communication Important To You
Why Is Communication Important To You
Why Is Communication Important To You
The speaker, according to this model, is essential to communication. He is the one in command
of the entire communication system. The sender initially creates content by carefully putting his
thoughts into words with the goal of influencing the listeners or recipients to respond in the way that
the sender desires.
The speaker communicates in such a way that the listeners are impacted and respond
accordingly, according to the model.
The source in other words also called the sender is the one from whom the thought originates. He
is the one who transfers the information to the receiver after carefully putting his thoughts into
How does the source or the sender transfer his information to the recipient ?
It is done with the help of communication skills, Attitude, Knowledge, Social System and
Communication Skills
It is rightly said that if one has the right attitude, the whole world is at his feet. There is
actually no stopping for the person if he has the right attitude. A person might be a very
good speaker but if he doesn’t have the right attitude, he would never emerge as a winner.
The sender must have the right attitude to create a long lasting impression on the
listeners. An individual must be an MBA from a reputed institute, but he would be lost in
the crowd without the right attitude.
Here knowledge is not related to the educational qualification of the speaker or the number of
degrees he has in his portfolio. Knowledge is actually the clarity of the information which the
speaker wants to convey to the second party. One must be thorough in what he is speaking with
complete in-depth knowledge of the subject. Remember questions can pop up anytime and you
have to be ready with your answers. You need to be totally familiar with what you are speaking.
Before delivering any speech, read as much you can and prepare the subject completely without
ignoring even the smallest detail.
Social System
Culture refers to the cultural background of the community or the listeners where the speaker is
communicating or delivering his speech.