and Linguistics
in cooperation with
Solution 1.6.1.
(a) Symbolic, as it is a convention that this road sign is a warning
(b) Iconic, as it is an image of falling rocks, a warning of potential
(c) Symbolic, as the meaning of Morse signs is solely conventional.
(d) Indexical, for it “points” directly at cold; natural effects are al-
ways indexical for their causes.
(e) Symbolic, as it is a convention that the angle of the needle and/or
the numbers stand for a specific speed.
(f) Indexical, because the alarm goes off when there is a person in
the vicinity; the noise of the alarm points directly to the fact that
there is someone present.
(g) Indexical, because the crying of the baby refers directly to some
(basic) need of the baby’s.
(h) Indexical, as it “points” directly to the fact that the dog is good-
Assignment 1.6.2.
In what way are the following expressions iconic?
Solution 1.6.2.
(a) Iconic principle of quantity, to be more specific: reduplication.
It suggests the frequency of the earth’s trembling.
(b) Iconic principle of quantity: the repetition suggests a huge num-
(c) Iconic principle of sequential order: the sequence in which
events take place is important. You should not drink before you
(d) Iconic principle of quantity, to be more specific: reduplication.
It indicates a plural, i.e. ‘more than one’.
(e) Iconic principle of sequential order: the sequence in which
events take place is important. You should see Naples before you
(f) The principle of quantity: the repetition suggests that the
speaker is sincere. The quantity of language forms is also meant
to convey an increasing respect for the hearer.
Assignment 1.6.3.
In what ways do the indexical principles, egocentricity and anthropocen-
tricity, play a role in the ordering of the following irreversible pairs of
(a) come and go, this and that, here and there
(b) women and wine, king and country, people and places
(c) man and beast, man and dog
(d) friend or foe, win or lose, live or die
Solution 1.6.3.
(a) Egocentricity: whatever is moving towards the speaker or what-
ever is closer to the speaker comes before that which is moving
away from the speaker.
(b) Anthropocentricity: people come before other things.
(c) Anthropocentricity: people come before other living creatures.
(d) Egocentricity: the positive concepts come first because humans
like to keep ‘good things’ close to them and ‘bad things’ far
away from them. (Anthropocentricity, because it is very general
to prefer positive things to negative ones).
Assignment 1.6.4.
Sentence (a) is more likely to occur than (b), which does not make much
sense at first sight. Which indexical principle is not respected in (b)? If
(b) were to occur, what would it mean?
Solution 1.6.4.
Egocentricity: Due to our egocentric view, our expectations, i.e. we serve
as natural reference points. (b) sounds odd because the results of the
study are taken as the reference point. Sentence (b), if it were used,
would mean something like: “our expectation was different, and the re-
sult may be the wrong one.”
Assignment 1.6.5.
The expressions in italics are peripheral members of their particular
grammatical category. Why?
(a) The approach has to be simple and low cost.
(b) This is the very man.
(c) The then president
Solution 1.6.5.
All the words printed in italics are peripheral members of their particular
grammatical category as they are very unrepresentative of the category.
This is because they normally belong to another category and very rarely
appear in the category they do now.
(a) Low cost is not an adjective but a noun phrase, which here is
used as an adjective.
(b) Very is an adverb, but here it is used as an adjective.
(c) Then is an adverb, but here it is used as an adjective.
Assignment 1.6.6.
In English, the same form may sometimes be a member of up to five dif-
ferent word classes. Specify the word class of round in each of the fol-
lowing examples.
(a) My friend is coming round the corner.
(b) That was the first round table I saw.
(c) She came round when she got something to drink.
(d) Let’s round off with an exercise.
(e) After school we can play a round of golf.
Solution 1.6.6.
(a) preposition (just like “out of the dark”)
(b) adjective (just like “a nice person”)
(c) adverb (just like “she came down”)
(d) verb (just like “let’s finish this”)
(e) noun (just like “a game of golf”)
Chapter 2: Lexicology
(a) the top part of the body which has your eyes, mouth, brain, etc.
(b) your mind: My head was full of strange thoughts.
(c) understanding: This book goes over my head.
(d) the leader or person in charge of a group: We asked the head for
(e) the top or front of something: Write your name at the head of
each page.
(f) calm: Keep one’s head cool.
(g) (for) each person: We paid ten pounds a head for the meal.
Solution 2.7.1.
(a) The prototypical sense of head.
(b) Metonymy: the head as a container stands for the contained, i.e.
the thoughts inside (the brain).
(c) Two metonymies and metaphor: the head is metonymically
seen as the seat of intellect (and understanding) just like the heart
is seen as the seat of emotions. Also the book stands metonymi-
cally for what is contained in it, i.e. the contents of the book. In
other words: the contents of the book goes over my level of un-
derstanding. There is a metaphor in go over in the sense of “be-
yond reach”.
(d) Metaphor: just as the head is the most important and most
prominent part of the body, the leader is the most important per-
son of a group.
(e) Metaphor: the top of the page is compared to the highest part of
a person, i.e. the head. The conceptual metaphor underlying this
linguistic metaphor is OBJECTS ARE HUMANS.
(f) Metaphor and metonymy: Part/whole metonymy in HEAD FOR
PERSON. Metaphor in keep cool. The underlying conceptual
metaphor is EMOTIONS ARE HEAT/FIRE. So the meaning of the
sentence is “try to stay unemotional”.
(g) Metonymy: a part stands for the whole. Thus, a head stands for
(a) A piece of outer clothing worn by women and girls which hangs
down from the waist
(b) The part of a dress or coat that hangs down from the waist
(c) The flaps on a saddle that protect a rider’s legs
(d) A circular flap as around the base of a hovercraft
(e) A bit of skirt: an offensive expression meaning ‘an attractive
(f) Skirts of a forest, hill or village etc.: the outside edge of a forest
(g) A new road skirting the suburb
(h) They skirted round the bus.
(i) He was skirting the issue (= avoid).
Solution (i):
(a) The prototypical sense of skirt.
(b) Generalization: the meaning of a ‘separate piece of clothing
hanging down from the waist’ is widened to any dress with a
lower part hanging down from the waist; it is this lower part of
the dress that is meant .
(c) Specialization and metaphor. Specialization, because the func-
tion of skirt is narrowed down to the covering of the flaps on a
saddle. The conceptual metaphor is OBJECTS ARE HUMANS: PART
(d) Specialization and metaphor: the function of skirt is narrowed
to covering and protecting the base of a hovercraft. Same: Meta-
(e) Metonymy: the skirt is a part of the woman’s outward appear-
ance. The garment stands for its wearer.
(f) Metaphor: the skirt having a centre (the waist) and a periphery.
The centre of the wood or village stands out against its surround-
ing terrain.
(g) Metaphor: the road going around the suburb is compared to the
(round) bottomline of the skirt which runs around the legs.
(h) Metaphor: they were driving their car around the bus (which
had stopped maybe).
(i) Specialization and double metaphor: the physical movement
around an object as in (f) is now a metaphorical movement
around a mental object, and therefore gets the interpretation of
“avoiding a particular issue”.
Solution (ii):
We have two clearly distinct domains, i.e. that of covering the lower part
of the body (a, b) and that of space (f) or relations in space (g, h, i).
Solution (iii):
Meanings (c) and (d) are used as technical terms, which just like scien-
tific terms lend themselves more readily, though not necessarily to classi-
cal definitions.
(b) (c, d)
generalization specialization
+ metaphor
specialization specialization
+ metonymy + double metonymy
Assignment 2.7.3.
Draw up a radial network for the different senses of paper.
(b) (f)
metonymy metaphor
(c, d, e)
Assignment 2.7.4.
The equivalents of the two first senses of English fruit in German and
Dutch are expressed as two different words:
(a) sweet, soft and edible part of plant = E. fruit, G. Obst, D. fruit
(b) seed-bearing part of plant or tree = E. fruit, G. Frucht, D. vrucht
Solution 2.7.4.
The English option is a semasiological one, because there is one word
for the two different senses of fruit (= poysemy). The Dutch as well as
the German option is an onomasiological one, because there are two dif-
ferent words or names to describe the two different referents (= lexical
Assignment 2.7.5.
In the thesaurus entry for fruit quoted in example (2) in this chapter, we
find the items harvest and yield both under the literal meanings of (2a)
and under the figurative ones of (2b). Which of these can be related to
fruit by the process of metonymy, and which by the process of metaphor?
Give reasons for your answer.
Solution 2.7.5.
The literal senses are related to “fruit” by metonymy: harvest denotes the
whole process of collecting or picking the fruit, whereby the whole can
stand for part of the process, i. e. the harvested objects; yield denotes all
the things a plant or tree can produce, of which the fruit is the most sali-
ent result. In brief: the result stands for the cause.
Each of these literal meanings is metaphorized: BENEFITS ARE CROPS.
But small differences remain: in the sentence the harvest of our actions
will become visible in 10 years we think of more general benefits; in the
expression the yield of our investments the construal of producing or
bringing forth the benefit something remains salient.
Assignment 2.7.6.
Below is a list of expressions with the word “red”. In each case, try to
find a plausible motivation for the use of the word and argue whether we
have more to do with a “linguistic” metaphor or metonymy as with
“school” (see table 4) or more with a conceptual metaphor or metonymy
as with “foot of the mountain” (see Section 2.3.2.).
Solution 2.7.6.
Remember that a conceptual metaphor is a very general transfer from one
conceptual domain (e;g. war) to another (e.g. debate, conversation). A
linguistic metaphor is a concrete expression based on this general trans-
fer, e.g. He shot a hole in my arguments.
In each case, the colour “red” represents a different kind of red, which
is not a linguistic, but a perceptual difference (e.g. the orangy red of hair,
the brownish red of smoked herring, etc.).
(a) Metonymy: The colour of the hair stands for the whole person.
(b) Linguistic metaphor: Red herring used to be smoked herring,
which has a slightly red gleam, used to distract the dogs from
their trail while hunting. It became a metonymy for the whole
situation and nowadays it has evolved into a linguistic metaphor,
where red herring stands for something that distracts from the
true state of affairs.
(c) Linguistic metaphor: it was originally a metonymy because it
describes a situation in which a killer had his hands covered with
blood; the red hands stood metonymically for the killing. Later it
became a metaphor for all possible forms of killing, because only
exceptionally would a killer get blood on his hands and thus it
became a metaphor for any form of wrongdoing besides murder.
(d) Linguistic metaphor: it is one of the many expressions based on
the same conceptual metaphor PASSIONS ARE FLUIDS. When pas-
sions such as anger, hatred, love etc. arise, they are seen as boil-
ing fluids going around the arteries. Other expressions based on
the same conceptual metaphors are: He was boiling with anger,
The lid flew off, Her heart burst with love, and many others.
(e) Linguistic metaphor: a project that is ready for development
(the circumstances are optimal) is compared to iron which is
heated enough to be forged (and gives a bright orange or red col-
(f) Linguistic metonymy: in politics, red is used metonymically to
stand for a socialist or communist political orientation, symbol-
ized by the colour red as used in red flags. Red politics stands
Assignment 2.7.7.
For the notion of footwear think of or find as many words as you can,
including such terms as boots, slippers, trainers, pumps, flip-flops, moun-
tain boots, shoes, wellingtons and add terms such as indoor footwear,
sportswear, etc.
(a) Which of these words are superordinate terms, and which ones
subordinate terms?
(b) Which of these words could be considered “basic level terms”?
Give reasons for your answer.
(c) Which of these words are highly entrenched, and which ones
aren’t? Give reasons for your answer.
(d) For this set of words, draw up a hierarchical taxonomy as in Ta-
ble 6 or Table 8 of this chapter.
Note that the meaning of pumps is different in American and British Eng-
lish. British English pumps are a sort of light shoe worn for dancing.
American English pumps are a lady’s high-heeled shoes without fasten-
ings (the British court shoes).
(b) The basic level terms are shoes and boots; they are the words
which are used most readily to refer to footwear, which itself is
the superordinate term.
(c) The basic level words are highly entrenched, because they are
used most frequently. Specific terms such as slippers or trainers
are used far less, and therefore they are somewhat less en-
trenched; they only denote a specific type of footwear, worn dur-
ing limited periods of time or on special occasions.
(d) See figure.
Assignment 2.7.8.
When young children first acquire language, they are known to call any
male “dadda”, any round object “apple”, or any bigger animal “bow-
wow”. Using the information given in Chapters 1 and 2, try to give an
account for this phenomenon.
Solution 2.7.8.
These are all instances of overgeneralization: the child creates a different,
more general category than covered by the adults’ narrower meaning of a
The young child builds the category “male adult”, while interacting with
only one example, i.e. its own father, called dadda or daddy. When
young children see other examples of this category, they naturally uses
the same term.
The object denoted by apple is not categorized in the child’s mind as an
instance of fruit, but as a more general category, based on its shape, its
roundness. When confronted with other round objects the baby uses the
same term. So in contrast to the previous case, the object apple is not
categorized as an “apple”, but as a round object only. (Why doesn’t this
happen with an object like a ball? Maybe, because a ball has different
functions, such as rolling.)
If a child sees a dog, it does not categorize it as a dog, but probably as a
‘quadruped and big animal’. The perceived sound the dog produces, bow-
wow, is used metonymically to stand for the category of “big animals”.
Chapter 3. Morphology
Solution 3.9.1.
simple compounds derivations complex types syntactic others
words groups
X spacecraft submarine drilling rig baptism of fire X
water cannon take-away res- synthetic fibre
taurant artificial light
Assignment 3.9.2.
Which process or processes of word formation can you identify in the
examples below?
(a) Franglais (f) radar
(b) espresso (instead of (g) to shop
espresso coffee) (h) vicarage
(c) docudrama (i) unselfishness
Solution 3.9.2.
(a) blending: Français + Anglais
(b) clipping: part of expression left out
(c) blending: dramatized documentary
(d) acronym and complex type: CD stands for Compact Disc
+ derivation + compounding
(e) clipping: European (currency)
(f) acronym: radio detecting and ranging
(g) conversion: from the noun a shop to the verb to shop
(h) derivation: from the noun vicar plus suffix -age
(i) derivation: with suffix -ish we first get the adjective selfish,
with prefix un- we next get the adjective unselfish
and with the suffix -ness we get the noun unself-
(j) complex type: derivation + compound: craze + y consisting of
noun and adjective
(k) complex type: (noun) compounding + (adjective) compounding
(l) complex type: syntactic group (sell, best) + derivation (-er)
gives the complex type best-seller + plural
morpheme (-s) = compound.
Assignment 3.9.3.
Read the following paragraph and then answer the questions below:
For all his boasting in that 1906 song, Jelly Roll Morton was right. Folks then
and now, it seems, can’t get enough of his music. Half a century after his death,
U.S. audiences are flocking to see two red-hot musicals about the smooth-talking
jazz player; and for those who can’t make it, a four-volume CD set of Morton’s
historic 1938 taping of words and music for the Library of Congress has been re-
leased (Jelly Roll Morton: The Library of Congress Recordings; Rounder Re-
cords; $ 15.98) and is selling nicely. Morton was not the creator of jazz he
claimed to be, but such was his originality as a composer and pianist that his in-
fluence has persisted down the years, vindicating what he said back in 1938:
“Whatever these guys play today, they’re playing Jelly Roll” (from: Time, Janu-
ary 16, 1995)
(a) List the plural nouns which occur in this extract, and arrange
them according to their respective plural allomorphs: /s/, /z/, /iz/.
(b) List those nouns in the extract which have the meaning ‘one who
performs an action and state which of these are formed according
to a productive morphological rule.
(c) Which types of inflectional morphemes can you find in the ex-
tract? Give one example of each type, i.e. two nominal inflec-
tions, and four verbal inflections.
Solution 3.9.3.
/s/ /z/ /iz/
Folks musicals audiences
Assignment 3.9.4.
Here are the names of the inhabitants of 14 European countries. (i) Can
you describe the compounding or derivational processes used in the la-
belling of inhabitants? (ii) Can you find out after what type of word -man
is used, after what word forms -ian and -ese are used, and in which cases
we find conversion?
Solution 3.9.4.
The words Dane, Finn, German, and Swede are simple morphemes de-
noting inhabitants of the countries named after them by compounding
(Denmark, Finland) or derivation (German + y, Swed + en). Adjectives
ending in /5/ have added the compound –man (Dutch + man, French +
man, Irish + man). The countries Austria, Belgium, Italy and Norway add
the derivational morpheme -ian to the stem, and Portugal the suffix –ese;
Spaniard comes from the Old French Espaignard or Espaniard*. Briton
comes from the (Old) French Breton and the Latin Brittonem*.
* Onions C.T. 1966. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology.
London: Oxford University Press.
Assignment 3.9.5.
English has two noun-building suffixes for qualities: -ness and -ity as in
aptness, brightness, calmness, openness, strangeness, and beauty, con-
formity, cruelty, difficulty, excessivity, regularity. These differences are
often related to the origin of the word stems.
(a) Can you see any regular pattern for the cases when -ness is used
and when -(i)ty?
(b) The adjective odd has two derivational nouns, oddness and odd-
ity. Which one do you feel to be the normal derivation? Why?
What is the difference in meaning between oddness and oddity?
Consult a dictionary to check your answers.
Solution 3.9.5.
(a) Adjectives of Germanic descent take the Germanic suffix -ness.
Adjectives borrowed from Romance languages take the suffix -
(b) Oddness is, according to (a) the regular derivation, because odd
is a Germanic morpheme. All regular derivations are mentioned
Assignment 3.9.6.
In a training information leaflet, two new composite words to cold call
(“call potential clients for business”) and you-ability are used. Without
knowing their intended meanings, how can you make sense of them?
(a) Can you on the basis of existing words that look similar or have
some association in meaning such as to dry-clean and usability
or availability make sense of these two new complex words?
(b) What are the typical patterns for these types of compound or
derivation? Which word class has been used instead of the proto-
type in you-ability?
Solution 3.9.6.
(a) to cold call:
a compound consisting of verb + adjective, which is used in telemarket-
ing for the action of calling people up (often at random) to sell them
something. The would-be customers are still ‘cold’, a metonymical char-
acteristic for the whole person, and need to be ‘warmed up’ before they
are willing to buy something.
(b) you-ability :
a term used among salespeople to denote the ability to give the customer
the impression that the salesperson is available for the customer (you)
and cares about him.
The typical patterns are:
Assignment 3.9.7.
The following are all compounds with a colour term. Using the notions
of specialization, generalization, metaphor and metonymy, say which
process applies in each example and try to explain how they are moti-
Solution 3.9.7.
(a) Metaphor: the shape of each flower in the cluster of blue flow-
ers is compared with the shape of a bell.
(b) Specialization: not all blue birds are bluebirds. Just like not all
black birds, e.g. crows, are blackbirds. A bluebird can also stand
for happiness and is then used as a metaphor.
(c) Specialization: a baby whose skin is slightly blue, because it has
a heart problem.
(d) Metonymy: a blueprint is a photographic print, with a white de-
sign on a blue background, usually for building plans. Meton-
ymy, because the colour blue stands for the paper. It is also a
generalization from building plan to any kind of plan.
(e) Metonymy: redroot is a plant which comes from a tree with red
roots that yield a red dye and is edible.
(f) Metonymy: part of the bird (breast) stands for the whole bird,
because it is so strikingly red.
(g) Metonymy: the sunburnt red neck stands for the whole person. It
indicates the Anglo-Saxon descendants in the southern regions of
the United States, who are seen as conservative, short-sighted,
non-educated people, and are often associated with beer, guns,
and pick-up trucks.
(h) Metaphor: Originally metonymy, now usually metaphor: red
carpet stands for the special treatment someone receives as an
important person. But the expression is also used when no carpet
is used, and then it is a metaphor.
(i) Metaphor: the black dot on the pea is compared to an eye in a
(j) Specialization: see (b), i.e. not all black birds are blackbirds.
(k) Metonymy: the colour of the skin stands for the whole person.
(l) Metonymy: black art can mean “art created by a black artist”,
but it is a metaphor when it means “witchcraft”, (compare with
black magic).
Assignment 3.9.8.
Which words are the components of the following blends: boatel, hurri-
coon, wintertainment, bomphlet, stagflation?
Solution 3.9.8.
boatel = boat + hotel
hurricoon = hurricane + typhoon
wintertainment = winter + entertainment
bomphlet = bomb (package) + pamphlet
stagflation = stagnation + inflation
Assignment 3.9.9.
For each of the following items, say
(a) which word-formation process is involved,
(b) which meaning of the -er suffix is used,
(c) why BrE and AmE may use different words for the same object
in this domain.
1. burner (AmE), (electric) ring (BrE)
2. counter (AmE), work top (BrE)
3. food processor
4. tin opener (BrE), can opener (AmE)
5. toaster
6. fire extinguisher
7. drawer
Solution 3.9.9.
Compound Derivation Complex type Syntactic group
work top burner food processor electric ring
counter tin opener
toaster can opener
drawer fire extinguisher
(b) The -er suffix is used in the instrumental meaning, except for
drawer, which is a loan translation from French tiroir.
Chapter 4. Syntax
Solution 4.7.1.
(i) (ii) (iii)
Energy From where to Semantic roles of the Event schema
flow? where? participants
(a) Yes Agent to Patient Dad = Agent Doing schema
the telephone = Patient
(b) No - It = Patient Happening
(c) No - My brother = Patient Being schema
a doctor = Essive Class member-
(d) Yes Agent to Goal He = Agent Moving schema
Great Britain = Goal
(e) Yes Agent transfers He = Agent Transferring
the Patient to the me = Receiver schema
Receiver his books = Patient
(f) Yes Agent moves He = Agent Moving schema
Patient to Goal any books = Patient
Britain = Goal
(g) Yes Agent to Patient He = Agent Doing schema
a lot of television =
Assignment 4.7.2.
Which type of Essive relation do you find in each of the following sen-
Solution 4.7.2.
(a) attribute
(b) identifier
(c) class membership
(d) identifier
(e) location
(f) existential
Assignment 4.7.3.
Characterize the subtype of “doing” schema in the following examples.
Or is it not really a “doing” schema?
(a) He was tickling his brother.
(b) The brother was laughing.
(c) He was drawing a train on the blackboard.
(d) Then he wiped off the train.
(e) He put water on the blackboard.
(f) Then he dried it.
Solution 4.7.3.
(a) “doing”, object affected (“He” affects “his brother” by tickling
(b) “doing”, no object (focus on the action)
(c) “doing”, object effected (production of a new entity)
(d) “doing”, object (= the train) is affected
(e) “doing”, object affected
(f) “doing”, object affected
Assignment 4.7.4.
Characterize the subtypes of possession
(a) Have you any good wine left?
(b) I haven’t the slightest idea.
(c) That wine bottle has a pretty label.
(d) Would you like to have a glass of wine?
(e) No, I have got a terrible headache.
(f) Well, if you want one, I have got an aspirin here.
Solution 4.7.4.
(a) Material possession (person possesses wine)
(b) Mental possession (person has ideas)
(c) Whole to its parts - possession (label is part of bottle)
(d) No possession, but doing schema (have a drink = drink a glass of
(e) Affected entity related to affection (“I” is affected by a terrible
(f) Material possession
Assignment 4.7.5.
Analyze the following sentences as in assignment 1. Then comment on
the (subtle) meaning differences between each pair.
(a) We sang the chorus. (chorus: piece of music)
(b) We sang in the chorus. (chorus: group of singer)
(c) He will read from the Bible.
(d) He will read the Bible.
(e) The children washed in the bath.
(f) The children washed the bath.
Solution 4.7.5.
Energy From where to Semantic roles Event schema
flow where
(a) Yes From Agent to We = Agent Doing schema
Patient (piece the chorus = Patient
of music)
(b) Yes Agent We = Agent Doing schema
(Patient is not in the chorus = Location
expressed) (group of singers)
(c) Yes Agent (Patient He = Agent Doing schema
is not ex- from the Bible = Source
(d) Yes from Agent to He = Agent Doing schema
Patient the Bible = Patient
(a) Refers to a piece of music, sung by the whole group joining the
(b) Metonymy for the people who sing and stand together in a group.
(c) Refers to parts taken from the Bible
(d) No limit implied
(e) The children washed themselves while in the bath.
(f) The children cleaned the bath tub
Assignment 4.7.6.
The sentences from example 8 are repeated below. Which of the ele-
ments indicated in parentheses can occur alone and which cannot? Is
there evidence for any general principle(s) like Goal over Source, Source
over Goal, or Path over Goal? (The elements that can occur alone are
given in bold print.)
(a) The apple fell from the tree into the grass.
(Source + Goal)
(b) I climbed from my room up the ladder onto the roof.
(Source + Path + Goal)
(c) It went on from ten all night long till two.
(Starting point + Duration + End)
(d) The police searched the house from noon till midnight.
(Starting point + End)
(e) The weather changed from cloudy to bright in one hour.
(Initial State + Resultant State + Duration)
(f) She changed from an admirer into his adversary.
(Initial State + Resultant State)
4.7.6. Solution:
In these six sentences the general principle is Goal and End over, respec-
tively, Source and Starting Point and Resultant State over Initial State.
This would mean that Goal, End and Resultant State (the result of ac-
tions) are typically more important to the speaker than Source, Starting
Point and Initial State.
Assignment 4.7.7.
What are (i) the event schemas, and (ii) the sentence patterns of the sen-
tences below (repeated from examples 2)?
(a) Kim is the one who did it.
(b) The window broke.
(c) Kim broke the window.
(d) Kim felt angry and tried to hit Bruce.
(e) Kim had a baseball bat in his hand.
(f) The baseball bat went through the window.
(g) Bruce had given him a nasty picture of himself.
Solution 4.7.7.
(Only the main clause or first sentence is analyzed.)
(f) Moving The baseball bat /went/ through the window./ Intransitive
schema S / Verb / Complement = Path / complement
(g) Transferring Bruce/ had given / Kim /a nasty picture ditransitive
schema of himself./ complement
S / Verb / Ind. Object/ Object / pattern
Assignment 4.7.8.
The following pairs of phrases and sentences have different grounding
elements. For each pair indicate (i) which grammatical verb morphemes
are grounding elements, (ii) which one of the phrases or sentences is an
unmarked case (if there is one), (iii) which one(s) is /are marked. (iv)
Explain the semantic difference between each pair.
(a) Mum, answer the phone now!/Mum answers the phone often.
(b) Mum must answer/ may answer the phone now.
(c) Mum answered/ has answered the phone.
(d) Mum has answered/ had answered the phone.
(e) Mum is answering/ answers the phone.
Solution 4.7.8.
(i) Grounding morpheme (ii), (iii) (iv) Difference
a) 1. Ø = imperative 1. Unmarked 1. Potentiality
2. –s = declarative, present tense, 2. Unmarked 2. Reality
3rd person
b) 1. Ø = modal aux., 3rd person 1. Marked 1. Obligation
2. Ø = modal aux., 3rd person 2. Marked 2. Permission
c) 1. –ed = declarative, past tense, 1. Unmarked 1 Event is completed,
3rd person no relevant link to the
2. has + -ed = declarative, 2. Unmarked 2. Link between an
present perfect, 3rd person event that took place
in the past and which
is still relevant to the
d) 1. has + -ed = declarative, 1. Unmarked 1. See c2.
present perfect, 3rd person
2. had + -ed = declarative, 2. Unmarked 2. Link between a past
past perfect, 3rd person moment and an event
prior to it.
e) 1. is + -ing = declarative, 1. Marked 1. Ongoing progress
present progressive, 3rd person (internal perspective)
2. –s = declarative, present tense, 2. Unmarked 2. External perspective,
3rd person which extends indefi-
nitely into past and
future, i.e. it is habit-
Assignments (p.132)
Assignment 5.10.1
The underlined segments in the following words represents different pro-
nunciations. Group the segments accordingly and find the appropriate
terms to characterize the differences.
Solution 5.10.1.
VOICELESS thin - cloth
/6+P - /MNn6
VOICED then - mother - clothes
/&GP - /O¡& - /MN7&\/
VOICELESS sees - seize - cease - seizes - ceases - house
/UKÖ\/ - /UKÖ\/ - /UKÖU/ - /UKÖ\+\/ - /UKÖU+\/ - /JC7U/
VOICED sees - seize - seizes - houses
/UKÖ\/ - /UKÖ\/ - /UKÖ\+\/ - /JC7\+\/
Assignment 5.10.2.
Compare the written forms and the pronunciation of the following words
and (i) say whether they rhyme or not, (ii) write the words in phonemic
Solution 5.10.2.
(a) hn:s - w«:s no rhyme
(b) h#:t - h«:d - b+F no rhyme
(c) l¡OD(r) -pl¡Or) no rhyme
(d) t¡H - ba7 - d7 - h+M¡p no rhyme
(DCE also has the written forms hiccup.)
(e) brW:O - br7M - br7V5 no rhyme
(f) tu:m - bbm - wu:m “tomb” and “womb” rhyme
(g) r7l - dnl no rhyme
(h) gbNH - w7NH no rhyme
(i) si:z - s+v no rhyme
(j) ka+nd - k+ndle no rhyme
(a) It would certainly be a good idea to clean up some of the more bi-
zarre aspects of English spelling, such as the different pronuncia-
tions of -ough as in the example of hiccup, and the occurrence of
“silent” letters. However, a large number of problems would arise,
if an attempt were made to render English spelling fully phonemic.
Also, related words would no longer be recognized, for example
family and familiar.
(b) A purely phonemic spelling system would give rise to the following
(c) Mark Twain’s system would be problematic for the following rea-
(i) Mark Twain was American and based his system on American
English. But other standards could equally be used, e.g. Southern
British, Scottish, Australian, etc. This is especially problematic
with regard to postvocalic “r” (i.e. rhotic vs. non-rhotic accents)
and certain vowels. For example, the vowel in “just” is pro-
nounced. /F<CUV/ (AmE) or /F<¡UV/ (BrE). So, one written symbol
would represent two different vowels. This may be satisfactory
to Americans, but not for many Brits or Australians, who do dis-
tinguish these two vowels.
(ii) Mark Twain recommended the same symbol for the vowel in
stressed “then” and unstressed “after”, i.e. he did not distinguish
the unstressed vowels. Of course, the question is, whether we
should agree on this.
(iii) One should decide whether there should be one fixed spelling or
a spelling which varies depending on how the individual chooses
to pronounce a word (see 3b). And if spelling depends on the in-
dividual then how should the word be listed in a dictionary?
(iv) Finally, Twain wanted to replace the symbol “th” by “x”, “y” by
“sh” and “c” by “ch”. This means that the sound is represented
by a new and different symbol which does not have a clear rela-
tionship to the sound. This is not a useful or well-motivated ini-
Assignment 5.10.4
(a) It is not possible to produce voiced sounds while whispering.
(Why not?) Consequently, a whispered utterance of the word
hand ought to be virtually indistinguishable from a whispered ut-
terance of the word and (why?). Try it and see!
(b) Is it possible to distinguish between the words Sue and zoo,
cease and seize, do and too, in whisper? If you find that it is pos-
sible (which you should), what explanation can you offer?
(Hint: [d] and [t], [z] and [s], are not only distinguished by pres-
ence vs. absence of voice, but by other features as well. What are
Solution 5.10.4.
(a) Whispering involves the pulling apart of the vocal folds so that
they do not vibrate, hence there can be no voicing. The “h” of
hand is a voiceless version of the following vowel, which means
that there is virtually no difference between “and” and “hand” in
(b) Voiceless fricatives and stops are articulated with more muscular
effort, and with greater airflow through the vocal tract, than their
voiced equivalents. It is therefore possible to distinguish between
“Sue” and “zoo” and “too” and “do”, even in whisper. Besides,
voiceless sounds cause a preceding vowel to be shortened. This
means that there is a very clear length difference between the
vowels in “cease” and “seize”. The length difference makes it
very easy to distinguish the two words in whisper.
Solution 5.10.5.
(a) The “y” of yes occupies the “consonant” position in the structure
of the syllable. On the other hand, /e+/ is a diphthong of English,
which means “a sequence of two vowels in one syllable”. This is
why the final “j”-like sound of say would be regarded as a
(b) The “k” of keen is pronounced more forward in the mouth (it is
palatal) and the lips are spread, whereas the “k” of cool is pro-
nounced more backwards (i.e. velar) and the lips are rounded. In
each of the two words, the consonant anticipates the position of
the different vowels that follow the consonant (/i:/ is pronounced
forward in the mouth, /u:/ is pronounced backward).
Solution 5.10.6.
/h/ occurs only in syllable-initial position (e.g. ‘high’), /0/ only in sylla-
ble-final position (e.g. ‘thing’). So the two sounds seem to be in com-
plementary distribution.
However, the two sounds are phonetically very different. /h/ is a frica-
tive whereas /0/ is a nasal stop. /h/ is produced with an open glottis and
without blocking of the air stream in the oral cavity, whereas /0/ is a
sonorant, i.e. a voiced consonant which, like /m/, /n/, /l/, and /r/, is
“hummable”, i.e. can be continued for some time.
A criterion for belonging to one and the same phoneme is that sounds
should be phonetically similar. Phonetically, /h/ and /0/ could hardly be
more different! The conclusion is therefore that they are not in comple-
mentary distribution.
Solution 5.10.8.
The intrusive “r” is possible in the left-hand column, it is not possible in
the right-hand column.
If one syllable ends in a vowel, and the next syllable begins with a
vowel, the intrusive “r” may be inserted. However, intrusive “r” is possi-
ble only after a non-high vowel. That is to say, it can occur after //, /a/
and /n/, but not after /i/, /u/ and /W/.
(a) Can you think of European languages that just like Hopi have
verbs without subjects?
(b) For English It flashed or A light flashed, Hopi just says rehpi
‘flashes’ or ‘flashed’. Do you agree with Whorf that the English
conceptualization includes a force, starting from the subject?
(Have a look at Chapter 4.2.2. on the “happening” schema).
(c) From a cognitive point of view there are no ‘empty’ words in the
language. That is, it in It flashed does have a meaning. What
could this meaning possibly be?
(d) For English scientific terms such as electricity, Hopi uses a verb,
not a noun. This would support Whorf’s opinion that English
sees a state where there may only be a force. Do you agree with
this analysis?
Solution 6.8.1.
(a) Languages that do not need a subject to form a correct sentence
are, amongst others: Spanish, Russian, Latin, Ancient Greek,
Finnish, Hungarian, Italian. Such languages are often described
as pro-drop languages.
(b) No, because it does not necessarily refer to a force or an agent.
(c) The it in It flashes could refer to the setting in which the process
takes place or to the state which something is in, e.g. it is cold.
Hopi, in comparison, does not explicitly express the setting or
the state. The it is part of a process, but does not contribute to it
and therefore is not seen as a force. As mentioned in (b) “it”
could refer to a setting or state, but if it were to refer to a torch, it
might be considered a force, e.g. the torch flashed, or He flashed
his torch, meaning ‘He made his torch flash’.
(d) Processes are prototypically expressed by verbs, but they can
also be expressed by nouns, e.g. he comes and his coming. The
nouns current, stream, river all denote things in motion. The
only problem is that a noun like electricity is typically used for
characteristic states like singularity, regularity, excessivity (See
assignment 3.9.5.). Electricity likewise would wrongly suggest a
characteristic state and not so much a process. Although the ad-
jective electric as in electric current, electric shock, electric
power is neutral and suggests the source of a force rather than a
state, the noun electricity is far less appropriate to denote such a
force. So, instead of questioning the use of a verb or a noun, it is
more important to question the type of noun.
So Whorf had the correct intuition that a noun is not the best
word category to express the process that is implicit in the con-
Assignment 6.8.2.
Translate the examples of Table 1 (repeated below) into your mother
tongue or a language different from English. If you compare your transla-
tions with the English expressions, try to tell whether your language clas-
sifies locational relationships according to the English pattern, according
to the Korean pattern, or according to a distinctive pattern of its own. If
your language tends to follow the English pattern, is the classification
exactly the same as in English, or are there also things that remind you of
the Korean classification? If your language system is more like Korean,
can you find things that orient towards the English system?
Solution 6.8.2.
Translation into Dutch:
een stukje in een puzzel, een foto in een portefeuille, een hand in een
handschoen, speelgoed in een zak of doos, een dop op een pen, een
deksel op een pot, een handschoen aan een hand, een magneet op een
opervlak, een meetlint/ een stukje plakband/ een geluidsband op een
oppervlak, een hoed op het hoofd, een handschoen aan de/je hand, een
schoen aan de/je voet
Dutch and also German, by and large, correspond to the English pattern
of locational relationships making a major distinction between containers
(Dutch: in/German: in) and surfaces (op/auf). However, in the category
Assignment 6.8.3.
Here are the definitions for (a) anger, (b) love and (c) hate from DCE.
Are these common words defined in an obscure and/ or circular fashion?
Can you suggest how the definitions can be re-phrased more clearly?
Solution 6.8.3.
(a) The definition of the word anger is obscure, because it uses
words such as offensive and criticize, which are more difficult
than anger itself, so in order to understand the word anger you
have to look up these words in a dictionary as well. For speakers
of romance languages, however, the defining words are transpar-
(b) The definition of the word love is better, because a clear distinc-
tion is made between “caring love” only, and “sexual love”. But,
DCE's definitions are also circular; if you look up love you find a
definition with like and in the definition of like there is fond and
fond is defined using the word love.
(c) The definition of the word hate is circular because it uses the
verb hate to explain the noun hate; it is also obscure, because it
uses a difficult word like harm.
Assignment 6.8.4.
Investigate the English words job and privacy from the point of view of
their frequency (use DCE for this purpose), their role in fixed phrases,
and in common sayings and proverbs. Would you agree that job and pri-
vacy deserve to be regarded as examples of cultural key words of Eng-
Solution 6.8.4.
The frequency of the noun job and the adjective private is, according to
DCE, in the top class of 1,000 most frequently used words. But, the de-
rived noun privacy does not even belong to the 3,000 most frequently
used words.
There are many (fixed) expressions and proverbs with the word job,
e.g. get a job, find a job, take a job, lose a job, offer a job; temporary,
permanent, full time job). The word job has an important role in the lan-
guage, because of its frequent use and its entrenchment in the language
and culture; it therefore is a cultural key word.
The word privacy itself has fewer (fixed) expressions ((not) get much
privacy, right to privacy)and does not occur in proverbs; therefore it
could be argued that it is not a cultural key word. But, although the noun
privacy is used less, the adjective private occurs in many collocations
such as private road, private feelings, private talks, a private meeting, a
private conversation, a private corner (to have a talk in), a private joke.
Consequently, the concept “privacy” plays an important role in English
culture, because, unlike in some other cultures, it is considered extremely
rude to invade a person’s “private” territory. It is not polite to ask or look
for very personal facts concerning a person you do not know very well.
Examples of fixed expressions with privacy are/: (not) get much privacy
and the right to privacy.,
Assignment 6.8.5.
Do you think the English word anxiety corresponds exactly to the Danish
word angest used by the Danish philosopher Sören Kierkegaard in the
passage whose published English translation is given below? Discuss.
As far as I know, natural scientists agree that animals do not have anxiety simply
because by nature they are not qualified as spirit. They fear the present, tremble,
etc., but are not anxious. They have no more anxiety than they can be said to
have presentiment.
Note that Danish angest may be similar, but not identical, in meaning to
German Angst. Also note that the word angst has been borrowed into
English from German, but the English loan word does not have the same
meaning as the German original.
Solution 6.8.5.
Anxiety belongs to the frequency category of 3,000, according to DCE:
“the feeling of being worried about something that may happen or may have hap-
pened, so that you think about this all the time”.
So, it is correct to say that animals do not feel anxiety, because they only
respond to present situations, not to potential or past ones. The Danish
word angest, just like the German word Angst, which was borrowed into
English as angst, has a more general, existential meaning. The word
angst is not mentioned in DCE, but in Collins’ Dictionary as “an acute
but non-specific sense of anxiety or remorse”. So anxiety is not a correct
Assignment 6.8.6.
In English-speaking countries, one often hears people talking about the
importance of freedom of speech. There can be little doubt that this ex-
pression refers to an important Anglo cultural norm. But when people say
freedom of speech, they don’t mean freedom to say absolutely anything,
to anybody. Discuss when it is - and isn’t - acceptable to say what one
thinks, according to conventional Anglo cultural norms. Try to pin down
precisely the notion behind freedom of speech, writing an explication as
used in the cultural scripts approach discussed in Section 6.4. of this
Solution 6.8.6.
Freedom of speech especially applies to public institutions or occasions
such as the press, Parliament, Hyde Park Corner, but not to personal in-
teraction as will be shown in Ch. 7.4.2. In personal interaction one is not
allowed to say just anything about anything or anyone. One has to keep
within the social and cultural norms.. But this is very different from the
notion of freedom of speech. This means that one has a legal right to
voice one’s private opinion in public on everything of societal or political
When many people are in the same place and are thinking about the
same thing,
because they want to know what is good to do and what is bad to
it is good if every person can say things like
‘I think this about it’, ‘I don’t think this about it’.
Chapter 7. Pragmatics
Solution 7.8.1.
(a) Obligative; Commissive: offer; direct, the speaker offers to get
the coffee. It would be indirect if you asked somebody if they
would like some coffee, before getting it, e.g. Would you like me
to get you some coffee?.
(b) Constitutive; declaration; by saying this, the speaker closes the
(c) Informative; information question; direct request for informa-
tion; an indirect request would be: Can you tell me...?
(d) Obligative; also Commissive: offer; indirect; here the speaker is
asking if the hearer wants to have coffee now; thereby the
speaker is committing him/herself to getting coffee for the hearer
if the hearer wants it. If the speaker is just asking if the hearer
wants tea or coffee, it is informative with an information ques-
tion as a subtype.
(e) Informative; assertive, it states to shoppers that this shop is
closed at the given times. Indirectly, it is a reminder: customers
Assignment 7.8.2.
In the following examples “thanks” is said for different reasons and in
different situations. Comment on (i) what the reason or occasion is for
the thanks, (ii) whether it is a formal or informal situation, and (iii)
whether the way it is said is appropriate or not for the situation?
Solution 7.8.2.
Question Reason Formal (+/-) Appropriateness
(a) gift - yes
(b) handing over + no
(c) offer - yes
(d) thoughtfulness - yes
(e) obligatory ritual + yes
(The last example (e) is a report of the President’s words: he may have said
something like I want to express our deep gratitude for Mr. Christopher’s ser-
vice as State Secretary.)
Assignment 7.8.3.
In section 7.2.1. we saw that expressives may differ in degrees of formal-
ity. We also saw that we may actually say which act we are performing
by naming it with a performative verb. If we look up the two words sorry
and apologize in the DCE, we note different frequencies: Sorry is much
more frequent in spoken language than apologize and apology, which are
more frequent in written language. In the following examples, examine
where and why both forms can be used and where they cannot. Then
comment on the relationship between frequency, the different situations
these words are used in, and their degree of formality.
(a) Go say you are sorry to your sister for hitting her.
(b) I must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter.
(c) I apologize for being late.
(d) Your behaviour was atrocious. I demand an apology.
Solution 7.8.3.
(a) This is a spoken, very informal order to a child in a family con-
text to say “sorry”. The word apologize theoretically means the
same, but that would be far too formal in this context.
(b) This is a formal constitutive speech act at the start of a letter to a
firm or a customer; also reply is formal for answer and delay for
late. The word sorry would be too informal in this context; but
apology is neutral.
(c) This is a spoken, formal apology from someone who is late for
class or for work, speaking to his or her boss. Sorry would be
less correct: although it is frequent in spoken language it depends
on how serious the offence is, but in general coming late cannot
be taken lightly.
(d) This is a very formal way of showing that you do not at all ap-
prove of the behaviour of somebody (who is lower in position).
The speaker names the type of speech act (an apology) he/she
wants the hearer to perform. By using such formal language in
Assignment 7.8.4.
Let’s take a closer look again at the fragment in (18) from Lewis Car-
roll’s Through the Looking-Glass on “glory” and analyze how its figura-
tive language functions in the giving and receiving of information.
(a) Why is the information given in (a) “obscure” for Alice? Which
conceptual relationship may there be between finding a good ar-
gument in a discussion and “glory”?
(b) Is Alice’s speech act in (b) an assertion or an indirect request for
information? How else could she have expressed this speech act
more directly?
(c) From (c) it is obvious that Humpty Dumpty interprets Alice’s ut-
terance correctly. Which type of implicature (conversational or
conventional) is at play here? But in (c) Humpty Dumpty also
implies that we do not know what a speaker may mean until he
has told us. Which of the two types of implicature does he not
seem to be aware of?
(d) What conceptual metaphor does Humpty Dumpty’s explanation
in (d) exploit?
(e) Why does Alice not understand him?
(f) In (f) Humpty Dumpty makes it sound as if his use of language is
quite idiosyncratic. What general and extensively used linguistic
principle does he not seem to be aware of?
Solution 7.8.4.
(a) The information is “obscure”, because Alice takes the word glory
literally, while Humpty Dumpty uses the word metaphorically.
He invokes the conceptual metaphor ARGUMENT IS WAR. When
you win a war you get “glory”, so when you win an argument
you may also get “glory”.
(b) By stating that she does not know what the word glory means,
Alice makes an obligative act: he has to tell her. She is indirectly
asking what the word glory means. She could have asked
Humpty Dumpty a direct question such as: What does the word
“glory” mean?
(c) The first type of implicature is conversational, because Humpty
Dumpty interprets Alice’s statement as a request to explain the
meaning of glory correctly, so he understands what she means.
But he flouts this convention and instead of giving the explana-
tion, he makes the assumption that if someone does not know
something, it must be explained. He overlooks the fact that
words that are not immediately clear in context may have meta-
phorical meanings. This is a conventional implicature.
(d) Humpty Dumpty again uses the conceptual metaphor ARGUMENT
IS war Therefore, if you knock someone down, you have won, so
a knock-down argument is an argument with which you win the
(e) Because Alice only takes Humpty Dumpty’s words literally
again, Alice does not understand that “glory” after winning a
fight and after winning an argument is seen as the same reward
in a competitive encounter.
(f) Humpty Dumpty uses conventional metaphorical extensions of
words; in other words, his choices of words are not arbitrary at
all. However, he is so arrogant as to think that only he himself
has thought of these extensions.
Assignment 7.8.5.
Which maxim of conversation is flouted in the following exchange?
Solution 7.8.5.
(a) The maxim of quantity has been flouted here, because it is
unlikely that a schoolchild only ate fish.
(b) The maxim of quantity has been flouted here, because this per-
son answers the question with too many details. The question
“How are you” is usually just a polite way of greeting, which is
normally answered with “Fine”. Only close friends use the ques-
tion as a real information question about how a person is doing.
(c) The maxim of relevance is flouted here. This question is a re-
quest to tell the speaker what time it is, which speaker B pretends
not to understand.
(d) Two maxims are flouted here, relevance and manner. Firstly, the
one on relevance; this is just a question to find out the time and
nothing else, so what speaker B says is irrelevant. Secondly, the
maxim of manner is flouted, because it is not done to ask for
money to tell people what time it is. However, this reply might
be given among close friends as a joke.
(e) This is a pun or word-play. It uses the ambiguity of “putting on”:
either putting the kettle on the heat or putting clothes on. Person
B intends the latter meaning, saying that the kettle would be too
small for B to put on. Another version of the joke uses the an-
swer “I can’t get it over my hips,” which also uses the same am-
biguity. So here the maxim of relevance is flouted, because it is
impossible to put a kettle on as if it were a piece of clothing. But
in line with Grice’s theory, flouting a maxim is often done in or-
der to invite the partner to look for a different meaning some-
where else. And this is found in the ambiguity of the pun.
Assignment 7.8.6.
What is a general characteristic of both positive and negative politeness
strategies? Identify the strategy used in the following utterances and give
reasons for your answer.
Solution 7.8.6.
(For the sake of clarity the subtype of speech act is given first)
General Principle:
Both politeness strategies use more words than is absolutely necessary.
This is done in order to be more polite by being less direct.
(a) Positive politeness strategy, because it does not inquire about the
hearer’s ability or willingness, but it invites the hearer to join the
(b) Negative politeness strategy, because it asks if the hearer is able
to do something, thereby allowing the hearer to refuse if it is im-
possible for him to comply with the speaker's request.
(c) Negative politeness strategy, because the speaker asks if the
hearer is willing to comply.
(d) Negative politeness strategy. The speaker gives reasons for his
actions. He dissociates himself from the face threat that might be
caused by his abrupt departure, claiming that the circumstances
do not allow him to stay. This way, he creates room for his ac-
tion, i.e. leaving, and cannot be blamed for the possible face
Assignment 7.8.7.
The following series of utterances were made by a mother at 30 second
intervals to her eight-year-old child. Which type of politeness strategy
does she use? Her degree of politeness reduces with each utterance. Tak-
ing the number of words she uses and the difference between direct and
indirect speech acts into consideration, explain how this is achieved.
Solution 7.8.7.
(a) to (c) use a negative politeness strategy: she asks the child to stop
what it is doing. (d) is a direct command, accompanied by a threat (do
you hear me now?).
Politeness strategies not only necessitate the use of modal forms (could,
will), but are also linked to the principle of quantity: more linguistic ma-
terial means more politeness. Note that each request in (a-d) gets shorter.
This reflects the psychological rise in the mother’s impatience: the
shorter the request, the less indirect and the more impatient she is.
Assignment 7.8.8.
In telemarketing, sales people are often trained to use certain types of
speech acts and strategies so that their potential customer, whom they
call unexpectedly, will not break off the conversation immediately. The
following are two examples of tele-sales training conversations for
agents. Analyze each extract in terms of speech acts (obligative, informa-
tive, and constitutive) and other possible strategies and suggest why one
might be more successful than the other.
(a) Agent: It’s Pat Searle, Mr. Green, and I am calling from the
Stanworth Financial Services Company.
Mr. Green: Oh, yes.
Agent: I wonder, Mr. Green, would you be interested in getting
a better return on your investments?
Mr. Green: I’m sorry - no I am not. I am quite happy with my
current situation. Good night.
Solution 7.8.8
The agent in (b) is more successful because she is more indirect than the
agent in (a), who uses her own name and also the name of the addressee.
By not asking a question but making a general statement, the agent in (b)
does not give the hearer an opportunity to say “no”, but only to give hesi-
tating agreement (Weeell, yeeees). The agent in (a) asks a direct question,
which hides a volitive speech act trying to get the hearer to accept the
speaker’s offer. The hearer sees through this hidden intention and says
“no”, not to the better returns, but to the offer to accept the contract for a
new type of investment. The agent in (b) first uses a series of informative
speech acts to give the hearer information, and then the agent uses com-
missive speech acts to commit herself to the customer. The agent in (b)
also uses longer sentences, which express greater respect for the hearer
(principle of quantity) and, hence, greater politeness.
Solution 8.9.1.
(a) In this sentence it is most likely that one uses the pronoun form
they, because the antecedent is very prominent. Still, if one uses
the NP the couple, this adds new information about the lovers’
relationship. If one uses the pronoun they the relationship be-
tween the man and the woman is not clear. The use of “the cou-
ple” reveals that a new unexpected aspect of a topic will be dis-
(b) In this sentence “the doctor” is the noun phrase that is preferred,
since “the doctor” identifies Smith’s function (i.e. her role as a
doctor). Furthermore, the speaker is talking about medical advice
and not just talking about a friend. Finally, the preferred choice
also depends on the situation: if one wants to stress gender then
“her” is more likely to be used. The use of “her” somehow sug-
gests that the speaker attaches more importance to the sex of the
doctor than to her function only.
Assignment 8.9.2.
Relational coherence can be established by different kinds of connec-
tives: subordinating conjunctions (because, if, although), coordinating
conjunctions (and, but), conjunctive adverbs (so, therefore, yet) and con-
junctive adverbial phrases (as a consequence, in contrast with this). Find
the connectives in the following fragment and identify the subtype.
If you want to make the best use of this book, you should note the following.
This book can be used either as a straightforward handbook for its recipes, or as
a full modern vegetarian cookery because the recipes are all described in enough
detail for anyone with only a little cooking experience to be able to follow them.
In addition, we have tried to anticipate, and provide remedies for, any snags
which might occur.
Solution 8.9.2.
If subordinating conjunction for condition
either, ... or co-ordinating conjunction for alternative choice
because subordinating conjunction for reason or course
in addition conjunctive adverbial phrase for enumeration
and co-ordinating conjunction for addition
Assignment 8.9.3
First read the following monologue (based on an example of Prince,
1981) and try to establish what and whom the speaker is talking about.
Then give an analysis of the referential coherence in the text by answer-
ing the questions below.
a. Well, a friend called me;
b. a friend of hers who I know ,
c. last week she called
d. and said: "Well, you have company.
e. Jan fell down four flights of steps."
f. They have a house like this,
g. and she was going to a luncheon
h. and the women were honking the horn outside.
i. She heard them, right?
j. And usually she lets the door open
k. but she didn't this time.
l. So she comes running down the steps
m. and she fell down four
(i) First underline all the referential expressions (pronouns and full
noun phrases) in the text.
(ii) Identify each referential expression as presenting new informa-
tion (N) or as presenting information that has already been intro-
duced (given information: G).
(iii) Identify each referential expression as presenting exophoric (EX)
reference or as presenting endophoric reference (EN).
(iv) Classify the given endophoric elements as cataphoric (C) or ana-
phoric (A).
(v) As you saw in this chapter, endophoric elements may be concep-
tually prominent (and realized by a pronoun or ellipted) or non-
prominent (usually realized by full noun phrases) In this text,
however, this correlation between prominence and linguistic
form is clearly broken by the use of “they” in (f). Explain how
the hearer is able to make sense of this form.
Solution 8.9.3.
(a) Establishing who is who and what it’s all about
(iii) Remarks
line h
In the United States, it is a cultural phenomenon that a group of women
pick each other up and then go to a luncheon. Cultural phenomena do not
need to be referred to as “new” information because the speakers share
this knowledge.
line o
“her right side”
It is considered to be a universal truth that human beings have a left and a
right side. “Her right side” does not need to be introduced as “new” in-
formation since it is known to be the right side from the person’s point of
view, not the person’s facing her.
(iv) All endophoric references are anaphoric (the referents refer back to
something or someone that has been mentioned before or can be inferred
from something mentioned before).
Assignment 8.9.4
After reading the following text make an analysis of the relational coher-
ence in the text by answering the questions below.
(1) a. Four hundred U.S. Marines have just completed a 100-mile march
from Lake Hemet, California, to Camp Horno at Camp Pendleton,
b. the first march of that length by the Camps Marines since 1985.
(2) a. Marching merrily at the head of the column was Colonel Peter
b. who said he has to take 19-year-olds with MacDonald's and
Taco Bells under their belts
c. and give them a touch of reality.
(3) a. Tough as the hike was
b. - with full packs, marines averaged 4 miles per hour -
c. there were few concessions,
d. including 10-minute breaks every three miles.
(4) a1. The colonel,
b. a former British Marine,
a2. found one of the biggest challenges was not a physical one.
c. A 250-page environmetal impact report had to be filed in
advance with the communities the hike was to pass through.
(i) Identify the nucleii (lines that contain the main story line) in each
sentence in the text.
(ii) Are all the nucleii main (or independent) clauses?
(iii) In each subpart of simple or complex sentences there can be nu-
cleii and satellites. Of the following sets, which one is the nu-
cleus and which one the satellite?
1. 1a-1b 7. 3a - 3b
2. 1ab - 2ac 8. 3c - 3d
3. 2a - 2bc 9. 1ab - 4abc
4. 2b - 2c 10. 4a - 4b
5. 1ab - 3abcd 11. 3ab - 3cd
6 4ab - 4c
Solution 8.9.4.
(i) Nucleii are printed in bold type
(ii) Yes, all the nucleii are main clauses. Still, one should bear in
mind that nucleii are not always main/independent clauses!
(iii) 1. 1a-1b 7. 3a - 3b
2. 1ab - 2ac 8. 3c - 3d
3. 2a - 2bc 9. 1ab - 4abc
4. 2b - 2c 10. 4a - 4b
5. 1ab - 3abcd 11. 3ab - 3cd
6 4ab - 4c
Assignment 8.9.5
The coherence relation (see section 8.6) between most of these sets is
one of Elaboration, but there is also one each of Cause, Concession, and
Evidence. Identify the coherence relation in each set.
Solution 8.9.5.
1a - 1b Elaboration
1ab - 2abc Elaboration
2a - 2bc Elaboration
2b - 2c Cause
1ab - 3abcd Elaboration
3ab - 3cd Concession
3a - 3b Elaboration
3c - 3d Elaboration
1ab - 4abc Elaboration
4a - 4b Elaboration
4ab – 4c Evidence
9.7. Assignments
Assignment 9.7.1.
Check whether the words in italics in the following sentences are already
included in some older dictionaries and whether they have been given
their present-day meanings. What can you conclude from this?
Solution 9.7.1.
Assignment 9.7.2.
Consider the following Chaucerian passage, dated ca. 1380. What char-
acteristics show you that it is not a modern text? Be specific about the
differences, what they are and how you recognized them:
Solution 9.7.2.
The sentence If no love is has the pattern “No Subject-Complement-
Verb” instead of the Modern English pattern “Subject-Verb-
Complement” If it is no love. Besides, in the second part of this line what
fele I so, the verb precedes the subject, whereas in Modern English we
use the auxiliary verb do for a question. Note that in other Western Ger-
manic languages like Dutch and German, the structure Verb-Subject is
still a normal pattern for questions. Finally, the word fele uses an old in-
In the second line the words And if love is the verb is placed at the
end of that dependent clause. The subject it is also missing in this part. In
the second part the pronoun he refers to “love”, which we would now
replace by the neuter pronoun it.
In the third line we would use the form is (third person singular) in-
stead of the subjunctive form be. Furthermore, the verb cometh has the
old inflexion -th instead of -s. The form Whennes is the genitive of the
interrogative adverb where. The spelling of the word woo (/o:/) is also
Assignment 9.7.3.
If there are double forms for the past tense and the past participle, British
English more often uses the strong form and American English the weak
form e.g. burnt vs. burned; dreamt vs. dreamed, knelt vs. kneeled, leant
vs. leaned, leapt vs. leaped, spat vs. spitted. Do you see a possible ex-
planation for this phenomenon?
Solution 9.7.3.
The strong forms have disappeared in American English. One of the rea-
sons for this may be that because of the many different peoples that came
to America and learned the English language, the language was slightly
simplified and therefore lost its so-called irregular forms. The favouring
of so-called regular forms is caused by the principle of analogy. But
strong forms that are very frequently used such as was, were, have been
did not change to weak or regular forms.
Assignment 9.7.4.
In each case, say which aspect of Grimm’s Law has operated, e.g. the
Indo-European voiceless stop has become a voiceless fricative in Ger-
Solution 9.7.4.
(a) Non-aspirated voiced velar stops in Indo-European languages,
for example the /g/ in Latin ager, became voiceless velar stops in
Germanic languages such as /k/ in acre.
(b) The Indo-European voiceless bilabial stops such as /p/ became a
voiceless labiodental fricative /f/ in Germanic languages etc.
(c) The Indo-European voiced alveolar stop /d/ became a voiceless
alveolar stop /t/ in Germanic languages.
(d) The Indo-European voiceless alveolar stop /t/ became the voice-
less alveolar fricative /θ/ in Germanic languages.
Assignment 9.7.5.
What kind of change is illustrated in each of the following examples?
Solution 9.7.5.
(a) Retrogressive assimilation .
(b) Dissimilation of velal into velar, because of the two /l/ sounds.
(c) Metathesis: the -r and -i have changed positions.
(d) Mice is an instance of umlaut, which was historically preceded
by what is called spontaneous palatization: /mus/ became /mys/,
which then received umlaut and became /mis/, which later diph-
tongized as /OC+U/. The umlaut rule is no longer productive: the
proper name Mickey Mouse has the plural Mickey Mouses.
(e) Metathesis in German and Dutch.
(f) Metathesis in thirty and thirteen.
(g) Metathesis in Bernstein and burn; nothing has changed in Ger-
man Brennstein and brennen.
(h) Dissimilation in English and Dutch by means of an epenthetic
(i) Dissimilation in Dutch. The difference in the initial sound /s/ vs.
/k/ between English cellar and German or Dutch Keller and
kelder is the result of different periods of borrowing from Latin.
(j) Assimilation of /dv/ into /v/ in French and Dutch.
Assignment 9.7.6.
Compare the plural forms of the Proto-West-Germanic words mus and
kuh in English, German and Dutch and say what similar or different
processes took place in each language.
Solution 9.7.6.
(It is not possible to go into the different evolution of musi and kuhi,
which is due to the fact that musi underwent spontaneous palatalization.
As a consequence we must start from somewhat different forms in West
Germanic i.e. mûsi and kôhi, which have determined the differences
between mouse and cow, Maus and Kuh, muis and koe. The later umlaut
rule has caused the emergence of new phonemes such as /y/ in several
Germanic languages. (Old) English still reflects the situation most
clearly. After a process of spontaneous palatalization whereby /mus/
changed into /mys/, the plural ending -i created the form /mis/ by umlaut.
Similarly the form kôhi developed into Old English plural kine, which is
a double plural form, i.e. the umlaut form ki + the plural form -ne. The
form kine has later been replaced by the form cows as a result of analogy.
In German the umlaut pattern has become a general rule: Maus/Mäuse
and Kuh/Kühe. In Dutch the plural forms muizen and koeien have re-
placed older umlaut plurals as a result of analogy.
Assignment 9.7.7.
Compare the use of the morpheme ful in Modern English (see Ch. 3.3.1)
with its entirely different use in the Chaucer fragment in (3). First collect
all the instances from the Prioress fragment. Is it a bound or a free mor-
pheme, a function word or a content word? What is its meaning in the
Chaucer fragment? Can you call this an instance of grammaticalization?
Which English word took over the function of Chaucer’s ful later?
Solution 9.7.7.
All the instances of the morpheme ful are:
Solution 10.6.1.
There are two kinds of international varieties of English: exported and
non-exported ones. American English, Australian English, South African
English belong to the exported varieties and are all readily understand-
able all over the world. Non-exported varieties are varieties such as In-
dian English, Black English in the USA, and African varieties of English;
Assignment 10.6.2.
The expressions language death, language attrition and birth of a new
language can be seen as realizations of the underlying conceptual meta-
phor LANGUAGE IS A LIVING ORGANISM. Consult any book on language
evolution, e.g. Aitchison (1991, 1996, 1997), Beakin (1996), or even
Darwin (1859), and try to find a few more instances of this metaphor.
Here is a possible fragment to work on.
Yet there is one extra worry to add in, language loss. Ninety per cent of the
world's languages may be in danger. Around 6,000 languages are currently spo-
ken in the world. Of these, half are moribund in that they are no longer learned
by the new generation of speakers. A further 2,500 are in a danger zone, in that
they have fewer than a hundred thousand speakers. This leaves around 600, a
mere ten percent of the current total, as likely survivors a century from now. Of
course, languages inevitably split, just as Latin eventually split into the various
Romance languages. So some new languages may emerge. But the diversity will
be much reduced. The splendiferous bouquet of current languages will be with-
ered down to a small posy with only a few different flowers (Aitchison 1997: 95).
Solution 10.6.2.
There are two sets of metaphors: (a) Language as a living organism, (b)
languages as flowers. (See examples under (a) and (b) in the table be-
(a) The living-organism metaphor is present in the first part of
Aitchison’s text. The deeper concern for languages is similar to
that for endangered species: numerous animals and plants are
endangered and will die out or have already died out. This source
domain of biology is mapped onto the target domain of language
(b) The flower metaphors are found in the second part of the text
beginning with Of course. The author uses new metaphors such
Assignment 10.6.3.
Using the facts of Table 3, explain why English and French are the two
most international world languages. What makes them different from
Arabic and Spanish, but also from each other? Or would you claim that
Spanish is “more international”? Can you relativize the figures for
French and Spanish in Table 3? And why can the biggest language, Chi-
nese, never become the first world language?
Solution 10.6.3.
Due to their world-wide expansion in colonial times, English and French
are now still official languages in the largest number of countries. Eng-
lish is represented in almost all continents, whereas French is represented
in Europe, Africa and Canada. Arabic and Spanish are official languages
in only half as many countries as those that have English as the official
language. Even more importantly, the countries where these two lan-
guages are official are all in Africa or Asia (for Arabic) and in Europe or
South America (for Spanish). French used to be the world language, at
least in politics, until after the First World War. Then English took over.
Assignment 10.4.6.
For each of the three European languages (a) Greek, (b) Finnish, and (c)
Welsh find out what language family they belong to. Making use of Ta-
bles 5 and 6, what is the name of the family (or even branch), and what
are some of the “sister” languages in the same family? Do you have
enough information to draw a family tree? For example, English comes
from (Western) Germanic, as do Dutch, German. The tree is as follows:
Solution 10.4.6.
(a, c) Indo-European
Kentum Satem
Uralic phylum
Finnish Hungarian
Assignment 10.6.5.
Which European languages listed in Table 6 have official status and
which do not? Underline all the non-official languages and give reasons
why these languages have no official status.
Solution 10.6.5.
There is now a general tendency in Europe, except in France, to recog-
nize a language which is only regionally used as a second official lan-
guage in the region where it is spoken. But there are still several non-
official languages:
• Frisian: although it is recognized in the Netherlands it has little
attraction; East Frisian is not recognized in Germany.
• Low German has official status now, but it is only used occa-
sionally and rather symbolically in local government
• Kurdish, for political reasons (suppressed minority)
• Breton, for political reasons: one country, one language.
• Sardinian, for political reasons: one country, one language
• Provençal, for political reasons: one country, one language
• Scots, for historical / political reasons. It is now too marginally
used, i.e. on some Scottish islands only.
Assignment 10.6.6.
Translate the English sentences of (5) to (11) into a language of your
choice (except German).
Solution 10.6.6.
The answers are in French, Italian, and Dutch, respectively.
English and French, and, to a lesser extent, Italian, use one word (count,
compter, conto for two concepts, i.e. they use a semasiological solution
(one relating to the counting of physical objects and one relating to the
abstract counting with numbers), whereas German and Dutch use two
different words for these concepts (zählen/tellen for the mechanical
counting of objects, and rechnen/rekenen for the mental operations in-
volved and for figurative extensions), indicating an onomasiological solu-
tion. Compare with assignment and solution 2.7.4 for a similar ten-