Central Philippines State University

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Republic of the Philippines

Central Philippines State University

Victorias University Campus
Brgy. XIV, Victorias City, Negros Occidental



DPA 306 (Resource Management for Local and National Development)



Not far from the City of Victorias, lay Villa Miranda a 37 hectares urban sitio with
lush green mangrove sanctuary. Only a few houses stood and some inhabitants once
lived there due to no space for building houses because of the mangrove.
Villa Miranda was once of the component sitios of Barangay VI-A, Victorias City,
Negros Occidental the other two are Pinanubol and Estrella Village.
It was believed that the name Villa Miranda was taken after and in honor of the
the late Mr. Restituto “Tiyo Anggo” Miranda Sr. He was once a very diligent and kind
hearted person, the one who persevered and was determined to make improvised and
temporary pathways for his families and for everyone who lived in Villa Miranda.
For the first time in 1972, Victorias Milling Company and used the dredger to
excavate Malihao River which was very shallow at that time. They dug the mud/soil to
deepen and widen the shallow Malihao River so that it would be easier and more
convenient for the company to transport their products to other places. The Victorias
Pure Refined Sugar, the Victorias wash sugar and the Vict. Molasses. Making Malihao
River as their route of way for both entrance and exit, the dredger kept on landfilled Villa
Miranda until the land got higher.
People from different places flocked Villa Miranda upon hearing and knowing that
the place was fit and good enough for inhabitants. There, they were asked by Brgy. VI
Barangay Captain Orlando Limpot to cut down the trees like Pagatpat, Bungalon and
Bakhaw so that they can build their houses and start to live with their families. He was
the Barangay Captain of Brgy. VI from 1972 to 1988. In 1989, Romeo Jacobo became
the Brgy. Captain until 1991.
Barangay Captain Romeo Jacobo led the people of Villa Miranda to separate
from Brgy. VI through a resolution from the Municipal Council and was adapted by
Cong. Kako Lacson. He urged them because according to him Villa Miranda was a big
sitio, it has a primary school with 2 rooms, a chapel, a huge population and it can stand
on its own, and one main reason was that residents of Villa Miranda were clamoring that
Brgy. VI Hall was far from them if and whenever they need to get something from the
Villa Miranda then became Barangay VI-A, the daughter barangay of Barangay
VI which was considered as the relocation side for relocated families from the different
parts of Negros Occidental. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was
6,287. This represented 6.98% of the total population of Victorias City.
At present Punong Barangay Anna Mae B. Claro who took office last July 2,
2018 took an initiative to develop Barangay VI-A into a productive area to help her
constituents alleviate thier living .



1. No data , no deleniation of mangrove area as well as no information as to the boundaries of

Mangrove Forest
2. No assessment and identification of various species of mangrove forest, marine resources and

wildlife present in the area.

3. No coastal zoning and no CFRMP

4. Non ordinance as to Mangrove Reserve declared by the Brgy. Council

5. Non deputized Community Based Law Enforcement In active Community Based Law Enforcers

6. Lack of support on Economic Enterprise Development especially for those community

dependent on coastal resources on the said barangay.

7. There is a need for Marketing and Networking promotion

8. Need to strengthen the Capability Building, Trainings and Partnership Building

9. No marine sanctuary

10. Need to support Research and Development

11. No Coastal Resource Management Program Plan and Implementation

12. No local Conservation Declared Area with ordinance from the barangay.


2021 2025

1. Resources Assessment and Inventory

 Mangrove area - 17 hectares 30 hectare

 Bird counting and other wildlife - 15 species 20 species

 No. of Peoples Organizations- 6 10

2. Resources Regulation and Utilization

 Coastal Resource Management Plan - None Functional and implemented

 Coastal Zoning- None with coastal zoning

 Appropraite Livelihood Programs- 2 10

(egg laying, mangrove garden ) ( nursery mushroom, fish processing,

souviner items, mud crab production

tour guiding, mangrove nursery ,

aquasilver culture)

 Eco-friendly practice 4

( mangrove planting , IEC, coastal clean-

up , garbage recycling)

 Mangrove Tourism

3. Resource Conservation and Rehabilitation

 Mangrove Reserve Established mangrove reserve with

ordinance and with functional Management


 LCA Local Conservation Area -

 Marine Sanctuary Marine Sanctuary

4. Resource Protection

 Community Ban Law enforcement Board Functional CBLE to enforce Laws

 Surveillance and Protection Coastal Law Enforcement

 Solid waste management

 Marine wildlife


Achievements of the Brgy 6A include the following:

1. Municipal water already delineated last 2011 based on NAMREA approved by the province with

2. Increased protection of Mangrove Forest Cover.

3. Increased presence of wildlife and other marine life like sea turtle

4. Observance of the cleanliness of the Brgy. Environment

5. Active participation of the community such as Women’s Organization ,youth sectors and senior

citizens in various activities related to environment.

6. Practiced of Environment-Friendly enterprise activities by recycling of waste pet bottles as bricks

for construction materials as support to mangrove nursery.

7. Transforming the old dumpsite mangrove area into a Mangrove Eco Trail as one of the Tourist

destination and recreation area.

8. Foster solidarity among residents of brgy. 6-A

9. Regular practice of Solid Waste Management ( three times a week waste collection to be used as

filling materials for road rehabilitation.

10. Barangay coastal clean-up every saturday


Major Results include the following:

Resources Assessment and Inventory

Resource Assessment and Inventory include the membership profiling of POs, and Mangrove


Resource Conservation and Rehabilitation

Since 2007, the Coastal POs, started their Mangrove Planting and rehabilitation through the Food

for Scheme from the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO). In 2016, Brgy. 6A

was chosen by the province to be one of the beneficiary of the Provincial Mangrove Nursery.

With the seedlings available, various groups, sectors, and other organizations (government and
non-government) availed the seedlings and plant within the areas of Brgy. 6A. But there are still

potential area for mangrove rehabilitation, rejuvenation and protection.

Resources Regulation and Utilization

Brgy 6A in partnership with the ever active Pasil Fisherfolk Association with their Chairman Mr.

Eduardo Villanueva tried hard to implement the coastal law regulations at the same implemented

the environment-friendly activity that sustain their economic needs at the same utilize the beauty

of mangrove forest by installing the mangrove board walk the encourage local tourist to stay and

appreciate the mangrove environment. Likewise they implemented various activities like the

conversion of solid waste into usable product that add beauty to the area. Also they have various

livelihood and enterprise activities like the Egg Laying Project from PEMO, Mushroom Culture

from CPSU and other activities from several agencies.

Resource Protection

In partnership with the LGU- Victorias and PNP- Victorias the resources in the area especially

the mangrove forest, wildlife, marine resources were protected. Illegal activities and those who

violate the coastal law were reported to concerned agencies.


Coastal Resource Management Program of Brgy. 6A, City of Victorias will be spearheaded by

the Barangay Council with the support from the communities, Peoples Organizations (Pasil Fisherfolk

Association, Women Organizations, Youth Organization, PWD, and Senior Citizens).

In partnership with the National, Provincial, and Local Agencies, Non-Government Organizations

(Ikaw-Ako Foundation), Private Sectors, Business Sectors, Academe and other Sectors the Coastal

Resource Management Program (CRMP) of Brgy. 6A will be implemented within five (5) years (2021-

2025). With the Annual LGU (Brgy. & City, Province) budget allocated for CRMP the strategies to

achieve the best managed coastal resources will be achieved.

Major Strategies of the Program in order to enhanced management of renewable natural

resources in the coastal of Barangay 6A include the Resources Assessment and Inventory, Resources

Conservation and Rehabilitation, Resource Regulation and Utilization and Resource Protection


The project located at Brgy. 6A, Victorias City with programs collaborated and coordinated and

have convergence with the National Government Agencies (DENR, DOST, DTI, DOLE, PNP, DAR,

DSWD) Provincial Offices, (PEMO, OPA, TLDC) and Local Offices (LGU- Victorias City).

Table 1: Proposed Results Areas and Budget Analysis

COMPONENT Key Result Major Interventions Proposed Time Frame Source of Office Projected
to be Fund Concerned Budget
achieved (PhP)
RESOU Improved Delineation of Brgy. Water, and zoning with Nov. 2021- PS/ 20% PEMO, 50,000.00
RCE and Map, Feb. 2022 PDF/DRR Brgy. 6A
INVENT efficient Inventory /Assessment of Rivers, Streams, MF Mangrove
ORY data Fishponds and Mangroves Rehab
AND manageme Fund
ASSESS nt and Delineation of Mangrove Area, Zoning with Nov. 2021- PS/ 20% PEMO, 50,000.00
MENT reliable Map Feb. 2022 PDF/DRR Brgy. 6A
source of MF
information Formulation of Municipal Water boundaries March-April Brgy. Fund Brgy. 6A 10,000.00
and (covered by Brgy.) and Mangrove Ares and 2022 Mangrove
profiling of inclusion to the BLUP Rehab
the natural Fund
resources Inventory of House Hold in Brgy Coastal Dec.2021- Brgy. Fund Brgy. 6A 50,000.00
present in Communities and PO Organizational Feb. 2022 Mangrove
the Brgy. Assessment. Rehab
For sound Fund
decision Inventory and Assessment of March-May Brgy.6A, PEMO, 50,000.00
making Fisheries/Aquatic Resources, and other 2022 PDRRMF, Brgy. 6A,
and Aquatic Flora & Fauna 20% PDF Academe
manageme -identification of mangrove with scientific Mangrove DENR
nt of name Rehab
natural -Tagging of mangrove forest Fund
RESOURCE Increased Establishment and Management of May 2022- Brgy.6A, Brgy.6A, 100,000.00
CONSERVATI bio mangrove reserved in the area and April 2023 Brgy. PGNO
ON & diversity, marine reserve as fish breeding Environme
REHABILITAT and natural ground/nurseries and shellfish sanctuaries ntal Fund GAD
ION resources - declaration of Local Conversation Area PDRRMF, FUND
especially 20% PDF
the Mangrove reforestation and rehabilitation Nov. 2021- Brgy.6A, Brgy.6A, 500,000.00
mangrove October Brgy. Volunteer,
forest, -Esatablishment of Marine Sanctuary 2025 Environme Private,
wildlife, ntal Fund Business,
marine life PDRRMF, & other
and other 20% PDF, Sector
flora and NGOs
fauna Conservation of Mangrove Reserve in the Nov. 2021- Brgy.6A, Brgy.6A, 1,000,000.00
area October Brgy. Volunteer,
2025 Environme Private,
-Provision of Jackstone of Marker Bouy for ntal Fund Business,
Marine Sanctuary PDRRMF, & other
20% PDF, Sector
RESOURCE Increased Formulation and adoption of the CRM Plan January Brgy. 6A Brgy. 6A, 10,000.00
REGULATION Capacity to 2022 Fund LGU-
AND regulate Coastal Victorias,
utilization PEMO
of Natural Integration of the CFRM Plan in the Brgy. January Brgy. 6A Brgy DF 10,000.00
Resources Comprehensive Development Plan and in 2022 Devt
the Annual Investment Plan
Strict observance/ implementation of Costal Jan. 2022- Brgy. 6A Brgy 6A, 10,000.00
Zoning and Uses Dec. 2025 Dev’t. PNP, LGU
Fund. Victorias
Fishing Vessel Registration and Licensing Jan-Dec Brgy & OPA, LGU- 100,000.00
System (EO 305) 2022 LGU Fund Victorias,
Brgy. 6A
Strict Observance/Implementation of Water Jan-Dec Brgy. DENR, 100,000.00
Easements/Foreshore Easement 2022 Fund, LGU LGU-
Fund Victorias,
Brgy. 6A
Docking/Berthing Regulation System Jan. 2022- Brgy. 6A OPA, LGU- 10,000.00
Dec. 2025 Brgy Dev’t. Victorias,
Fund Brgy. 6A
Preferential use of communal marine and Jan. 2022- Brgy. 6A OPA, LGU- 10,000.00
fishing resources by subsistence Fisherfolk, Dec. 2025 Fund Victorias,
both inland and offshore, by reserving 15 Brgy. 6A
km. municipal waters for their use.
Supplemental/Appropriate Livelihood to Jan. 2022- GAD Fund, Fund Brgy. 1,000,000.00
Wean Dependence on Fishery & Aquatic Dec. 2025 20% 6A, LGU-
Resources ,BDFCDF, Victorias,
Brgy Dev’t. PEMO,
Licensing of fishermen to fish in Municipal Jan-Dec Brgy. 20% DENR, 100,000.00
water/ID system for Fisherfolk 2022 Fund, LGU LGU-
Fund Victorias,
Brgy. 6A
Implementation of Environment-Friendly Jan. 2022- GAD Fund, 6A, LGU- 1,000,000.00
Practices/ Eco Tourism Activity in the Dec. 2025 20% Victorias,
Coastal/Mangrove Area CDF,PDF, OPA,
Brgy 20% PEMO,
Mangrove Board Walk Dev’t. Academe 1,200,000
Mangrove Training Center Fund Brgy. 1,200,000

Strict Implementation of Fishery Laws/ Jan. 2022- Brgy Dev’t. Brgy. 6A, 10,000.00
Regulation Dec. 2025 Fund PNP-
RESOURCE Enhanced Organization/Training/Deputation of Bantay Jan-Dec. Brgy Dev’t. OPA, PLO, 50,000.00
PROTECTION implement Dagat/Bantay Katunggan, 2022 Fund DENR,
ation of Community based Coastal Law GAD Fund PNP, Brgy.
Coastal Enforcement in support of LGU BDV/BKV 6A, PNP-
and Victorias
Fishery Regular Monitoring & Surveillance Patrol Jan. 2022- Brgy 20% Brgy. 6A, 100,000.00
Laws Protection and Regulation of high Dec. 2025 Dev’t. PNP-
sensitivity areas like wetlands Fund Victorias
Marine Wildlife enforcement training Jan-Dec. Brgy 20% OPA, PLO, 50,000.00
Enforcement/Apprehension/Prosecution of 2022 Dev’t. DENR,
Fishery and Coastal Law Violators. Fund PNP, Brgy.
6A, PNP-
Regular Implementation of Solid Waste Jan. 2022- Brgy Dev’t. Brgy. 6A, 500,000.00
Management Dec. 2025 Fund PNP-
Solid Victorias
waste Mgt
OVERARCHIN Economic Monitoring and Evaluation Jan. 2022- Brgy Dev’t. Brgy. 6A, 100,000.00
G ACTIVITIES Enterprise Dec. 2025 Fund PNP- LGU-
Developed, GAD Fund Victorias,
Partnershi PEMO,
p Building OPA,
strengthen Academe
ed, Capability Building and Training Jan. 2022- Brgy Dev’t. Brgy. 6A, 500,000.00
Empowere Dec. 2025 Fund PNP- LGU-
d Strengthening of PO’s and Functional City’s GAD Fund Victorias, 50,000
communiti Aquatic Resource Management Council PEMO,
es and M & OPA,
E Academe
institutional Networking and partnership Building Jan. 2022- Brgy Dev’t. Brgy. 6A, 50,000.00
ized Dec. 2025 Fund PNP- LGU-
Marketing and Enterprise Development Jan. 2022- Brgy Dev’t. Brgy. 6A, 500,000.00
Dec. 2025 Fund, PNP- LGU-
TLDC Victorias,
Fund OPA, DTI,
Research & Development Jan. 2022- Brgy Dev’t. Brgy. 6A, 50,000.00
Dec. 2025 Fund PNP- LGU-



Prepared and Submitted By:



CPSU- DPA Students

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