IN2021 BWS Case Studies

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• ZATPAT House, Maharashtra, India
• J57, China
• 2-storey building, Kochi, India
• 25-storey student residence, Wolverhampton, UK
• Meridian First Light House, USA
• One9, Melbourne


• Prefabricated Sandwich Panel System
• Monolithic Concrete Tunnel Formwork
• Precast Concrete Construction System
• Precast Concrete Construction - 3D Volumetric
• Light Gauge Steel System
• PVC Stay in Place Formwork


A. Processes
• Volumetric Construction
• Hybrid Construction
• Panelized Construction
• Sub-Assemblies and Accessories Systems
• Tilting Moulds
B. Software
• Tekla
• DreamPlan
• Parabuild

• Structural Insulated Panels
• Rapid Hardening Cement
• Quick Setting Cement





House, The houses can be dismantled and re-installed anywhere,
making them eco-friendly too. While they are not built with

bricks and timber, yet their walls have tremendous strength
owing to the chicken meshes reinforcement, making them
earthquake resistant as well.


Zatpat House

Jayant Murudkar, a 78-year-old engineer from Satara Maharashtra as it has provided immediate shelters height is 2.5 m, the cost of a house is only Rs 1,71,000.
MIDC, manufactured a ZATPAT House in just a day. to rehabilitate scores of families, thus making it ideal This includes excavation, foundation concrete, masonry,
Assembling ferrocement components like readymade for mass housing. The houses can be dismantled door and window, one bathroom and one toilet externally
walls and readymade slabs, joint with nuts and bolts, and re-installed anywhere, making them eco- attached to the room. The rate is Rs 1,010 per sq.ft.
he did away with time-consuming processes at the friendly too. While they are not built with bricks and
site. Ferrocement is a combination of cement, sand, timber, their walls have tremendous strength owing “A little change in the type and pattern of the reinforcement,
weld mesh and chicken mesh pressed and filled with to the chicken mesh reinforcements, making them the use of fine wire meshes instead of large diameter bars,
mortar. Skeletal steel in the form of 6mm/8mm bars is earthquake resistant as well. and press filling mortar either by hand, machines, or pre-
used for getting the form and shape to eliminate the casting, makes it a wonder material!” says Dr (Prof) Divekar
use of formwork. Er Murudkar has a factory set-up that produces who has designed and constructed a large number of such
ferrocement components, manufacturing panels structures.
The precast ferrocement wall panels had of 0.6 x 3 meters, that weigh about 100 kg only. A
Know more:
standardized 3.5 x 2.5 meter and a thickness of 25 precast wall panel of 3.5 X 2.5m size weighs 750 kg
mm. With roofing panels of 4 x 0.6 m in size with the only. Thickness of 25 mm is available and a 100 mm
same thickness, the panels are ribbed so they have thick wall panel is manufactured using thermocol as
greater strength while being light in weight. an insulation filler.

Inspected by the Ferrocement Society, the ZATPAT House is also very affordable. If the plan
ZATPAT House is becoming a popular structure in dimensions of the room are 4.5 m by 3.5 m and the
J57, J57 is a mini prototype for the planned 220-storey Sky City. “By
using modular construction, we were able to reduce the use of

concrete by 15,000 trucks. With 19 atriums (each at 10 metres
height), 800 apartments and office space that can accommodate
4,000 people
About Modular Prefabrication

Quality control of the module prefab process in a factory environment is

one of the key factors that allows efficient cost control, as construction
material waste is eliminated.

“BSB technology is an exciting part of our modular construction

investment. The building costs can reach up to 30 per cent in savings,
while also dramatically improving the construction quality. BSB involves
standardised design, modular production, stringent product management
and highly skilled workers. And at the end of the day, only one company is
responsible for all quality assurances,” Ms Jiang notes.

Modular construction Modular construction has ensured new heights get

Cold galvanising anti-corrosion technology is applied to steel materials,
completed in record time. BROAD Group, China, has erected a 57-storey
while tight thermal insulation prevents condensation corrosion and ensures
building in just 19 days. With 19 atriums (each at 10 metres height), 800
longer life spans extending to 50 years. Additionally, all steel materials
apartments and office space that can accommodate 4,000 people, J57 is
can be re-used post decommissioning.
a mini prototype for the planned 220-storey Sky City.
Modular construction is progressing in leaps and bounds, with 4th
“By using modular construction, we were able to reduce the use of concrete
generation technology having newer capabilities in both technology and
by 15,000 trucks. Dust levels during construction were almost non-existent
compared to traditional methods,” Juliet Jiang, VP of BROAD Group, says.

Before J57, in 2011 the T30 Hotel, a 30-storey building, was constructed
in 15 days, at a low-cost of less than $1000/sqm.

From a sustainability and design perspective, the building is five times

more energy-efficient than conventional buildings having 20-cm thermal
insulation for walls, four-paned super white glass windows, 100 per cent
filtered fresh air, and a combined cooling, heating and power system.
They are energy-efficient green building material with
enormous potential for use as load-bearing and non-
load bearing wall panels. It is suitable for the construction

Kochi, India
of both external and internal walls.

In a 2-storey building in Kochi, constructed by gives good finishing as compared to labour intensive the floors, sunshades, boundaries and roofs can be
a Kerala based company Sheghram Nirman work for the same. Less embodied energy and carbon made using GFRG panels.
Pvt. Ltd., GFRG panels technique reduced footprint due to the significant reduction in the use of
the complete cost and time estimation by steel, cement, sand and water, and the use of recycled GFRG panel possesses high flexural strength, shearing
more than 50%, saving materials and the time industrial waste gypsum make it a more sustainable strength, compressive strength, and flexibility. It has
taken to construct this building as against the building than its conventional counterpart. a very high level of resistance to fire, water, heat,
conventional method. corrosion, rot, and termites. Concrete filled with
Strong and durable GFRG allows an advanced vertical reinforcement rods improves its vertical and
The most obvious advantage of GFRG panel mode of construction at an affordable cost. They lateral load capacities. GFRG made buildings are
construction is the speed of construction on site. are energy-efficient green building materials with resistant to fire, earthquakes, and cyclones.
With a wall panel thickness of just 124mm, there enormous potential for use as load-bearing and non-
is more carpet area in the built area. Eight to 10 load bearing wall panels. They are suitable for the
storey buildings can be designed using GFRG construction of both external and internal walls. They
panels, without the need for conventional RC can also be used as intermediary floor slab/roof slabs
beams and columns. The use of factory-made together with Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC)
panels for all the walls, floors and staircases as a composite material. Not only the walls but also
25 storey
hampton, Victoria Hall, one of the first large scale modular buildings
of its kind in the United Kingdom, was the world’s tallest

building built with off-site construction methods in 2009.
Designed by O’Donnell East Architects, this high-rise
modular apartment tower stands at 251 feet in height.

Site piles were driven and capped, above

which the ground floor was built of poured-
Victoria Hall, one of the first large-scale modular in-place concrete. The ground floor was
buildings of its kind in the United Kingdom, designed to act as an architectural plinth
was the world’s tallest building built with off- as well as a structural transfer beam for the
site construction methods in 2009. Designed by smaller span modular structures above.
O’Donnell East Architects, this high-rise modular
apartment tower stands at 251 feet in height. Each module has its structural steel frame
designed to carry the load of modules
The 25-story building has been mostly above it. The modules also include concrete
constructed off-site. Only the ground floor was floors, drywall walls and ceilings, and a fire-
site built, with the remaining 24 floors being rated envelope. All modules are pre-fitted
assembled from 383 individual modules built with plumbing, fixtures, finishes, cabinets,
several hundred miles away in Ireland. and even furnishings before shipping. A
rain-screen façade is applied over factory-
The multiple pressures of speed, quality and installed waterproofing.
scale were the reasons to venture into alternative
methods of project delivery.
First Light
The idea for the entry comes from the classic Kiwi bach – a
New Zealand holiday home - where New Zealanders retreat to
‘get away from it all’ and get back to basics. Baches exemplify

Kiwi values: a strong connection with the landscape, a hands-
on ‘do it yourself’ mentality and socializing outdoors.

USA Hybrid structures usually combine panel

and modular prefabrication systems to
construct a whole building.

Prefabricated and modular, the First Light House has been designed to
be easily transported. The house is made up of six independent modules
that can be quickly assembled using a crane. This level of prefabrication
allowed the team to fit out the modules with finishes, fixtures, plumbing,
electrical, and mechanical equipment, which make for a simple and fast
connection on-site. Wooden decking surrounds the house, linking the
interior to the surrounding environment. The decking is also constructed
in modules that are carried into place for quick assembly.

The Victoria University of Wellington team Kiwi bach – a New Zealand holiday home - where
represented New Zealand and was the only entry New Zealanders retreat to ‘get away from it all’ and
from the Southern Hemisphere ever to be selected get back to basics. Baches exemplify Kiwi values:
for the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon a strong connection with the landscape, a hands-on
2011, where it ranked 3rd. Led by students from the ‘do it yourself’ mentality and socializing outdoors.
School of Architecture, the team comprised students
from various schools at Victoria University and was The First Light House is a net-zero energy dwelling;
supervised by university staff and industry partners designed to produce at least as much energy as it
who donated their time and expertise to the project. uses. The house has been designed to maximize
energy drawn from the natural climate using a
The First Light House was constructed in early 2011 combination of passive and active energy strategies.
using Hybrid Construction and opened its doors to The result is an efficient and comfort-controlled
the New Zealand public in Wellington during May house that consumes less than a third of the energy
before being packed up and shipped to the U.S. in of a typical home.
July. The idea for the entry comes from the classic
One9, Constructed by Vaughan Constructions
using Hickory Group’s prefabricated

building systems, One9 comprises 34,
one and two-bedroom contemporary
apartments over nine levels.

Located at 19 Hall Street, just 7 kilometres

northwest of Melbourne’s CBD in Moonee Ponds, One9 focuses heavily on environmentally sustainable
lies a thriving hub of commercial, office and retail aspects. The environmentally sustainable benefits
activity, bordered by quality residential dwellings of the UB System are at the heart of what One9
and excellent lifestyle amenities. Constructed by has to offer, which features a 6-star energy rating.
Vaughan Constructions using Hickory Group’s Double glazed windows for superior thermal and
prefabricated building systems, One9 comprises acoustic performance, greywater recycling and
34 one-bedroom and two-bedroom contemporary solar hot water panels on the roof enhance the green
apartments over 9 levels. aspects of the building. Built with a combination of
Aluminium Composite and Designer Panels Diverse
The manufactured apartments were erected by Clad System, the facades also incorporate sliding
Vaughan and Hickory using 36 Unitized Building privacy screens for sun protection to the Western
modules in just 5 days. Vaughan subcontracted Elevation and a floating portal frame to the North
Hickory to deliver the 36 modules complete with the Elevation.
facades and fully-fitted with a combination of natural
timber floors and high-grade carpets, built-in robes
and full-length balconies.

The nature of tall buildings is such that the modules

are clustered around a precast concrete core
or stabilizing system; the modules are generally
designed to resist vertical loads and so horizontal
loads are transferred to the concrete core. The
Hickory-manufactured apartments offer light-
filled and functional spaces for everyday living.
Unique, modern designs highlight the capability
of the modular technology to adapt to complex
architectural concepts, and feature cantilevered
terraces on all levels and clean framing on the front
façade. One9 was completed in November 2013.
Prefabricated Sandwich Panel System

Monolithic Concrete Tunnel Formwork

Precast Concrete Construction System

Precast Concrete Construction - 3D Volumetric

Light Gauge Steel System

PVC Stay in Place Formwork

Prefabricated SIPs are manufactured under factory-
controlled conditions off-site and can

be installed quickly once on site. The
benefits of using SIPs are that they
are high-strength, high-performance,

Panel System
and can be fabricated to fit nearly any
building design.

not less than 60 mm, sandwiched

Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are a form of sandwich panel system between two engineered sheets of
that incorporates insulation, predominantly used for residential and light welded wire fabric mesh, made of
commercial construction. They take the form of an insulating foam core high strength galvanized wire of 2.5
sandwiched between two structural facings. SIPs are manufactured under mm to 3 mm dia.
factory-controlled conditions off-site and can be installed quickly once on
site. They are high-strength, high-performance, and can be fabricated to Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
fit nearly any building design. The two broad subcategories are: Core Panel System is based on
factory-made panels, consisting
a) The panels made of inner and outer boards (cement/fibre/MGO) with of self-extinguishing expanded
infill core of lightweight concrete/ patented / proprietary materials etc. polystyrene sheet with a minimum
These panels are both load bearing & non-load bearing categories. When density of 15 Kg/m3, thickness
used as infill (non-load bearing walls), Steel / RCC frames may be used. not less than 60 mm, sandwiched
b) The other category is based on reinforced Expanded Polystyrene Core between two engineered sheet of
Panel System (EPS). welded wire fabric mesh, made of
high strength galvanized wire of 2.5
These reinforced EPS panels as walling, slab, staircase components are mm to 3 mm dia.
finished on site by spraying shotcrete on both sides. EPS Core Panel
System is based on factory-made panels, consisting of self-extinguishing Know More:
expanded polystyrene sheet with a minimum density of 15 Kg/m3, thickness
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Tunnel Tunnel form is widely used in the construction of cellular

structures with a high degree of repetition such as private
housings, hostels, student accommodation (hostels), prisons,
hotels and commercial developments

The Tunnel Form Construction Technique adjust to the final height.

produces high-quality monolithic structures. It
eliminates the use of any subsequent wet trades The factory-made steel formwork can be reused The Casting Process of Tunnel Formwork:
(plastering etc.). It is the process to cast walls up to 600 times and it can suit a variety of module
and slabs in one operation in a daily cycle. This sizes. This makes the method of construction Stage 1: Prefabricated Wall reinforcement
technique is highly systematic, earthquake proven versatile and economical. Tunnel-formwork allows a is placed by a crane along the entire wing
and provides an ideal solution to the critical 24-hour construction cycle to be achieved and thus before casting the kickers (used to position
problem of sound transmission. It ensures sound the buildability of in-situ concrete is improved by wall formwork).
reduction of 50 decibels. Tunnel form is widely choosing this type of formwork. In practice, when
used in the construction of cellular structures with a the two halves are bolted together. Stage 2: The two and a half tunnel is craned
high degree of repetition such as private housings, into place, bolted together and ties are
hostels, student accommodation (hostels), prisons, The on-site implementation of a 24-hour cycle is added.
hotels and commercial developments divided into the following operations. Stage 6: The tunnel forms are removed the
Stage 3: The wall concrete is poured. next day.
It reduces the heating costs by providing ‘Thermal 1. Stripping of the formwork from the previous day. Stage 7: The process is repeated for the next
Mass’ and speeds up the building process. 2. Positioning of the formwork for the current day’s Stage 4: The slab reinforcements are fixed two bays. Tunnel form can produce strong
However, specialist contractors with tunnel-form phase, with the installation of mechanical, and durable in-situ cellular structures. This
experience are highly recommended to tailor the electrical and plumbing services. Stage 5: The slab concrete is placed. The method of construction can achieve time
design to suit the best construction method. Tunnel 3. Installation of reinforcement in the walls and formwork system provides for a pour to be savings up to 25% with cost savings of 15%.
formwork comes in half units and in the form of an slabs. wrapped in tarpaulins and for the use of Since the concrete finish is very good, the
inverted “L” which are bolted together at the top to 4. Concreting the heating equipment if necessary. butane heaters to maintain a sufficiently requirement for post-construction trades
form each tunnel. The inbuilt wheels and the jacks high temperature for the concrete to reach such as plasterers and electricians are
help the formwork move in and out of position and its striking strength overnight. greatly reduced.
Concrete Precasting can be carried out at a casting

yard, in or near the site, or in a factory. A key
aspect of determining whether to use site or
factory precasting is transport costs. Factory

work offers superior quality for obvious
reasons, so if there is a factory close to the
site, it makes sense to use it.

Precast Concrete is a form of concrete that is • Visual inspection of concrete finishes for defects.
prepared, cast and cured off-site, usually in a • Locations and conditions of lifting inserts for
controlled factory environment, using reusable hoisting.
moulds. Precast concrete elements can be joined
to other elements to form a complete structure. It Site versus factory pre-casting
is typically used for structural components such
as wall panels, beams, columns, floors, staircases, Precasting can be carried out at a casting yard,
pipes, tunnels, and so on. in or near the site, or in a factory. A key aspect of
determining whether to use site or factory precasting
Installation is transport costs. Factory work offers superior
quality for obvious reasons, so if there is a factory
The on-site installation of precast components close to the site, it makes sense to use it.
can be a high-risk activity involving the use of
heavy plant, cranes and personnel working at If a precasting yard is to be created, space must be
height. Consideration should be given therefore to laid out for the following activities:
safeguarding against risks when receiving delivery,
moving, and placing units. • Storing the raw materials, such as cement, Precast concrete components can be
aggregate, sand, admixtures, water, connected in several ways:
Consideration should be given to: reinforcement bars, and steel or plywood
• The method and sequence of assembly and sheets for formwork.A formwork making and • They can be bolted together. reinforcement is threaded
erection. maintenance yard. To do this, steel connectors are between the loops. Fresh Know More:
• The method of providing temporary supports. • A concrete mixing plant. embedded in the concrete at the concrete is then poured
• Structural connections and joint details. • A steel reinforcement yard to make rebar cages time of casting. This must be done around this reinforcement, in
• Tolerances. to be placed inside the concrete. with great precision.A concrete a space left for this purpose.
• Handling and rigging requirements. • A casting area. mixing plant.
• Site accessibility for delivery and storage. • A curing area. • They can be grouted or concreted
• Crane capacity and working clearance for • A stacking area for finished components. together. In this method, loops
hoisting. of steel reinforcement are left
protruding out of the precast
• Sample measurement to confirm the accuracy of Connecting precast concrete elements
concrete members. Two members
critical dimensions.
are placed in position, and
This advanced technique
involves the production of three-
dimensional fabricated modules

- 3D Volumetric
in controlled factory conditions
before the actual transportation
to the site.

3D Modular Construction is a revolutionary method • High strength steel as per the structural Know More:
of building construction, which allows large-sized design is placed inside 3D moulds 3D volumetric precast process
modules to be constructed comprehensively in a • Electrical and plumbing lines are set up.
factory. It saves time and significantly reduces the Block outs for doors and windows are also set up at Unlike the 2D methodology, this technology involves modules
cost. the same time. fitted with windows, doors, and electrical and plumbing
• The pods are cast into their final shape using conduits.
This advanced technique involves the production of high-performance concrete. the designed foundation of the building ready,
three-dimensional fabricated modules in controlled • Stringent quality check is taken for each All five sides are cast in a single pour creating a single room while the manufacturing of precast concrete
factory conditions before the actual transportation step. or multiple rooms in one go. The three-dimensional design structural modules take place at the factory.
to the site. The modules can be brought to the site process allows for customizing moulds at the design stage. Factory-finished building units/modules are then
either as a basic structure or with all the finishes This novel method of construction offers core All the openings like doors, windows, and conduits are installed at the site with the help of tower cranes.
(both external and internal). benefits of concrete-like thermal mass, fire and designed into the mound. The openings are so precise that Gable end walls are positioned to terminate the
sound resistance, accuracy, durability and faster they can be ordered right from the drawings. Incorporating sides of the building. Prestressed slabs are
The manufacturing process for the modules is as erection at the project site. This technology provides all the features at the design stage reduces cost and project next installed as flooring elements. Rebar mesh
follows: ease of implementation as most of the activities take turnaround time. is finally placed for structural screed, thereby
• 3D steel moulds are created as suiting to place off-site, with minimum work at the building connecting all the elements. Consecutive floors
various sizes of building Units site. Sequential construction in the project begins with keeping are built similarly to complete the structure.
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Light Gauge Tunnel form is widely used in the construction

of cellular structures with a high degree of
C-shaped members are punched at
the factory to provide holes at 600
mm intervals.

Steel System
repetition such as private housings, hostels,
These are designed to permit wiring,
student accommodation (hostels), prisons,
piping, and bracing to pass through
hotels and commercial developments
studs and joists without the need
for drilling holes on the construction
site. Channel Shapes are used for
top and bottom wall plates and joist

6) Accessories
A variety of sheet metal angles,
straps, plates, channels, and
miscellaneous shapes are
manufactured as accessories for
light gauge steel construction.
Light Gauge Steel (LGS) frame construction is an to act as outer and inner faces of the wall leaving
innovative and reliable construction method that is a gap between them. This gap is then filled with 7) Connections
broadly used in the world and has surpassed wood lightweight concrete using a special mixing and load bearing walls, wall cladding, and partitions. Light gauge steel members are
frame construction in many design and construction pumping machine. Electrical and plumbing pipes/ usually joined with self-drilling, self-
aspects. conduits are provided in the service holes of the 2) Flooring System tapping screws, which drill their
LGSFS before concreting is done. Self-compacting The flooring system can be made up of C-sections as joists connected holes and form helical threads in
It offers several advantages such as buildability, concrete is mixed and pumped into the gaps to C section bearers. The floor joists can be designed from a range of the holes as they are driven.
strength, design flexibility, sustainability, and between two panels. The concrete flows and fills C-section sizes depending on loading parameters.
lightness in weight, which make it easy to handle the gap and provides adequate cover to the LGS Welding is often employed to
and hence increase speed, safety, and quality of frames and joints. The concrete shall also adhere 3) Roof System assemble panels of light gauge steel
construction. Nonetheless, it is easily influenced to the concrete panels. After curing, LGSFS with The roof structure is generally a steel truss system that can be designed framing that are prefabricated in a
by fire, and so fire protection coating has to be in-fill concrete and panels (LGSFS-ICP) forms a for metal sheets or tiles. The steel roof framing system can suit all types factory, and it is sometimes used on
provided. monolithic sandwich composite wall structure with of roof design – hip, gable, Dutch gable, steel roof sheeting or tile – and the building site where particularly
thermal and sound insulation properties. would be screwed directly onto the wall frame. strong connections are needed.
The LGS frames are manufactured in a factory After completion of the ground floor,
and assembled into LGSF wall structures and then Components of Light Gauge Steel Frame: 4) Light Gauge Steel Coating the first, second and third floors of
transported to the construction site and erected The thickness of coating applied on the surface of light gauge steel varies, the building is constructed using
wall by wall on a pre-built concrete floor as per the 1) Wall System based on environmental conditions in which the steel members are placed. the same procedure that of the
floor plan of the build¬ing. Steel reinforced concrete A load-bearing wall carries vertical loads from the Commonly, marine environments need the most protection, whereas dry ground floor. The staircase, chajja
panels of size 800mm X300mm X20mm thick are construction above or lateral loads resulting from regions require fewer protections. and parapet walls of the building
manufactured at the factory and transported to the wind. These loads may act separately or in are also constructed using LGSFS-
the site. These panels are fixed on either side of combination. Both internal and external walls may 5) Shapes of Light Gauge Steel Frame Members ICP Technology.
the LGSFS wall using self-drilling/tapping screws be load bearing. Other types of walls include non- C shapes are considered for studs, joists, and rafters. The webs of
PVC Stay
It was found that the PVC encasement Stay-in-Place (SIP) formwork is a more practical
enhanced the thermal insulation alternative to traditional steel or wood formworks
property, one of the fire resistance due to its improved constructability and durability.

in Place
performance criteria.
PVC Wall Forms have been developed in various
cross-sectional sizes as per project requirement.

The common sizes are 64mm, 126mm, 166mm &
206mm. However, Novel System types N64 and
N126 are also available.
• N64 walls are erected individually and not
preassembled, except for headers and sills.
• Pre-assembled wall sections are used for
walls over 4300 mm (14’) high
• The height of walls made with the formwork
varies according to the requirement.
steel reinforcing bars shall be installed as
• N126 walls less than 4300 mm (14’) high
the wall erection proceeds. SIP Wall panels
are erected individually except for walls of unique
with provisions of holes for services conduits
projects and headers and sills.
are reinforced with a minimum amount of
It was found that the PVC encasement enhanced the
• The extruded components slide and interlock
thermal insulation property, one of the fire resistance
together to create continuous formwork with the
performance criteria. Overall, the importance of
two faces of the wall connected by continuous
this alternative formwork is the reduction in the use
web members forming hollow rectangular
of forest resources, the raise of awareness of their
components. The web members are punched
conservation, and the promotion of their rational
with cores to allow easy flow of the poured
use as this material is friendly to the environment.
concrete between the components.
• Cavities inside the wall panels are filled with
The Process:
concrete which imparts the required hardness
• Prefabricated SIP Wall panels and Hot Rolled
to SIP Wall panels.
Sections are transported to the site. PEB HR
• Upon installation of SIP wall panels, flooring
Sections are erected on a ready foundation
and Ceiling Finishing work is executed.
prepared in a conventional manner using cranes
• Other services accessories, instrument and
and required screws and connections.
equipment are installed at the final stage.
• Floor slab is erected using a decking sheet.
Once the structural frame and floor are installed
and aligned; SIP Wall panels fixing start with a Know More:
box connector at a corner or a T-intersection
and the two adjacent panels as per the design
on the decking floor. Temporary bracing and









Volumetric Volumetric construction is also called

modular construction. The modules can

either be bought in different forms like the
basic structural shell or the one whose
internal and external finishes and services.

In Volumetric Construction, three-dimensional for the construction of replicable units for hotels and
units are produced in the factory and are then accommodation spaces.
brought to the site and bolted together. The frames
constructed can be either steel, timber or concrete. In this type of construction, three-dimensional
The factory possesses quality-controlled systems elements are employed in the superstructure of the
for production as a part of third-party approval. building. These form ready-made rooms, which can
be combined to obtain a complete premise. These
Volumetric construction is also called modular are set together within a light steel framework. All
construction. The modules can either be bought the final building services are pre-installed at the
in different forms like the basic structural shell or site that just involves the final connection.
the one whose internal and external finishes and
services. Unlike the 2D methodology, this technology involves
modules fitted with windows, doors, and electrical
This construction may consist of either a frame and plumbing conduits. All five sides are cast in a
made of a single material or composite materials. single pour creating a single room or multiple rooms
Volumetric construction is divided into two in one go. The three-dimensional design process
components: allows for customising moulds at the design stage.
All the openings like doors, windows, and conduits
• Modular Construction are designed into the mould. The openings are
• Pod Construction so precise that they can be ordered right from
the drawings. Incorporating all the features at the
a. Modular Construction design stage reduces cost and project turnaround
In this type, factory-produced pre-engineered time.
building components are delivered to the construction
site. These modules are then assembled on site After precast components, the next stage of
as large volumetric components or as substantial evolution of construction should be manufacturing
elements. the houses, not just as a combination of 2D elements
but as modules that deliver a room or more from
b. Pod Construction each precast as 3-Dimensional Monolithic Modular
Pods are non-structural elements that are used with Volumetric Precast.
a load-bearing structure. They are mainly employed
//PROCESSES The hybrid systems also called
pods are transported to the site,
once their finishing is complete.

For example, highly serviced
areas like bathrooms and
kitchens are initially constructed

as volumetric units where the
rest of the dwelling is constructed
with the help of panels.

Hybrid Construction combines both volumetric buildable and competitive high-quality structures accessible sections may lend themselves to in-situ robustness. In-situ floor slabs can be cast on top
and panelized approaches to develop a single that offer consistent performance. Hybrid concrete construction. of precast downstand beams to give highly efficient
building. Hence this construction is also called construction can incorporate all the benefits of pre- composite T beams.
semi-volumetric. The hybrid systems are either casting, (e.g., form, finish, colour, speed, accuracy, 2. Combined Action
building facilities that are fully manufactured or prestressing, high-quality, assured covers and Advantages of Hybrid Construction
prefabricated in the factory. These units with the dense and properly cured concrete) with all the Precast units can directly replace in-situ elements,
complete final finish. benefits of in-situ construction (e.g., economy, for example, stair flights or hollow-core floor units 1. Saving of construction time and money.
flexibility, malleability, continuity and robustness). within in-situ frames. Units can be used as permanent 2. Increased buildability of design.
The hybrid systems, also called pods, are transported formwork, substituting for and largely obviating the 3. Enhanced safety of workforce.
to the site, once their finishing is complete. For Structural Action of Hybrid Concrete Construction need for conventional formwork. This brings the  
example, highly serviced areas like bathrooms and advantages of factory-engineered concrete to the
kitchens are initially constructed as volumetric units 1. Independent Action site.
while the rest of the dwelling is constructed with the
help of panels. Precast cladding adorns mainly in-situ framed 3. Composite Action Know More:
buildings. Simple repetitive portions of a structure
Different materials are used according to their may naturally lend themselves to precast In-situ concrete toppings are often added to
strengths and weaknesses to provide simple, construction whereas more complicated, less precast floors for additional strength, stiffness and

Panelized Volumetric construction is also called

modular construction. The modules can

either be bought in different forms like the
basic structural shell or the one whose
internal and external finishes and services.

These are flat panel units used in the form of walls, insulated panels, composite panels and infill panels.
floors or roof panes to create a complete structural
shell. These panel units are built in the factory and Panelization is also an environmentally friendly way
transported to the site for assembling as a three- to build. Instead of filling up Dumpsters with debris
dimensional structure or to fit into an already on-site on site, cut-offs of wood and other materials can be
constructed structure. recycled and used for other projects in the factory.
Drywall and wiring that is not being used can be
The structural floors and roofs that are factory-made returned to the manufacturer and recycled.
are also called cassettes. These cassettes can be
either a load-bearing structure or non-load bearing Transporting materials is simpler and less expensive,
structure. for example, than modular construction, which may
require several flatbed trucks to deliver the modules.
These structural panel units can be made out of On the downside, modular houses are inspected
timber, insulated panels or light gauge steel or in the factory, eliminating that requirement. With
concrete or non-structural in-fill walls. Any type of panelized houses, they are inspected on-site, the
building can make use of such panel units. Some of same way as frame construction would be. With
the examples of building components constructed panelized construction, as with other prefabricated
using panelized systems are windows, timber types of construction, it is easier to stay on budget
frames and insulation. because more of the design must be completed
before construction will begin.
The panelized construction can either make use
of open panels, closed panels, concrete panels,

Sub- This construction type involves

the manufacture of small building

Assemblies and
components like roof trusses,
floors piping, staircases, roof
trusses, precast concrete beams

and columns. The sub-assembly
system can also consist of
prefabricated foundations, floor

cassettes (i.e., prefabricated floor
panels) and roof cassettes (i.e.,
prefabricated roof panels).

The Sub-Assembly system is the process by which the building components are initially constructed at the be used in a construction project
offsite location before they are permanently erected at the site. These elements include the building components, that predominantly uses onsite
materials, equipment and prefabricated parts. techniques, but enables some of
the trickier components to be built
A series of different pre-manufacturing approaches, which include unitised non-structural walling systems, roofing in a factory that allows for more
finish cassettes or assemblies (not part of a wider structural building system), non-load bearing mini-volumetric precision than the building site.
units (also called ‘pods’) and used for the highly serviced and more repeatable areas such as kitchens and
bathrooms, utility cupboards, risers, plant rooms as well as pre-formed wiring looms (i.e. pre-assembled cabling Sub-assemblies and components
systems), mechanical engineering composites would fall into this category. may be added to existing brick and
mortar buildings as well or even
This construction type involves the manufacture of small building components like roof trusses, floors piping, to those built using other modern
staircases, precast concrete beams and columns. The sub-assembly system can also consist of prefabricated methods of construction.
foundations, floor cassettes (i.e., prefabricated floor panels) and roof cassettes (i.e., prefabricated roof panels).

Any part of a building made in a factory and brought to the construction site can be classed as a sub-assembly,
which forms part of a component system. Sub-assemblies can be as small as locks and handles for the
doors, or they can be larger components such as pre-assembled roof trusses. Sub-assemblies are likely to

Tilting Moulds
Tilting tables can incorporate
one or more sides depending on
the kind of panels to be cast.

Tilting Tables are designed to produce prefabricated standard size and, therefore, a table with a fixed and
concrete panels in various thicknesses for a collapsible side is usually used. However, panels
residential, commercial and industrial buildings. for a residential project may vary greatly in size and
Its tilting mechanism allows removing the panels shape and therefore require a more flexible solution.
vertically, with ease and with less time, for concrete
hardening. The sides incorporated into the tilting tables are
usually complemented by flexible shuttering systems
This tilting mechanism consists of a set of telescopic using magnets. These shuttering systems are also
hydraulic cylinders and its number and strength are used to form the panels’ window and door openings.
in accordance with the size and load capacity of A variety of shuttering systems are available for the
the table. The cylinders are activated by a hydraulic best solution for each project.
unit with an electrical control panel that can either
command one or more tables, depending on the Tilting tables can incorporate a vibration system
project. consisting of a series of vibrators that can be
electric or pneumatic. Another option to increase
Tilting tables can incorporate one or more sides the production of the tilting tables is the finned
depending on the kind of panels to be cast. The pipe system with isolation canvas for heating. This
sides of the tilting tables may be fixed, collapsible system leads hot water or steam to accelerate the
or adjustable in height. In addition, the movement concrete hardening. To guarantee a smooth and
of the collapsible and the adjustable sides can be shiny finish of the panel surface, they can give the
performed mechanically or hydraulically. casting surface of the tilting table an optimum polish
creating a ‘mirror-like’ effect.
Panels for industrial buildings tend to be cast with
Tekla Tedds is an application for
Tekla Tedds is an application for automating
automating repetitive structural
repetitive structural and civil calculations.
and civil calculations. The

Tekla Dream Plan

The software is used in engineering for
software is used in engineering
creating output such as calculations,
for creating output such as
sketches and notes.
calculations, sketches and notes.

concrete and steel buildings. DreamPlan Home Design

Software makes designing a house
Tekla Tedds is an application for convenient and easy. It is possible
automating repetitive structural and to work with pre-made samples,
civil calculations. The software is trace a blueprint, or start on a blank
used in engineering for creating plot of land. One can also build a
output such as calculations, project with multiple stories, decks
sketches and notes. and gardens, and a customized roof.
It is suitable for redesigning various
Tekla BIMsight is a software areas of the home like bedroom,
application for building information kitchen, bathroom, backyard, and
model-based construction project more.
collaboration. It can import models
from other BIM applications using
the Industry Foundation Classes
(IFC) format, also DWG and DGN. Parabuild is a complete detailing
Tekla is a software product family that consists of programs for analysis With Tekla BIMsight, users can package for drawing parametric 3D
and design, detailing and project communication. Tekla software is perform spatial coordination (clash models of steel structures. Parabuild
produced by Trimble, the publicly listed US-based technology company. or conflict checking) to avoid uses the 3D model to automatically
design and constructability issues generate documentation such
Tekla Structures is 3D building information modelling (BIM) software and communicate with others in as Workshop drawings, Bills of
used in the building and construction industries for steel and concrete their construction project by sharing materials, and CNC files. The
detailing, precast and cast-in-situ. The software enables users to create models and notes. unmatched approach to user input
and manage 3D structural models in concrete or steel and guides them makes it very easy to learn and use.
through the process from concept to fabrication. The process of shop Features of Parabuild include an
drawing creation is automated. Along with the creation of CNC files, easy and intuitive user interface, and
files for controlling reinforcement bending machines, controlling precast it is easy to learn, time-saving and
concrete manufacturing, and importing in PLM-systems can also be built. expandable without programming.
Tekla Structures are available in different configurations and localized
environments to suit different segment- and culture-specific needs.
Know More:
Tekla Structural Designer is software for the analysis and design of



Structural Rapid
Insulated Hardening
The strength of rapid hardening cement
The core of SIP is usually non- at the three days is similar to 7 days
structural and ridged. strength of OPC with the same water-

Panels Cement
cement ratio.

OSB is cheaper than the other skin Rapid Hardening Cement (RHC) Rapid Hardening Cement has
material. attains high strength in the early several benefits: Even though Rapid Hardening
days and is used in concrete where Cement has supremacy over OPC,
However, the drawbacks of OSB formworks are removed at an early • RHC has a lower drying it has some disadvantages too.
confine its application as a SIP stage and are similar to Ordinary shrinkage rate as most of the water They are given below-
face sheet. SIP made of OSB can Portland Cement (OPC). This is used up for the hydration process.
be utilised as a partition wall that is cement has increased lime content As a result, it creates fewer pores • For water retaining or
not exposed to moisture. However, and contains higher c3s content in concrete structures. Therefore, underwater structures like dams
it has decorative applications such and finer grinding, which gives cracks do not form and moisture and dikes, RHC should not be
as partition wall in shops. higher strength development than can’t hamper the RCC structures. used. RHC is a hydraulic cement
OPC at an early stage. that emits a high amount of heat
Aluminium and steel transfer the • RHC has higher resistance for hydration reaction. This rapid
heat from out of SIP to the core The strength of rapid hardening against chemical attacks like hydration process in contact with
quickly. The rate of heat transferring cement at three days is similar to sulphate. Hence, the structure an enormous amount of water
is very high for these materials. 7 days strength of OPC with the attains high durability and requires can create shrinkage cracks. In
Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) against axial, flexural, and lateral Thus, it confines its SIP application. same water-cement ratio. Thus, less repair work. the long run, this can cause rust
are sandwich panels which are loads. Injected PUR foam can The potential flammability of Fibre the advantage of this cement is • In the construction industry, in reinforcement and reduce the
utilised as structural members easily adhere to all SIP components Reinforced Polymer (FRP) causes a that formwork can be removed time is money. RHC achieves longevity of the concrete structure.
such as a wall, roof, and floor for such as skin material, cam lock, top serious problem for its application earlier, which increases the rate sufficient stiffness and hardens in a
concrete structures. These panels plates, and electrical boxes. Thus, as SIP face sheet because even of construction and decreases shorter period. Therefore, it ensures • In mass concreting of large
vary in different thicknesses of two it allows a durable bond between using sheetrock does not meet the the cost of construction by saving faster construction. concrete structures, RHC should
layers of rigid material as the skin the mating surface and the foam. fire code requirements. Among formwork cost. be avoided as it creates a large
and a thicker layer as the core. It these types of skins thereof, a • RHC requires less curing amount of heat. Therefore, cracks
can be made of various materials There is a variety of SIP skin cement board is more convenient to The manufacture of rapid hardening time than OPC. So, it implies that are created because of the huge
based on its application. materials suggested by researchers use as SIP skin. cement is done by the dry process finished construction work will difference in heat in the internal
based on their advantages and SIP of cement manufacture. In this need less water, less care, and less and external parts of the structure.
The core of an SIP is usually application such as metal, fibre Nevertheless, there is a need cement, limestone and shale are money.
non-structural and ridged. It is cement, cement, calcium silicate, for future research to improve its used as raw material and heated at • The cost of the RHC is 10%
commonly made of plastic foam gypsum, and oriented strand board. brittle failure. The connection of SIP extremely high temperature to form • Less carbon-di-oxide is higher than OPC. Therefore, it is
such as Extruded Polystyrene and The SIP skin must be fire-treated panels should be improved using clinkers. The lime and shale clinkers emitted during the production expensive to use.
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) as to comply with local and national new material and design to enhance are then mixed with a small amount process of RHC in comparison
well as Polyurethanes (PUR) foam building codes. As an example, its stability. of gypsum and ground very finely to OPC. Therefore, RHC is more Rapid hardening cement is currently
such as polyisocyanurate and according to the International Code to form rapid hardening cement. environment-friendly. mainly used in prefabricated
polyisocyanate. PUR foam has Council (ICC), a 15-minute thermal The difference of rapid hardening concrete construction, road works,
better performance against fire, barrier from the interior of a building cement to that of OPC is the quantity • Again, in the dry process etc.
flaming, and smoke rating. The SIPs must be obtained by foam plastic of limestone (tri-calcium silicate) of production, less fuel and less
which are made of PUR foam are insulation (IBC section 2603.4). Know More: used as raw material, which gives heat are required. Therefore, the
stronger than those made of EPS Among the common SIP skins, high early strength to the cement. manufacturing process of RHC is
The mechanism of function of
aluminium sulphate is that it
increases the rate of hydration

of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and
tricalcium aluminate (C3A)
phases of cement.

As the name suggests, Quick obtained were compared with setting cement is that it needs
Setting Cement sets earlier than results of normal M-20 concrete to be placed quickly within its
Rapid Hardening Cement. At mix and it was found that maximum initial setting time. As soon as
the same time, the rate of gain increase in compressive strength, the concrete paste is prepared,
of strength is similar to Ordinary splitting tensile strength and it must be transported quickly,
Portland Cement, while quick flexural strength occurred for Quick otherwise the paste will start
hardening cement gains strength Setting Cement concrete at 3 days setting. Sometimes, it is difficult
quickly. Formworks in both cases age and 7 days age. However, to place concrete within 5
can be removed earlier. there was no considerable increase minutes.
in compressive strength, splitting • Due to the rapid setting, a
This special type of cement is tensile strength or flexural strength large amount of hydration heat
used where the setting time of the at 28 days age. from cement is emitted, which
cement is to be less and hardening may lead to the formation of
of cement is to be fast. The cement Advantages of Quick Setting shrinkage cracks. Special care
clinkers are ground with aluminium Cement: must be taken for the dissipation
sulphate, which accelerates the of heat properly.
setting time of cement. Aluminium • Due to its lesser setting time • As sulphate is present in fast-
sulphate is used as an accelerating as compared to OPC, fast setting cement, sulphate attack
admixture in the dosage range setting cement can be used in on reinforcement in concrete
of 1% to 3% by weight of cement underwater concreting, cold becomes more prominent.
clinkers. The mechanism of function weather concreting, etc. Hence, it cannot be used in
of aluminium sulphate is that it reinforced concrete structures.
increases the rate of hydration • Although it has less setting • It is expensive when compared
of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and time, the final strength attained to OPC.
tricalcium aluminate (C3A) phases is the same as that of OPC.
of cement, thereby providing Quick Setting Cement is currently
earlier heat evolution and strength • Quick setting cement has high mainly used where works are to be
development. It acts as a catalyst in resistance towards the water. completed in a very short period of
the hydration of tricalcium silicate time and for concreting purposes in
(C3S) and tricalcium aluminate • The amount of water required static or running water.
(C3A). during hydration is also less for
this type of cement.
Concrete specimens with varying
percentage of aluminium sulphate Disadvantages of Quick Setting
were tested for compressive Cement:
strength, splitting tensile strength
and flexural strength. The results • A major disadvantage of quick
For competition details,

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