Biopharm BP-604T Question Paper and Quiz Second Sessional

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Ravishankar College of Pharmacy, Bhopal

Sessional Examination-II, B. Pharm. VI Sem, Session – July-Dec. 2021

Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokintics-II (BP-604T); Date 03/06/2021
Duration: 1 Hours Time: 10:30 am to 11:30pm Marks: 30

Note: Attempt all questions.

Q1. Attempt all and each carries equal marks (Mark/fill/write correct answer) (10 Marks)
1. Biotransformation is the chemical conversion mechanism in which normally drug become
(a) More hydrophilic (b) More lipophilic (c) More toxic (d) All the above
2. Match the column. After biotransformation drug convert in their pharmacological active
(a) Codeine (a) Paracetamol
(b) Aspirin (b) Ampicillin
(c) Phenacetin (c) Morphine
(d) Pivaampicillin (d) Salicylic acid
3. Which one is right order of drug metabolizing organ
(a) Liver>Lungs>Kidney>Intestine (b) Liver>Kidney >Lungs >Intestine
(c) Liver>Kidney >Skin >Intestine (d) Liver>Intestine >Kidney >Skin
4. Determination of pharmacokinetic parameters of drug from urinary excretion data required
sample of
(a) 3 t1/2 (b) 5 t1/2 (c) 7 t1/2 (d) 1 t1/2
5. Two or more drug products contain the same labeled chemical substance as an active ingredient in
the same amount.
(a) Equivalence (b) Therapeutic equivalence (c) Bioequivalence (d) Chemical equivalence
6. Drug having high volume of distribution, the half life of the same drug is decrease [True/False]
7. Half life of drug will increase upon increasing the active tubular re-absorption [True/False]
8. Enzyme induction
9. Define MRT
10. Define first pass effect.

Q2. Attempt any two out of three. Each carries equal marks. (2×5=10 Marks)

(a) Define therapeutic, chemical and bio equivalence. Give bioavailability enhancement
(b) What are the causes of nonlinearity? Give the method of determining Km and Vmax.
(c) What is volume of distribution? Discuss different type of blood component which can
bind and distribute the drug.

Q2. Attempt any one out of two. Each carries equal marks. (10×1=10 Marks)
(a) What do you mean by compartment model? Give their types and discuss in detail about
physiological model.
(b) Determine the pharmacokinetic parameter using plasma drug concentration profile after
IV rapid injection of drug which following one compartment open model.
Write Notes on any two
(1) Blood Brain Barrier
(2) Placental Barrier
(3) Factor affecting drug excretion
(4) Non-compartment pharmacokinetic analysis

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