Module 4 Biliary System
Module 4 Biliary System
Biliary System
Abby Louisse Pearl A. Ventura, RRT
Table Of Contents
01 Oral
02 Intravenous Endoscopic
06 Retrograde
03 Post-Operative
Bile is manufactured by the liver, transported by
various ducts, and stored in the gallbladder
Liver – largest solid organ in the human body &
weighs 3-4 lbs
Superior border – the widest portion of the
liver, approximately 8”-9”
Right border of the liver – its greatest
vertical dimension, approximately 6”-7”
Gallbladder – typically nestled centrally in the
posterior, inferior region of the liver
Lobes of the Liver
Partially divided into two major lobes and two minor lobes
Falciform ligament – separates the right and left lobes
Quadrate lobe – located on the inferior surface of the right lobe between the gallbladder
and the falciform ligament
Caudate lobe – posterior to the quadrated lobe & extends superiorly to the diaphragmatic
Function of the Liver
● Produce large amounts of bile
○ Secretes 1-3 pints (800 to 1000 mL), or
about 1 quart of bile per day
● Major Functions of Bile: To aid in the digestion of
fats by emulsifying (breaking down) fat globules
and the absorption of fat following its digestion
Gallbladder & Biliary Ducts
Gallbladder – pear shaped sac composed of 3 parts: fundus, body, & neck
Fundus – the distal end & the broadest part of the gallbladder
Body – main section of the gb
Neck –narrow proximal end which continues as the cystic duct (3-4 cm)
7-10 cm long & approximately 3 cm wide
Holds 30-40 mL of bile
Functions of the Gallbladder
To store bile
To concentrate bile
To contract when stimulated
Common Bile Duct