DP7 Practice Activities - Answers

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Practice Activity for DP 7.1 – 7.

Gery J. Sumual (01123574291-53)

7.1 Oracle Equijoin and Cartesian Product

Vocabulary: Cartesian Product, equijoin, proprietry join, alias, join conditions
Try It / Solve It:
FROM d_play_list_items, d_track_listings;
FROM d_play_list_items plim, d_track_listings tlg
WHERE plim.song_id = tlg.song_id;
3. SELECT title, type_code, description, artist
FROM d_songs, d_types
WHERE code = type_code;
4. SELECT title, type_code, description, artist
FROM d_songs, d_types
WHERE code = type_code and id IN (47,48);
FROM d_clients dcet, d_events devt, d_job_assignments djamt
WHERE dcet.client_number = devt.client_number AND devt.id = djamt.event_id;
6. SELECT song_id, title
FROM d_track_listings dtltg, d_cds dcd
WHERE dtltg.cd_number = dcd.cd_number;
7. a. T; b. T; c. F; d. F; e. T; f. F; g. T
8. Getting more comprehensive data, and in turn, more useful and correct information could
be gleaned.

7.2 Oracle Non-equijoins and Outer Joins

Try It / Solve It:
1. SELECT name, code
FROM d_events, d_packages
WHERE package_code = code;
2. SELECT last_name, salary, grade_level||' ('||lowest_sal||' - '||highest_sal||')' AS job_grade
FROM employees, job_grades
WHERE salary BETWEEN lowest_sal AND highest_sal;
3. Inequality
4. WHERE a.ranking >= g.lowest_rank AND a.ranking <= g.highest_rank
5. It’s all for conveniency, if the table name is too long then make shorter recognizable alias out
of it, but if the the table name is short making an alias for it will amount for nothing but
6. Nonequijoin
7. SELECT id, first_name||' '||last_name AS customer, order_number, order_date, order_total,
FROM f_customers, f_orders
WHERE id = cust_id (+);
8. SELECT last_name, epe.department_id, department_name
FROM employees epe, departments dpt
WHERE epe.department_id = dpt.department_id (+);
9. SELECT last_name, epe.department_id, department_name
FROM employees epe, departments dpt
WHERE epe.department_id (+) = dpt.department_id
ORDER BY last_name DESC;
10. a. WHERE e.department_id(+) = d.department_id (+);
Oracle proprietry outer join predicate (+) can only outer-joined one table at a time.
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id (+); (equals to ANSI’s LEFT OUTER JOIN)
WHERE e.department_id(+) = d.department_id; (equals to ANSI’s RIGHT OUTER JOIN)
b. SELECT e.employee id, e. last name, d. location id
FROM employees, departments
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id(+);
Both the table names in FROM clause don’t have an alias, so the table alias used in other
clauses of the statement will yield errors.
SELECT e.employee id, e. last name, d. location id
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id(+);
11. SELECT dcd.title, dsng.id AS song_id
FROM d_songs dsng, d_track_listings dtlg, d_cds dcd
WHERE dsng.id = dtlg.song_id AND dcd.cd_number = dtlg.cd_number;
SELECT dcd.title, dtlg.song_id AS song_id
FROM d_cds dcd, d_track_listings dtlg
WHERE dcd.cd_number = dtlg.cd_number;
12. For me it would be between scientist and computer programmer.

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