Search Engine Marketing: Part 2

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Search Engine Marketing: Part 2

Now we'll be discussing about the account structure and how the Google ad words account actually works, how
you can create effective search engine marketing campaigns and how you can make use of the paper click
advertising method that we discussed in the last class. Now the Google ad words account structure is basically
in a hierarchical format. Once you have created your account, you would see that there is a campaign beyond
which, in each campaign there could be a different number of ad groups and under each of these ad groups
would be specific advertisements. So for the same campaign you could have multiple ad groups and for each of
these ad groups you would have multiple advertisements that you can create. Now by having this hierarchical
structure, the ad words helps you create a campaign which is extremely efficient, which is extremely targetable
and which can provide a lot of benefits to the market and to the agency, which is actually managing the ad
words campaign or the ad words program.

Let's come into each of these things first. The account basically is about how the entire Google ad words
account is created. I would urge all of you to go to Google ad words and try to create your own account and try
to see what the potentials or what the opportunities of this platform are. A little bit of hands on experience is
required for you to completely understand how the ad words system works. Once you have created the account,
next is the campaign. Now in the campaign section, there are a lot of decisions that you might have to take,
decisions involving what kind of bidding strategy are you going to adopt? Now, the campaign section basically
would talk about all different ad groups and all different elements that are now going to work in unison to create
a combined campaign here.

Now let's take the example of you being a mobile phone company. There might be different objectives that you
can have in different segments in the market. For example, one of your objectives is to increase conversions of
your new mobile phone model that is coming out to the market. Now in order to have this objective achieved,
you might have to create and run a campaign which is specific for this kind of an objective. If you want to
increase the conversions or if you want more people to come in and buy your mobile phone, you might have to
work on different sets of advertisements on the ad words platform. Now, one set of advertisements could be for
a metro city like Mumbai or Delhi where you might have a different amount of money that you're willing to
pay. A completely different kind of an activity would be done for a tier two, tier three, tier four city.

Now each of these different things that you do with the same campaign might be different ad groups. If you say
for example, take Mumbai and the advertisements are which are being serviced in the city of Mumbai, it could
be the campaign which is going specifically to Mumbai. If you're talking about a campaign that runs for tier
two, tier three cities, you might have a different campaign that runs for tier two, tier three cities. So hence
different campaigns and different ad groups help you make your PPC campaign or PPC program very effective.
Now at the campaign level, the first thing that you can basically decide, the first thing that you can plan for is
the bid strategy. There are two bid strategies that you can adopt. Like we discussed in the last session, you can
have Google decide what the bid strategy should be where in Google will work on a daily budget that you
provide to Google and based on this daily budget that you are provided to Google. Now the search engine is
trying to optimize how many ads can be serviced for the amount of money that you provided. You can also
provide a ceiling amount for each advertisement if you think that Google might be servicing advertisements
which are extremely costly. In some times of the day you can provide a ceiling bid, which will be the highest
bid for any advertisement that is being serviced. You can also have certain targeting done with respect to the
campaign level where you can now think about being very location specific.

When I say you can think about being location specific, it can be made to work in two different ways. One is
where you're focusing on geographic location. The other is where you're focusing on the location of interest.
When I say that you're focusing on the geographic location, you might be focusing on locations like Mumbai,
Delhi, Bangalore, etc. So the ad will be serviced to only people who are from that particular geographic
location. It can be a city, it can be a place of interest. It can be something that talks about a certain distance from
the city where the advertisement is serviced. So if you're going to focus on a geographical location, which is
Mumbai, you might have advertisements only service to people who are looking for that service or that keyword
in that particular city. In our example, it is Mumbai.

But the second element here is the location of interest. There might be people who live in Sikkim, for example,
and they are interested to come to Mumbai. They might be searching for hotels in Mumbai. Now in such
situation when a person is interested in a location, that is where the location of interest comes into importance
here. This is where advertisements would be serviced. For example, hotels in Mumbai will show the
advertisements which are relevant to hotels in Mumbai, even for a person who is sitting in Sikkim but interested
in this location. So location specific campaigns will also work at two different levels. You can also think about
what kind of payment mechanisms you need to have. We discussed about cost per click, which is the very
obvious method. You can also have cost per lead and cost per acquisition.

Now, cost per lead is every time you get a lead or every time a customer gets a qualified lead, there is a certain
cost associated. It is a little bit more focused or targeted form of getting advertisement to work because now
you're not just paying for every customer who has clicked on your link, but to every customer who now can be
qualified as a lead.

And similarly for every customer who actually comes and makes a purchase from your website or makes a
purchase from your company and pays you a certain amount of money. Now you can think about creating
something that is based on cost per acquisition and not just based on cost per click. Remember we had discussed
about the funnel. Clicks are on top of the funnel or rather impressions that are on top of the funnel where you're
talking about every customer who has seen the advertisement on the search engine. Every person who has seen
the advertisement might not be clicking on it, but a subset of these people would be clicking on the
advertisement. So these are the number of clicks that you get. So the cost per click is based on the number of
people who are clicking on the advertisement, coming to a landing page.

Not everybody who is coming to your landing page might be interested in purchasing actually. They might be
interested in broadly understanding what the product is, but not everybody is going to now purchase. So you
might have a form, you might have an interest gathering form on your website where you are now asking for the
customer's basic information like name, email address, mobile phone, etc. where in the customer is now giving
you details so that you can reach out to the customer and try to make a sale.

Now these are the leads that you have. So now you can pay Google based on the cost per leads. And finally
when the customer actually comes out and makes a purchase, the consumer is giving you money and becoming
a paid customer. This is when we call it to be an acquisition. And this is where you can actually decide how
much amount of money you have to pay to Google based on the cost per acquisition.

Now in many cases you might see that cost per click might be very small as compared to cost per acquisition.
But if your conversion rates are really small. Say for example, if you have cost per clicks, which are really small
amount as compared to cost per acquisition, but only a very minuscule small number of people are coming to
your website and actually becoming paid customers. Now in this scenario, if you're going to calculate the total
amount of money that you're spending in a cost per click format to get one paid customer, you might find in
many cases that cost per acquisition is a better model, is a better way of bidding for advertisements. And only in
these cases where you have enough data to identify how much is the number of customers that I get, who are
paying customers from a CPC model and how much money should I pay for them versus how much is the total
amount of money that I have to pay Google for cost per acquisition format.

Compare both of these and if you see that cost per acquisition turns out to be smaller or lower as compared to
cost per click, then go for that kind of a format. So it requires a little bit of understanding of how advertisements
work, a little bit of understanding of your customers, a little bit of data on how the search engine campaign has
been working and only then you can arrive at this level. So this is the campaign level wherein you can decide all
of these different elements.

The next element in the hierarchy is where ad groups come into picture. Like I discussed, you might have
different campaigns for different locations because you don't want to pay the same amount of money for a
customer who is searching from Mumbai and for a customer who might be searching from a smaller city
elsewhere in the country.

The next stage where you can bring the entire program on the Google search under ad words platform to a
smaller level is the ad group level. Now at the ad group level also you can basically come out with bidding
strategies. This is where you might think about, remember the example that we talked about, the mobile phone
category. In the mobile phone category, in the city of Mumbai, you might have different advertisements for
different group of people. Say for example, you're trying to target a college going age group versus you're trying
to target an age group of people who are a little elderly in their lifestyles. You're trying to target a set of people
who are interested in a certain lifestyle activities like hiking or like tracking etc. On the other hand, you might
be also targeting a set of people who are bikers who might have other interests. So depending on the kind of
search words that these two sets of people or different groups of people might be using, you might have
different ad groups.

Now in many campaigns, what happens is when you have a wide number of keywords, when you have a lot of
different keywords that you need to place your advertisements for, it becomes very difficult for you to go into
nuisances of each of these keywords because the sheer volume of keywords that you're trying to address is very
high. So in those cases you can basically break these things down, put a set of keywords that work together into
an ad group. Say for example, if you have a hundred keywords that you want to now have advertisements
placed on Google, you can break them down into five groups, each group having 20 carefully selected
keywords and each of these 20 keywords can be put into one ad group.

So Ad Group One would have 20 keywords. Ad Group two would have 20 other keywords. Similarly, you will
have five different ad groups under each of these campaigns, which are going to now talk about 20 specific
keywords that you're focusing on, and under each ad group you can basically decide what is going to be the bid
strategy, how much is that you are going to bid? Say for example, if you don't want to go into details of each of
these keywords in the Ad Group and suggest a bidding amount for each of them, you might want to suggest
what is going to the bid amount for the ad groups. So every keyword or every ad that is being suggested in the
ad group will be using that particular bid strategy. Now this is of course the case in case you don't specifically
define keywords specific bids.

And if you're only going by ad groups, then the ad words program will use the ad groups’ bidding that you've
used. But if you have the time and if you have the patience to actually go keyword by keyword specifically and
define what kind of bidding is to be done, then Google will override the ad groups bidding and use the specific
ad words or the keyword bidding that you have suggested. So this is the second level. So you have campaigns
on top for each of these campaigns you will have different ad groups for each of these ad groups like I
discussed, there might be different keywords that are out there. So like the example that I said to you, there are
20 keywords under each of these ad groups. And for each of these 20 keywords you might have a specific
advertisement that is created.

Each of these keywords might have multiple advertisements as well, which can be worked upon in a rotational
basis. So this is the entire account structure where in you start with the account, you go into campaigns, under
campaigns that might be different ad groups, under ad groups, there might be specific ads that you have to
create. And for each of these advertisements that you create that are going to go in the advertisement part of the
search engine result page, there are three things that are extremely important. One is the headline, two is the
description, and three is a URL that you're providing.

Now the headline basically is going to tell the customer in a nutshell what this advertisement is all about and
when you click on it, what do you get? So if you're going to talk about our specific mobile phone that you are
advertising for, the headline should talk about what that mobile phone is all about, what is the name of the
mobile phone, what kind of quality features, etc. Don't make it very big. Keep it very concise, keep it very
short. Keep it very specific so that the customer, without spending too much time thinking about whether I
should click on this or go to the next one, is forced to click on it. So the headline should be very concise, very
clear and very interesting to the customer so that they can click on it.

The second element is a description. The description is a little bit more detailed as compared to the headline.
Now this is where we talk about what this advertisement is going to be about in a little bit detail. And the third
element is the URL that you're providing. The URL should also be not very complex because many times
complex URLs are not clicked very often.

So hence all the description, headline and the URL should be in unison with the keywords that you're
suggesting, with the search term that the customer has been used. Because remember we discussed that such an
activity where you are headline description and the URL is very closely matching with the keywords that the
customer is using, your quality scores will be higher and hence you will have to pay lesser CPC amounts. So
you'll have to bid lower in order to get your ad position right. Now, again, the next important element is the fact
that you can also identify whether you need to be very aggressive in the marketplace with such advertisements
or you can just have these advertisements as part of your routine everyday activity. So there are two formats of
delivery that ad-words platform provides to you. One is a standard format of delivery. The other is an
accelerated format of delivery.

In a standard format of delivery, the advertisements will be provided as part of a standard package where every
time the customer is searching for an advertisement, the CPC into the quality score will be multiplied and then
Google will decide whether or not to display advertisement. You advertisement might not be displayed on every
search results. Based on the amount of money you paid, based on the kind of quality score that you have,
Google will decide when to show your advertisement and when not. So this is the normal practice that happens.
But in case you are running a campaign which is extremely important to you, where you have a very strict
deadline and you want every customer who is searching for something related is getting your ad words, then
you basically want to go for an accelerated campaign where in every time somebody searches for it, your
advertisement will be shown. This might be a little more costly as compared to the standard delivery platform.
But this might be relevant or this might be important when you're thinking about creating campaigns which
have very strict deadlines and it's extremely critical for you to understand that such opportunities also exist.

So like I discussed with you, there are different ways in which the ad words account works. In a nutshell, this is
the hierarchy of what the ad word account is, the account, the campaigns, the ad groups and specific
advertisements. We'll also try to provide to you a small snapshot of different elements in the Google account.
You'll see that in the next module where you can understand how each of these things work together and what
kind of opportunities does the Google ad words account provide to you?

Now the most important element of the search engine marketing campaign is the identification of the right kinds
of keywords. Because like I discussed throughout the journey that we had with search engines, search engines
work predominantly with one input that is provided to them, which is the keyword. So in many cases keyword
is extremely relevant in understanding whether or not your customers are searching for these things, whether or
not the people who are searching for these things are the right kind of people that you're looking for, whether or
not the search engine will actually display your advertisement or not. So research on keywords is extremely
important to understand. We had discussed briefly about different platforms that you can use to do research on
keywords, different types of keywords that exist based on the long tail and the short head format where in many
of these keywords, which are the short head are, although they are extremely frequently searched, they might be
extremely competitive for you to actually bid for them.

But the keywords which are the long tail, although they're not searched very frequently, might be keywords
which are extremely relevant to you and hence you might want to think about these keywords. Another thing
that you want to focus here is about the AIDA format. We had discussed this model in one of the previous
lectures where we discussed about the awareness, interest, desire and action format. Now many times a mix of
keywords should be decided or planned so that you have an opportunity to capture customers in each of these
four aspects. Customers who are looking for an awareness stage might be looking for broader key terms which
are basically in the short head format. The customer who was looking to or thinking about exploring about cars,
might be thinking about a mid segment cars or cheap cars or budgets sedans. This would be the keywords that
customers are looking for, at an awareness level.
The customer might not have brought down to a specific brand of products. The customer might not have come
down to a specific model of products, so you might want to have a set of keywords which are little broad so that
customers who are in the awareness stage or the customers who are in the early stage of their decision making
process are also interested in also getting to see your advertisements. Once the customer has a moved beyond
the awareness stage and the customer has started being more interested in a specific kind of car, you might have
to have keywords which are identified with a little bit more focus on what your product is, on a little bit more
focus on what kind of brand you're talking about. Say for example if you are Maruti or if you're one of the car
manufacturers like those, then you might want to now have keywords which also have your brand name
associated. Since the customer is now interested in your brand, so the customer might be searching for your
brand. So you don't necessarily want a competitor's name to be popping up and the customer now going to that
direction as well.

You want to make sure that the customer sticks to your advertisement, sticks to your content here. So a
customer who might be in the interest stage might be looking for brand names, etc. So you might want to now
have focused keywords, which also talk about the brand name or the specific formats of the car, etc. Now in the
desire stage you might want to bring in very clearly more details of what the customer is looking for. So hence
you might want to bring in more elements like the model number of the car or the key attributes that have
provided alongside the car.

And when it comes to action, this is where the customer is looking to buy the car or looking to buy something
like a mobile phone. Now the customer has already decided which model of the mobile phone or which model
of the car the customer needs to buy. So hence the keyword that the customer will use will be very specific. Say
for example, if I'm interested in a camera brand, in the awareness stage, I might be looking for something like a
DSLR camera. I might be looking for something that is very broad. In the interest stage. I might be looking for
DSLR cameras for professionals or I might be looking for beginner level DSLR cameras or I might be looking
for DSLR cameras with specific sensor ranges or which specific lens formats.

In the interest stage, I might be interested in one format of the camera. So I might be looking for Canon DSLR
cameras, Nikon DSLR cameras, Sony DSLR cameras, etc. But in the action stage, I might be interested in
particular models of camera. So I might be looking for a canon 77D or a Nikon D5300, specific models that I'll
be looking for. And most of these times at the action stage, you might also want to have keywords which are
associated with a little bit more detail about what the price of the camera is, what kind of discounts can be
provided on that particular camera, etc. because you now want to trigger that purchase as immediately as
possible. So the awareness, interest, desire, and action stages should all be thought about because this is the
journey that the customer takes and you want to make sure that you have specific keywords that have been
identified for each of the stages.
Now the keywords that are provided to the search engine can also have different kinds of approaches that can be
useful. Say for example, there is the concept of keyword matching. There are five types of keyword matching
that can be done. There is basically the broad match. There is a broad match modifier. There is a phrase match.
There is an exact match and there is a negative match. All of these are elements that are important to understand
what kind of keyword searches will actually display your advertisement. Say for example, a broad match is
where you provide the keyword to the search engine or when you're planning for the ad campaigns, you're
providing this keyword in a very general manner. So what the search engine does is every time the customer is
searching for something that is similar to what the keyword is, every time when the customer is searching for
something that is synonymous, synonymous means a word that has a similar meaning to what you have
provided as a keyword or somewhere that the customer has misspelled a keyword etc. All of such kinds of
situations will definitely show a few ads because it's a broad match.

When it's a broad match modifier, what happens is rather than showing advertisements for everything that is so
closely associated with the keyword that you provided, the search engine will display advertisement only if the
customer has the exact or has the kind of phrases that you have used. The search engine will not show your
advertisement if it is a synonym for it, the search engine will not show you advertisement for something that is
very closely related to it. The search engine will only show your advertisement if your keywords have been
jumbled up. Say for example, if you're talking about men's shoes, if the customer goes and searches for shoes
for men, your advertisement will still come, but if you're searching for trekking shoes, your advertisement will
not come. So that is broad match modifier. So hence at a broad match level, every time the customer looks for
something that is so closely associated with the keywords that you have suggested, your advertisement will be

For a broad match modifier where we use the plus symbol, the customer will only be shown the advertisement
when it is a little bit more specific to what the advertisement is. So you are making sure that your advertisement
is not shown to everybody who's out there.

In a phrase match where we are talking about single inverted quotes around the keyword, your phrase has to be
similar to what the customer is looking for and only then your advertisement will be shown. There could be
something that is in the beginning or towards the end of the phrase, but the phrase has to be similarly there. So
only if you provide a “Buy mobile phone” abstract, Google will show these advertisements. For example,
customers might be of different nature. A customer might be interested in knowing more about mobile phones.
A customer might be somebody who's working in a mobile phone company wants to understand what the
competitor is providing, but not necessarily thinking about buying a mobile phone. Now, in such situations, if
you're an e-commerce company who is selling mobile phones of a certain brand, you don't want your
advertisements to be shown. So you will say that, I want a phrase match in single quotes. You're going to say
that only when the customer has “buy mobile phone” as a search term, the advertisement will be shown. So if
the customer says “Buy Motorola mobile phones”, your advertisement will come. If the customer says “Buy
mobile phones in Bangalore”, your advertisement will come. If the customer says, “Buy cheap mobile phones”,
your advertisement will come. So such kinds of phrase matches can be used.

An exact match is where we use square brackets. A square bracket will ensure that only when the exact search
term is used, will your advertisement come. So in case you want to be very specific that your advertisement is to
be displayed only to customers who have the exact search term and you're very confident that this is the exact
search term that I want my advertisements to be shown, then you can probably use this kind of a method where
you can use square brackets and that will make sure that the exact search term is required for customers to now
show your advertisement.

And the last match or the last key word match is basically a negative match. By using a negative match, you are
telling Google that if this term is there in the search query, then please don't show my advertisements. So this is
where you can exclude yourself and make sure that your advertisement is not serviced to people who are
looking for specific kinds of information. Say for example, if you're a luxury car manufacturer, you don't want
your advertisement to be shown to people who are looking for a cheap car or for a budget car. So you might
have a negative match where you use a minus symbol, to search terms wherein you don't want your
advertisement to be shown. This is one way of making sure that you can filter out a lot of customers who
necessarily are not looking for your product and thereby make sure that your search results, your quality score
and the amount of money that you're spending on CPC is used very effectively. Because if you are a luxury car
manufacturer, then customers might come to Google, they might click on the advertisement, you will end up
paying to the search engine, but these customers will never buy from you. So hence negative matches which use
a minus symbol are also effective ways in which you can use keyword matching to make sure that your
campaign runs very well.

So the five ways in which keyword matching can be done: broad matchers, broad match modifiers, phrase
match, exact match and negative matches. All of these things are very critical to understand what kind of
keywords and what kind of advertisements should be brought together in the search engine result page that is
going to make your job very easy.

The next element, of course, is about ad creation. What are the things you have to think about while creating
advertisements? Your advertisements should be unique because unique content or unique advertisements attract
the attention of the customers very easily. If you're running campaigns which basically are talking about
promotions or offers that you're providing, make sure that your advertisement captures these promotions and
offers that you're providing. You might be providing 50% sales. You might be providing 35% discounts. You
might have a hundred rupee off on certain products that you're providing. So all of this information, which is
critical to trigger the customer to come to your page and buy your product should be provided in the

You should always try to include keywords that the customer is looking for. One because it improves the
chance that your quality scores are high, and two, because it makes the customer's job very easy to identify that
this is the advertisement that has the information that I am looking for. You should always highlight call to
action. Call to actions can be of different nature. You can have a button where the customer can click on a
mobile device and immediately dial you on the phone. You might have a registration form, you might have
addresses that are provided, anything that makes the customer to now act and thereby move a little further to
making that product purchase.

You should try to match the ad to the landing page. So whatever is the information provided in the landing page
should be also present in the advertisement. You can also use a set of advanced ad formats. You might have
seen that search engine ads are much more advanced as they used to be, a few years earlier. You can have a lot
of ad site links that can be provided as an extension. So, on the ad words platform you'll see that ad site links are
an extension that you can provide. There are different extensions. I'll quickly take you through all these

So when you have an ad site link extension, you basically can provide different links from your website as part
of the advertisement. Say for example, if you are an airline company, customers who are searching for the
airline company, if your name is XYZ, customers who are searching for XYZ might be interested to look for
your company because they want to book tickets, because they want to check in before the travel, because they
are part of the loyalty program that you are providing ,because they want to now do something else with the
website like say for example they want to suggest a certain complaint or suggest a certain grievance that they
had. So when you're looking for company XYZ, it, there might be a situation where different links are popped
up from the homepage. So the advertisement will have the description of the home page and below that in the
same advertisement there will be different links that are provided; a link to the booking page, a link to the
second page, a link to the loyalty program, a link to the complaints and feedback section. So the customer
without going to the homepage and then navigating to the specific page that has the information that the
customer is looking for, from the search engine can directly come to the page. So that is ad site link extension.

You have call extensions where you can provide a call button and the phone number of the company which the
customer can now click and directly dial from a mobile device, which becomes very important. It is a call to
action that works very specifically because many times the customers still want human touch in most of the
things that they're looking for. So although the customer has identified a service provider, say for example, if
you're a caterer and I am a customer who's looking for a wedding catering service, I search for catering services
in Indore and I get your advertisement and I see that immediately there is a small icon that says I can
immediately call this caterer and know more about it. The chances that I will call this caterer and get more
information are quite high. And when the caterer gets me as a customer or gets to speak to me, the chances that
he can convert me or she can convert me are much higher. So call extensions are there.

There are app download extensions. Now, app download extensions that extremely critical when you're talking
about companies which have applications that they want customers to use. We'll discuss in one of these sessions
about the importance of mobile applications. But we understand that many companies out there today have
applications and if you searching for a company which has an application, you want the company to also
highlight the fact that you can download this application. Of course it is relevant to understand that this is
device specific. So if you're using an android application, the apple download extension will lead you to the
Google play store. If you're using an apple mobile phone, then the app download extension might lead you to an
apple i-store. So depending on the kind of device that you're using, the app download extension can now direct
you to different kinds of app download options.

There are location extensions where the entire address can be provided, so if you are a business where
customers need to come to you and walk to your store and then buy it from you, you might want to provide a
location extension where in your address is provided to the customer alongside the advertisement and thereby
customers now can understand where you are located and come to you.

There are review extensions because many times what happens is ecommerce companies also are a very
significant element in the entire ecosystem and the reviews provided on ecommerce platforms are extremely
critical. Say for example, if I have been selling a product on and if has a set of
customers who have reviewed this product, given star ratings, customers might have given three stars, five stars,
seven stars, etc, and I aggregate all of this and my products gets four out of five stars. In the search engine,
when the customer is looking for certain things, I have an option to provide what is the review that the
customers have provided to me on and thereby a customer who is searching for this product right
from the search engine can see whether or not this product qualifies his or her expectations and click on it, come
and purchase your product. So review extensions are there.

There are call out extensions where details can be provided about different elements. There are price extensions.
In many cases, what happens is customers might be looking for a product and their price might be extremely
critical. So if you're looking for mobile phones, then every advertisement that comes out, will have mobile
phone prices. There are shopping ads that are provided. Many times shopping ads are something that you will
see on top of the page when you're looking to buy something.
Say for example, if you're looking for products which are available on Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra etc, you'll see
that when you search for these products, there are shopping ads that come up where each specific product is
provided, the price is provided. You can click on it, go directly to the page, the product page and buy the
product from there. So these are shopping ads, which also can be provided. Google my business or a knowledge
graph is what you generally see on the right side of the search result page wherein you can now provide a
snapshot of what your business is. It will also have a plug in to the Google maps. You would have seen this
many times that when you search for certain companies or search for certain organizations, on the right side of
the search engine result page, you will have a snapshot of what that company is. You will have a set of Google
reviews, there'll be a small map section. If you click on it, it will take you to the Google map where the location
of the companies provided. You might have other elements like reviews provided by customers or people. There
might be a lot of photographs that are associated. There might be addresses that are provided, there'll be a
snapshot to the website, there'll be a snapshot to different resources that are out there and what kind of
information is provided to it.

So, all of this is part of the Google my business approach, or Google my business application. There are also a
lot of conversion trackings that is possible on the ad words platform. Ad words can be programmed to make
sure that conversions on your website can be easily tracked because many times what happens is there is a pixel
based tracking. If you're going to place a pixel on your thank you page or on your payment confirmation page,
every time the customer who has come from a search engine finishes the entire transaction, comes to the thank
you page or comes to the payment confirmation page, Google gets to know that the customer has completed the
purchase or customer has actually paid you money. And thereby now Google can track how many people have
actually converted from just clicks to actual customers.

So, all of these things can be done as extensions to the entire keyboard, a program that you're running and
thereby make it much more effective and much more streamlined. So these are different elements that you can
do, but in all, you have to understand that this is an activity that requires a lot of attention. So you have to be on
your toes all the time to understand what kind of keywords you should be using, to understand what kind of
landing pages are you using, to understand who is the customer that you're trying to target and thereby create a
program, create campaigns, create ad groups, and create specific ads which cater to the requirements of each of
these customer groups.

So it requires a lot of understanding of what you are, who you are, who you want to cater to, etc. It also requires
a lot of understanding of what kind of reports are generated by ad words and what kind of insights are provided
by them. So you basically will start off with a performance report, which can be based on specific
advertisements. The advertisement or the ad performance report is now going to suggest what was the
performance of the advertisement? How many impressions, how many times did people click on it, what was
the click through rate? What was the cost per click that you had to provide? How much money did you spend
through it? What kind of conversions the ad provides to you, etc. All of this information can be arrived at from
the ad performance report.

From the keyword performance report, you can basically see what number of times was the keywords searched,
what kind of traffic did it generate, how many times that the keyword was searched? Did your advertisement
actually pop up? What was the amount of money that you spent for each of these keywords? Whether the
keyword was actually important in providing you the kind of conversions that you're looking for, etc?

And also at a campaign level, you will be able to identify what the campaign performance was like. Because
remember the campaign basically involves a set of ad groups and a set of ad words which are associated with
specific keywords that we're using. So how did the entire campaign perform can also be assessed from the ad
words platform. Once you have all this data, once you have all this information, you can create customized
reports that suit your purpose. You can dig deeper into these findings. You can gather insights. The reason why
I want you to understand the gathering of insights is extremely relevant is because only by looking into all the
data that is available and by gathering what kind of things are working for you, what kinds of things are not
working for you, can you actually improve the campaign or can you actually not make the mistakes that you
made in the previous campaigns, in future campaigns.

So that is why every time you run a campaign, try to see what kind of performance and what kind of results did
the campaign provide to you. And thereby, you should keep learning and keep improving so that the campaigns
can be as good as possible. So this is about the search engine part and how search networks can be used.

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