Sensory Processing Patterns and Fusiform Activity During Face Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Sensory Processing Patterns and Fusiform Activity During Face

Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ayaka Kuno-Fujita , Toshiki Iwabuchi, Keisuke Wakusawa, Hiroyuki Ito, Katsuaki Suzuki,
Akira Shigetomi, Kosaka Hirotaka, Masatsugu Tsujii, and Kenji J. Tsuchiya

A growing body of evidence has indicated that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) exhibit abnormal reac-
tions to sensory stimuli and impaired face processing. Although behavioral studies have reported that individual differ-
ences in sensory processing patterns are correlated with performance in face processing tasks, the neural substrates
underlying the association between sensory processing patterns and face processing remain unknown. Using functional
magnetic resonance imaging, the present study examined the relationships between sensory processing patterns assessed
with the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile (AASP) and brain activity during a one-back task with two types of stimuli (face
or house pictures). We enrolled 18 Japanese adults with ASD and 19 age- and IQ-matched controls. Sensation Avoiding
scores, which were assessed using the AASP, were positively correlated with right fusiform activity during the presenta-
tion of pictures of faces in the ASD group, but not in the control group. This suggests that abnormal sensory processing
patterns in ASD are associated with abnormal face-related brain activity, possibly resulting in impaired face processing.
Autism Res 2020, 00: 1–10. © 2020 The Authors. Autism Research published by International Society for Autism Research
published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Lay Summary: Sensory abnormalities are one of the most common symptoms in people with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD). This study shows that individuals with ASD who react abnormally to sensory stimuli also exhibit atypical brain
activity when recognizing faces. Abnormal sensory processing may partly explain the difficulty that people diagnosed
with ASD have in identifying others’ faces.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; face processing; sensory processing; sensory profile; fMRI; fusiform gyrus

Introduction individuals with ASD exhibit different visual processing

patterns from those of their TD peers.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies
disorder characterized by social communication deficits, have reported that the fusiform gyrus and amygdala
restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors, according to exhibited lower activation during face processing in indi-
the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of viduals with ASD than in TD individuals [Nomi & Uddin,
Mental Disorders [DSM-5; American Psychiatric Associa- 2015; Pierce, Muller, Ambrose, Allen, & Courchesne,
tion, 2013]. 2001; Schultz et al., 2000]. An fMRI study reported that
Growing behavioral evidence suggests that individ- the activity in the fusiform face area increased with face-
uals with ASD often show difficulty in identifying related working memory load [Druzgal & D’Esposito,
others’ faces (see Weigelt, Koldewyn, and Kanwisher 2001]. Moreover, abnormal face processing in ASD is par-
[2012] for review). When human faces were presented ticularly prominent during tasks involving face memory
simultaneously with geometrical patterns, compared to [Weigelt et al., 2012]; therefore, using a memory task
typically developing (TD) individuals, individuals with may be effective for investigating functional abnormali-
ASD focused on human faces for a shorter period and ties related to face processing in individuals with ASD.
instead fixed their gaze for longer on geometrical pat- Individuals with ASD also have abnormal sensory experi-
terns [Fujioka et al., 2016]. These findings suggest that ences. The DSM-5 added sensory abnormalities, such as

From the Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan (A.K.-F., T.I., K.W., H.I., K.S.,
K.J.T.); United Graduate School of Child Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan (A.K.-F., T.I., K.W., K.S., K.J.T.);
Miyagi Children’s Hospital, Sendai, Japan (K.W.); Department of Contemporary Education, Chubu University, Kasugai, Japan (H.I.); Ogasa Hospital,
Kakegawa, Japan (K.S.); Kojin Hospital, Nagoya, Japan (A.S.); Research Center for Child Mental Development, University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan (K.H.);
United Graduate School of Child Development, University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan (K.H.); Department of Neuropsychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences,
University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan (K.H.); School of Contemporary Sociology, Chukyo University, Toyota, Japan (M.T.)
Received January 7, 2019; accepted for publication February 3, 2020
Address for correspondence and reprints: Kenji J. Tsuchiya, Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine,
Handayama 1 Higashiku, Hamamatsu 431-3192, Japan. E-mail: [email protected]
Published online 00 Month 2020 in Wiley Online Library (
DOI: 10.1002/aur.2283
© 2020 The Authors. Autism Research published by International Society for Autism Research published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

INSAR Autism Research 000: 1–10, 2020 1

hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity, to the diagnostic Methods
criteria of ASD [American Psychiatric Association, Participants
2013]. Several studies have demonstrated that 90% or
Eighteen Japanese adults with ASD (15 males, three females;
more of children with ASD exhibit some form of sensory
mean age  SD = 31.17  3.29 years; age range 27–39 years)
abnormalities [Leekam, Nieto, Libby, Wing, & Gould,
and 19 TD controls (15 males, four females; mean
2007; Tomchek & Dunn, 2007]. Sensory abnormalities,
age  SD = 31.37  3.19 years; age range 29–39 years)
defined as atypical patterns of sensory processing, are
participated in this study. All participants were right-handed
assessed by measuring behavioral responses to sensory as assessed by the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory
input in the field of occupational therapy [Brown, [Oldfield, 1971].
Tollefson, Dunn, Cromwell, & Filion, 2001]. The Adoles- Participants in the ASD group were recruited from the
cent/Adult Sensory Profile® (AASP) is a self-reported Asperger Society Japan and diagnosed with Autistic Dis-
questionnaire used to evaluate such behavioral response order, Asperger Disorder, or Pervasive Developmental
patterns toward sensory stimuli in adults [Brown & Disorder based on the DSM-IV TR [4th edition, text
Dunn, 2002; Hirashima et al., 2014]. It assesses sensory revision; American Psychiatric Association, 2000] by a
processing patterns according to four quadrants based local psychiatrist. An independent, certified psychia-
on Dunn’s [1997] model: “Low Registration,” “Sensa- trist (K.J.T.) and psychologist (K.M.), who were quali-
tion Seeking,” “Sensory Sensitivity,” and “Sensation fied to administer the Autism Diagnostic Interview-
Avoiding.” A previous study using AASP demonstrated Revised [Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur, 1994] and Autism
that adults with ASD exhibited higher scores in the Low Diagnostic Observational Schedule [Lord et al., 1989]
Registration and Sensation Avoiding quadrants than did confirmed that all participants in the ASD group ful-
TD adults, while Sensation Seeking scores were lower in filled ASD diagnostic criteria.
the ASD adult group than in the TD adult group [Crane, Full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) was measured with
Goddard, & Pring, 2009]. Similar patterns have also the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, third edition
been observed in children with ASD [Jao Keehn et al., [Wechsler, 1997]. Although age did not significantly differ
2017; Stewart et al., 2016] between the two groups, there was a marginally significant
Previous research has suggested a link between abnor- difference in the full-scale IQ (Table 1). Participants also
mal face processing and sensory abnormalities in ASD. completed the AASP, Social Responsiveness Scales-Second
Regarding visual processing in ASD, it has been demon- Edition (SRS-2: Constantino & Gruber, 2012], SRS-2 Adult
strated that local information is processed preferentially Self-Report Form [Constantino & Gruber, 2012], and
over global information [Happé & Frith, 2006; Shah & Autism-spectrum Quotient [Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright,
Frith, 1983, 1993]. Several studies have reported an asso- Skinner, Martin, & Clubley, 2001]. Written, informed
ciation between sensory processing patterns and global consent was provided by each participant. This study was
precedence [Stevenson et al., 2018] and another between conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
global precedence and face processing [Gross, 2005], and approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee
suggesting that abnormal face processing observed in at the Hamamatsu University School of Medicine.
ASD, which may be affected by weakened global
processing of visual information [Behrmann et al., Stimuli and Experimental Design
2006], is associated with abnormal sensory processing
patterns. However, the neural bases underscoring abnor- A one-back task with a block-design paradigm was per-
mal sensory processing patterns and face processing in formed in the magnetic resonance scanner. The experi-
ASD remain unknown. ment comprised six stimulus blocks of 30 sec each. Forty
The present study examined the neural substrates gray-scale faces (half male and half female) or house pic-
underlying the relationship between specific sensory traits tures were presented in each stimulus block. Face blocks
and abnormal face processing in ASD. As mentioned pre- and house blocks were alternately repeated (Fig. 1). All
viously, the fusiform gyrus and amygdala have been asso- face pictures were full-face and trimmed to remove appar-
ciated with abnormal face processing in individuals with ent features such as the neck, ears, and hair. Similarly,
ASD [Pierce et al., 2001; Schultz et al., 2000]. Therefore, house pictures were edited to eliminate the background
we used fMRI to measure the brain activity in these areas and extraneous objects. Photoshop CS4 (Adobe Systems
during a face-processing task and used the AASP to assess Inc.) was used to edit pictures. The duration of the pre-
sensory processing patterns in a sample of adults with sentation of each picture was 500 msec, followed by a
ASD and their TD peers. To investigate the link between 250-msec inter-stimulus interval. The presentation order
face-related activity and sensory processing patterns, we within each block was pseudo-randomized. During stimu-
analyzed the correlations between brain activity and sen- lus blocks, no fixation cross was presented, but partici-
sory profile scores. pants were instructed to observe presented pictures

2 Kuno-Fujita et al./Sensory processing patterns in autism INSAR

Table 1. Demographic Data and Behavioral Data in the One-Back Task
ASD (n = 18) TD (n = 19) Comparison

Mean age (range) 31.17 (27–39) 31.37 (29–39) t = −0.17 P = 0.87

Intelligence quotient (mean  SD) 87.12  18.28 98.74  8.83 t = −2.00 P = 0.054
Autism spectrum quotient (mean  SD) 30.47  8.00 15.42  6.13 t = 6.51 P < 0.001
Social Response Scale Second Edition (SRS-2) (mean  SD) 76.06  23.01 30.05  21.28 t = 6.35 P < 0.001
SRS-2 Adult Self-Report Form 88.41  30.84 47.47  21.46 t = 4.26
(mean  SD) P < 0.001
Adolescent/adult sensory profile (mean  SD)
Low registration 32.06  8.39 25.79  8.67 t = 2.13 P = 0.04
Sensation seeking 36.88  10.53 37.84  5.52 t = −0.35 P = 0.73
Sensory sensitivity 32.59  9.43 32.53  7.99 t = 0.01 P = 0.99
Sensation avoiding 37.41  8.58 33.00  7.30 t = 1.47 P = 0.15
Autism diagnostic observation schedule (mean  SD)
Social reciprocity + communication 13.94  3.15
One-Back Task (mean  SD)
Reaction time (msec)
Face 507.40  85.41 512.24  40.73 t = −0.22 P = 0.83
House 485.09  86.76 489.73  41.00 t = −0.21 P = 0.83
Correct answer rate
Face 0.86  0.09 0.89  0.12 t = −0.93 P = 0.36
House 0.94  0.10 0.91  0.13 t = −0.92 P = 0.36
Head motion during scan acquisition (mean  SD)
x (mm) −0.02  0.08 0.00  0.06 t = −0.73 P = 0.47
y (mm) 0.06  0.07 0.03  0.08 t = 1.46 P = 0.15
z (mm) 0.07  0.26 0.13  0.18 t = −0.58 P = 0.57
Pitch (radian) 0.00  0.01 0.00  0.01 t = 0.86 P = 0.40
Roll (radian) 0.00  0.00 0.00  0.00 t = −0.83 P = 0.41
Yaw (radian) 0.00  0.00 0.00  0.00 t = −1.00 P = 0.32

Abbreviations: ASD: individuals with autism spectrum disorder; TD: typically developing individuals.
For behavioral data in the one-back task, statistics on direct group comparisons in each picture type (face, house) are shown.

carefully and to memorize them temporarily. They were fMRI Data Acquisition
also required to press a button with their right index fin-
ger as quickly as possible when an identical picture was T2*-weighted images with blood oxygenation level-
successively presented. Ten pictures served as target stim- dependent contrast were collected with a 3-T MRI scanner
uli in each block. A fixation cross was presented for 20 sec (Signa HDxt, GE Healthcare) at the Kojin Hospital (Nagoya,
before and after each stimulus block. In addition, a 25-sec Japan) using gradient-echo echo-planar imaging. The
fixation block was inserted at the beginning of the experi- following parameters were used: repetition time
ment, and a termination message was presented for 5 sec (TR) = 2,500 msec, echo time (TE) = 30 msec, field of
at the end of the experiment. view = 210 × 210 mm2, slice thickness = 3.0 mm with

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the stimuli and task.

INSAR Kuno-Fujita et al./Sensory processing patterns in autism 3

0.5-mm gap, 42 transverse slices, flip angle (FA) = 80 , of Picture Type was tested by comparing the face condition
64 × 64 matrix. In total, 140 scans were acquired per to the house condition. The statistical threshold was set at
functional session. The first 10 and last two scans were P = 0.05 with family-wise error (FWE) correction for multi-
discarded. Using a 3D SPGR sequence, T1-weighted ana- ple comparisons at voxel-level. We did not apply an addi-
tomical images were also acquired with the following tional cluster-level correction, taking into account small
parameters: TR = 5.9 msec, TE = 1.9 msec, inversion cluster sizes. Anatomical labels of the peaks were defined
time = 400 msec, FA = 15, voxel size = 1 × 1 × 1 mm3, using the Neuromorphometrics function in SPM12.
156 transverse slices.
Region of Interest Analysis
Behavioral Data Analysis
To create individual regions of interest (ROIs) in the bilat-
For each participant, accuracy and mean reaction time eral fusiform gyrus and amygdala, we localized activation
for the one-back task were calculated. We then conducted peaks for each participant within mask images of the four
a linear mixed-effects model analysis with Group (ASD, target regions (i.e., the right fusiform gyrus, left fusiform
TD), Picture Type (face, house), and their interaction as gyrus, right amygdala, and left amygdala), comparing the
fixed effects and a by-subject random intercept. More- face and house conditions with a significance threshold of
over, we included full-scale IQ as a covariate because we P = 0.05 uncorrected for multiple comparisons. Those
observed marginally significant group differences in mask images were generated using the SPM Anatomy tool-
full-scale IQ. Data fitting was performed with Stata MP box [Eickhoff et al., 2005]. Activated clusters in these ana-
15.1 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). tomical masks were regarded as individual functional
ROIs. For those who did not show any significant activa-
tion within a masked region, we used the activated clusters
fMRI Data Analysis
in the group-level analysis (P < 0.05 with FWE correction
SPM12 software ( was for multiple comparisons at voxel-level) within the same
used for preprocessing and statistical whole-brain analysis anatomical mask images (i.e., bilateral fusiform gyrus and
of fMRI data. The applied preprocessing steps included the amygdala) as functional ROIs. We created these ROIs from
following: (a) the functional images were realigned to the the group-level activated clusters by the contrast between
mean image; (b) the difference of slice acquisition timing the face condition and the house condition. We used Mar-
was corrected; (c) the functional images were co-registered sbar software [Brett, Anton, Valabregue, & Poline, 2002] to
to individuals’ structural T1 images; (d) the spatial normali- build all ROIs and to extract the beta values for the face
zation parameters were estimated during the segmentation condition from these ROIs.
of structural images into gray matter, white matter, and To test the hypothesis that behavioral characteristics of
cerebrospinal fluid; (e) all functional images were trans- sensory processing were correlated with altered brain activity
formed into the Montreal Neurological Institute stereo- during face processing in ASD, we calculated the partial cor-
taxic space using the estimated parameters, and resampled relations between AASP scores and beta values for the face
into 3 × 3 × 3 mm3 voxels; and (f) the normalized func- condition within the ROIs with full-scale IQ as a covariate.
tional images were smoothed with a 6-mm full width at We used Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons.
half maximum Gaussian kernel.
The preprocessed data were analyzed using a general lin- Correlation Analysis Between Sensory Profile Scores and
ear model approach. The functional images were high-pass Symptom Severity
filtered to remove low-frequency noise with a cut-off period
of 128 sec. The serial correlations in the fMRI time series There may be associations between symptom severity in
were considered using the autoregressive AR(1) model, as ASD and sensory processing patterns assessed by the
implemented in the standard pipeline of SPM12. The face AASP. These possible associations may result in spurious
and house conditions were modeled as separate box-car correlations between sensory processing patterns and
regressors that were convolved with a canonical hemody- brain activity. We calculated correlations between sen-
namic response function. Additionally, six head-motion sory profile scores and symptom severity assessed by the
parameters were included as confounding covariates. ADOS and ADI-R, to exclude this possibility.
The beta maps yielded by the individual-level analysis
were submitted to a 2 × 2 full factorial analysis of variance
for group-level random-effects statistical inference, with a Behavioral Data
between-subjects factor (Group [ASD or TD]) and within-
subjects factor (Picture Type [face or house]). To identify We observed that Picture Type had a significant effect on
group-level local maxima within the fusiform gyrus and reaction time (β = 22.512, 95% confidence interval
amygdala associated with face processing, the main effect [CI] 6.922 to 38.101, P = 0.005), suggesting that the

4 Kuno-Fujita et al./Sensory processing patterns in autism INSAR

Table 2. MNI Coordinates for Individual Activation Peaks for the Contrast of Face > House
Fusiform gyrus (L) Fusiform gyrus (R) Amygdala (L) Amygdala (R)

ASD1 [−50, −74, −8] [44, −72, −10] – [16, −4, −16]
ASD2 [−44, −48, −26] [40, −52, −20] – –
ASD3 [−44, −56, −22] [42, −68, −18] [−18, −2, −28] –
ASD4 – [46, −52, −18] – [26, 0, −30]
ASD5 – [44, −50, −24] – [22, −6, −12]
ASD6 [−40, −50, −20] [44, −52, −20] [−20, −4, −26] [24, −6, −12]
ASD7 – – – [28, 4, −28]
ASD8 – [44, −56, −18] – –
ASD9 [−44, −48, −26] [46, −48, −22] [−28, −2, −22] [22, −4, −18]
ASD10 [−42, −50, −16] [40, −58, −18] [−22, −4, −14] [24, 0, −14]
ASD11 [−46, −46, −28] [46, −48, −26] [−22, −8, −24] [24, −6, −18]
ASD12 [−48, −60, −22] [40, −54, −18] [−18, −8, −14] [16, −4, −16]
ASD13 [−46, −50, −24] [44, −58, −14] [−24, −6, −18] [30, −6, −16]
ASD14 [−20, −62, −8] [40, −72, −16] [−16, −6, −16] [22, −8, −12]
ASD15 [−40, −50, −14] [42, −64, −12] – [16, −6, −20]
ASD16 [−44, −60, −14] [46, −64, −18] [−18, 2, −22] [20, 0, −16]
ASD17 [−40, −42, −26] [46, −50, −18] – [20, −4, −16]
ASD18 [−46, −44, −18] – [−18, 2, −22] [34, −2, −24]
TD1 [−38, −66, −10] [40, −52, −20] [−20, −10, −12] –
TD2 [−48, −60, −18] [42, −56, −10] [−16, −4, −18] [20, −4, −16]
TD3 [−44, −52, −24] [40, −56, −10] [−16, −4, −16] [22, −6, −12]
TD4 [−36, −60, −8] [40, −48, −12] [−22, 0, −16] [22, −2, −16]
TD5 [−48, −64, −18] [40, −56, −20] [−22, −8, −14] [26, −2, −18]
TD6 [−50, −60, −16] [50, −46, −18] [−18, −6, −20] [18, −6, −22]
TD7 [−46, −58, −22] [48, −48, −24] – [30, 2, −24]
TD8 – – – –
TD9 [−40, −80, −14] [38, −40, −18] [−26, −4, −14] [20, 0, −16]
TD10 [−46, −74, −14] [40, −74, −12] [−18, −8, −14] [20, −6, −16]
TD11 [−42, −54, −22] [44, −72, −18] [−26, 0, −24] [20, −2, −26]
TD12 [−42, −48, −16] – [−18, −4, −16] [24, −8, −12]
TD13 [−40, −48, −16] [46, −46, −20] [−16, −2, −18] [24, 4, −28]
TD14 [−38, −44, −24] – – [20, −4, −16]
TD15 [−40, −60, −18] [46, −46, −20] [−18, −2, −18] [26, 0, −18]
TD16 [−44, −52, −20] [42, −50, −16] [−22, −12, −14] [16, −4, −18]
TD17 [−38, −54, −20] [46, −60, −16] [−20, −4, −14] [24, −8, −14]
TD18 [−42, −72, −6] [48, −56, −20] – –
TD19 [−48, −64, −20] [48, −58, −20] [−26, −4, −22] [26, 0, −14]

Horizontal lines indicate no significant activation at the individual level.

Abbreviations: MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; L, left; R, right.

Figure 2. Group-level brain activation during the one-back task. The bilateral fusiform gyrus and amygdala showed increased activity
for the face > house comparison when the two groups were combined. R: right, L: left.

INSAR Kuno-Fujita et al./Sensory processing patterns in autism 5

Table 3. Brain Activation for the Contrast of Face Versus house condition (contrast = −0.023, 95% CI −0.128 to
House 0.072, Bonferroni-corrected q = 1).
MNI coordinate
x y z Z-score size
fMRI Data

Right amygdala 24 −6 −14 7.18 653 Localizer analysis identified peak coordinates of each
Left amygdala −20 −6 −14 5.77 664 participant (Table 2). For participants whose peak was not
Right cerebellum exterior 6 −44 −16 5.36 5731 identified in any ROI, we used local maxima revealed by
Right superior frontal gyrus 28 44 40 5.08 1384
the whole-brain group-level contrast of the face condition
Right thalamus proper 26 −24 12 4.57 107
Right fusiform gyrus 44 −52 −18 4.52 33 versus the house condition in the left fusiform gyrus, right
Left supramarginal gyrus −60 −56 30 4.49 389 fusiform gyrus, left amygdala, and right amygdala (x = −42,
Left fusiform gyrus −42 −50 −20 4.47 16 y = −50, z = −20 for the left fusiform gyrus; x = 44, y = −52,
Left parietal operculum −32 −32 20 4.46 51 z = −18 for the right fusiform gyrus; x = −20, y = −6, z = −14
for the left amygdala; and x = 24, y = −4, z = −14 for the
Abbreviation: MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute.
right amygdala) (P < 0.05, FWE corrected for multiple com-
reaction to face pictures was significantly delayed com- parisons at voxel level; Fig. 2 and Table 3).
pared to that of house pictures (Table 1). The effect of We calculated the partial correlations between scores in
Group and the interaction of Group × Picture Type were each quadrant of the AASP and beta value for the face
not significant (β = −22.810, 95% CI −62.856 to 17.237, condition in each ROI by controlling for full-scale
P = 0.26, and β = −0.201, 95% CI −22.552 to 22.151, IQ (Table 4). In the ASD group, right fusiform gyrus activ-
P = 0.97, respectively). The effect of Group (β = 0.042, ity was positively correlated with Sensation Avoiding
95% CI −0.033 to 0.116, P = 0.27) and that of Picture scores (r = 0.78, Bonferroni-corrected q = P × 48 = 0.009;
Type (β = −0.016, 95% CI −0.052 to 0.021, P = 0.39) on Fig. 3). Other correlations did not survive Bonferroni cor-
accuracy were not significant. However, we observed a rection in the ASD group. In the TD group, no significant
significant interaction of Group × Picture Type correlations were detected. For the bilateral amygdala, no
(β = −0.069, 95% CI −0.121 to −0.017, P = 0.009). We significant correlation was observed in the ASD group,
conducted post hoc pairwise comparisons using the TD group, or a combination of the two groups.
“pwcompare” command in Stata, and found that the We further tested the differences in correlation
accuracy in the face condition was significantly lower between right fusiform activity and Sensation Avoiding
than that in the house condition in the ASD group (con- scores among groups. We observed that the correlation
trast = −0.085, 95% CI −0.135 to −0.034, Bonferroni- value was significantly higher in the ASD group than in
corrected q < 0.001) but not in the TD group (con- the TD group (z = 2.56, P = 0.01). In addition, we divided
trast = −0.016, 95% CI −0.065 to 0.033, Bonferroni- each group into two subgroups on the basis of cut-off
corrected q = 1). Conversely, group differences were not points for the Sensation Avoiding quadrant (42 for ages
significant for the face condition (contrast = −0.016, 95% below 35 years, and 40 for ages 35 years and above), and
CI −0.065 to 0.033, Bonferroni-corrected q = 1) or the compared right fusiform activity among these subgroups.

Table 4. Correlations Between AASP and Brain Activity

Fusiform Amygdala
All (n = 37) ASD (n = 18) TD (n = 19) All (n = 37) ASD (n = 18) TD (n = 19)

Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right

Correlation Low registration 0.03 0.17 0.26 0.52 0.08 0.09 0.17 0.21 0.29 0.30 0.25 0.15
coefficient (r) Sensation seeking 0.18 0.32 0.27 0.48 0.01 0.11 0.16 −0.10 0.10 −0.24 0.19 0.13
Sensory sensitivity 0.06 0.11 0.33 0.55 −0.23 −0.20 0.10 0.06 0.21 0.21 −0.04 −0.05
Sensation avoiding 0.19 0.37 0.56 0.78 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.04 0.29 0.22 0.14 −0.01
Uncorrected Low registration 0.87 0.31 0.31 0.03* 0.75 0.72 0.32 0.21 0.27 0.24 0.31 0.54
P-value Sensation seeking 0.30 0.06 0.29 0.05 0.98 0.67 0.35 0.58 0.70 0.35 0.45 0.60
Sensory sensitivity 0.74 0.51 0.19 0.02* 0.36 0.43 0.55 0.71 0.41 0.41 0.89 0.85
Sensation avoiding 0.26 0.03* 0.02* 0.00** 0.73 0.66 0.38 0.83 0.26 0.40 0.58 0.96
Bonferroni Low registration 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
corrected Sensation seeking 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
q-value Sensory sensitivity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sensation avoiding 1 1 0.97 0.009** 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Abbreviation: AASP: Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile.

*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.

6 Kuno-Fujita et al./Sensory processing patterns in autism INSAR

ASD group but not in the TD group. We also demonstrated that
5 TD the correlation value was higher for the ASD group than
Pa ra me t e r e st ima t e (a .u.)

for the TD group.

The magnitude of the Sensation Avoiding score, by def-
r = .78 inition, indicates a low threshold for sensory stimulation
p < .001 and engagement in behaviors to avoid sensory stimuli
2 [Brown & Dunn, 2002; Dunn, 1997]. Therefore, the posi-
1.5 r = .11 tive correlation between Sensation Avoiding scores and
1 p = ns. right fusiform activity implies that the greater the ten-
0.5 dency to avoid sensory stimulation, the stronger the neu-
0 ral responses to face stimuli in ASD. Previous reports have
10 20 30 40 50 60 indicated no significant differences between individuals
AASP "Sensation Avoiding" with ASD and TD individuals in fusiform gyrus activity
when both groups were subjected to a face recognition
Figure 3. Relationships between sensory processing patterns task and instructed to look into the eyes [Hadjikhani
assessed with AASP and brain activity in the face condition. Scat-
et al., 2004; Lassalle et al., 2017]. Although we did not
ter plot of right fusiform gyrus activity and the Sensation Avoiding
provide explicit instructions to look into the eye region
score. Parameter estimates show the beta values for the face con-
dition in the individual right fusiform ROIs. The partial correlation in pictures, we conjectured that individuals with ASD
coefficient and uncorrected P-value are shown. ASD, individuals who had greater sensory abnormalities may have focused
with autism spectrum disorder; TD, typically developing individ- on the eyes more rigorously, given the positive correla-
uals; AASP, Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile; a.u., arbitrary unit. tions between fusiform gyrus activity and the Sensation
Avoiding trait. Furthermore, in the present study, all par-
No significant differences were observed between the
ticipants were instructed to observe and memorize the
high and low subgroups (4 for the high, 15 for the low)
presented faces carefully in the one-back task. For this
in the TD group. In the ASD group (5 for the high, 13 for
reason, participants may have been unable to remove
the low), the high subgroup showed higher right fusiform
their gaze from face stimuli, although those with high
activity than that in the low subgroup (t = −5.68,
“Sensation Avoiding” traits may have a tendency to look
P < 0.001). We have to note, however, that there were
away from others’ faces. This experimental manipulation
very few participants in the high subgroups (five ASD,
may have influenced greater activity in the fusiform face
four TD), and these results should be interpreted cau-
area in ASD individuals with a greater Sensation Avoiding
tiously. Moreover, we should also mention that there
were marginally significant differences in age (t = −1.71,
In both the ASD and TD groups, we did not observe a
P = 0.11) and Sensory Sensitivity scores (t = −1.94,
relationship between sensory processing patterns and
P = 0.07) when demographic, behavioral, and psychologi-
amygdala activity. However, Green et al. [2013] reported
cal measures were compared between the ASD subgroups.
a relationship between sensory processing patterns and
The results of the subgroup analysis could have been
amygdala activity using an unpleasant auditory stimula-
affected by some background factors.
tion task. These contrasting results may be due to differ-
ences in the task modality. To date, research on face
Correlation Analysis Between Sensory Profile Scores and perception has recognized the fusiform gyrus and amyg-
Symptom Severity dala as key brain areas underscoring face perception.
Sensation Avoiding scores, which were associated with However, while we observed a significant correlation
right fusiform activity, showed no significant correlation between sensory profile scores and right fusiform activity,
with symptom severity (ADI-R social score, r = 0.20, no significant correlation was found for the amygdala.
P = 0.4; ADI-R communication score, r = 0.37, P = 0.1; Therefore, it is conceivable that these two sites, namely
ADI-R stereotype score, r = 0.19, P = 0.45; ADOS social fusiform gyrus and amygdala, play distinct roles in face
reciprocity + communication score, r = 0.05, P = 0.9). perception. Furthermore, we used neutral expressions as
the face stimuli, which may have contributed to the lack
of increased brain activity in both groups.
Discussion In the Introduction, we described how individuals with
ASD often exhibit local precedence over holistic
In the present study, we examined the relationships processing, and this may be associated with abnormal
between neural responses to pictures of faces and the sen- face processing in ASD. The association between the Sen-
sory processing patterns in individuals with ASD. The sation Avoiding trait and right fusiform activity may be
results showed a positive correlation between Sensation mediated by weakened global processing, but caution
Avoiding scores and right fusiform activity in the ASD should be exercised when proposing such a causal

INSAR Kuno-Fujita et al./Sensory processing patterns in autism 7

relationship. It is noteworthy that the ASD population Third, participants were recruited without considering
exhibits considerable heterogeneity. Indeed, impaired sensory processing patterns. Previous research has identi-
global processing is not common across the entire ASD fied significant differences between individuals with ASD
population [Simmons et al., 2009; Van der Hallen, and TD individuals regarding all quadrants in the AASP,
Vanmarcke, Noens, & Wagemans, 2017]. Further studies but we only identified score differences for the Low Regis-
are needed to investigate links between sensory tration trait. For this reason, there were variations in the
processing patterns, local/global precedence in visual sensory processing patterns of participants, which may
processing, and face processing in ASD. have made it difficult to observe a link between ASD and
Studies have reported that individuals with ASD show a specific brain function. Future research should refine
higher Sensation Avoiding scores than those of their TD recruitment by increasing the number of participants to
counterparts [Crane et al., 2009]. It is thus possible that reduce bias.
the association between abnormal sensory processing Finally, since our sample size was small, further studies
patterns and face-related brain activity is explained by with larger samples are needed. Despite these limitations,
the severity of ASD symptoms. However, Sensation the present study contributes to our understanding of the
Avoiding scores, which were associated with the right neurobiological basis of ASD, as we provide the first evi-
fusiform activity, showed no significant correlation with dence of an association between atypical sensory
symptom severity. Moreover, the correlations of right processing patterns and atypical fusiform activity during
fusiform activity with both ADI-R and ADOS scores were face processing, which may partly underlie abnormal face
not significant, except for a marginal correlation with processing in ASD.
ADI-R social score (r = 0.45, P = 0.06). These results sug-
gest that the Sensation Avoiding trait, rather than the
overall severity of ASD symptoms, is associated with
activity in the right fusiform face area in ASD. We would like to thank Mr. Hideto Yogo, Mr. Yuuta
Several studies have implicated abnormal face Nishimiya, and Mr. Yuuki Nishigaki from the Depart-
processing in ASD with social communication deficits, ment of Radiology, Kojin Hospital for their technical
which is a core symptom of ASD [Schultz, 2005; Schultz assistance in MRI data acquisition. We would also like to
et al., 2003; Webb, Neuhaus, & Faja, 2017]. The present thank Dr. Kaori Matsumoto from Kanazawa Institute of
study demonstrated that activity in the fusiform face area Technology for her help in clinical assessment using
was increased as a function of the tendency to avoid sen- ADOS, and Professor Nori Takei of Hamamatsu University
sory stimulation in ASD. This indicates that ASD individ- School of Medicine for helpful comments. We would like
uals with high Sensation Avoiding trait display more to thank Editage ( for editing
“TD-like” brain activity during face processing, especially and reviewing this manuscript for English language. This
when instructed to look at other’s faces carefully. It may study was partly supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
be useful to explore treatment approaches focused on the Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sci-
Sensation Avoiding trait for social communication defi- ence (15H04771), and by the Joint Usage/Research Cen-
cits, such as atypical eye contact. ter of United Graduate School of Child Development,
Osaka University, Kanazawa University, Hamamatsu Uni-
versity School of Medicine, Chiba University and Univer-
Limitations sity of Fukui.

This study had several limitations. First, sensory

processing patterns were evaluated based solely on a sin-
Conflict of Interest
gle subjective self-reported questionnaire in the present
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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