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Narrative Essay

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In this lesson, you'll learn about the three most common essay types: expository,

persuasive, and narrative.

Now you will learn about the most commonly used essay formats. This lesson gives you
practice in planning how to achieve your communication goals by choosing the best
essay format for what you actually want to say.

In general, there are three types of essays that are most commonly assigned in middle
school, high school, and college. (We will not take up the writing of research papers
here because those projects involve a different set of more complicated rules and
procedures.) In almost every case, essays you are assigned, or even those you choose
to write on your own, will fall into one of the three following formats.

Expository Essays
Expository essays are probably the most frequently assigned format for students. This
essay format requires the writer to explain something to the audience. Specific
expository writing assignments might include the following:

 describe a process (how to bake a cake)

 compare and contrast two ideas or things (compare cats and dogs as pets)
 explain a cause-and-effect relationship (pollution results in global warming)
 review something (favorite movie or book)
 define (how corn grows; how caterpillars become butterflies)
 discuss (future developments in technology)
As you can see by these examples of expository assignments, the writer's task is to
provide exposition, or inform the reader about the assigned subject, which may include
providing examples, facts, relevant anecdotes, as well as personal knowledge the writer
may have about the subject. Once the writer has clarified the subject to be explained,
he or she is free to choose among the many organizational strategies we explored in
previous lessons.

Persuasive Essays
Persuasive essays are the second-most common essay format that you are likely to be
assigned. In this format, your task is to convince the reader of your point of view on
some subject; alternatively, you may be required to convince the reader to take some
particular action, such as vote for your candidacy for class president. Here are sample
essay topics that require the persuasive essay format:

 Skateboarding should be prohibited on city streets.

 Violence on television is resulting in violence on our streets.
 The voting age for national elections should be raised to 21.
 Presidential terms should be extended to six years in order to give sitting presidents more time to enact
their policies.
As with all other essay formats, it is essential in a persuasive essay that you define
your topic narrowly; construct your thesis statement precisely; and offer statistics and
facts as well as opinions to support your argument. Additionally, you will make a more
persuasive argument for your position if you are knowledgeable about and acknowledge
the other side of the argument in your essay.
Three basic parts
 Intro
 Body
 Conclusion

Four Major Types of Essays

Distinguishing between types of essays is simply a matter of determining the writer’s goal. Does the
writer want to tell about a personal experience, describe something, explain an issue, or convince the
reader to accept a certain viewpoint? The four major types of essays address these purposes:
1. Narrative Essays: Telling a Story
In a narrative essay, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience. While telling a story may sound
easy to do, the narrative essay challenges students to think and write about themselves. When writing a
narrative essay, writers should try to involve the reader by making the story as vivid as possible. The fact
that narrative essays are usually written in the first person helps engage the reader. “I” sentences give
readers a feeling of being part of the story. A well-crafted narrative essay will also build towards drawing
a conclusion or making a personal statement.
2. Descriptive Essays: Painting a Picture
A cousin of the narrative essay, a descriptive essay paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a person,
place, object, or even memory of special significance. However, this type of essay is not description for description’s
sake. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper meaning through the description. In a descriptive
essay, the writer should show, not tell, through the use of colorful words and sensory details. The best descriptive
essays appeal to the reader’s emotions, with a result that is highly evocative.
3. Expository Essays: Just the Facts
The expository essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. In an expository
essay, the writer explains or defines a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples. Expository writing encompasses a
wide range of essay variations, such as the comparison and contrast essay, the cause and effect essay, and the
“how to” or process essay. Because expository essays are based on facts and not personal feelings, writers don’t
reveal their emotions or write in the first person.
4. Persuasive Essays: Convince Me
While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader
to accept the writer’s point of view or recommendation. The writer must build a case using facts and logic, as well as
examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning. The writer should present all sides of the argument, but must be able
to communicate clearly and without equivocation why a certain position is correct.

Have your child been assigned to write a narrative essay and is stumped for a topic? Are you a
homeschooling parent looking for sample topics for narrative essays? Needing narrative essay topic
ideas to suggest to your students? Below are a few narrative essay topics ideas for 4th - 6th grade
If you are looking for a sample narrative essay, to help grasp the concept of a narrative essay, read
"Sample Narrative Essay for Kids in 4th or 5th Grades."

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #1: Talk about a time when you learned something new.

Encourage your child(ren) to write about a time recently where they learned something new. It could
be when they learned to ride a bike, go fishing, go skiing, etc.

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #2: Discuss an exciting sports event.
This is a great suggestion to a child who plays sports. They could also write a narrative essay on an
outing to a sports game they watched.

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #3: Discuss a trip or vacation.

Kids will enjoy sharing the story of a vacation or family trip that they took. The key is to find
something they are passionate about, and this might be it. (If you work with children who's families
probably cannot afford to take vacations, I would leave this suggestion out.)

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #4: Discuss a time you helped someone in need.

This topic is probably better for older children, though younger children could write about it as well.
They could simply tell the story of how they taught their little sibling to tie their shoes, or talk about
when they helped bring food to a sick family friend. (Note: For homeschooling parents, this is a great
way to have an activity to write about. You might volunteer, and then assign your child to write a
narrative essay about it. If you need ideas on where to volunteer, read "Where to Find Volunteer
Opportunities for High School Students." (The tips can be applied to children as well.)

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #5: Describe an event in your life when you felt happy.

This is a very broad topic, but might help the children think of an event to write about.

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #6: Describe an event in your life when you felt sad.

Some children might want to share a story in their lives that does not have a happy ending.

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #7: Share the story of when you first got your dog (or
cat) and what life was like right after he/she joined your family.

If the child has a pet, this can be a great topic. They can discuss how they acquired the pet, and how
the pet adjusted to their new life.

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #8: Write about a time when you made a mistake.

This essay topic is probably better for older children. They could write about an incident where they
made a mistake, such as forget to cl

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #9: Write about a memorable dream you had.

Kids might like to share the story of a funny, exciting, or wierd dream they had.

Narrative Essay Topic Idea for Kids #10: Discuss a time when you felt embarrassed.

Most kids will probably not want to write about this, but you never know!

Here are some popular essay topic examples for your narrative essay type:
 First Day at College
 The Moment of Success
 A Memorable Journey
 The Biggest Misunderstanding
 The Difficult Decision
 The Trip of Your Dreams
 The Day You Decided to Change Your Life

Narrative Essays: To Tell a Story

There are four types of essays:

 Exposition - gives information about various topics to the reader. 

 Description - describes in detail characteristics and traits. 
 Argument - convinces the reader by demonstrating the truth or falsity of a topic. 
 Narrative - tells a story, usually from one person’s viewpoint. A narrative essay
uses all the story elements - a beginning and ending, plot, characters, setting and climax -
all coming together to complete the story.

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