8085 Microprocessor MCQ
8085 Microprocessor MCQ
a) 8-bit and 64 KB
b) 4-bit and 32 KB
c) 8-bit and 16 KB
d) 8-bit and 32 KB
Answer: a
Which of the following is not true about 8085 microprocessor?
a) It is an 8-bit microprocessor
b) It is a 40 pin DIP chip
c) It is manufactured using PMOS technology
d) It has 16 address lines
Answer: c
In 8085 microprocessor, how many opcodes are present?
a) 246
b) 278
c) 250
d) 256
Answer: a
Which of the following is not true about the address bus in 8085 microprocessor?
a) It consists of control PIN 21 to 28
b) It is a bidirectional bus
c) It is 16 bits in length
d) Lower address bus lines (AD0 – AD7) are called “Line number”
Answer: b
How many memory registers can be mapped by 8085 microprocessor?
a) 65536
b) 65550
c) 65564
d) 65535
Answer: a
Which of the following is not a property of TRAP interrupt in 8085 microprocessor?
a) It is a non-maskable interrupt
b) It is of highest priority
c) It uses edge-triggered signal
d) It is a vectored interrupt
Answer: c
Which of the following is a property of RST 7.5 interrupt in 8085 microprocessor?
a) It is a non-maskable interrupt
b) It has 3rd highest priority
c) It uses level-triggered signal
d) Its vectored address is 0034H
Answer: d
How many output pins are present in 8085 microprocessor?
a) 32
b) 36
c) 25
d) 27
Answer: d
Which of the following is a special-purpose register in 8085 microprocessor?
a) Program counter
b) Instruction register
c) Accumulator
d) Temporary register
Answer: a
How many flip-flops are there in a flag register of INTEL 8085 microprocessor?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 7
d) 10
Answer: b
Which of the following flag condition is used for BCD arithmetic operations in 8085 microprocessor?
a) Sign flag
b) Auxiliary carry flag
c) Parity flag
d) Zero flag
Answer: b
Whenever a non-maskable interrupt occurs in 8085 microprocessor, which of the following data line
contains the data?
a) 2C H
b) 3C H
c) 36 H
d) 24 H
Answer: d
Which of the following is a non-vectored input in 8085 microprocessor?
b) RST-7.5
c) RST-6.5
Answer: d
Which addressing mode is used by 8085 microprocessor for array and list operations?
a) Base-Register
b) Direst
c) Indexed
d) Immediate
Answer: c
What is stored in the H & L general-purpose register of 8085 microprocessor?
a) Opcode
b) Address of memory
c) Address of next instruction
d) Temporary data
Answer: b
Which of the following is a software interrupt in 8085 microprocessor?
c) RST-6.5
d) RST-5
Answer: d
Which of the following is true about MOV A, B instruction in 8085 microprocessor?
a) It means move the content of register A to register B
b) It uses immediate addressing mode
c) It doesn’t affect the flag register
d) It is a 2-byte instruction
Answer: c
Which is of the following is false about LDA instruction in the 8085 microprocessor?
a) It is a 3-byte instruction
b) It uses indirect addressing mode
c) It has 13 T-states
d) It doesn’t affect any flags
Answer: b
Which is of the following is true about STA instruction in 8085 microprocessor?
a) It uses immediate addressing mode
b) It is a 3-byte instruction
c) It required three machine cycles
d) Accumulator is loaded with the content of memory
Answer: b
DAA instruction in 8085 microprocessor is used to perform which type of addition?
a) BCD addition
b) Excess-3 addition
c) Binary addition
d) Octal addition
Answer: a
Suppose registers ‘A’ and ‘B’ in 8085 microprocessor contain 50H and 40H respectively. After
instruction MOV A, B, what will be the contents of registers A and B?
a) 40H, 40H
b) 50H, 40H
c) 50H, 50H
d) 60H, 40H
Answer: a
Which of the following is not correct about HLT instruction in the 8085 microprocessor?
a) It is a machine control instruction
b) It is used to start the execution of the program
c) PC is disconnected from the address bus
d) A reset interrupt is required to come out of halt state
Answer: b
Which of the following interfacing IC is a DMA controller in 8085 microprocessor?
a) 8257/37
b) 8155
c) 8253/54
d) 8279
Answer: a
Which of the following is a 2-word instruction set in 8085 microprocessor?
a) LDA 2500H
b) MOV A, B
c) IN 01H
d) JMP 2085H
Answer: c
Which of the following is a register-indirect addressing mode instruction set in 8085 microprocessor?
a) LDA 2700H
b) ADI 36H
c) DAA
Answer: d
Which is of the following is true about SPHL instruction in 8085 microprocessor?
a) It uses indexed addressing mode
b) It is a 3-byte instruction
c) It requires three T-states
d) Contents of HL pair is moved to SP
Answer: d