Free Space

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Welcome to FreeSpace!

It is my great pleasure to bring you FreeSpace – The excellent RPG designers who hang out over
a free-to-use region spanning two full 8x10 hex at RPGGeek brought their love for space
sectors. These system-neutral sectors can be exploration, knowledge of gaming, and massive
used in any spacefaring game with at least 1 creative talent to this project. We hope you
FTL capable species. The civilizations and enjoy this product and, if you do, please check
worlds included in this region include cosmic out our other community created offerings
anomalies, space whales, hive-minds, world- over at DriveThruRPG:
builder races, militant corporatists, and
everything in between. 397/Zoid-Enterprises

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave us a

rating or review!
~RPG Community Project Creation Team

Table of Contents: Hex: 0708 ........................................................ 45
Welcome to FreeSpace! ................................... 1 Hex: 0709 ........................................................ 59
Table of Contents: ............................................ 2 Hex: 0710 ........................................................ 60
FreeSpace Sector Map ..................................... 3 Hex: 0801 ........................................................ 61
Hex: 0101 ......................................................... 4 Hex: 0802 ........................................................ 62
Hex: 0102 ......................................................... 4 Hex: 0805 ........................................................ 63
Hex: 0105 ......................................................... 5 Hex: 0808 ........................................................ 64
Hex: 0107 ......................................................... 9 Hex: 0809 ........................................................ 65
Hex: 0109 ....................................................... 11 Hex: 0810 ........................................................ 66
Hex: 0110 ....................................................... 12 Hex: 0905 ........................................................ 67
Hex: 0203 ....................................................... 13 Hex: 0906 ........................................................ 68
Hex: 0205 ....................................................... 14 Hex: 0907 ........................................................ 69
Hex: 0206 ....................................................... 15 Hex: 1003 ........................................................ 70
2 Hex: 0209 ....................................................... 18 Hex: 1005 ........................................................ 71
Hex: 0210 ....................................................... 20 Hex: 1008 ........................................................ 72
Hex: 0302 ....................................................... 23 Hex: 1010 ........................................................ 75
Hex: 0303 ....................................................... 24 Hex: 1205 ........................................................ 76
Hex: 0308 ....................................................... 24 Hex: 1207 ........................................................ 77
Hex: 0401 ....................................................... 25 Hex: 1209 ........................................................ 77
Hex: 0403 ....................................................... 26 Hex: 1301 ........................................................ 78
Hex: 0404 ....................................................... 28 Hex: 1309 ........................................................ 80
Hex: 0406 ....................................................... 29 Hex: 1410 ........................................................ 81
Hex: 0409 ....................................................... 31 Hex: 1502 ........................................................ 81
Hex: 0410 ....................................................... 34 Hex: 1509 ........................................................ 82
Hex: 0501 ....................................................... 34 Hex: 1605 ........................................................ 85
Hex: 0502 ....................................................... 35 Hex: 1610 ........................................................ 85
Hex: 0504 ....................................................... 39 Wandering Encounter Table – Non-Disabled
Hex: 0508 ....................................................... 39 Ship ................................................................. 86

Hex: 0601 ....................................................... 39 Wandering Encounter Table – Disabled Ship .. 88

Hex: 0606 ....................................................... 40 Races Found in FreeSpace .............................. 90

Hex: 0608 ....................................................... 42 Credits: ........................................................... 91

Hex: 0610 ....................................................... 43

Hex: 0707 ....................................................... 45
FreeSpace Sector Map

Map Scale: 1 HEX = 3.26 Light Years (1 parsec)

Legend: Planetary Symbols

White: Non-Spacefaring Species or Unknown Species Profile
Orange: Possibly Dangerous, Unknown Profile, Incomplete Data
Blue: Spacefaring Species (may be limited distance spaceflight)
Red: Dangerous Region, Avoid Contact

Legend: Ring Symbols

Green Ring: Class A Spaceport
Purple Ring: Tourist Destination
White Ring: Research Station, Fuel Station, or Spaceport of Unknown Class
Red Ring: Extremely Dangerous, Planetary Status Unknown, Incomplete Data
Hex: 0101 into the furthest region of the area, through
Designer: Mixu Lauronen (Mixula) several layers of nothingness, interspersed with
immensely dangerous fast-moving asteroid
System Name: Amiim Ulam, The Bucket-Bong belts, is a bit of a gem.
Planetary Survey: 1 inhabited planet, 2
uninhabited planets, 2 gas giants At the edges of known space, surrounded by
seemingly impenetrable areas of nothingness,
Amiim Ulam is the native name for the planet guarded by a multitude of asteroids moving
the visitors simply known as The Bucket-Bong. and spinning faster than most people can react,
The tech level of the planet is pre-space. The is a single planet called Outreach with its' two
inhabitants, known as the Ulams, resemble stars, B1FF-0RD and B2FF-0RD. This planet is in
blue biped tigers. They are mostly agricultural, the goldilocks zone between the two old stars;
with no interest in spacefaring. the first of which is fairly close to Outreach,
small and blue, while the other is much larger,
The most important industry of Amiim Ulam is orange, and 3 times as far away. Their
tourism. The planet is mostly covered in forest, gravitational pull balances out, however, due to
the dominating tree being ak'lax. The pollen of their size, density, and distance.
4 ak'lax is highly hallucinogenic, and during the
spring and summer, for about 80 days (each 32
hours long), the air is full of substance which
would be classified as a drug on most other

This brings enormous masses of visitors to The

Bucket-Bong. The Ulams are immune to the
pollen and thus are able to serve the tourists
who are heavily intoxicated. It is illegal to
export ak'lax or its pollen. The penalty for
smuggling is expulsion for life.

Hex: 0102 Trapped between the two gravity fields of

Designer: Samuel Byford (Bifford) these stars the planet's poles point at each star
and therefore it spins sideways to the stars'
System Name: Outreach locations, with a slight wobble occurring every
couple of decades as the poles switch direction
The area of space known as "The Outreach" is due to the competing influences of its' suns.
only accessible from nearby areas {0101} and Outreach's "wobble" causes minor quakes
{0201}. It is a backwater of a place and all maps across the entire planet, lasting for a few
show it as a deserted area, devoid of pretty months, as the poles move and settle into their
much everything except dangerous fast-moving new direction. There are no sentient species
asteroid belts mixed with debris, and with that we are aware of, only herbivores and
nothing of importance in it. A few travelers plant-life, but a number of those plants are rare
know the truth however, which is that tucked and exotic, with some of them native only to
Outreach and its unusual ecosystem. The fungi prosperous system of eleven planets, each a
that grows here is better than any Earth-truffle, shining jewel in the Ladrigal Consortium.
highly sought after and incredibly lucrative
when sold to the right buyer. It is thought that History
the constant daylight from two suns, which Once Shintok's Jewels was a hub of trade, a
provide a variety of wavelengths, are the cause prosperous system of eleven planets, each a
of the magnificent plant-life. shining jewel in the Ladrigal Consortium. The
Jewels were the farthest east the Consortium
Outreach and its prizes are a well-kept secret, ever reached - though some might say they
known only to a few, and deliberately kept off overreached here, and later in the Consortium
the majority of public maps. To those travelers these became known as Shintok's Folly. No one
who make the journey, have cargo holds knows what the folly was.
correctly equipped to store the valuable flora
and fauna intact for long periods of time, and How Vrukai's Puzzlebox got its current name:
have the right contacts to be able to sell them Vrukai was a trader of some renown who had
for ridiculous credits afterwards, this place is a journeyed to the Jewels, expecting to find
goldmine. The region is nigh-on impossible to bargains to last a lifetime, and instead
get to, however, and so the benefits must be discovered the Dyson sphere. Vrukai called it 5
weighed against the costs. Plenty have tried the Jewelry Box for it held the Jewels locked
and failed and so the asteroid belts are as much inside. But once Vrukai traveled to another
debris as rock, further adding to the myth of system and explained why they were so heavily
this region being impenetrable, with no reason in debt from what was supposed to be a
to go there, and certainly not worth the lucrative journey, the name Vrukai's Puzzlebox
potential cost to life and ship. stuck.

Hex: 0105 Rumors and speculation:

Designer: Caroline Berg (adularia25) • Lore has it that the sphere was erected while
Shintok's Jewels were still part of the
System Name: Modern: Vrukai's Puzzlebox Consortium.
Classical: Shintok's Jewels | Shintok's Folly • There are no records within the Consortium
Planetary Survey: Three confirmed planets: of such actions being taken.
Shiirlon, Meshuun, Iburinum • Scholars wonder if perhaps some other group
Major Features: Ring of Madness came and built the sphere, encroaching on the
Structures: One Dyson Sphere Consortium's territory.
• Perhaps the Consortium, getting wind of
If players have updated maps: Vrukai's some future threat, embarked on a secret
Puzzlebox is a system of three planets and a project to lock this system away.
ring of spaceship debris which circle an
enigmatic Dyson sphere. No one knows what is The Known Planets
locked away inside the sphere. The three planets outside of the sphere are
cold worlds, devoid of life. And yet there is a
If players have very old or outdated glimmer as to why they were called jewels in
maps: Shintok's Jewels is a hub of trade, a the first place.
Shiirlon be seen when scanned. But the world is
The planet Shiirlon is the closest to the sphere. encased in ice. Almost as if it was flash frozen
It is a dawn-shaded world of wondrous when the sphere locked out the sun.
stonescapes, wind carved arches, and haunting
beauty. If on the planet: Due to the bitter cold, no one
has gotten very far in excavating what secrets
If the planet is scanned: The atmosphere is are locked in the ice. Your gear warns you it
thick enough to contain strong winds, but any would be dangerous to leave your
water was long-since taken away. There are shuttle/transport. In fact, no one in recent
extensive cave systems under the surface, memory has visited the surface of the planet.
clearly they are not naturally made, but they See Alternate Possibilities for more options.
are also devoid of all artifacts and life.
If on the planet: The winds whistle eerie tones The planet Iburinum is the farthest from the
as they pass through the arches and abandoned sphere. The planet has numerous craters and
caves. It almost sounds like it is haunting music, impacts from extrasolar debris hitting it.
but it is just random enough to be a natural
6 phenomenon. If the planet is scanned: It is covered in fine
lavender sand, presumably eroded from what
once were lavender mountains, but are now
merely hills. Any habitations or plants have
long-since been pulverized.

If on the planet: The planet is bitterly cold with

almost no atmosphere. Anyone who sets down
on this planet feels uneasy. There is an
oppressive feeling here, as if a great loss was
suffered, and etched in the stone. Sand taken
from the planet exude that same sense of
unease. The lavender sand is lovely, but hardly
worth the trip.

Game masters, see Alternate Possibilities for

more options for Iburinum.

Meshuun Debris Field: The Ring of Madness

Meshuun is the middle planet, a gray-green Many a xenoarchaeologist, historian, or
world that is a frozen portrait of what it used to treasure seeker has dared to try to open the
be. It comes with a warning not to land under Puzzlebox, only to end up with their abandoned
any circumstances because of the extreme cold ships forming a belt around the sphere, a
temperatures. graveyard in testament to the unyielding doors.
This belt of ships is known as the Ring of
If the planet is scanned: Once it was a jungle Madness, for any captains who set their ships in
world, lush and green. Some of which can still orbit of the sphere are certain to never return.
three hours, then closes. Three days later, the
In the ring there is half-a-fleet of crippled and door opens for six hours, then closes. Finally,
abandoned living ships. The other half managed one week after the first time the door opens, it
to get inside the sphere the last time it opened; opens for nine hours, then closes. Anyone must
these ships on the outside have been loyally time their escape from the interior carefully.
waiting to be reunited ever since. Once the door closes for the third time, it
closes for another 1333 years. If any of the
Inside Vrukai's Puzzlebox outer planets are destroyed, the sphere would
The inside of the sphere is a flurry of activity. stay locked. The doors can be tricked, by
The living ships related to those ships on the nudging or moving the planets into the right
outside ferry goods between the four configuration, if there is access to a method to
remaining planets. The four planets are do so.
impressive - each shines like a jewel. In fact,
they are entirely crystalline at this point, The crystals coating the planets are an alien
planets of rich blue sapphire, golden topaz, race the Esh-sheen, sentient with a hivemind,
blood red spinel, smoky quartz. The crystal entirely bent on their own survival. The Esh-
planets are irresistible to treasure hunters. sheen fully control the living ships which
entered the sphere. Once the living ships were 7
Secrets inside the Dyson sphere, they became infected
This section is for the game master only. and are covered with beautiful crystalline
growths that speak to one and other in tonal
The living ships in the Ring of Madness have frequencies that sound like chimes. They have
been out here so long they have gone no memories of the ships that wait outside the
somewhat mad. They are the real reason no sphere - they have been completely taken over
ships return from trying open the sphere. When and should the Esh-sheen be removed from
other ships fail to open the sphere, the living them, they will die.
ships destroy them.
The sphere was created as a quarantined
The living ships in the Ring of Madness know prison. The Esh-sheen were the native life on
how to open the sphere, but the knowledge has one of the planets of Shintok's Jewels, a planet
been corrupted from the long centuries of later destroyed in order to make the sphere.
waiting. The living ships will promise anything - When the Consortium harvested the crystals,
offers that seem far too good to be true - to be not realizing they were sentient, it awoke a
reunited with their fellow ships, but their deep rage in the Esh-sheen. The Esh-sheen
promises are all too easily broken. They are realized being in one location was not enough,
desperate to get inside the sphere. they must mobilize. Which gave way to a
believe that all non-crystalline lifeforms were
See Alternate Possibilities for more options for unworthy of being anything but hosts or
the living ships. vehicles for the Esh-sheen.

The Dyson sphere opens every 1333 years, The Consortium erected the sphere hastily both
based on the orbits of the three outer planets. to hide their first-contact mistake as much as to
When the planets align, the door into the prevent the crystals from infiltrating too deeply
sphere opens. It first time the door opens for into the Consortium. Of the eleven original
planets in the system, four were strip mined, groups are lost on non-crystalline lifeforms as
pulverized, and destroyed to make the they sound too similar to hear the difference.
materials of the Dyson sphere.
The Esh-sheen hivemind does not work through
The Consortium overreacted and also the Dyson sphere. Any crystals on the outside
eradicated all life on the outer three planets of the sphere can talk to each other, no matter
just to make sure, and then purged their the distance, but cannot talk to those inside the
records of this place. The doors open every sphere. Likewise, those inside the sphere
1333 years in hopes that the crystals have cannot talk to any outside the sphere. This is
forgotten their vendetta and are willing to true even when the door to the sphere is open.
become a part of the Consortium, though the
Consortium has long since fallen at this point. The Esh-sheen can take over any lifeform that
has liquid in it. Since humans have fluid in cells,
Anyone who enters the sphere has a good and blood, they make particularly good hosts,
chance of becoming infected with the Esh- as the Esh-sheen transmute the liquid into the
sheen. The infection starts as scaly patches on nutrients they need to grow throughout their
skin, but instead of flaking off, they grow into host body. Their preferred method is to have
8 hard crystalline forms of blue, red, yellow, or the potential host cut themselves on a sharp
grey that eventually coat limbs, infest the crystal edge, which allows them to infiltrate
nervous system, and finally take over the brain. into the blood stream.
Crystal patches on a person are a good way tell
they are infected - though sometimes the Esh- Alternate Possibilities
sheen are smart about it, and hide where the These ideas may be included or discarded by
crystal patches are, leaving the head and hands the game master in any adventure that takes
of their host unmarred. place at Vrukai's Puzzlebox.

The Esh-sheen Esh-sheen crystals which had been taken by the

This section is for the game master, and may be Ladrigal Consortium are still alive, and may be
revealed through play to the characters as they found out in the galaxy. However, these crystals
discover more about the crystals. have adjusted to their fate as traveling pieces
of jewelry or technology, and have (as of yet)
The crystalline race call themselves a series of no desire to take over living hosts. This may
tri-tone chords that sound like music to most change should anyone take them inside the
other races, but when they take over carbon- Dyson sphere and they learn of the destruction
based races, they are known to call themselves of their homeworld by the Ladrigal Consortium
the Esh-sheen. to build the Dyson sphere to contain the rest of
their race.
The Esh-sheen are hiveminds, but only between
crystals of the same color. All clusters of red The living ships have also been on the exterior
crystals share information, but would need to of the Dyson sphere has also been infected by
speak in their chiming tones to pass the the Esh-sheen and have gone mad as they
information they know along to grey crystals. attempt to fight off the crystals. They are
Esh-sheen consider each color a different family sometimes under the control of the Esh-sheen,
group, though the terms for the different sometimes under their own control. The Esh-
sheen wish for them to lure others into the organization learned how to make excellent use
Dyson sphere so they can build up an army of of that vastness, by dumping bodies.
hosts, while they wish to rescue their fellow
ships from their fate as hosts. At first, it was one or two bodies, but it didn't
stay that way for long. As the Bowdici family
Meshuun is not covered in ice, but is covered in grew in stature and brutality, they dumped
the green family of Esh-sheen, who left the more and more bodies. Over the years enough
Dyson sphere the last time it opened. They are victims were dumped that it reached the point
peaceful and do not want to take over hosts, where the accretion of bodies began to show
refusing to be part of the warlike mentality the up on sensors.
rest of the Esh-sheen inside the sphere have
bought into. The planet houses secrets as to
how to prevent being taken over by the other
Esh-sheen. The secret is to form a symbiotic
relationship with the green crystals, which
attach themselves to the character so it looks
like they are a host. The green Esh-sheen
promise not to take over. Upon returning to 9
Meshuun, the Esh-sheen will leave without
doing any damage to the person they are
attached to.

The lavender sand on Iburinum is made up of

the lost lavender family of Esh-sheen. The Esh-
sheen inside the Dyson sphere still mourn their Rather than report this finding to authorities,
loss for they were often the arbitrators of other criminal elements began to make use of
conflicts within the Esh-sheen society. If a the dumping ground. The rate of body dumps
bottle of the sand gets into the Dyson sphere, it increased exponentially. When the authorities
will incite the Esh-sheen into all-out war. eventually caught on to the body dumping they
starting patrolling the sector. But, being the
Hex: 0107 backwater of no-where, some patrols were
Designer: Chad Bowser (cjbowser) bought off, others found better things to do
with their time, and a few figured the crime had
System Name: The Dead March (colloquial) already been committed elsewhere -- what's
the point in watching an empty vastness for
Substellar Objects: something that they might never see.
Binary Brown Dwarfs Eventually, there were no more patrols.
Rogue Planet: Dillon B1
The Bodies Now, there are three distinct accretions of
bodies, each over a kilometer in radius. There
The Dead March is a fairly empty sector of are also more than a few derelict spaceships,
space, primarily because the only usable some dumped by crime families, a few from
resource is the vastness of space. Some time failed Resurrectionist crews, in the proximity of
ago, the Bowdici, a sector spanning criminal the accretion disks.
planet. Each crystalline structure consisted of a
This graveyard has attracted other elements as few growths not unlike quartz. The largest were
well. Vivisectionists hunt through the bodies only a meter from tip to tip. A few samples
looking for components in decent enough were taken, but no company wanted to invest
shape that with a little spit and polish can be the resources for what was perceived as so
sold off to wetware tech in other systems. little gain.
These parts might wind up in a street doc's
portable kit or maybe a cyberwear shop. If the crews had stuck around longer, they
Another, less savory element, the would have realized the crystalline structures
Resurrectionists, try to revive some of the are the planet's primary lifeform. They're highly
bodies to create an unthinking, uncaring soldier intelligent, sentient creatures that refer to
that can be sold off to the highest bidder. They themselves as "The Light." They have built
made some headway, but more often than not three cities deep under the planet's surface,
the reanimated bodies didn't care who they each several square kilometers in size. They
killed, so they started with the people who travel to the surface periodically to stargaze.
resurrected them. Unable to do little else, the When danger is near, the creatures enter a
reanimated corpses meander the corridors of torpor that renders them indistinguishable
10 the Resurrectionist ships until another ship from inert crystal. The survey crews were
thinks to salvage the assumed derelict. unknown, so they were classified as dangers.
Once the creatures wake, small legs emerge
The bodies have attracted another entity, a from the body and they go about their
species that looks like a cross between an business. They communicate through colors,
annelid and lamprey. They range in size from 10 shifting the hues of their crystals. If someone
cm to half a meter, and inhabit the dead could learn this language, they could learn all
bodies, slowly feasting on the flesh. They, the advanced knowledge the Light know,
however, much prefer fresh meat, so when including the technology to shield their
new bodies are dumped, they'll swarm across underground cities from detection.
the accretion to reach the recent arrivals. If
they can sense living flesh, which they can do
even through EVA suits, they'll aggressively
swarm it to try to burrow into any available
orifice or soft tissue with rasping teeth.

Rogue Planet: Dillon B1

Rogue Planet Dillon B1 meanders through the

sector. When it was first discovered, it was
scanned for resources. Despite some iron and
other trace elements, it came up curiously
devoid of exploitable resources. Crews were
sent to the planet and confirmed what the
scanners detected -- there's nothing to exploit.
Its only noticeable characteristic were the
crystalline growths that covered 25% of the
Hex: 0109
Designer: rebuscarnival History
In the wake of the Cosmetic Wars several
System Name: Voidcorp Waste Management privateer organizations surfaced in the
Solutions, INC. subsector hoping to extract some profit from
Stellar Body: SDSS J0003+0718 Degenerate the prolonged and destructive conflict. One
Dwarf AKA Nandini’s Star AKA The Incinerator such organization was ostensibly a salvage
Planetary Survey: Plutoid Goliad, various operation working out of SDSS J0003+0718,
artificial trash spheres Voidcorp made a reputation for itself of claim
Major Features: Concentric Rings of Refuse, jumping and soft piracy amidst the clouds of
Goliad City war-debris while amassing a substantial
Structures: All Structures Temporary collection of hulls and ordinance from the
General Description
SDSS J0003+0718 is a solitary, degenerate The spoils were secreted away to the White
dwarf star with a single daughter plutoid. The Dwarf known to old spacers as Nandini’s Star.
system is so insignificant as to not appear on The quasi-system is an unremarkable blip in the
conventional maps and can be difficult to spot sky-infinite, host only to a small, unnamed ice 11

given the weak luminosity of the stellar body. dwarf orbiting the habitable zone of the stellar
remnant. It was here, at the end of a world,
that Voidcorp made its headquarters: a
sprawling, submarine fortress floating deep
beneath the icy mantle of the newly christened

Like most of the privateers operating during

this period, Voidcorp had been formed with an
ulterior motive, namely the construction of a
mercenary fleet that could help unite the Firms
and perhaps recuperate the market shares lost
during the prolonged conflict. The scope of the
project was ultimately unachievable, as the
Concentric rings of manufactured debris have salvage operation reinvested most of its
been arranged around SDSS J0003+0718 by the resources into the habitat on Goliad.
former inhabitants of the system.
The Board experienced a demographic shift as
Political Interests the first children born beneath the ice entered
Goliad Municipality - limited space flight adulthood and took leadership positions in the
Pirates - Various rogues and criminals hiding in firm. Under new management, Voidcorp
the rings rebranded itself as a multiservice waste
Academia - University based archeology management consultant and began seeking
programs excavating the rings contracts with various planetary level
producers in the sub-sector. Early clients
included mostly free-stations and mercenary
outfits but the roster grew to include planetary thousands. Ships avoid this sector and trade
governments and megacorps of all sorts as the routes bypass the Ukko Nebula due to the
second generation of Goliadians rose to electrical discharges that plague the nebula.
command the company
The nebula collection can be divided into three
Subsequent generations saw the formation of sections: the outer layer, the dense layer, and
the Trash Rings - great concentric rings of solid the hidden core.
refuse sorted loosely by type, pulverized slowly
by the weak tidal forces of Goliad. Bioengineers In the outer layer, ships may be able to
have harnessed the strange, native Cnidaria of navigate within the void of space between the
their adopted plutoid and adapted a variety of smaller globes of nebulae. Ships traveling
vacuum resistant jellies and corals to expedite within nebulae on the outer layer will
the decomposition process. Likewise, experience the occasional electrical storm that
automated scows in the habitable zone help to may result in electrical strikes on their vessel.
funnel accretion substrate to the dying star to There is a chance that the electrical strike may
increase the meager output. cause damage to the ship unless it is shielded
against electrical damage. Communication
12 In all, the business model was wholly inept and transmissions tend to be distorted with static.
Voidcorp folded less than one hundred years
after its formation. The population of Goliad
rapidly dispersed, leaving an insular and
unambitious citizenry to fend for themselves in
the labyrinthine submarine metropolis.

System: Goliad
The single secondary body of SDSS J0003+0718
occupies the narrow habitable band of the
failing star.

Hex: 0110
Designer: Patrick Zoch (pdzoch)

System Name: Ukko Nebula (“grape nebula”)

This sector is home to the massive Ukko A hapless small craft or stranded escape pods
Nebula. The Ukko Nebula is a collection of may be encountered, powerless, floating in
smaller round green gas nebulae the size of outer layer of nebulae. Personnel aboard these
former stars, giving the appearance of a crafts are often discovered to be long since
collection of grapes that inspires its nickname dead, sometimes for generations.
to astral travelers.
The dense layer features overlapping nebulae
It is unknown how many nebulae make up the without any void of space between. The
Ukko Nebula, but it is rumored to be in the electrical discharge within the nebula feed each
other causing more frequent and stronger
electrical storms. Even ships with electrical overloaded and damaged by very large
shielding risk damage. Electrical strikes can electrical attacks. Devices designed to harness
easily overload and destroy systems on vessels. electricity can capture and contain them. Spark
Any ship that has managed to travel as far into Wraiths deal electrical damage, naturally.
the Ukko Nebula as the dense layer has decided
to risk no further travel into the nebula for fear Hex: 0203
of so much damage to the vessel as to not Designer: Mycroft Stout
System name: Ogrean
Large vessels have been known to be lost in the
nebula. Rescue and salvage missions were once Home of a primary K8IV subgiant star. The
attempted ages ago but have long since ceased biozone is safely wide enough for two viable
due to the risks involved. Science vessels, trade planets. The first is Kiana. Earth-like with 50%
vessels, military craft, and pirates are known to hydrographics. It is less dense, but has the
have been lost in the nebula. same base gravity as Earth, so its circumference
is greater, approx. 28,000 miles. The rotation is
No one knows what lies at the hidden core of once per 23.2 hours, so the spin rate is faster.
the Ukko Nebula. Rumors are a ship graveyard Axial tilt is 28 degrees, with a 1.6 degree
lies at the center. wobble cycle of 16 local years.

No life forms are known to exist in the nebula; Having a lower density, it still has a decent
however, one type of creature has made the magnetic field for its circumstances. One of the
nebula its home: spark wraiths. unique aspects of the planet is whenever there
is a large solar event, the aurora extends into
Spark Wraiths: These spectral creatures, hard space by transforming the energy into
rumored to be the lost essence of souls lost in francium. So the following fifteen minutes or so
space, feed on electrical energy. The natural is extremely valuable time for researchers and
electrical discharge in the nebula have provided manufacturers. Battles have been fought over
the spark wraiths sufficient sustenance to who is where in the queue, or who will not be
sustain them. The spark wraiths are contained permitted, if a rival.
to the nebula without another electrical source
to feed on. Passing ships present an Studies show a unique make up of gases and
opportunity for the spark wraiths to feed on heavier molecular compounds in the
new energy and escape the nebula to new ionosphere, a mix painstakingly researched but
sectors of space. not resolved or understood. Artificial
bombardments of the magnetic fields are
Spark wraiths look like vaguely human shaped capable of producing auroras, but not francium.
ghosts and are made of electrical energy. As
such, they have both the properties of undead The planets seasonality is one of calm, very cold
and electricity. They can move through barriers winters, and calm, very hot summers. Spring
in an incorporeal state, but they cannot move and fall are dynamically chaotic, spring much
through material insulated against electricity, more so than fall.
such as rubber. They are immune to small
electrical weapons (e.g. tasers), but they can be
Kiana has two moons. Cerridwen is the larger,
closer of the two. Dóbhran is a smaller, further Hex: 0205
out moon that is often thought of as hiding Designer: Andy Leighton (Andyl)
behind, or peeking out from Cerridwen when
they overlap in the sky. System Name: Cravog System

The second potential planetary orbit in the Cravog - Class L7 brown dwarf.
biozone does not have a planet. Looking upon Radius 0.098 R☉
that as an opportunity, the navy has built a Mass 0.060 M☉
large installation, to be in artificial sync with Temperature 1600K
Kiana. Being so close, and in sync, there is also
a class A starport as part of the space station Cravog 1 - small rocky planet
named ‘Lorelei’. This has become both a repair Cravog 2 - small rocky planet
and a construction site for many navy ships, Cravog 3 - jovian planet
and quite a lucrative earner for businesses on Cravog 4 - small icy planet
Cravog 1 and 2 form a binary planetary system.
14 The two planets orbit their common centre of
gravity at a distance of 64,402 km apart.
Orbit - Aphelion 0.225 AU, Perihelion 0.208 AU,
Period 80.2 standard days.

Cravog 3 - class II jovian gas giant.

Total satellites 12.
Radius 136216 km
Orbit - Aphelion 5.1 AU, Perihelion 3.8 AU,
Period 6328.4 standard days.

Terrestrial world in the biozone at 1.0 au. Notes: Cravog 3 has a yellow green colour and
'Kiana' Outward drift to 1.2 au. features large cloud formations with bands of
Asteroid belt at 1.6 au 'Blian' deeper colour. Visible storms are common. The
Medium gas giant at 7.2 au 'Bronntanas', 2 clouds are water vapour, but the atmosphere
large moons (Currently listed as B1 and B2, contains high proportions of methane and
awaiting resolution of a tangled formal hydrogen. Because the orbital inclination of the
naming.) planet is different to the other planets and the
orbit is fairly eccentric many planetary
Kiana is home to the headquarters of Fr-223b scientists have speculated that it is a rogue
Corporation. Best known for breakthrough planet captured by the more massive brown
research on rare elements and compounds. dwarf.
ice-climbing on Cravog 3f, to this day it has had
Cravog 3f little serious study as more attention has been
Radius: 987 km given to its more unusual Jovian parent.
Orbit: Semi-major axis: 321047 km, semi-minor
axis 296955 km. Period 40 standard days GM Information and Hooks
Notes: Nitrogen/methane atmosphere 17.2 kPa This system offers a number of avenues for
(approx 20% Earth Standard) adventure.
1) The usual kind of political / criminal
Cravog 4 - small icy planet shenanigans you get on resort worlds /
Radius - 296 km gambling hubs. The stations are ideal for
Orbit - Aphelion 24.6 AU, Perihelion 10.2 AU, political negotiations. But also criminal
Period 16328.4 standard days. organisations could be involved in running one
or more of them (maybe secretly via cut-outs)
General Information 2) The aliens on Cravog 3. What is their
This system is totally unremarkable apart from agenda? How would they react to an
Cravog 3. An early scouting mission surprisingly unpowered glider in their atmosphere?
discovered intelligent life in the upper 3) The largely unexplored Cravog 3f could allow
atmosphere of the gas giant. Any use of engines for more scientific minded exploration 15
within the atmosphere led to the destruction of adventures. The ice is thick but there is a
the ship, as did fuel scooping. So scientific subsurface ocean.
stations were built in the very top layers of the
atmosphere. Since then they have been Hex: 0206
extended and now form one of the more Designer: Adrian Kennelly (Azukail)
unusual tourist spots in the sector. The stations
are aimed at the luxury market and are well System Name: Malum
known for the widest selection of alcohol, food,
and gambling games from the rest of the Random Events
sector. Each have viewing compartments that A fragmentary and garbled message that is still
are lowered on monofilament cables deeper clearly a distress call is picked up. The origin of
into the atmosphere affording fantastic views the broadcast cannot be determined and it only
of the creatures swooping around in the runs through once. The message may be
yellow-tinged atmosphere. received multiple times, in different locations,
and is always identical, down to the
The Cravog 3 satellites are mostly interference.
unremarkable small rocky and icy moons apart
from Cravog 3f which is large and dense A rip in space, more fallout from the failed
enough to retain a nitrogen/methane experiment at Zhorino, opens. Ships may be
atmosphere. The atmospheric pressure is high swallowed up by it and may be instantaneously
enough that just pressurised skin-suits are transported to another location, may get lost in
needed but oxygen must be used. Cravog 3f is whatever realm the rip opens into, or may be
an icy moon with impressive ice cliffs and the transported, but rather the worse for wear,
Leumas Chasma which is a large graben (fault) with madness being a common occurrence for
over 1000 km long and more than 100 km wide the crew.
at its widest. Although adventurous tourists go
is still sparse and is under 10 million for the
Overview entire planet. A single spaceport supports the
The system used to be occupied by an largest city with a small orbital station above.
advanced species or culture, and some
remnants of this occupation can still be found.
Almost everything of use has been taken; the
primary remnants are stripped bases, wrecked
buildings and the aftereffects of a disastrous
experiment at Zhorino. It would appear that the
system was not the home-world of the previous
occupants, and after the experiment went
wrong, they evacuated the system.

Scattered around the system are various odd,

ancient, and clearly artificial pieces of debris.
These are more leftovers from the failed
experiment at Zhorino and are predominately
16 metallic in nature. Originally, there were other There is a large, comparatively recent (several
materials, including organic ones, but these thousand years old) crater that was the location
have deteriorated over time. The metal of the of the second facility of the transportation
objects appears to be manufactured, but the system experiment carried out on the cloud
shapes are warped and they do not appear to mining platform in the Zhorino. When the
be remotely rational in construction. warping energy swept through the platform
during the test, feedback hit the labs that used
Star: Malum (G2 V) to be where the crater now is, causing a
massive explosion. Some of the warped energy
Planets caused parts of the fauna, flora and buildings to
merge with the surrounding rocks. There is still
Char (Malum I): The innermost planet, this is a a residue of energy affecting the area, and the
scorched cinder orbiting close to the sun. local flora and fauna tends to be both strange,
with mobile plants and immobile animals, and
Res (Malum II): The system's sole habitable aggressive. Studies have been carried out, but
planet, it is an Earth-like world with slightly remaining in the area too long causes creatures
higher than normal gravity of 1.1 G due to a to start suffering mutations.
higher density, and a green-tinged atmosphere,
caused by microscopic plants in the Res has a single, small and irregularly-shaped
atmosphere. The plants give the atmosphere a moon, which looks to be a captured asteroid.
slightly minty smell but have no other effects. There is a base constructed deep within the
There are some ruins from the long-lost moon from the previous inhabitants, but this
civilisation that built the cloud mining platform, has been cleared of everything useful or
but there are not enough for the planet to have valuable. Although there are a number of
been anything more than a minor colony. Since airlocks suitable for space vehicles, or single
the accident, the world has been more recently people, these have all been disguised by the
settled. This was recent enough that settlement rock of the moon for some reason.
the facility. Those merged, died, and odd lumps
Asteroid Belt: A typical asteroid belt, there is can sometimes be seen within the metal and
evidence of asteroid mining having gone on in ceramic plates.
the past.
Those visiting the platform will see things such
Zhorino (Malum III): A gas giant of about a as shadows moving when they shouldn't be,
Jovian mass with a muddy, undistinguished shadows being cast by things that are not there
brown colour and an uninteresting appearance and shapes glimpsed out of the corner of the
with barely noticeable cloud bands. The main eye that disappear when looked at straight on.
point of interest floats within the atmosphere The rooms and corridors are warped in a way
of the gas giant where, deep down, is an that doesn't seem to be geometrically possible
ancient, massive cloud mining platform that has and constantly flickering lights that are at a
been long abandoned. Built by an unknown frequency that seems to gnaw on the brain.
civilisation, the only way the platform will be Visitors are either driven mad, killing each
discovered is by descending deep into the other and themselves, or the platform's
atmosphere. It is located well below where automation kills them, as the insane AI attacks
such might normally be found and it is with its repair and maintenance robots.
surprising that the platform is still maintaining 17
its position. Zhorino IV: This moon is the most significant of
the approximately 23 orbiting Zhorino but, like
Despite its hard-to-detect position, the the gas giant itself, doesn't appear that
platform has been discovered on a number of interesting, being simply a ball of cratered rock.
occasions, although this is not known, for those Again, the interesting part is hidden below the
who discovered it never returned. Inside the surface, because the moon housed a secondary
platform can be found unrepaired damage, the laboratory, related to the instantaneous
marks of weapons fire, and stains, which transport experiments, buried beneath the
sometimes have become part of the surface crust. The laboratory was not directly linked
they are on, that appear to be organic in with the experiment itself, unlike those on the
nature. Despite the damage, self-repair platform and on Res, so came through the
facilities have maintained the primary and life- disaster rather better, although the energy
support systems in generally working order, but wave did kill all organic beings in the lab and,
secondary systems such as lighting tend to be afterwards, the AI quarantined the place.
more erratic.
The AI also came through the disaster in better
The platform was not used just for cloud condition than the platform's AI, but the two
mining, as it was also used as a laboratory for were linked at the time of the incident and
experiments, one of which, into near- some of the damage to the platform's AI leaked
instantaneous transport, went very badly through in the fraction of a second before the
wrong. There were two sites, one on the moon's AI was able to sever the link. The AI's
platform and one on the system's habitable self-repair systems have been unable to fix the
planet. On the platform, a field of warping damage and, whilst not insane, it is not entirely
energy tore through the structure, merging stable.
some of the inhabitants with the structure and
driving others mad, including the AI that ran
Malum IV: A whitish-yellow gas giant with primary star systems in a seemingly consistent
about half a Jovian mass with a system of “loop.” Of various sentient species in
approximately 13 moons and an the Quasremitabf tetrahedron, three have
undistinguished ring system. developed enough technology that they can
move around within the star family. The
Malum V: A frigid, blue tinged ice giant about technology that is used for star travel within
half a Jovian mass, its atmosphere contains the Quasremitabf is based on creating “sails”
large amounts of ammonia, methane and water made of triametine crystal fiber to harness the
ice. A single large moon dominates its stellar current. No currents have been found
approximately 8 moons. that lead anywhere other than from one Q-
S.0209 star system to another, and since none
Malum VI: A tiny, frozen chunk of rock of about of the sentient species here have yet developed
a quarter a Terran mass, it has a large amount any other method for interstellar travel, they
of different ices covering its surface. have so far been stuck within the Q-S.0209
Hex: 0209
Designer: Quaid Slauson It is not known if the triametine mineral used to
18 harness the local stellar current has viable use
System Name: Q-S.0209 Quasremitabf, a or definitive value outside of the Quasremitabf.
tetrahedral unit of four connected star systems
The majority of the sailing clans are traders, yet
Description some are nomads, gypsies, evangelists, or
The region of space has four broadly separated raiders.
stars arranged in a nearly perfect tetrahedral
arrangement. The Q-S.0209 tetrahedron is Stars and Planets
generally known locally by the epithet Gin
Quasremitabf, or “Four Heaven House.” Each of Star Q-S.0209-X Gin
“Front upper” system
Stellar currents from Gin carry to the star
system Maerlpahtayba.
Planets (inner to outer):
Q-S.0209-X1 Sicharth – small, rocky, hot.
Q-S.0209-X2 Hebo – medium, rocky, temperate.
Swampy and riverine. Highly populated as
homeworld of one sentient humanoid species,
Kohill. Relatively peaceful. Current-faring.
Smooth-skinned, with large foreheads and large
the four stars has multiple planets; each of the eyes.
four stars has at least one habitable planet with Q-S.0209-X3 Smeeco – large, gaseous.
at least one sentient species living there. Uninhabited.
Q-S.0209-X4 Jarlerware – small, rocky, cold.
A poorly understood yet decently charted Uninhabited except for a few mining and
“stellar current” flows between the four research outposts of the Kohill.
Q-S.0209-GG4 Leek – medium, gaseous, cold.
Maerlpahtayba Uninhabited.
Star Q-S.0209-M Maerlpahtayba
“Left rear” system Hood
Stellar currents from Maerlpahtayba carry to Star Q-S.0209-H Hood; “Front lower” system
the star system Ggef. Stellar currents from Hood carry to the star
Planets (inner to outer): system Gin.
Q-S.0209-M1 Moth - small, rocky, hot. Planets (inner to outer):
Uninhabited. Q-S.0209-H1 Gawn 1 – small, rocky, hot.
Q-S.0209-M2 Track - small, rocky, temperate. Uninhabited.
Inhabited by sentient reptilian species Liluwn Q-S.0209-H2 Gawn 2 – small, rocky, hot.
and sentient fungoid species Jefphoo. Non- Uninhabited.
Current faring. Q-S.0209-H3 Gawn 3 – small, rocky, temperate.
Q-S.0209-M3 Meep - tiny, aquatic. Uninhabited Uninhabited.
except for some Herz military outposts. Q-S.0209-H4 Zaal Prime – small, rocky,
Q-S.0209-M4 Solemnity - medium, rocky, temperate. Populated as homeworld of
temperate. Highly populated as homeworld of sentient spideresque species Zaalard. Non-
one sentient mammalian species Herz. General Current faring. 19
defensive and suspicious. Current-faring. Furry; Q-S.0209-H5 Zaal Second – medium, rocky,
wolflike. temperate. Uninhabited except for trade
Q-S.0209-M5 Bisbytte - gas giant. Uninhabited outposts of various Quasremitabf species with
except for some Herz military outposts on nominal rule by the Zaalard.
moons. Q-S.0209-H6 Thug – medium, gaseous, cold.
Q-S.0209-M6 Planethum - medium, gaseous, Uninhabited.
cold. Uninhabited.
Q-S.0209-M7 Lamp - small, gaseous, cold. Story Notes:
Uninhabited. Journeying along the stellar currents using the
triametine crystal fiber sails is slow going,
Ggef taking nearly an entire sremi transit (“year”) to
Star Q-S.0209-GG Ggef; “Right rear” system journey from one star system to the next. Many
Stellar currents from Ggef carry to the star locals would like to get their paws / tentacles /
system Hood. hands / etc. on some real interstellar travel
Planets (inner to outer): tech.
Q-S.0209-GG1 Match – medium, gaseous, hot.
Uninhabited. The Rel-psi peoples, despite constant political
Q-S.0209-GG2 Luuk – medium, rocky, upheaval, tend to secretly work toward the
temperate. Populated as homeworld of downfall and detriment of the other species
sentient humanoid species Rel-psi. Highly out of misguided notions of superiority. The
religious with numerous monk sects. Current- Kohill might be the most intelligent of the local
faring. species. The Bee-dheer might make the best
Q-S.0209-GG3 Kuul-dim - medium, rocky, allies of the local species.
temperate. Populated as homeworld of
sentient insectoid species Bee-dheer. Highly The stellar current used for travel is going to
trade oriented. Non-Current faring. reverse direction relatively soon. Some peoples
have prophecies or morality tales related to a handful of tales from alleged witnesses, the
reversal of the sky river; most do not. It will Void Barrier is a wall of space so absent of
generally catch the whole system off guard and anything that nothing can push through. What
cause chaos and loss. lies beyond the barrier? No one has yet been
able to tell... And no one has survived the
Hex: 0210 experience.
Designer: Eric Brandon Etkin (MOTHdevil)
The Wandering World:
System Name: (believed translation) Claimed Rumor persists of single world; remains of the
Prospect 349B of the Gorlan Empire, 12th Gorlan Empire. Yet the location of the world
Dynasty remains a mystery because it never stays in the
Unofficial System Name: Madspace same place. Attempts to collate rumored
Planetary Survey: No detected planets; See sightings have yielded a peculiar pattern - This
Major Features world doesn't just drift, it vanishes. No images
Major Features: The Void Barrier; The of this Wandering World exist, yet maritime
Wandering World stories insist it to be the source of the Gorlan's
Structures: Spaceborn Automated Defense riches - a world that wants for nothing, even
20 Platforms; The Goliath sun, since everything the Gorlans could possibly
need is hidden on its surface.
Known Background:
In the outer reaches of the galaxy lies a system Automated Defense Systems:
of rumored terror and riches. In the more Madspace is rampant with asteroids and other
civilized systems, space mariners whisper of the cosmological debris. Some of these massive
Madspace, a sector once inhabited by an rocks of minerals and ice give off glitchy
ancient, brutal empire, long dissolved by time. composition readings, bouncing back scans
What the Gorlans left behind was a slab of with conflicting data. Attempts to move past or
space so devastated by their diabolical war closer to these rocks often yield another
machines that no sane traveler would dare surprise - automated defenses. The former
venture near. masters of this sector spared no expense or wit
devising a series of automated systems
Yet stories and legends persist. Tales of ancient designed to keep out intruders. These systems
weapons so evil they crush and twist the entire appear millennia old, though time hasn't
fabric of spacetime itself, yielding to no one. eroded their potency. Among some of these
Automated platforms of targeting batteries traps of mass destruction are:
that prevent entry or passage. Massive
machines long dark that once fed on the matter 1) Nanospawn Swarms: Clouds of dormant
of entire planets and suns. Ancient microscopic machines orbiting their host
technologies that unlocked not only the keys to asteroids, waiting for a triggering vehicle to
immortality, but touched the faces of gods. pass into the cloud. The Nanospawn restructure
the target ship, first deconstructing the outer
The Void Barrier: hull plating into its component elements, then
Assuming safe passage through, the edges of working their way inside, with the ultimate goal
Madspace yield an impenetrable void. Of the of building new Nanospawn Swarms from the
deconstructed materials.
yields highly unpredictable, often irreversible
results - timeloops, time fragmentation yielding
multiple outcomes from allegedly different
universes, intersection of different times and
locations of existence from within the target's
life experience(s), etc. The resulting attack is a
disorienting soup of impossible or past
experiences, not just those perceived by the
travelers, but also the ship's structure itself.

"The klaxons screamed bloody murder, then

suddenly dropped silent. At the time, I think I
was in maintenance 17... I commed the bridge,
but didn't get an answer, so I headed back up to
see what the hell was happening.

Soon as I left the bay, the fake-G fell out. I

floated down the access shaft shooting my 21
2) Nuclear warheads: Nothing beats good, old
emergency compressor... and somehow ended
fashioned nukes, and some defense systems
up in the martian church where I got married!
rely on tried-and-true nuclear delivery systems
Except it wasn't my wife waiting at the alter - it
to detonate near or on their target.
was a girlfriend from flight command, Bevvie. A
woman I hadn't seen in twenty years. A woman
3) Gravity Bombs: These asteroids activate by
who should have been dead for at least fifteen
proximity, increasing their gravitational pull
of them.
exponentially and dooming any nearby
travelers to helplessly crash to the surface. If
And that was only the tip of the iceberg.
the passengers survive the sudden increase in
gravitational pull, they may find themselves
I was the only one who made it back to midport
one ship of many clustered with the asteroid.
after our aborted run. The ship was a mess. And
it was months before I'd recovered enough to
4) Power Siphon: Immediately begins depleting
leave the hospital. Most of the time, I thought I
the electrical power of any nearby spacecraft.
was just hallucinating, but when they finally
Power Siphons detect the on-board power of all
decommissioned the Starbird, I was able to tour
electrical energy (including that used in
the decks one last time. My visual logs were still
personal devises) and continue operating until
in play - garbled, but there.
there is no longer any electrical power on the
ship. In this way, power cores themselves
Turns out the computer had recorded
(antimatter, nuclear furnace, hamster wheels,
everything that happened. It was exactly how
etc.) remain unaffected, but any attempts to
I'd remembered it." - Commander Alton
convert that raw power into something usable
Martinez; Chief Engineer, Starbird IX.
by ship's systems or devices quickly fail.

5) Spacetime Mangler: Passage near a Mangler

Secret: This section is for the game master only.
The Goliath: ...No, seriously. You really should be the GM if
The mechanical Goliath oozes through space, you read this.
belching clouds of nanospawn machines that
take apart any target perceived as alien to the The Terrible Secret:
sector. Deconstructed targets are consumed by There were no Golans. There was no ancient
the Goliath, adding to its bulk and keeping it empire. In fact... there is no logic and
(somewhat) active. Rumors circulate that long coherence to this system because it literally
ago the Goliath deconstructed and consumed butts up against the end of the universe. It turns
all suns and planets in the region before finally out that reality itself is a simulation, and HEX
growing mostly dormant from lack of 0210 is the twisted edge of that simulation.
sustenance. Still more rumors persist that
terrorists are determined to find and Because of this, reality in this HEX begins to fail.
commandeer the Goliath, co-opting the ancient While the simulation has populated the system
weapon and reactivating it with an eye for with deterrents keeping travelers from going
steering it towards neighboring systems. farther, the truth is that beyond HEX 0210,
there is literally nothing, and the computer
22 Like the mythical Bigfoot, much speculation has code making up any ship and travelers crossing
been written on The Goliath, even if little else is beyond its lowermost border fails.
known about the sector it inhabits. A quote
from The Devil's Machines by Captain Perry Many things in the system are relics of old or
Whitmire (ret.) reads as follows: bad code - ideas that never completely worked
out, or things that were planned but never fully
"...and that's when [first mate] Reggie executed (like the Goliath).
speculated that maybe that Goliath never
reached its actual purpose. Reggie got to Travelers skillful enough to avoid deterrents
thinking that maybe the Gorlans or whatever may find themselves in the position of multiple
intended that thing to make something, fates - complete de-resolution, shunting to
something big, but it worked against those some sort of "pocket universe," or perhaps
goofy bastards before it achieved that purpose. even an encounter with the Wandering World -
A Dyson sphere? Who the hell knows. But these a nonsensical accumulation of improper
Gorlans think biggly. physics, repeated histories, or any number of
alternate realities from simulation tests gone
I dialed up the Kardashev [civilization awry or buried as junk code.
measurement scale] on my Wiki... sure seems
like this Goliath was pushing toward type 3 civ Somewhere on the Wandering World lies
thinking, to me. Based on Reggie's scans, we Easter eggs - clues to the Designers of the
couldn't see nothin' stopping its growth. Those simulation and what they are (were?) trying to
Gorlans built junk to last... Who's to say the achieve. Could this discovery somehow bring
thing's not still a babe with a lotta growing left the travelers in contact with the Designers? Is
to do? Ugly babe, but babe nonetheless... contact the endgame of the simulation itself?
Would the Designers be willing to transfer the
Damn baby ate my ship." travelers' code in such a way that it interacts
with their reality?
Or perhaps enough investigating of HEX 0210 Confident in their might, the Zuwatans have
could reveal the actual nature of the travelers' gradually moved on to completely abstract
universe, which could fundamentally alter the (artistic or scientific) pursuits, making them
campaign itself, particularly if the travelers are preferred clients of traders in luxury goods.
skillful enough to carefully exploit the malleable
reality of the system and return to more The empty planets in their systems are rented
structured space... content to exist in a out as storage areas where time does not flow
simulated reality that they alone know the at all apart from the loading and unloading
secrets of. windows for merchant ships.

Hex: 0302 Story hooks:

Designer: Alain Curato (Karkared) - One warehouse on the frozen planets
reportedly contains the cryogenized bodies of
System Name: The Zutawan Bastion, the Time an on-the-run dictator and his minions. Only
Bubble they know the secrets of their hidden bank
Planetary Survey: 2 inhabited planets, 3 accounts, weapons caches, and allies network.
uninhabited planets. Plus, of course, their former victims want them
back. 23

The Zuwatan Empire (off-grid) was once a - A scientist says the slingshot effects of the
major power that collapsed due to a civil war Warp Manipulator could be increased a
between competing heirs to the supreme hundredfold to create an effective intergalactic
power. wormhole. Is it genius? Madness? A plot to
plunder the secrets of the engine? A covert
Amidst the confusion a party of scientists and operation to destroy an unknown enemy by
military escaped to the remote outpost of 0302 creating a black hole in the targeted system?
and settled there to prepare a revenge that - An increasingly influent faction of Zuwatan
never came, as they found that their planets nobles want to go full isolationism. Merchant
had been strip-mined by pirate groups during ships are ruthlessly catapulted across the space
the time the garrison had been removed. lanes so that they spend less and less time in
the system. After several accidents, the Guild
Today, the Zuwatans maintain their status by asks that something be done to calm down the
use of a very powerful device their scientists xénophobes. The only way to sway them is by
created: the Warp Manipulator. The WM can their intellect or artistic sense, either by
only function and maintain its integrity next to convincing them or by humiliating them
a sun, which is what prevents it being used enough that they will go into hiding.
away from the Zuwatan home system. Within
this system, however, it is extremely efficient,
changing the flow of time in any direction and
place. This is used to create fast lanes for
transit, slingshot points for interstellar travel,
and devastating tidal effects upon possible
Hex: 0303
Designer: Mycroft Stout The Rodo
The Rodo are a gregarious species, but are
System name: BH67-1 never very great in number owing to the
difficult, water poor environment of their home
BH67-1 is a low level output pulsar with an world. The primary occupation is herding their
abnormal 38 seconds per rotation. There are main food source, a type of hardy goat known
two rockball planets over 100 au from the star. as "blanc". They maintain several starport
The nearer one has a small but dedicated facilities planetside; Rodo that leave Chaparral
research station in orbit, studying variations in, are usually mercenary bands, famed for their
and microgravitic anomalies around the star. loyalty and hardiness. The Rodo enjoy a
The station is staffed and funded in large part colorful, peaceful existence trading with
by Fr-223b corporation (see HEX 0203). The travelers, but they love sporting events and
research station is co-located with a large gambling, especially racing. A Rodo stands as
refined fuel depot for passing traffic. A small tall as a typical human, but has greater
navy crew staffs the connected fuel station. endurance and speed in a flightless, avian
frame. They are able to use most tools and
24 The system seems to be an unusually stable equipment humans can, but anything worn
jump point, both into, and out of. At rare must be extensively altered. Rodo are
intervals a kind of 'ghost signal' is traced to the feathered in bright colors, so rarely wear
star itself, not its pulse emissions. Researchers clothing beyond accents.
speculate it may be some inner workings of the
stellar core; some of the staff become Research has determined that the Rodo didn't
disoriented during these events and have odd evolved on Chaparral. One of the mysteries of
vivid dreams for several nights after. the sector is their origin; there is archaeology
suggesting they've been on Chaparral for
millennia, but the ecosystem has hallmarks of
Hex: 0308 being engineered. It is still unknown what
Designer: Eric Jome (cosine) civilization in deep time may have arranged this
situation or why.
Orbiting the main star of the Loci system is a The Loci system offers good refueling
single habitable world called Chaparral. It is opportunities from several gas giants and a
home to the bird-like aliens known throughout stable cosmic environment, but the limited
the sector as the Rodo. Chaparral is quite a dry habitability has left it as something of a
world but it is not without tectonics and waypoint instead of a more developed
volcanism with erosion driven by winds, sand, destination.
and rare rain. This has produced endless tracts
of scrub covered flats with occasional buttes,
plateaus, or formations of stone. At least a few
million Rodo call this dusty planet home and
they are well adapted to the difficult life there.
Hex: 0401
Designer: Alain Curato (Karkared) Most peculiar is that the Ivallas believe each
rock to have its inner spirit. In order to appease
System Name: Ivallik, aka The Rock Garden this spirit, they must embellish the rock by
Planetary Survey: three vast asteroid belts, one carving it into a more elegant shape - never
comet cloud, no surviving planets. twice the same, as it would cause jealousy.
Having now run out of shapes from their own
The Rock Garden is a very dangerous area of culture, they are willing to buy artistic concepts
space as the many asteroids in it cause from foreign cultures.
perpetual electromagnetic and gravitational
Therefore, some areas of Ivallik's belts are now
The rare ores in each asteroid are both the complete galleries of a given culture's (or
cause for that, and the reason why many several cultures') iconography. Some of these
persons would love to get their hands (or else) sculpted rocks have been turned into artistic or
on these rocks. religious colonies. Since these colonies cannot
be sailed to or from without the help of the
The only ones able to survive the belts' chaos Ivallas, they are effectively isolated, islands in 25

for long are the Garden's inhabitants, the space.

Ivallas, creatures of the void that can sense
upheavals in the fields around them. With Story hooks:
technological help from outside partners, they - The party finds itself in the possession of a
have been able to set up a mining industry book (in any form) that a lot of people seem to
which provides for half the sector's needs. be chasing. But… it's only a children's book?
Yes, but it is wholly new to the Ivallas - who
would pay handsomely for the weird characters Hex: 0403
and fabulous creatures within. Creator: Joseph Shufelt (jshufelt)

- A rather poor community needs to buy the System Name: Revati

mining rights to a big asteroid. They know they Major Features: Revati Prime, The Revati
can only achieve this if they join a proposal for Crystal Belt
a truly impressive shape with their financial
offer. The party is tasked with finding one, Current Knowledge: The Revati are a religious
possibly by seeking a genius artist who space-faring race, who worship what they call
disappeared long ago. the "Star Crystals". A belt of over a billion

- A monk or artist aboard one of the colonies

goes mad and wants the statue of a "god" or
"ideal" to be "corrected," lest they blow up the
colony together with a few important persons
who happen to be there.

26 - Due to an unexpected storm, two statues of

gods are about to collide. Several sects arm
ships to join the coming "battle of gods," not
really caring how the super-giants will disrupt
all of space and time when they close into each
other. spherical crystals that surround the local red
dwarf star. The Revati believe that each crystal
- Someone (an Ivalla or else) feels offended at contains a fragment of their creator's spirit.
the shape one asteroid received. They trick Since the beginning of their interplanetary
outsiders into destroying the rock, not travel, they have mandated all citizens make a
bothering to make any provisions for ensuring pilgrimage to the belt, under penalty of
that they can leave safely thereafter. becoming an outcast.

- It has been remarked that a few shapes have The crystals vary in size, ranging from spheres
been incorrectly sculpted during the past the size of a marble to the size of an average
months. The "errors" are small but there is moon. The larger spheres tend to be revered
definitely a pattern there. Who or what is more among the Revati, believing the size of
causing this? Is it a code, or something else? the crystal relates to the more significant
creations. On a clear day on the surface of
Revati Prime, the crystal belt is always visible,
no matter the time of day. As such, they tend
to hold religious ceremonies during clear sunny

But what is more known about the Revati is

their mercantile relationships with other
interstellar travelers. They exploit their planet's DM/GM Info:
rich resources, such as a variety of fuel,
flavorful spices, food, and their renown medical Planetary Survey
supplies. They strongly believe in free trade, Revati
believing that is the best way to manage good Type M7 V Red Dwarf
relationships in the galaxy. "You catch more Radius 2.51 x 105 km (0.36 x sol)
flies with honey than you do vinegar.” Mass 4.38 x 1029 kg (0.22 x sol)
Temperature 2400 K
They also believe to be destined to “the great Luminosity 1.54 x 1025 W (0.04 x sol)
arc”, where they are also trading to gather the
resources and technology to terraform “Revati Revati Prime
II”, a planet they are called to colonize and live Type Terrestrial World
closer to the crystals, which their own planet is Orbital Radius 2.65 x 107 km (0.18 AU)
an acceptable sacrifice to accomplish. Period 1.39 x 103 hours (0.16 earth
A great boon to their calling is the fact that the Physics Standard iron/silicate
Revati have used the neighboring sector 0404 Radius 5576.06 km (0.87 x earth)
to great effect and have established being the Gravity 8.55 m/s2 (0.87 x earth) 27
hub of thousands of trade route that exploit Hydrosphere 20 % water, 9 % ice
the sector’s cosmic stream. Atmosphere Thin reducing
Biosphere Prokaryotic microbes
Civilization Extensive Civilization
Special Ruins of an ancient civilization on
large moon

Revati II
Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius 4.53 x 107 km (0.30 AU)
Period 3.10 x 103 hours (0.35 earth
Radius 7051.74 km (1.11 x earth)
Gravity 12.54 m/s2 (1.28 x earth)
Rumors/Speculation: Special Large moon
- There are ruins of an ancient civilization on
the moon of Revati Prime.
- The crystals spheres were fabricated over a The Revati Crystal Belt
millennia ago. This rumor is considered heresy, Type Asteroid Belt
which is the only capital punishment in Revati Orbital Radius 6.05 x 107 km (0.40 AU)
Prime. Period 4.78 x 103 hours (0.55 earth

Revati III
Type Rock Planet
Orbital Radius 9.80 x 107 km (0.66 AU)
Period 9.88 x 103 hours (1.13 earth great importance to interstellar trade. The
years) sector is filled with millions of cosmic anomalies
Radius 4735.95 km (0.74 x earth) that are homogenized into something which
Gravity 7.77 m/s2 (0.79 x earth) formed a cosmic weather system, known
Special Trace atmosphere widely as “The Eye.”

Revati IV The anomalies have created stable cosmic

Type Ice Planet streams of cosmic wind tunnels that are
Orbital Radius 1.63 x 108 km (1.09 AU) analogous to planetary jet streams. They are
Period 2.12 x 104 hours (2.43 earth pseudo-frictionless FTL environments where
years) when matter drifts into the entry point of the
Radius 9701.73 km (1.52 x earth) tunnel, it continues along the trajectory of the
Gravity 5.79 m/s2 (0.59 x earth) tunnel at speeds faster than light. Opening up
Special Heavy volcanism navigational options through the system which
can continue to travel through the stream
Revati V without spending any fuel.
Type Ice Planet
28 Orbital Radius 2.69 x 108 km (1.80 AU) Hundreds of these tunnels have been
Period 4.50 x 104 hours (5.15 earth successfully charted from beginning to end,
years) largely allowing one to enter one end of the
Radius 6865.85 km (1.08 x earth) sector, and exit at the opposite end of the
Gravity 3.64 m/s2 (0.37 x earth) sector, passing by The Eye unharmed.
Special Methane seas

Revati VI
Type Ice Planet
Orbital Radius 5.33 x 108 km (3.56 AU)
Period 1.25 x 105 hours (14.34 earth
Radius 7629.97 km (1.20 x earth)
Gravity 3.82 m/s2 (0.39 x earth)

Hex: 0404
Designer: Joseph Shufelt (jshufelt)

System Name: The Cosmic Stream

Planetary Survey: None However, The Cosmic Stream also carries its
Major Features: “The Eye” - a collection of own legends. Many merchants claim that
cosmic storm anomalies and natural FTL several ships which have entered have been
Streams. lost and are never seen from again. Others
Current Knowledge: While no planetary bodies have claimed that they entered The Cosmic
have been discovered in this sector, it is still of Stream and have appeared in unexpected
reaches of the known galaxy. There are many with cosmic architecture would eventually gain
stories and tales about people who have visited attention, they continued to improve on their
The Eye, but the center of the anomalies mass shadow technology, to be unseen by
remains entirely uncharted and ultimately illusionary senses. They developed an
unknown. incredible network of anomalous dark matter
slipstreams. They would overwhelm sensors,
DM/GM Info: telescopes, and probes with so much data, that
it would hide their planet in plain sight, and it
Planet: Brumudica, located at the center of The would provide travel lanes that other races
Eye. would likely find benefits for.

History: Millennia ago, a space faring race, However, the slipstreams are not always
known as the Muddites, landed upon a planet perfect. On very rare occasions, they will send a
which exists in the center of the area now ship hurtling through space. There tends to be a
known as “The Eye”. The first contact with the correlation between that and a ship that has
Muddites was catastrophic for the Brumudics, had damages which leak a gas or plasma.
as the visitors brought a tremendous number of
lethal diseases to them, which quickly caused Hex: 0406 29
outbreaks across the planet. The Brumudics Designer: Jim Parkin (Annowme)
were faced with extinction within a year. The
survival was done only in part by tremendous "Most folk, void dogs or vanilla spacers alike,
advancements in medical technology by a will tell you that monsters are made up--just
select few. Discoveries were made in that time jank-rags that survive from our memories of
that caused a significant boom in wider fields of spook tales or the like back on Sol. For the most
technology. part, that's true. For the most part. Some parts
of space ain't got any stars on the stellar
Driven by fear of the wider galaxy due to the horizon. Just plain blacked out. They're bleeding
potential value of their technological advances, about one spot in particular, really, if you press
and from their previous encounter with the them for it. The Gate. Twin burners there phase
Muddites, the Brumduics attempted to develop
a planetary cloaking technology, powered by a
dyson sphere around their sun, which would
hide their location. When they engaged the
cloak, it caused the star to begin rapid
destabilization. Once again, motivated by
survival of catastrophic events, they developed
a dark matter generator which allowed them to
artificially create mass shadows, which allowed
the star’s matter to recollect and refuse
together. They developed the technology to
collect gasses and create stars.

But still fueled to maintain isolation from the

rest of the galaxy, and fearing their meddling
right through the fifth wall to some place only the ships which have detected these holes in
nightmares live, exceptin' they're real, and not the sky, there is simply nothing there. What's
dreams." more puzzling is subsequent visits to this same
- Peregrine Barrow, from Dogs’ Odyssey region show that the dark spots move, or at
least seem to.
The rumors are true, even if they sound more
like ghost stories than a charted stellar event. After an especially ambitious expedition
The parsecs surrounding the "Hoss Gate" are spearheaded by private sector interests, a
advised to be avoided by all space-faring traffic. multi-spectrum scan was able to identify...
At the risk of indulging cliché, anyone who something... where these dark spots occur:
tends to enter this part of the sector doesn't what appears to be a single-celled amoeba-like
come back. The gate, in truth, is a cataclysmic organism of colossal scale. Dubbed "Big Hoss,"
variable binary system of dual blue dwarf stars this organism is undaunted by the vacuum of
which beyond explanation has managed to space, and by all account seems to bend light
maintain a sustained mutual orbit. Similar and radiation around itself, effectively making
stellar configurations inevitably result in orbital its location invisible. Repeat expeditions to the
decay due to intense gravity, and paired stars edge of this system have discovered an
30 collide and collapse. This pair, however, has increasing amount of derelict vessels and stellar
been spinning in sync for so long that the fabric debris, suggesting probable aggression by the
of space has sundered between them. space amoebas.

Modern empirical study has failed to come up Possible Hooks

with an explanation for this behavior, despite a - A research station overseeing the binary star
menagerie of probe missions sent to is still transmitting data, but does not respond
understand what is actually occurring there. to FTL hails
The long and short of it is that the unique - A xenocollector puts out a less-than-legal
maintained tension between the stars has request to retrieve a sample of Big Hoss for
resulted in a stable gate to a different personal reasons
dimension at their common barycenter. The - Fringe astrophysicists attempt to sponsor an
wake of the binary star and the otherworldly expedition through the dimensional gate
effects of the gate render nearby travel
effectively impossible, as gravitational forces
are extreme and kaleidoscopic radiation--some
bands of which are found nowhere else in the
known galaxy--sunder sensor readings and the
strongest hulls available to spacefarers.

The crews of the few vessels that have made it

anywhere near the system and been able to
return to habitable worlds tell of "dark spots"
on the visible star field near the binary star.
Stellar navigational charts clearly show that
there should be detectable light and radio
signatures where the dark spots occur, but to
Hex: 0409 artifact was left by the builders of the Syzygy.)
Designer: Caroline Berg (adularia25)
The Five Ringworlds
System Name: Syzygy of Thren The five ringworlds turn in an elaborate dance
Planetary Survey: One gas giant, Calliosa around Calliosa.
Major Features: Orrery of the Ever Shifting
Wheel Ring 5
Structures: Five connected rotating ringworlds The Ring of the Most Devoted. This ringworld is
furthest from Calliosa and the most isolated.
Current Knowledge They have given their lives into the service of
The Syzygy of Thren is a system devoid of any the Wheel and use their measurements to
stars. Instead a single gas giant called Calliosa is dictate every part of their society.
at the center of five revolving ringworlds, acting
as a star to them. If the ring is scanned: The two tubes connecting
Ring 5 to Ring 4 have been damaged, which is
The five ringworlds circle Calliosa, revolving at why Ring 5 has strayed so far from the other
the same rate, though shifting around the ring cultures. They haven't heard from the
planet so that no two ringworlds are ever other rings in so long, they believe they are 31

perfectly parallel to each other. Each ringworld alone in their calling to watch the Wheel.
is connected to another through two
transportation tubes. Not all of these tubes are If on this ring: Rituals mark every hour of the
functional, so enter at your own risk. day, tied to the Ever Shifting Wheel. When you
are born marks what task you will do in life.
Those who live on the ringworlds consider When you arrive marks how you are treated.
themselves the Thren, and they have devoted The Wheel controls their lives entirely. Odd
their lives to the study of the Ever Shifting numbers mean hardship, even numbers mean
Wheel. Telescopes of all types have been ease, and seven is sacred to them.
mounted on the various rings, and outlying
satellites to keep meticulous track of the Wheel Ring 4
as it turns. The Ring of Pilgrims. This ringworld houses the
Orrery of the Ever Shifting Wheel, an enormous
Rumors and speculation: temple housing a holographic display of the
• The Orrery was once used to view any sector planets and galaxies making up the Ever
of space, not just the Wheel. (True, and it could Shifting Wheel. Scientists, scholars, and
do so again if someone had the commands.) members of various religions travel here to
• The machinery that powers the Syzygy is learn more about the Ever Shifting Wheel and
failing! (False, it is the orbit of the Syzygy that is its many configurations.
• The archives on the Ring of Solitude contain If the ring is scanned: It is a hub of trade, with
over 2000 years of stellar observations. (True, many docks for ships. Both tubes to Ring 3 are
but only for Hex 0410) in full working order. The tubes to Ring 5 have
• The Ring of Remembrance houses an artifact been sabotaged.
left by the creators of the Wheel. (False, the
If on this ring: Rumors abound as to the true If the ring is scanned: A download begins to
nature of the Ever Shifting Wheel. Bets are upload all digital media about the Ever Shifting
placed on planetary configurations, prophecies Wheel. This download cannot be stopped
are sold about the alignments of the stars, except by hacking, and takes up every space bit
stellar guides can be purchased informing the of memory on the ship, often taking other
unknowing as to what types of stars make up systems offline in order to optimize the
the Wheel, T-shirts and mugs featuring the processing of the data. A full download takes 48
Orrery are hawked from stalls leading from the hours.
If on this ring: The ring gets its name, not
Ring 3 because it is quiet, but because it has many
Ring of Mechanical Marvels. This ringworld is a private locations for study of the data housed
mechanical jungle, housing the machines that here. The location is bustling with all manner of
make the ringworlds move, as well as people here to look at the data generated by
maintenance bays for the repairbots and a the Wheel.
manufacturing sector devoted to repurposing
32 scrap and churning out new materials to Ring 1
replace anything that has worn out on any of Ring of Remembrance. This ringworld is a giant
the rings. museum dedicated to all the theories of the
Ever Shifting Wheel. Every theory has been
If the ring is scanned: The high concentration of enshrined here, in some form or another.
metal in this ringworld makes it difficult to
scan. Little can be seen before entering it. The If the ring is scanned: There is strong
tubes to Ring 2 and Ring 4 are in good working interference from Calliosa, as this ring dips into
order. the atmosphere. It is hard to get a solid
If on this ring: This ring uses gravity to power
most of the machines here, spinning one If on this ring: There are museums and temples
direction to lower the weights, and when they covering much, but not all, of the surface. The
are at their lowest it spins the other direction size of the buildings denotes how many
to wind them up again. It can be a bit dizzying believed in the theory, and they range from a
when the switch happens. It is very noisy, with small one-room house for theories such as the
all the machinery running from here. Great Cat of the Void who pawed the Stars
together to form the Wheel before it Lost
Ring 2 Interest, and knocked it to send the Wheel
Ring of Solitude. This ringworld is dedicated to spinning to the massive city-block spanning
the archives of the Wheel. Every written or temples for the belief that the Viinick, a
digital record about the Wheel has been saved mythical precursor race, modified this sector of
somewhere on this ring. There are libraries space in their search for their homeworld, after
physical and holographic, audio, visual, and they had been exiled by other precursor races
written. From clay tablets collected from other for aiding lower-tech races achieve spaceflight.
systems, to the latest observations from the Other such museums of medium size are
Orrery. devoted to Nalstra's Theory of Multiple Black
Holes, Czrin's Alternate Universe Interference military action on Ring 4 against outsiders
Hypothesis, and Xhi's Tides of Dark Matter caused the damage. A few regret how it has not
Axiom. yet been fixed, but they lack the skills to do so.

Secrets Ring 5 is dying. From once having a few million

This section is for the game master only. individuals, they now have a mere thousand,
clustered around sacred telescopes. They
The orbit of the Syzygy is failing. After all this adhere so strictly to the Wheel for their
time around Calliosa, it is degrading to the schedule they let crops die on the vine if the
point when the inner ringworld is skipping time is not right to harvest them. They let
along the atmosphere, which is dragging the patients die if the hour of the wasting is in
entire Syzygy down. In another hundred years, ascendance. In a few generations, there will be
the inner ringworld will be subsumed. In five no one left if they continue at their current
hundred years, the Syzygy will be but a rate.
memory, completely engulfed by Calliosa.
Meanwhile most of Ring 4 has no idea they
It is suspected that any stars which used to be cannot contact Ring 5 except for members of
in the Syzygy of Thren had, some time in the the Orrery who were aware communications 33
past, been moved to the Ever Shifting Wheel broke down some time ago. They could ask for
(Hex 0410). specialists from Ring 3 to fix the damage, but
most feel they are better off without the
The tubes from Ring 5 to Ring 4 were outermost ring. It would take some convincing
sabotaged by zealots on 5 who wished for their to make the repairs worth it.
ring to remain pure in their devotion to the
Wheel, and who see any pilgrims as outsiders Ring 3 has been so busy trying to maintain the
to the faith, having not been born in the Syzygy. failing orbit that it hasn't had time to notice
However a majority of Ring 5 believes that that Ring 5 has been isolated, much less fix the

Ring 2 has already begun to transfer all its data

to the surrounding satellites, knowing not much
time is left. This is why scanning the ringworld
automatically triggers a full download of all the
data on the Wheel - they are trying to make
sure the information is preserved for the future
so that their work may live on.

Ring 1 see what is happening as inevitable,

prophesied by the Wheel, and so they do not
try to stop it.
Alternate Possibilities
No planetary survey has ever found any signs of
The Worldbuilders (Hex 1008) are responsible life anywhere in the ESW - and plenty have
for messing with this section of space and built been conducted ever since the Thren from the
the Ever Shifting Wheel as an art installation Ring of Mechanical Marvels became sufficiently
with no significance at all. technologically advanced to carry them out,
only adding to the region's mystery. If not any
Hex: 0410 living beings, who could possibly be responsible
Designer: Alex Bokser (bxrrr) for The Shifting? Could it be the gods
"And so, let me conclude by stating that it has
become my conviction that The Seven are, Hex: 0501
indeed, talking to us. What they are saying, I Designer: Patrick McElfresh (Hunting_Phoenix)
cannot yet tell. Nevertheless, based on the
evidence at hand, the stars' intention to This sector is sparsely populated, home to few
communicate, or rather, convey messages to indigenous sentients, which is surprising given
us, is now clear beyond any reasonable doubt." the first planet is capable of supporting life and
34 Dame Ra'ula, speaking at the Great Council of resource rich planets relatively close to the star.
the Five Ringworlds, year 0 NA (New Age). Recently, rumors have been circulating that the
sector has been claimed by the Tuur Empire.
System Name: The Ever Shifting Wheel Perhaps the relatively hospitable system is
Star Data: 7 stars. what has finally attracted the Tuurs' attention
Planetary Survey: 27 planets, all uninhabited. and led them to add Grunal as a frontier
Major Features: The Shifting. system.

The Ever Shifting Wheel is an enigma. Little is known about the Tuur at this point and
Unprecedentedly, no less than seven stars and all of it while rumor. They are psychic and can
three solar systems exist in what amounts to a control their subjects thoughts. They don't
single parsec. And the stars move. Fast. actually exist anymore, but the empire is so vast
that news hasn't reached the frontiers. It's all a
Ever since the rapid movement of the seven hoax so that greedy corporations can have the
stars had first been noted by the Thren, the sector to themselves to explore and exploit.
ESW has been the focus of much scientific,
philosophic and religious speculation. Even in Visitors to the sector have been reported
long-forgotten antiquity The Seven have been missing at an unusual rate recently. This is of
worshipped by the ancients. The peculiar course attributed to these rumors.
patterns the stars would routinely align
themselves in were interpreted as signs by Grunal - M-type star, 0.1 solar masses
different cultures, but it was Dame Ra'ula who
first suggested the stars were actually speaking Grunal 1 - Water World, 100 light seconds (LS)
to the Thren. In the millennia that followed, from the primary. Mostly water, this planet
several schools of thought regarding the correct does have archipelagos and is capable of
interpretation of The Seven’s language and supporting life. Much indigenous life is aquatic,
messages evolved.
but there is plant and animal life on land. Half a Hex: 0502
dozen small communities exist with small Designer: Alan MacHett (JVgamer)
spaceports. An orbital station is present in orbit
of the system. Gravity: .8G System Name: Sarrom-Teec

Grunal Belt - an asteroid belt orbits the star at “Made In ST2-Nv3.1b1”

an average distance of 200 ls from the primary.
A large, hollowed out asteroid serves as a way Description:
station for ships and a mining base. Situated approximately one light-year from the
edge of the hex bordering the deeper space of
Grunal 2 - Grunal 2 is an airless planetoid with a Hex 0503, lies the Sarrom-Teec System,
significant concentration of metals in its crust. consisting of binary dwarf stars and three
It's orbited by three moons. Grunal 2A is a planets. The primary star, Sarrom, is a class K
rocky moon, while B and C are largely ice. It red dwarf, orbiting the barycenter of the
orbits at an average distance of 611 LS from the system along with the brown dwarf, Teec,
primary. Gravity: 0.4G which is itself orbited by a tiny, terrestrial
Grunal 3 - Another airless, high metal content 35
planetoid. No moons, but a small outpost does The second planet, Hälendreid, is nearly tidally
orbit this planet. Gravity: 0.23G, average orbit locked, having a rotational period that is
distance: 734 LS approximately 86% of its revolutionary period
around the binary stars. Its orbit lies primarily
Grunal 4 - the last known planet in the system at the farthest edge of the habitable zone of
is an extremely large, metal rich planet. It holds the system, however it has a slightly eccentric
a great deal of useful resources, unfortunately orbit, owing to the gravitational pull of the
it's hard to access, with its gravity of 7.2G. It is much larger third planet, therefore the orbital
orbited by two icy moons, Grunal 4A and 4B, apogee takes the planet just beyond the
and one rocky moon, 4C. habitable zone for a small fraction of its brief
orbital period. Hälendreid is small. Any ocean it
might have had has long since been stripped
away by the solar wind, along with its
atmosphere; what little remains is primarily
carbon-dioxide. Part of the outer core remains
molten, however, and the inner core is metallic,
thus the planet retains a small magnetosphere,
somewhat protecting the surface from the solar
winds. Volcanism is present, though rare, and
appears confined to particular regions of the

Outside of those regions, in the most favorable

terrain, the Trade Unions have developed vast
warehouse and industrial areas, practically
cities unto themselves, which serve as one of As might be expected, the traffic to and from
the main network hubs for the interstellar Hälendreid is significant. Transport vessels of all
trade routes of this sub-sector of the galaxy. sizes and types carry cargo of every kind to and
These trade stations exist primarily below the from the planet’s surface and orbiting
surface, with certain production centers accountancy stations. There is a constant flow
located on the surface by necessity. Nearly of ships to and fro at all hours. Not every ship
anything and everything for sale in the sub- entering orbit or landing is a cargo vessel. A few
sector eventually passes through Hälendreid. are private vessels making a lay-over or in
Agricultural bio-domes dot the landscape, search of particular goods or repairs. Even
providing additional food for the innumerable fewer are official cruisers on administrative or
workers employed in the facilities, as most diplomatic business, with their respective
foodstuffs are merely in transit and are not for military escorts.
local consumption. A few eccentric elite prefer
to live in fancifully landscaped and well- Trailing Hälendreid, at Langrangian point 5,
appointed domes, rather than in the about a sixth of the way behind in the orbit,
administrative and habitation stations orbiting floats the most derelict looking hodgepodge of
the planet. a space station, The Dour Coralls, a notorious
36 hive of all manner of characters. This is black
No local government exists, unless one counts market and hideout territory. Whatever illicit
the periodic meetings of the corporations and service or illegal item you might want, you are
trade unions to bicker over deals and contracts most likely to find it here, assuming you can
or to blame each other for perceived talk your way in. Surprisingly similar to
infractions. As there is no government, there is Hälendreid, there are many factions at work in
no military or police force. However, each The Coralls, all vying for supremacy yet
organization provides their own security forces, somehow producing a functional and successful
so the planet is generally well protected, even if environment. Still, it is an environment that
in a piecemeal and rivalrous fashion. could get one killed.

The station has no outward security systems, as

the various factions do not trust one another
enough to permit external weaponry or scans.
Additionally, the lack of prominent weapons
keeps Hälendreid from showing much of an
interest in The Corrals, which is further
decreased by the long distance of the station
from the trade planet. Occasional, small-time
piracy is often overlooked, as the expense of
recovery or retribution usually exceeds the
price of the materials lost. Independent visitors
to the system should be wary, however.

The third, outermost planet, Leineedst, is a

blue-green ice giant (a small gas giant
containing elements heavier than hydrogen and
helium), noted for its high concentration of but potential X-ray bursts from Teec and to
methane and water ice in the upper shield it from observation. Scanning the station,
atmosphere. Of the three planets in the particularly from longer ranges, is initially
system, this is the only one with moons, one complicated by its position on the starward side
spherical and three irregular bodies, probably of the planet and by the planet's rapid orbital
captured asteroids. It also has a narrow ring speed. Medium-range scans are inhibited by
system. jamming satellites located in strategic orbits
around the brown dwarf, and approaches to
Several small stations orbit Leineedst. They are the planet are guarded by short-range security
luxury habitations for the wealthy elite from satellites. The few skilled pilots who have made
Hälendreid, who have claimed the ice giant for supply and employee runs to the research
themselves for the beautiful views of its station say that getting onto ST1 is like chasing
turquoise atmosphere, yellow-chartreuse and a gruslork around a bunyo bush. And foolish,
magenta auroras, and moonrises. Security unskilled pilots do not say anything from their
around the stations is strong. graves.
At the far reaches of the system drifts a wide
and tall debris cloud of rocky and icy objects. Hälendreid: Depending on the capabilities of 37
The numerous asteroid-like and comet-like the player-characters and of their ship, and if
objects are a source of volatile compounds, the circumstances are correct, a representative
minerals, and rare metals. Mining operations of one or several of the corporations might
provide regular shipments to Hälendreid. quietly approach the crew with an offer of hire.
Rumors have circulated that the upstart
Back in the stellar heart, the first planet, ST1, corporation, Kelmonsu, has succeeded in
zips around the brown dwarf, Teec, at a rapid developing a special kind of instantaneous
pace. It is such an inconvenient and ship's drive, variously referred to as a blink
unremarkable speck of a planet that it was drive, quantum drive, and dark energy drive.
never given a name beyond its stellar Whatever it is or is called, it would mean
designation. However, it is worth noting disaster for long-established trade networks in
because of who has claimed it. Kelmonsu Corp., the sector, particularly for the transport hub of
a middling entity of Hälendreid, constructed a Hälendreid. They would like you to destroy the
research and development post on the planet prototype ship, if it exists, and the R&D station
some time back, either because of the close on ST1, if possible; at the very least, sabotaging
proximity to the trade hub of Hälendreid or in the research would be acceptable. Take this
spite of it. ST1 is tidally locked to Teec, one side mission at your own risk; we will deny any
permanently facing the brown dwarf and one association with you if things go badly.
side alternating between the darkness of the
void and daylight from the more distant red The Dour Corrals: Regardless of the capabilities
dwarf, Sarrom. of the player-characters and their ship, and if
the circumstances are right, a representative of
Kelmonsu's secret research station (yet a faction within The Corrals might secretly
everyone seems to know about it) is located on approach the crew with an offer of hire.
the Teec-ward side of the planet. It is located Rumors have spread that one of the rapidly
primarily below ground, to shield it from rare growing corporations of Hälendreid —
Kelmonsu Corp. — has built a ship with some ■ The phantom ship seems to reappear after
kind of teleportation drive, like a phantom the same length of time on each test run.
drive or a point-to-point worm drive. If such a • 63% of the time it reappears at the same
thing exists, then it would be worth a fortune to point,
anyone and everyone in the galaxy. Get it for us • 27% of the time it reappears a short
and we will cut you in for a portion of the distance from its departure point,
profits after we use our underground networks • 10% of the time it does not return (or
to find the highest bidder. At the very least, returns at some point beyond observation)
obtain the plans for this miracle drive; that (after which time, further tests are delayed
would not be worth as much, but it still would until it returns or another prototype ship is
fetch a hefty price. And keep this secret; we outfitted).
can't have the corporations tracing back to us ■ Any previous research at the facility on ST1
anything stupid you do. appears to have ceased in favor of complete
focus on perfecting the phantom drive.
■ It seems that, for most FTL-capable vessels,
installation of the phantom drive would not
require a complete overhaul, rather the
38 replacement of certain components and some
reprogramming of certain systems, particularly
■ Obviously, it still is a prototype. If the crew
manages to get hold of the components or
plans or both, and if they attempt to install the
phantom drive on their own (or another) ship,
ST1: Gaining intelligence about the R&D facility then the following could happen:
on the planet or about the prototype ship with % Chance Outcome
the phantom drive will require extensive Catastrophic Failure: dark energy,
quantum, and gravitational forces rip
planning and time. Kelmonsu's protective 01
the ship and crew into a cloud of dust,
measures are extensive but not guts, and debris
insurmountable. Depending on circumstances Major Failure: phantom drive burns
and player-character actions, the crew might 02-05 out and causes several ship-wide
learn or encounter some or all of the following: systems failures
■ At regular intervals, when Hälendreid and Minor Failure: phantom drive burns
06-23 out and causes a single other system to
Leineedst are on the same side of Sarrom-Teec, also fail
Kelmonsu carries out test runs of the phantom Phantom Drive Malfunction: nothing
ship on the opposite side of Sarrom-Teec. happens
■ Upon departure and upon arrival, the Phantom Drive Malfunction: you
phantom drive causes a gravitational burst that 79-90 transport to a random hex but the
drive then burns out
propagates at high speed over a short distance
Phantom Drive Malfunction: you
from the ship. The gravitational waves have the 91-95 transport to a random hex, always to
potential to cause minor damage to small random hex
enough vessels caught by them; very massive it works! you may instantaneously
ships would be unaffected, and very small ships travel to any known point
would suffer significant damage.
■ If Kelmonsu Corp. is able to obstruct or Hex: 0508
capture the crew, then they might present a Designer: Dutys_Fist
counter offer, an exchange for the crew's
daring and audacity. Intelligence gathered by System Name: The Altai Quarantine Zone
the company indicates that an organization in Planetary Survey: 1 Planet, formerly inhabited.
an unidentified region of space approximately
25 to 30 light-years distant, in an asteroid field Notes: Formerly the site of the Altai people,
called, they believe, Nemo's Sis (which is whose advanced technology continues to elude
slightly incorrect intel from Hex 0610), has scientific explanation, the Altai homeworlds are
specialized gravitational induction and control now uninhabited after a deadly virus of
systems. Such technology would eliminate the unknown provenance wiped out the entire
destructive gravitational pulse generated by the population in a matter of days.
dark energy drive, thus would be of value to
Kelmonsu Corp.'s research. Obtain this This shocking event has resulted in the system
technology for us and we will overlook your being put under quarantine to ensure that the
offense against us and even pay you a small plague does not spread to other planets. But
reward. the quarantine is rigorously enforced by patrol
ships of major civilizations for another reason:
Hex: 0504 So that no nation unlocks the incredible power
Designer: ThroughTheDeckGlass of Altain technology and wields it against the
System Name: Nebula Shoals
A dozen small whiteholes, knotted together, Hex: 0601
wander this nebula spewing the chemicals to Designer: Kyle Peters (Mulligans)
sustain life. Navigation of this hex is more
difficult than normal, and all passing ships are System Name: The Gastro
slowed at least slightly. Even then there is a
slight (5% or less) but real chance of wreck. The outer edges of this sector are filled with
Some ship designs suffer further negative dense clouds of gas, making navigation
effects from the nebula, radiation, and shifting questionable for most crafts. In the center of
gravity. the sector is a massive blob of gelatinous
consistency. Its shape roughly resembles that of
However, the life supporting chemicals support a human stomach, earning the entity and the
at least 3 known space living life forms: a kind sector surrounding it their names. Any object
of bacteria, a krill analog, and the space whales. that enters the blob will slosh about in random
The space whales are suspected to have several directions until being pushed out through one
senses unknown to civilization, and have of the several tubes that vent gas from the
occasionally been observed throughout the blob. Some things stay in the blob longer than
sector leading some to speculate that they have others and it is said that star craft flown by
an organic form of FTL. Only the kookiest travelers several millennia ago remain trapped
scientist, or formerly shipwrecked spaceman, inside the blob.
would insist that they are intelligent.
Hex: 0606 Venod.IV
Designer: Chris Abbott (bobcat) Type: 'rock', no atmosphere
Orbit: 7.67x10^7 km (.51 AU) (mean radius)
System Name: Venod Period: 5.371x10^3 hours (224d)
Star M4 Red Dwarf Diameter: 8,220 km
Diameter 5.9x10^5 km Gravity: 1.21
Mass 7.1x10^29 kg Features: debris rings, radiation (at surface,
Temperature 2800K unshielded lethal dose in < 6 hours)
Luminosity 0.12 Lsun
The Venod system has no gas giants and
Venod.I insignificant amounts of liquid water. The
Type: 'rock', no atmosphere system is under the control of the TriEx
Orbit: 1.75x10^7 km (.12 AU) (mean radius) conglomerate (formerly Exoplanetary
Period: 5.91x10^2 hours Exploration & Excavations). TriEx obtained
Diameter: 7,440 km mining rights to the system 23 years ago, with
Gravity : 0.65 77 years of exclusive access remaining.
Features: active volcanoes, unstable crust,
40 particulate cloud Venod.II, III, and IV are suitable for the
extraction of a broad assortment of minerals
Venod.II useful in the construction of corrosion resistant
Type: 'terrestrial', thin atmosphere (~0.31 bar)
Orbit: 3.23x10^7 km (.22 AU) (mean radius)
Period: 1.47x10^3 hours (61d)
Diameter: 17,7780 km
Gravity: 1.3
Features: 5% water (non-potable), 15% ice,
primarily metal ores & silicates, toxic
atmosphere (environmental suits required),
four moons, frequent electro-magnetic storms,
life forms are microbial only (full
decontamination procedures are required for
personnel leaving the surface), a typical duty
cycle for miners in 90 days

Type: 'asteroid belt', no atmosphere
Orbit: 4.67x10^7 km (.31 AU) (mean radius) metal alloys and energy generation. Ore purity
Period: 2.54x10^3 hours (105d) is in the mid to upper-mid quality range.
Features: an impressive array of minerals,
abundant water-ice Venod.II.3 The 3rd moon of Venod.II has a now
quarantined research facility. Contact is
prevented via orbital limpet mines, an
automated pulse laser satellite with friend/foe
discrimination, and a heavily armed interdiction
vessel on station. The existence of this facility is GM Info:
not known of outside the system, and on a TriEx planned on operating a series of refineries
strict need-to-know basis inside. orbiting Venod.II. The first went online 10 years
after taking ownership of the mining rights. It
This facility was working on self-replicating was rendered inoperable at 20 years due to an
nanomachines to remove impurities (such as "unspecified failure". Investigation results were
organic carbon) from the metallic ore to not made public. It remains unusable due to
improve yield and therefore profits. Procedural the reportedly excessive radiation levels in the
failures during the experiments resulted in the structure.
conversion of all organic matter (including
facility staff) present in the facility to "grey The second refinery had started construction at
goo". 15 years, and is due for startup "any day now"
after 2 years of delays. A third refinery was
Two vessels are docked at the facility, an begun last cycle and remains a mere framework
unmanned supply vessel and a security ship. of girders at this point. Construction crews are
The security vessel and crew were sent to housed in orbital stations made up of standard
investigate after loss of contact. Both the residential modules connected to toroidal hubs
security vessel and the supply ship have been housing communal hygiene, environmental 41
remotely disabled to prevent uncontrolled systems, and basic recreational facilities.
spread of these nano-machines. A pair of
conglomerate executives are currently debating Ore bundles are lifted from Venod.II via linear
the weaponization of this technology. accelerators near the equator. Ore from
Venod.IV is almost exclusively obtained via
Venod.IV contains extensive deposits of semi-autonomous, remote operated vehicles.
radioactive elements useful for low-cost, high Surveys of the asteroid belt are handled by
profit margin industrial reactors. prospecting subcontractors who earn their
percentages from the materials discovered.
The TriEx control station orbits Venod.IV and
supports a handful of well-armed security ships Loss of in-system refining capabilities has
plus their necessary pilots, crew, and security greatly reduced the profitability of the
details, in addition to the administrative and operation after 10 years of excellent returns.
technical staff required to manage mining Great pressure has been placed on the
operations. The station rotates to provide 0.6G successful start of the new refinery; fortunes
at its outer rim. A number of recreational and lives will be lost if it fails.
facilities and private living quarters are present
to entertain and house mining crews in their
duty rotations.

There are limited refueling facilities available to

ships passing through this area of space. Most
is required for outgoing cargo vessels and in-
system security & transport craft
Hex: 0608 Peltar UPP7677698 Conquered by Magris who
Designer: Eric Dodd (Red Wine Pie) maintain a Naval base in orbit
The most populated world in the system with
System Name: Trivirata System 20,000,000 native inhabitants and a few
thousand Magris 'overlords'. A strict law level
An unremarkable Main Sequence Yellow sun prohibits all weapons outside of the home and
with two large gas giants hides an unusual orbit only bladed weapons to be kept at home for
in the habitable zone. In a single orbit, three self-defence. Some trusted police and military
planets are placed equally spaced apart. units have access to laser weapons and
Though of different sizes and composition the helicopters but these are not available to
planet's masses are so close to being equal that civilians. Most Peltarians are now unaware of
most of the planets' astrophysicists are their conquered nature, the ruling Magrisians
convinced that at least two of the planets are appear to simply be members of old, rich
artificial. So far no totally convincing evidence families. Water and food are exported to
has been found that aliens or ancient ancestors Magris from secret launch sites by automatic
moved the planets into position. But there is rockets.
some evidence of the Ancients to be found...
Pecord UPP439122A is a hard, hot world
orbiting close to the sun. There are 20 scientists
from Magris researching the unusual properties
of this tidally locked planet, with large water
bodies on the surface and underground,
despite the nearness of the solar body.

Magris, Peltar and Sintitar are the three worlds

sharing the same habitable orbit.

Magris UPP472420A is the most technologically

advanced planet in the system, and controls Sinitar UPPA686375 is the largest world in the
Peltar economically and politically, a thousand system, ruled by a dozen families who are
years after invading that world. All citizens constantly battling each other. A number of
participate in major decisions (a system also major wars have reduced the populations from
known as Demarchy). A computer controls 10s of millions to the current level of 3 million.
justice and law and order, taking only such The non-combatants now hide in remote
action as it deems necessary to prevent major communities, while armies and navies pursue
harm. It is known only to a few that the each other across the large world. The people
knowledge to reprogram this system has been of Sinitar have access only to fixed-wing aircraft
lost. There are very high-tech level ancient and radios at their highest tech level. The
laboratories hidden deep underground. The Magrisians are disdainful of this world and have
entire planet was once maneuverable as a not attempted contact for hundreds of years. If
spaceship, but this ability has been lost. the waters of Peltar were to fail then Magris
might invade, perhaps uniting the low tech but
fierce warriors of this world against them.
Zathik is the largest planet, a huge gas giant of weapons and expertise to the highest bidder.
churning bands of winds. Space whales secretly But the unconventional nature of the roving
come here to breed. Every thirty years or so war makes it hard to contact any organisation.
whales of breeding age return to Zathik, where The PCs come across a crashed spaceship at the
they lazily orbit ten kilometres below the outer same time as a unit of Fugitives from a nearby
surface. A rich belt of nutrients at this level army. The fugitives only want to return to their
supports the whales during mating and families, but are suspicious of any other people,
pregnancy. The occasional giant floating especially aliens.
amoeba grows large enough to escape orbit
and set off on a different voyage across space. Hex: 0610
Designer: Mark A. Wilson (mawilson4)
Umoir is a gas giant with a wide ring system
and twenty moons. System Name: Nemo’s Tracks
Planetary Survey: No Planets
There is no asteroid belt, but the Oort cloud is Major Features: Several asteroid clusters
rich in minerals and a small number of Structures: Nemesis Crescent Space Station
Ancient's remnants, including a biological
research station and a super-advanced Background: 43
spaceship. This sector of space was largely devoid of
activity for a vast amount of time, save for
Plot Hooks asteroid clusters that dotted the cosmic
- Arriving in orbit around Magris, a scientific landscape. Several generations ago, a man
crew are asked to go to Pecord to investigate named Nemo came to the area with some
reports of seismic activity. All contact has been advanced technology that allowed for the
lost with the research base there. On arrival a creation of localized gravity wells and more
close scan reveals a faint signal from outside stretched out gravity fields. Using this
the base, but nothing from the main base. The technology, he and his crew corralled the
quake has flooded the base with strangely asteroids into densely-packed fields, in which
irradiated water, while a party of two is they held space racing tournaments. Eventually
trapped under a rock fall. Time is running out the stakes became higher and the gravity tech
for the PCs to rescue the Magrisian scientists was used to create unpredictable courses that
and to recover some of the water for later tested even the most accomplished pilots.
analysis. Is it radiation, or a strange type of Today this practice has been refined into an
nanobot encountering living beings for the first artform to draw in pilots, spectators and
time... gamblers to fund the crew’s operation.

- Putting in a Peltar for urgent repairs, the PCs The crew founded a small space station that
come across a riotous mob assaulting a Courier was eventually replaced with The Nemesis
carrying high-tech weapons. Are the mob Crescent once it had amassed a vast amount of
drunken opportunists, criminals looking for an wealth from the gambling operation. The
advantage or rebels trying to break free of system, which had long been ignored, was
Magris? named after Nemo. The crew, or the
- A Rumour brings a hard-luck mercenary cadre descendants of the original crew, continue to
to Sinitar, looking to sell their high tech operate the station to this day.
What Nemo’s intentions and origins are has and tweaking existing ones to ramp up the
been lost to legend. Many have speculated on excitement. Three clusters in particular have
how he acquired the technology and wealth to become part of the regular rotation, with only
fund the development in the sector. The minor alterations in recent years:
current CEO of Nemesis Station is also named
Nemo, but it is almost certainly an inherited Blueberry Run - Notable for having no gravity
title, not his true name. devices inside the field that contains the
cluster, the movements of asteroid and other
Nemesis Crescent: space detritus is thus predictable in this field.
A large, crescent-shaped station, affixed via Additionally, it is the least dense of the three,
gravity well technology to the outskirts of three making it less dangerous than most others.
prominent asteroid clusters that are used for “Tour” races through this field are available
races. The station features 32 decks, each from many experienced pilots who regularly
roughly 5 kilometers long, and comfortably race and make their home in the Crescent.
houses up to 15,000 visitors at any given time.
The Giant's Corpse - Many large, slow-moving
As the station’s popularity grew, so too did the space rocks float through this field. Getting to
44 offerings of its decks. Several decks are devoted the other side is about a pilot’s ability to predict
to a particular type of client or visitor. There their movements long-term, and plot a course
are several gambling decks, from which accordingly to the other side.
spectators can view the races live on massive
viewscreens. There are also decks that cater Terminus Cluster - By far the deadliest and
specifically to the more prominent races in the most harrowing of the fields, Terminus initially
area. A spa deck exists with bathing, grooming looks less densely populated than even
and massage service, and is adjacent to the Blueberry Run, with most of the asteroids being
culinary deck, replete with cuisine from every fairly small. However, the presence of gravity
corner of the galactic neighborhood. tech nodes throughout the field, each
randomized during races, ensures that the
The lowest three decks are off-limits to most movements of the asteroids are unpredictable
visitors and are devoted, respectively, to staff and scarily swift. A pilot who loses focus for
quarters and accommodations, engineering and even an instant risks being vaporized by a high-
R&D efforts to enhance the station and the speed asteroid that suddenly shifts direction.
race, and the lowest deck acts as storage and
shipping. It is where cargo ships dock to bring
goods to the crescent. Similarly, the top deck is
exclusively for members of Nemo’s Crew. The
wealthiest gamblers and other dignitaries from
neighboring systems sometimes gain access to
this level through their connections to Nemo’s

The Races:
Nemo’s crew is constantly creating and
destroying new courses for testing purposes,
Hex: 0707 PC Information: System scans indicate the
Designer: Chuck Dee (chuckdee68) following information…

System Name: 8689 Ceti Iahamu System - The Iahamu system has one
Star Data: M9 V Red Dwarf Star main star (K4 Orange Main Sequence) and a
Planetary Survey: 5 Planets all uninhabited. close companion star (M3 IV Red Sub-giant),
there are 5 planets, 1 terrestrial world, 1 rock
Planet: 8689 Ceti III planet, 2 ice planets, and a Jovian planet with
Type: Terrestrial 45 small and 11 large moons. On the Terrestrial
Orbital Radius: 1.36 AU world of N'Tevsi there is a dense toxic
Solar Period: 1.27 Earth years atmosphere, a colony, and the wreckage of a
Notes: The planet shows evidence of a long- crashed starship.
dead civilization, though no evidence of a
catastrophic event is present. Herschelii System - The Herschelli system has
one main star (M7 V Red Dwarf) and a distant
Other System Notes: Spatial anomaly in the companion star (M3 V Red Dwarf), there are 12
system between the second and third planets planets, 7 ice planets, 1 terrestrial world, 1
(1.12 AU orbital distance) with a research Jovian planet with 46 small and 8 large moons, 45

station nearby, studying the anomaly. and 3 rock planets. On the terrestrial world of
Herschelli I there is a thin reducing atmosphere
and heavy volcanism.
Hex: 0708
Designer: Tracy Vierra (tracyv) Corvilus System - The Corvilus system has one
main star (G8 V Yellow Main Sequence) and a
Summary: 6 star systems and 6 space stations distant companion star (M3 V Red Dwarf),
surrounding an unstable warp point. there are 8 planets and an asteroid belt, 3 ice
planets, 4 rock planets, 1 terrestrial world. On
the terrestrial world of New Callisto there is a
thin toxic atmosphere, a colony, and the ruins
of an ancient civilization, there are areas of
heavy radiation on the planet as well.

Lyncis System - The Lyncis system has one main

star (K7 Orange Main Sequence) and a close
companion star (M7 V Red Dwarf), there are 8
planets and 2 asteroid belts, 3 neptunian
planets (2 with moons), 1 terrestrial world, 2
rock planets, and 1 ice planet. On the terrestrial
world Lyncis I there is a thin reducing
atmosphere and a quarantine facility.

Tenctu System - The Tenctu system has one

main star (K1 V Orange Main Sequence) and a
distant companion star (M7 V Red Dwarf),
there are 8 planets and 2 asteroid belts, 3 rock Dwarf), there are 12 planets, 7 ice planets, 1
planets, 3 ice planets, 1 Jovian planet with 11 terrestrial world, 1 Jovian planet with 46 small
large moons, and 1 terrestrial planet. On the and 8 large moons, and 3 rock planets. On the
terrestrial world of Berith there is a thin terrestrial world of Herschelli I there is a thin
breathable atmosphere, a colony, and the reducing atmosphere and heavy volcanism. Due
wreckage of a crashed star ship. to heavy volcanism this is the ideal place for a
mining/refining/mass production site. The
Pallas System - The Pallas system has one main interstellar corporation Omni Manufacturing
star (B5 V Blue-White Main Sequence) and a has setup a planet-wide sprawling facility to do
distant companion star (M3 V Red Dwarf), just that. Starship parts, robots, droids, android
there are 9 planets, 4 chthonian planets, 2 rock parts, cybernetic parts, all the way to world-
planets, 1 ice planet, 1 brown dwarf with 55 building factories!
small moons and 13 large moons, 1 terrestrial
Point 3 - Corvilus System - The Corvilus system
world. On the terrestrial world of Pallas VII
has one main star (G8 V Yellow Main Sequence)
there is a dense breathable atmosphere and
and a distant companion star (M3 V Red
the wreckage of a crashed starship.
Dwarf), there are 8 planets and an asteroid
belt, 3 ice planets, 4 rock planets, 1 terrestrial
46 DM/GM Info:
world. On the terrestrial world of New Callisto
Due to the large amount of moons in these 6
there is a thin toxic atmosphere, a colony, and
systems, any uninhabited moons can be
the ruins of an ancient civilization, there are
claimed by players and used for their own ends.
areas of heavy radiation on the planet as well.
Point 1 - Iahamu System - The Iahamu system (Ancient system that has been taken over by
has one main star (K4 Orange Main Sequence) the space faring Alcides mob.) The indigenous
and a close companion star (M3 IV Red Sub- life forms are microbes, the people living there
giant), there are 5 planets and an asteroid belt, now murdered and replaced the scientific
1 terrestrial world, 1 rock planet, 2 ice planets, colony that was studying New Callisto and its
and a Jovian planet with 45 small and 11 large inhabitants. Now the colony is home to the
moons. On the terrestrial planet of N'Tevsi Alcides mob. They use this system as a hidden
there is a dense toxic atmosphere, a colony, hideout with plenty of storage space on the
and the wreckage of a crashed starship. In the moons of the ice planets in the Corvilus system.
distant past the colony ship Karnak crashed on
Point 4 - Lyncis System - The Lyncis system has
N'Tevsi and due to the toxic atmosphere those
one main star (K7 Orange Main Sequence) and
not in stasis or able to get into emergency
a close companion star (M7 V Red Dwarf), there
space suits perished. The automated functions
are 8 planets and 2 asteroid belts, 3 neptunian
of the ship seem to continue keeping the
planets (2 with moons), 1 terrestrial world, 2
colonists in stasis alive. The ship has defenses,
rock planets, and 1 ice planet. On the terrestrial
and AI entity running the systems, and maybe
world Lyncis I there is a thin reducing
some of the crew hiding in shelters scattered
atmosphere and a quarantine facility. The
throughout its massive hull.
quarantine facility is long abandoned, not much
Point 2 - Herschelii System - The Herschelli is known about who or what ran it. An
system has one main star (M7 V Red Dwarf) extensive search would be necessary to learn
and a distant companion star (M3 V Red any information on its use, by who, and what
dangers are still present.
Point 5 - Tenctu System - The Tenctu system space station, there is also a rodent problem
has one main star (K1 V Orange Main plaguing the station. If rumors are checked, this
Sequence) and a distant companion star (M7 V station is used as a delivery point for pirated
Red Dwarf), there are 8 planets and 2 asteroid and stolen antiquities. The main purpose of this
belts, 3 rock planets, 3 ice planets, 1 Jovian station is starship refueling. The station leader
planet with 11 large moons, and 1 terrestrial is Robin Trask, an ex-hover bike racer.
planet. On the terrestrial world of Berith there
is a thin breathable atmosphere, a colony, and Space Station #2 103 inhabitants and 32 guests,
the wreckage of a crashed starship. Berith is there are asteroids near this space station
home to the Alliance Colony which is a which makes supply delivery few and far
corporate-state society. They are spacefaring, between as no one wants to risk the asteroids.
have cybernetics, advanced laser weapons, There is a known bar that caters to exotic drink,
everything a cyberpunk colony needs! Plenty of food and sex! The main function of this station
corporations to work for or plot against, was a science research station until it was taken
freelance opportunities, deckers, runners, over by Tragg, a wandering mercenary.
anything you can find in the sprawl you can find
here! Not only are there over 2 million people Space Station #3 1015 inhabitants and 114
in the colony, there are about another million guests, there are remnants of old derelict ships 47
living in converted spaces on the wreck of a from a space battle from long ago, there also
starship that had crashed here long ago. seems to be some enemy ships in the area as
well. The Nobles / Aristocrats on this station
Point 6 - Pallas System - The Pallas system has are related to a crime family (Alcides). There is
one main star (B5 V Blue-White Main also a notable starship sales depot for used
Sequence) and a distant companion star (M3 V ships. This space station started as a junker /
Red Dwarf), there are 9 planets, 4 chthonian salvage outpost and has grown from there
planets, 2 rock planets, 1 ice planet, 1 brown under Victor Nym, an Aristocrat.
dwarf with 55 small moons and 13 large moons,
1 terrestrial world. On the terrestrial world of Space Station #4 345 inhabitants and 32 guests,
Pallas VII there is a dense breathable there is a nebula near the station that is being
atmosphere and the wreckage of a crashed researched, due to the unpredictable nature of
starship. If Pallas V, a rock planet with no the nebula’s energy this station has power
atmosphere, is scanned and searched an fluctuations from time to time. If rumors are
advanced alien artifact will be found and can be checked it can be found that the main bar on
recovered. On Pallas VII there is a terrestrial this station is an active fence and connection to
world with no water, but 25% ice that can be the underground. The main purpose of this
harvested and if scanned and searched the station is science research and seems to have
wreckage of a crashed starship can be found an underbelly connection to the mafia ever
and pillaged. Pallas VI is a brown dwarf planet since Vincent Razar took over the station a few
with 55 small moons and 13 large ones. years back.
Unidentifiable ships can be seen moving around
the moons, possibly mining? Space Station #5 2400 inhabitants and 475
guests, there is a fleet of unidentified ships
Space Station #1 216 inhabitants and 63 guests, near the space station and the station has had a
there are strange space creatures near the recent outbreak of a debilitating disease spread
like wildfire throughout the station. If rumors to conduct transactions. There is a large robot
are checked the engineer uses station production plant as well as resort facilities, and
equipment to fabricate highly valuable faux hydroponic farming large enough to sell excess
jewels. On the station there is a very well food on the station. This station has low crime
known cybernetics chop shop that can do and even though there are weapons traders
anything for almost any price. This is primarily a about, the guests seem to feel safe and have
trader outpost station run by Carissa Vargass, fun at the resort. Devin James, a retired
an aristocrat pirate. mercenary has learned how to keep a space
station profitable and well respected.
Space Station #6 2200 inhabitants and 361
guests, there are strange space amoebas Unstable warp point - entering this point is
floating near the space station with no safe enough but where you end up is not
apparent intent. If rumors are checked it can be predictable! (see unstable warp point table
found that weapons smugglers use this station below)

Specific Star System Statistics: Close Companion

Point 1: Iahamu Type: M3 IV Red Subgiant
48 Star Data Distance: 5.97 x 107 km (0.40 AU)
Type: K4 V Orange Main Sequence Radius: 1.59 x 106 km (2.29 x sol)
Radius: 6.26 x 105 km (0.90 x sol) Mass: 1.53 x 1030 kg (0.77 x sol)
Mass: 1.59 x 1030 kg (0.80 x sol) Temperature: 2900 K
Temperature: 4300 K Luminosity: 3.55 x 1027 W (9.27 x sol)
Luminosity: 1.19 x 1026 W (0.31 x sol)

Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special

I Rock 2.57 x 108 km 1.57x104 hrs 13423.39 km 17.57 m/s2
(1.72 AU) 1.80 earth yrs 2.11x earth 1.80x earth
II Terrestrial 4.30 x 108 km 3.40x104 hrs 6593.62 km 11.09 m/s2 Wreckage
(2.87 AU) 3.88 earth yrs 1.03x earth 1.13x earth of crashed
III Asteroid 8.30 x 108 km 9.12x104 hrs
Belt (5.55 AU) 10.44 earth yrs
IV Jovian 1.53 x 109 km 2.28x105 hrs 79800.05 km 8.28 m/s2 45 small, 11
(10.24 AU) 26.14 earth yrs 12.53x earth 0.85x earth large
V Ice 3.27 x 109 km 7.12x105 hrs 17287.23 km 9.89 m/s2
(21.83 AU) 81.42 earth yrs 2.71x earth 1.01x earth
VI Ice 5.91 x 109 km 1.73x106 hrs 27623.71 km 14.59 m/s2 Advanced
(39.52 AU) 198.32 earth yrs 4.34x earth 1.49x earth Alien

N'Tevsi Details Land Area: 4.53 x 108 km2 (3.04 x earth)

Physics Mass: 7.26 x 1024 kg (1.21 x earth)
Type: Standard iron/silicate Density: 6.04 g/cm3 (1.10 x earth)
Radius: 6593.62 km (1.03 x earth) Composition: 46.8% iron, 22.4% oxygen, 14.2%
Surface Area: 5.46 x 108 km2 silicon, 11.9% titanium, 4.7% other metals,
trace other elements Tech Level: Spacefaring (orbital spacecraft,
Gravimetry cybernetics, laser weapons)
Gravity: 11.09 m/s2 (1.13 x earth) Special Features: Wreckage of a crashed
Escape Velocity: 12.09 km/s starship
Rotation Period: 51.41 hours
Axis Tilt: 15.89 ° Point 2
Hydrosphere: Water 18 %, Ice 12 % 6279 Herschelii
Atmosphere Type: Dense toxic Star Data
Pressure: 162.62 kPa (1.61 x earth) Type: M7 V Red Dwarf
Composition: 79.1% carbon dioxide, 20.9% Radius: 2.91 x 105 km (0.42 x sol)
oxygen, trace other gases Mass: 6.79 x 1029 kg (0.34 x sol)
Climate Type: Cool Temperature: 2400 K
Min Temp: 242 K (-31 °C) Luminosity: 8.85 x 1024 W (0.02 x sol)
Avg Temp: 296 K (23 °C)
Max Temp: 320 K (47 °C) Distant Companion
Biosphere Type: M3 V Red Dwarf
Chemistry: Carbon Distance: 9.16 x 1010 km (612.17 AU)
Lifeforms: Prokaryotic microbes Radius: 2.50 x 105 km (0.36 x sol) 49
Civilization Type: Colony Mass: 4.30 x 1029 kg (0.22 x sol)
Population: 243000 Temperature: 3000 K
Society: Aristocracy Luminosity: 1.52 x 1025 W (0.04 x sol)

Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special

I Terrestrial 2.18x107 km 8.33x102 hrs 798.50 km 1.37 m/s2 Heavy Volcanism
0.15 AU 0.10 earth yrs 0.13 x earth 0.14x earth
II Rock 4.05x107 km 2.11x103 hrs 8617.29 km 12.32 m/s2
0.27 AU 0.24 earth yrs 1.35 x earth 1.26 x earth
III Rock 6.06x107 km 3.86x103 hrs 6144.39 km 9.48 m/s2
0.41 AU 0.44 earth yrs 0.96 x earth 0.97 x earth

IV Rock 9.66x107 km 7.77x103 hrs 8971.12 km 13.06 m/s2 Heavy volcanism,

0.65 AU 0.89 earth yrs 1.41 x earth 1.34 x earth planetary rings

V Jovian 1.64x108 km 1.72x104 hrs 73631.85 km 24.91 m/s2 Planetary rings,

1.10 AU 1.97 earth yrs 11.56 x earth 2.55 x earth 46 small, 8 large
VI Ice 3.16x108 km 4.60x104 hrs 15221.24 km 8.47 m/s2 Methane seas
2.11 AU 5.26 earth yrs 2.39 x earth 0.87 x earth

VII Ice 5.90x108 km 1.17x105 hrs 23791.10 km 12.88 m/s2 Planetary rings
3.94 AU 13.40 earth yrs 3.73 x earth 1.32 x earth

VIII Ice 1.19x109 km 3.36x105 hrs 10062.44 km 5.36 m/s2

7.96 AU 38.47 earth yrs 1.58 x earth 0.55 x earth
Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special
IX Ice 2.37x109 km 9.44x105 hrs 26242.69 km 14.90 m/s2 Heavy volcanism
15.85 AU 108.03 earth yrs 4.12 x earth 1.52 x earth

X Ice 4.41x109 km 2.40x106 hrs 13425.22 km 8.25 m/s2

29.48 AU 274.07 earth yrs 2.11 x earth 0.84 x earth

XI Ice 9.30x109 km 7.34x106 hrs 7937.57 km 4.66 m/s2

62.19 AU 839.69 earth yrs 1.25 x earth 0.48 x earth

XII Ice 1.98x1010km 2.27x107 hrs 13534.05 km 7.52 m/s2 Electro-magnetic

132.08 AU 2598.58 earth 2.12 x earth 0.77 x earth storms

6279 Herschelii I Point 3

Physics 2671 Corvilus
Type: Small ocean Star Data
Radius: 798.50 km (0.13 x earth) Type: G8 V Yellow Main Sequence
Surface Area: 8.01 x 106 km2 Radius: 7.44 x 105 km (1.07 x sol)
50 Land Area: 2.40 x 105 km2 (0.00 x earth) Mass: 2.00 x 1030 kg (1.01 x sol)
Mass: 1.32 x 1022 kg (0.00 x earth) Temperature: 5100 K
Density: 6.18 g/cm3 (1.12 x earth) Luminosity: 5.26 x 1026 W (1.37 x sol)
Composition: 43.5% iron, 21.0% oxygen, 16.6%
nickel, 12.7% silicon, 6.2% other metals, trace Distant Companion
other elements Type: M3 V Red Dwarf
Gravimetry Distance: 4.35 x 1010 km (291.00 AU)
Gravity: 1.37 m/s2 (0.14 x earth) Radius: 3.12 x 105 km (0.45 x sol)
Escape Velocity: 1.48 km/s Mass: 8.42 x 1029 kg (0.42 x sol)
Rotation Period: 38.22 hours Temperature: 2900 K
Axis Tilt: 28.03 ° Luminosity: 1.34 x 1025 W (0.04 x sol)
Hydrosphere: Water 98 %, Ice 30 %
Atmosphere Type: Thin reducing
Pressure: 13.01 kPa (0.13 x earth)
Composition: 55.4% argon, 25.3% methane,
19.2% sulfur dioxide, trace other gases
Climate Type: Cool
Min Temp: 112 K (-160 °C)
Avg Temp: 282 K (8 °C)
Max Temp: 386 K (113 °C)
Chemistry: Carbon
Lifeforms: Microbes
Special Features: Heavy volcanism
Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special
I Rock 6.21 x 107 km 2.33 x 103 2633.70 4.42
0.42 AU hours (0.27 km (0.41 x m/s2 (0.45
earth years) earth) x earth)
II Rock 1.18 x 108 km 6.10 x 103 5884.63 9.25
0.79 AU hours (0.70 km (0.92 x m/s2 (0.95
earth years) earth) x earth)
III Terrestrial 1.83 x 108 km 1.17 x 104 4301.60 7.18 Heavy radiation,
1.22 AU hours (1.34 km (0.67 x m/s2 (0.73 ruins of an
earth years) earth) x earth) ancient
IV Rock 2.95 x 108 km 2.41 x 104 9387.30 13.66
1.97 AU hours (2.76 km (1.47 x m/s2 (1.40
earth years) earth) x earth)
V Rock 5.34 x 108 km 5.88 x 104 919.47 1.53 Heavy
3.57 AU hours (6.73 km (0.14 x m/s2 (0.16 volcanism,
earth years) earth) x earth) planetary rings
VI Ice 1.0 x 109 km 1.51 x 105 13404.73 6.37 3 small moons
2.0 6.70 AU) hours (17.27 km (2.10 x m/s2 (0.65
earth years) earth) x earth) 51
VII Ice 1.95 x 109 4.11 x 105 23146.90 12.84 Large moon
km (13.05 AU) hours (46.97 km (3.63 x m/s2 (1.31
earth years) earth) x earth)
VIII Ice 3.47 x 109 9.73 x 105 27900.01 14.35 2 small moons
km (23.20 AU) hours (111.35 km (4.38 x m/s2 (1.47
earth years) earth) x earth)
IX Asteroid 7.74 x 109 3.24 x 106
Belt km (51.73 AU) hours (370.66
earth years)

Axis Tilt: 15.56 °

New Callisto Hydrosphere: Water 46 %, Ice 27 %
Physics Atmosphere Type: Thin toxic
Type: Small iron/silicate Pressure: 78.49 kPa (0.77 x earth)
Radius: 4301.60 km (0.67 x earth) Composition: 76.2% sulfur dioxide, 23.8%
Surface Area: 2.33 x 108 km2 oxygen, trace other gases
Land Area: 1.28 x 108 km2 (0.86 x earth) Climate Type: Cool
Mass: 2.00 x 1024 kg (0.33 x earth) Min Temp: 235 K (-38 °C)
Density: 6.00 g/cm3 (1.09 x earth) Avg Temp: 291 K (17 °C)
Composition: 36.4% iron, 19.6% silicon, 18.0% Max Temp: 361 K (88 °C)
oxygen, 16.5% aluminum, 9.6% other metals, Biosphere
trace other elements Chemistry: Carbon
Gravimetry Lifeforms: Microbes
Gravity: 7.18 m/s2 (0.73 x earth) Civilization Type: Colony
Escape Velocity: 7.86 km/s Population: 20.94 billion
Rotation Period: 20.45 hours Society: Representative Democracy
Tech Level: Spacefaring (orbital spacecraft, Temperature: 3900 K
cybernetics, laser weapons) Luminosity: 1.33 x 1026 W (0.35 x sol)
Special Features: Heavy radiation, ruins of an
ancient civilization Close Companion
Type: M7 V Red Dwarf
Point 4 Distance: 2.32 x 107 km (0.15 AU)
1851 Lyncis Radius: 2.77 x 105 km (0.40 x sol)
Star Data Mass: 5.90 x 1029 kg (0.30 x sol)
Type: K7 V Orange Main Sequence Temperature: 2400 K
Radius: 6.37 x 105 km (0.92 x sol) Luminosity: 1.40 x 1025 W (0.04 x sol)
Mass: 1.67 x 1030 kg (0.84 x sol)


Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special

Lyncis I Terrestrial 1.16 x 108 km 5.58 x 103 hrs 2265.56 km 3.07 m/s2
(0.77 AU) (0.64 earth yrs) 0.36x earth 0.31x earth
II Rock 1.63 x 108 km 9.33 x 103 hrs 2164.85 km 3.21 m/s2
(1.09 AU) (1.07 earth yrs) 0.34x earth 0.33 x earth
III Rock 2.71 x 108 km 2.00 x 104 hrs 8225.45 km 14.87 m/s2
(1.81 AU) (2.29 earth yrs) 1.29x earth 1.52x earth
IV Rock 4.49 x 108 km 4.27 x 104 hrs 6040.89 km 9.25 m/s2
(3.00 AU) (4.88 earth yrs) 0.95x earth 0.95x earth
V Asteroid 7.65 x 108 km 9.48 x 104 hrs
Belt (5.11 AU) (10.84 earth yrs)
VI Neptunian 1.62 x 109 km 2.93 x 105 hrs 29156.60 km 6.16 m/s2 5 small, 4 large
(10.86 AU) (33.54 earth yrs) 4.58x earth 0.63x earth moons
VII Neptunian 3.10 x 109 km 7.73 x 105 hrs 25512.76 km 2.83 m/s2 30 small moons
(20.73 AU) (88.45 earth yrs) 4.00x earth 0.29x earth
VIII Asteroid 5.60 x 109 km 1.88 x 106 hrs
Belt (37.43 AU) (214.61 earth yrs)
IX Neptunian 1.19 x 1010 km 5.78 x 106 hrs 25279.97 km 9.88 m/s2
(79.29 AU) (661.71 earth yrs) 3.97x earth 1.01x earth
X Ice 2.52 x 1010 km 1.79 x 107 hrs 11576.81 km 6.10 m/s2 Trace
(168.32 AU) (2046.71 earth yrs) 1.82x earth 0.62x earth atmosphere
1851 Lyncis I Avg Temp: 282 K (9 °C)
Physics Max Temp: 286 K (13 °C)
Type: Small iron/silicate Civilization Type: Quarantine Facility
Radius; 2265.56 km (0.36 x earth) Population: 1488
Surface Area: 6.45 x 107 km2 Tech Level: Spacefaring (orbital spacecraft,
Land Area: 6.51 x 107 km2 (0.44 x earth) cybernetics, laser weapons)
Mass: 2.37 x 1023 kg (0.04 x earth)
Density: 4.87 g/cm3 (0.88 x earth) Point 5
Composition: 39.8% oxygen, 36.7% iron, 21.1% Tenctu
silicon, 2.2% other metals, 0.1% other elements Star Data
Gravimetry Type: K1 V Orange Main Sequence
Gravity: 3.07 m/s2 (0.31 x earth) Radius: 5.37 x 105 km (0.77 x sol)
Escape Velocity: 3.73 km/s Mass: 1.00 x 1030 kg (0.50 x sol)
Rotation Period: 26.69 hours Temperature: 4700 K
Axis Tilt: 41.66 ° Luminosity: 1.68 x 1026 W (0.44 x sol)
Hydrosphere: Water 0 %, Ice 25 %
Atmosphere Type: Thin reducing Distant Companion
Pressure: 32.95 kPa (0.33 x earth) Type: M7 V Red Dwarf 53
Composition: 72.2% hydrogen, 16.5% sulfur Distance: 9.20 x 1010 km (615.14 AU)
dioxide, 8.2% methane, 2.9% argon, 0.1% Radius: 2.66 x 105 km (0.38 x sol)
nitrogen, trace other gases Mass: 5.22 x 1029 kg (0.26 x sol)
Climate Type: Cool Temperature 2300 K
Min Temp: 264 K (-8 °C) Luminosity: 1.76 x 1025 W (0.05 x sol)

Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special

I Rock 6.37 x 107 km 3.42 x 103 hrs 9373.60 km 13.97 m/s2 4 small moons
(0.43 AU) 0.39 earth yrs 1.47x earth 1.43x earth
II Terrestrial 1.09 x 108 km 7.71 x 103 hrs 3810.51 km 5.91 m/s2 Wreckage of
(0.73 AU) 0.88 earth yrs 0.60x earth 0.60x earth crashed starship
III Rock 1.62 x 108 km 1.39 x 104 hrs 5871.97 km 7.91 m/s2 Planetary rings
(1.08 AU) 1.59 earth yrs 0.92x earth 0.81x earth
IV Rock 2.33 x 108 km 2.40 x 104 hrs 4292.45 km 7.31 m/s2
(1.56 AU) 2.75 earth yrs 0.67x earth 0.75x earth
V Asteroid Belt 3.85 x 108 km 5.09 x 104 hrs
(2.57 AU) 5.82 earth yrs
VI Jovian 7.87 x 108 km 1.49 x 105 hrs 75800.84 km 24.45 m/s2 11 large moons
(5.26 AU) 16.99 earth yrs 11.90x earth 2.50x earth
VII Asteroid Belt 2.93 x 109 km 1.07 x 106 hrs
(19.61 AU) 122.34 earth yrs
VIII Ice 5.68 x 109 km 2.89 x 106 hrs 15663.09 km 8.31 m/s2
(38.00 AU) 330.09 earth yrs 2.46x earth) 0.85x earth
IX Ice 1.10 x 1010 km 7.79 x 106 hrs 7394.01 km 4.18 m/s2 2 small moons
(73.64 AU) 890.65 earth yrs 1.16x earth 0.43x earth
X Ice 2.36 x 1010 km 2.44 x 107 hrs 8426.79 km 4.17 m/s2
(157.70 AU) 2790.82 earth yrs 1.32x earth 0.43x earth
Berith Chemistry: Carbon
Physics Lifeforms: Microbes, algae
Type: Small iron/silicate Civilization Type: Colony
Radius: 3810.51 km (0.60 x earth) Population: 2.09 million
Surface Area: 1.82 x 108 km2 Society: Corporate State
Land Area: 1.28 x 108 km2 (0.86 x earth) Tech Level: Spacefaring (orbital spacecraft,
Mass: 1.29 x 1024 kg (0.22 x earth) cybernetics, laser weapons)
Density: 5.57 g/cm3 (1.01 x earth) Special Features: Wreckage of a crashed
Composition: 34.1% iron, 24.6% oxygen, 11.6% starship
silicon, 10.3% nickel, 5.8% sulphur, 9.3% other
metals, 4.3% other elements Point 6
Gravimetry Pallas
Gravity: 5.91 m/s2 (0.60 x earth) Star Data
Escape Velocity: 6.71 km/s Type: B5 V Blue-white Main Sequence
Rotation Period: 27.33 hours Radius: 5.48 x 106 km (7.88 x sol)
Axis Tilt: 20.04 ° Mass: 5.10 x 1031 kg (25.65 x sol)
Hydrosphere: Water 31 %, Ice 28 % Temperature: 18300 K
54 Atmosphere Type: Thin breathable Luminosity: 6.36 x 1030 W (16607.24 x sol)
Pressure: 79.04 kPa (0.78 x earth)
Composition: 74.6% argon, 21.8% oxygen, 1.3% Distant Companion
carbon dioxide, 1.2% sulfur dioxide, 1.1% Type: M3 V Red Dwarf
nitrogen, trace other gases Distance: 3.16 x 1011 km (2114.73 AU)
Climate Type: Cool Radius: 3.11 x 105 km (0.45 x sol)
Min Temp: 201 K (-71 °C) Mass: 8.36 x 1029 kg (0.42 x sol)
Avg Temp: 290 K (17 °C) Temperature: 3000 K
Max Temp: 381 K (107 °C) Luminosity: 1.96 x 1025 W (0.05 x sol)
Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special
18267.55 26.34
3.73 x 108 km 6.81 x 103 hrs
I Chthonian km (2.87 x m/s2 (2.69 x
(2.50 AU) (0.78 earth yrs)
earth) earth)
7697.11 11.75
2.19 x 104
8.14 x 108 km km (1.21 x m/s2 (1.20 x
II Chthonian hours (2.50
(5.44 AU) earth) earth)
earth years)

1.12 x 109 km 3.53 x 104 15053.12 23.67

III Chthonian (7.48 AU) hours (4.04 km (2.36 x m/s2 (2.42 x
earth years) earth) earth)
1.88 x 109 km 7.69 x 104 23513.02 36.19
IV Chthonian (12.57 AU) hours (8.79 km (3.69 x m/s2 (3.70 x
earth years) earth) earth)

49268.89 64.22
1.96 x 105
3.51 x 109 km km (7.73 x m/s2 (6.57 x Advanced alien
V Rock hours (22.43
(23.45 AU) earth) earth) artifact
earth years)
Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special
5.40 x 105 67668.71 1165.20 Planetary rings,
Brown 6.89 x 109 km
VI hours (61.72 km (10.62 x m/s2 (119.14 55 small moons,
Dwarf (46.06 AU)
earth years) earth) x earth) 13 large moons
3.53 x 106 Wreckage of
2.41 x 1010 km km (1.32 x 14.27 m/s2
Pallas VII Terrestrial hours (403.70 crashed starship
(161.09 AU) earth) (1.46 x earth)
earth years)
: 21151.68
1.03 x 107 34.84
4.91 x 1010 km km (3.32 x
VIII Rock hours (1173.35 m/s2 (3.56 x
(328.07 AU) earth)
earth years) earth
2.85 x 107 47.10
9.69 x 1010 km km (15.60 x
IX Ice hours (3255.17 m/s2 (4.82 x
(647.74 AU) earth)
earth years) earth)

Pallas VII Random event if you enter the warp point (d4)
Physics Roll Event
Type: Large iron/silicate 1 Teleport to other unstable warp points in
this sector (see below) 55
Radius: 8395.93 km (1.32 x earth)
2 You come back to the point of origin
Surface Area: 8.86 x 108 km2 3 Teleport near to one of the star systems in
Land Area: 8.95 x 108 km2 (6.01 x earth) this hex (roll d6 to determine exit point)
Mass: 1.51 x 1025 kg (2.53 x earth) 4 Teleport near one of the 6 space stations
Density: 6.11 g/cm3 (1.11 x earth) (roll d6 to determine which one)
Composition: 31.0% iron, 24.9% oxygen, 21.9%
titanium, 10.4% silicon, 11.8% other metals, Unstable warp point exit in this sector (d6)
trace other elements Roll Exit Hex
Gravimetry 1 0707
Gravity: 14.27 m/s2 (1.46 x earth) 2 0401
3 0302
Escape Velocity: 15.48 km/s 4 0206
Rotation Period: 26.65 hours 5 1509
Axis Tilt: 31.77 ° 6 1508
Hydrosphere: Water 0 %, Ice 25 %
Atmosphere Type: Dense breathable
Pressure: 207.85 kPa 2.05 x earth)
Composition: 81.0% argon, 19.0% oxygen, trace
other gases
Climate Type: Cool
Min Temp: 243 K (-29 °C)
Avg Temp: 288 K (15 °C)
Max Temp: 294 K (21 °C)
Special Features: Wreckage of crashed starship
Random encounter table:
Roll d4 to determine which table, then roll d10 Table 3:
Table 1: Roll Event
Roll Encounter A derelict privateer spaceship orbits a neutron star. Its
A verdant planet orbits a blue star. It is home to a nickel-age self-destruct system is still active, but held at 1 second
1 civilization of phytoids, the descendants of an ancient colony The Cicada, a cargo spaceship with a narrow hull and
spaceship. 2 three engine nacelles. It is transmitting an indecipherable
A derelict exploration spaceship drifts in empty space. Its signal across multiple channels.
2 distress beacon is still active, but seems to be sending random An assassin robot drifts in empty space. Its body is
data. smeared with blood.
A female scientist named Kathy Hilly, master of the Ptolemy. A derelict capital spaceship suddenly falls out of
3 She is conducting an unusual experiment, which has flooded the 4 hyperspace. It has been hit by a nuclear weapon, and is
sector with radiation. extremely radioactive.
A robot merchant named Deckard, master of the tramp 5 Twelve hours suddenly pass in the blink of an eye.
freighter Kreeshu Zephyr. It has gotten stuck with a cargo of An ancient colony spaceship flies through space. It has
unnecessarily complex fruit juice makers, and is eager to sell 6 been severely damaged, but several hyper sleep capsules
them. are still functional
A female explorer named Aryn Marte, master of the Valentina An entire planetary system lies frozen in time by a
Tereshkova. She has rescued several mammalians from the 7
5 temporal anomaly.
failed colony on New Iapetus, but they seem to be dying for no An ancient colony spaceship flies through space. It has
apparent reason. 8 been severely damaged, but several stasis pods are still
A robot explorer named XBN-27, master of the scout vessel Will- functional.
o-Wisp. Its research has convinced it that a nearby barren A lost space station orbits an alien planet. It has been
planet was the home of the P'Alan, a legendary species of 9 abandoned, except for a corps of xenophobic combat
psionic humanoids. robots to thwart intruders.
56 A female mercenary named Phyllia Wardson, master of the A cyborg space kraken, collecting energy to open a
7 Gauntlet of Telli. She has been learning something called 10
"freestyle rap," and is eager to try it out with another spacer. Table 4:
The Stellar Destiny, a passenger shuttle with an elegant hull. Its
Roll Event
8 crew has lost control of the ship to a rogue AI, and requests
A crystalline planet orbits a red star. It is covered with
1 the ruins of an industrial-age civilization, incinerated
9 A derelict space station, torn open from within, orbits a pulsar.
by nuclear war.
A female pirate named Kathra Robell, master of the raider
A derelict research spaceship orbits a pulsar. It has
10 Forward. She has recently upgraded her ion cannons, and is
2 been hit by a nuclear weapon, and is extremely
looking for a fight to test them.
Table 2: A volcanic planet orbits a red star. It is covered with
Roll Event 3 the ruins of a silicon-age civilization, wiped out by
A robot merchant named Jackenn-396, master of the free trader environmental changes.
1 Hornet. It has painted its spacecraft's hull with verdant A female mercenary named Annen Arker, master of
camouflage. the cutter Glorious. Her spacecraft is a barely-
A derelict combat spaceship drifts in empty space. It has 4
2 disguised military vessel, built around a massive
become infested by alien vermin. missile launcher.
The Solar Constellation, an exploration spaceship with a sleek The Pyri Wanderer, an exploration spaceship entirely
3 hull. Its crew is searching for a legendary alien world lost in 5 crewed by robots. It has come alongside a derelict
hyperspace. alien spacecraft to study it.
A living nebula orbits a crystalline planet, preparing to divide U-479, a robot mercenary, master of the Kusanagi. Its
and reproduce itself. 6 FTL drive has been damaged by a gravitational
5 A field of extremely radioactive debris orbits a red dwarf star. anomaly, and it requests assistance.
A rift in space suddenly tears open. Beyond it lies an alien A female scientist named Sheri Johnson, master of the
structure at the edge of a black hole's event horizon. research vessel Explorer. Her subspace field transition
A female scientist named Manda Lere, master of the Standard experiment has gone spectacularly wrong, exchanging
7 Deviation. She is conducting an unusual experiment, which has her with her mirror universe counterpart.
made FTL travel impossible across the sector. A domed city floats in the atmosphere of a gas giant. It
The Longshot Hypothesis, a research spaceship equipped with 8 has been abandoned, except for a corps of
autonomous observation probes and a defensive force shield. xenophobic combat robots to thwart intruders.
Its crew is desperately battling a bio-engineered monstrosity, A female pirate named Karia Whayeson, master of the
and requests assistance. 9 privateer vessel King's Rook. She is searching for an
A female explorer named Micha Phughy, master of the External alien artfact named the Idol of Hupa.
9 Reflection. She has been learning something called "CB slang", Moni, a male mammalian scientist, master of the
and is eager to try it out with another spacer. research vessel Stellar Endeavour. His quantum field
The Hard Bargain, a cargo spaceship with a plain hull. Its crew transition experiment has gone spectacularly wrong,
10 has lost control of the ship to a rogue AI, and requests exchanging him with his mirror universe counterpart.
Sci-fi Space Jobs table: Table 3:
Roll d4 to determine which table then roll d10 Roll Job
Table 1: An alien diplomat named Dori B'Zhinga needs someone to
1 discover the fate of a passenger spaceship lost in the Tema
Roll Job
System. Further, the job must be completed unusually quickly.
A mammalian alien named Nucta needs someone to transport
1 A charming aristocrat named Joyce Jenkins needs someone to
3000 tons of metal alloys to a distant world. 2
expose a corrupt military officer. However, the job is a trap.
A phytoid alien named Autwid needs someone to rescue a
A cryptic military officer named Joyce Sonand needs someone
2 hostage from the pirates of the D'Syntha Expanse. In addition,
3 to hunt down and destroy a rogue medical robot. However, the
the crew's electronics randomly fail at a critical moment.
job is a trap.
An arachnid alien named Kr'Isaul needs someone to rescue a
3 A diplomat named Jimmy Wreenett needs someone to escort a
hostage from the pirates of the V'Oton Nebula. 4
group of robot cargo spaceships to a remote space station.
A shady government official named Sara Homan needs
4 A corporate agent named Justin Cotte needs someone to
someone to transport 5000 tons of water to a local star system.
investigate mysterious lights which appear in the Whrlitu
A felinoid alien named H'Veri needs someone to recover an 5
5 System. However, the job turns out to be very different than
object from the ruins of the New Ganymede Colony.
An alien diplomat named Triani S'Jezzo needs someone to
6 A wealthy military officer named Stimy Riguez needs someone
transport a hovertank to a local colony.
6 to transport him to a remote star system. However, the job
An avian alien named Slebi Vorcia needs someone to transport a
turns out to be very different than described.
hovertank to an uncharted space station in the M'Centa
7 A shady explorer named Dithy Rownels needs someone to hunt
Expanse. In addition, the crew encounters an old enemy on the
7 down and destroy a rogue medical robot. In addition, the crew
same job.
must deal with an obnoxious alien.
A crime lord named Manda Thesell needs someone to help him
8 A government official named Glynie Collee needs someone to
escape from a robot assassin.
escort a group of robot cargo spaceships to a remote space
An alien corporate agent named Bronii needs someone to hunt 8
9 station. Further, the crew must travel through clouds of
down and destroy a rogue assassin robot.
radiation. 57
A frantic military officer named Paulie Gerson needs someone
An alien government official named K'Hiri needs someone to
10 to escort a group of robot cargo spaceships to a local space
9 transport a racing hovercraft and its pit crew to a nearby colony.
However, the client can't pay them cash, and must owe a favor.
Table 2: An alien corporate agent named Zyga needs someone to
Roll Job 10 explore the Eruld Maelstrom. In addition, the crew must deal
A military officer named Willie Peray needs someone to hunt with an obnoxious alien.
1 down and destroy a rogue exploration robot. However, the Table 4:
client can't pay them cash, and must owe a favor.
A phytoid alien named F'Bota needs someone to transport a
Roll Job
2 A military officer named Aran Pery needs someone to help him
scientific module to a nearby star system. 1
A mammalian alien named Alfan Gethi needs someone to escape from a robot assassin.
3 A frantic government official named Milie Leman needs
transport it to an uncharted star system in the Chydri Niani Rift.
A scientist named Jose Jonez needs someone to expose a someone to salvage a derelict exploration spaceship in the
4 2
corrupt military officer. Magga Salou Cluster. Further, the crew must travel through an
An alien aristocrat named Saloo needs someone to salvage a ion storm.
5 derelict passenger spaceship in the Wani Nebula. However, the A guarded corporate agent named Denie Rison needs someone
job turns out to be very different than described. to recover an object from the ruins of the Treni Station above
An alien diplomat named Vr'Sarti needs someone to explore the Tani. However, the job turns out to be very different than
6 K'Naara Rift. In addition, the crew gets caught in an unrelated described.
firefight. An android alien named E'Drani needs someone to expose a
A shady crime lord named Randy Soner needs someone to corrupt military officer.
transport him and an entourage of three assistants to a nearby An arachnid alien named Runni needs someone to explore the
7 5
star system. In addition, the crew is hunted by a dangerous alien Droni Nebula.
creature. A guarded academic scholar named Sara Sonand needs
A charming scientist named Mara Gerson needs someone to someone to recover an object from the ruins of the Haga
8 6
escort a group of robot cargo spaceships to a local colony. Station above New Rhea. Further, the crew must travel through
An academic scholar named Bethy Carte needs someone to an ion storm.
9 discover the fate of a reconnaissance patrol lost in the Isaul Kani An alien corporate agent named Krisa needs someone to hunt
Sector. down and destroy a rogue combat robot.
A mammalian alien named Au'Sycia needs someone to recover A phytoid alien named Tati needs someone to help him escape
10 8
an object from the ruins of the Phtora Colony. from a bounty hunter.
A humanoid alien named Meri needs someone to salvage a
derelict cargo spaceship in the Syka Rille Maelstrom.
(The above tables generated at A charming crime lord named Liamy Bricia needs someone to and 10 salvage a derelict exploration spaceship in the Tlaxu Nebula. Further, the job must be completed unusually quickly.
Space station name generator: Space amoeba table (d6)
names.php Roll Damage Type
1-2 take acid damage
Random encounter in space table (d6) 3-4 take heat damage
5-6 take energy damage
Roll Encounter
1 Derelict ship (see below)
2 Asteroid Space cricket info (d6)
3 Comet Roll Damage Type
4 Space faring creature! (see below) 1-3 take chewing damage
5 Operational ship with crew (see below) 4-6 take no damage
6 Ship malfunction! (see below)
Spaceship name generator:
Derelict ship type (d6);sx=spaceship
Roll Ship Type
1 Derelict satellite Random space encounter generator:
2 Derelict freighter
3 Derelict colony ship
4 Escape pod empty Space NPC generator:
5 Derelict Pilgrimage vessel
6 Derelict Military vessel
58 Random Encounter on Planet (d6)
Operational ship with crew (d6) Roll Encounter
Roll Ship Type 1 Roving band of marauders
1 Religious pilgrimage 2 Trade caravan
2 Scientific discovery research vessel 3 Migrating peoples
3 Colony (see below) 4 Military group
4 Freighter 5 Carnival / Festival
5 Space pirates! 6 Traveling royalty
6 Trade caravan
Plot Generator: The players must [Do][Something] at
Colony Ship (d6) [Location] against [Opposition]. (d6)
Roll Colony Type
1-3 Specific Target (GM Decides) Roll Plot
4-6 Exploration 1 The players must chase information in a war zone
against a former ally.
Ship Malfunction (d6) 2 The players must investigate a corporation at a Nexus
against a fringer.
Roll Malfunction
3 The players must locate primitives at a secret location
1 Warp (FTL) drive failure
against merchant.
2 Life support systems failure! (To the suits!)
4 The players must assist a planet at a space station
3 Weapons systems failure
against a hazardous environment.
4 Navigation systems failure
5 Shipboard AI failure
5 The players must combat anomaly at a junkyard
6 Impulse (sub-light) drive failure against an organization.
6 The players must conceal a base in urban sprawl
Space faring creature (d4) against aliens.
Roll Creature
1 Space crickets (see below) The above plots generated using the Sci-Fi Random Adventure
Generator, courtesy of
2 Space amoeba (see below)
3 Space gas anomaly (corrosive damage!)
4 Space gas anomaly (sings while getting into your
head! Confusion!)
Hex: 0709 governmental, but others are run by
Designer: Steven Robert (vestige) corporations or other private initiatives. None
of these missions has been entirely successful
The Twin Lighthouses either - not least because stations built to
This area is home to a rare binary pulsar: two withstand the Twin Lighthouses’ environment
neutron stars orbiting each other, each are, by necessity, also extremely difficult to
surrounded by powerful magnetic fields that break into!
accelerate relativistic particles, which in turn
generate luminous beams of radio waves Tourists occasionally visit the system as well,
oriented along their magnetic poles. In this though such endeavors are becoming more
system, the magnetic poles of the neutron stars rare as conflicts between the explorers become
are aligned, so that the high-energy beams are more common. Still, a visit to the Twin
also aligned. Lighthouses is a badge of honor for the
intelligentsia of many civilizations - and also for
The rarity of this kind of system makes it thrill seekers. Three merchant companies -
something of a landmark in the surrounding nearly as competitive as the salvage operations
region, especially because the two neutron - have turned “bungee pulsaring” into one of
stars orbit so closely that the system works as a the sector's more dangerous pursuits. 59

powerful testbed for theories of gravity. Dozens

of advanced civilizations have established PCs visiting the Twin Lighthouses to explore the
research stations here to improve their ancient research stations are likely to have to
understanding of gravity and/or to harness the navigate the shifting webs of the other factions
vast amounts of energy released by the orbiting hellbent on looting their secrets. Should they
giants. Nearly all of these civilizations have gain entrance to one (or more) of the stations,
fallen by now, their research stations they’ll have to overcome the defenses left by
abandoned - but they were built to withstand their inventors, science experiments gone
such extreme conditions that the stations still woefully awry, and finally somehow piece
orbit. together what the station was trying to
accomplish. And, of course, they’ll have to
None of these efforts appeared to be successful navigate the extreme environments near the
in harnessing the energy of the Twin neutron stars, which may require the alien
Lighthouses, but there are so many that the technology they are struggling to understand….
conventional wisdom throughout the sector is
that the necessary information must have been
collected by them at some point - it just needs
to be extracted from the many different
stations, translated, and assembled into a
coherent whole. This “wisdom” has led to the
construction a second generation of stations,
orbiting farther from the Lighthouses -
exploration bases for less advanced
civilizations, looking to loot the knowledge of
their predecessors. Many of these stations are
Hex: 0710 especially effective against a swarm,
Designer: Jeff Woodman (Jethreal) conventional ballistics are almost useless.

This system contains 6 planets: The other species native to Maggie’s World is a
- one of which is in the Goldilocks zone rodent-like creature with overly large, round
- 2 are further in close to the star ears, and wide set eyes about the size of a small
- the other 3 are further out dog/large rat. These creatures are herbivores
and will bolt into burrow-holes under the trees
Each planet has between 1 and 3 moons in at any noise. Though timid, these creatures can
stable orbits be domesticated and make a very
companionable pet.
The planet in the Goldilocks zone is known as;
The last notable feature of the world are the
Maggie’s World: vast pyramidal alien cities, though the forest
This world is a verdant garden world, filled with has overgrown the structures making them
trees that tower above the worlds forest floor nearly invisible, an odd power signature is
(on average 200 feet) with vast expanses of detectable from orbit (a good excuse to bring
60 oceans, which harbours a dark and dangerous the adventurers down). As a last-ditch effort to
secret. protect themselves from annihilation the aliens
created powerful sub-sonic generators that
This world was previously home to a war-like keep the Ra’al-echelathon at bay (about a 20
bioengineering race which created the foot safe zone around each pyramid).
instruments of their own demise.

The Bugs (Ra’al-echelathon in their own

language) are bioengineered to resemble the
leaves on the towering trees. When aggravated
the Ra’al-echelathon reveal wing cases along
the lateral lines of their bodies, releasing
themselves from the trees they swarm, their
mandibles designed to cut through re-enforced
body armor they quickly overcome and strip
anything organic down and consume it, then
the engorged insects crawl back up to the
forest canopy to mate and lay eggs.

The Ra’al-echelathon hunt by sound, a twig that

snaps, a cough, anything above a whisper,
though the noise of a shuttles engines will
overwhelm them temporarily. Individual Ra’al-
echelathon are more of a nuisance than Unfortunately this sub-sonic field has a
anything, however a swarm is a deadly threat. negative effect on human (possibly other
Area effect, fire/burn type weapons are species) physiology. Subjecting them to
growing headaches after an hour of exposure in the dimension for the first time eager to try
to unconsciousness within 2-3 hours, humans these from their new surroundings. So over
will eventually experience ruptured ear drums time the large shopping area built up with
and, if exposed long enough, will begin to bleed goods from around the dimension. This has led
internally. to some of the best cuisine in the dimension
being made there due to all the ingredients
Most alien tech found within is primarily geared available. There is a culinary school on the
towards stealth/noise elimination. If the teams planet due to this as well. These merchants
make it inside the cities deeply enough they will found that many people were coming to Sale to
eventually find a mass of dead aliens centered have a good time shopping and decided to
around the sub-sonic generator, having been make a theme park as well. South of the
driven insane by the constant pressure of the Wormhole has taken over a fourth of the planet
tech that was supposed to save them from the with games, rides, and a waterpark. Many of
bio-weapon tech of the Ra’al-echelathon. These the rides are based off prominent planets or
generators eventually destroyed their species. wormholes. Crime in the form of kidnapping
and stealing are a problem on Sale because
Hex: 0801 criminals can often get lost in the constant
Designer: Cindy McDaniel (Siren) crowds. 61

System Name: Sale System Wormhole: No one is allowed to take items

Planetary Survey: Yellow sun, two uninhabited including their own clothes with them through
planets, one inhabited planet and the wormhole. There are special ships and
Interdimensional Wormhole clothing items made to help with the transition
through the wormhole. Many problems came
Fire and Clearance: The first and second up in the past with people taking things
planets of the Sale systems. They are lifeless through that were not compatible with other
chunks of rock. Developers have considered dimensions. Smuggling ships that bypass the
terraforming these planets for additional spaceport without proper gear often have
housing or pleasure facilities. Unfortunately for deaths or just go missing. To go through the
them polls have shown no one is interested in wormhole, visitors have to have proper
anything that far away from the wormhole. paperwork filled in at the spaceport and a
There are rumors that a crime syndicate background check from their home planet.
running things on Sale might have holed up on

Sale: Sale was originally a lifeless chunk of rock

like the other two planets in the system. It was
terraformed due to the proximity it has with
the wormhole. Then the spaceport went up and
merchants realized there was money to be
made. No goods may pass through the
wormhole, so many things are left behind at
the wormhole. Also, there are visitors that are
Hex: 0802 victims of the Diamond Belt. Another danger of
Designer: Jeff G. (Bulldog93) the Diamond Belt is that shields do not protect
a ship from the asteroids as their physical
System Name: “Kancree 3” makeup is such that they naturally cut through
A pair of planets that orbits a neutron star. An anything that they encounter.
asteroid belt (previously a planet) orbits the
star as well. This system also features a large If visitors to the system insist on navigating
spaceship graveyard. through it, there is always the possibility that
something of salvageable value can be found.
The Kancree 3 system is a pair of planets and Not all of the derelict spacecraft are fully
one former planet that orbits a neutron star. destroyed, some might have been damaged
What makes these planets different is that they just enough to require a crew escape or for the
are made of diamonds in a liquid, amoeba-like life support system to malfunction.
form, sometimes pulsing as if they had a heart.
Scientists are unable to confirm how these
planets were created, but they surmise that the
density of the neutron star played a part in
62 their formation.

The former planet, known as the “Diamond

Belt”, is the main danger of this system. While
no one knows when or why the Diamond Belt
came to be, it is mutually agreed upon that it
was a third planet in the system, having the
same characteristics as the remaining two
planets. While many beings have tried to
harvest the raw diamonds from either the
planets or the belt, most have met premature
deaths as the belt orbits the star at a very fast
orbit and the orbiting pieces frequently crash
into each other, launching into unpredictable
directions. Another dangerous thing that they
do is that they flow towards objects that are
unlike itself or its sibling planets. For this
reason, those harvesters found that the
expense of life and spacecraft was not worth
the minimal amount of diamonds that they
were able to extract from the system.

While the Diamond Belt is the focus of anyone

maneuvering within the system, they
frequently overlook the vast graveyard of
spacecraft that float throughout the system,
Hex: 0805 loyal customers. These golden tickets are said
Designer: carlc to offer the opportunity to undertake hunts for
particularly unusual and unusually dangerous
Star: Zhi-Nu K6 V Orange Main Sequence prey.

Planets: 8 6. Chang-Er
Chang-Er is a vassal planet answerable to the
1. Rock planet. Uninhabited. residents of Kui-Xing. The majority of the
2. Rock planet. Uninhabited. 2 moons population are involved with farming or fishing.
3. Rock planet. Uninhabited. The vast majority of the population are serfs
who have been sold to Chang-Er VII by debt
4. Yao-Chi. management companies and are working to
Yao-Chi is mostly uninhabited with the only real pay off their debts. Unfortunately, as serfs are
place of interest being a space port that is also charged for food, accommodation, and
maintained by the residents of the system to medical care the possibility of ever paying off
serve as a base for the local anti-piracy/security any debt is limited. Any debt remaining at
fleet. Virtually everyone on planet is connected death is passed down to any offspring born on
to the local security services and their function. world and thus there are families that stretch 63

As well as the local security fleet the port also to several generations on planet still trying to
houses prisons, courts of law and law pay the debt of a forebear. Once the debt has
enforcement services barracks. Visitors are been paid off then the family is released from
allowed on planet but are restricted to the serfdom. As transport off planet is prohibitively
main parts of the space port. At any one point expensive most freed serfs remain on planet
the port will be home to two patrol cutters and continue to work in the hope of being
whilst two others will be patrolling the system. recruited into a supervisory or management
5. Lei-Zu
Lei-Zu is a safari planet maintained as an 7. Kui-Xing
exclusive hunting reserve for the residents of Kui-Xing is no longer a single planet but a belt
Kui-Xing. The planet is stocked on a regular of planetoids orbiting Zhi-Nu. Originally a single
basis by dedicated curators who explore the massive planet Kui-Xing was deliberately
known galaxy for exotic species to entertain demolished and a necklace of 30 planetoids
their customers. Recently a number of were created and set in orbit at set regular
customer deaths on planet have been claimed intervals from each other. 29 of the planetoids
by a militant animal rights group who say they are the home of one of 29 supremely rich
have dropped dedicated teams onto the planet families who have bought their ‘home’ and also
to hunt the hunters and thus make it ‘fairer’ for pay ‘service charges’ towards the common
the animals. The planet management deny the needs of the system (including system security).
existence of any militants on planet stating that The thirtieth planetoid is a hotel for guests to
the recent accidents are a result of over excited the system who come to use the facilities on
hunters getting too close to some particularly Lei-Zu. Each planetoid is a self-contained unit
dangerous specimens. However, rumours are terraformed to the particular wishes of the
circulating of ‘golden’ tickets being offered to resident family and is considered independent
8. Fu-Sang Items remaining in arbitrage of droit d'achat by
Fu-Sang is a small rocky planetoid that is only the Galactic Receiver of Wreck generally are
home to the ‘gate-keeper’ base to the Zhi-Nu organized as other items, except they are
system. The orbit of Fu Sang around the central retained more or less along an imaginary line
star is relatively fast making the posting extending from Bomber Jack toward Hex 0709,
somewhat unpopular as the effect of such and marked with a special flagging/alerting
speed leads to a constant unpleasant feeling in tracker.
the stomach and an ache in the bones. The
base on Fu-Sang is permanently manned by
personnel from Yao-Chi who rotate to the post
on a monthly basis. The staff on Fu-Sang
maintain a series of security/monitoring
satellites that ring the system on the same orbit
as the planetoid. Any ship entering the system
are required to report to Fu-sang before
proceeding any further. Some ships choose to
64 skirt the system until they reach Fu-Sang whilst
others will maintain station until Fu-Sang
comes around to them.

Hex: 0808
Designer: Clark B. Timmins (ctimmins)

This space hex is dominated by the Trusted

Hypermotive company's extensive holdings of The sprawling yard of Trusted Hypermotive
decommissioned spaceships, derelicts, may appear to be largely vacant of directed
technology scrap, and other salvage, wreckage, activity, but it is well-known to be well-
flotsam, jetsam, and lagan. The business is run protected. Constant, automated patrols by a
from the centrally-located, constructed variety of small robotic units are conducted
planetoid Bomber Jack. The hex perimeter around the hex perimeter. These "Junkyard
features space buoys that alert ships they are Dogs", or "Scamps", come in a variety of
entering "private space" that has numerous models with various types of sensors and light
navigation hazards. weapons capable of destroying minor threats
(automated facilities on Bomber Jack construct
Valuable ships, components, and wreckage are several "Junkyard Dog" units every day). A
held closer to the center of the hex in a close further hardened, resilient, and adaptive
sphere around Bomber Jack. Scrap and garbage network of defensive robots, including marine
are held near the edge of the hex, in a vast strike androids ("Operational Detachment
sphere around Bomber Jack. Generally, the Alphas") aboard larger derelicts and pieces of
commercial value of a particular ship or item derelicts, and mobile K5083 Autonomous
can be determined - more or less - by its Fighters ("Hurricanes"), patrol the hex. Scores
distance from Bomber Jack. of larger, cloaked, crewed YF-23 Assault Units
("Black Widows") are available for rapid Occasionally, Trusted Hypermotive plants
dispatch from Bomber Jack. "honeypots" in the Hex (often, near the
boundary with Hex 0908). These are designed
Trusted Hypermotive does not have a "zero to appear as very mobile, very high-value,
tolerance" policy of theft - defensive responses current high-technology items that are placed
are based entirely on a cost/benefit algorithm much further out in the hex and protected far
that includes a consideration of public less than they "should be". In fact, surrounding
relations, reputation, and return customers. pieces of wreckage conceal heavy assault units
Generally, "insignificant" occasional theft is with extensive sensors and tracking abilities. If
more-or-less ignored; valuable items are an attempted theft occurs, the "honeypot"
protected vigorously. derelict usually turns out to be mobile and fully
capable of taking care of itself while the
Trusted Hypermotive is a long established, surrounding assault units vigorously attack.
intergalactic corporation that has a solid
reputation for providing derelict ships and parts Hex: 0809
with no warranty and somewhat inflated, but Designer: Clark B. Timmins (ctimmins)
always negotiable, prices. Premium salvage
usually is priced well above market value and System Name: Spline’s Spacefill (colloquial)
held until auction. Pieces that do not sell at
auction are retained long-term with gradually This space hex derisively is referred to as
declining prices. Trusted Hypermotive will "Spline's Spacefill". It is claimed by Trusted
repair, rehabilitate, and deliver items with Hypermotive and used as a vast sorting and
reasonable charges, no warranties implied. disposal area for very-low-value items. The hex
perimeter features space buoys that alert ships
Most Trusted Hypermotive business functions they are entering "private space" that has
are performed by "intelligent" robots that can numerous navigation hazards. Most space
deal with anything routine. Bomber Jack navigation charts/systems flag the hex as a
supports perhaps one hundred humanoid navigation hazard and strongly warn of high-
employees that intervene as necessary to speed transit.
ensure reliable business processes. The
company motto, "If You Really Want It, We Tens of thousands of ZSP ("Zidentyfikuj Sortuj
Have Something Like It," generally is correct. Przenieś") units (of a huge variety of types) flit
The company is owned and run by Nikky around the hex, picking up, sorting, and
"Spline" Roxam - everybody knows that, but concentrating items according to type and,
nobody sees "Spline" anywhere too far away especially, material content. Customers can
from a party (preferably far away from Bomber make requests for certain types of bulk items
Jack). Trusted Hypermotive buys all types of (something like "hull plating type VII/B") or
ships and wreckage, especially if the materials (something like "chromium"), and the
provenance and paperwork are in order. The ZSP units will begin to assemble the
company owns and operates a small fleet of a requisitioned amount from throughout the hex.
variety of hyperspace tugs and specialized Sorted and collected items can meet a variety
vehicles capable of supporting long-range of constraints and can be loaded into nearly
salvage across the sector. any type of container or transport unit. The
time needed to complete an order varies Hex: 0810
enormously, based on the order parameters Designer: Steve Donohue (sdonohue)
and the general rarity of the desired item in the
spacefill. Trusted Hypermotive charges can be System Name: JADA (Just Another Dead Area)
fairly reasonable if there is not a tight time
constraint on the order. This sector has a single large yellow sun and 10
planetary bodies. Beginning with the 4th
The ZSP units are assisted by a few dozen space planet, they each have a satellite.
tugs, transports, heavy wreckers, and ZSP
tender ships that tend to operate close to the The fifth planet is the most interesting, it lies
border with Hex 0808. just outside what is known as the sweet spot
for life. The planet itself is devoid of life and is
The hex is routinely patrolled by humanoid- covered in a dust layer -- it has no atmosphere.
captained, pinnace-class ships ("Reapers") The satellite is a frozen moon with a thick
suitable for extended, local activity. Generally, covering of methane. The ice crust is about 10
these ships are constructed by Trusted miles thick in most places. Underneath the
Hypermotive from suitable salvage - their crust there is enough pressure and heat to form
66 sensors and weapons are suitable for their task, liquid water in a band about 8 miles deep and
though by no means are they more than a local which nearly circumnavigates the globe with
"police" force. The ships' captains typically have the only exceptions being at the poles.
an assigned patrol route and they are by no
means above taking bribes to overlook trespass An advanced civilization exists at the confines
(hence, 0809 often is the informal, short-term of this band of water. They are at a tech level
base for pirates and smugglers) or allow roughly equal to modern earth although they
"illegal" dumping (hence, 0809 often receives a have a much better understanding of their
variety of contraband or dangerous ecosystem and, of course, almost none of their
substances). technology is based on burning hydrocarbons.
Instead, their technology relies almost
exclusively on cold fusion.

The people are roughly humanoid with slightly

larger hands and feet which are webbed. Their
eyesight is also superior in low-light but they
are blind to most color changes. Their
civilization has not yet been discovered.

They understand that they live inside a dome

and have recently begun probing the dome to
see what might be beyond it. These
experiments may result in them being
discovered. It is unclear how they would travel
through the dome or how others could travel
through it either.
Hex: 0905 with organisational rank. The ruling council of
Designer: carlc Protobase has never been seen and, as can be
expected, rumours have arisen as to the
System Name: T’Centri reasons for this. Some say the council are so old
they are now held in nutrient-rich tanks
Star: T’Centri F1 V Yellow-white Main Sequence connected to external sensors, some say the
Planets: 3 council members are all dead and the council is
actually an artificial intelligence created in the
1. Pyra early days of Protobase and grown to
Pyra is home to Protobase Services Unlimited, a sentience, others say the ruling council is
bio-technology company dedicated to gene actually an alien intelligence carrying out
technology and manipulation of the human research into the human genome for its own
genome. The planet itself lacks atmosphere and reasons.
Protobase is housed in a connected series of
domed sections. Whilst more than happy to 2. Uninhabited rock planet.
entertain paying customers sightseers and
journalists are prohibited from landing at Pyra. 3. Arethusa
Even paying customers are limited as to where Arethusa is an ice planet that at a passing 67

they can go in the complex and most are glance is uninhabited. However, anything more
‘entertained’ in the main dome where a than passing interest will show sources of
luxurious series of suites and communal radiation emanating from the planet and
lounges offer luxury rehabilitation from the interplanetary traffic coming and going on an
various procedures on offer. Paying customers infrequent but regular basis. Arethusa is a small
are given the semblance of privacy on Pyra only planet that has been hollowed out and is the
having to wear a radiofrequency tag on their site of Protobase’s military research arm
clothes and cameras only being visible in (MilGen). MilGen is known throughout the local
communal areas. Staff (known as ‘partners’) sector as the source of highly effective military
have radiofrequency tags implanted discretely forces for hire. MilGen personnel are gene-
under the skin and all staff sections of the modified and are colloquially known as HuBots
complex have explicit camera surveillance and (human robots) due to their extreme tolerance
overt security. Every element of a partner’s life for inhospitable environments and fanatical
is monitored and controlled. devotion to following orders, in fact HuBots
have never been known to disobey orders.
The system of ‘employment’ in Protobase is a MilGen are proprietorial about their technology
bio-technocracy, as partners climb the ladder of and any contract for personnel carries the rider
corporate rankings perks include enhanced that any organic material (no matter how small)
genome manipulation leading to improved is property of MilGen and must be returned to
physical attributes, attractiveness, and MilGen in whatever state it is found.
longevity. Senior managers are said to be at
least 200 years old and are normally very
attractive and physically robust. One of the less
publicised aspects of promotion in Protobase is
that privacy and privileges also increase in line
Hex: 0906 occurrence of this beam of light always occurs
Designer: carlc when the cloud that orbits beyond Reshep is in
the path of the beam and thus stops the light
System Name: Mendez continuing into space and causing havoc
elsewhere in the galaxy.
Star: Mendes A9 V White Main Sequence

The Mendes system is subject to much

speculation as it seems to be a system of
anomalies and spectacles.

Planets: 4

1. Teta
Teta is a rocky planet that is unremarkable
except for the fact its orbit is perpendicular to
the other planets in the system.
2. Pascia
Pascia is not a single planet but an accretion of
asteroids and planetoids held ‘together’ by an
unknown gravitational force. The collection of
4. Reshep
asteroids and planetoids are geometrically
Reshep is uninhabited and has no atmosphere.
arranged and constantly rearrange themselves
However, it does have 15 moons. All the moons
according to a complex mathematical pattern.
are of the exact same size and maintain the
same orbital distance from the planet. Each
3. Ashima
moon is tidally locked to the planet below and
Ashima is a crystal planet. Made of a crystal
the outside surface of each moon is carved with
that is exceptionally (some say impossibly) clear
a single face that covers the entire surface and
the planet is ‘see through’ except where land
is visible from several hundred miles. No one
masses occur. Several land masses are present,
knows who the faces belong to and several of
and each is separate and distinct from the
the ‘faces’ are not humanoid and belong to no
others. Each land mass is made of a translucent
known race.
material and each is a different colour. Oddly
the land masses all occur on one side of the
Beyond the orbit of Reshep a ‘cloud’ of black
planet and thus sunlight refracted through the
matter/fluid orbits the system. To date the
planet radiates a single colour depending on
cloud has resisted all attempts to study it and
the angle that the planet is viewed from. Once
any ship or probe that enters the cloud is never
a year the alignment of Ashima and Mendes
seen again. Scientists have calculated the cloud
means that Ashima refracts the light of Mendes
has no discernible density and carries no
into a single beam of intense light. Anything
charge, though they admit this could be an
caught in the beam of light is instantly
error with their calculations.
destroyed by the intense heat. Luckily the
Hex: 0907 compare The Grid to one of its most highly
Designer: Adam Taylor (DicingWithDearth) prized trade commodities - the Wind Spider.
Wind Spiders originate on a distant planet
System Name: The Grid where they evolved to escape their land-bound
Planetary Survey: None remaining predators by spinning beautiful, delicate
Major Features: Three stable, yellow dwarf bubbles of iridescent silk - allowing them to
stars float away on the air. However, several of their
Structures: The Grid predators have now evolved the power of flight
- turning the spiders into a gently drifting
Background buffet. Wind Spiders are highly valued as pets
Almost the entirety of this sector is filled with a due to their abilities but also their swiftly
single, vast civilisation inhabiting a staggeringly dwindling wild population.
large artificial environment - hundreds of
thousands of space stations connected by an Technology
incredibly complicated matrix. The Grid is The creation of The Grid was an extraordinary
powered by directly tapping into the energy of technological achievement and its continued
the three suns which it encompasses. Every expansion has been made possible by
planet, every asteroid, every stray meteor in generations of engineers who have carefully 69

the sector was dismantled for its mineral maintained and passed down the secrets of its
wealth thousands of years ago, now the creation. It’s transport systems [teleportation /
continuing expansion of The Grid is reliant for lightspeed / near-lightspeed transporters -
minerals upon trade with surrounding whatever works within the technological
civilisations. constraints of your game] mean that the entire
grid can be traversed in a matter of days - on a
Culture system much like a large city’s underground rail
The principal exports of The Grid are novelties: network. The scientists and engineers of The
gadgets, gizmos and ephemera; music, Grid are pushing the boundaries of some
holoplays, games and other entertainments; technologies - including racing ships intended
new cuisine, drinks and intoxicants. However, for Nemo’s Tracks, neural-interface
The Grid is also a trading hub and just about entertainments and synthetic intoxicants - and
anything can be found within its shops and the most advanced technology available in
bazaars. neighbouring systems can be found for trade -
but they are no longer a technological force to
Records of the founding of the grid are rare and be reckoned with. Legend has it that the
fragmentary, what is certain though is that it designs for The Grid’s systems - especially the
has existed for at least ten thousand years. It is star-harvesters - came from some external,
an incredibly successful and ever expanding alien benefactor.
civilisation - however, its critics would suggest
that it has stagnated. There have been no Expansion and The Shadow
major cultural, technological or societal The fringes of The Grid have been reaching
changes in at least five thousand years of further and further out for thousands of years.
recorded history. Those in other nearby, rapidly However, despite the efficiency of the harvest
growing and developing societies often and transfer of energy from its captive suns,
there is a limit to how far the colony can extend
away from them. Gridians are once again fledgling civilisation and showed them how to
beginning to debate expansion inwards, into create the space stations, their rapid transport
The Shadow. technology, the sun harvesters, gravity
manipulators and - of course - the sentry bots.
At the very heart of The Grid is an expanse of
dark, empty space - a sphere almost a quarter For twelve thousand blissful years The
of a parsec in diameter. The structures of The Philosopher has lived quietly in its cloud, safe in
Grid extend almost right to its edge - an edge the knowledge that it was cocooned by a
which is demarcated by a swarm of endlessly civilisation who knew not to transgress its
circling - seemingly perpetually powered - space. If that were to change though...
sentry-bots. Beyond the sentry bots, there are
dense, dark clouds of matter. What’s further Hex: 1003
beyond is entirely unknown. Myth, legend and Designer: ThroughTheDeckGlass
superstition have all manner of answers to
what lies beyond the clouds - but all of them This hex is home to a double star. However,
agree that to explore The Shadow would mean though gravitationally bound, they are not
the end of The Grid. particularly near (at most 1 light year separate).
70 This space is wide enough for 2 planetary
However, with the desire to expand ever systems.
increasing, more and more voices have begun
to say that Gridians should not be held back by The 1st system has a close in desert planet, a
these ancient superstitions - whatever their far out gas giant, and an even farther out
ancestors may have feared within The Shadow asteroid belt. A half dozen icy asteroids are on a
must surely have perished by now and even if slow, minimum energy, transit to impact the
not, it would be no match for their advanced desert world.
The 2nd system has 2 planets at the near and
The Truth - GMs Only far edge of habitability, and a gas giant with
Twelve thousand years ago, the ancient many large moons. The people here are
ancestors of the Gridians lived on a planet in starting to exploit the resources of their double
one of the local systems and had begun to system, but have not achieved FTL on their own
develop increasingly sophisticated space-travel. yet. Industry (at their tech level) is thriving and
As they began to whizz back and forth and to their population is near to bursting on their
explore their surroundings, including a nearby homeworld.
molecular cloud, they encroached upon the
space of The Philosopher - an ancient, immortal
being living in the heart of the cloud, whose
sole joy in life was the quiet contemplation of
the nature of the universe. It was greatly
disturbed by these tiny creatures flying around
it and foresaw that, even if it destroyed them,
more would follow. In order to ensure its
uninterrupted contemplation, it turned its
staggering intellect upon the technology of this
Hex: 1005 However, ships traversing this cubic parsec will
Designer: Alan MacHett (JVgamer) encounter a looped, recorded message
emanating from the center of the zone.
“The Price of Peace”
“Welcome weary travelers! Hypereian
Background Station is now open for business. Upgrade your
The player-characters might not have heard of shielding this very cycle! We can accommodate
the Order of the Eireen, but that is unlikely. small to mid-level ships. Our coordinates are…”
Only a few generations ago they were a mere
band of hopeful peacemakers, but in that time Vessels steering toward the signal will discover
they have developed into one of the most well- a station in this supposedly empty stretch of
known of the diplomatic corps, being called space. The station is gargantuan, with only the
upon by corporations, nations, planetary largest categories of ships unable to dock with
unions, and other groups to negotiate it. Surrounding the station at a short distance
contracts, treaties, cease-fire agreements, and lies a swarm of satellite shield generators
other arrangements of peace. Usually, they are forming an impenetrable bubble around the
successful in their endeavors at the negotiation station. (GM’s choice to include: A very few
table. The work is never-ending, however; other ships can be seen or detected within the 71

conflict is always just around the corner of the shield bubble, apparently in queue to meet
next star system. The Eireen count among their with the station.)
ranks members from nearly every planet and
species of the sector, forming an interstellar Upon approaching the station, someone aboard
league of peacemakers. hails, “Welcome to Hypereian Station of the
Order of the Eireen. Many kindnesses upon you.
In recent years, the efforts of the Order of the Are you interested in a replacement for your
Eireen seem to have diminished, though not vessel’s shield generators?” Entering into
from lack of need. Strangely, rumors and negotiation with the Eireen will eventually
reports circulated that the Order had hired reveal the following:
crews of ship-builders and other technical ■ They assure the player-characters that they
specialists and engineers for an undesignated will not find better shield technology anywhere
project. That was some time ago, however, and else in this part of the galaxy. If pressed, they
no one has discussed the matter since. even offer for the crew to take pot-shots at the
station’s shields; they are quite confident in
Description and Encounters their technology. They might even offer to send
Hex 1005 is a region of uninhabited space, a shuttle out to bring crew members back to
empty save for the occasional traffic through it; the station for a limited tour of the facilities. A
there should be nothing here. Examinations of tour would reveal that no one has seen this
astrogation maps should reveal that it lies kind of technology before; the shields do seem
roughly in the center of the myriad systems, impressive.
trade routes, and anomalous features of this ■ Yours would not be the first ship to receive
sub-sector of the galaxy. retrofitting (obviously, if other vessels were
observed at the station; but members of the
Order are eager to explain that other ships
have been here before and taken them up on
their offer drive (so that the Order can more easily spread
■ Retrofitting will take approximately 30% their work throughout the galaxy), then they
longer than normal repairs to such systems. will exchange upgraded shields for that
The crew might be here a while. (Reminder Note: this deal does not apply to
■ The station is equipped with excellent rest keeping larger-scale weapons; that deal is non-
and entertainment facilities, at no additional negotiable).
■ For security reasons, outside ■ Note: Later attempts to refit weapons will
communications are prevented for the duration either negate the shield system, or specifically
of the retrofit visit. not negate the shields during combat (i.e. one’s
■ The Cost: “Ah, yes, the cost. I am glad you own weapons fire will not pass through the
asked. As members of the Order of the Eireen, new shields (potentially bouncing back to the
we are committed to the prosperity of the ship).
galaxy. Therefore …” and they continue on a
lengthy explanation of the need for peace in Hex: 1008
the galaxy and the role that the Order plays in Designer: Caroline Berg (adularia25)
promoting peace and how very glad they are
72 that you have visited the station and therefore System Name: Worldbuilder's Nursery
seem amenable to the prospects for peace Planetary Survey: 15 planets and/or moons in
throughout the stars and so on and so forth various states of construction
and eventually the price for the new shield Major Features: Zyblysk's Star, Oorvian's Star,
generators is coaxed from them. Mercanii's Dancers, Dark Matter Halo
• For vessels equipped with medium to Structures: Worldbuilder Architect Ship Cc546
heavy or medium to long range weapons, the
non-negotiable cost is the dismantling of those Current Knowledge
weapons. The ship gets unheard-of shielding,
but you have to give up your offensive weapons Never have so many rare types of stars been in
to the Eireen. such close approximation with each other.
• If your ship is equipped with only short There is something very strange about this
range or light weapons, or if you have no place - and it cannot be natural!
weapons systems, then you keep the weapons
you have and the cost is a rare cultural artifact Rumors and speculation
or other high value item, subject to negotiation, • There is a gateway to another universe
and payable prior to retrofitting (thus likely hidden in the Dark Matter Halo.
requiring travel to other hexes to find such an • The Worldbuilders can be hired to sculpt a
item in order to return for the retrofit). world - for a fee.
Depending on the course of the discussion, • You can buy a world here, and it will be
they might take a moment to speak amongst transported to the location of your choice - if
themselves before returning with a counter- you have something the Worldbuilders want.
offer. Hushed rumors have been heard that one
of the corporations in a system some 20 light The Stars
years away (Hex 0502) is working on a kind of There are four stars within the Stellar Nursery.
instantaneous drive, a phantom drive. If you None are typical. Their study is what lures
can obtain plans or an actual prototype of the
explorers, astronomers, and scientists to the transforming into a neutron star orbiting with a
region along with the Dark Matter Halo. red hypergiant surrounded by extreme stellar
winds. The winds make it seem like the white
dwarf is dancing when viewed through a

Dark Matter Halo

Said to play a role in the formation and

evolution of galaxies, or perhaps it is that they
hold galaxies inside. Either way, this is a
dangerous part of the Nursery which holds
many secrets scientists long to unlock. If a ship
happens to fly into here, it is never seen again,
at least, not in this universe.

The Nursery
The Nursery is this entire Hex. It is incredibly 73
unsafe, as planets are born, destroyed and
reborn in complex works of art. The stars in this
region all come with their own set of dangers
should anyone get to close to them. Strangely
enough, at the center of it all is the Architect
Ship Cc546.

If scanning the Nursery: There is no part of the

Zyblysk's Star Nursery that is not dangerous in some way.
This star is what lures most people into the Each star is a unique hazard - from the strong
Nursery. It is a very slowly rotating star that gravity that would suck a ship into Oorvian's
generates Uranium, Thorium, and Strontium, Star to the shrouded Dark Matter Halo where
plus other elements in that range of the ships have been known to disappear.
periodic table. This star has been tailored by
the Worldbuilders to provide the heavier If in the Nursery: It is dangerous to fly through
elements they need to sculpt planets. the Nursery no matter what type of ship is
being piloted. The stars spew high radiation,
Oorvian's Star have uneven gravity, and there are all the
This star is a quasi-star, a massive star with a forming planetary particles to worry about. It is
black hole for its core. Thought to be tantamount to suicide to try to fly through the
hypothetical, or only existing at the creation of area. If attempted, it is likely the ship will be
the universe, this star seems to be kept in this swept up and become part of a forming planet.
state by the Worldbuilders.
Architect Ship Cc546
Mercanii's Dancers If scanning the Ship: Sensors cannot penetrate
A binary system of a white dwarf on the edge of the hull to get a good idea of what is inside. The
ship itself is a large sphere - large enough to provided the visitors sign contracts saying they
hold an entire gas giant planet inside - and for will follow the many meticulous rules. There
all the scans tell you, that could be exactly what are always clauses for staying out of certain
is in there. areas, in order to tempt people to break their
contract and thus become part of a future art
If in the Ship: The ship is an organized mess of instillation.
catwalks that spiral down and around a central
room that houses the latest work of art. It is a If the party contacts the Worldbuilders, a path
moon that is being sculpted with whimsical, will open through the chaos of the Nursery,
almost sugar-spun, towers that curl up from the leading them to the Architect Ship at the
regolith at almost mind-bending curves. There center. If the party does not contact the
is no indication of what tools are being used to Worldbuilders first, there is no safe way to get
shape the moon, but as you walk around, through this Hex.
another tower coalesces out of the dust and
settles into place on the surface. The Worldbuilders truly do not value life, only
art. Any characters who have modified
For all the activity, the interior is surprisingly themselves to be on the edges of
74 quiet, allowing you to watch the art and transhumanity are more welcome here than
converse with the Worldbuilders or fellow any characters who are the baseline, unaltered
people who are here to study what is going on. version of their race.
The Worldbuilders, when they talk, is directly in
your mind, and translates to any language. But most of all, the Worldbuilders are not
Their lips do not seem to move. human. They cannot be reasoned with. They do
not want anything you can imagine - other art
There are always at least three other ship's doesn't live up to their standards (unless you
worth of people visiting here - a mixture of too have sculpted a world). They do not bargain
scientists, explorers, diplomats looking to buy as other races do, their complex contracts are
the services of the Worldbuilders or adrenaline purely to get them living pieces of art. They can
hunters looking for the next big thing they can seem cold or aloof at times when talking to
cash in on - like riding the solar winds of the characters and far too emotional about
Nursery on flimsy hyper-gliders for stunts. trespassers and their latest works at other
times. They do not fit within the confines of
Secrets how you think people should act.
This section is for the game master only.
The Worldbuilders will sometimes leave the
The Worldbuilders do not take kindly to Nursery to sculpt other planets when asked and
trespassers. They are happy to incorporate they are given something unique to add to their
anyone they find into their planet-sized latest work of art. But this request is a double-
sculptures, adding a living element that was edged sword, for the planet will be molded into
otherwise missing. Should a trespasser be what the Worldbuilders want - not necessarily
discovered, their fate will not be pleasant. what the person asking for the sculpting wants.
There is no guarantee anything will be left alive
They are more than willing to invite people in when they are done. In the past, this service
to see their vast and wondrous works of art, was used during harsh wars, for the
Worldbuilders were more effective weapons if Hex: 1010
one side wished to take over a planet and have Designer: ThroughTheDeckGlass
the planet left intact with no survivors.
System Name: Nethers
Worldbuilders never change another
Worldbuilder's work, even their own, so if a Red giant star with unpredictable flares. Larger
planet had already been sculpted in the past, than average rocky planet with no atmosphere
they will not undo what had been done or and an insectoid tunnel dwelling civilization.
change it in any way (though they will keep the
payment if already given something). The surface is covered in solar cells and rad
hardened giant snails. The snail mucus forms an
Some Worldbuilders are willing to give away airtight seal inside the shell, and a symbiotic
(never sell) their planets, moons, or strange relationship provides a minimal internal
stellar sculptures when they are done with atmosphere. The snails collect dust, star dust, &
them, installing them in other parts of the tiny organisms from the surface.
galaxy. They do not care if their installation
breaks the local gravity, or messes with the
orbits of local moons or planets. They do not 75
care if in 100 years it will fall into the local sun -
these are things the requester must worry

Alternate Possibilities

The Worldbuilders have sent an invitation to

the player characters in order to lure them to
the nursery on the hopes they will make a
blunder and forfeit themselves and their ship to
be added into an art project.

The Worldbuilders are from an alternate

universe, which they had destroyed because of
their meddling. They have learned nothing, and
are here destroying everything for the sake of
their art again. The tunnels are almost ship like, having airlocks
at the surface and complex environmental
The Worldbuilders have actively kept races systems guarded far below. Part of the
from advancing, not out of any higher beliefs, underground environment includes lakes and
but because they deemed those races perfect many tunnels are coated in air freshening, food
as they were, and so they meddled in their grade, fungal scum. Different city complexes
technology and politics or outright froze the are ruled by different queens. Extra airlocks
world in a particular time period in order to protect vital systems and provide buffer zones
capture that special essence for their art. between cities. Competition between cities has
become more civilized than it once was, as the
Netherease focus outward into the larger Alainn has a stable axial tilt of only 2 degrees,
galactic milieu. and very routine seasons. Plants and animals on
Alainn are remarkably resistant to radiation.
The Netherease have turned their harsh world The cellular walls seem to self-heal, and each
into a resort of illegality. Sex, drugs, rock and cell has a redundant set of DNA. If one gets
roll, gambling (slot machines, cards, dice, altered, the cell somehow knows which is faulty
roulette), casinos, concerts, prostitution, and corrects it off the other. Longevity
assassination, smuggling, etc. If it is an illegal scientists have not yet unraveled how the
service or product somewhere, it can be hired biology works, or what the signaling system is.
here. Not all illegal goods are immediately
available, but someone will have a price for Alainn is resource rich enough to have a class A
getting them. Blasters and armor are starport, and a scout/patrol base.
immediately available.
Primary export: rare elements and compounds.
The Netherease do not host large, outdoor, or While corporate headquarters and research are
space based events, due to the limitations of on Kiana (HEX 0203), Fr-223b corporation
their tunnels. handles development and production on
76 Alainn. The corporation on Alainn is best known
The Netherease, being insectoid, put a very low for producing state of the art military grade
value on the life of the individual. Health care weapons, and has many other interests,
here, excepting gunshot wounds and including biotechnology.
environmental controls, is poor. The gambling
addict that forgets to take care of themselves
may quietly disappear into the recyclers.

Yes, it is a literal hive of scum and villainy.

Hex: 1205
Designer: Mycroft Stout

System name: Geal

Stellar type: A2V. An older star that has taken
its time coming up to temperature, not the
other way around.

Inner hostile greenhouse world at .6 au. 'Laoch'

Terrestrial world in the biozone at 3.2 au.
-One moon 'Gealach'
Medium gas giant at 13.0 au. 'Ollphéist'
-ring and several very small moons.
Asteroid belt at 102.6 au. 'Bás'
Hex: 1207
Designer: Chuck Dee (chuckdee68)

System Name: Xenos Verdandi

Star Data: M9 V Red Dwarf Star
Planetary Survey: 5 Planets, 2 Inhabited

Planet: Xenos Verdandi II - New Gallea

Type: Terrestrial World
Orbital Radius: .25 AU
Solar Period: .27 Earth Years
Atmosphere: Standard reducing atmosphere
with moderately higher levels of methane,
krypton, and hydrogen than suitable for the
long-term health of humans (though is
breathable in the short term).
Notes: Terraforming Event did not leave the
planet as inhabitable as intended. It is now a
penal/mining colony.
Hex: 1209
Events: Terraforming event caused by as yet Designer: Chuck Dee (chuckdee68)
undiscovered remnants of an advanced alien
subterranean installation, shielded from normal System Name: Alea
scans. Star Data: Dual Stars, F7 V Yellow-white Main
Sequence with companion M8 V Red Dwarf (.62
Planet: Xenos Verdandi IV - Koni AU distance)
Type: Jovian World Planetary Survey: 3 Planets, 2 Inhabited
Orbital Radius: .58 AU
Solar Period: .99 Earth years Planet: Alea I - Gallea
Type: Terrestrial World
Other Features: Planetary Rings, 1 Large Moon. Orbital Radius: 2.05 AU
Solar Period: 2.05 Earth Years
Notes: Floating 'Island' stations in the luminous Atmosphere: Standard Breathable
display above the planet in the gaseous Notes: A relatively young world, the Galleans
atmosphere. In addition to being the became a space-faring race in the last 3
waystation for travelers, the moon also has a centuries. Their growth has been explosive
processing plant for ore from the prison colony. since that time, though they still have not
encountered other civilizations. Expanding first
Other System Notes: Deep space station at the to Anathi (Alea II), then into extrasolar space,
edge of the Solar System (1.96 AU from the their drive to expand beyond their planet is
sun) driven by their own rapidly increasing
population. Their discovery of a close solar
system was supposed to give more room for Hex: 1301
expansion, but the terraforming of that planet Designer: Guðjón Torfi Sigurðsson (Xelforp)
(New Gallea) went no better than their first
attempt. System Name: Gahrds’Houlmee

Planet: Alea II - Anathi Gahrds’Houlmee was discovered over a

Type: Rock Planet millennia ago by the V’keng and subsequently
Orbital Radius: 3.95 AU settled or integrated depending on the status
Solar Period: 5.48 Earth years of the solar systems involved. Most of the
Atmosphere: Reducing current inhabitants are humans, but there is
one planet on the most isolated solar system
Other Features: Electromagnetic storms, 2 where indigenous aliens live.
There are five notable solar systems in the
Notes: The first planet colonized by Alea I when sector; Rek’Djavk, Easah’Fhoer, Acke’Rairee,
they ventured out into the cosmos, the idea Eck’Elstah and Whes’tmanhae, all named after
was for the domed cities on the surface to be a their primary planets.
78 temporary habitat while the planet was made
more hospitable. The terraforming of the The planets in the Rek’Djavk solar system:
planet has been less than successful, hampered
in large part because of the need for more I: Kebbl’Djavk - barren, rocky planet with a few
room for those from the mother world, as the mining outposts and metal industry.
population expanded faster than originally I:I Njaerth’Djavk (light industry, corporate
anticipated, driven by advances in medicine sector of Kebbl’Djavk)
and longer lifespans. The moons now hold the
only research facilities purely concerned with II: Rek’Djavk - Earth-like planet, the first planet
the terraforming efforts- the other facilities in the sector that was settled. It’s heavily
have been absorbed into the expanding cities. populated (with roughly two thirds of the total
sector’s population on the planet and its
Asteroid Belt moons), with most of the trading centers,
Orbital Radius: 6.84 AU education, commerce, industry and
government located on the planet or moons.
Planet: Alea III The principal spaceport is located here and
Type: Ice Planet most of the import/export of the subsector
Orbital Radius: 12.62 AU goes through Rek’Djavk. Spaceship production
Solar Period: 31.32 Earth years and maintenance takes place at II.III, which is
strategically important.
Asteroid Belt The moons of Rek’Djavk are:
Orbital Radius: 25.84 AU II.I: Chop’Wocher
II.II: Gahrd’Bayehr
II.III: Hoebhn’Fhoer
III: Chelf’Oush - a gas giant with a few satellites III:I Bholoung’Djavk
(with mining outposts, research stations and III:II: Sahd’Aereh
small colonies). III:III: Phlad’Aereh
III:IV: Theng’Aereh
IV: Ehrar’Bhacke - a gas giant with a few
satellites (a penal colony and frequented by IV: Padraegh‘Fhoer - a gas giant without
smugglers) satellites. Despite that, there’s a space station
IV:I Stoeck’Aereh (notorious smugglers abode) floating over the planet from which precious
gas mining is operated.
The Easah’Fhoer solar system has a few mining IV:I Tahcken’Fhoer
outposts, farming / fishing exports and research IV:II Beehldah’Dell
stations. Tourism has become an industry on
the largest planet. The second most populous solar system is
Acke’Rairee with a mix of various industries,
I: Oulaph‘Djavk - an agricultural planet with farming, fishing and mining outposts. It’s a
small population, but large export of food. political and economic rival of Rek’Djavk.
I:I Rihph
I:II Hedl’Nahr I: Shaud’Arcrouck - economic powerhouse with 79
strong agriculture and fishing industry.
II: Fahckree’Dell - a small, jungle-rich planet I:I Quahms’Tahng
with a small colony that relies on technological
advances to stay independent politically. II: Acke’Rairee - the administrative and cultural
center of the solar system, while maintaining
strong agricultural ties and tourism.
II:I Dahl’Djavk
II:II Oelaph’Fhoer
II:III Swahlbahr’Aereh
II:IV Grine’Djavk

III: Hoosh’Djavk - a gas giant with small

habitats circling it, the populace relies heavily
on the heavy industry and starship production
on its two moons.
III:I Thoersh’Hoebhn
III:II Chop’Skear

The Eck’Elstah solar system is a rather remote

III: Easah’Fhoer - settlers from the same era as
system within the sector, yet maintains strong
Rek’Djavk founded a colony here which thrived
trading routes with the other systems.
at first, but economy setbacks and dearth of
mineral resources stifled it’s growth. It’s drawn
I: Whopna’Fhoer - aquatic planet, mostly
attention in recent decades after a discovery of
exports marine products
vast underground caverns that bring numerous
tourists to the planet.
II: Eck’Elstah - Earth-like planet, commercial system. Landing or taking off must either match
and administrative center, light industry and sunshade orbits or fit into a 1/2 hour window
higher education. every 2 hours.

III: Dhube’Wocher - arid planet, lots of rare The locals have a space station in orbit before
minerals which are the main export. and behind the inner planet, and many
installations including shipyards around the gas
IV: Hoebhnee’Hohrn - best known for an giants and their moons.
indegenious aquatic lifeform (ack’therw)
popular in high class restaurants in the The locals are highly sensitive to issues of
subsector. honor. As a culture, they literally have a book of
manners. Clan leaders keep records of slights,
The Whes’tmanhae solar system small but not insults, debts, and paybacks among themselves.
far from the Rek’Djavk system, thus making it Since outsiders would all too easily incur blood
well placed within the subsector. debt, they are insulated from the populace by
I: Whes’tmanhae - high volcanic activity Ambassadors who have special dispensation to
characterizes this planet. This makes it ideal for represent the outsider to the clans.
80 geothermal energy which is used in agriculture Ambassadors can 'do wrong things' so long as
and industry. they can justify it as interpreting the outsider's
position or culture. Groups of 3 or more
II: Djavk’Meurdl - ice giant with heavy Ambassadors may be called on to judge the
concentrations of valuable elements. actions of another Ambassador. Ambassadors
are the only acceptable middlemen, and
Hex: 1309 outsiders attempting to circumvent them take
Designer: ThroughTheDeckGlass their life into their own hands.

System Name: White Raven Many Ravenites wear ceremonial daggers, and
a few keep the functionality.
The White Raven star system host a bright hot
white star, a planet with some Ancients "Jester" means 'insulter who hides behind' and
technology, and farther out a pair of gas giants is an insult that Ambassadors mostly tolerate.
with many moons.

The inner planet would be uninhabitable except

for the sunshades made by the Ancients. The
sunshades are long, thin, hour long, shades
orbiting the planet like the skin above segments
of an orange. They are mirrored on the outside,
dark on the inside, generate power both from
temperature differences and some solar
around the equator. Microwave power is
beamed down to a few collection stations, and
also seems to power a distributed laser defense
Hex: 1410 dense point defense, and limited stealth. The
Designer: ThroughTheDeckGlass Yamadisco has a bandit masked trumpeting
elephant as nose art. The captain is an excellent
The sun has a slight greenish tinge. tactician. The captain is tragically separated
from his one true love. They employ superior
The habitable planet became a colony of 6 navigation. It is said that they have a member
different races all about the same time. Each of an unknown alien race as one of their crew.
settlement has 5-10 thousand individuals. They have used remote missile pods to ambush
Normally, this would mean interstellar war, but before, and at times remote stealthed
instead there is a proxy war planet-side, with squawker pods for confusion, but rarely repeat
no further influx of tech. None of the themselves.
settlements was set up for battle, so war-wise
they are fighting primitively. They are a bit of a Robinhood, taking from
governments and corporations that can afford
The gas giant has an unusually thick ring with it. Some say they are associated with the
many tiny moonlets. It is one of the bases of a Colony Independence Front (CIF), others that
particular space pirate, powerful enough to they have inside people in multiple
monitor and keep the races from dropping high governments, militaries, intelligence 81

tech, weapons, or fire, from above on the inner organizations, etc, that they have posed as
planet. members of same, or that they have the secret
support of a government. They have
occasionally worked with other pirates, but
themselves don't take lives unnecessarily.

Hex: 1502
Designer: ThroughTheDeckGlass

Organetics: This race is all about fleshly body

mods, and taking those from other lifeforms.
They don't gene-engineer anything to make
whole new things. They are all about the style
of jigsaw puzzle of their own bodies.

Individual Organetics are almost always unique,

and while not all mods are flashy, many
Organetics will have an unexpected ability.
Other races find the presence of more than a
few Organetics in sensory range
Rumors abound about this space pirate, their kaleidoscopingly confusing, so trade is done
ship and crew. It is said that they stole a with only a few members at a time. Visiting an
prototype. It is called the Battleship Yamadisco, Organetic ship, or worse their home-world,
but it is really more of a carrier with 1 powerful borders on the stunningly horrifying.
main gun, at least a dozen fighters, frustratingly
They are widely regarded as expert organic
immunologists, commensurate with their
abilities to integrate dozens of body parts per
person. Immunological medical service is
something they can trade. They will trade for
novel and rare body parts, and animals. Their
own space trade supports this.

They react to cybernetics with anything ranging

from sadness to horror.

They have factions that so strongly pursue the

rare that they will engage in illicit and illegal
activities, such as abducting members of alien companion star (M9 V Red Dwarf), there are 7
races, & transport of endangered animals. planets and 3 asteroid belts. 1 terrestrial world,
Killing the last of a species is abhorrent even to 2 rock planets, 2 ice planets and 2 neptunian
them though, and they support repopulation planets.
82 efforts and 'cloning for use'.
On Liluri II is a penal colony (Liluri Ultra Max)
Organetics maintain highly diverse zoos, and that houses about 2000 of the worst inmates of
even their ships often contain a small zoo. But this sector, this is where the worst of the worst
they view these as parts supply. Still, their skill are sent. Outside of the prison dome is no air,
at zookeeping is yet another service they offer. no water and heavy radiation. This makes
escape almost impossible without a lot of help!
If there is a ship with an escaped creature(s), it The planet has overlapping arrays of sensors to
may very well have been an Organetic capture read approaching ships no matter how they are
attempt gone wrong. cloaked to prevent escape / rescue attempts.
Planetary weapon systems for offense and
Hex: 1509 defense.
Designer: Tracy Vierra (tracyv)
DM / GM Info:
System Name: Liluri System One main star (M7 V Red Dwarf) and a distant
companion star (M9 V Red Dwarf), there are 7
A black hole located in the hex sucking in all planets and 3 asteroid belts. 1 terrestrial world,
that comes near. 2 rock planets, 2 ice planets and 2 neptunian
Don't go past the event horizon! (Marked by planets.
buoy beacons)
On the other end of the hex is the Liluri star On Liluri II is a penal colony (Liluri Ultra Max)
system. that houses about 2000 of the worst inmates of
this sector, this is where the worst of the worst
PC Info are sent. Outside of the prison dome is no air,
Sensor scans reveal: no water and heavy radiation. This makes
One main star (M7 V Red Dwarf) and a distant escape almost impossible without a lot of help!
The planet has a large amount of sensors to
read approaching ships no matter how they are prisoners are the labor, unloading freighters
cloaked to prevent escape / rescue attempts. and trading ships. He has customers from all
Planetary weapon systems for offense and over the sector and beyond as well as contacts
defense. in every shipping company so he always knows
what is being moved and to where.
The prison warden, Arin K'Maute, is a ruthless
man who hates everyone around him, the Arin's storage facilities are located on the 3
perfect disposition for running this facility. He large moons of the second neptunian planet in
will allow you to land if you have something he the Liluri system, Liluri VII.
wants or needs. Don't expect any help if you
have nothing to offer. These facilities are heavily guarded but not
Arin K'Maute uses the penal colony as a front
for being a fence for anything valuable. The
Planet Type Orbital Radius Period Radius Gravity Special
Asteroid 1.68 x 107 km 6.52x102 hrs
Belt (0.11 AU) 0.07 earth yrs
3.53 x 107 km 1.98x103 hrs 9601.39 km 14.54 m/s2
Liluri II Terrestrial Heavy Radiation 83
(0.24 AU) 0.23 earth yrs 1.51x earth 1.49x earth
6.22 x 107 km 4.64 x 103 hrs 5977.55 km 8.49 m/s2
III Rock
(0.42 AU) (0.53 earth yrs) 0.94x earth 0.87x earth
1.05 x 108 km 1.02 x 104 hrs 7461.03 km 10.85 m/s2 Advanced Alien
IV Rock
(0.70 AU) (1.17 earth yrs) 1.17x earth 1.11x earth Artifact
2.43 x 104
Asteroid 1.88 x 108 km
V hours (2.78
Belt (1.25 AU)
earth years)
3.91 x 108 km 7.31 x 104 hrs 25632.82 km 12.43 m/s2
VI Neptunian 22 small moons
(2.61 AU) (8.36 earth yrs) 4.02x earth 1.27 x earth
6.68 x 108 km 1.63 x 105 hrs 24811.43 km 9.08 m/s2 6 small, 3 large
VII Neptunian
(4.47 AU) (18.70 earth yrs) 3.89x earth 0.93 x earth moons
Asteroid 1.43 x 109 km 5.10 x 105 hrs
Belt (9.54 AU) (58.34 earth yrs)
2.83 x 109 km 1.42 x 106 hrs 4198.89 km 2.17 m/s2
IX Ice
(18.91 AU) (162.9 earth yrs) 0.66x earth 0.22 x earth
5.73 x 109 km 4.10 x 106 hrs 23559.08 km 12.07 m/s2
X Ice
(38.31 AU) 469.5 earth yrs 3.70x earth 1.23 x earth

Star Data Type: Asteroid Belt
Type: M7 V Red Dwarf Orbital Radius: 1.68 x 107 km (0.11 AU)
Radius: 2.64 x 105 km (0.38 x sol) Period: 6.52 x 102 hours (0.07 earth years)
Mass: 5.07 x 1029 kg (0.25 x sol)
Temperature: 2400 K Liluri II
Luminosity: 1.36 x 1025 W (0.04 x sol) Type: Terrestrial World
Orbital Radius: 3.53 x 107 km (0.24 AU)
Period: 1.98 x 103 hours (0.23 earth years)
Physics: Large iron/silicate VIII
Radius: 9601.39 km (1.51 x earth) Type: Asteroid Belt
Gravity: 14.54 m/s2 (1.49 x earth) Orbital Radius: 1.43 x 109 km (9.54 AU)
Hydrosphere: 0 % water, 25 % ice Period: 5.10 x 105 hours (58.34 earth years)
Atmosphere: Dense corrosive
Civilization: Prison Facility (Liluri Ultra Max) IX
Special: Heavy radiation Type: Ice Planet
Orbital Radius: 2.83 x 109 km (18.91 AU)
III Period: 1.42 x 106 hours (162.88 earth years)
Type: Rock Planet Radius: 4198.89 km (0.66 x earth)
Orbital Radius: 6.22 x 107 km (0.42 AU) Gravity: 2.17 m/s2 (0.22 x earth)
Period: 4.64 x 103 hours (0.53 earth years)
Radius: 5977.55 km (0.94 x earth) X
Gravity: 8.49 m/s2 (0.87 x earth) Type: Ice Planet
Orbital Radius: 5.73 x 109 km (38.31 AU)
IV Period: 4.10 x 106 hours (469.50 earth years)
Type: Rock Planet Radius: 23559.08 km (3.70 x earth)
84 Orbital Radius: 1.05 x 108 km (0.70 AU) Gravity: 12.07 m/s2 (1.23 x earth)
Period: 1.02 x 104 hours (1.17 earth years)
Radius: 7461.03 km (1.17 x earth) Distant Companion
Gravity: 10.85 m/s2 (1.11 x earth) Type: M9 V Red Dwarf
Special: Advanced alien artifact Distance: 2.30 x 1010 km (153.90 AU)
Radius: 2.33 x 105 km (0.34 x sol)
V Mass: 3.51 x 1029 kg (0.18 x sol)
Type: Asteroid Belt Temperature: 2000 K
Orbital Radius: 1.88 x 108 km (1.25 AU) Luminosity: 1.06 x 1025 W (0.03 x sol)
Period: 2.43 x 104 hours (2.78 earth years)
Liluri II (more data)
VI Physics
Type: Neptunian Planet Type Large iron/silicate
Orbital Radius: 3.91 x 108 km (2.61 AU) Radius 9601.39 km (1.51 x earth)
Period: 7.31 x 104 hours (8.36 earth years) Surface Area 1.16 x 109 km2
Radius: 25632.82 km (4.02 x earth) Land Area 1.17 x 109 km2 (7.86 x earth)
Gravity: 12.43 m/s2 (1.27 x earth) Mass 2.02 x 1025 kg (3.38 x earth)
Special: 22 small moons Density 5.44 g/cm3 (0.99 x earth)
Composition 37.2% oxygen, 29.2% iron, 15.0%
VII titanium, 11.9% silicon, 6.7% other metals,
Type: Neptunian Planet trace other elements
Orbital Radius: 6.68 x 108 km (4.47 AU) Gravimetry
Period: 1.63 x 105 hours (18.70 earth years) Gravity 14.54 m/s2 (1.49 x earth)
Radius: 24811.43 km (3.89 x earth) Escape Velocity 16.71 km/s
Gravity: 9.08 m/s2 (0.93 x earth) Rotation
Special: 6 small moons, 3 large moons Period 20.13 hours
Axis Tilt 12.62 °
Hydrosphere Hex: 1610
Water 0 % Designer: ThroughTheDeckGlass
Ice 25 %
Atmosphere Type: Dense corrosive 2 planets on opposite sides of the star in the
Pressure 153.26 kPa (1.51 x earth) same orbit. “A” has matriarchal elephantine
Composition 81.9% sulfur dioxide, 18.1% natives devoted to farming and ranching. They
ammonia, trace other gases are a breadbasket exporter. They do have
Climate Type: Cool spaceflight. “A” has 1 moon with a high albedo.
Min Temp 275 K (2 °C)
Avg Temp 291 K (18 °C) “B” has low tech primitives (Iron age) on a
Max Temp 318 K (45 °C) slightly below earth gravity world. Culture is
dominated by city states. “B” has some exotic
Civilization Type: Penal Colony (Liluri Ultra Max) and deadly animals. “B” has 2 tiny moons, 1
Population: 2335 darker & faster than the other.
Tech Level: Starfaring (antimatter power,
interstellar spacecraft)
Special: Heavy radiation
For Random Encounter tables useful in this
area please see HEX 0708 (pp 55-58)

Hex: 1605
Designer: ThroughTheDeckGlass

Water world with 2 large moons. It has an

equatorial bulge and highly active tectonics.
Natives are squid-like and incorrigible thieves.
Trade involves looking the other way over
token theft as part of the deal. They export fish
and seafood.
Beacons warn not to visit “B,” and dictate
The system has a hot Jovian inner planet and an space-lanes to “A” on the back side of the star,
outer Jovian, one of whose moons has an ice keeping those on “B” unaware of spaceships.
covered sea.
A pair of far out Neptunian gas giants rotate
around a common center known as The
Propeller. The remainder of the system is
peculiarly clean.
Wandering Encounter Table – Non-Disabled Ship
Encounter Table for Vessels in Normal Condition
d% Roll Encounter Details
1 Space Whale (see hex 0504)
2-3 Pirates
4-5 Border Patrol
6-7 Coast Guard
8 Local Military (Mech drop ship, minelayer, other)
9 Q ship (looks inviting to pirates, but has hidden weapons and military grade engines)
10 1d4 destroyers & 1d6+1 frigates from a hive queen (see hex 1010)
11 1d4+1 destroyers, 1d6+2 frigates, & a colony ship from a hive queen (see hex 1010)
12 Carrier with 20 single seat fighters & 3d4 escorts on maneuvers
13 Carrier with 20 single seat fighters & 3d4 escorts retreating damaged from battle
14 ‘Cat Of Play’ ship decloaks in front of you and bats you with a repulser beam or 2.
15 Doomsday machine with tractor beams
16 A rag tag convoy of refugees protected by a failing battleship
86 17 Scout / explorer with fair shields, good sensors and excellent engines
18 Colony ship (random race(s)) with jury rigged but surprising weapons
19-20 Merchant ship (random cargo, random owner)
21 Merchant convoy from hex 1301
22-23 Revati merchant ship (see hex 0403)
24-25 Trade Union super barge from hex 0502
16 Merchant carrying exports from hex 0907
27-28 Merchant carrying common raw ore to hex 0907
29-30 Merchant with luxury goods from hex 0302 with HuBot bodyguards (see hex 0905)
31-32 Merchant from hex 0708. Roll 1d6 for which star.
33 Collection of children’s books, fantasies, and fairy tales to 0401
34 Farm produce from the nearer of hex 0805, hex 1301, or hex 1610
35 Farm produce from the nearer of hex 1301 or hex 1610
36 Seafood from the nearer of hex 0805, hex 1301 or hex 1605
37 Seafood from the nearer of hex 1301 or hex 1605
38 Small time merchant with live cattle from hex 1610
39 Fr223b corporation ship (see hexes 0203, 0303, & 1205)
40-41 Smuggler from hex 0101
42 Smuggler from random hex heading to random hex
43-44 Trusted Hypermotive tug returning to hex 0809 with an utterly common ship sans engine.
45 Trusted Hypermotive tug returning to hex 0808 with a military grade cutter.
46 Distress signal (real and findable)
47 Distress call (see hex 0206)
48-49 Warned away from a prison ship heading to hex 1207
50 Warned away from a prison ship heading to hex 1509. It is fitted with an auto-destruct.
d% Roll Encounter Details
Prison ship as described in the free product: The Tartarus Gambit, or roll again.
52 Poet, politician, prophet is inspired by radical. Opponents call them a 'magician'.
53 Generation ship (Slower Than Light)
54 Probe from a non-immediate civilization
55 Bored, other dimensional, powerful being takes an interest in you
56 Time traveling adventurer makes your next week interesting
57-58 Organetic Zoo Ship (see hex 1502)
59 Formerly inhabited asteroid
60 Independent miner
61 Bounty hunter
62 Terrorist / freedom fighters
63 Renegade psychic
64-65 Luxury yacht with HuBot bodyguards (see hex 0905)
66 Cannibalistic scavengers
67 Fuel ship / tanker
68 Crime lord asks you to do them a 'favor'
69 Unexpected space weather / blast front
70-71 Cruise liner filled with tourists. Plus, armed Rodo mercenary escort (see hex 0308)
72-73 Tourists going to hex 0101, 0205, 0709, or 1301
74 Pilgrims going to hex 0409
75 Circus ship
76 Sensor ghost
77-78 Scientific research ship with Order of Eireen impenetrable shields (see hex 1005)
79-80 Random ship (roll again) with green crystals, lavender sand, and or map of old system from hex 0105
81 Perfectly black artifact with dimensions of 1 x 4 x 9. If harmed, it vanishes.
If this is an empty hex, you find a starless planet with an unusually high amount of heavy metals & transuranics, likely a
planetary core stripped by a super nova. Otherwise, nothing happens.
83-84 Space racer headed to hex 0610
85 Archeology/scavenging team with a broad knowledge of common ship tech on their way to 1 of many wreck/derelicts
86 Popular music group on tour
87 Hitchhiking roboticist in a cargo pod converted to a lab
88 Hospital ship
89 Big game hunters to hex 0805
90 Tramp freighter filled with prostitutes who claim a crime lord did them wrong.
91 Rogue AI on board
92 Environmental system problems
93 High rolling gambler on the run from debts
94 Methane breathers in a random ship type
95 Ammonia breathers in a random ship type
96 Large ship designed for a gas giant dwelling race
d% Roll Encounter Details
97 Aquatic, water filled, random ship type
98 Cryogenic ship for extreme cold dwelling race
99 The deadly cold of uncaring space on the other side of the hull gets to you in a moment of weakness and terror.
100 In the silent vastness of space, nothing much happens.

Wandering Encounter Table – Disabled Ship

Encounter Table for Vessels in Disabled Condition
d% Roll Description of Encounter
1-5 Space Whale (see hex 0504)
6-10 Pirates
11-30 Coast Guard
31-32 Q ship (looks inviting to pirates, but has hidden weapons and military grade engines)
33 Carrier with 20 single seat fighters & 3d4 escorts retreating damaged from battle
34 ‘Cat Of Play' ship decloaks in front of you and bats you with a repulser beam or 2.
88 35 A rag tag convoy of refugees protected by a failing battleship
36-37 Scout / explorer with fair shields, good sensors and excellent engines
38 Colony ship (random race(s)) with jury rigged but surprising weapons
39-40 Merchant ship (random cargo, random owner)
41 Merchant convoy from hex 1301
42 Revati merchant ship (see hex 0403)
43-44 Trade Union super barge from hex 0502
45 Merchant carrying exports from hex 0907
46-48 Merchant carrying common raw ore to hex 0907
49 Merchant with luxury goods from hex 0302 with HuBot bodyguards (see hex 0905)
50-51 Merchant from hex 0708. Roll 1d6 for which star.
52 Collection of children’s books, fantasies, and fairy tales (see hex 0401)
53 Seafood from the nearer of hex 1301 or hex 1605
54 Small time merchant with live cattle from hex 1610
55-56 Trusted Hypermotive tug returning to hex 0809 with an utterly common ship sans engine.
57 Trusted Hypermotive tug returning to hex 0808 with a military grade cutter.
Prison ship as described in the free The Tartarus Gambit, or roll again.
59 Probe from a non-immediate civilization
60 Organetic Zoo Ship (see hex 1502)
61-62 Formerly inhabited asteroid
63-66 Independent miner
67 Terrorist / freedom fighters (10% chance they have Eireen impenetrable shields (see hex 1005)
68-70 Renegade psychic
71 Fuel ship / tanker
72 Crime lord asks you to do them a 'favor'
d% Roll Description of Encounter
73 Cruise liner filled with tourists. Plus, armed Rodo mercenary escort (see hex 0308)
74 Pilgrims going to hex 0409
75 Circus ship
76-80 Sensor ghost
81-82 Scientific research ship with Order of Eireen impenetrable shields (see hex 1005)

83 Random ship (roll again) with green crystals, lavender sand, and or map of old system from hex 0105

84 Space racer headed to hex 0610

85-86 Archeology / scavenging team with a broad knowledge of common ship tech on their way to 1 of many wreck / derelicts

87 Hospital ship
88 Tramp freighter filled with prostitutes who claim a crime lord did them wrong.
89 Rogue AI on board

90-99 The deadly cold of uncaring space on the other side of the hull gets to you in a moment of weakness and terror.

100 In the silent vastness of space, nothing much happens.

Races Found in FreeSpace
Race Hex
1 Humans (various, and assumed dominate race in the sector) various
2 Human, Ravenite (culturally isolated) 1309
3 Revati 0403
4 Zuwatan 0302
5 Orreryites 0409
6 Triviratains 0608
7 Protobasians (genengineered humans) 0905
8 HuBots (Mil-spec, loyal, humans) 0905
9 Gridian 0907
10 Worldbuilder 1008
11 other dimensional, various various
12 Insectoid Netherease 1010
13 Organetic 1502
14 Rodo (ostrich like) 0308
90 15 Space whale 0504
16 space ameoboa, various various
17 Philosopher (does not leave hex) 0907
18 Brunduics (xenophobic, secretive) 0404
19 Ancients (long gone), various various
20 Ulam (pollen immune) 0101
21 Spark wraiths 0110
22 Cravogites (gas giant dwellers) 0205
Quadrites (races stuck in 1 system; big heads, reptilian, fungoid, wolf like,
23 0209
humanoid, insectoid, spider like)
24 Squid-like (very rare in space) 1605
25 Lvallas (void dwelling) 0401
26 Elephantine 1610
27 Altai (dead) 0508
28 Maggieites (dead) 0710
29 Feline (see 'Cat Of Play wandering encounter) various
30 Jadaites (aquatic, undiscovered) 0810
31 Quartz-like (xenophobic, planet bound) 0107
32 Crystals (5 colors, green active, others dormant) 0105
33 Humans (?), no FTL travel 1003
34 Galleans (have not left hex yet) 1209
Hex Designers (RPGGeek username):
Chris Abbott (bobcatt) Alan MacHett (JVgamer)
Caroline Berg (adularia25) Cindy McDaniel (Siren)
Chad Bowser (cjbowser) Patrick McElfresh (Hunting_Phoenix)
Alex Bokser (bxrrr) Mycroft Stout (Mycroft_Stout)
Samuel Byford (Bifford) Jim Parkin (Annowme)
carlc (carlc) Kyle Peters (Mulligans)
Alain Curato (Karkared) Quaid Slauson (Quaid Slauson)
Chuck Dee (chuckdee68) Rebuscarnival (rebuscarnival)
Samuel Dillon (lorddillon) Steven Robert (vestige)
Eric Dodd (Red Wine Pie) Joseph Shufelt (jshufelt)
Steve Donohue (sdonohue) Guðjón Torfi Sigurðsson (Xelforp)
Dutys_Fist (Dutys_Fist) Adam Taylor (DicingWithDearth)
Eric Brandon Etkin (MOTHDevil) Clark B. Timmins (ctimmins)
Jeff G. (Bulldog93) ThroughTheDeckGlass (ThroughTheDeckGlass)
Eric Jome (cosine) Tracy Vierra (tracyv)
Adrian Kennelly (Azukail) Mark A. Wilson (mawilson4)
Mixu Lauronen (Mixula) Jeff Woodman (Jethreal)
Andy Leighton (Andyl) Patrick Zoch (pdzoch)

Wandering Encounter Table Design: Interior Art:

ThroughTheDeckGlass Sade (p 2, 41, 52, 89), Samuel Byford (p 4)
Matt Parmer (Art of War Games; p 6, 9, 10, 11,
Map Design: 12, 14, 21, 23, 30, 33, 38, 40, 44, 50, 59, 60, 61,
Samuel Dillon, using Worldographer by Inkwell Ideas 62, 63, 68, 70, 75, 76, 79, 80, 85), Patrick E.
( Pullen (p 16, 42), James Savage (p 25), Joseph
Shufelt (p 26, 27, 28), Jim Parkin (p 29), James
Cover Art: Wilson (Audio Samurai Games; p 35, 64, 66,
Patrick Zoch 73), Tracy Vierra (p 45, 82), Anthony Affrunti
(Wydraz; p 35, 55, 77, 81)

Copyright Statements:
This product released under a CC BY-NC-SA-4.0 license.
Some artwork copyright Art of War Games, used with permission.
Some artwork rights are retained by the artist (Patrick E. Pullen).
The original forum working thread can be found here:
The “Let’s Make It” Project geeklist can be found here:

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