Fobn 10-22 Ec155b1 Apm2000 RN0 30-06-2017

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Flight Operations Briefing Note


Description and recommended use of the EC155 B1 APM2000 autopilot.

For the attention of

EC155 B1 APM2000

Design to complete the Dauphin range with an increased payload and new rotor design, EC155 B1 is
also the first helicopter in this range to receive an integrated “Avionique Nouvelle” suite including Vehicle
and Engines Management Display, MFDs and high performance digital autopilot providing pilots with
reliable, precise functions allowing operation of the helicopter in single pilot in all-weather environment.
Based on an architecture common to the other APM Automatic Flight Control System (AFCSs) installed
in Airbus Helicopters, the optimal use of this essential equipment requires from the pilots qualified in the
model a deep knowledge of the normal and back-up AFCS operation and performance, a complete
understanding of the various modes, their displays, and all safety functions designed to protect from
errors and to keep as much as possible helicopter within a safe flight envelope.
This Flight Operations Briefing Note (FOBN) n° 10-22 is a document relative to the description and the
recommended use of the EC155 B1 AFCS and is available to all Operators to be a base in developing
Operations documents and Training Manuals.
Please take notice that this Flight Operations Briefing Note is neither a substitute nor a surrogate for the
Flight Manual which is the primary reference source and the final authority for all information regarding
your aircraft.
The material contained in this Briefing Note will also help trainers to identify additional training needs.
Nevertheless, pilots are responsible for learning and understanding all rules and regulations to be
applied to their particular missions.

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1. PRELIMINARY NOTES .................................................................................................................................. 8

1.1. ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2. RECOMMENDED TERMS FOR UPPER MODES AND AFCS STATUS DESCRIPTION ......................................................12
1.2.1. Upper modes status .....................................................................................................................................12

2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 13

2.1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................13
2.1.1. functions ......................................................................................................................................................13
2.2. AFCS SOFTWARE VERSION ....................................................................................................................................13
2.2.1. General information .....................................................................................................................................13
2.2.2. Software version check .................................................................................................................................14
2.2.3. Software version ..........................................................................................................................................14

2.3. AFCS ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................................................................................16

2.3.1. Operating principle: ......................................................................................................................................18
2.3.2. Architecture description: ..............................................................................................................................18
2.3.3. AFCS power supply .......................................................................................................................................20

2.4. Location of the main components .........................................................................................................................21

2.5. The Pilot – System interface .................................................................................................................................24

2.5.1. Components location of the interface: ..........................................................................................................24
2.5.2. The cyclic grip ...............................................................................................................................................25
2.5.3. The collective grip ........................................................................................................................................26
2.5.4. The Instrument Control Panel (ICP) ...............................................................................................................26
2.5.5. The reconfiguration control unit (RCU)..........................................................................................................27
2.5.6. The Overhead control panel .........................................................................................................................28
2.5.7. APMS ...........................................................................................................................................................28
2.5.8. The Caution Advisory Display (CAD) ..............................................................................................................30
2.5.9. warning panel ..............................................................................................................................................30
2.5.10. Understanding the AFCS displays: PFD and ND ..............................................................................................30

3. AFCS OPERATING MODES ......................................................................................................................... 39

3.1. What AFCS provides? ............................................................................................................................................39
3.1.1. Pre Flight Test...............................................................................................................................................40
3.1.2. In flight monitoring.......................................................................................................................................43
3.1.3. Basic stabilization .........................................................................................................................................43
3.1.4. How to engage the AFCS? .............................................................................................................................43
3.1.5. Cyclic automatic centering function: .............................................................................................................43
3.1.6. Long Term Attitude Hold ATT ........................................................................................................................44
3.1.7. Stability Augmentation Sub-mode (Digital SAS):............................................................................................45
3.1.8. Backup SAS mode .........................................................................................................................................45
3.1.9. Power protection in basic stabilization..........................................................................................................46
3.1.10. Good practices using basic stabilization (ATT mode)......................................................................................47
3.1.11. AFCS Upper modes: ......................................................................................................................................48
3.1.12. APM2000 UPPER MODES PROTECTIONS .......................................................................................................50
3.1.13. GOOD PRACTICES TO USE APM2000 UPPER MODES ......................................................................................52
3.2. ALT: altitude hold mode........................................................................................................................................54

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3.2.1. How ALT works? ...........................................................................................................................................54
3.2.2. How to use ALT? ...........................................................................................................................................54

3.3. ALT.A: altitude acquisition mode ..........................................................................................................................59

3.3.1. How ALT.A works? ........................................................................................................................................59
3.3.2. How to use ALT.A?........................................................................................................................................59
3.4. HDG: HEADING MODE ..........................................................................................................................................67
3.4.1. How HDG works?..........................................................................................................................................67
3.4.2. How to use HDG? .........................................................................................................................................67
3.5. VOR: NAVIGATION MODE .....................................................................................................................................71
3.5.1. How VOR works? ..........................................................................................................................................71
3.5.2. How to use VOR? ..........................................................................................................................................72
3.6. NAV: NAVIGATION MODE .....................................................................................................................................76
3.6.1. How NAV works? ..........................................................................................................................................76
3.6.2. How to use NAV?..........................................................................................................................................76

3.7. ILS approach .........................................................................................................................................................79

3.7.1. displays ........................................................................................................................................................79
3.8. LOC: approach mode ............................................................................................................................................81
3.8.1. How LOC works?...........................................................................................................................................81
3.8.2. How to use LOC? ..........................................................................................................................................81

3.9. GS: approach moDE ..............................................................................................................................................87

3.9.1. How GS works? ............................................................................................................................................87
3.9.2. How to use GS? ............................................................................................................................................88
3.10. IAS: airspeed mode ..............................................................................................................................................94
3.10.1. How it works (IAS) ........................................................................................................................................94
3.10.2. How to use IAS? ...........................................................................................................................................94
3.11. VS: vertical speed mode .......................................................................................................................................99
3.11.1. How it works (VS) .........................................................................................................................................99
3.11.2. How to use VS?.............................................................................................................................................99

3.12. GA: GO AROUND mode ...................................................................................................................................... 104

3.12.1. How it works (GA) ...................................................................................................................................... 104
3.12.2. How to use GA? .......................................................................................................................................... 104
3.13. CRHT: CAPTURE AND RETENTION OF RADAR HEIGHT MODE ............................................................................... 108
3.13.1. How it works (CR.HT) .................................................................................................................................. 108
3.13.2. How to use CRHT? ...................................................................................................................................... 108

3.14. HOVER: hover mode and associated optionnal equipments ................................................................................ 115
3.14.1. associated optionnal equipments ............................................................................................................... 115
3.14.2. How it works (HOVER) ................................................................................................................................ 117
3.14.3. How to use HOVER?.................................................................................................................................... 117
3.15. AFCS Upper modes ............................................................................................................................................. 122

4. BEST USE OF AUTOMATION ................................................................................................................. 124

4.1. GENERALITIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 124
4.1.1. Managing automation ................................................................................................................................ 124
4.1.2. Automation level ........................................................................................................................................ 124
4.1.3. Pre-setting of AFCS coupled modes on ground at departure ........................................................................ 124
4.1.4. RADALT (DH) bug settings ........................................................................................................................... 124
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4.1.5. Use of GPSs - FMS ....................................................................................................................................... 125
4.1.6. Monitoring of controls ................................................................................................................................ 125
4.1.7. Use of ALT.A (AFCS vertical modes) ............................................................................................................. 125
4.1.8. Use of VS (AFCS vertical modes) .................................................................................................................. 125
4.1.9. Modes combinations .................................................................................................................................. 126
4.2. TAKEOFF & DEPARTURE ...................................................................................................................................... 126
4.2.1. Automation management........................................................................................................................... 126
4.2.2. FCDS configuration for departure................................................................................................................ 126
4.2.3. Power management ................................................................................................................................... 127
4.2.4. CLEAR AREA takeoff PC 1 & 2 ...................................................................................................................... 127
4.2.5. Low visibility takeoff (LVTO) ....................................................................................................................... 127
4.2.6. Ground Helipad takeoff (PC 1 & 2) .............................................................................................................. 127
4.2.7. Helideck takeoff (PC2 DLE) .......................................................................................................................... 127
4.2.8. Takeoff from unprepared area (off-airfield) ................................................................................................ 128

4.3. CRUISE................................................................................................................................................................ 128

4.4. CLIMB AND DESCENT .......................................................................................................................................... 128
4.5. APPROACHES ...................................................................................................................................................... 128
4.5.1. ILS approach ............................................................................................................................................... 129
4.5.2. ON SHORE NON-PRECISION APPROACH ...................................................................................................... 130

5. QUESTIONS / ANSWERS ......................................................................................................................... 131

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Figure 1: APM2000 General architecture without HOVER mode. ............................................................ 16
Figure 2:APM2000 General architecture with HOVER mode. .................................................................. 17
Figure 3: APM2000 detailed Dual architecture. ........................................................................................ 18
Figure 4: MFDs PFD format: AFCS strip. ................................................................................................. 32
Figure 5: AFCS strip Upper modes assignment. ..................................................................................... 33
Figure 6: PFDs - AFCS strip messages. ................................................................................................. 36
Figure 7: MFD ND format. ....................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 8: Master NAV source displays on NDs. ....................................................................................... 39
Figure 9: AP pre-flight test and backup SAS procedure. .......................................................................... 42
Figure 10: AP pre-flight test results table. ................................................................................................ 42
Figure 11: AP engagement. ...................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 12: Power protection in ATT stabilization. ..................................................................................... 46
Figure 13: AFCS vertical upper modes power limits in AEO and OEI. ..................................................... 50
Figure 14: ALT upper mode displays ........................................................................................................ 56
Figure 15: power management with ALT mode on collective. .................................................................. 57
Figure 16: ALT.A climb / descent limits function of airspeed. ................................................................... 59
Figure 17: ALT.A mode coupling / decoupling on APMS ......................................................................... 60
Figure 18: ALT.A upper mode displays. ................................................................................................... 63
Figure 19: use of ALT.A summary. ........................................................................................................... 65
Figure 20: HDG coupling / decoupling on APMS ..................................................................................... 67
Figure 21: HDG displays .......................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 22: how to manage HDG? ............................................................................................................. 70
Figure 23: NAV VOR interception. ............................................................................................................ 71
Figure 24: PFD VOR display - Over Station status (OSS)........................................................................ 72
Figure 25: NAV source selection on ICP. ................................................................................................. 72
Figure 26: APMS NAV VOR mode. ......................................................................................................... 72
Figure 27: NAV VOR mode displays. ....................................................................................................... 74
Figure 28: NAV source on ICP. ................................................................................................................ 76
Figure 29: APMS NAV mode. ................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 30: NAV mode displays. ................................................................................................................ 77
Figure 31: PFDs ILS mode. ...................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 32: NDs LOC and GS modes display. ........................................................................................... 80
Figure 33: Localizer mode. ....................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 34: NAV source and course selection on ICP. .............................................................................. 82

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0 - 22
gure 35: AP
LS ............................... ........................................................................................... 82 
gure 36: NA
ode displays
s. ............... ........................................................................................... 85 
gure 37: Gliide Slope mode.
m ........................... ........................................................................................... 87 
gure 38: AP
ode. ............................. ........................................................................................... 89 
gure 39: NA
AV - GS mo
odes display
ys. .............. ........................................................................................... 91 
gure 40: AP
ode pushbu
utton. .......... ........................................................................................... 95 
gure 41: IAS
S mode displays. .......................... ........................................................................................... 97 
gure 42: VS
S mode PFD
Ds display. .................. ........................................................................................ 100 
gure 43: VS
S mode disp
plays. ........................... ........................................................................................ 102 
gure 44: GA
A mode PFD
Ds and APM
MS displayss. ...................................................................................... 105 
gure 45: GA
A mode disp
plays. .......................... ........................................................................................ 106 
gure 46: Ve
ertical Speed
d envelopes
s with CR.H
HT mode. ......................................................................... 108 
gure 47: AP
T mode. ....................... ........................................................................................ 109 
gure 48: CR
RHT PFDs & NDs displays. .......... ........................................................................................ 110 
gure 49: CR
RHT mode displays.
d ..................... ........................................................................................ 112 
gure 50: CR
R.HT and FL
LY-UP mod
des power liimits in AEO
O and OEI. .................................................... 113 
gure 51: CR
R.HT Safetyy Limit: FLY
Y-UP (softwa
are after N9
9-72).. ............................................................ 113 
gure 52: CR
UP based on
n the highesst DH (softw
ware before
e N9-72). ...................................... 114 
gure 53:Cycclic grip with
h HOVER. ................... ........................................................................................ 116 
gure 54: Thumbwheelss control box. .............. ........................................................................................ 116 
Fig oist operator joystick. .................... ........................................................................................ 116 
gure 55: Ho 1
gure 56: Ho
over Indicato
or (IVS) ....................... ........................................................................................ 117 
gure 57: ma
aximum spe
eeds at HOV
V coupling - no IVS ins
stalled. ........................................................... 118 
gure 58: cou
upling HOV
VER mode: APMS
A and Cyclic grips
s. ................................................................... 118 
gure 59: Re
eading Hove
er Indicator.. ................. ........................................................................................ 119 
gure 60: HO
OV mode displays. ........................ ........................................................................................ 120 
gure 61:Listt of inappro
opriate leve
el & combin
nation of auttomation. ....................................................... 126 
Fig priate level & combinattion of auto
gure 62: Lisst of approp omation in degraded sittuation. ...................... 126 

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A Armed
A/C AirCraft
AC Alternative Current
ADC Air Data Computer
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
AH Airbus Helicopters
ADI Attitude Deviation Indicator
ADU Air Data Unit
AEO All Engines Operative
AFCS Automatic F l i g h t Control System
AGL Above Ground Level
AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference Sensor
ALT AFCS Altitude hold mode
ALT.A AFCS Altitude Acquisition mode
ANP Actual Navigation Performance
AP Autopilot
APIRS Aircraft Piloting Inertial Reference System
APM AutoPilot Module
APMS Autopilot Mode Selector
APP APProach mode (LOC)
ARA Airborne Radar Approach
ASU Anciliary System Unit
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATRIM Auto-TRIM mode
ATT long term Attitude hold

BIT Built In Test

BITE Built In Test Equipment

C Collective axis or Capture

CAD Caution and Advisory Display
CDFA Continuous Descent Final Approach
COLL Collective axis
CR.HT AFCS Cruise Height mode
CPDS Central Panel Display System
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSAS Control and Stability Augmentation Sub-function

DA Decision Altitude
DC Direct Current
DECU Digital Engine Control Unit
DH Decision Height
DME Distance Measurement Equipment
DPIFR Dual Pilot IFR
DSAS Digital Stability Augmentation System
DVE Degraded Visual Environment

EECU Electronic Engine Control Unit

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FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control

FAF Final Approach Fix
FAP Final Approach Point
FAT Final Approach Track
FCDM Flight Control Display Module
FCDS Flight Control Display System
FFS Feel Force System
FL Flight Level
FMS Flight Management System
FOG Fiber Optic Gyrometer
ft feet
FTR Force Trim Release

GA Go Around
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
GS AFCS Glide Slope mode
h/c Helicopter
HDG AFCS Heading mode
HHT AFCS Hover Height mode
HOV AFCS Hover mode
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HUMS Health and Usage Monitoring System
HW Hardware

IAS AFCS Airspeed mode or Indicated Air Speed

ICP Instrument Control Panel
IF Intermediate Fix
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IGE In Ground E f f e c t
ILS Instrument Landing System
IVS Indicateur de Vol Stationnaire (French) = Hover Indicator

kt Knot
KIAS Knot of Indicated Air Speed

LH Left Hand
LOC AFCS Localizer mode
LRU Line Replacable Unit
LVTO Low Visibility Take Off

MAPt Missed Approach Point

MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MFD Multi-Function Display
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MP Multi Pilot
MSA Minimum Safety Altitude

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NAV Navigation
NDB Non Directional Beacon
N1 Engine Turbine Speed
Nm Nautical Mile
NVM Non Volatile Memory

OAT Outside Air Temperature

OEI One Engine Inoperative
OGE Out of Ground Effec t
OSS Over Station Sens or

P Pitch axis
Pb Pushbutton
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PF Pilot Flying
PFD Primary Flight Display
PITCH Pitch axis
PM Pilot Monitoring
PNF Pilot Not Flying = PM

QNH Air Pressure on MSL

QFE Air Pressure at Airfield level

R Roll
RA Radio-Altimeter
Radalt Radio-Altimeter
RCU Reconfiguration Unit
RF Radius to Fix (leg)
RFM Rotorcraft Flight Manual
RH Right Hand
RNAV Area navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RoC Rate of Climb
RoD Rate of Descent
ROLL Roll axis
RVR Runway Visual Range

SAR Search And Rescue

SAS Stability Augmentation System
SEMA Smart Electro-Mechanical Actuator
SEMA NG Smart Electro-Mechanical Actuator New Generation
SPIFR Single Pilot IFR
SW Software

TAS True Air Speed

TCAS Traffic and Collision Avoidance System
TEM Threat and Error Management
TOT Temperature Of Turbine

VEMD Vehicle and Engine Management Display

VFR Visual Flight Rules
VNE Velocity Never Exceed
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VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range
VS AFCS Vertical Speed mode
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
Vx Longitudinal ground speed
Vy Best Climb Speed or lateral ground speed
VTOSS Take-Off Safety Speed

WoW Weight on Wheel

Y Yaw
YAW Yaw axis

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To avoid misunderstanding or confusion between crewmembers, it is recommended to describe the
upper mode without ambiguity. So the following words will be preferably used instead of the usual
generic terms “engaged” or disengaged”:


Couple (Coupled – Coupling)

Arm (Armed – Armament) Engage (Engaged – Engagement)
Capture (Captured – Capture)
Disarm (Disarmed – Disarmament)
Disengage (Disengaged – Disengagement)
Decouple (Decoupled – Decoupling)

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The APM 2000 of the EC155 B1 was the first digital autopilot to be fully develop by Eurocopter now
Airbus Helicopters. Based on the “Avionique Nouvelle” family concept, pilots will find similarities with
other Airbus Helicopters regarding the Man-Machine Interface (controls and displays), normal
procedures and usage of the AFCS modes.
The APM 2000 is a digital 4-axis autopilot based on one dual architecture Electronic module called
APM (Autopilot Module) with two AHRSs and two air data units (ADU) redundant sensors. Command
signals are provided to dual electro-mechanical Series actuators (SEMA) on each helicopter axis.

Basically, the difference between analog and digital technologies is that in
analog technology, information is translated into electric pulses of varying
amplitude. In digital technology, translation of information is into binary format
(zero or one). Digital technology allows a greater number of precise information
received, and faster exchange of data.

Design to decrease significantly the pilot workload, the APM2000 acquires data, then computes
and transmits the correcting signals to the Smart actuators on the helicopter’s four axis Pitch,
Roll, Yaw and Collective in order to maintain or modify the flight path as managed by the pilot.
EC155 B1 helicopter fitted with the APM2000 fullfill JAR29 for Single Pilot IFR (SPIFR)


The APM 2000 has been designed to be “fail passive” 4 axis AFCS thanks to a dual
architecture providing:
 failure detection
 Commands freeze,
and offering a “fail operative” or in other words, system continues to provide assistance to the
pilot when degraded status in the sensors or failure of the APM occurs and thanks the
redundancy of resources as follow:
 reconfiguration / selection of the non-faulty sensor,
 Stabilization Augmentation System (SAS) piloting law as a back-up when attitude
retention is lost,
 An actuator failure on an axis will degrade only that axis,
 Use of pitch and roll trims as back-up actuators.

The APM2000 AFCS offers functions such as basic stabilization and upper modes as follow:


Airbus Helicopters is fully responsible for the system architecture design and the Software including flight
control laws development and certification. The Hardware supplier of the “Avionique Nouvelle” AFCS is

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APM software version loaded on your H155 helicopter can be checked in the aircraft by setting the
VEMD in STATUS Mode, then selecting AFCS in maintenance, by pressing at least 3 sec. on the BC or
HOV (if HOVER option)
The lower screen of the VEMD displays the status of the AFCS as follow:

1. Scroll VEMD to status display

2. Select APM to MAINTENANCE on the
APMS : pressing BC or HOVER mode
pushbutton more than 3 sec.
3. Read the APM software number in the



In Rotorcraft flight manual (FLM) complementary volume, the systems description section includes in
section 7.13 three similar sections representing the three main AFCS software: Section 7.13 A, Section
7.13 B and Section 7.13 C, and divided as follow:

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Autopilot softwares and mod (AMS)

SOFT N 8-37
Rotorcraft Flight Manual Section 7.13 A
After MOD 22B55
Above -40°c
 Improvement of yaw trim during AP test
 Improvement of power management in ATT ,
 New function: Cyclic stick re-centering function: available on ground pressing the upper mode
disengagement pushbutton on cyclic more than 1 sec.
 CR.HT mode FLY UP safety device based on highest DH set on pilot or co-pilot NDs.
 Level off with ALT mode coupling at 65 ft when descending with GS mode coupled.
 GA mode maintains actual airspeed when coupled below Vy.
SOFT N 9–72
Rotorcraft Flight Manual Section 7.13 B
 LOC and VOR modes improvement in final approach phase when equipped with GARMIN 400,
 HOVER Mode option available for H155 equipped with GPS AeroNavH and GARMIN 400W, only
with HOVER mode and IVS, Pilot Drift Box and Joystick (full option)
 ALT.A mode rate of descent can be customized with APMS Pin coding either 500 ft/min or 1000
 CR.HT mode FLY UP safety device modified and set at 30 ft below the CRHT reference when flying
below 200 ft, and 200 ft above the ground when flying above 230 ft.
 Level off with ALT mode coupling at 80 ft when descending with GS mode coupled.
 GA mode does not decouple NAV or HDG if previously coupled.
 GA mode accelerates to a computed Vy when coupled at airspeed below.
 Preset references are reset and cleared on ALT.A, HDG, or CRHT modes In flight, when pilot couple
and decouple the concerned upper mode.
 All preset references are reset and cleared on ALT.A, HDG, and CRHT modes when pilot deselect
SOFT N 9 – 79
Rotorcraft Flight Manual Section 7.13 C
 HOV mode available for all GPS AeroNavH, GARMIN GPS400W and GTN 750,
 Mode HOV with the following options:
 1st option: HOV mode (with or without IVS)
 2st option: HOV mode and IVS + Pilot drift box
 3nd option: HOV mode and IVS + Pilot drift Box + Joystick

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Figure 1: APM2000 General architecture without HOVER mode.

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connected (HOV option) the

acquisition of ADC1 & 2 is
When 1 or 2 GPS are

via FCDMs

Figure 2:APM2000 General architecture with HOVER mode.

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 The AFCS is energized as soon as the helicopter battery is switched on, the AFCS is in a
disengaged status.
After carrying an automatic self-test, APM processors perform synchronization together, and
sensors forward data to the APM. The Autopilot is ready to provide to pilots the basic stabilization
once engaged. Processors in the APM continuously calculate deviation between stored reference
and instantaneous data provided by the sensors, and produce flight command signals send to the
series actuators: signal from both channels are compared, if valid, the Master channel command
is executed.
Series actuators act on the servo-controls distributors to correct attitude deviation and set attitude
Parallel actuators are controlled by the APM to modify the anchoring point on the flight control


 One dual electronic APM2000 Autopilot module being the core of the system receives
helicopter angles and rates, nav deviations and computes and transmits correcting signals to the
actuators. The APM module is made of two identical boards including 2 processing channels for
flight control laws and monitoring each other. The APM module processes the basic stabilization
(ATT) and upper modes functions.

Figure 3: APM2000 detailed Dual architecture.

The dual architecture of the APM allows the failure passivation as the two channels are linked
together. They both acquire sensors data and cross-exchange information in order to compare and
detect any discrepancy, then compute, and both channels send command to the actuators.
Series actuators receive commands from the two processors, and compare both commands: if no
discrepancy is detected the channel 1 command is executed. APM channel discrepancy is detected
at the actuator level, comparing the MASTER signal (channel 1) and the signal from channel 2 used
for monitoring and detecting the faults.
APM can be disconnected manually by the crew (overhead panel Pb RST AP) or internally when the
software detects an APM failure, or by the watchdog release. Following a disconnection, crew is
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immediately informed and pilot at controls switches to stabilization mode by engaging SAS BACK
The APM receives ground / flight logic from VEMD.

 Two independent sensors, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS)

o The AHRS are a kind of mini Inertial Reference System, delivering attitudes, angular rates
and acceleration.
o The AHRSs are coupled with Magnetic Aircraft Sensors (MAS) and become an Aircraft
Piloting Inertial Reference System (APIRS) providing magnetic headings. Using air data
from the ADUs, the AHRSs compute baro-inertial vertical speeds. Most sensors are
shared with the FDS and are used as primary sensors for artificial horizon presentation,
heading and radar stabilization purposes.

 Two independent Air Data Units (ADU)

o Delivering altitudes, airspeeds, raw vertical speed and temperature data to the AFCS
partitions, these sensors data are also shared with the FDS.

 Four Smart Electro-Mechanical series Actuators (SEMA)

o Two SEMAs are installed on Roll,
o One SEMA is installed on Pitch, and one SEMA on the Yaw
o Collective is controlled by the Roll and Pitch SEMAs.
SEMAs are also designated as Series actuators. The actuator is able to receive piloting commands
from APM via Arinc429 lines and send back validity signals to APM. Detection of any discrepancy
between APM channels is performed by the SEMA as one channel signal is used as command and
the other signal is used for monitoring.
When Back-Up SAS is selected, SEMAs receive commands from FOGs, in Roll two signals are
provided, one FOG for control input and the other FOG for monitoring input, in Yaw only one FOG
delivers control and monitoring inputs.
Why Smart? Because the SEMA actuator includes its own internal control for position slaving and
position monitoring, and transmits a valid signal to the APM.
In the event of failure, where the position of the actuator is not in compliance with the position
required by the command, the actuator is automatically stopped and its position is locked: the signal
to the APM changes to invalid.

 Four Parallel actuators (TRIM ACTUATOR)

One parallel actuator is installed on each axis and receive signals from APM and from flight
controls pilot / copilot. They include an electrical motor receiving 28VDC pulses from APM for
re-centering purposes. Trim Actuators are not controlled by FOGs when Back-Up SAS is
selected, pilots cyclic can still be used for trim control inputs.

They are of different types:

o On Pitch and Roll: they provide artificial force feel, and an anchoring point for cyclic’s
sticks. This anchoring point can be displaced by pilots using the cyclic grips beep trim or
trim release. RVDT sensors provide stick position information and override information
(i.e. pilot fly-through)
o On Collective and Yaw: these trims have the same role as Pitch and Roll trim actuators in
providing artificial force feel, and an anchoring point.
pilot can displaced the anchoring point by using the collective grips beep trim or trim
release, RVDT sensor provides stick position information only.

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 Collective lever position sensor – Yaw pedals position sensor:

Because there is no mechanical link between yaw and Collective control lines for coupling purpose, the
APM software is designed to correct the collective inputs secondary effects using these sensors
o Collective Sensor: this sensor sends collective pitch lever position changes to the APM,
for the APM to compute signals to Trim Actuators Roll and Pitch for correction due to
collective inputs.
o Yaw Sensor: reports Yaw pedals position changes.

 ASU 11-Alpha
The card also called Trim Amplifier Unit, amplifies the command signal for the yaw and collective parallel

 One Auto Pilot Modes Selector (APMS):

The APMS is the main interface between pilots and system. The mode selector box is installed on the
console between the two pilots. The APMS is connected the APM2000 AP module.
o The APMS allows AP and Back-up SAS engagement/disengagement, built-in test start
sequence, upper modes coupling/decoupling including navigation modes, modes
references adjustment and auto trims engagement. The APMS may include SAR modes

 Three Fiber Optic rate Gyros (FOG)

FOGs are gyrometers, able to provide only angular rate in Roll and Yaw axis. FOGs compute a BACK-
UP SAS control law and command series actuators (Roll and Yaw) for short term stabilization.

o There are 2 FOGs dedicated to the Roll axis for redundancy, and one FOG for the Yaw
o FOGs are associated with SAS BACK-UP, and this function can be operated when AFCS
is disengaged.
o When AFCS operates correctly, FOGs send their data to the APM for the module to
compare with data from the AHRSs and detect any discrepancy.

 One SAS switching board or POST MOD 0724C37 SAS board

The box or printed card after mod has three main functions:
o Enables series actuators (SEMAs) to receive flight control and stab commands from either
APM or FOGs,
o Sends signals to the CAD to display operation of the SAS, either correct or failed,
o Enables the series actuator valid signals to be sent to the APM.
 APM and Vehicle-and-Engine-Multifunction-Display interface
The VEMD is used to display maintenance information, and from POST-MOD 0722B52 to edit on
ground the failures recorded in flight.
Discret signals are sent to APM both channels providing information on-ground or in-flight. Ground
logic will limit the use of the APM: i.e. pre-flight test is inhibited when in-flight.
APM stores failures occurring in flight as well as built-in test result. Using the Maintenance function,
VEMD is used to display the AFCS status, displayed on the VEMD STATUS page.


The AFCS basic and back-up SAS are both supplied with 2 sources of 28VDC Essential buses.

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The AFCS is automatically supplied when helicopter is powered, after the power-up is identified by the
APM, a self-test is executed with the initialization of the computer and the actuators.
In case of both generators loss, the Essential buses still supply the battery power.


The APM 2000 is installed in the avionics “Pelican” rack in the nose of the helicopter.

Figure 4: Autopilot Module (APM).

SEMAs are positioned on the flight controls, two actuators on the Roll, one on the right and one on the
left. The pitch SEMA is on the left side and the yaw SEMA is located near the tail servo control.

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Figure 5: Roll, Pitch and Yaw SEMAs

The three rate gyros FOGs are installed under the passenger cabin floor on the left side.
Collective pitch lever position detection unit is located under cockpit floor LH side, just behind the
collective trim actuator. Yaw control pedals position detection unit is under the cabin floor, RH side in
front of the Yaw trim actuator.
The SAS switching box (23-ALPHA) is attached vertically under the cockpit floor left side.

After mod 0724C37, replacement of the SAS Switching Box by a SAS PCB,
the SAS Board is installed in the Back-up board cage which is in the battery
Yaw and collective channels control signals are amplified by a card (No.2) in The ASU 11-ALPHA
mounted in the nose under the left electrical master box.
The Collective Pitch Lever Detection unit is located under the cockpit floor left side, behind the collective
parallel actuator,
The Yaw Control Pedal Position Detection unit is located under the passenger cabin floor starboard side.

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Figure 6: FOGs, Collective Pitch lever Position and Yaw control Pedals Position Detection.

Four parallel actuators installed as follow: Roll, Pitch and Collective actuators are under the cockpit floor
LH side.
Yaw actuator is under the cabin floor RH side.

Figure 7: Parallel Actuators.

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Figure 8: Pilot-system interface.

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SAS pushbutton or SAS HOVER for Cyclic beep trim :

software with HOVER mode options: Four-way switch with label: AFCS
Small button, label: SAS ON or SAS/HOV TRIM
When AFCS is OFF: Pressing this button When in ATT, trimming left/right or
engages the Back-Up SAS. up/down, pilot changes the attitude
When AFCS is ON: Pressing this button reference in PITCH and ROLL.
couples and decouples the HOV mode if When Upper Mode coupled on PITCH
HOV option fitted. and/or ROLL, trimming the button,
pilot changes the mode datum.
With HOV mode, pilot can change
Cyclic trim Release :
longitudinal and lateral speeds.
Push-button, label: TRIM REL
When this button is depressed,
AFCS reference attitude is cancelled
and Pitch and Roll parallel actuators
SAS / AFCS fast Cut-Off
clutches are open: in result the
anchoring point and the force feel
Push-button label:AFCS
are lost.
SAS is ON, depressing
this button disengages the
Upper Mode disengagement: AFCS or SAS.
Push-button, label: CPL REL
In flight, pressing this button disengages all AFCS
coupled Upper modes on PITCH, ROLL, YAW and
On ground, with AP ON pressing the button more
than 2 sec. allows the Cyclic to return to a neutral
centered position.

Figure 9: Cyclic Grip.

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Collective beep trim:

Two way rocker switch, label: COLL BT Collective trim Release :
and UP - DWN Trigger shape, label: TRIM REL
Trimming up or down, pilot raise (UP) or When pressing this button,
lower (DOWN) the collective lever collective parallel actuator clutch
position. is open.
With Upper Mode coupled on Collective lever can be moved
COLLECTIVE, when trimming the button, freely. The AFCS commands can
pilot changes the mode reference. no longer drive the collective.

Black button, label: G AROUND
In flight, when AP ON, pressing this
button couples or decouples Go-Around
upper mode, it is the only way to select
this Mode.
Disengagement can be made using the
Figure 10: Collective Grip. Cyclic CPL Release button.
Press the trigger TRIM REL prior to move collective up or down.


Two ICPs for controlling left and right channels (PFD / ND) in normal configuration. NAV SOURCE
pushbutton allows the pilot to scroll and select the appropriate navigation reference to be displayed on
his ND and used by the AFCS for navigation guidance with NAV mode.

NAV SOURCE to select the guidance

reference for the AFCS.
Concern NMS and VOR / ILS navigation
The NAV reference or MASTER
designation is the last selected NAV
SOURCE, left or right

CRS rotary knob for course To / From

adjustment when turning left or right.
CRS can be pressed to set direct course
to the selected Navaid.
Figure 11: ICP - Instrument Control Panel.

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As two ICPs are installed, pilots have to designate only one NAV Source to be reference for NAV mode
guidance: this is made on RCU with MASTER L / R selector.

Three-position switch ADC:

1 selected: only ADC #1 is
used by the APM and is
displayed on MFDs Pilot and
2 selected: only ADC #2 is
used by the APM and is
displayed on MFDs Pilot and
NOTE: after reconfiguration to
1 or 2, is displayed on
the MFDs
NORM selected: APM
Three-position switch AHRS: 2-positions MASTER: receives and compares both
1 selected: only AHRS #1 is used by L selected: left hand PFD – ND nav ADCs.
the APM and is displayed on MFDs source and datum, heading ADC #1 is displayed on
Pilot and CoPilot. reference and ADC copilot side are CoPilot MFD (LH)
2 selected: only AHRS #2 is used by used by the APM. ADC#2 is displayed on Pilot
the APM and is displayed on MFDs R selected: : Right hand PFD – ND MFD (RH)
Pilot and CoPilot. nav source and datum, heading
NOTE: after reconfiguration to 1 or reference and ADC pilot side are
2, is displayed on the used by the APM.
NORM selected: APM receives and
compares both AHRSs.
AHRS #1 is displayed on CoPilot
AHRS#2 is displayed on Pilot MFD

Figure 12: Reconfiguration Control Unit (RCU).

When position 1 or 2 is selected with AHRS or ADC switches, MFDs and
APM cannot perform any cross data monitoring and no discrepancy is
reported. Pilots are required to monitor MFDs and compare with Back-up
instruments even if upper modes in use are displayed in green after

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COLL: disengagement of the trim
Collective parallel actuator when OFF is
Force trim is released; Collective lever can
be moved without pressing the trigger,
The AFCS commands can no longer drive
the collective: no upper mode can be

CYCL: cut-off the 28VDC to the Cyclic

parallel actuator (PITCH & ROLL)
Cyclic can be moved freely with no
anchoring point and no force feeling.
The AFCS commands can no longer drive
the cyclic: no upper mode can be coupled
on Pitch and Roll.

Two reset pushbuttons: RST (reset) :

SAS: when press, cut-off the 28VDC to
the FOGs Yaw and Roll, Yaw and Roll
SEMA and SAS switching board.
AP: cut-off momentarily the 28VDC to the
APM processors.

Figure 13: Overhead panel – Pilot side (RH).

RESET pushbuttons (AP and SAS) will be used on ground after
starting engines with a low battery voltage.

2.5.7. APMS
A single mode selector box (APMS) located top right of the central console. The APMS allows to
manage and test the basic upper mode, and to couple, arm and decouple the AFCS upper modes.
The control panel includes different types of push-buttons and knobs with labels of amber or green
colors. Top line includes AP, A.TRIM CYC & YAW, TEST for basic APM management. The two lower
lines are used to manage the AFCS Upper modes, with rotary knobs for presetting references, and push-
buttons for coupling or decoupling.
For H155 not equipped with the HOVER mode, a pushbutton named BC (back course) with inhibited ILS
back course function. Either HOV or BC pushbuttons are also used to enter and exit in the maintenance
mode by pressing more than 3 sec.

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AP push-button with two stable A.TRIM push-buttons with two stable TEST push-button with two
positions: positions: stable positions:
Pressing this PB engages AP or Pressing this PBs engage auto-trim Pressing this PB engages AP
disengage if previously ON. function on Pitch & Roll (CYC) or yaw Pre-Flight Test or disengage
This PB is the only command to (YAW), or disengage if previously ON. if previously ON. This PB is
switch ON the autopilot. Disengagement of the A.TRIM when inhibited in flight.
upper modes are engaged leads to loss of
AP is disengaged upper mode function. Flashing, Pre-Flight
test is running
AP is engaged Auto.TRIM disengaged
Pre-Flight test is OFF
Auto.TRIM engaged


knobs, with a pushbutton function for Pushbutton with three different Pushbuttons with 2
coupling / decoupling the upper mode statuses:
and rotating 360° for upper mode statuses: Upper mode not
reference datum preset for ALT.A only, couple neither armed Upper mode not
and modification.
Upper mode has been
indicate upper mode couple selected but Armed Upper mode is
when green triangle is illuminated coupled
Upper mode is captured FOR SOFTWARE
Transition from Armed to Captured is WITHOUT HOVER mode:
managed by the AFCS. HOV replaced by BC
(Back Course) this mode
is inactive.

Figure 14: AP Modes Selector box (APMS) (with HOVER mode option*).

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AP: APM failure and disengagement

Check APMS AP push-button
Associated with red alarm Hands-On on PFD -
AFCS strip

ACTUATOR: failure of a series actuator:

Associated with messages on PFD - AFCS

TRIM: failure of a parallel actuator

loss of trim on P, R, Y, C or controls position
sensors for YAW or COLLECTIVE
Associated with messages on PFD - AFCS
strip ( C R P Y ) and APMS - A.TRIM YAW &

SAS: (Back-up SAS) failure a Roll or Yaw FOG

AHRS DISC: Inertial sensors data discrepancy.

SAS: Back-up SAS mode is operating
Associated with messages on PFD - AFCS
strip TEST AP OK: AFCS Pre-Flight test completed

Figure 15: Caution Advisory Display (CAD).

AP , ACTUATOR , TRIM , SAS , AHRS DISC are flashing and then extinguish during pre-flight test.


The Warning Panel located above the CAD includes an AAPA red warning alarm flashing for 10 sec.,
then OFF, associated with the Hands-On flashing on PFDs. This warning is directly triggered by the APM
to warn pilots.


H155 FCDS is composed of two independent channels, one RH side for pilot and LH side for co-pilot,
every channel being made of two screens PFD and ND, and one ICP to control displayed information,
navigation source and display in normal configuration.
Reconfiguration by the pilots can be made using RCU when left or right system degrades.
A MASTER side must be selected in order to provide the Master navigation source to the AFCS NAV
guidance, either radio navigation (VORs & ILSs) or autonomous navigation (GPSs & FMS)

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ICPs allow pilots to select the Navigation source, and RCU must be used to designate the Master
Navigation source, either pilot (R ) or copilot (L) side.
AFCS data send to the FCDMs by Autopilot Module APM 2000 are displayed on PFD and ND. Data
includes AFCS status, modes engagement status and degradations, and immediate manual recovery
alarm. They are continuously forwarded to MFDs through Arinc 429 line. These data are looped back to
APM computer to perform a crosscheck. In result APM triggers an “authorization” signal to the screens
for display.

Figure 15: MFDs components.

It is essential for pilots to have a clear understanding of the messages displayed on MFDs and color
code has a major importance, as important as the text written.
In general, the main colors signification is:

RED: loss of function, immediate HANDS-ON required

AMBER: mode or function degradation, no immediate pilot action,
GREEN: normal operation, or Go.

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For more detailed description, the table below reminds the complete overview of colors assigned to MFD

RED Failed system

Caution and discrepancy,

Degraded mode (AP)
NAV source selection, pilot and copilot sides where correct
crosscheck is not possible.

WHITE Basic information: scale, bearing needles, range rings,

PFD & ND preset modes bugs or values, readout and pointers,

armed upper modes.

MAGENTA ILS source and related information.

GREEN Coupled AFCS upper modes, and related information (bugs, data)

BROWN Ground.

YELLOW Aircraft mock-up, indexes, trend vector.

Figure 16: MFDs symbols & messages color code. Description of the AFCS strip on the PFDs

Pilot and co-pilot PFD format include the AFCS strip at the top of the screen, just above the attitude
indicator in order to communicate to the pilot the status of the APM, and the operating AFCS modes.

Figure 4: MFDs PFD format: AFCS strip.

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The AFCS strip is made of two rows, and three columns, associated from left to right with:
Armed mode on collective Armed mode on Roll & Yaw Armed mode on Pitch
The two rows are associated with ATT (basic stabilization), and coupled modes for the upper row, armed
modes associated with lower row.


A G.A # AAGA#A ** With HOVER

Collective Yaw / Roll Pitch

axis axis axis
ATT status, or Upper modes
coupled and mode status
Upper Modes armed



Figure 5: AFCS strip Upper modes assignment.

In addition, several messages will be addressed to the pilot, by color changes, symbols flashing or
steady, and for good usage of the APM 2000, pilots must know perfectly all this messages and

PFD comment

Basic stabilization ATT mode is operating, when AFCS is

switched ON
Green rectangles flashing 10 sec then Off indicate the
engagement of ATT.

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Upper modes coupling or status changing from Armed to

Captured when AFCS basic stabilization is ON.
Green rectangles “attention getter” flashing 10 sec then Off
indicate the mode coupling on Collective, Roll/Yaw, Pitch.
Pilot can “Fly Through” or change datum reference for each
mode using the beep trims except for nav guidance mode.

Flashing amber and green, illuminates when pilot is

overriding the upper mode against the spring loads.

A green frame is displayed to pay attention to a mode

decoupled by a pilot action. When AFCS is ON and Upper
mode(s) is(are) decoupled by the pilot, the AFCS reverts to
Basic Stabilization (ATT mode) and pilot can use beep trims
to change Attitudes on cyclic and power on the collective.
In ATT, power monitoring is active and maximum power is
limited when pilots uses collective beep trim for collective

Amber chevrons displayed each side of the mode.

Excessive Deviations: the APM does not match the required
datum reference on the mode concerned. Excessive
deviation does not require to take immediate manual control
but the concerned mode require attention, monitor the actual
flight parameter compared to the datum set.
Upper modes reference datum changes.
As long as pilot is applying beep trim or change reference
with APMS switches the white underline is visible.
If this indication is observed without action on beep trims,
consider beep trim failure Emergency Procedure.

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This malfunction symbol informs the pilot of a degraded
reliability in the reference displayed: the consequence of loss
of data transmission between MFDs and APM.
AFCS references displayed on PFD is no more reliable.
Upper mode coupled prior to the malfunction can only be
decoupled, and pilot cannot change datum on this mode.
Other modes not previously coupled cannot be coupled.
Significant drift in datum may appears, pilot shall monitor the
references on the coupled modes.
Amber arrows indicate one or more series actuators out of
trim. These arrows show the correction to be applied for re-
centering the actuator. Pilot has to move gently the controls
as follow and stop correction when the arrow goes off.
Move collective Move collective up
ALT down
Move Left or Right pedal forward
Move cyclic to Move cyclic to
the Left the Right
Move cyclic Move cyclic
backward forward

When a fault occurs with an upper mode, pilot attention will

after 10 sec be alerted by a flashing amber frame on the concerned upper
After 10 sec. the frame disappears and upper mode is
displayed in amber showing that more attention should be
payed on this degraded coupled upper mode.

If the degraded mode decoupling is due to an actuator

Possible illumination of: default, an amber letter appears in the corresponding zone
indicating the cause

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Actuator degradation on relevant axis when basic stabilization

is selected (ATT)

A major failure causing the illumination of a MANDATORY

“Hands On” red manual recovery.
AAPA on Warning panel,
Illuminates on the APMS.

Pilot shall immediately take controls, stabilize the flight

parameters in the flight envelope, and apply the published
Emergency Procedure.
While flying CR.HT coupled, APM detect a deviation of more
than 30 ft below CR.HT reference datum, or below 200 ft
whichever is lowest. When such deviation is detected, APM
applies power to MTOP when speed below 30 kt, MCP when
speed above 45 kt.

Figure 6: PFDs - AFCS strip messages. Understanding the PFD

EC155 B1 pilot / copilot panels are part of the FCDS and are made of two independent channels for pilot
side and copilot side, each channel is composed of :
One FCDM (Flight Control Displays Module), which receives and transmits relevant flight data to the
Two displays: PFD (Primary Flight Display) and ND (Navigation Display)
One ICP (Instrument Control Panel) allowing control of the channel,

In addition, one RCU common to both channels used to reconfigure data display in case of loss of
sensor, or failure of MFD. RCU includes the AP PANEL MASTER switch, used to designate the
navigation, heading and barometric references to be used by the APM, either on pilot or copilot ND side.

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AFCS strip Altitude acquisition preset

Airspeed indicator

Vertical Speed
indicator with digital
Indicated AirSpeed value in 100 ft/min


Indicated AirSpeed Ground (radio

trend height zero)

ILS Glide Slope Side slip indicator ILS LOC cross side Scale zone
cross side
scale zone:
Decision Height bug
With radio height value
Or Composite PFD if reconfiguration

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Selected Track
Course NAV source Actual heading pointer BEARING (BRG)
Vertical deviation (DST) displayed
pointer (GS) when according to NAV
ILS selected source selection

Lateral deviation Radio height

With AFCS lateral
upper mode coupled
(VOR, ILS or GPS on Decision height
master side) digit value
With AFCS lateral
upper mode available or
non-master side
AFCS lateral upper mode
available or non-master Surface
side .
Figure 7: MFD ND format. Master and Slave status

The AP PANEL MASTER switch on the RCU allows selection of the MFDs1 (COPilot) or MFDs2 (PILot)
to be used by the APM for guidance purpose when NAV mode is coupled and for Barometric reference
It is important for pilots to understand the purpose of that switch, for crew coordination when flying multi-
pilots or avoiding confusion and errors when single pilot.
 Barometric altitude reference
The Air Data Computer (ADC) of the Master side altimeter will supply the barometric altitude information
to the APM when both ADCs are valid (ADC1 to PFD1, ADC to PFD2) and ALT mode is coupled on that
altitude. Degradation on the ALT mode could be a difference of valid signal between ADC1 and 2.
 Navigation source
Displays of the helicopter mockup on PFDs and NDs allow identifying the Master side and the Slave side
selection. If a change of Master is made while the NAV is coupled, automatically NAV shift to the
navigation source selected on the master selection.

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AP PANEL MASTER switch ND copilot (LH side) ND pilot (LH side)

Navigation source selected but Navigation source selected but

MASTER selected on the LH not coupled on Master side not coupled on Non-Master side
pilot side

Navigation source selected and Navigation source selected and

coupled on Master side coupled on Non-Master side

Navigation source selected but Navigation source selected but

MASTER selected on the RH not coupled on Non-Master side not coupled on Master side
pilot side

Navigation source selected and Navigation source selected and

coupled on Non-Master side coupled on Master side

Figure 8: Master NAV source displays on NDs.


As soon as the helicopter is powered-up with 28V, AFCS and SEMAs processing units are supplied and
perform internal self-tests and initialization of actuators and computer.
After completing this automatic power-up build-in test the APM is ready to be engaged. On ground, with
hydraulic power, the pre-flight test shall be performed once a day, before first flight. Test result is
showing the condition of the system.
Before taxiing and takeoff, pilot engages AP and the stabilization mode is attitude hold or ATT available
as soon as the helicopter is off the ground. The ATT mode is the default mode and the highest handling
quality processed: ATT is a long term attitude retention monitoring helicopter attitudes with AHRS
information and the APM maintains the reference attitude trimmed by the pilot in pitch and roll. These
attitudes references can be modified with different techniques or Upper modes can be couple to acquire
or hold a precise flight parameter.

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From ATT, pilot can couple upper modes, on Pitch, Roll / Yaw and Collective axis, enabling acquisition
and hold of pilot selected values such as altitude or height, airspeed, heading, en-route navigation and
When degradation occurs, AFCS displays degraded status on the AFCS strip, or Hands On if severe
degradation. In this case pilot has to keep hands on the controls and select the SAS back-up mode,
giving only short term stabilization, with no upper mode available.


After engines start and before first flight of the day, the full Pre Flight Test has to be performed. The Pre-
flight test is design to test hardware and safety devices of the APM, to controls from grips and APMS,
actuators (trim and SEMA) and backup SAS operation.
Duration of the pre-flight test is approximately 13 sec. when no failure is detected.
Purpose: to make sure that no failure regarding safety (mainly dormant failure) as well as operational
aspects is present before the flight.
The Pre-flight test will cover:
 The test of APM processing unit hardware and safety devices,
 The check of cyclic and collective grips,
 The APMS controls,
 The actuators (trim, SEMAs) operation,
 The “freeze” signal of SEMA when APM or sensors failure,
 The back-up SAS operation,
 Alarms and Hands On signal,

Prerequisites: to be able to engage the TEST, the following conditions shall be met:
 Helicopter is “on ground” received by both APM lanes from dual “wheels-on-ground” signals,
 AP disengaged,
 Collective stick unlocked and full low Pitch position,
 Cyclic sticks and pedals free,
 Hands and feet off,
 Hydraulic system pressurized,
 Radio-altimeter(s) to “ON” position,
In addition, the power-up test should have been successful.

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Starting the Pre-Flight Test

Launching the pre-flight test is performed with the AP OFF by pressing the TEST pushbutton on the
The test pushbutton ON light is blinking all during the test sequence. Flight controls cyclic, collective
and pedals must be free and pilot(s) must not interfere as pre-flight test includes flight controls

While the test is running, pilot checks as indicated below the illumination of warnings and
annunciation lights and verify without interfering with the movement of flight controls:

TEST light is blinking
for the duration of the
pre-flight test,

Warning Panel

PFDs sequence



illumination /
extinction of 5

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collective pitch lever must be unlocked before starting
pre-flight test

CAD Test result

Engage AP to clear « AP TEST OK » message

After AP pre-flight  press to desengage AP

test result, and test
press to engage backup SAS
test back-up SAS
engagement /

Figure 9: AP pre-flight test and backup SAS procedure.

At the end of the pre-flight test the APMS TEST ON light goes off, a message reporting the APM test
result is displayed on the CAD: AP TEST OK.
3 different results may be observed as follow:
ON Test light Off, and AFCS strip AP TST OK:
No failure is detected, pilot can continue with the back-up SAS pre-flight test

Test ON light continues blinking, and CAD AP TEST OK illuminates

A minor failure is detected; pilot can engage the AP and use basic stabilization

Test ON light illuminated steady, and CAD AP TEST OK not illuminated:

A major failure is detected, pilot cannot engage the AFCS,



Figure 10: AP pre-flight test results table.

When AP is off, pilot select SAS Back-up with cyclic SAS pushbutton
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During operation, SEMAs and AFCS processing units perform continuous internal tests.
AFCS processing units also perform continuous AFCS system monitoring (cross-checks between AFCS
Chanel A & Chanel B inside each AMC, cross-checks between AFCS Chanel A & Chanel B orders
inside each SEMA).
Performed by the AFCS on pitch and roll, and either heading hold or turn coordination on yaw through
series and parallel actuators.
It includes a normal operation mode ATTitude with long term attitude retention and correction of
natural cross coupling between helicopter axis, A Stability Augmentation Sub-mode also called Digital
SAS when system degrades.
When AP fails, pilot reverts to a Stability Augmentation mode called Back-up SAS providing stability
augmentation on Roll and Yaw using FOGs only.


AFCS is engaged after satisfactory completion of the Pre-Flight Test, and prior to taxi. Engaging the AP
is on the APMS AP pushbutton, crosschecked with PFD AFCS strip where OFF disappears and three
green frames flash for 10 seconds.
The AFCS is now in ATT basic stabilization and AFCS strip is empty.

Figure 11: AP engagement.


Helicopter on-ground and AFCS selected ON, pilot can any time re-center the cyclic in the neutral
centered position by pressing 2-second the UPPER modes Disengagement push button.
The re-centering movement can be stopped by a pilot input on the cyclic, or pressing trim release, or
stopped automatically if a delay of more than 7 seconds occurs.

When pressing the UPPER modes Disengagement pushbutton on
cyclic grip for more than 2 seconds on the ground only, all AFCS
mode pre-selected references are reset to zero.

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0 - 22
1.6. LON
he ATT mod de is the selected mode by defaul t, as soon asa AP is engaged in noormal opera ation providing
a current
c attitude hold onn Pitch and Roll axis, w
with either a heading hold
h or turn coordinatio
on on yaw axis
whhether hove er or cruise flight. The ATT mode e is the mod de required to couple Upper mod des, and whhen
pper modes are decoup
up pled, the APP remains in
n ATT mode e.
hen in ATT, the AP offfers to the pilot
p differen
nt technique
es to fly-thro

 Hover follow-up: when in hover below

w 30 KIAS and up to 40
4 KIAS, lonngitudinal and / or laterral
pilot in
nputs on cycclic against the spring induces attitude refere
ence synchrronization to
o the curren
de together with
w a follow w-up trim coommand.

he follow-up trim is
s momenta
arily stopp
ped when maneuverrs in
over excee
ed 2 deg/se

 Beep--trim: usingg the cyclic grips

g 4-wayy switch, pilo
ots can change attitudee reference on pitch wiith
a 2 deeg/sec beepp speed, and d reference
e in roll with a 4 deg/sec beep speeed.
Cyclicc beep trim use
u includes protection a roll depending of thhe software
ns in pitch and e installed:
 ATT m ons on cycliic pitch and roll axis ac
mode includes protectio ccording to tthe Softwarre number:

efore SW N8
8-37 An
ngular spee ds are limite
ed as follow
Pittch axis: va
ary according to the helicopter
h sspeed: fromm 3 deg/secc in
over, to 2 deeg/sec at ma
ax speed.
oll axis: 4 de
eg/sec normmal rate and
d a maximu m limit of 36 deg/sec.
W N9-72 an
nd after same angularr speed limits as SW N8-37,
his software offers maximum limitss for beep trrim:
in addition, th
Pittch axis: be
eep trim is limited to 24° nose up aand down,
Rooll axis: bee
ep trim is lim
mited 45° lefft and right.

When n using the collective grips 2-way switch or beeep, the pilo
ot can channge the colle
ective leverr
on with protection regarding the po
positio ower limits, either twin or single enngines.
Beep ttrim is used a precise changes off attitude, pitch and rol l on cyclic and
d for small and a precise
powerr changes with
w collectiv ve beep.

Ussing beep trim simulttaneously o on pilot an
nd copilot cyclic
c gripss, in oppos
diirection, th
he APM willl not follow
w any trim and
a will inh hibit the beeep trims
unctions. Beep
B trims functions
f c
can be reacctivated by
y disengag ging / re-
ngaging the AP.
 Overrride against the spring loads (In
ndicated Airspeed > 40kt):
On the e cyclic, aftter 40 kt IAS the APM M is no moree in follow-u
up trim modde, the pilo
ot can overrride
the atttitude hold function by y flying throu
ugh in pitch
h and/or roll. The AFCCS automatiically switchhes
to a H Hands-On status calle ed CSAS (Command and Stability Augmeentation Sy ystem) on the
relevant axis. Wh hen fly-through termina ates, the helicopter is returned too the previo
ously trimm
he collective
On th e, do not fly-through and overrride spring loads as releasing the effort will
reposition immed
diately the collective
c levver in the in
nitial positio
on. Only in ccase of imm
mediate pow

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modification for safety reason it may be possible to fly-through. It is possible to fly-through for
minor power modification around the reference position.

 Fly-Through - Stick + beep: the pilot fly-through and simultaneously uses in the
same direction the 4-way switch on the cyclic grips: the trim is commanded to follow up
the stick, the attitude reference slowly joins the current attitude. This mode can be used
after a significant change of attitude with the cyclic stick, and pilot decide to keep stable
this new attitude.

 Trim release: when pressing cyclic trim release Pushbutton all cyclic trim actuators are
declutched and efforts are suppressed, the AFCS switches to CSAS mode. Then, if a
cyclic position has been changed, the AFCS holds the new position as soon as the trim
release Pushbutton is released.
Pilots should pay attention when flying through while the cyclic trim release Pushbutton
is depressed as the feeling and anchoring point are lost.
On the collective, it is necessary to press the collective trim release for collective / power


From ATT, when the auto-trim function is deactivated - i.e. for training purposes by pressing the CYC
A.TRIM on APMS, AFCS control law is still managed by APM with handling qualities lower than ATT.
Digital SAS provides only stability augmentation on roll and pitch axis using series actuators while the
Yaw remains unaffected. The Digital SAS reduces natural instability of the helicopter helping the pilot in
controlling the aircraft, but it does not hold attitude and upper modes are not available. Pilot workload
increase has to be considered.

When AP control law is Digital SAS, The pilot has to fly Hands-On.


The SAS stabilization is available in case of APM computer total loss. Stability augmentation is provided
on roll and yaw using series actuators only. This mode is not processed by the APM computer but by
FOGs. Back-up SAS does not hold attitude and upper modes are not available. Pilot workload is
increased and has to be considered.
When APM fails, pilot engages the SAS BACKUP function: flight laws generated by the FOGs together
with the angular rates detected are used to control series actuators. Roll FOGs 1 and 2 transmit signals
to the two roll series actuators. In these actuators signals from FOG1 are used for the command and
those from FOG2 are used to check the command.
When APM is ON and operates correctly, APM receives data from FOGs and compares with AHRSs
data to detect discrepancies.

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In IMC, reduce IAS between Vy and 120 kt.
Back-up SAS does not engage automatically upon AP failure. The SAS engagement is a pilot action
following a total loss of APM:
AAPA .................................................... on Warning Panel,
AAPA .................................................... on CAD,
ACA AYRA APA 10sec ................. Hands-On collective, cyclic and feet on pedals: pilot takes controls
OFF OFF OFF AFCS strip .............. check
APMS AP ...............................................

Identify cyclic SAS Pb ............................. press SAS

AaaaaSASaaaaA .................................... on CAD

The pilot has to fly hands on cyclic and collective, feet on pedals for heading
stabilization and coordinated turns.


In ATT, above a radar height of 30 ft, power protection is active when power changes applied by the pilot
are made using the collective beeper trim.
In AEO, APM2000 applies power rating limits as function of the airspeed. The reference power ratings
will be MTOP and MCP according to the chart here below.
When one engine is inoperative (OEI), collective upper modes power limits are OEI HI (30sec.) from 0 to
30 kt airspeed, and OEI CONT when airspeed is above 40 kt.

Figure 12: Power protection in ATT stabilization.

Any application of beep trim higher than the limit will be inhibited automatically by the APM.
When power changes in ATT are made pressing the collective trigger, pilot is fully responsible for power
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Cyclic stick
 Beep trim the roll at zero angle of bank, and for turning, apply the appropriate angle of bank through
cyclic stick load (override against the springs) in order to recover zero bank angle reference when
releasing cyclic stick.
a Maximum bank angle protection is applied when using beep trim left or right: the Roll beep trim is
inhibited above 45° of bank angle.
 When adequate position of the cyclic stick is set to follow desired flight path, cancel efforts on cyclic
o Beep trim for small adjustments,
o Trim release for significant flight path change. Trim release should be a one-press, and not a
continuous application as trim release application cancel artificial effort (feeling) and
anchoring point is lost as long as trim release is press.
 In ATT mode, pilot can fly cyclic hands-off temporarily after canceling cyclic stick forces.

In degraded basic stabilization (DSAS or back up SAS mode), pilot
must be Hands-On on cyclic stick.

Collective lever
 Collective trigger (Collective trim release) shall be pressed to change collective lever position (4-
axis autopilot).
 For power adjustment, use:
o Collective beep trim ,
o if important change or continuous control (final, landing) is required, press the trigger and
control the collective lever manually.

For collective changes, use of the collective beep trim in ATT allows a
power automatic limitation from the APM.

Yaw pedals
In cruise flight, free pedals allow AFCS to maintain ball centered (drift cancelled).
During takeoff, acceleration to VTOSS pilot should be Feet-On during transition from hover logic to
cruise logic, where the yaw control changes from heading control to Yaw / Roll coordinated turn.

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As soon as Basic stabilization ATT mode is active the APM2000 AFCS provides a large set of upper
modes on longitudinal, vertical and lateral axis:
Longitudinal mode: Indicated Air Speed mode (IAS),
Vertical modes: Altitude hold (ALT), Altitude Acquisition (ALT.A), Vertical Speed mode (VS), Cruise
Height (CR.HT),
Lateral modes: Heading mode (HDG),
Combined modes: Go Around (GA),
Navigation and approach modes: VOR navigation (VOR), ILS approaches (LOC & G/S), FMS / GPS
navigation (NAV),
Hover mode: Optional mode, with or without cabin joystick (HOV)

Thanks to the 4 axes control, multiple combinations of upper modes are possible. Flying-through with
upper modes coupled is available (beep trim, effort against spring loads & trim release),
The AFCS has a full capability to provide necessary information (i.e. “immediate recovery” alarm, status
change, mode coupling, reference, degradation, excessive deviation and out of trim condition) to the
Primary Flight Display System (PFD) for immediate pilots information.
The pilot can fly “hands-off” on the flight control axes (Collective, Pitch, Roll or Yaw) when managed by
an upper mode coupled. Pilot has to monitor the AFCS status and be ready to fly “Hands-On” in case of
upper mode loss or AP severe degradation. Generalities - CRM and automation

In helicopters like H155 equipped with precise and reliable automation, it is important to ensure that the
automation (upper modes) have been set up and is coupled correctly.
The question pilot should have is: which AP upper mode is the more appropriate? And not:
should I use the AP or not?
Pilot must follow the 3 principles (anticipate, execute & confirm) in the following steps:
1. Pre-setting the parameter
2. Verifying the setting
3. Coupling or arming the mode(s)
4. Checking the correct modes are coupled / armed on the AFCS strip
5. Note and confirm when the armed mode changes to coupled
6. Monitoring that aircraft response is as expected
Remember the coupling of mode when axis is already coupled does not require decoupling the previous
mode: coupling the mode will automatically decouple the previous one. Managing automation

The H155 with APM2000 is designed to be flown using the autopilot’s upper modes coupled on the 4-
axes, Collective, Yaw/Roll and Pitch to enhance safety and reduce pilot workload. When fully coupled,
AFCS protections improve error management from the crew. Automation level

The appropriate level of automation is the one adapted for the task or prevailing condition. If a crew does
not use automation, it significantly reduces safety protections.

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Coupling or decoupling AFCS upper modes may occur automatically, without intervention from the pilot.
Automatic engagements are part of the AFCS design and will provide pilots with enhanced safety
protection. These advanced functions will reinforce pilot attention in high workload flight phases as long
as system knowledge and mode management is understood. When lack of knowledge or management,
doubt installed and lead to confusion in the cockpit.
In confusing situations, do not shift to an immediate hand flying, consider reverting first to more direct
upper modes (HDG, GA, etc.).
Except at night or in poor visual references conditions where the highest level of automation should be
used, operators should define when automations are to be used, taking into account the need to
maintain aircrew manual flying skills. Fly through and mixed flying mode

The following remarks are based on techniques to be applied to an h/c with an operating AFCS ATT
mode and one or more AFCS upper mode coupled.
 Fly Through is a situation in which AFCS upper modes are coupled but the pilot overrides the
autopilot modes, without disengaging the modes nor changing their reference to ensure the
desired flight path.
After the pilot overriding action (mode(s) no more flashing green / amber), the aircraft is
commanded to return back to the attitude reference and the flight path is stabilized. The upper
mode resumes command to bring the aircraft back to the mode’s reference, with the desired
trajectory but after applying a 2 s delay without further pilot overrides.

Overriding an AFCS mode shall not be considered as “Helping the AFCS
mode”. When such action is performed, it is a “high priority” manoeuvre
performed by the pilot for safety purposes for example traffic/obstacle

 Mixed Flying mode is a situation in which the aircraft is AFCS coupled in two or three axes and
the pilots flies at least one axes manually.

The risk of involuntary interference with the AFCS controlled axes is
significant, and may lead to a mode override with the consequences
described above.
Both situations (fly through & mixed flying mode) shall be used only for
short term (limited time).

 Hands-On Flying mode is a situation in which the aircraft is flown manually using AFCS ATT
 Transition from Fly Through, Mixed Flying or Hands-On mode to AFCS upper modes guidance:
Before reverting to upper modes guidance, in order to avoid high residual forces are still felt; it is
highly recommended to first reduce those forces by:
o A short trim release action or
o A stick-plus-beep trim action or
o A beep trim action.
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3.1.12. APM2000 UPPER MODES PROTECTIONS Power protections with upper modes
When a vertical upper mode is coupled on the Collective axis (4-axis operation), the power and power
limits are automatically managed by the autopilot when flying AEO and OEI.
All engine operative (AEO)
o Airspeed < 25 kt: the power limit is set to the Maximum Take-Off Power (MTOP),
o 25 kt < Airspeed < 40 kt: gradually the power limit decreases from TOP to MCP,
o Airspeed > 40 kt: the power limit is set to the Maximum Continuous Power (MCP).

Single engine operation (OEI)

o On OEI, the vertical modes coupled on the pitch axis (3-axis) are immediately transferred to
the Collective axis and IAS is coupled on Pitch, forcing to 4-axis operation and optimizing OEI
power limits automatic management combined with vertical mode versus longitudinal mode
o Airspeed < 30 kt: the power limit is set up to the OEI 30 sec. rating
Airspeed 30 kt < Airspeed < 40 kt: gradually the power limit decreases from OEI 30 sec. to
OEI CONTinuous rating,
Airspeed > 40 kt: the power limit is set to the OEI CONTinuous rating.

Figure 13: AFCS vertical upper modes power limits in AEO and OEI.

In strong turbulence, if IAS value is not stable with ALT coupled, reducing
then disengaging IAS will allow ALT to be maintained on the Pitch axis with
a fixed collective pilot setting.
When the AFCS Collective axis is not operative (forced 3-axis operation),
the pilot has to manage the collective lever manually and must respect the
power limitations.

Minimum torque protection

 to avoid rotor / free turbines desynchronization during descent or speed reduction with an upper
mode coupled on the Collective axis, AFCS does not lower the torque below the following values:
o 2 x 5 % (AEO)
o 1 x 10 % (OEI).

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N° 10 - 22 Flight envelope protections (upper modes coupled)
With upper modes coupled the AFCS prevent excursion out of limitations. The active limitations listed
below will be activated.
When overriding one or more upper modes, pilot is responsible of exceeding limitations, and shall
monitor the parameters.
Airspeed envelope protections
 IAS envelope limitations: an airspeed protection is introduced to limit the IAS reference value in
the range of a minimum of 30 kt and the calculated VNE. AFCS is able to manage the Vy for
optimum rate of climb speed particularly useful in OEI critical phase of flight.
Moreover the AFCS provides the pilot with VTOSS at a fixed value of 55 kt indicated airspeed, to
be used when Go-Around upper mode is coupled on departure with OEI procedure.
 3-axis to 4-axis automatic reversion: in 3-axis operation with a vertical mode coupled (vertical
mode on the Pitch axis), if speed decreases and airspeed trend vector reaches 60 kt, there is an
automatic reversion to 4-axis operation by coupling IAS and vertical mode switching on the
Collective axis. IAS mode stops the airspeed reduction and the collective mode readjusts the
power, increasing to avoid descent, if necessary up to the authorized maximum power. This
safety feature will protect the helicopter to drop in the back side of the “power required in level
flight” curve.
 Vortex protection: in order to prevent exposure to Vortex and settling with power at low air speed
/ high rate of descent, a reduction in rate of descent for the modes coupled is automatically
applied following an airspeed reduction in descent. (see VS and ALT.A modes). In addition, this
rate of descent reduction allows the upper mode to stop descent rapidly with the available power.
 Modes priority according to airspeed: reaching the maximum power in 4-axis operation, IAS
coupled together with a vertical mode, the AFCS will give :
o vertical mode priority above Vy: IAS bug is unchanged, the current airspeed may decrease
but without excessive deviation chevron display,
o IAS hold priority at or below Vy: the vertical mode bug is unchanged, the current vertical
mode value may decrease with excessive deviation chevron display.
 Nose attitude protection
Upper modes ALT, IAS, VS, GS, ALT.A, HOV are limited to 12° nose down attitude, and 14°
nose up, with a 45° in Roll left or right. Ground proximity protection

 Automatic ALT coupling close to the ground:
o When descending with VS coupled, or VS with ALT.A, the mode automatically reverts to ALT
in order to level-off and hold an altitude corresponding to a radio height of 150 ft. This 150 ft
information is provided by radio-altimeter.
o When descending on an ILS, with GS mode coupled, ALT is automatically coupled to level-off
at 80ft above the ground using radio-height information.

The equivalent baro-altitude corresponding to 80 ft above terrain is
evaluated throughout the descent.
If the runway is located in an elevated position, the ALT mode target
baro-altitude may be too low and require pilot manual upward correction.

o If IAS is coupled without any vertical mode (3-axis operations), ALT is automatically coupled
when descending towards the ground to stabilize the aircraft at 65 ft above the ground using
radio-height information.

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N° 10 - 22 Attitude limitations
 Commanded Pitch attitude is limited to a maximum of 15°up or down when IAS, VS or ALT
modes are coupled on Pitch.
 With LOC armed: -30° < commanded Roll attitude < +30°,
 With HDG, VOR, NAV = +21 deg left or right.


Whenever it is possible, it is highly recommended to couple the upper modes in order to decrease the
pilot’s workload. APM functions are very helpful particularly in critical situation and increase flight safety.
You will find hereafter definitions and good practices of the APM 2000: 3-axis / 4-axis definition

In normal conditions (AP engaged, Collective, Yaw, Roll & Pitch axes operative):
 When the upper modes command only the cyclic and the yaw control (Pitch, Roll and Yaw axes
can be used, no upper mode coupled on the Collective axis, no upper mode label displayed on
the left side of AFCS strip): it is called “3-axis operation”. The collective lever must be
controlled manually (hands-on controls) but power limitation can still be managed by the APM if
pilot is using the collective beep trim. If not, pilot is responsible for this and must apply collective
within the applicable power limits.
 When the upper modes command the collective lever (4-axis), the cyclic and the yaw: it is called
“4-axis operation”. The pilot can hence fly completely hands off, however pilot attention is still
required near the ground. General recommendations

IAS mode coupled
 It is recommended to use a vertical mode while using the IAS mode otherwise the pilot has to
manage collective power closely to stabilize vertical flight path.
Vertical mode coupled
 It is recommended to use the IAS mode while using a vertical mode otherwise the pilot has to
manage collective power closely to maintain airspeed.
 When climbing or descending to an assigned level-off altitude, it is preferable to use ALT.A
armed instead of directly VS mode and couple IAS mode.
Lateral mode coupled
 It is recommended to couple the IAS mode while using a lateral mode otherwise the input on the
cyclic stick may disrupt the lateral mode stabilization.
 It is also recommended to use a vertical mode while using a lateral mode otherwise the pilot has
to manage collective power to stabilize vertical flight path. Recommended minimum usage heights

When using upper modes, pilots should continue to monitor flight parameters and understand
corrections when upper modes are coupled, armed and captured.
Below 500 ft AGL, pilot must be ready and keeps hands and feet in a position allowing an immediate and
precise manual control in order to correct any unexpected change in flight parameters. Below 200 ft
AGL, pilots shall be fully attentive with hands on or close to cyclic and collective grips without interfering
with the AFCS coupled upper modes.
On coupled ILS approach pilot shall be ready to fly Hands-On below 130 ft.

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N° 10 - 22 Upper modes reference change

CR.HT, and HDG mode references can be modified either by rotating the rotary knobs on APMS or by
action on the beep-trims located on cyclic or collective grips.
ALT.A can only be preset and armed on the APMS. When armed, the reference can be changed using
the same ALT.A knob at the APMS.
Small corrections
 When the new desired value is inside the current display window, pilot’s action on the 4-ways
beep trims on the cyclic or on the collective grip is recommended for small corrections.
Large corrections
 Rotation of the corresponding knob is recommended for large corrections (“out of the display
ALT mode specificity
 The Collective beep trim is used for the small corrections within the altimeter scale; otherwise the
ALT.A mode must be used for large changes.

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Altitude (ALT) mode maintains the current barometric altitude upon engagement. For this purpose, ALT
may be installed either on Pitch (3-axis) or Collective (4-axis).
The ALT mode cannot be preset, and for altitude change planning another mode has to be used: altitude
Acquisition (ALT.A). Nevertheless, small altitudes variations can be applied with the ALT mode coupled.
ALT is using the Master side barometric information. When ALT is coupled, a barometric setting change
does not decouple the mode, the helicopter actual altitude does not change but altitude on display is
For safety purposes ALT includes power limitation in AEO and OEI when installed on collective axis,
minimum and maximum airspeed limits, associated with nose attitudes limits, when applied on pitch axis.

3.2.2. HOW TO USE ALT? Envelope
 Speed envelope: with ALT installed on pitch and airspeed drops below 60 KIAS, the ALT mode
changes the collective axis with IAS mode automatically coupled on Pitch,
 When ALT mode is on the collective, and no IAS mode coupled on the pitch, ALT shift to pitch
when airspeed is above 65 KIAS for at least 5 sec.
 Altitude limit: the bottom altitude of the ALT mode is 30ft,
 During acquisition of new altitude reference with beep trim, vertical speed is limited to 500 ft/min.
 ALT mode is inhibited in the following conditions:
- on ground,
- air speed below 55 kt with collective trim failure,
- Anomaly detected by the data monitoring on FCDS data sends to pilots. Pilot coupling and decoupling ALT

ALT mode is coupled and decoupled by pressing ALT on the APMS.
To decouple ALT pilot has to press ALT on the APMS or use either pilot or copilot
cyclic UPPER MODE-OFF pushbuttons.




When climbing or descending with ALT.A, ALT mode couples automatically 300 ft before reaching the
ALT.A datum. Automatic decoupling of ALT

When ALT is coupled on pitch, coupling IAS mode (and HOV mode if fitted) on the pitch will force ALT
to shift to the collective when available.
ALT is decoupled automatically when pilot couples CRHT, VS, ALT.A and GA or as soon as GS status
changes from armed to coupled.
ALT mode will also decouple when either:
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 Loss of pitch axis: cyclic Auto Trim loss, or cyclic trim Feel permanently released and loss of
collective axis: collective trim failure or collective trim feel permanent release,

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 Loss of collective pitch lever position detection, or collective parallel actuator, or artificial load is
cancelled when ALT is installed on collective.
 Loss of a pitch or roll axis series actuator when ALT installed on collective,
 Complete loss of barometric altitude valid signal for at least 10 seconds,
 Complete loss of airspeed signal for at least 10 sec if collective axis not available. Displays
When coupling the ALT mode, a green ALT is
displayed on the AFCS strip LH side (4-axis)
when ALT is controlled through the collective
axis, on RH side when controlled through the
pitch axis (3-axis) and a green triangle. ALT label
color changes defining the status of the mode, as

ND PFD Remarks
ALT not coupled
AAAAA AAAAA APM is ON and when in-flight, ALT is ready to be coupled on
collective or pitch according to the airspeed.

N/A If airspeed ALT mode coupled in normal operation. Engagement and

AALTA <60kt, or disengagement is indicated with a green rectangle to highlight
the concerned upper mode.
XALTX underline with white line when altitude reference is
modified using the collective beep trim.
Green bug is displayed on both LH and RH MFD’s altimeters.

AALTA illuminates amber on the pitch when airspeed
drops below 60 kt, and ALT is shifting to collective axis.

N/A AALTA ALT mode coupled in normal operation. Engagement and

airspeed disengagement is indicated with a green rectangle to highlight
>65kt for 5 the concerned upper mode.
sec. XALTX underline with white line when altitude reference is

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ND PFD Remarks
modified using the collective beep trim.
Green bug is displayed on both LH and RH MFD’s altimeters.

N/A Excessive deviation on the ALT mode:

>ALT< or >ALT<
When flying Hands-OFF: Difference of more than 82ft
detected between ALT reference and actual helicopter
When flying-through (Hands-ON detected): Difference
between reference altitude and actual altitude of more than
300 ft.

ALT toggles between amber and green: pilot is overriding the

or mode.
Stop overriding the ALT mode to recover a ALT green
ALT in amber: degraded when:
 ALT is amber steady, when reaching 60 kt, on speed
reduction, ALT mode shifts to collective, or acceleration with
mode on collective, then the mode shifts to pitch.
 Amber ALT may indicate an anomaly detected in the FLI
AALTA or  The mode is displayed in amber then decoupled when the
difference between two valid altitudes information exceeds
120 ft.
 Airspeed difference of more than 12kt, ALT flashes amber
AALTA then shift to collective axis if available, or
 Loss of redundancy in altitude signals: AADC1A or AADC2A
is displayed on PFDs
 only one ADC selected on RCU
APM is calling for pilot attention: the ALT mode may flash
for 10 sec. in amber before to disconnect. Monitor
altitudes information on PFDs altimeter and Back-up
altimeter, monitor power setting on FLI, and be ready for
Figure 14: ALT upper mode displays How to manage ALT mode?

As soon as pilot depresses the ALT APMS push-button, the ALT mode is coupled and its reference is
set at the current helicopter altitude on master barometric altimeter.
Depending of airspeed, or IAS mode coupled, ALT mode is installed on pitch
or collective.

It is recommended to select IAS with ALT, and in result
flying in 4-axis coupled.

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To change the ALT reference, whatever the 3-axis or 4-axis option, control of the ALT bug is made using
the collective beep trim. Pressing forward will reduce the ALT reference, pressing aft-ward increase it.
When reference has been changed, the APM2000 will apply a maximum of 500 ft / min. rate of climb or




In normal conditions, pilots must use ALT mode on the collective, with IAS mode on pitch and a lateral
mode in Roll / yaw. Nevertheless, flying with 3-axis option can be required in particular situations:
turbulences, were the collective pitch hit the MCP limit to control altitude, or during Engine Power Margin
recording were a stabilized level flight shall be performed with no power changes. Safety devices & Automatic coupling of ALT
ALT includes a power limitation when installed on collective axis, with a collective law fully available,
limiting power as follow:
 When AEO: power is limited at MTOP when below 25 KIAS, reducing to MCP when above
40 KIAS.
 When OEI: power is limited up to OEI-30 sec. rating when below 30KIAS, reducing to OEI-
Continuous when above 40KIAS.

Figure 15: power management with ALT mode on collective.

 When FADEC is failed: power changes are limited it is recommended to not use ALT on
collective axis.
 At low power, a safety feature does not authorize the ALT collective mode to reduce power less
than 2x5% torque in AEO, or 10% torque in OEI to avoid free turbine and rotor
If ALT is coupled on pitch axis, power is controlled manually by the pilot and inappropriate power
application may be observed:
 if lack of power application make the airspeed decreasing below the 60 KIAS automatically IAS is
coupled with a 60 KIAS bug, and ALT is coupled on collective allowing power application.
 if excessive power is manually applied, the ALT mode on pitch does not exceed the computed
 In addition, ALT on pitch cannot exceed nose up / down limits of 15 deg .
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Low altitude protection: at ALT coupling: a minimum altitude of 150 ft height equivalent above the
ground is automatically set and ALT mode will not go below this value when a “descent” command is
selected on ALT. this value is forced to 80 ft when transition from Glide Slope mode to ALT at the end of
the ILS approach.
ALT is automatically coupled when VS, ALT.A, IAS mode are coupled and helicopter approaching
150 ft above the ground or GS mode coupled reaching 80 ft (65 ft for SW before N9-72).
Radio altimeter(s) must be ON and information has to be valid to provide APM with the 80 ft (or
65 ft) or 150 ft.

The equivalent baro-altitude corresponding to 80 ft (or 65 ft) above terrain
is evaluated throughout the descent.
If the runway is located in an elevated position, the ALT mode target baro-
altitude may be too low and require pilot manual upward correction.

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The Altitude acquisition (ALT.A) allows the pilot to preset an altitude reference, to acquire it using VS
mode and automatically couple ALT approaching the ALT.A preset.
ALT.A mode has an armed status only, and when descending or climbing the ALT.A / VS modes
change to ALT mode approximately 300 ft prior reaching the reference.
For this purpose, ALT.A may be installed either on Pitch (3-axis) or Collective (4-axis) depending on the
helicopter airspeed.
ALT.A is using the Master side barometric information. When armed, an altimeter barometric setting
change does not decouple the mode, but pilot must check the reference.
For safety purposes ALT.A is limited in rate of climb and descent, and includes power limiting function.
Pressing ALT.A on APMS results in selecting VS mode with default values of rate of climb or descent.
Climbing rate is +1000 ft / min, descent rates can be either -500 ft / min. or -1000 ft / min., depending on
APMS Pin program,
In all cases, if ALT.A is coupled with a higher rate than above, the current vertical speed is maintained.
3.3.2. HOW TO USE ALT.A? Envelope
 Speed envelope: with ALT.A and VS installed on pitch, when speed drops below 60 KIAS the
ALT.A and VS change to be controlled through the collective axis,
 When ALT.A and VS modes are on the collective, with no IAS mode on the pitch, ALT.A and VS
shift to pitch when airspeed exceeds 65 KIAS for at least 5 sec.

It is recommended to select IAS with ALT.A, and in result flying
in 4-axis coupled.
 When approaching the ground, the mode reverts immediately to ALT mode in order to hold the
altitude corresponding to 150 ft height from radio altimeter.
 Rate of climb or descent can manually be reduced to a minimum value of 50 ft/min.
 Rate of climb are limited according to the airspeed and rate of descent is reduced for low
airspeed in order to avoid the risk of vortex and settling with power.

Figure 16: ALT.A climb / descent limits function of airspeed.

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N° 10 - 22 Pilot coupling and decoupling ALT.A

ALT.A altitude reference is set by turning the ALT.A rotary knob on the APMS.
Setting must be checked on PFDs top of the barometric altimeter and a bug in
cyan color is displayed on the barometric altimeter.
Turning ALT.A rotary knob changes step by step the altitude to acquire: step value
is 100 ft when above 5000 ft and 50 ft when below.
ALT.A can be coupled by pressing the ALT.A rotary knob on the APMS. When
ALT.A button is pressed, ALT.A and VS mode are displayed on AFCS strip and VS ON pushbutton
illuminates on the APMS,
To decouple ALT.A pilot has to press ALT.A on the
APMS or use either pilot or copilot cyclic UPPER
MODE-OFF pushbuttons.




When climbing or descending with ALT.A, the ALT

mode couples automatically 300 ft before ALT.A
Figure 17: ALT.A mode coupling / decoupling on APMS Automatic decoupling of ALT.A

When ALT.A / VS are coupled on pitch, coupling IAS mode on the pitch will force ALT.A and VS to shift
to the collective when available.
ALT.A is decoupled automatically when CRHT, VS, ALT , GA are coupled or GS is armed.
ALT.A mode will also decouple when either:
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 Loss of pitch axis: cyclic Auto Trim loss, or cyclic trim Feel permanently released and loss of
collective axis: collective trim failure or collective trim feel permanent release.
 Complete loss of barometric altitude valid signal for at least 10 seconds
 Loss of a pitch or roll axis series actuator when ALT installed on collective,
 Loss of collective pitch lever position detection, or collective parallel actuator, or artificial load is
cancelled when ALT is installed on collective.
 Complete loss of airspeed signal for at least 10 sec. the VS & ALT.A modes flash amber and
shift to the collective, but when collective axis already failed the modes are decoupled.
 ALT mode is inhibited in the following conditions:
- on ground,
- air speed below 55 kt with collective trim failure,
- Anomaly detected on FCDS data by the data monitoring.

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N° 10 - 22 Displays
Pre-setting ALT.A reference by turning the APMS rotary
knob allows changing the ALT.A objective displayed in
cyan above the PFD altimeter, and a half-triangle of the
same color is displayed in the altimeter.
When coupling the ALT.A mode, a green VS is
displayed on the AFCS strip upper line, ALT.A in cyan
below, LH side (4-axis) when ALT.A is controlled
through the collective axis, on RH side (Pitch) when
controlled through the pitch axis (3-axis) and a cyan
half-triangle on the altimeter.
During ALT.A acquisition, VS / ALT.A is replaced by
ALT mode on the same axis as soon as helicopter
reach an altitude of less than 300 ft difference with the
target altitude.
When ALT.A is only pre-set but is not coupled to climb
or descent, the ALT.A bug is a cyan bug when
helicopter altitude is less than 300 ft from pre-set ALT.A

ND PFD Remarks
N/A APM is ON and when in-flight, ALT.A is preset and ready
AAAAA AAAAA to be coupled on collective or pitch according to the
ALT.A mode is not coupled, green arrow not
illuminated on APMS.
ALT.A reference zone displays altitude to acquire in cyan.
When ALT.A is preset but not coupled the blue reference
value blinks to alert the pilot when the difference between
pre-selected altitude and actual altitude is less than 300 ft.

N/A If airspeed
AVSA <60kt, or ALT.A mode coupled on collective (4-axis) in normal
operation and with on APMS. Engagement
and disengagement is indicated with a green rectangle to
highlight the concerned upper mode.
XVSX underline with white line when altitude reference is
modified using the collective beep trim.
ALT.A XXXX reference has changed to green upon ALT.A
Green bug is displayed on both LH and RH MFD’s
Vertical speed indicators.

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ND PFD Remarks
N/A AVSA ALT.A modes coupled on pitch (3-axis) in normal

airspeed >65kt operation and with on APMS. Engagement
for 5 sec. and disengagement is indicated with a green rectangle to
highlight the concerned upper mode.
XVSX underline with white line when altitude reference is
modified using the collective beep trim.
Green bug is displayed on both LH and RH MFD’s
Vertical speed indicators at default value 1000 ft/min, or
current vertical speed if higher)

AVSA illuminates amber on the pitch when airspeed
drops below 60 kt, and VS / ALT.A are shifting to
collective axis.

N/A ALT.A and VS does not fulfill the theoretical

performances of the APM.
>VS< >VS< If pilot “Hands Off” or “Fly Through” : error in vertical
or speed in excess of 500 ft/min for more than 2 second
Do not take controls, monitor sharply the climb or
descent parameters and be ready to takeover.

When VS toggles between amber and green: pilot is

or overriding the mode and applying inputs in roll.
Stop overriding the collective or cyclic axis modes to
recover a ALT.A / VS green display.
The last phase of altitude acquisition is when entering
within the 300 ft from the ALT.A target:
VS ALT.A is replaced by ALT, on the same axis.
Green bug appears on the altimeter showing the
acquisition target.
VS bug disappears.
APMS ALT.A green arrow extinguishes.

When ALT.A mode is not coupled, but only pre-set,

ALT.A bug on altimeter is displayed with a cyan triangle
when the helicopter is flying at less than 300 ft. in
consequence helicopter will not level off at the pre-set

When ALT.A not coupled, ALT.A reference zone does
not blink within the 300 ft and shortly disappears with
software N9-72.

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ND PFD Remarks
ALT.A degradation is similar to ALT and VS
degradations, it occurs when:
 An altitude information difference between both ADCs
reach 60ft when below 8000ft and up to 100ft when at
20000ft, if difference exceeds 120 ft between two valid
altitudes information the mode is decoupled.
ADC DISC may be displayed on PFDs, or
AVSA  Airspeed difference of more than 12kt, ALT flashes
amber then shift to collective axis if available, or
ALT.A  Loss of redundancy in altitude signals: ADC1 or ADC2
is displayed on PFDs
 Only one ADC selected on RCU
APM is calling for pilot attention: the VS mode may
flash for 10 sec. in amber before to disconnect in
case of total information loss. Monitor altitudes
information on PFDs altimeter, VS indicator and
Back-up instruments. Be ready for Hands-On.

Figure 18: ALT.A upper mode displays.

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N° 10 - 22 How to manage ALT.A mode?
Use of ALT.A mode shall be preferred when altitudes changes are to be applied with a more than 300 ft
 Pilot shall verify the altimeter setting reference on the Master side, then preset the ALT.A reference to
be acquired, and confirm with copilot before to couple.
 As flying 4-axis is preferable, couple IAS mode prior to press ALT.A.
 Coupling ALT.A is carried out by pressing on ALT.A push-button, on the APMS the ALT.A green arrow
is displayed, and VS mode is ON.
 Pilot shall check that ALT.A is displayed in cyan under VS mode in green at the AFCS strip. On the
PFDs ALT.A reference zone, above the altimeter remain cyan. Depending on airspeed, or IAS mode
coupling, ALT.A and VS mode are installed on pitch or collective.

It is recommended to select IAS with ALT.A, and in result flying
in 4-axis coupled.

 When ALT.A mode is coupled the vertical speed reference is set to fixed values of climbing: at +1000
ft/min and descending: at -500 ft/min or -1000 ft / min maximum with airspeed above 40 kt. If vertical
speed at the ALT.A coupling was greater than 1000 ft/min or 500 ft/min, VS will keep the actual vertical
 . Descent at default values of 1000 or 500 ft/min depending on software version.
 VS reference bug can be changed by using the collective beep trim whatever the 3-axis or 4-axis
option. Pressing forward will reduce the VS reference, pressing aft ward increase it.

VS reference cannot be adjusted in the opposite direction than ALT.A objective:
the minimum VS reference value is +50 ft/min when climbing, or -50 ft/min when

 Once the VS / ALT.A is coupled, changing the altitude reference to Acquire (ALT.A XXXX) can be
made by using the rotary knob and reading the ALT.A XXXX window on PFDs.
Summary of the How to manage ALT.A:

When how reminder

 With ALT mode coupled, it is not

necessary to couple ALT.A

 Small altitudes  Use collective beep trim for ALT

changes: reference adjustment.

Within the altimeter NOTE

indicator scale ≈ 300 ft Couple upper modes (ALT - IAS) and
use collective beep trim to take
advantage of the power limitation
and altitude protection.

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When how reminder

Use APMS ALT.A rotary switch: check ALT.A

PFDs 2100
 Turn L / R to change ALT.A reference
on PFD,
 Press to couple the ALT.A mode,
 Anticipated altitude
verify coupling of VS and ALT.A
changes (more than
300ft) then
prepare ALT.A altitude
Presetting ALT.A reference can be
anticipated, prepare the en-route
altitude before to takeoff.
On ground, re-centering cyclic will
reset to 0 all preset upper modes

Use APMS ALT.A rotary switch:

 Press to couple the ALT.A mode,
 immediate altitude verify coupling of VS and ALT.A
changes (more than  Turn L / R to change ALT.A reference
300ft) on PFD,
initiate climb or descent, then
and couple ALT.A

 With ALT.A mode coupled, use

collective beep trim for VS mode
reference adjustment.
ALT.A coupled, change VS reference cannot be adjusted in
rate of climb or descent the opposite direction than ALT.A
objective: the minimum VS reference
value is +50 ft/min when climbing, or forward: descent
-50 ft/min when descending. backward: climb

Use APMS ALT.A rotary switch: ALT.A

ALT.A coupled, change check 2100
the target altitude  Turn L / R to change ALT.A reference
on PFD,
new altitude

 Decoupling ALT.A is on the APMS, or

 If intention is to replace ALT.A by ALT
Decoupling ALT.A
mode while crossing an altitude, there
is no need to decouple ALT.A before
coupling the ALT mode.

Figure 19: use of ALT.A summary.

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N° 10 - 22 Safety features with ALT.A
o Rate of climb and descent limitation:
ALT.A is the best aid to avoid altitude busts. Crosschecking altimeter setting and ALT.A reference prior
to couple the mode is essential for an efficient use.
When ALT.A mode is not coupled ALT.A XXXX on PFDs is flashing when the helicopter is flying at less
than 300 ft of the ALT.A reference, alerting pilots with the proximity of the target altitude.
ALT.A mode vertical speed climbing or descending are more restrictive than using VS only to prevent
power limit.
Rate of climb and descent are designed to provide standard and smooth altitude change rates with an
anticipated level off.
in addition, vertical speed is automatically reduced when indicated airspeed is reduced too, with the
objective to avoid the risk of vortex and settling with power: see figure: “ALT.A / VS limits function of
Regarding these ALT.A safety features, the mode can be used in AEO and OEI, and must be preferred
to climb or descent, and for taking the best advantages, to couple IAS in order to fly 4-axis with power
limits protection.
o Power limitation:
ALT.A includes a power limitation when installed on collective axis, with a collective law fully available,
limiting power as follow:
 When AEO: power is limited at MTOP when below 25 KIAS, reducing to MCP when above
 When OEI ALT.A and VS automatically shift to the collective axis if previously installed on the
pitch, and IAS mode is automatically coupled: power is limited according to the indicated
airspeed: to the OEI 30-second when below 30 kt, and OEI CONT above 40 kt (see figure 11).
 When FADEC is failed: power changes are limited; pilot must use ALT.A / VS on the pitch axis
 At low power, a safety feature does not authorize the ALT.A with VS installed on collective to
reduce power less than 2x5% torque in AEO, or 10% torque in OEI to avoid free turbine and rotor
o ALT.A in 3-axis (VS and ALT.A installed on pitch)
If VS and ALT.A are coupled on pitch axis, power is controlled manually by the pilot and inappropriate
power application may be observed:
 if lack of power applied make the airspeed decreasing below the 60 KIAS automatically VS /
ALT.A is coupled on collective allowing power application and IAS mode is coupled automatically
with a 60 kt airspeed bug.
 If excessive power is manually applied, the ALT.A mode does not exceed the computed VNE.
 In addition, VS and ALT.A on pitch cannot exceed nose up / down limits of 15 deg.

o Altitude limitation
If ALT.A reference is set below a minimum altitude of 150 ft height equivalent above the ground and the
mode is coupled, APM stops automatically descent coupling ALT mode and levelling off at 150 ft.
Radio altimeter(s) must be ON and information has to be valid to provide APM with the 150 ft.

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The heading mode maintains the current heading upon engagement or acquires and holds a heading
reference preset by the pilot.
When coupled HDG controls the roll as long as heading reference is not reached. When the difference is
less than 0,6° HDG holds heading with yaw. When difference increases above 4° then HDG activates
the roll.
HDG in cruise flight is coordinating turn, with ball centered. The rate of turn is near the Standard rate at
3°/sec – 360°/2min. the angle of bank is limited to 0.15 times the airspeed in knot (e.g. 15° at 100kt, 21°
at 140kt) with a maximum commanded angle-of-bank of 21°. The Roll angular rate is limited to 5°/sec.
Turns are performed in the direction of knob rotation or beeper side even if change exceeds 180°.
3.4.2. HOW TO USE HDG? Envelope
HDG can be coupled in flight (inhibited on ground), with a minimum airspeed coupling at 26 KIAS,
with the AFCS basic attitude (ATT) available,
Control pushbutton on the APMS installed only on Roll/Yaw axis Pilot coupling and decoupling HDG:
HDG can be coupled by pressing the HDG rotary knob
on the APMS. When no preset has been made,
coupling HDG set reference at the current helicopter
heading. HDG can be preset, by using the HDG rotary
To decouple HDG pilot has to press HDG on the APMS
or use either pilot or copilot cyclic UPPER MODE-OFF


Figure 20: HDG coupling / decoupling on APMS Automatic decoupling of HDG

Coupling other modes on the roll will force HDG to decouple: these modes are NAV, VOR, LOC, (HOV
when option installed)
HDG mode will also decouple when:
 Failure of an AHRS or AHRSs discrepancy,
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 Loss of one of the roll axis series actuators, cyclic Auto Trim loss, or cyclic trim Feel permanently
 Complete loss of heading valid signal for at least 30 seconds,
 Airspeed drops below 26 kt for 2 sec.

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N° 10 - 22 displays
When coupling the HDG mode, a green HDG is
displayed on the AFCS strip. The heading bug is
displayed on the compass card in the ND, in cyan
when preset and green when mode is active. A
heading readout is displayed permanently. The HDG
label and symbols color may change, defining the
status of the mode, as follow:

ND PFD remark
HDG bug preset but not coupled
The digit numbers are matching the position of the HDG bug allowing
AAAAA precise setting.
HDG 030

Triangle on the APMS HDG zone does not illuminates:

HDG 030 HDG display on ND is flashing white when pilot changes pre-set value.

HDG mode coupled in normal operation.

XHDGX on PFD underline with white line and HDG white flashing on ND
when heading reference is modified using the beep trim or the APMS HDG
HDG 030
AHDGA rotary switch.
Bug is displayed on both sides master and slave.
HDG 030
A green triangle illuminates at the APMS HDG zone:
Excessive deviation on the HDG mode. A difference of more than 10°
>HDG< detected between reference and actual helicopter heading.

When HDG AFCS strip message toggles between amber and green: pilot
is overriding the mode and applying inputs in roll.
Stop overriding the HDG mode to recover a HDG green mode.

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ND PFD remark

AHDGA HDG degraded :

 a difference between both headings information reach 5°, or
 loss of redundancy in headings information.
 When AHRS1 or AHRS2 only is selected on RCU
AHDGA APM is calling for pilot attention: the HDG mode may flash for 30 sec.
in amber before to disconnect in case of total heading information
loss. Monitor heading information on HSI and be ready for Hands-On
on roll.

Figure 21: HDG displays How to manage HDG mode?

Presetting or Coupling the HDG mode is done via the APMS HDG rotary knob. Pilot may anticipate a
heading selection, by presetting the heading using the APMS rotary knob and positioning the cyan bug
displayed in the NDs. then pressing the HDG switch couples the mode. The helicopter will be controlled
to turn to the bug in the shortest direction.
Another method of using HDG, is to press first the HDG APMS switch: the HDG mode is immediately
coupled, and bug is positioned on the helicopter actual heading.
When HDG mode is coupled, changing the heading reference can be performed either using the APMS
HDG rotary knob, or using the cyclic beep trim. In both cases, the helicopter will turn following the bug or
beep trim side in the direction of rotation even if reference change exceeds 180 deg.
The APM2000 will apply a variable angle-of-bank computed with the airspeed, limited to x 0,15 times the
airspeed, without exceeding the 21 deg. Left or right maximum limits. APM2000 anticipate the roll-out to
stop turn at designated heading with 0 angle-of-banks.
In addition, when HDG is coupled, anytime an urgent situation is developing – i.e. avoiding traffic, bird,
obstacles – pilots can fly-through, applying manually roll inputs. HDG bug and reference will not be
changed; the reference is maintained, even if pressing trim release on cyclic. When stopping fly-through,
the helicopter will be returned to the bug reference.


When how reminder

 Small corrections (less than  Couple HDG on the APMS

30 deg), or  Use the cyclic beep trims for
 flying below 500 ft reference change:

 precise adjustment after

important correction,
 Important change (more than Use APMS HDG rotary switch:
30 deg.)
 Turn L / R: reference change, then
 preset heading reference every click on the knob is 1-deg .
followed by HDG couple before or after coupling the
 when flying hands-Off mode.
 when flying multi-crew: PM
can preset, PF couples

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When how reminder

Decoupling only HDG is on the

If intention is to replace HDG by
Decoupling HDG
another lateral mode (NAV, VOR,
LOC) there is no need to decouple
HDG before coupling the next

Figure 22: how to manage HDG? Safety features with HDG

The HDG mode includes safety features on the angle-of-bank limitation according to the airspeed and
limited to a maximum of 21 deg. except when HDG coupled and the LOC mode is armed where the
maximum angle-of-bank can reach a maximum of 30 deg. AOB / 5 deg per second, for accurate final
approach interception.

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VOR mode is design to intercept and track course on a VOR station selected on the Master ND. VOR
mode is controlled through the Roll axis and can have different statuses; it can be armed, captured and

o ARMED STATUS: VOR is received, and deviation from the radial to intercept is great, pilot has to
couple HDG mode in order to set an interception heading and arm VOR mode. It is recommended to
intercept the course with a difference of less than 90 deg.
 If course deviation is greater than 45 deg, VOR changes from armed to captured within 0,9 dot,
approximately 4,5 deg.
 If course deviation is below 45 deg. VOR changes from armed to Capture at 0,33 dot ≈ 1,6 deg.

o CAPTURED STATUS: HDG mode decouples and VOR is automatically couples. The APM computes
heading to intercept the radial inbound or outbound as set in the CRS (course). From this phase, the
interception and later tracking the radial is automatic, managed by the APM as long as the VOR
signal is valid.
 If course deviation is greater than 45 deg: the helicopter heading is computed to maintain a 45
deg intercept until reaching 0,33 dot ≈ 1,6 deg. at 0,33 dot helicopter turn and start tracking
 If course deviation is below 45 deg: armed status is maintained up to 0,33 dot ≈ 1,6 deg. at this
point helicopter turn and start tracking.

Figure 23: NAV VOR interception.

validity is lost for more than 10 seconds, in example when flying over the station where needle is
flickering and signal is lost, the VOR mode is flashing in amber, and holds a heading based on the last
valid course, until the VOR signal is steady for a minimum of 10 sec.
Therefore, during station passage pilot does not have to shift to HDG before to select another course: as
soon as VOR flashing amber, pilot can change course on ND master – CRS. The selected course will be
used as a heading as long as VOR is flashing amber. When VOR becomes green, APM enters in the
interception phase followed by tracking phase on the new CRS;

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Figure 24: PFD VOR display - Over Station status (OSS)

3.5.2. HOW TO USE VOR? Envelope
For the VOR mode to be coupled the desired VOR
station has to be selected on the Master ND side
(1) and course has to be set (2).
The AFCS basic attitude (ATT) available in flight
and airspeed must be above 35 kt,
When VOR is coupled, the angle of bank is limited
depending on the airspeed, with a factor of 0,15
(example airspeed 100 Kt x 0,15 = 15 deg Angle-
CRS (course) can be modified, if changes are
below 8 deg. the mode uses a reduced rate of turn
at 0,25 deg/sec. otherwise, the OSS phase starts
(see above).
It is recommended to arm the mode and intercept
radials with less than 90 deg. angle of interception,
and do not arm NAV on a VOR too close to the
Figure 25: NAV source selection on ICP. Pilot arming / coupling and decoupling VOR:

AFCS VOR is activated in flight by pressing
the NAV push-button on the APMS and is
controlled through the Roll axis.
Prior to press NAV, Pilots shall first select
VOR station frequency on the receivers and
select VOR as navigation source, use the
CRS knob to adjust the course to or from
VOR station and then press NAV. pilot uses
VOR2, co-pilot uses VOR1, NAV sources
are selected accordingly and Master is set

Figure 26: APMS NAV VOR mode.

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When coupling a VOR navigation, pilot must check the status of the mode: it may be immediately
captured with mode displayed green VOR and C on APMS with helicopter immediately tracking inbound
or outbound the station.
When mode is in armed status, VOR mode is displayed on the lower AFCS strip line, in cyan VOR, with
A on the APMS. As long as the mode is in armed status, pilot must manage heading either using the roll
ATT basic stabilization mode or couple HDG. When armed or coupled, CRS can be modified by the pilot
on master ND without disconnecting the mode.
At station passage, pilot maintain VOR mode coupled, and when VOR is flashing amber pilot changes
the course, keeping the VOR mode coupled. The mode controls the helicopter trajectory with a stable
heading based on the course value, as long as VOR flashes amber. When VOR is back in green, the
mode resumes the radio navigation and intercepts the radial.
To disarm or decouple VOR pilot has to press NAV on the APMS or use either pilot or copilot cyclic
UPPER MODE-OFF pushbuttons.




Coupling of HDG, or pressing GA, HOV (if Hover option) or selecting another NAV source or another
VOR/ILS frequency force VOR to decouple.
Other issues forcing VOR to decouple:
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 loss of roll axis: any roll series actuators, or trim override information, or cyclic trim feel
permanent release,
 30 second after navigation source change on Master ND,
 Loss of VOR bearing for at least 60 second,
 Change of VOR / ILS receiver frequency for at least 30 seconds,
 Complete loss of valid heading information for at least 30 second,

Following a loss of VOR signal validity, VOR is flashing for 60 sec.
before VOR mode decouples.
In case of heading invalid signal, VOR is flashing for 30 sec. before
VOR mode decouples. displays

When coupling the NAV VOR mode, the mode is either in armed or captured status. VOR is displayed in
cyan (armed) or green (captured)
The VOR label color may change, defining the status of the mode, as follow:

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ND PFD Remarks

Navigation source on VOR, preselect course to/from VOR station.

Armed Navigation is based on VOR navigation source selected on
HDG ND master.

To / from is indicated on the deviation bar pointer arrow .

VOR mode coupled and captured normal operation.

VOR XVORX underline with white line when heading reference is

modified using the beep trim or the APMS HDG rotary switch.

When HDG AFCS strip message toggles between amber and

green: pilot is overriding the mode applying inputs in roll.
Stop overriding the VOR mode to recover a VOR green mode.

On pilot and copilot PFDs, APM calls for pilot attention and various
VOR situations may be developing:
• VOR station passage, loss of signal, pilot maintains VOR
mode coupled and correct CRS to resume radio-navigation.
VOR message is underlined in white when CRS changes.

VOR VOR signal invalid, VOR decouples after 60 seconds.

APM is calling for pilot attention: the VOR mode may flash for
10 sec. in amber of AFCS detects loss of confidence at
sensors (e.g. perturbation of bearing signal when flying over
VOR the beacon) or actuators level.
Monitor VOR sensors and heading information on HSI and be
ready to engage HDG mode or Hands-On and refer to VOR raw
data if available.

Figure 27: NAV VOR mode displays.

There is no excessive deviation alert on the VOR mode.

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The VOR mode includes safety features mainly on the angle-of-bank limitation according to the airspeed
and limited to a maximum of 21 deg. maintaining the standard turn rate of 3 deg. per second.
In addition, the VOR does not decouple at station passage, allowing pilot flying inbound to continue
outbound without changing upper mode selection.

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NAV mode is design to intercept and track course controlled via GPS / FMS. NAV mode is controlled
through the Roll / Yaw axis.
CRS (course) cannot be modified when GPS navigation guidance is selected in NAV source.

3.6.2. HOW TO USE NAV? Envelope
For the NAV mode to be coupled, airspeed must
be above 35 kt, and the helicopter in-flight with the
AFCS basic attitude (ATT) available,
When NAV is coupled, the angle of bank is limited
depending on the airspeed, with a factor of 0,15
(example airspeed 100 Kt x 0,15 = 15 deg Angle-

The only way to modify the NAV guidance is to

change navigation calculation in GPS or FMS, in
this case, pilot shall re-couple the NAV mode as
changing parameters in the GPS clears the
previous GPS guidance.

Figure 28: NAV source on ICP. Pilot coupling and decoupling

AFCS NAV is activated by pressing the
NAV push-button on the APMS and the
mode is controlled through the Roll axis
above 35 Kt indicated airspeed.

Figure 29: APMS NAV mode.

When coupling NAV, the mode is immediately captured and displayed green NAV on the AFCS strip and
C on APMS with helicopter tracking to the waypoint.

To decouple the NAV mode pilot should either press cyclic’s UPPER MODE-OFF pushbuttons or the
APMS NAV push-button.

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Coupling of HDG, or selecting another navigation source force NAV to decouple.
Other issues forcing NAV to decouple:
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 loss of roll axis: any roll series actuators, or trim override information, or cyclic trim feel
permanent release,
 loss of a command in roll for at least 30 sec.
 airspeed below 20 kt for at least 2 second,
 30 second after navigation source change on Master ND, Displays
NAV mode status is display on PFD – AFCS strip – on NDs formats and the APMS. When in NAV GPS
or FMS, there is no armed status.

ND PFD remark

NAVigation (GPS, FMS) coupled in normal operation.


When NAV AFCS strip message toggles between amber and

green: pilot is overriding the mode applying inputs in roll.
Stop overriding the NAV mode to recover a NAV green mode.
APM is calling for pilot attention: the NAV mode displayed in amber
NAV is associated with rectangle in amber flashing for 10 sec.:
• Loss of confidence at sensors or actuators is detected.

Flashing AMBER on pilot and copilot PFDs, APM calls for pilot
attention: NAV mode is going to decouple after 30 sec.if one of the
following conditions to automatically decouple NAV is detected:
• APM or NAV upper mode is disconnected,
• In NAV route or guidance near to terminate: if pilots prepare
Then another guidance either with VOR, or GPS / FMS or revert
to HDG mode,
• AHRS discrepancy,
• Loss of roll or pitch axis,
• Navigation source deselected for at least 30 sec.
Figure 30: NAV mode displays.
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There is no excessive deviation (> <) alert on the NAV mode. How to manage NAV mode?

Coupling the NAV mode is done via the APMS NAV pushbutton. Prior to couple NAV, pilot must select
the GPS / FMS navigation source on the ND designated as Master. After coupling, pilots must
crosscheck that the helicopter turn to the selected route point, and wind correction is automatically
applied. There is no vertical guidance; pilots are responsible for terrain clearance and obstacle
avoidance. For this purpose, pilot can apply inputs in roll “flying-through” the mode: when cyclic is
released the NAV mode returns to the GPS navigation.
When NAV is coupled, the cyclic beep trim is inoperative in roll.
Pilots must anticipate the end-of-navigation by preparing next navigation or pre-select a heading. Amber
flashing NAV message is displayed to call pilot attention, 30 seconds later NAV mode decouples. When
decoupling, APM automatically set a zero angle of bank.

When NAV is coupled, coupling GA decouples NAV mode. Safety features with NAV

 The NAV mode includes safety features mainly on the angle-of-bank limitation according to the
airspeed and limited to a maximum of 21 deg. maintaining the standard turn rate of 3 deg. per
second, with a minimum speed of 35 kt.
 In case of NAV mode inadvertent decoupling, the APM revert to ATT mode (basic stabilization)
with a zero angle of bank roll attitude.

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ILS approach can be flown fully coupled from final approach course intercept, glide slope intercept with
level off at 80 ft (or 65 ft) over the runway.

The equivalent baro-altitude corresponding to 80 ft (or 65 ft) above terrain
is evaluated throughout the descent.
If the runway is located in an elevated position, the ALT mode target baro-
altitude may be too low and require pilot manual upward correction.

To carry out this automatic approach pilot has to set VOR / ILS receiver(s) tuned to ILS frequency,
automatically the APM APP mode is in ILS mode as soon as the navigation source is selected on the
master ND, and the final approach course set before the LOC is captured. The ND must be in HSI format
to allow the Glide slope and Localizer display.
Coupling the ILS approach is on the APMS with NAV push-button.
Lateral mode is LOC, and vertical mode is G/S. LOC is controlled through the Roll and G/S can be on
the pitch or the collective. In normal condition (no collective mode degradation) the ILS is performed with
LOC on the Yaw/Roll, IAS on the pitch axis and G/S on the collective.
When ILS navigation source is selected and independently on the “NAV source” selection, the cross side
ILS data is automatically displayed on PFD (ILS1 on PFD2 / ILS2 on PFD1)

When pressing the APP and GS pushbuttons, the modes are either in armed or captured status. LOC
and GS are displayed in cyan (armed) in the lower AFCS strip row if signal is valid (within the station
range), or green (captured) at the top . Change from armed to capture occurs automatically when the
signals are valid and the interception phase is completed.

LOC course GLIDE Slope

deviation bar scale

When ILS navigation sources are selected: example:ND1 with ILS1, ND2 with ILS2,
the cross side ILS data is automatically displayed on PFD (ILS1 on PFD2 / ILS2 on
PFD1), independently of the “NAV source” selection.

Figure 31: PFDs ILS mode.

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ILS 1 / 2 : LOC and GS ILS 1 / 2 : LOC and

armed GS captured

LOC course GLIDE Slope

deviation bar scale

ILS1 and ILS2 in amber :
Wrong selection on LH and RH NDs,
 Same ILS 1 or 2 on both sides,
 ILS selection on one side only.

Figure 32: NDs LOC and GS modes display.

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LOC mode is designed to intercept and track the localizer course of the ILS approach selected on the
Master ND. LOC mode is controlled through the Roll / Yaw axis and can be armed, or captured.

o ARMED STATUS: LOCaliser is received, but the deviation is great, it is recommended to couple
HDG mode in order to set an interception heading and arm LOC mode. It is recommended to
intercept the localizer final approach course with a difference of less than 90 deg.
 If course deviation is greater than 25 deg, LOC changes from armed to captured within 2,1 dot,
 If course deviation is below 25 deg. LOC changes from armed to Capture at 1 dot.

o CAPTURED STATUS: when the Localizer signal is received and valid for at least 2 second, HDG
mode is disconnected and LOC (localizer) become active, LOC is displayed on PFD AFCS strips.
Localizer deviation displayed on PFD in magenta on slave side.

For small interception angles, less than 25 deg., capture condition is 1
dot. However a 30 second maximum limit in armed status below 2,1
dot has been set . After 30-second the LOC will change automatically
to Capture even if deviation is still above 1 dot.

Arming LOC mode automatically arm G/S mode and LOC must be
captured for G/S to be captured.

Figure 33: Localizer mode.

3.8.2. HOW TO USE LOC? Envelope
For the LOC mode to be coupled the helicopter must be in-flight, the AFCS basic attitude available,
airspeed must be above 35 kt and ILS system on ground available.
LOC mode is limited to 30 deg angle of bank, the angular speed being limited to 5 deg / sec.
It is recommended to arm the mode and intercept final course with less than 90 deg. angle of

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decoupling LOC:
AFCS LOC is activated by pressing the APP
push-button on the APMS and is controlled
through the Roll axis.
Prior to press APP, Pilots shall first select ILS
frequency on the VOR / ILS receivers and select
ILS as navigation source (1), use the CRS knob
on the ICP to adjust the final approach course (2)
and then press APP: the LOC and G/S if
available is armed or captured on the master nav
When 2 VOR / ILS equipment are installed, pilot
uses VOR2 / ILS2, co-pilot uses VOR1 / ILS1,
NAV sources are selected accordingly and
Master is set on PILOT side.

Figure 34: NAV source and course selection on ICP.

When an ILS frequency is tuned, system
automatically changes from ILS armed to ILS
coupled approach mode.

When coupling LOC pressing APP, pilot must

check the status of the mode: it may be
immediately captured with mode displayed
green LOC and C on APMS with helicopter
immediately tracking inbound on the final
approach course.

Figure 35: APMS NAV ILS

When LOC mode is armed, it is displayed in cyan LOC on AFCS strip lower line, with A on the APMS.
As long as the mode is in armed status, pilot must manage heading either using the roll ATT basic
stabilization mode or couple HDG. When armed or coupled, CRS can be modified by the pilot on master
ND without disconnecting the mode.
To disarm or decouple LOC pilot has to press APP on the APMS or use either pilot or copilot cyclic
UPPER MODE-OFF pushbuttons. Decoupling LOC automatically decouples G/S.

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Coupling HDG, or pressing GA, forces LOC to decouple.
Other issues forcing LOC to decouple:
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 A discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 Loss of roll axis cyclic auto-trim, or cyclic trim feel,
 Loss of a command in roll for at least 30 sec.
 Change of navigation source, for at least 30 seconds when armed, 10 seconds when coupled,
 ILS frequency change for at least 30 seconds when armed, 10 seconds when coupled,
 Loss of LOC valid signal for at least 10 seconds.
 Total loss of heading valid signals fo r at least 10 seconds.

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Localizer status is displayed on PFDs with LOC AFCS
mode status, armed or captured, and other-side glide slope
NDs display a Localizer scale and color defines the status
of the screen: Slave (LOC is magenta) or Master (LOC
change from magenta to green when captured)

AFCS Remarks
LH Copilot RH Pilot Standard settings for multi-receivers cockpit :
ND2 RH is selected as Master,
ND2 RH ILS source #2,
ND1 LH ILS source #1,
with identical ILS frequency and appropriate final course.


Navigation source on VOR / ILS, select course on final

approach course.
HDG Armed Navigation is based on ILS navigation source
selected on ND master.

For APM softwares after N8-37 the GS can be armed

only when LOC is armed or captures.

LOC mode coupled and captured normal operation.


When LOC is coupled, GS can be armed or GS coupled.

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AFCS Remarks
Excessive deviation is displayed as soon as :
Deviation in excess of 2,2 dots in the first 60 seconds of
>LOC< LOC captured.
Then after the first minute, deviation in excess of 1/3 of
dot during more than 0,6 second.
When LOC AFCS strip message toggles between amber
and green: pilot is overriding the mode applying inputs in
Stop overriding the LOC mode to recover a LOC
green mode.
APM is calling for pilot attention:
LOC • Difference between valid signals localizer 1 and 2
is more than 0,02ddm.
APM is calling for pilot attention:
LOC Flashing on pilot and copilot PFDs, various situations
may be developing:
• LOC signal invalid: last valid LOC information
frozen and LOC mode decouple after 10
Then seconds.
ALOCA • Heading information is invalid: LOC mode
decouple after 10 seconds.
Be ready to engage HDG mode or Hands-On

Figure 36: NAV LOC mode displays. How to manage LOC mode?

Arming / Coupling the LOC mode is done via the APMS APP pushbutton. Prior to arm LOC, pilots shall
select NDs in HSI format, and tune the proper ILS frequencies on VOR/ILS receivers and select the ILS
final course, both receivers with identical frequencies. He must select an MFD side as master, usually
Right Hand side, and with nav. Source VOR/ILS 2 on RH side, VOR/ILS 1 on LH side.
It is recommended to fly the ILS arrival with NAV or HDG modes, LOC can be armed, for the APM to
intercept the final course. The reference will be provided by the master ND, and pilot monitors the

For LOC and GS interception, the recommended minimum distance is
5 Nm, and the recommended maximum interception angle is 60°
When within the dots limits, the LOC status changes to capture, pilot must check the wind direction and
correction applied by the APM. Pilot monitors the GS status and checks beginning of descent.
Pilot may anticipate a heading selection, by presetting a heading on APMS rotary switch and positioning
the cyan bug.
The APM2000 applies a rate 1 turn angle-of-bank computed with the airspeed, limited to a maximum of
30 deg.
APM2000 anticipates the roll-out to stop turn when the helicopter is established on the localizer.
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Overshooting localizer course may be observed when angle of interception is near 90 dg with high
airspeed and wind: pilot shall monitor the interception and verify the localizer is correctly captured.
In addition, when LOC is coupled, anytime an urgent situation is developing – i.e. avoiding bird,
obstacles – pilots can fly-through, applying manually roll inputs. LOC reference will not be changed, even
if pressing trim release on cyclic. When stopping fly-through, the helicopter will automatically be returned
on the LOC reference.
Pilots shall be attentive all along the approach with LOC, and pay attention at an amber status of the
mode: pilot shall anticipate and brief the possible degradation.

In normal operation, when no degradation occurs and both LOC and GS
reception is correct , the recommended LOC and GS mode armed and
captured is with IAS mode coupled for the AFCS to be operative on the 4 axis.

If a missed approach is required, GA mode must be used disconnecting LOC mode automatically.

When LOC is coupled, GA coupling decouple the LOC mode. Safety features with LOC

The LOC and GS modes are both armed; GS cannot be capture as long as LOC is armed only.
Helicopter is clear to descent with G/S captured as soon as LOC is captured.
For precise interception and avoid overshooting final course, HDG or NAV mode with LOC armed is
limited to 30 degrees angle-of-bank before to capture the localizer.
When pressing GA for a missed approach, LOC is automatically disengaged to set a zero-angle-of-bank,
allowing HDG or NAV coupling by the pilot for missed approach procedure.

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3.9.1. HOW GS WORKS?
GS mode is designed to intercept and to control the helicopter on a descent following a glide slope signal
of the ground ILS station. Descent with GS mode is controlled through the pitch or the collective axis and
can have different statuses; being armed, or captured. GS always couples together with a captured
LOC. The system requires a valid ILS frequency tuned on VOR/ILS receivers and selected as master for
Navigation source.
For safety purposes, GS mode will stop descending and is automatically replaced by ALT mode at 80 ft
or 65 ft according to software number, and requires a barometric altitude signal, consolidated with a
radio altimeter information; loss of these two sensors degrade GS mode.

If the airport is at altitude, presence of rough terrain on long final, ALT
mode reference may be low and requires pilot attention and power
application to stabilize level flight.

o COLLECTIVE OR PITCH AXIS: selection is based on helicopter airspeed and the coupling of IAS
mode at the GS arming.
G/S is on Collective: the helicopter airspeed is below 60 kt, or the IAS mode is coupled on pitch.
GS is on pitch: the helicopter airspeed is more than 65 kt, with no upper mode selected on the pitch axis.

Performing a complete ILS shall be performed in 4-axis, with IAS
mode on pitch, G/S mode armed or capture on collective, and
LOC mode on Yaw/Roll.

Figure 37: Glide Slope mode.

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ARMED STATUS: GS is armed (GS) when LOC mode is armed or captured but conditions for the GS
to be captured are not met. If a mode is coupled (ALT, ALT.A, VS) this mode will not decouple until
GS is coupled.
It is recommended to intercept the glide slope from below and arm GS on the collective at a stabilized
altitude with ALT mode coupled: couple IAS before coupling GS.
o CAPTURED STATUS: GS mode will be captured (GS) only if the LOC mode is already captured and
with a GS valid signal, the vertical position of the helicopter is within less than 2,2 dots during at least
1sec., and more than -0,7 dot for at least 3 sec. the capture status is effective when between 2.05
dots and -0.3 dots.

3.9.2. HOW TO USE GS?

This option for the GS mode to be on pitch or collective shall remind the pilot to manage wisely the axis
to be used by GS. In normal operation condition, pilot shall select GS mode on the collective, coupling
IAS prior flying the ILS approach. Envelope
For the GS mode to be coupled the helicopter must be in-flight, the AFCS basic attitude (ATT) available,
airspeed must be above 35 kt and ILS system on ground available.
LOC mode must be previously armed or captured, it is recommended to intercept final descent on glide
slope from below.
GS mode is limited in altitude and decouples automatically at 80 ft (or 65 ft) height-above-ground given
by a radio altimeter, and ALT mode is coupled. when GS decouples, pilots shall crosscheck ALT mode
coupled and confirm the height above ground and baro-altitude.

If the airport is at altitude, presence of rough terrain on long final, ALT
mode reference may be low and requires pilot attention and power
application to stabilize level flight. Pilot arming / coupling and decoupling GS:

AFCS GS mode is armed by pressing the GS push-button on the APMS. GS status changes to capture
only if LOC mode is selected and captured.
GS is controlled through the Collective or the Pitch axis.
Prior to press APP followed by GS, Pilots shall first select ILS
frequency on the VOR / ILS receivers and select ILS as
navigation source, the LOC and GS if available is armed and
captured on the master Nav source.
When 2 VOR / ILS equipment are installed, RH pilot uses VOR2 /
ILS2, LH co-pilot uses VOR1 / ILS1 , NAV sources are selected
accordingly and Master is set on RH pilot side.

When coupling GS, pilot must check the status of the mode: it
may be immediately captured GS with mode displayed green.
LOC mode must already be captured with LOC on AFCS strip
and C on APMS / APP and helicopter starting descent on the
glide slope.
When GS mode is Armed display is cyan GS on AFCS strip ,
On H155 helicopters, GS can be armed without LOC mode selected, but in case of no LOC selected,
GS will never capture, in consequence, LOC must be either coupled LOC or armed LOC . GS does not
couple as long as LOC is armed only.

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When LOC and GS are coupled, as soon as LOC is decoupled, GS is also decoupled.

As long as the mode is in armed status, depending

on collective or pitch axis, pilot can either use the
collective or pitch, or couple a vertical mode as ALT,
VS,. and ALT.A
To disarm or decouple GS pilot has to press GS
pushbutton on the APMS or use either pilot or copilot
cyclic UPPER MODE-OFF pushbuttons. Decoupling
LOC automatically decouples GS.

Figure 38: APMS GS mode.




Coupling of, ALT.A, VS, ALT, and CR.HT or pressing GA, force GS to decouple.
Other issues forcing GS to decouple:
When GS is armed:
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 loss of pitch axis (cyclic auto-trim, or cyclic trim feel) and collective axis (cyclic series actuator or
collective trim failure, or collective trim feel are lost),
 Loss of airspeed signal and ground speed signal for at least 30 sec if LOC armed, 10 seconds if
LOC is captured.
 Loss of barometric altitude and GPS vertical speed for at least 30 second if LOC armed, 10
second if LOC is captured,
 Navigation source change on Master ND, at least 30 sec. when LOC is armed, 10 second if LOC
is captured,
 Change of ILS frequency for at least 30 second if LOC is armed, 10 second if LOC captured,
 Loss of GS signal for at least 30 second if LOC is armed, 10 second if LOC captured,
 Decoupling LOC from captured will decouples GS.
When GS is coupled:
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 loss of pitch axis (cyclic auto-trim, or cyclic trim feel) and collective axis (cyclic series actuator or
collective trim failure, or collective trim feel are lost),

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 Navigation source change on Master ND for at least 10 seconds,
 ILS frequency change on master ND or invalid navigation source.
 Loss of GS valid signal for at least 10 sec.
 Loss of airspeed for at least 10 second, and loss of groundspeed when HOVER mode option,
 Total loss of barometric altitude and GPS vertical speed (when HOVER option) and radio altitude
signals for at least 10 sec.
 10 seconds after decoupling LOC. Displays
Glide slope status is displayed on PFDs with GS AFCS
mode status, armed or captured, and other-side glide
slope scale.
NDs display a Glide slope scale and color defines the
status of the screen: Slave (GS is magenta) or Master
(GS change from magenta to green when captured)

AFCS Remarks
LH Copilot RH Pilot
Navigation source selected on VOR / ILS (ILS1 on LH side, ILS2 on
RH side)


GS is armed On APMS:
GS can be armed while LOC is not armed nor
captured: GS cannot change to captured
before LOC is captured.

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AFCS Remarks
LOC & GS modes coupled and captured normal operation.


Flying with upper modes must be preferably in 4-axis,
LOC and descending on an ILS approach must be performed
LOC, GS and IAS coupled.

AGSA illuminates amber on the pitch when airspeed
drops below 60 kt, and GS is shifting to collective axis.

Excessive deviation is displayed as soon as :

>GS< Deviation in excess of 2,2 dots for more than 0.6 sec. during the
first 30 sec. following mode coupling the deviation of more than 0.7
When GS AFCS strip message toggles between amber and green:
pilot is overriding the mode applying inputs in collective and cyclic
Stop overriding the GS mode to recover a green GS mode.

 Radio Altimeter is unserviceable: loss of stabilization function at

AGSA 80 ft (or 65 ft).

AGSA APM is calling for pilot attention:

Flashing on pilot and copilot PFDs, various situations may be
• GS signal invalid: last valid GS information frozen and LOC
mode decouple after 10 seconds.
AGSA LOC signal decouples GS flashes amber then decouples.

Figure 39: NAV - GS modes displays.

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N° 10 - 22 How to manage GS mode?

Arming / Coupling the GS mode is done via the APMS GS pushbutton. Pressing GS pushbutton will arm
the GS mode even if LOC mode is not captured. When the LOC mode is captured, GS will be captured
when reaching the descent on Glide slope. Prior to arm LOC, pilots must select NDs in HSI format and
shall tune the proper ILS frequencies on VOR/ILS receivers with identical VOR / ILS-DME frequencies
and ILS final course. He must select an MFD side as master, and receiver #2 on RH side, receiver #1 on

It is recommended to fly an ILS approach with LOC and GS mode and IAS
mode to be in a 4-axis configuration.
Flying the ILS arrival with FMS / NAV or HDG modes, LOC must be armed, for the APM to intercept the
final course. Therefore GS can be armed too, when stabilized at the published altitude, with the ALT
mode coupled on collective: pilot has to check and confirm LOC and GS armed status. Glide slope
reference will be provided to the APM by the master ND, and pilot monitors the interception.

For LOC and GS interception, the recommended minimum distance is 5
Nm, and the recommended maximum interception angle is 60°

When within the dots limits, the LOC status changes to capture: check the wind direction and correction
applied by the APM. Pilot monitors the GS status and checks beginning of descent.
In addition, when GS is coupled, anytime an urgent situation is developing – i.e. avoiding bird, obstacles
– pilots can fly-through, applying manually collective inputs. GS is not lost, even after pressing trim
release on cyclic or collective. When stopping fly-through, the helicopter will automatically be returned on
the Glide slope.
If a missed approach is required, it is recommended to use GA mode, GS mode decouples
automatically. Safety features with GS

Similar safety features as ALT mode, when installed on pitch or collective:
GS includes a power limitation when installed on collective axis, with a collective law fully available,
limiting power as follow:
 When AEO: power is limited at MTOP when below 25 kt, reducing to MCP when above 40 kt.
 When OEI: power is limited to HI when below 30 kt, CONT above 40 kt,
 At low power, a safety feature does not authorize the GS collective mode to reduce power less
than 2x5% torque in AEO, or 10% torque in OEI to avoid free turbine and rotor
If GS is coupled on pitch axis, power is controlled manually by the pilot and inappropriate power
application may be observed:
 If lack of power application makes the airspeed decreasing below the 60 KIAS automatically IAS
is coupled with a 60 KIAS bug, and GS is coupled on collective allowing power application.
 When GS installed on pitch, if excessive power is manually applied, the GS mode does not
exceed the VNE.
 In addition, GS on pitch cannot exceed nose up / down limits of 12 deg. nose down and 14 nose
up attitudes.
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Low altitude protection: at ALT coupling: GS includes a level-off at 80 ft (or 65 ft according to software)
above the ground, and disconnects to immediately and automatically couple ALT mode at an equivalent
of 80 (or 65 ft) ft AGL.



If the airport is at altitude, presence of rough terrain on long final, ALT
mode reference may be low and requires pilot attention and power
application to stabilize level flight.

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3.10.1. HOW IT WORKS (IAS)
The Airspeed (IAS) mode purpose is to acquire and maintain airspeed. The IAS mode cannot be
manually preset and coupling IAS mode is only on Pitch axis.
Using information provided by ADC1 & 2, airspeed is displayed on the MFDs, and send to the APM2000,
to allow AFCS IAS upper mode based on indicated airspeed.
When coupling the mode by pressing the APMS IAS pushbutton the IAS mode reference is
synchronized to the current indicated airspeed, if within the limits of the system. Pilot can then modify the
IAS reference.
IAS mode has the priority over ALT, ALT.A, VS, and GS when installed on the Pitch axis.
When pilot is overriding – flying through with trim release or against the spring there is no modification of
the IAS mode reference.
Coupling of IAS mode is automatic 15 seconds after pressing GA or following an engine failure when a
vertical mode only was coupled on pitch axis (3-axis)

3.10.2. HOW TO USE IAS? Envelope
 From ATT basic stabilization, in flight, IAS mode couples on the Pitch axis, and is available within
speed limits of 30 kt minimum to the calculated VNE. Outside limits, IAS mode can be coupled
but the mode will automatically accelerate or reduce speed to the closest authorized speed limit.
 When coupled, Pilot can modify IAS reference by using the cyclic beep trim moving the IAS bug
at a speed of 8 kt per second. Another option to change the IAS bug is beep + override and take
advantage of a follow-up stick.
 When increasing or decreasing IAS speed reference, the IAS mode is limited 12 deg. nose down,
and 14 deg. nose up.


When indicated airspeed below 30 kt the APM 2000 is in “hover follow-up” with
automatic trim follow-up in lateral and longitudinal attitudes.



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Pilot can couple or decouple the IAS mode only
using the APMS IAS push button. Using the cyclic
grips UPPER MODE-OFF pushbuttons decouples
IAS mode and all other coupled modes.
An ON green light illuminates when push button is
pressed in, ON green is not illuminated if mode is
not coupled.

Figure 40: APMS IAS mode pushbutton. Automatic coupling of IAS

 IAS mode couples automatically following coupling of GA (Go-Around) mode after a delay of 15
 When flying 3-axis, with vertical mode set on pitch, pilots are responsible of power application.
APM controls vertical modes with pitch attitude and If power required is not applied, helicopter
airspeed drops to compensate. When passing 60 kt, automatically IAS mode is coupled, and
vertical mode is forced to the collective axis, to stabilize airspeed at 60 kt, and control vertical
mode with power.
 For safety purposes, the IAS mode is immediately coupled by APM following an engine failure
while flying with a vertical mode (ALT, ALT.A, VS, or GS) on the pitch (3-axis)
 When IAS mode is forced to couple the ON light illuminates on APMS IAS. Automatic decoupling of IAS

IAS is decoupled automatically when pilot couples GA. After 15 sec. with GA, IAS is coupled again
replacing GA.
IAS mode will also decouple when either:
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 AFCS is disengaged
 Loss of pitch axis: cyclic Auto Trim lost, or cyclic trim Feel permanently released.
 Complete loss of airspeed valid signal for more than 10 sec.
 Complete loss of airspeed signal for at least 10 sec.

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N° 10 - 22 displays
The IAS mode status and degradation are indicated in the
PFDs AFCS strip, at the pitch position (right side)
On the airspeed indicator, and when IAS mode is coupled, a
green bug triangle shape is pointing the IAS mode
With IAS mode coupled, when pilot select an IAS reference
out of the airspeed indicator, a half-bug is displayed in the
direction the reference is.

ND PFD Remarks
AFCS strip
APM is ON and when in-flight in ATT, IAS is ready to be
coupled on pitch axis.
on APMS IAS mode light is not illuminated,
On Airspeed Indicator, no airspeed reference bug.

N/A IAS mode coupled on cyclic in normal operation

On APMS: ON illuminated,
On Airspeed indicator: green bug pointing airspeed
reference. Green bug is displayed on both LH and RH
AIASA MFD’s airspeed indicators. This green bug is flashing
green / white when pilots change reference.
XIASX underline with white line when airspeed reference
is modified using the cyclic beep trim.
or half green bugs displayed when IAS
reference is set out of the airspeed instrument.

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ND PFD Remarks
AFCS strip
N/A  Difference between IAS mode reference and
actual airspeed exceeds 12 kt for more than 2 sec.
 When airspeed drops below 65 kt for more than 2
>IAS< sec. when flying Upper modes in 4-axis.
 If pilot “Fly Through” overriding the mode with an
error of more than 12 kt.
Do not take controls, monitor sharply the airspeed
and nose attitude parameter and be ready to takeover.

When IAS AFCS strip message toggles between amber

and green: pilot is overriding the mode and countering
efforts with inputs in pitch.
Stop overriding the cyclic pitch axis to recover a IAS
green display.

AAAAA AIASA When descending with IAS only , ALT automatically

couples near 150 ft, ALT mode level-off at 150 ft.
AALTA at 150 ft AIASA
 Flashing amber, until mode decoupling.
IAS  a difference of more than 12 kt between 2 valid ADCs
 total loss of anemo barometric sensors: ADC1 and
ADC2 is displayed on PFDs
IAS degradation, it occurs when:
 a difference of more than 6 kt between 2 valid ADCs
signals or
 Airspeed signals valid but a difference of more than
12kt, ALT flashes amber then shift to collective axis if
available, or
 Loss of redundancy ADC1 or ADC2 is displayed on
 After reconfiguration, only one ADC selected on RCU.
APM is calling for pilot attention: the mode may flash
in amber for 10 sec. before to disconnect in case of
total information loss. Monitor airspeed information
on PFDs and Back-up instruments. Be ready for

Figure 41: IAS mode displays.

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N° 10 - 22 How to manage IAS mode?
It is important to note that IAS mode couples only on the pitch axis, and has priority
over other modes on this axis. Pilot can couple the IAS mode directly pressing IAS
pushbutton on the APMS.
The only way to change the airspeed reference is using beep trims on cyclic grips,
reading the green bug on airspeed indicator band, and using the speed trend to control
the nose attitudes and maximum speed.
For rapid reaction to avoid traffic, obstacle, pilot can override / flying-through the mode without
decoupling. When pilot is back Hands-off, IAS mode fly to the previously set airspeed reference.
Any fly-through action (override or Force Trim Release) does not change the airspeed reference. Safety features with IAS

 The IAS mode is designed to control the helicopter within a safe envelope of -12° nose down and
+14° nose up maximum attitudes. A minimum and maximum airspeed reference can be set
without exceeding the computed VNE.
 IAS mode automatically couples and forces the APM to operate in 4-axis mode: at 60 kt IAS
couples and vertical modes shift from pitch axis to the collective for a safe control of altitude and
speed, not entering in the bad side of the Power vs Speed chart.
In single engine with only 3-axis, the IAS immediately couples for the same reason than before.
 When descending with IAS coupled only – not recommended – the ALT mode is automatically
coupled when approaching the ground in order to level off at an altitude corresponding to a radio
height of 150 ft.

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3.11.1. HOW IT WORKS (VS) Description
The vertical speed mode (VS) maintains the current vertical speed at coupling, and can be set for
climbing / descending.
The AFCS uses the Master side for air data references.
It can be used directly or associated with ALT.A mode for climb and descent or coupling GA mode for
climbing only.
When VS mode is directly coupled the VS reference is the vertical speed at the time of coupling.
VS mode can be installed on the Pitch or the Collective axis, based on the helicopter airspeed and IAS
mode coupling.
When pilot is overriding – flying through with trim release or against the spring there is no modification of
the VS mode reference.

3.11.2. HOW TO USE VS? Envelope
 Airspeed envelope: with VS installed on pitch axis, when speed drops below 60 kt indicated
airspeed the VS mode changes to be controlled through the collective axis,
When VS mode is on the collective, with no IAS mode on the pitch, VS shift to pitch axis when
airspeed is above 65 KIAS for at least 5 sec.
 Rate of climb / descent limits: the VS mode does not exceed a maximum of 2200 ft / min.
According to airspeed, at low airspeed the maximum authorized rate of climb and descent is
limited to 300 ft/ min.
if the VS mode is coupled beyond these
limits, the mode is designed to reduce rates
to the limits.
 When VS mode couples with ALT.A armed
the rate of climb is set at 1000 ft / min, or
the current rate of climb if above, if ALT.A is
armed for descent the rate of descent is
500 ft / min.
 If VS couples following a GA, rate of climb
is set at 1000 ft / min, and can be modified
via the collective beep trim.
 Attitude is limited if VS mode is installed on pitch not to exceed the -12 to +14 deg nose attitudes.
 Power protection is applied when VS is on the collective, limited to TOP below 25 kt and MCP
above 40 kt. When flying OEI power is limited to HI when below 30 kt, CONT above 40 kt. Pilot coupling and decoupling VS

Pilot can directly couple or decouple the VS mode only using the APMS VS push
button. Using the cyclic grips UPPER MODE-OFF pushbuttons decouples VS mode
and all other coupled modes.
An ON green light illuminates when push button is pressed in, ON green is not
illuminated if mode is not coupled.

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 VS mode couples automatically following coupling of GA (Go-Around) mode after a delay of 15
 Another case of automatic coupling: VS mode couples when ALT.A is armed. Automatic decoupling of VS

When VS is coupled on pitch, coupling IAS mode on the pitch will force VS to shift to the collective when
VS is decoupled automatically when pilot couples CRHT, ALT or ALT.A reach 300 ft from reference, or
GS status change from armed to coupled.
VS mode will also decouple when either:
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 AFCS is disengaged (loss of ATT basic stabilization)
 Loss of pitch axis: cyclic Auto Trim loss, or cyclic trim Feel permanently released and loss of
collective axis: collective trim failure or collective trim feel permanent release,
 Loss of a pitch or roll axis series actuator when VS installed on collective,
 Loss of collective pitch lever position detection, or collective parallel actuator, or artificial load is
cancelled when VS is installed on collective.
 Complete loss of barometric altitude valid signal for more than 10 seconds,
 Complete loss of airspeed signal for at least 10 sec if collective axis not available. displays
The VS mode status and degradations are indicated in
the PFDs AFCS strip, at pitch (right side) or collective
(left) positions.

On the vertical speed indicator, with VS mode coupled,

a green bug with triangle shape is pointing the VS mode
reference and a number is displayed giving rate of climb
in hundred feet per minute.

Figure 42: VS mode PFDs display.

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ND PFD AFCS strip Remarks

VS not coupled,
AAAAA AAAAA APM is ON and when in-flight, VS is ready to be coupled on
collective or pitch according to the airspeed.

N/A If airspeed VS mode coupled in normal operation. Engagement and

AVSA <60kt, or disengagement is indicated with a green rectangle to
highlight the concerned upper mode.
XVSX underline with white line when altitude reference is
modified using the collective beep trim and the bug toggles
green and white.
Green bug is displayed on both LH and RH MFD’s
Vertical Speed indicators.

N/A AVSA VS mode coupled in normal operation. Engagement and

airspeed disengagement is indicated with a green rectangle to
>65kt for highlight the concerned upper mode.
5sec. XVSX underline with white line when altitude reference is
modified using the collective beep trim and the bug toggles
green and white.
Green bug is displayed on both LH and RH MFD’s
vertical speed indicators.

AVSA illuminates amber on the pitch when airspeed
drops below 60 kt, and VS is shifting to collective axis.

N/A Excessive deviation on the VS mode.

>VS< or >VS<
Difference of more than 500ft / min detected between VS
reference and actual helicopter altitude.

When VS is coupled with ALT.A mode, an excessive
deviation is displayed as soon as a difference of 300 ft /
min is detected.

When VS AFCS strip message toggles between amber and

green: pilot is overriding the mode and applying inputs in
or pitch or collective.
Stop overriding the VS mode to recover a VS green

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ND PFD AFCS strip Remarks

Before to disconnect VS is flashing in amber, indicating
A loss of barometric altitude,
VS A loss of airspeed with a collective axis already not
Pilot shall be ready to fly Hands On or revert to an
available mode or configuration.
VS degradation. it occurs when:
Loss of confidence level between sensors, loss of
redundancy, discrepancy between internal processing of
control laws,
AVSA Increase monitoring of this parameter, crosscheck
Detection of an anomaly in the FLI data:
Increase monitoring of power setting.

Figure 43: VS mode displays. How to manage VS mode?

As soon as pilot depresses the VS APMS push-button, the VS mode is
coupled and it’s reference is set at the current helicopter vertical speed if any.
Depending of airspeed, or IAS mode coupled, VS mode is installed on pitch or

It is recommended to select IAS and ALT.A instead of solely VS, and
flying in 4-axis coupled.
To change the VS reference, whatever the 3-axis or 4-axis option, control of the VS bug is made using
the collective beep trim. Pressing forward will reduce the VS reference, pressing aftward increase it.




In normal conditions, pilot must use VS through ALT.A on the collective, with IAS on pitch and a lateral
mode in Roll / yaw. Nevertheless, flying with 3-axis option can be required in particular situations:
turbulences where the collective pitch may hit the MCP limit to control rate of climb, or FADEC

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N° 10 - 22 Safety devices of VS
VS mode includes a power limitation when installed on collective axis, with a collective law fully
available, limiting power as follow:
 When AEO: power is limited at MTOP when below 25 kt, reducing to MCP when above 40 kt.
 When OEI: power is limited to HI when below 30 kt, CONT above 40 kt,
 At low power, a safety feature does not authorize the VS collective mode to reduce power less
than 2x5% torque in AEO, or 10% torque in OEI to avoid free turbine and rotor
 At low airspeed, rate of descent is limited to a maximum of 300 ft/min to avoid risk of settling with
power and vortex, and 300 ft/min climb to avoid power limiting and excessive deviation on the
If VS is coupled on pitch axis, power is controlled manually by the pilot and inappropriate power
application may be observed:
 if lack of power application make the airspeed decreasing below the 60 KIAS automatically IAS is
coupled with a 60 KIAS bug, and VS is coupled on collective allowing power application.
 if excessive power is manually applied, the VS mode does not exceed the computed VNE.
 in addition, VS on pitch cannot exceed nose up / down limits of -12° nose down and +14° nose
up attitudes.

Low altitude protection: at VS coupling on descent: if a minimum altitude of 150 ft height equivalent
above the ground detected ALT mode is automatically coupled and ALT mode will not go below this
value even if a “descent” command is selected on ALT.
Radio altimeter(s) must be ON and information has to be valid to provide APM with the 150 ft
height above ground.

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3.12.1. HOW IT WORKS (GA) Description
The Go-Around mode (GA) is a combined mode designed to be used in demanding situations as missed
approach procedure, during takeoff and departure particularly in low visibility departure as the mode is
able to acquire and hold a pre-defined rate of climb using collective axis (+1000 ft / min or current ROC
only if higher) and accelerate to Vy with the pitch axis (or maintain current airspeed if higher).
The GA mode works with several different logics depending on the engines power available (AEO / OEI
power margin) and helicopter airspeed.
 All engines operative (AEO)
o Below Vy, it acquires and holds:
 a vertical speed of +1000 ft/min,
 an airspeed at Vy (except softwares before N9-72, see NOTE above).
o From a missed approach (or at any time above Vy), it acquires and holds:
 a vertical climbing speed of +1000 ft/min or the current vertical speed (whichever
is the highest),
 Vy or the current airspeed (whichever is the highest).
 One engine off (actual OEI or Training mode)
o Airspeed ≤ V.TOSS: V.TOSS is acquired then a vertical speed is installed depending on
the available power (OEI HI, LO, CT selection by the pilot).
o V.TOSS < Airspeed < Vy: the current airspeed is held, a vertical speed is installed
depending on the available power (OEI HI, LO, CT stops).
The IAS reference shall be adjusted to Vy, using the cyclic beep trim.
o Airspeed ≥ Vy: the current airspeed is held, a vertical speed is installed, depending on the
available power (HI, LO, CT stops selection by the pilot). IAS reference can be reduced to
Vy to increase power margin and optimize rate of climb.
VTOSS VALUE IS 55 kt Indicated airspeed.
 The GA mode automatically reverts to V/S mode and IAS mode after 15 seconds when it is
coupled from a cruise flight, VS and IAS bugs are displayed as soon as GA mode is coupled.
The GA mode does not couple any specific mode on the Roll axis. However, in case bank angle was
applied at the moment of GA coupling, the Roll reference will be set to zero in order to allow the
helicopter to climb wings level and ball centered. When HDG mode is already coupled upon GA
coupling, HDG is maintained coupled. VOR, LOC, APP are decoupled.
When pilot is overriding – flying through with trim release or against the spring there is no modification of
the VS mode reference.

3.12.2. HOW TO USE GA? Envelope
It is recommended to couple GA mode at Vy.
 Rate of climb limit: GA ends with a VS mode at 1000 ft / min, or current vertical speed. Once VS
is coupled, system refers to VS envelope.
 For softwares before N9-72: GA mode maintain actual airspeed even when below Vy.
Pilot should set manualy IAS bug on Vy.
 For softwares N9-72 and after Airspeed limits: the GA mode objective is to accelerate to a
computed Vy, if actual airspeed is below, allowing the best power margin to apply 1000 ft / min
climb. However, if airspeed was higher, the mode will maintain the actual airspeed.
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Refer to paragraph “SOFTWARE VERSION” §2.2.3. Pilot coupling and decoupling GA

Pilot can only couple the GA mode using the collective GA push
button. Using the cyclic grips UPPER MODE OFF pushbuttons
decouples GA mode and all other coupled modes.
ON green light illuminate on APMS IAS and VS pushbuttons.
Decoupling manually GA, pilot can press GA button on collective grip,
or switch OFF either IAS or VS mode on the APMS. Automatic decoupling of GA

GA automatically decouples and replaced by VS on the collective together with IAS on the pitch. The roll
/ yaw is maintained at zero angle-of-bank or HDG mode remains coupled if it was coupled at the GA
GA is decoupled automatically when pilot couples CRHT, ALT or ALT.A.

After GA coupling, arm ALT.A mode after GA reverts to a VS and IAS
coupling (after 15 sec.)
GA mode will also decouple when either:
 a discrepancy between AHRS 1 and 2 occurs,
 AFCS is disengaged,
 Loss of pitch axis: cyclic Auto Trim loss, or cyclic trim Feel permanently released,
 loss of collective axis: collective trim failure or collective trim feel permanent release, leading to a
reversion of VS to the pitch axis,
 Complete loss of barometric altitude valid signal for more than
10 seconds,
 Complete loss of airspeed signal for at least 10 sec the VS
mode flashes amber and shift to the collective, but when
collective axis already failed the VS is decoupled.
 In addition, GA is inhibited on ground, displays
on AFCS strip, as soon as GA coupled, GA green mode labels are
displayed on the Collective and Pitch axis for 15 sec (from cruise
flight), followed by V/S------IAS modes.
On APMS, VS and IAS ON illuminates,

On Airspeed indicator, with GA-----GA the airspeed green arrow ►

appears either at Vy, or the actual speed, or following the OEI logic.
On vertical speed indicator, green arrow ► indicates rate of climb
datum, set at 1000 ft / min., or the actual vertical speed if above.
Figure 44: GA mode PFDs and APMS displays.

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ND PFD Remarks
GA not coupled,
AAAAA AAAAA APM is ON and when in-flight, GA is ready to be coupled on
collective and pitch.

N/A GA mode coupled in normal operation. Engagement and

disengagement is indicated with a green rectangle to highlight
the concerned upper mode.
AGAA AGAA XGAX underline with white line when references are modified
using the beep trims and bugs toggles green and white.
Green bugs are displayed on airspeed indicator and vertical
speed indicator.

N/A Excessive deviation on the GA mode: APM has detected

>GA< >GA< deviation in fulfilling the GA program parameters.

N/A When GA AFCS strip message toggles between amber and

green: pilot is overriding the mode and applying inputs in pitch
or collective.
Stop overriding the mode to recover a GA green mode.

Loss of barometric altitude signal, flashing until mode

GA GA decoupling.

When APM detects loss of confidence in sensors, loss of

AGAA AGAA confidence in flight control law computation, loss of confidence
in actuators status.

Figure 45: GA mode displays.

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N° 10 - 22 How to manage GA mode?
The objective of GA mode is to combine coupling on collective and pitch, and control Roll / yaw at zero
angle of bank for software’s before N9-72, or keep HDG or NAV coupled from software N9-72 and
above. The mode should be used at missed approach after instrument approach, at takeoff or in any
confusing situation with pilot spatial disorientation or loss of visual references.
During clear area departure usually coupling GA is recommended at Vy.
 Whether in AEO or OEI, as long as airspeed is above Vy, the vertical speed management by
APM has the priority on the airspeed control. If the VS reference is beeped close to the maximum
rate, reducing the power margin, the IAS reference may not be followed and airspeed reduces to
a computed Vy.
 In AEO, GA mode acquires Vy, Depending on power availability the priority is given to the rate of
 In OEI:
o below V.TOSS, V.TOSS is acquired,
o above V.TOSS, the mode holds the current airspeed.

 If no HDG mode was previously coupled, the GA coupling will lead to a zero roll, ball centered.
 During ILS approach, LOC and G/S captured, the activation of GA will cancel the ILS guidance.
 The commanded acceleration varies in accordance with:
o the available power, and power margin,
o the AEO or OEI conditions,
o the current airspeed.
 According to the flight condition, the power is automatically stopped at the maximum authorized
power. Safety devices of GA

 The GA protections are the same as for the IAS and VS modes.
 It should be noted that using GA offer the best parameters as this mode guarantee a climbing
profile, with the best power margin in twin engine as the system uses Vy during takeoff phase.

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3.13.1. HOW IT WORKS (CR.HT)
The cruise height (CR.HT) mode is designed to fly low heights over flat areas as sea surface, referring to
a radar altimeter height instead of barometric reference ALT mode is using.
As radar altimeter can detect false echoes or ships decks causing quick height variations, the APM
includes a “filtering” system to maintain a smooth CR.HT control while transient height variations may
CRHT references can be preset for the mode to acquire new datum selected on the radio altimeter scale
of the NDs.
CR.HT mode is always coupled on the Collective axis.
CRHT includes a low height protection device called FLY-UP described below.
CR.HT must only be used over water or a flat surface.

3.13.2. HOW TO USE CRHT?

CRHT mode is inhibited on ground, but can be prepared and preset. DHs can be prepared
There is no airspeed condition.
Collective axis and radio-altimeter must be available.
When pilot is overriding – flying through with trim release or against the spring there is no modification of
the CR.HT reference. Envelope
 The CRHT mode maximum usable height is limited to 2450 ft because the radar altimeter
instrument is limited at 2500 ft.
The minimum height to be selected is limited by the highest DH, and when CRHT is coupled, the
minimum height is defined as Safety Limit.
 Rate of climb / descent limits: maximum rate of climb or descent are 500 ft/min, reduced when
airspeed is reduced to prevent risk of settling with power when descending at low speed, and at
low height reducing the helicopter rate of climb or descent.

Figure 46: Vertical Speed envelopes with CR.HT mode.

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 Pilot can directly couple or decouple the CR.HT
mode only using the APMS CR.HT rotary knob.
 Rotating the knob before to couple allows a
preset of CRHT reference. Pressing the knob
allows to couple and decouple the CR.HT mode.
When CR.HT is coupled, a green arrow
illuminates on the APMS, the light goes off when
mode is decoupled.
 After coupling, pilot can use the rotary knob to
modify the CR.HT reference.

Figure 47: APMS CR.HT mode.

 For preset or reference change after coupling, and if helicopter height is above DHs, the
minimum CR.HT reference the pilot can select is limited to the highest DH value between pilot
and copilot.
If helicopter height is already below DHs alarms, there is no lower limit to the CR.HT setting.

pilots must include DH setting on pilot and copilot NDs radio altimeters
before to change CR.HT reference.

 Using the cyclic grips UPPER MODE-OFF push buttons on cyclic grips pilot decouple CR.HT
mode and all other coupled modes. Automatic coupling of CRHT

A FLY-UP function couples temporarily when the helicopter height with coupled CR.HT mode hit the
safety limit. The FLY-UP mode automatic activation commands Collective trim upward to recover the
height corresponding to the CR.HT reference value, even if the pilot is overriding the collective.
As soon as the height is above the Safety Limit the CR.HT mode is automatically re-coupled.
Excessive deviation on >CR.HT< may appear during the acquisition to the previous helicopter height. Automatic decoupling of CR.HT

The mode is forced to decouple when pilot couples ALT, VS, ALT.A, GS, or after the following:
 AFCS disengagement,
 AHRS discrepancy,
 Loss of collective axis (loss of any cyclic series actuator or collective trim failure, or collective trim
feel permanent release)
 Complete loss of radio height for at least 10 seconds,

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CR.HT mode has two different statuses: it can be preset, or coupled.
When preset only, no display on the AFCS strip, only cyan indication
CRHT XXXX reference is displayed on the Navigation Display,
above the Radio altimeter, and bugs in cyan displayed in the
When CRHT mode is coupled, CRHT XXXX reference is displayed
in green, and bug green too in the radio altimeter indicator.
On AFCS strip, as soon as CRHT is coupled, CRHT green mode is
displayed on the Collective axis,
on APMS, arrow illuminates,

Pilot has to select CR.HT reference above DHs.

Figure 48: CRHT PFDs & NDs displays.

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CRHT not coupled,
APM is ON and when in-flight, CRHT is ready to be coupled
on collective and pitch. CR.HT reference can be preset and
displayed in cyan.
To couple CR.HT helicopter shall fly over flat area or
water and below 2500 ft, the maximum selected CR.HT is
2450 ft.

CR.HT mode is preset, value can be red on NDs and

displayed in cyan just above the DH setting.

Bug appears on radio altimeter in cyan.

CRHT mode coupled in normal operation. coupling and

decoupling indicated with a green rectangle to highlight the
concerned upper mode.
XCRHTX underline with white line when altitude reference is
modified using the collective beep trim and the bug toggles
ACRHTA green and white.

Green bug is flashing white when CRHT

reference is modified.

Excessive deviation on the CRHT mode: either the error

between commanded trajectory and current estimated height
exceed 15 ft for 2 sec.,
>CRHT< Or when height estimated and height measured are different,
an additional condition of 40 ft is applied,
Finally, when Hands-On detected, the reference is replaced
by the commanded height.

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When CRHT AFCS strip message toggles between amber
and green: pilot is overriding the mode and applying inputs in
pitch or collective.
Stop overriding the mode to recover a GA green mode.

Loss of radio altimeter altitude signal, flashing until mode

CRHT decoupling.
Mode degraded, When APM detects loss of confidence in
ACRHTA sensors, loss of confidence in flight control law computation,
loss of confidence in actuators information.

Figure 49: CRHT mode displays. How to manage CR.HT mode?

Before coupling the CR.HT it is wise to preset a height using APMS
pushbutton: preset the height above DHs, checking left and right DH on
NDs. Once coupled, CR.HT is automatically acquired with a rate of climb or
descent automatically limited according to airspeed and height for a safe

When mode is not preset, coupling the CR.HT pressing the APMS
pushbutton have to be made within the radalt range and when flying with a small rate of climb or
descent, in this case CR.HT is coupled at the current height.
CR.HT reference can be changed using the collective beep trim.
It is recommended to couple IAS mode when CR.HT mode is coupled. How to manage a FLY-UP

FLY-UP is triggered as soon as helicopter height reaches the Safety Limit. Pilot is alerted with this red
alarm on the AFCS strip Collective axis and must immediately pay attention and be prepared to climb.
Automatically the function commands a climb with a combination of pitch and collective inputs. The
objective of this safety function is to maintain helicopter height above the Safety Limit, using MCP or
TOP according to the airspeed.
When proper margin is reached, FLY-UP disappears and CR.HT is displayed again, with the objective to
readjust the pilot’s selected height. Excessive deviations may appear during the transition to stabilized
height. Pilots have to monitor heights above the surface, monitor the power margin reduce the speed
near Vy if necessary and reconsider the vertical mode to be used if several FLY-UP are applied.

For softwares before N9-72 FLY-UP mode is triggered when flying below the highest DH for more
than 3 seconds: collective trim is commanded up in order to climb above DH. The CRHT
reference is set at this DH value and pilot cannot descent below.
These soft-wares applie the same power limits as above.

For software N9-72 and later FLY-UP mode is triggered when flying below the Safety Limit:
this Safety Limit is define as the lowest value between 200 ft (when CR.HT reference is above 230
ft) and CR.HT reference minus 30 ft (when CR.HT reference is below 230 ft).collective trim is
commanded up in order to climb above.
These soft-wares applie the same power limits as above.

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0 - 22
3 Protectio
ons and Saffety device
es of CR.HT
 Power protectio
he CR.HT and FLY-UP e the same as for the ALT
P power prottections are A mode oon collective

Figure 50:
5 CR.HT an
nd FLY-UP m
modes powe
er limits in AE
EO and OEI.

UP height protection
he CR.HT m
Th mode includ de a safetyy function b
based on a minimum height aboove flat are ea and nammed
afety Limit; this Safetyy Limit is de
efine as the
e lowest va
alue betweeen 200 ft (w
when CR.HT T reference
e is
bove 230 ft) and CR.HT T reference minus 30 ftt (when CRR.HT referen
nce is below
w 230 ft).

Figure 51: CR
R.HT Safety Limit: FLY-U
UP (software after N9-72))..

When the helicop pter is desc

cending bellow the Saffety Limit FLY-UP funcction is activated and the
on increase
functio e power in order
o to stopp the desceent, and clim
mb to a heigght above th
he safety lim
staying in the CR
R.HT power limits. If desscent contin
nues up to 30
3 ft, powerr is no moree limited.

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For softwares before N9-72, FLY-UP mode is designed to apply power as soon as the helicopter is flying
below the highest of the decision heights (DH) selected on radio altimeters pilot and copilot.

Figure 52: CR.HT FLY-UP based on the highest DH (software before N9-72).

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HOVER mode is an optional AFCS mode available when H155 is equipped with dual GPS.
HOVER mode acquires and holds a zero ground speed (lateral and longitudinal)
when equipped with optional thumbwheels equipment coupling HOVER allows to acquire preselected
ground speed.
The best use of the HOVER mode is to automatically keep references on the lateral and longitudinal
modes during hover IGE / OGE with risk of poor visibility, risk of whiteout, or brownout.

The use of the HOVER mode is restricted to visual flight conditions in view
of the ground or of the water surface.
HOVER mode is not associated with a vertical mode or collective mode: pilot has to prepare a mode to
be used on the collective and couple when using HOVER: CRHT, ALT, VS or ALT.A can be used.
When HOVER mode is available, departing from hover coupled can be performed with GA mode within
the published limitation.
The HOVER option includes 3 levels of equipment:
level-1: helicopter software is modified, APMS includes an HOV pushbutton, the cyclic grips includes a
SAS / HOV pushbutton,

Level-2: in addition to the level-1, a drift box, or thumbwheels control box is installed on the cockpit
central console, allowing pilot to set constant groundspeed, and pilot panel is equipped with a Hover
Indicator (IVS)

Level-3: helicopter is level 1 and 2 and features cabin equipment including a winchman joystick, and
usually a rescue hoist. Cyclic grips:

SAS / HOV button is used to either to engage SAS when AFCS is Off, or couple HOVER when AFCS is
On in flight.
AFCS cyclic beep trim is used to
change ground speeds, lateral
and longitudinal when HOVER is
coupled. A cyclic beep input
commands a 5 kt speed change
in the beep direction: when
helicopter is stopped in hover
with HOVER mode, a beep pulse
commands a 1 meter movement
in beep direction. When beep
pulse is stopped the helicopter
groundspeed comes back to the
thumbwheel selected speed.

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Figure 53:Cyclic grip with HOVER. APMS
An HOVER pushbutton replaces the BC (Back Course)
In this document, APMS has been represented with the HOVER mode instead of Back Course, as BC is
inoperative on the H155 APM2000. Thumbwheels
Located in the cockpit, on the central console, the control box includes two wheels, in order to set
groundspeed on lateral and longitudinal axis before or after coupling HOVER.

Figure 54: Thumbwheels control box. Cabin Hoist operator joystick

The hoist operator joystick option, installed on the right side of the cabin, near the RH sliding door, and
usually associated to the rescue hoist. Joystick control allows the operator to control the helicopter on
longitudinal and lateral axis with a maximum groundspeed of 10 kt.
The Joystick is active as soon as HOVER is coupled.
As soon as the joystick is moved
out of the neutral position, a green
HOIST light illuminates on the
Hover Indicator.

Figure 55: Hoist operator joystick.

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Hover Indicator optional equipment is installed on the RH pilot instrument panel

Figure 56: Hover Indicator (IVS)

Both flags are always raised together.

When a velocity is above 25 kt, the corresponding needle
remains visible and positioned at 25 kt.


The APM2000 needs new AP software (version N9-72 for level 3 only, and version N9-79 for levels 1, 2
and 3) in addition to the dual GPSs.
System uses 2 GPS signals, one used as a master, the other in slave. In case of loss of signal of the
master, the other GPS become master.
The AFCS HOVER mode controls the pitch and the roll axes.
It can be associated with any vertical mode, VS, ALT A., ALT or CR.HT.

3.14.3. HOW TO USE HOVER? Envelope

The use of the HOVER mode is restricted to visual flight conditions in view
of the ground or the water surface.

 Use of vertical modes (CR.HT, VS, ALT.A) below 30 kt indicated airspeed is not recommended,
 Coupling a vertical mode with HOVER mode is prohibited below 20 ft,
 The recommended conditions for coupling HOVER are: stabilized attitudes or smooth variations.
 Coupling GA from HOVER below 30 kt Indicated Airspeed is prohibited,

HOVER and GA modes are “ball centering” modes and not “heading hold” function.

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According to the level of equipment fitted with the HOVER mode option, the mode coupling envelope is

 When HOVER option includes the IVS (Hover Indicator) there is no limitation for airspeed at HOV
mode coupling.

 When IVS – hover indicator – option is not installed, HOV mode shall be coupled whithin the
following ground speed limits:
-10 kt and +50 kt on longitudinal axis and ± 20kt on lateral axis.

Figure 57: maximum speeds at HOV coupling - no IVS installed.


Combining lateral and longitudinal groundspeeds is possible within the above envelope. Pilot coupling and decoupling HOV

 HOVER mode is coupled by pressing once
HOV pushbutton on APMS or SAS / HOV on
cyclic grip. At coupling, ground speeds lateral
and longitudinal are decreased to 0.
 A second click decouples the mode.

Figure 58: coupling HOVER mode: APMS and Cyclic grips.

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The mode is forced to decouple when pilot couples IAS, GA, HDG, NAV, VOR, LOC, or after the
 AFCS disengagement,
 AHRS discrepancy,
 Loss of roll axis (loss of cyclic auto-trim or cyclic trim feel permanent release)
 Loss of pitch axis (loss of cyclic auto-trim or cyclic trim feel permanent release)
 Complete loss of ground speed for at least 30 sec. Hover Indicator

An optional instrument, located on pilot
panel RH side, is designed to display
longitudinal and lateral speed of the
The bars represent the lateral and
longitudinal direction of the aircraft
ground speed (computed by GPS)
called Vx (longitudinal) and Vy (lateral),
the resulting vector is ground speed of
the helicopter.
The velocity bars are displayed along
scales with five-knots marks, the full
deflection being 25 kt for lateral and
A HOIST green light illuminates on the
IVS when cabin crew operates the

Figure 59: Reading Hover Indicator. PFDs
Coupling HOV is checked on PFDs AFCS strip
with green HOVER in normal conditions
installed on pitch and roll / yaw only. Label
color change is showing the status of the upper

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HOV not coupled,

APM is ON and helicopter in-flight, when in the
AAA A A AAA envelope, HOV is ready to be coupled on pitch and
roll. Pilot must decide either current groundspeed or
hover with zero groundspeed is to be used.

AHOVERA HOV mode coupled in normal operation. Coupling

and decoupling indicated with a green rectangle to
highlight the concerned upper mode.
XHOVERX underline with white line when altitude
reference is modified using the collective beep trim
AHOVERA and the bug toggles green and white.
Green bug is flashing white when HOV reference is
HOIST illuminates on Hover Indicator (optional) to
inform pilot when joystick is operated by the cabin
Hoist operator.

Flashing amber and inverse video, mode disconnect

Total loss of HOVER mode

XHOVERX XHOVERX HOVER mode degradation.

steady steady
With no other AP alarm:
AHOVERA XHOVERX Excessive aft airspeed detection, check wind
Failure of main source , loss of 1 GPS:
If second GPS not selected within 30 sec,
Blinking 30 sec Blinking 30 sec HOVER will decouple.
Figure 60: HOV mode displays. How to manage HOVER mode?

Prior to couple HOVER mode, perform landing checklist and verify the correct operation of the Hover
Indicator if installed, with no flag. When no Hover indicator, monitor the groundspeed on the ND.
Pilot has to check airspeed, drift, and rate of descent, to be in the envelope.
HOVER mode reference can be adjusted with different techniques to fit pilot needs:
A temporary modification along lateral and/or longitudinal axis: applying one pulse on cyclic beep trim,
with this technique pilot commands acceleration and the helicopter moves by 1 meter for each beep
input. When beep is released, the helicopter stops.
When thumbwheels control box is installed, pilot may apply a groundspeed using thumbwheels, the
helicopter will maintain the selected value at HOVER coupling. If any difference occurs between the

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thumbwheels and the actual groundspeed, pilot should communicate with Hoist Operator and check
green HOIST indicating light on the Hover Indicator.
To maintain an altitude or height above the ground, it is highly recommended to couple a vertical mode:
ALT or CR.HT. Correcting altitude / height reference is made using the collective beep trim for smooth
and accurate changes. If hovering with CR.HT at low height, pilot shall set DH bugs on LH and RH radio
altimeters before to couple CR.HT.
Coupling CR.HT mode allows the application of FLY-UP in case of low height.
Avoid using trim release on cyclic for lateral and longitudinal movement as risk of over control and loss of
height may occur.
Departing the hover can be performed with acceleration using thumbwheel forward when installed, to
accelerate in level flight then coupling GA mode when airspeed is at or above 30 kt IAS.

GA shall not be coupled below 30 kt IAS.
Based on the optional equipment installed, control of the helicopter to acquire and maintain hover

EC155 B1 - HOVER options

HOVER basic HOVER full option
Optional equipment APM2000 software with HOVER APM2000 software with thumbwheels
installed - hardware and Hover Indicator (IVS)
Coupling envelope Longitudinal speed: forward 50 kt No speed limit
Lateral speed: 20 kt
Cyclic beep trim: fwd / Push: 5 kt longitudinal (0 kt when Push: 5 kt longitudinal (0 kt when
back stopped) stopped)
Pulse: 1 meter Pulse: 1 meter
Cyclic beep trim: left / Push: 5 kt lateral (0 kt when Push: 5 kt lateral (0 kt when stopped)
right stopped) Pulse: 1 meter lateral
Pulse: 1 meter lateral
Thumbwheel Not applicable Hover reference modified:
Longitudinal: forward 20 kt, back 10 kt
Lateral: L/R 20 kt
Cabin joystick Not applicable Hover reference modified:
Longitudinal: forward 10 kt, back 10 kt
Lateral: L/R 10 kt

The total of speeds applied when
using cyclic plus joystick plus
thumbwheels together is :
Longitudinal: forward= 20 kt,
backward 10 kt
Lateral: 20 kt
References Not applicable References are modified by cyclic beep,
thumbwheels and optional joystick.
Total value is limited to: longitudinal -
10/+20kts and
Lateral -20/20kts
IVS Not applicable +/-25kts scale speed display, 5kt per
Flags are ON if ground speed is not
Hoist message is displayed if joystick is
not in a centered neutral position.
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Engagement Excessive
Mode Axis
Operating Envelope Remarks
Auto Coupled of ALT mode following
ATT Minimum height 30ft 150 ft RA detection on IAS or VS or
80ft for 2sec
Inhibit on ground Altitudes acquisition at 500ft/min 80 ft on GS.
ALT C or P On Collective below Power limitation at TOP below Cannot exceed VNE when ALT is
60 KIAS 25 KIAS, then MCP above 40 coupled on Pitch 300 ft if Fly-
KIAS Through
On Pitch above 65 Power limiting in AEO and OEI detected
KIAS Altitude change at +500 ft/min.

ATT - Auto Coupled with ALT.A.

+2200ft/min to -2200ft/min,
Inhibit on ground - Auto Coupled after 15sec on G.A
above 55KIAS. Limited to
(25sec if GA from hover)
On Collective below 300ft/min at 25 KIAS and below. 500ft/min for
VS C or P 60 KIAS - Revert to ALT and level off at 150 ft 2sec
Power limitation at TOP below
On Pitch above 65 45 KIAS, then MCP above 65
KIAS (without IAS KIAS - Cannot exceed VNE when VS is
mode) coupled on Pitch
Above 40 KIAS:
+1000 ft/min for climbing/ - Maintained in armed status with VS
descending. coupled

If above +1000ft/min at - Revert to ALT coupled within 300 ft

ATT from reference,
engagement, actual ROC is
On Collective below applied.
- Revert to ALT and level off at 150 ft 300ft/min for
ALT.A C or P 60 KIAS
Below 40 KIAS: RA 5sec
On Pitch above 65 - Below 40 KIAS rate of climb is
Rate of climb and descent is
KIAS reduced for power consideration and
rate of descent is reduced (to
Can be modified by Pin program anticipate risk of Vortex and settling-
(customisation) at +500 ft/min. with-power)

- Auto Coupled after 15sec on G.A

(25sec if GA from hover)
- Auto coupled when below 60 KIAS
and ALT, ALTA, VS, GS modes shift
ATT to Collective pitch.
IAS P Inhibit on ground From 30 KIAS to computed VNE - Auto coupled when loss of one 12 kt for 2 sec
engine with ALT, ALTA, VS, GS
modes coupled in pitch axis.
- Automatic Engagement of ALT
following 150 ft RA detection with
IAS only coupled
- Longitudinal speeds:
- 50 kt FORWARD – 10 kt
Option is loaded by pin prog on the
HOV P and R - Inhibit on ground REARWARD
- Lateral speeds:20 kt LEFT
- Minimum airspeed 26 KIAS - After engagement, helicopter turn on
- ATT - Rate of turn: rate 1= 3 °/sec knob rotation side

HDG R - Inhibit on ground - Angle of Bank (in deg.): 0.15 x - Preset engagement: helicopter turns 10° for 2 sec.
airspeed (in KIAS) in the shortest direction.

- Maximum angle of bank: 21°

- ATT - GPS / FMS guidance
- Inhibit on ground - Minimum airspeed 35 KIAS - No excessive deviation displayed
- NAV on APMS, - At NAV disengagement returning to
NMS nav source ATT, Angle of Bank is automatically
on master ND set to cruise bank angle

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Engagement Excessive
Mode Axis
Operating Envelope Remarks
- Minimum airspeed 35 KIAS
- Inhibit on ground
- Minimum intercept distance:
- Can be armed or 6NM
captured. - No excessive deviation computed by
- NAV on APMS,
- Maximum intercept angle: 90° N/A
VOR 1 or 2 nav - Angle of Bank (in deg.): 0.15 x
source on master airspeed (in KIAS)
- Maximum angle of bank: 21°

- ATT 2.2 dots for

0.6s during
- Inhibit on ground the first 60s
- Minimum airspeed 35 KIAS - LOC mode is decoupled when GA is following
- Can be armed or coupled.
LOC R captured. - Maximum angle of bank is 30° mode's
during interception. capture and
then 1/3 dot
for more than
- ATT - disarmament or disengagement of 2.2 dots for
- Inhibit on ground LOC model cause GS to disarm or 0.6s during
disengage the first 30s
- LOC mode shall - Minimum airspeed 35 KIAS following
be coupled - at 80 ft above ground, GS
GS P or C disengage, replaced by ALT to level
capture and
- Can be armed off at 80 ft.
then 0.7dot for
(without LOC) or
- selecting GA automatically more than
captured (with
disengage GS 0.6s
LOC coupled).
- Mode engagement available only on
collective grips (no knob on APMS)
- GS cannot be coupled when GA is
- 1000ft/min or higher current coupled,
- Previously coupled HDG mode does
- Vy or higher current value not decouple, 500 ft /min for
G.A P and C - ATT
5 sec.
- GA set a zero angle Of Bank - Previously coupled NAV modes may
not disengage when GA is selected,
- according to software,
- If power loss below Vy, GA will set
VTOSS or current speed if between
- Minimum height = highest DH
XFLY UPX: an automatic power
- Maximum height = 2450 ft
- ATT application on CRHT mode is triggered
- Power limitation at TOP below when either flying 30 ft below CRHT
- Radio Altimeter 45 KIAS, then MCP above 65 value, or below 200 ft if CRHT is above 15 ft (5 m) for
CRHT C must be available KIAS 230ft; at least 2 s
- Can be pre-set on - Rate of climb / descent XFLY UPX is triggered when flying with
ground variable with airspeed and CRHT below DH on software before
decreases when height N9-72.

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The EC155 B1 with APM2000 is designed to be flown using the autopilot’s upper modes coupled on four
axes to enhance safety and reduce pilot workload. When coupled, AFCS protections improve error
management from the crew.


The appropriate level of automation is the one adapted for the task or prevailing condition. If pilot does
not use automation, he does not take benefit of associated safety protections.
Coupling or decoupling AFCS upper modes may occur automatically, without intervention from the pilot.
Automatic engagements are part of the AFCS design and will provide pilots with enhanced safety
protection. These advanced functions will reinforce pilot attention in high workload flight phases as long
as system knowledge and mode management is understood. When lack of knowledge or management,
doubt installed and lead to confusion in the cockpit.
In confusing situations, do not shift to an immediate hand flying, consider reverting first to more direct
upper modes (HDG, G/A, etc.).
It is recommended to use automation especially at night or in poor visual references conditions.
Operators should define how automations are to be used, taking into account the need to maintain
aircrew manual flying skills.

The risk of involuntary interference with the AFCS controlled axes is
significant, and may lead to a mode override with the consequences
described above.
Both situations (fly through & mixed flying mode) shall be used only for
short term (limited time).


If necessary, preset HDG before takeoff. It is useful to preset ALT.A before takeoff.

After takeoff, before engaging ALT.A, the mode reference shall be
checked with the appropriate altimeter setting to ensure there has been
no change to the pre-selection.


The decision height bug setting (DH) shall be set with reference to the Published/company DH/MDH.

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4.1.5. USE OF GPSS - FMS
FMS lateral navigation should be used to reduce workload during the en-route phase and to reduce
workload and risk of CFIT during departure, approach and go-around when applicable procedures are
included in the FMS database.
Any action on the FMS keyboard should be confirmed by cross-checking the corresponding annunciation
or data on the FMS display, PFD and/or ND.
When in FMS Managed Guidance, if doubt exists regarding the aircraft flight path, the pilot should not try
to reprogram the automated systems. The pilot should revert to aircrew selected guidance together with
the use of navaids raw data, until time and conditions permit a reprogramming of the FMS.

Common error Possible consequence Recommendation

Pilot(s) occupied with the FMS in low Loss of situation awareness Anticipate and plan route and
workload phase (en route) arrivals as much as possible.
One head inside at one time if
multi crew.
Couple upper modes and
control their normal operation
Preoccupation with FMS programming Loss of situation awareness and Anticipate FMS programming.
during critical phases, degraded communication Cross check FMS inputs.
Late FMS reconfiguration approaching Reaching IAF with the Avoid late reconfiguration, fly
IAF (e.g. following change of runway in inappropriate active FMS the aircraft by reverting to an
use) coupled navigation aircrew selected guidance
together with the use of
navaids raw data.
Entering or selecting a wrong waypoint Confusion and CFIT Confirm the navigation by
in the route cross-checking the
corresponding annunciation or
data on the FMS display, PFD
and/or ND.
Fuel reserve error management Confusion and unprepared Fuel reserve shall be checked
landing and adjusted before flying.


Below 500 feet AGL, Pilot should keep hands and feet in a position to immediately take manual control if
circumstances require. Below 200 feet AGL, the helicopter shall be flown with Hands-On or close to
cyclic / collective grips without interfering with the AFCS coupled modes.


Altitude acquire (ALT.A mode) can be a useful aid for preventing altitude busts. However, mis-setting the
target altitude will create a high probability of an altitude bust. Crews shall therefore apply the
crosschecking procedure used for altimeter setting whenever an altitude acquire target setting is made
or changed, and whenever altimeter settings are changed whilst an ALT.A setting is armed. Pilot must
monitor the climb/descent until the aircraft is stable at the desired altitude and perform calls before
reaching the required altitude to check ALT engagement and subsequent aircraft response.


During climb, descent and approach V/S shall not be used without being associated to ALT.A.

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A good knowledge of every upper mode is essential for best use, engagement, disengagement and
parameters changes. This knowledge is crucial for an optimum and efficient combination of modes.
The following tables are non-exhaustive combinations to be avoided in all operation situations; or
combinations being useful in case of collective mode degradation.

Collective mode Lateral mode Longitudinal mode Comment

X X ALT or V/S or IAS Not recommended
X NAV or HDG or X Not recommended
ALT or V/S or CRHT X X Not recommended
X NAV or HDG ALT or V/S Not recommended except for:
 maintenance check flight,
 FADEC malfunction, or
 in turbulence conditions
X NAV or HDG or IAS Not recommended
X LOC GS Not recommended
X HOVER HOVER Refer to 3.14 paragraphs
(if option fitted) (if option fitted)

Figure 61:List of inappropriate level & combination of automation.

Collective mode Lateral mode Longitudinal mode Comment

X LOC GS recommended ILS approach
IAS possible**
X LOC VS / ALT.A ILS LOC only approach (GS out)
IAS possible**
X NAV or HDG or VS / ALT.A Non Precision Approach
VOR IAS possible**
** use of IAS mode is an acceptable option on descent for non-precision or precision approach when
collective axis upper modes are not available, particularly in turbulence where airspeed control using
power changes is critical.
Figure 62: List of appropriate level & combination of automation in degraded situation.


At takeoff and departure, whatever upper modes are preset, for modes engagement, the priority should
be given to vertical and longitudinal modes using GA. Then, at the appropriate time, lateral mode should
be coupled.


When the radios and navaids have been tested, PFD / NDs should be configured for departure. PM
should normally select ND to HSI mode. PF should select ND to SECTOR mode with a suitable range to
give best radar image after takeoff.

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Managing the power through the collective trim gives protection since the trim is inhibited when reaching
the power limit. It prevents any transient power range incursion but shall only be used if there is no
vertical upper mode coupled.


o Before takeoff, at departure, preset ALT.A,
o - Pilot engages GA at Vy and ensures GA are coupled on collective and cyclic pitch,
o - Keeps hands near controls (below 200 feet), When established in climb,
o - Pilot check ALT.A setting then couple ALT.A,
o - Pilot couples lateral mode as required.


Before takeoff, at departure, preset ALT.A,
If power margin permits for taking off, from hover, apply power then cyclic forward to avoid descent,
At Vy, Pilot presses GA and ensures GA are coupled on collective and pitch,
Keeps hands near controls (below 200 feet),
When established in climb,
Pilot presses ALT.A, and ensures ALT.A is armed,
Pilot couples the appropriate lateral mode (HDG or NAV).


 Before takeoff, at departure, preset ALT.A,
 At TDP (H1=100 feet), apply power then cyclic forward,
 At Vy, Pilot presses GA and ensures GA are coupled on collective and pitch,
 Keeps hands near controls (below 200 feet),
 When established in climb,
 Pilot presses ALT.A, and ensures ALT.A is armed,
 Pilot couples the appropriate lateral mode (HDG or NAV).

In Degraded Visual Environment (DVE), including at night, from
hover 8 feet, HOVER mode should be coupled to avoid any lateral
and/or longitudinal drift (software N9-72 or N9-79 with HOV mode


 Before take-off, at departure, pre-set ALT.A, and set ND(s) on HSI,
 Establish in hover at 3 feet, rotor tips at the front edge of the helideck,
 Establish a vertical climb (without exceeding 200 feet per minute),
 At Rotation Point (RP = 15 ft) PF adopts a 15° nose down attitude change,
 Just before reaching 40 kt PF reduces to 5° nose down attitude, and Power reduced to MCP and
collective trim released,
 At Vy Pilot couples GA and ensures GA is coupled on collective and pitch,

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 Keeps hands near controls (below 200 feet) to ensure proper nose down attitude and power are
attained as necessary,
 When established in climb,
o Pilot couples ALT.A, and ensure ALT.A is armed,
o engage lateral mode (HDG or NAV) and pilot ensures it is coupled,

The nose down attitude change can be reduced according to the
actual aircraft weight and wind conditions.


 At Vy, engage GA and ensure GA is coupled on collective and pitch.
 Keeps hands near controls (below 200 feet) to ensure proper nose down attitude and power are
attained as necessary,
 When established in climb,
o Pilot couples ALT.A, and ensure ALT.A is armed,
o engage lateral mode (HDG or NAV) and pilot ensures it is coupled,


The standard cruise power setting for the H155 with APM2000 is Maximum Continuous Power (MCP)
flying coupled in 4 axes. This allows the system to control power so as to prevent over torque.
In turbulent conditions reduce IAS in order to avoid any power transient range incursion until the
turbulence has subsided.
In turbulence, pilot may fly 3 axis by decoupling IAS mode, and apply reduced power. (in case of OEI,
the system will revert automatically in 4-axis mode)


For climb and descent, the preferred AFCS mode to manage altitude changes is ALT A.


The recommended use of AFCS is to fly the H155 4-axes coupled. Mixed flying and fly-through modes
should be avoided.
In case of degraded AFCS the flight path monitoring must be based on Navaids raw data whatever
AFCS modes in use.
Adequate NAV. source selection shall be applied: distribution NAV. source1 on ND1 and NAV source 2
on ND2 associated with the relevant final approach course. If another selection is made the color logic is
displayed in amber and the AFCS coupling remains possible.

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4.5.1. ILS APPROACH FCDS configuration

For ILS approaches, both NDs navigation sources shall be set to the same ILS procedure (same
frequency on VOR/ILS 1 & 2) with ILS1 on LH, ILS2 on RH and the relevant final approach course.
When ILS navigation source is selected and independently on the “NAV source” selection, the cross side
ILS data is automatically displayed on PFD (ILS1 on PFD2 / ILS2 on PFD1) Use of AFCS vertical modes

Crews shall use ALT.A whenever descending to a cleared or previously announced altitude or flight level
and both pilots shall cross-check that the correct settings have been made.
Use ALT.A to manage the descent to MSA then to the altitude required to intercept the ILS with the GS
mode armed. If necessary, once ALT has been captured, the ALT datum may be adjusted by the pilot
with the collective beep for changes less than 300 ft.
During missed approaches or going around procedures, GA mode shall be coupled and ALT.A adjusted
to the Missed Approach altitude and coupled when positive climb is established and after GA mode has
been automatically replaced by VS / IAS. Use of AFCS lateral modes

The arrival, holding pattern, navigation to IAF and missed approach should be flown NAV coupled to the
VOR or FMS if installed. When radar vectored revert to HDG mode as necessary. Arm LOC mode and
check the LOC mode status change to capture. After LOC capture check Glide intercept and GS mode
The final approach shall be flown LOC and GS coupled.

Engaging GA while LOC mode is active will disengage LOC. Use of AFCS longitudinal modes

The entire approach shall be flown with IAS coupled. For final approach, without any ATC request, the
recommended IAS is 100 knots on a CAT A approach and 90 knots on a CAT H approach. Use of AFCS after reaching DA for straight in landing

When reaching DA, active modes are GS, LOC and IAS. The aircraft is generally close to the ground
and visual references are confirmed. Nevertheless, since the pertinent parameter is the RVR, a
Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) is possible with associated poor situation awareness.
Consequently, it is recommended to maintain modes coupled, reducing IAS to approximately 40 knots at
100 feet through cyclic beep trim while maintaining visual cues allowing a transition to manual flight for a
safe landing.
In very poor visual environment (heavy rain, night, etc.), fly GS, LOC and IAS until approaching 80 feet.
At a “vertical speed dependent” altitude above 80 feet the ALT mode engages automatically to reach
level flight at 80 feet agl. Fly ALT, LOC and IAS, ALT mode can be managed to 30 feet agl (minimum
ALT setting) using the collective beep trim.

Automatic level-off requires the radalt to be serviceable (if radalt is not
serviceable vertical modes are displayed in amber).
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N° 10 - 22 Use of AFCS during circle to land

Flying a circle to land can be managed 4-axes coupled with ALT-HDG-IAS, adjusting ALT, HDG & IAS
through beep trims while maintaining visual cues allowing transition to manual flight for a safe landing.


For VOR approaches, both NDs navigation sources shall be set to VOR (VOR1 on LH, VOR2 on RH)
associated with the relevant final approach course. Use of AFCS vertical modes

Crews shall use ALT.A and adjust VS whenever descending to a cleared or previously announced
altitude or flight level and both pilots shall cross-check that the correct settings have been made.
Crew shall use ALT.A to manage the descent to the MDA. If necessary, in order to manage a continuous
descent (CDFA), VS should be adjusted using the collective trim.
The ALT.A shall be set to the MDA or rounded to the nearest 50 feet above (e.g. ALT.A set at 650 feet
for MDA at 620 feet). If necessary, once ALT has been captured, pilot may adjust the ALT reference
with the collective beep.
During missed approaches or going around procedures, power must be applied, reach Vy, then GA
mode shall be coupled and ALT.A adjusted to the missed approach altitude and coupled when positive
climb is established. Use of AFCS lateral modes

The arrival, holding pattern, and missed approach shall be flown NAV coupled to the FMS database
when available.
The final approach shall be flown APP coupled.
When radar vectored revert to HDG mode as necessary. Use of AFCS longitudinal modes

The entire approach shall be flown with IAS coupled. For final approach, without any ATC request, the
recommended IAS is 100 knots on a CAT A approach and 90 knots on a CAT H approach. Use of AFCS after reaching MDA for straight in landing

At this stage, active modes are ALT, and VOR, (VOR.A), LOC or HDG and IAS. The aircraft is generally
close to the ground and visual references are confirmed. Nevertheless, since the pertinent parameter is
the RVR, a Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) is possible with associated poor situation awareness.
Consequently, it is recommended to maintain modes coupled, reducing IAS to approximately 40 knots at
150 feet through cyclic beep trim while maintaining visual cues allowing a transition to manual flight for a
safe landing. Use of AFCS during circle to land

Flying a circle to land can be managed 4 axes coupled with ALT-HDG-IAS, adjusting ALT, HDG & IAS
through beep trims while maintaining visual cues allowing transition to manual flight for a safe landing.
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questions Answers

Do I have to perform pre- No, pre-flight test shall be

flight test before every performed before the first flight of
flight? the day.

Can I perform the pre-

flight test before to start if No, because the engines are off
power available and and rotor stopped, messages
Hydraulic pressure from are received by APM and error
aux source? message may result.

Is Basic Stabilization: No, the AFCS strip is all black,

ATT, displayed on the no alarm or message is
PFD AFCS strip? displayed. When ATT is
degraded, the affected axis (C,
R, P) will be displayed in amber

Can I use the FMS / GPS

when SAS back-up is in Yes, displays are still available and
use? pilots can select NMS on NDs, but
guidance from APM cannot be
selected, NAV upper mode operates
only with ATT flight law.

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When an engine fails in

No, the APM is informed as soon as
cruise, with upper modes
the engine fails and limit power
coupled on 4 axis, do I have
according to the airspeed: monitor
to immediately put the Hands
flight parameters, airspeed and
altitude, call for Pan-Pan-Pan

When intercepting a Localizer, No, in the LOC intercept, the HDG

coupled with HDG and LOC mode with LOC armed is designed
armed, the helicopter angle of to apply such angle of bank limited
bank increases up to 30 to 30 degrees. This angle of bank
degrees, do I take controls? allows a better interception
procedure minimizing overshoot

Reducing the airspeed below Vy will

Why the VS mode rate of require more and more power. If
descent is reduced when rate of descent is maintained at
airspeed decrease? 2000 ft/min. the power available to
stop descent and to level-off could
be below the power required and
maneuver is not achieved.

Why a vertical mode installed

on pitch is shifting to collective If airspeed drops below Vy, power
when speed decreases below required increases. APM detect a
60 kt? below 60 kt, automatically stop
speed reduction by coupling IAS at
60 KIAS, and the vertical mode is
installed on the collective, for the
power to be controlled on this axis.

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