Magical Girl: The Power of A Promise

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Magical Girl

he war drums echo off in the distance,
signaling an attack on the front. The sound of
clashing steel dominates the burning
landscape. The weary and wounded gather in
and around a medical tent, its space long since
reached capacity. The tent's entrance flaps
open; a small girl seemingly uninjured, but her
head held as low as any dying soldier slowly makes her way
out, holding the tattered remains of a soldier's garb in her
hands. She looks up, revealing a pained grimace being
chased away by a burning resolve. She wipes her eyes clear
of tears, then sets them on the battlefield. First she walks,
then she runs, building up to a charge at the front line. She
breaks through the shield wall, screaming all of her pain and
fury at the faceless enemies, and a blinding light consumes
her. The war drums echo again.
A monstrous creature not of this world looms over the
heroes. It very nearly does not offer them a passing glance As they hold their friends to such high esteem, so too do they wish
with any of its uncountable eyes. None would dare attack for them all to get along just as they do. A Magical Girl will often
such an unimaginable horror. But then it sees a shimmering play the mediator to conflicts within a party, and while they don't
light come from the party; where once stood an unimposing often take sides, they usually prefer the choice that leads to a
lithe figure, now stands a shining warrior bathed in radiant stronger bond.
glory, a glowing shield poised to defend. The battlecry the Magical Girls don't take loss very well most of the time. Losing
small creature’s friends roar out as they charge only makes a friend is one of the worst blows, physical or not, that a Magical
the light grow ever more unbearable, and for the first time in Girl can take, and depending on the severity of it, can easily send
eons, the monster shudders. For the first time, it knows fear. them into a spiral of grief.
Magical Girls are surprisingly, at their core, completely
average people, whether male or female. Most anyone could
become one given the right circumstances, but these are the
lucky few. The one percent who gain the potent ability to
Transform and become the dazzling warriors of light they are
famous for being.
The Power Of A Promise
A Magical Girl draws her power from two things: a vow she
makes early on in her growth, and an Heirloom that she has
somehow inherited which fuels her innate magical ability.
The Heirloom gives her the ability to Transform and aid in
her quest to satisfy her Promise.
Often, but not always, the alternate form brought about by
the Heirloom will be unique to the bearer of the Heirloom,
and will likely change to more closely fit the Promise she
Never Without Friends
A Magical Girl is nothing without friends to fight for and
alongside. Much of their identity is formed around the
connections they make with their allies, and it is these
connections that often form the basis for their Promise.
Magical Girl
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Transformation Cantrips Known Spells Known Spell Slots Slot Level
1st +2 Awakening!, Transform! 2 - - - -
2nd +2 Magical Flair, Mysticism 2 2 3 2 1st
3rd +2 Magical Promise 2 2 4 3 2nd
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 3 5 3 2nd
5th +3 - 3 3 6 3 3rd
6th +3 Promise Feature 3 3 7 3 3rd
7th +3 Spell-Charged Armaments 3 3 8 4 4th
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 3 9 4 4th
9th +4 - 4 3 10 4 5th
10th +4 Promise Feature 4 4 10 4 5th
11th +4 Spell-Charged Armaments 4 4 11 5 5th
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 11 5 5th
13th +5 - 5 4 12 5 5th
14th +5 Promise Feature 5 4 12 5 5th
15th +5 Spell-Charged Armaments 5 4 13 5 5th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 13 5 5th
17th +6 - 6 4 14 5 5th
18th +6 Promise Feature 6 4 14 6 5th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 15 6 5th
20th +6 Arcanus Vult 6 4 15 6 5th

Creating A Magical Girl Class Features

The first thing you should worry about when creating your As a Magical Girl, you gain the following class features.
Magical Girl is exactly how she attained her powers. Magical
Girls are extremely rare in the world, and each has a similarly Hit Points
rare story to tell. The power of Transformation does not come Hit Dice: 1d8 per Magical Girl level
without significant strife, and your character's story should Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.
reflect that. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
Where are you from? Some distant little oppressed hamlet modifier per Magical Girl level after 1st.
that you swore to defend? Perhaps you simply wanted an
adventure after escaping the war torn lands of your home. Proficiencies
Maybe your family was tragically killed by mercenaries, and Armor: Light Armor
in a moment of pure rage you Transformed to deal with them, Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
and now are trying to come to terms with your new abilities Tools: None
and lack of support. Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
Skills: Choose any three
Quick Build Equipment
You can make a Magical Girl quickly by following these
suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Charisma, You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
followed by whatever score more closely fits the Promise you equipment gained by your background:
intend to make. Second, choose the Folk Hero background. • Your Heirloom, which can be anything from a ring, to an
amulet, to a martial weapon of your choice.
• (a) A quarterstaff or (b) a dagger
• (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) a diplomat’s pack
• A bag with 2 tomes of lore on subjects of your choice
Awakening!       • Dreamland Combat: Reality seems to twist around
you when in combat, as if it is but a facade. Strange,
At 1st level, your inner magic has begun to bloom. This impossible shapes and colors, or even sometimes entire
“awakening” was brought on by your own natural aptitude images come into being as you fight, making it difficult to
and your Heirloom, an artifact with deep emotional strike you. You cannot control these colors/images. You gain
attachments. This has resulted in a number of abilities and +1 to your armor class.
traits that will grow as you advance, including your ability to       • Sailor Senshi: You’ve learned to attune yourself and
Transform! You gain access to the spell Find Familiar, your magic to the powers of the cosmos. Choose one of the
however the familiar cannot be permanently dismissed, nor following alignments:
can its form be altered.                • Moon: You gain a +2 to all Saving Throws.
Armor Class
               • Mercury: You gain Proficiency in an Intelligence
While not wearing armor, your armor class is equal to 10+                • Mars: Twice per transformation, you may have a
your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can single attack from your Radiant Weaponry deal an additional
use a shield and still gain this benefit. 1d6 Fire damage.
               • Jupiter: Twice per transformation, you may have
Transform! a single attack from your Radiant Weaponry deal an
Your magical aptitude coalesces into a form ready for additional 1d6 Thunder damage.
combat, which you bring about by issuing a verbal or somatic                • Venus: You gain a +1 to all Charisma based skill
component as a bonus action. You must be in possession of checks. All critical strikes with your Radiant Weaponry deal
your Heirloom to Transform. At first level, you can Transform an additional 1d4 Radiant damage.
up to two times per short or long rest. This increases to three                • Pluto: You can choose at any time twice per
at 5th level, four at 9th level, five at 13th level, and six at 17th transformation to have your Radiant Weaponry emit
level. The changes during this transformation can be minor Darkness as the spell, instead of their normal light.
such as a simple clothing change, to something major like                • Uranus: Once per transformation, you may make
completely altering your appearance and voice. The form you a melee attack with Advantage against up to two creatures
choose affects nothing but appearance. You must choose a within 30 feet of you, who are adjacent to each other. A wave
specific form the first time you Transform, and this form of Radiant energy deals damage to the targets as if you had
cannot be altered, barring dramatic character changes. made a normal melee attack with your Radiant Weaponry.
Armor Class: While transformed, you gain half of your                • Saturn: Once per transformation you may as a
proficiency bonus rounded down to your armor class bonus action cast Silence. You are not affected.
(minimum of 1). Spells cannot increase your armor class                • Neptune: Once per transformation you may cast
while transformed. Wall of Water as a bonus action. Your own ranged attacks can
Duration: You can stay transformed for up to one hour. If go through the wall unimpeded.
you are knocked unconscious, it ends early.
Radiant Weaponry: When you transform, you may choose Mysticism
to summon weapons from the list below.
      • Up to two thrown weapons which, if thrown, at the Your inner magic grants you the ability to cast spells.
end of your turn dissipate and reappear in your hands. Cantrips
      • Any non-magical weapon which has the ammunition At 2nd level you know two cantrips from the sorcerer spell
property, which has unlimited ammunition. list. You learn additional sorcerer cantrips of your choice at
      • Two Light weapons. higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the
      • Up to two one handed weapons, or a one handed Magical Girl Table.
weapon and a shield.
      • A two handed weapon. Spell Slots
These weapons are made of radiant energy, and emit The Magical Girl table shows how many spell slots you have.
bright light within 5 feet. These weapons deal Radiant The table also shows what the level of those spell slots is. To
damage regardless of their type. They cannot be wielded by cast one of your spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend
anyone but you, and if they unintentionally leave your hands, a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you take
they dissipate immediately. They can be summoned again as a short or long rest.
an action, or turned into another weapon from the list as a
bonus action. You are always proficient with your chosen Spells Known of 1st Level And Higher
Radiant Weaponry. You know three 1st level spells of your choice from the
sorcerer spell list.
Magical Flair The Spells column of the magical girl table shows you
You’ve adopted a certain unique flair that is your own. Choose when you learn more sorcerer spells of your choice of 1st
one from the following list. level or higher. A spell you chose must be of a level no higher
      • Clow Cards: Your spellcasting comes in the form of than what’s shown on the table’s Level column for your level.
magical cards, the use of which has a somatic or verbal        •Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
component. Summoning the Card does not require an action, Charisma modifier
however you can only summon Cards whose spells you can        •Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus +
currently cast. Clow Cards dissipate when used. Your spell your Charisma modifier
save DC and spell attack modifier increase by 1.
Magical Promise Jolly Cooperation
At 14th level, your strength of spirit and ability to look death
At 3rd level, you declare a magical Promise that you must in the face and laugh has manifested into its own aura. When
never break, and this will determine the abilities and the combat starts, allies within 30 feet of you may roll 1d4 and
manifestations of your transformation with either a Promise add the result to one attack roll, ability check or saving throw
of Friendship, a Promise of Safety, a Promise of they make before the end of their next turn. Allies who
Enlightenment, a Promise of Secrets, or a Promise of benefited from this gain the additional 1d4 every other turn
Retribution, each of which is detailed at the end of the class after this until combat is over.
Kindness Knows No Bounds
Spell-Charged Armaments At 18th level, your willingness to aid others is legendary, and
Beginning at 7th level, your ability to weave your spells in friends know they can always count on you in a time of need.
between strikes with your Radiant Weaponry has progressed All allies within 60 feet cannot be frightened or charmed, and
to a point where the two flow seamlessly. During any round of additionally, gain Advantage on all saving throws.
combat where the previous round involved you casting a
spell, your Radiant Weaponry gain bonus damage equal to Promise of Safety
your Charisma modifier + 1d4. This increases to 1d6 at 11th The Magical Girl brings it upon herself to do whatever it
level and 1d8 at 15th level. takes to protect her allies. You make a Promise which details
your unending loyalty to those considered your allies who
Arcanus Vult find themselves in danger.
Your attunement to your Transformation and magical powers Those who prey upon the weak shall find me in their path,
has reached its zenith. While Transformed, your Charisma always.
increases by 2. Your maximum Charisma is now 22. If you
roll Initiative and have no uses of Transform left, you regain Saving Throw Bonus
one use of Transform. You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
Increased Spell Pool
Magical Promises You gain access to the Paladin spell list.
Promise of Friendship
Inspiring Healer
The Magical Girl finds her true strength not in herself, but in At 3rd level, you gain the ability to, as a bonus action, grant a
her connection with her allies. You make a Promise which friendly creature within 30 feet of you, that you can see,
details your commitment to helping those around you, on and temporary hit points equal to your Charisma Modifier + your
off the battlefield. Proficiency bonus. Those temporary hit points last until the
Always as one, but never alone. end of your next turn. You may use this ability a number of
times equal to your charisma modifier. You regain all spent
Saving Throw Bonus uses of this ability after a long rest.
You gain proficiency in any Saving Throw. You may choose
Charisma or Wisdom; if you do, you gain ½ your proficiency Unassailable Transformation
bonus rounded down again on top of the normal bonus. At 6th level, while transformed, you gain resistance to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Increased Spell Pool
You gain access to the Bard spell list. Valiant Protector
At 10th level you may use your reaction to redirect an attack
A True Gem that targets and successfully hits an allied creature within 5
At 3rd level, you gain ½ of your Proficiency bonus to your feet of you, taking all effects from that attack as if you are the
Charisma checks you are not proficient in. While intended target.
transformed, you gain your full Proficiency bonus to your
Charisma checks you are not proficient in, and gain Invigorating Words
Advantage on Persuasion checks. At 14th level you can use your action to heal all allies within
30 feet of you for an amount equal to 1d12 + your spell ability
Inspiring Loyalty modifier + your proficiency. You may use this a number of
At 6th level, as a bonus action while in combat, you can give times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.
an ally within 30 feet Advantage on their next attack roll.
No Price Too High
Honest Policy At 18th level, any time an ally within 60 feet is hit and takes
At 10th level, you gain your Charisma modifier to Insight damage, before damage is rolled you may choose to take half
checks. Allies within 30 feet of you gain ½ of your Charisma as if you were the intended target. You may only do this once
modifier rounded down (minimum of 1) to Charisma-based per ally before your next turn.
Promise of Enlightenment Advantageous Attacker
At 10th level, you can choose to gain Advantage on attack
The Magical Girl sees a world filled with potential, but none rolls a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per
tapping into it the way she wishes. You make a Promise long rest. You gain +1 to Initiative rolls.
which details your commitment to making discoveries and
learning as much about this world and every other as you
can. Vital Strikes
Ignorance is the enemy of us all. At 14th level, your Radiant Weaponry critically strikes on 19s
and 20s. Critically striking with a naturally rolled 20 gains
Saving Throw Bonus you Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier + your
You gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws. Magical Girl level.
Increased Spell Pool Unbridled Fury
You gain access to the Wizard spell list. At 18th level, you may choose to sacrifice AC for one round to
increase damage. For every point of AC you sacrifice,
Instinctive Intuition (maximum equal to your Charisma modifier) your Radiant
At 3rd level, any time you roll an Intelligence check, you may Weaponry gains 1d6 damage for one round.
add 1d4 to the result before rolling the ability check. You may
do this a number of times per day equal to your Charisma Promise of Secrecy
modifier. This bonus changes to 1d6 at 6th level, and 1d8 at The Magical Girl understands the importance of a secret, for
10th level. she has seen the damage wrought by one revealed. You make
a Promise which details how she has seen a secret destroy a
Arcane Exodus friend, and has her own she vows to keep under lock and key.
At 6th level, you gain access to the spell Blink. Casting this
spell does not require the use of spell slots, but can only be Silence is the true lie, and a secret best kept.
cast once per long rest.
Saving Throw Bonus
Expanded Horizons You gain Proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
At 10th level, you gain two spell slots.
Thrive In The Shadows
Natural-Born Detective At 3rd level, while Transformed, you gain an additional 1d4 to
At 14th level, you gain Detect Thoughts, Detect Magic, Detect Stealth checks. This increases to 1d6 at 6th level, and 1d8 at
Poison and Disease, and Detect Good or Evil as Cantrips. 10th level. While Transformed, you can see normally in
These do not count against the number of Cantrips you know. Darkness, magical or non-magical, up to 60 feet. As a free
action, you may choose to have your Radiant Weaponry emit
Arcane Breakthrough no light.
At 18th level, gain access to one 9th level spell that you can
cast once per long rest. Agile Apprentice
At 6th level, while Transformed, you gain Proficiency in all
Promise of Retribution Dexterity based skill checks. Your Proficiency bonus is
doubled for any skill check that you were already Proficient
The Magical Girl has been wronged by the world and those in in.
it. She will do whatever it takes to punish any who stand in
her way. You make a Promise which details how your Sleight of Mind
character has been betrayed or otherwise hurt, and how you At 10th level, you may cast an Illusion school spell that you
will take revenge, whether for yourself or others. have access to as a bonus action, a number of times per long
My fury is an all-consuming fire. I will not be contained. rest equal to your Charisma modifier. This does not expend a
spell slot.
Saving Throw Bonus
You gain Proficiency in Strength saving throws. Exploit Failure
At 14th level, if a creature attacks you and misses, you may
Indignant Fury take a 5 foot step in the opposite direction of the creature. If
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to add 1d4 to damage rolls you do, you may roll for Stealth.
against enemies that have damaged you this turn. This
changes to 1d6 at 6th level, and 1d8 at 10th level. Illusory Shadow
At 18th level, any time you successfully attack a creature with
Extra Attack Advantage, a shadowy spectre appears on the other side of
At 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever the creature. This illusion appears to be a silhouetted version
you take the Attack action on your turn. of yourself, and it repeats your attack, treating its attack as if
you had made it.

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