Strategic Management Report On Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant China

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BUS 690, Section-03

Strategic Management
Report on Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant

Submitted to:
Dr. Muslima Zahan
MBA Program, School of Business and Economics
North South University

Submitted by:
Name Id
Abdullalh al mamun 1735264660
Nowrin Binta Ali 1825139660
Quazi Rukaiya Maleque 1825160660
Nabila Nur Us Saba 1835153060
Md. Mehedi Hasan 1915099660

Date of Submission: 16-11-2020

Tianwan nuclear power station objective is to optimize nuclear power plant overall performance and
to improve availability with due regard to safety. They also seeking to accelerate and enlarge the
contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world. Their objective is
also to build nuclear energy systems which will fulfill nuclear energy’s potential to help meet growing
global energy needs. They also working to establish the criteria needed to satisfy the objectives for
four areas: general nuclear issues (‘Nuclear General’), ‘Nuclear Power’, ‘Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, and
‘Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning’. The use of nuclear energy should be such
that it pursues advances in technology and engineering to continually improve safety, security,
economics, proliferation resistance, and protection of the environment.

The report provides information on the status and development of the Tianwan nuclear power plant in
China, including factors related to effective planning, strategic management, decision making and
implementation of the nuclear power plant that lead to safe and economical operations of nuclear
power plant (NPP).

Background of the Nuclear Power Plant

A nuclear power plant is like other power plants in many respects. The aim of all power plants is to
generate electricity, and most do so by producing hot steam using a heat source that drives a steam
engine that in turn drives an electric generator. To produce the heat, ordinary power plants burn coal
or oil, but a nuclear plant uses the heat from a nuclear reaction. Metals like uranium are radioactive,
which means they are unstable in their atoms and begin to break down. They release energy as heat as
they do.

In a nuclear reactor, an enclosed vessel where several radioactive metal rods are suspended next to
each other, this heat may be absorbed. Some other material is normally inserted between the rods,
helping to prevent the nuclear reaction from being too hot. Water flowing around the vessel is heated
to produce steam through the reaction. The steam is transferred to another part of the plant in pipes
where it drives special steam engines such as steam turbines. At high speeds, these turbines spin and
are connected to the electric generator by a shaft.

Today, in about 28 countries around the world, around 450 nuclear power plants are in operation,
supplying around 15-20 percent of the total electricity supply. (Nuclear Power Plants, 2015)

Several variables have merged in the new century to restore the prospects of nuclear power. The first
was the realization of the magnitude of the expected increase in demand for electricity globally, but
particularly in rapidly developing countries. Second, the awareness of the importance of energy
security was the primary importance of ensuring access to affordable energy for each country, and
particularly to dispatch able electricity capable of meeting demand at all times. Third, due to climate
change issues, the need to minimize carbon emissions.

These variables coincided with the availability of a new generation of nuclear power reactors, and the
first of the late third-generation units, a 1600 MWe European PWR (EPR), was ordered for Finland in
2004. In France, a similar unit is being built and two additional Westinghouse AP1000 units in the
USA are under construction. But plans in Europe and North America, especially China and India, are
overshadowed by those in Asia. China alone is preparing and building on an enormous increase in
nuclear power capacity by 2030 and has more than a hundred additional large units proposed and
funded by credible political commitment and public support. Many of these are the newest, or
modifications of, Western architecture. Others are dramatically local designs.

Thus the history of nuclear power begins with science in Europe, flourishes in the United Kingdom
and the USA with the technical and economic power of the latter, languishes for a few decades, and
then a new growth spurt occurs in East Asia. About 17,000 reactor-years of operation have been
accrued in the course of supplying a large proportion of the energy in the country. (Outline History of
Nuclear Energy, 2020)

Chinese Nuclear Power Program

China, strongly inspired by French designs, is designing its own reactors. It aims to make PWRs the
standard type of reactor, and plans to produce as much of the plant and equipment as possible. Around
a thousand tons of spent fuel has been generated by nuclear reactors so far, but this will increase
rapidly. In repositories about 0.5 km deep, high-level waste would be largely vitrified and buried. The
sites are now being chosen and are planned to be completed by 2020.

Established on December 18, 1997, Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation is primarily responsible for
the construction and operation of Tianwan NPP. The company consists of three shareholders: China
National Nuclear Corporation (50 percent share), China Power Investment Corporation (30 percent)
and Jiangsu Guoxin Group (20 percent). (Tianwan-1 And -2 Nuclear Reactors, n.d.)
Company Overview
About Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant

The Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant is located in Lianyungang City in Jiangsu Province, China, and is a
nuclear power plant (NPP). It is situated approximately 30 kilometers east of Lianyungang on the
coast of the Yellow Sea proper. It is co-owned by Jiangsu Nuclear Power Company, a joint venture
owned in part by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and Atomstroyexport (ASE), the
Russian Rosatom nuclear equipment exporter branch. It is owned and run by a joint venture between
China National Nuclear Power (50 percent), Shang HaiHeXi Power Investment (30 percent), and the
Jiangsu Guoxin Company (20 percent), Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (JNPC).Since it began
commercial operations in May 2007, the power station has undergone several expansions.

In addition to two domestically built CNP-1000 PWR units being constructed to come online by 2021,
it currently has four operating VVER-1000 pressurized water reactor (PWR) units. Inaddition, the
facility is scheduled to be installed as the seventh and eighth generating unit with two Rosatom
VVER-1200 reactors, with which the Tianwan NPP is projected to meet its planned 8.5GW installed
capacity by 2027.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Tianwan NPP phase one and two development details

The Tianwan NPP is being built in four stages, with two reactor units involved in each process.

Phase one production began after China approved Russia's VVER-1000/V-428 reactor design for
implementation in 1997, following Russia and China's 1992 nuclear power cooperation agreement.

Construction began on the reactors Tianwan-1 and Tianwan-2 in October 1999 and September 2000,
respectively. The first two units were commissioned, respectively, in May and August 2007.The first
nuclear reactors in the world to have a core catcher mounted at the bottom of the core barrel of the
reactor were Tianwan-1 and Tianwan-2 to provide containment in the event of a nuclear meltdown.
Phase two of the production of the NPP began with Rosatom signing in October 2009 a cooperation
agreement with CNNP for the construction of the Tianwan-3 and Tianwan-4 units. Construction
began in December 2012 and September 2013 respectively for the third and fourth VVER-1000/V-
428 PWR units, while commissioning took place in February and December 2018 respectively.
Tianwan-5 and Tianwan-6 reactor details (Phase Three)
The development of the NPP in phase three includes the construction of two 1,000MW electric and
2,905MW thermal power CNP-1000 PWR units each. The concept of the three-loop CNP-1000
reactor was developed nationally by the state-owned China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC).
While construction of the units was originally scheduled to begin in 2011, production was delayed by
the Fukushima Daiichi incident by approximately five years.

Construction on Tianwan-5 began in December 2015, followed in September 2016 by Tianwan-6.Unit

five is scheduled to be commissioned in December 2020, while unit six is expected to be operational
by October 2021.

Tianwan-7 and Tianwan-8 VVER-1200 reactors details (Phase Four)

As part of the phase four construction of the Tianwan NPP, two Russian-designed VVER-1200
reactors are expected to be added.

Construction on Tianwan-7 is scheduled to begin in May 2021, with commissioning planned by 2026,
while construction on Tianwan-8 is expected to begin in March 2022 and commercial operations are
expected to begin by 2027.The VVER-1200 reactor reflects design changes over the existing Tianwan
NPP operating VVER-1000 reactors. A gross electrical capacity of 1,198MW and a thermal capacity
of 3,212MW each will be required for the seventh and eighth reactor units at the site.

The VVER-1200 reactors are planned for 60 years of operating life in addition to 20 percent higher
power output, compared to the VVER-1000's 35-year life.VVER-1200 also has a refueling period of
18 months, while VVER-1000 has a life span of 12 months. (Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, n.d., #)
Tianwan (NNP) Management Improvement System
Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) according to the influence on safety and urgency of improvement actions.
The improvement for operating Tianwan NPP is divided into short, medium and long term actions.

 Short term improvement actions

The short term improvement actions implemented by the operating Tianwan NPP mainly included
waterproof plugging, adding portable power supplies and portable pumps, improving earthquake
monitoring and anti-seismic response capacity.

Medium term improvement actions

Medium term improvement actions mainly included perfecting severe accident management
guidelines, adding or rebuilding hydrogen elimination facilities, modifying spent fuel pool monitoring
and water makeup, probabilistic safety assessments for external events, anti-flooding reconstruction of
the Qinshan base, and in-depth assessment of earthquake and tsunami risks:

 Adding or rebuilding hydrogen elimination facilities: Each operating NPP analyzed and
evaluated the chance of hydrogen explosion of units. The result showed that the hydrogen
elimination system of Tianwan NPP already met the wants, and renovation was required all
told other NPPs. At present, the work to feature or rebuild hydrogen elimination facilities has
been completed altogether NPPs.

 Modification for spent fuel pool monitoring and water makeup: Tianwan NPP allotted
modification for operation monitoring of spent fuel pool and water makeup system, including
improving and revising the operation manual and procedures for spent fuel pool, modifying
the spent fuel pool water makeup system and adding spent fuel pool monitoring instruments.

 Probabilistic safety assessments for external events: Tianwan NPP has implemented and
completed the protection margin assessment add case of utmost external events per unified
requirements, confirming that the units all told operating NPPs have certain ability to cope
with external events beyond the look basis.

 Long term improvement actions

The ongoing future actions in operating NPPs mainly include improving emergency plans, raising the
emergency response capacity of NPPs, completing the NPP information release procedures and
strengthening nuclear knowledge popularization:

 Improving emergency plans: Each operating NPP establishes communication channels with
local meteorological, oceanic and anti-seismic departments, improves disaster prevention
plans and organizes relevant drills. For instance, the Qinshan site integrated and expanded a
unified emergency framework, while the Daya Bay site and Tianwan NPP have also
improved their emergency organizations and replenished emergency resources. Some NPPs
have administered studies on management of the planned restricted areas and established
communication with local governments
 Updating information release procedures and strengthening nuclear knowledge
popularization: Tianwan NPP has compiled or improved relevant schemes and management
procedures for information release and disclosure, and persistently dole out popularization
and public communication for nuclear knowledge in various forms like holding press
conferences, public opening day, putting in place information exchange platform, and
building new public information centers.

Tianwan (NNP) life Management

The ageing management add Tianwan nuclear power Plant (NPP) is distributed in line with the
nuclear safety regulation requirements as laid get in the Periodic Safety Review in nuclear power
Plant and Ageing Management of nuclear energy Plants and therefore the advanced experience in
ageing management of the IAEA and other organizations, and with respect to the nice practices within
the nuclear power industry in China and other countries. Various ageing management work is
distributed systematically all told phases of construction, commissioning and operation of NPPs,
including the establishment and improvement of plant ageing management system, for both ageing
management organizations and documentation systems, the activities of monitoring, testing, sampling
and inspection, assessment of the ageing mechanism predicted at the planning of NPP, and
identification of conditions or performance deterioration that will occur in commission.

All NPPs were required to hold out screening and classification of ageing sensitive equipment.
Tianwan NPP has completed the screening and review of ageing management parts of Units 1 and a
couple of, and is planning the implementation of ageing management for Units 3 and 4, the working
schedule was set where the screening and analysis of parts for ageing management would start in
2016, to organize the plan for the implementation of ageing management for the new units.

For concern in ageing management and found out different ageing management actions and methods,
the relevant add preparation. Samples are retained for ageing management of structures and
equipment. Tianwan NPP administered ageing study for important power cables, screened out critical
and sensitive power cables, retained samples and performed ageing status monitoring and assessment.

Tianwan NPP has developed the ageing data collection and record reservation system, to gather basic
data for nine categories of important equipment, including reactor pressure vessels and steam
generators. Additionally, Tianwan NPP has meted out the on-line life assessment for primary
equipment, and Ningde NPP has disbursed ageing management work for fluid accelerated corrosion.
(Country Nuclear Power, CHINA, 2018)
Future Development of Nuclear Power Plant
 Nuclear power development strategy

Nuclear Power Department was created, which oversees drafting of nuclear energy development
programmes, plans and policies and planning of implementation, taking the lead in organizing of
international nuclear energy cooperation. The establishment of the atomic power Department is useful
to the combination and perfection of nuclear power strategic objectives, development programmes
and also the industrial policies appropriate thereto, to the unification of nuclear energy technological
routes and improving of the extent of localization and independence of nuclear technological

Phase III project of Tianwan NPP are speeded up; and therefore the prophase works for inland atomic
energy projects are going to be actively distributed. By 2020, the installed capacity of operating
nuclear energy units will reach 58 GW, which of units under construction are going to be over 30

 Nuclear power project management

Tianwan nuclear energy project industry management department is chargeable for drafting atomic
energy development planning, access conditions, technical standards and organization and
implementation, proposing nuclear energy major project audit opinions, organizing and coordinating
nuclear energy research work, and organizing NPP nuclear accident emergency management work.

 Project funding

The owners of the nuclear energy projects that are constructed, approved but awaiting construction, or
with preliminary preparations approved are all large, state owned enterprises. The fundraising of the
atomic power projects is principally applied by the company of every project. China permits the
eligible social capital to participate in new nuclear energy projects as an equity participant. Site

 selection

Site selection relies on the wants within the Code on Safety of nuclear power Plant Siting. the
subsequent factors are taken into considerations within the assessment of a site for its suitability:

 The possible external natural events or human caused events within the surroundings of a
particular site which will affect the NPP;
 Site and environmental features which will cause the transfer of the released radioactive
materials to people;
 Density, distribution and other characteristics of the population of the peripheral zone
referring to the likelihood of implementing emergency measures and assessing personal and
group risk.
The site characteristics that might affect the NPP safety is investigated and assessed. The regional
environmental characteristics which will possibly be plagued by radiation consequences under
operation and accident conditions are investigated. of these characteristics are observed and monitored
throughout the entire lifetime of the NPP.

 The safety of the recommended NPP site is reviewed on the premise of the occurring
frequency and severity of natural events and external human events and various phenomena
affecting the security of the NPP.
 The natural factors and human factors affecting the NPP safety within the area where the NPP
is found are assessed for predictable evolution within the expected lifetime, and these factors
need even be monitored throughout the full lifetime of the NPP, especially the increase rate
and therefore the population distribution characteristics. If necessary, appropriate measures
are taken to make sure that the whole risks are maintained at an appropriate low level.

 Overall consideration is taken for the recommended site and for the NPP to work out its
design basis external events. All external events associated with major radiation risks are
selected for consideration, and their design basis determined.
 For an external event (or combination of events), the look basis parameter values for the NPP
are selected to make sure that the structures, systems and components important to safety
associated with such event (or combination of events) can maintain their integrity without
losing their functions at the time of, or after, the occurrence of a design basis event.

 After an overall assessment of the location, if it's proved that the recommended measures
cannot provide sufficient protection against the damage resulted from design basis external
events, it's concluded that it's not suitable to create the recommended NPP on such a site.
 In determining the look basis of relevant external events, their combination with the
encompassing conditions (such as hydrological, hydro geological and meteorological
conditions) is taken into consideration. and also the operation status of reactor is additionally
taken into consideration.

 Public acceptance

Nuclear and Radiation Safety in NPPs and promulgated the MEE/NNSA Work Scheme of Nuclear
and Radiation Safety Public Communication and Administrative Measures of Nuclear and Radiation
Safety Regulatory Information Publicity, clearly specifying the scope of application and division of
responsibilities for information publicity, and therefore the contents, timing, methods and channels of
data publicity.

 Publicizing knowledge and knowledge associated with nuclear and radiation safety on
internet sites, newspapers, periodicals, TV, publications and publicity materials.

 Inviting the media to participate in important experience exchange activities on nuclear

Tianwan NPP has carried out a questionnaire in 27 villages and communities within 0–30 km away
from the plant.
Research and Development
Development of advanced nuclear power technologies

Following the Fukushima disaster, a thorough safety inspection was carried out on China's nuclear
power plants under operation and construction by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (National
Nuclear Safety Administration), the National Energy Administration and the China Earthquake
Administration. The results show that China's nuclear power plants have a certain potential to avoid
and minimize serious accidents and that safety risks are regulated and safety guaranteed. In order to
further boost the level of nuclear safety of Chinese nuclear power plants, the Ministry of
Environmental Protection (National Nuclear Safety Administration) has put forward the technical
requirements to be implemented in the general refurbishment of Chinese nuclear power plants under
operation and construction, in compliance with the results of a thorough safety inspection.

❏ Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant has an earthquake monitoring system and an earthquake safety
feature. The "Error Shutdown Triggered by Earthquake" accident protocol has been compiled.

❏ Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant has inspected, one by one, the waterproof plugging of doors,
windows, vents, cable penetration and process pipe penetration, and has resurveyed the
building threshold and the catchment level. The flood management assessment on the power
plant cooling source, emergency power supply and water system has been completed and on-
site interim measures for plant buildings have been implemented. Flood protection of the
plugging of critical plant buildings has been achieved.

❏ Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant has agreed a mou with the Russian party to check out this
seismic margin analysis. Russian experts are now conducting a site inspection at the Tianwan
Nuclear Power Plant.

❏ The original design of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant involves the control of spent fuel
pools and water replenishment functions. The spent fuel pool system is now being updated by
incorporating a mobile pump water replenishment interface

❏ Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant has completed a bid for the purchase of mobile diesel
generators that are being manufactured; has completed a bid for mobile diesel pumps that are
being manufactured.

❏ Creation of SAMG for units 1 and 2 of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant under serious
accident conditions has been completed. The Initial Accident Management Protocols and the
Beyond Design Accident Management Guide of the Plant are updated accordingly.

❏ The nuclear power plants under construction have produced SAMG, which will be
strengthened before feeding, taking into account different accident situations, such as
shutdown of the reactor.
1. Fifth Tianwan unit starts commercial operation. (2020, September 09). World Nuclear
2. History of NPPs. (n.d.). Nuclear Power for Everybody. https://www.nuclear-
3. Nuclear Power Plants. (2015, September 17). Engineering and Technology History
4. Outline History of Nuclear Energy. (2020, November). World Nuclear Association.
5. Tianwan-1 And -2 Nuclear Reactors. (n.d.). Power Technology. https://www.power-
6. Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant. (n.d.). NS Energy.
7. TIANWAN NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. (n.d.). Nuclear Threat Initiative.
8. 2020. Nuclear Power Plant Life Management | IAEA. [online] Available at:
9. 2020. Plant Life Management For Safe Long-Term Operation | IAEA.
[online] Available at: <
cycle/plant-life-management> (2020, November).
10. 2020. Plans For New Nuclear Reactors Worldwide - World
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