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PW - AITS - NT-26: Physics

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1. A shell following a parabolic path explodes 6. A river is flowing with a speed of 1 km/hr. A
somewhere in its flight. The center of mass of swimmer wants to go to point ‘C’ starting
fragments will move in from ‘A’. He swims with a speed of 5 km/hr,
(A) Vertical direction at an angle w.r.t. the river. If AB = BC =
(B) Any direction 400 m. Then –
(C) Horizontal direction
(D) Same parabolic path

2. A hollow sphere of mass 1 kg and radius 10

cm is free to rotate about its diameter. If a
force of 30 N is applied tangentially to it, its
(A) time taken by the man is 12 min.
angular acceleration is (in rad/s2)
(B) time taken by the man is 8 min
(A) 5000 (B) 450 (C) 50 (D) 5
(C) the value of  is 45
(D) the value of  is 53°
3. When a body is rolling without slipping on a
rough horizontal surface, the work done by
7. In which one of the following cases will the
friction is
liquid flow in a pipe be most streamlined
(A) Always zero (B) May be zero
(A) Liquid of high viscosity and high density
(C) Always positive (D) Always negative flowing through a pipe of small radius
(B) Liquid of high viscosity and low density
4. A wheel rolls without sliding along a flowing through a pipe of small radius
horizontal road. The velocity of the centre of (C) Liquid of low viscosity and low density
wheel is v, then the magnitude velocity of flowing through a pipe of large radius
centre of wheel with respect to instantaneous (D) Liquid of low viscosity and high density
axis of rotation will be – flowing through a pipe of large radius

8. A wave travelling in a stretched string is

R given by y = Asin (kx – t). The ratio of
P maximum velocity of particle to the wave
v velocity is
(A) Zero (B) v (C) 2v (D)
2 A
(A) A (B)
5. Two ordinary satellites are revolving round (C) k (D) Ak
the earth in same elliptical orbit, then which f
the following quantities is conserved :- 9. A clean metal surface having work function
0 = 4.2 eV is irradiated by radiation
(A) velocity
consisting of photons having energy h = 6.4
(B) angular velocity eV. Maximum possible kinetic energy of the
(C) Angular momentum emitted photoelectrons will be
(A) 10.6 eV (B) 3.2 eV
(D) none of above
(C) 2.2 eV (D) 5.3 eV
10. Find the tension T in the rope as shown below 15. What is the velocity of the bob of a simple
(g = 10 m/s2) pendulum at its mean position, if it is able to
F = 40 rise to vertical height of 10 cm (Take g = 9.8


(A) 10 N (B) 90 N
(C) Zero (D) 20 N
11. All the surface is smooth and pulley are ideal (A) 0.6 m/s (B) 1.4 m/s
then find mass m’ so that contact force (C) 1.8 m/s (D) 2.2 m/s
between inclined and block of mass m
becomes zero :
16. If the value of molar gas constant is
8.3J/mole-K, then specific gas constant for
hydrogen in
J/ mole-K will be
(A) 4.15 (B) 8.3
M+m m′g (C) 16.6 (D) None of these
(A) (B)
tanθ+1 M+m+m′
M+m M+m
(C) tanθ−1 (D) cotθ+1 17. 100 g of ice at 0°C is mixed with 100 g of
water at 100°C. Water will be the final
12. A block of mass m = 5 kg is to be kept at rest
temperature of the mixture?
against a rough vertical surface having
frictional coefficient  = 0.4. Minimum (A) 10°C (B) 20°C (C) 30°C (D) 0°C
magnitude of horizontal force F required for
this purpose will be 18. A Carnot engine takes 106cal of heat from a
·········· reservoir at 627°C and exhaust it to sink at
··············· 27°C. How much work does it perform?
··· ······
···· · (A) 4.2 × 106 J (B) 8.4 × 106 J
F m ···············
···· ·
··················· (C) 2.77 × 106 J (D) 2.4 × 106 J
····· ··
·················· 19. A magnetic field –
(A) 50 N (B) 20 N (A) Always exerts a force on a charged
(C) 70 N (D) 125 N particle
13. For silver, Young's modulus is 7.25 × 1010 (B) Never exerts a force on a charged particle
N/m2 and Bulk modulus is 11 × 1010 N/m2. Its (C) Exerts a force, if the charged particle is
Poisson's ratio will be moving across the magnetic field lines
(A) –1 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.39 (D) 0.25
(D) Exerts a force, if the charged particle is
14. An engine pump is used to pump a liquid of moving along the magnetic field lines
density  continuously through a pipe of
cross-sectional area A. If the speed of flow of 20. Magnetic field at the centre of circular coil of
the liquid in the pipe is v, then the rate at radius R due to current I flowing through it is
which kinetic energy is being imparted to the B. The magnetic field at a point along the axis
liquid is
1 1 at distance R from the centre is ………
(A) 2 Aρν3 (B) 2 Aρν2 B B B
1 (A) √8B (B) (C) 4 (D)
(C) 2 Aρν (D) A √8 2
21. Two charges –q and +q are on points A and B 25. A 5 V battery with internal resistance 1  and
as shown. Which graph shows the correct a 2 V battery with internal resistance 0.5 
distribution of potential V(x) due two point are connected to a 3  resistor as shown in
charges on AB? the figure. The current in the 3 resistor is
–q +q


(A) 0.1 A, A to B (B) 0.1 A, B to A

(C) 0.01 A, A to B (D) 0.01 A, B to A
26. A uniform magnetic field exists in the region
given by B = 3iˆ + 4jˆ + 5k.
ˆ A rod of length 5
m placed along y-axis is moved along x-axis
(C) with constant speed 1 ms–1. Then induced
e.m.f. in the rod is
(A) Zero (B) 25V (C) 5 V (D) 10 V

(D) 27.  and , in relation with transistor, are

(A) 2 =  (1 + ) (B) 2  =  (1 – )
(C)  =  (1 + ) (D)  =  (1 – )

22. The intensity of a plane electromagnetic wave 28. In which of the following cases the diode is
is 5 W/m2. It is incident normally on a forward biased?
perfectly reflecting surface. The force exerted -15V
on a sheet 60 cm × 40 cm which is kept
perpendicular to the direction of wave (A)
propagation is :
(A) 8.0 × 10–8 N (B) 8.0 × 10–9N
(C) 8.0 × 10–10N (D) 8.0 × 10–11 N
23. The peak value of A.C is 2 2 A. Its
apparent value will be - -15V
(A) A (B) 2A (C) 4A (D) zero.
24. The effective resistance between A and B is
A R R R B +15V

7 5 3R 5
(A) R (B) R (C) (D) R
5 7 7 3 +10V
29. For a transistor in common emitter 33. If the binding energy of the electron in a
configuration, the current amplification factor hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV, the energy
is 4. If the change is base current be 6 mA, required to remove the electron from the first
then what is the change in collector current? excited start of Li++ is
(A) 2·4 mA (B) 3·6 mA (A) 122.4 eV (B) 30.6 eV
(C) 24 mA (D) 36 mA
(C) 13.6 eV (D) 3.4 eV
30. An erect image 3 times the size of the object
is obtained with a concave mirror of radius of 34. Ratio of nuclear radii of 216X to 27Yis :
curvature 36 cm. What is the position of the (A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2
object? (C) 1 : 9 (D) 9 : 1
(A) –12 cm (B) 5 cm
(C) 10 cm (D) –21 cm 35. The de Broglie wavelength  associated with
an electron of mass m having kinetic energy
31. A microscope is used to focus on an object at E is given by the expression
the bottom of a beaker. The microscope is 2h
raised by 1 cm. To what height should the (A) 2 mhE (B)
water be poured to bring the object in focus h 2√2mE
again. Refractive index of water is 4/3. (C) (D) h
(A) 1 cm (B) 4/3 cm
(C) 4 cm (D) 3cm

32. In YDSE, biochromatic light of wavelengths

400 nm and 560 nm are used. The distance
between the slits is 0.1 mm and the distance
between the plane of the slits and the screen
is 1m. The minimum distance between two
successive regions of complete darkness is
(A) 4mm (B) 5.6mm
(C) 14mm (D) 28mm
36. A disc of mass M and radius R is rolling 42. A gas may expand either adiabatically or
with angular speed  on a horizontal plane isothermally. A number of P–V curves are
as shown in figure. The magnitude of
drawn for the two processes over different
angular momentum of the disc about the
origin O is – range of pressure and volume. It will be
Y found that
(A) An adiabatic curve and an isothermal
 curve may intersect
M (B) Two Adiabatic curves do not intersect
o x (C) Two isothermal curves do not intersect
(A) (1/2) MR2 (B) MR2 (D) All of these
(C) (3/2) MR2 (D) 2 MR2
43. A current carrying loop is placed in a
37. Two blocks of mass 2 kg and 4 kg are
accelerated by a force 10 N as shown in uniform magnetic field four different
figure on a smooth horizontal surface. Then orientations. Fig. Arrange them in the
the spring force between the two blocks will decreasing order of potential energy:
be (spring is massless)
2kg 4kg F =10N

(A) 5 N (B) 10 N
10 5
(C) N (D) N
3 3

38. Time of 80 oscillation of spring Mass

system is measured with stop watch of least
count second is 2.5s, then the permissible
error in the measurement is
(A) 10 % (B) 20 %
(C) 25 % (D) 30 % (A) 4, 2, 3, 1 (B) 1, 4, 2, 3
(C) 4, 3, 2, 1 (D) 1, 2, 3, 4
39. An empty vessel is partially filled with
water, then the frequency of vibration of air
column in the vessel 44. Electric potential at any point in a region is
(A) Remains same given as V = −5x + 3y + 15z .
(B) Decreases
(C) Increases In this region the magnitude of the electric
(D) First increases then decreases field is:

40. A bubble of 8 mole of helium is submerged (A) 3 2 (B) 4 2

at a certain depth in water. The temperature (C) 5 2 (D) 7
of water increases by 30°C. How much heat
is added approximately to helium during
expansion? 45. A cell is balanced at 40 cm and 30 cm of
(A) 4000 J (B) 3000 J potentiometer wire respectively when it is
(C) 3500 J (D) 5000 J in open circuit and when short circuited by
the resistance of 4. The internal resistance
41. If gas expands according to relation P = 4 of cell is
V, then work done in expansion V0 is 3V0. (A) 4 (B) 3
(A) 16V02 (B) 48V02 4 3
(C) 72V02 (D) 18V02 (C)  (D) 
3 4
46. The diode used in the circuit, shown in the 48. Which of the following is the combination
figure, has a constant voltage drop of 0.5 V that is used in the formation of achromatic
at all currents and a maximum power rating lenses?
100 mW. What should be the value of
resistor R, connected in series with the (A) 1 convex and 1 planer mirror
diode for obtaining maximum current ? (B) 2 convex lenses
R 0.5 V (C) 1 convex and 1 concave lens
(D) 2 concave lenses

1.5V 49. The phase difference between incident

wave and reflected wave is 180°when light
(A) 1.5  (B) 5  ray
(C) 6.67  (D) 200  (A) Enters into glass from air
(B) Enters into air from glass
47. The number density of electrons and holes (C) Enters into glass from diamond
(D) Enters into water from glass
in pure silicon are 1·5 × 1016 m-3. On doping
with indium, the hole density becomes 4·5 50. In a photoelectric experiment if stopping
× 1022 m-3. What is the electron density? potential is applied, the photocurrent is be
(A) 0·5 × 109 m-3 (B) 5 × 109 m-3 zero, because :
(C) 50 × 109 m-3 (D) 500 × 109 m-3 (A) The emission of photoelectron stopped
(B) Photoelectrons emitted but reabsorbed
(C) Photoelectrons accumulated to collector
(D) Photoelectrons dispersed
51. Match list – I with list-II and select the 57. Toluene is subjected to treatment with
answer using the codes given- chlorine in presence of heat and light
Code List – I Code List – II followed by treatment with NaOH. The
A. XeF4 1. Distorted Octahedral product most probably is :
B. XeF6 2. Tetrahedral (A) Cresol
C. XeO3 3. Square Planar (B) p-chlorobenzyl alcohol
D. XeO4 4. Trigonal Pyramidal (C) Quinol
(A) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 (D) Benzoic acid
(B) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
(C) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3 58. The hydrogen ion concentration in mole/dm3,
(D) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 in a 0.2 M solution of a weak acid, HA is
close to – (Kb of A– = 5 × 10–10)
52. The wrong statement about glycerol is - (A) 2 × 10–5 (B) 2 × 10–4
(A) It is a trihydric alcohol (C) 2 × 10 (D) 2 × 10–2
(B) It is a tertiary alcohol
59. The decomposition of substance follow 1st
(C) It is used in the manufacturing of order kinetics. If its concentration reduced to
explosives 1/8th of its initial value, in 24 minutes, the rate
(D) Acidified KMnO4 convent it to oxalic constant of the decomposition process is -
acid 0.693
(A) min −1
53. The negative part of the addendum (molecule 2.303 1
to be added) adds on to the carbon atom (of (B) log   min −1
24 8
the double/triple bond) containing the least
number of hydrogen atom. This is known as : 2.303 8
(C) log   min −1
(A) Peroxide effect 24 1
(B) Anti-markonikoff’s rule 1 8
(C) Morkonikoff’s rule (D) log   min −1
(D) Kekule’s rule 24 1

60. Which one of the following carbonyl group

54. The primary valency of iron in K4[Fe(CN)6]
is - containing compounds will give a coloured
(A) 2 (B) 3 crystalline compound with
(C) 4 (D) 6 NHNH2

55. Which one of the following bases is not found O2N NO2
in RNA ?
(A) Adenine (B) Guanine (A) CH3 – C = O
(C) Uracil (D) Thymine
56. Substances which behave as normal
electrolytes in solution at low concentrations (B) CH3 – C = O
and exhibit colloidal properties at higher CH3
concentrations, are called -
(A) Lyophilic colloids (C) CH3 – C –OC2H5
(B) Associated colloids ||
(C) Macromolecular colloids O
(D) Emulsions
(D) Both (B) & (C)
61. Purified bauxite is converted to metallic 68. In the Kjeldahl’s method of estimation
aluminum nitrogen in an organic compound, nitrogen is
(A) Reduction with carbon first converted to-
(B) Electrolytic oxidation (A) nitrogen gas
(C) Hydrometallurgy
(B) nitric acid
(D) Electrolytic reduction
(C) ammonium sulphate
(D) nitrogen dioxide
62. CaC2 + 2H2O⎯→ x + lime water
H2SO4 + HgSO4
X + H2O ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
69. Increasing order of atomic radius for the
Identify x and y in the above reaction
elements Na, Rb, K & Mg is
(A) CH4 and H2C = O
(A) Na < K < Mg <Rb
(B) C2H2 and CH3CHO
(C) C2H4 and CH3COOH (B) Mg < Na < K <Rb
(D) C2H2 and CH3COOH (C) Rb< K < Mg < Na
(D) Na < Mg < K <Rb
63. Fluorine molecules are formed by -
(A) The axial p-p orbital overlap 70. The vanderwaal’s equation reduce it self to
(B) The side ways p-p orbital overlap ideal gas equation at
(C) The s-p orbital overlap (A) High pressure and low temperature
(D) The overlap of tow-sp hybrid orbitals
(B) Low pressure and low temperature
(C) Low pressure and high temperature
64. Limestone is not used in which of the
following manufacturing process ? (D) High pressure and high temperature
(A) Iron from hematite
(B) Portland cement 71. According to the second law of
(C) Solvay process of sodium carbonate thermodynamics, a process is spontaneous if,
(D) Phosphorus from phosphorite during the process
(A) Suniverse> 0
65. The aqueous solution that has the lowest
(B) Suniverse = 0
vapor pressure at a given temperature is
(A) 0.1 molal sodium phosphate (C) Hsystem> 0
(B) 0.1 molal barium chloride (D) Suniverse = S system
(C) 0.1 molal sodium chloride
(D) 0.1 molal glucose 72. A molecule can be said chiral if it
(A) Has a center of symmetry
66. Terylene is obtained by the condensation (B) Has a plane of symmetry
polymerization of
(C) Can not be superimposed on its mirror
(A) Hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid
(B) Ethylene glycol and terephthalic
(C) Phenol and formaldehyde (D) Exhibit cis-trans isomerism
(D) Urea and formaldehyde
73. electrophile involved in the formation of
67. For a 1 order reaction, the plot of log K nitrobenzene from benzene is
againstT is a straight line. The slope of the (A) H2SO4 + HNO3
line is equal to (B) HNO3
–2.303 –Ea
(A) (B) 2.303 (C) NO2
–Ea 1 +
(C) 2.303R
(D) – 2.303Ea (D) N O 2
74. The correct order of bond angles in molecules 81. A 0.001 molal solution of PtCl4.4NH3 in
(A) H2O >NH3>CH4> CO2 water had a freezing point depression of
(B) N O 2 >NO2> NO2– 0.0054°C. If kf of water is 1.8, the correct
(C) BF3<BBr3<BI3 formulation for the complex
(D) NH3<PH3<AsH3 (A) [Pt (NH3)4Cl3] Cl
(B) [Pt (NH3)4Cl2] Cl2
75. The substances that cause temporary hardness (C) [Pt (NH3)3Cl3] Cl.NH3
in water is
(D) [Pt (NH3)4Cl] Cl3
(A) CaCO3 (B) MgCO3
(C) CaSO4 (D) Mg (HCO3)2
82. The normality of ‘10’ volume hydrogen
76. In which of following reaction H2O2 act as peroxide is
reducing agent ? (A) 0.176 (B) 3.52 (C) 1.78 (D) 0.88
(A) PbS + H2O2⎯→PbSO4 + 4H2O
(B) 2KI + H2O2⎯→2KOH + I2
83. Number of tetrahedral voids per atoms in the
(C) 2 FeSO4 + H2SO4 + H2O2⎯→
face central cubic unit cell are-
Fe2(SO4)3 + 2H2O
(D) Ag2O + H2O2⎯→2Ag + H2O + O2 (A) 8 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 1

77. The basicity of phosphonic acid is 84. An organic compound A (C4H9Cl) on

(A) 3 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4
reaction with Na/diethyl ether gives a
78. A compound of a metal ion Mx+ (z = 24) has a hydrocarbon, which on monochlorination
gives only one choro deviation ‘A’ is
spin only magnetic moment of 15 Bohr
magnetons. The number of unpaired electrons (A) t butyl l chloride (B) s- butyl chloride
in the compound is- (C) Isobutyl choride (D) n-butyl chloride
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 3
85. Which of following sets of quantum numbers
79. the difference between H and E for the violets the rule of quantum numbers-
combustion of methane at 27°C will be in
(joule/mole) 1
(A) n = 3  = 2 m = –3 ms = +
(A) 8.314 × 27 × (–3) 2
(B) 8.314 × 27 × (–2) 1
(C) 8.314 × 300 × (–2) (B) n = 3  = 1 m = –1 ms = –
(D) 8.314 × 300 × (+3)
(C) n = 4  = 0 m = 0 ms = +
80. Tranquilizers are substances seal for the 2
treatment of 1
(A) Cancer (B) Physical disorder (D) n = 5  = 3 m = 0 ms = –
(C) Metal disorders (D) Blood infection
86. Saponification of ethyl benzoate with caustic 92. Given that, the solubility product, Ksp of
soda as alkali gives AgCl is 1.8 × 10–10, the concentration of Cl–
(A) Benzyl alcohol and ethanoic acid ion that must just be exceeded before AgCl
(B) Sodium benzoate and ethanol will precipitate form a solution containing
(C) Benzoic acid and sodium ethoxide 4 × 10–3 M Ag+ ions is-
(D) Sodium benzamide and ethanoic acid (A) 4.5 × 10–8M (B) 4 × 10–8 M
(C) 1.8 × 10–8 M (D) 1 × 10–8 M
87. Reaction of calcium with water is represented
by the equation :
93. When a mixture of solid NaCl and solid
Ca + 2H2O→Ca(OH)2 + H2
K2Cr2O7is heated with conc. H2SO4. The
what volume of hydrogen, measured at STP,
orange red vapors obtained are due to-
would be liberated when 8 grams of calcium
completely react with water (atomic mass of (A) Chromic Chloride
Ca is 40) ? (B) Chromyl Chloride
(A) 4480 cm3 (B) 2240 cm3 (C) Chromic oxide
(C) 1120 cm3 (D) 0.2 cm3 (D) Chromic sulphate

88. The half-cell reaction with their appropriate 94. ArH + N2 + H3PO3 + HX are the product of
standard reduction potential are - the following reaction
(i) Pb + 2e ⎯→ Pb (E° = – 0.13 V)
+2 –
(A) ArN2X + H2 + H2O
(ii) Ag + e ⎯→ Ag (E° = +0.80 V)
+ –
(B) ArN2X + H3PO4 + H2O
In the light of the data given, which of (C) ArN2X + H3PO2 + H2O
following reaction would takes place.
(D) ArNX + H3PO2 + H2
(A) 2Ag+ + Pb ⎯→Pb2+ + 2Ag
(B) Pb + 2H+⎯→Pb2+ + H2
95. identify the reactant ‘X’ and the product ‘Y’
(C) 2Ag+ + 2H+⎯→2Ag+ + H2
CH3 – CO – CH3 + X ⎯→ (CH3) C – OMg – Cl
(D) Both A & B
 Hydrolysis

89. The element that does not form a stable Y + Mg (OH) Cl

monoxide is (A) X = MgCl2 Y = CH3CHCH2
(A) Lead (B) Silicon
(B) X = CH3MgCl Y = C2H5COCH3
(C) Carbon (D) Germanium
(C) X = CH3MgCl Y = (CH3)3C–OH
90. The metal that is present in vitamin B12 is- (D) X = C2H5MgCl Y = (CH3)3C–OH
(A) Mg (B) Ca
(C) Zn (D) Co 96. In black & white photographic step-I & step-

91. Multiplication of electron velocity and radius II are respectively-

for a orbit in an atom is : (A) Reduction & Complexation
(A) Proportional to mass of electron (B) Complication & Reduction .
(B) Proportional to square of mass of electron
(C) Inversely proportional to mass of electron (C) Reeducation & oxidation
(D) Does not depend upon mass of electron (D) Oxidation & complexation
97. When aniline is heated with chloroform and respectively. The system after attaining
alcoholic KOH, it gives equilibrium has 0.2 mole of NH3. The number
(A) (C6H5)2NH (B) (C6H5)3N of moles of N2 in the vessel at equilibrium is
(C) C6H5NC (D) (C6H5)2NCl (A) 1.9 (B) 0.4 (C) 0.2 (D) 1.8

98. The graphical representation of energy of e– 100. Which of the following statement about
and atomic number is : alkaline earth metal are correct?
(A) Hydration energy of Sr+2 is greater than
that of Be 2+
(A) (B)
(B) CaCO3 decomposes at a higher
temperature than BaCO3
(C) Ba(OH)2 is a stronger base then Mg(OH)2
(C) (D) (D) SrSO4 is less soluble in water than CaSO4
(A) a only (B) b and c
(C) b and c (D) c and d
99. A one litre vessel initially contains 2.0, 0.5
and 0.0 moles of N2, H2 and NH3
101. Select the mismatched option 107. In cymose inflorescence,
(A) Selaginella – Heterosporous (A) Peduncle has unlimited growth
(B) Funaria – Independent gametophyte (B) The main axis terminates into a flower
(C) Cycas – Monoecious (C) The flowers are borne in acropetal order
(D) Younger flowers are present towards the
(D) Volvox – Colonial algae
102. Select the wrong statement about prokaryotic 108. Dicot root differs from monocot root
cells. (A) In having radial vascular bundles
(A) There is no well defined nucleus (B) In having exarch type of arrangement of
(B) The genetic material is naked primary xylem
(C) All prokaryotes have a cell wall (C) In showing secondary growth
surroundingthe cell membrane. (D) In having root hairs
(D) They have 70 S ribosomes
109. Life cycle of Fucus and Ectocarpus
respectively are
103. Select the incorrect match
(A) Haplontic and Haplodiplontic
(A) Zygotene : Synapsis occurs
(B) Diplontic and Haplodiplontic
(B) Pachytene : Crossing over takes place (C) Haplodiplontic and Diplontic
(C) Diplotene : Dissolution of synaptonemal (D) Haplodiplontic and Haplontic
(D) Diakinesis : Nucleolus reappears 110. Plants which show Kranz anatomy
(A) Have PEPcase only in bundle sheath cells
104. The imperfect fungi which are decomposers (B) Have Calvin cycle in mesophyll cells
of litter and help in mineral cycling (C) Show double carboxylation
(A) Have aseptate and coenocytic mycelium (D) Show photorespiration
(B) Reproduce sexually by spore formation
111. Which of these statements is correct?
(C) Include mushrooms and morels
(A) R.Q. of oxalic acid is 4.0
(D) Asexually reproduce by means of conidia
(B) All enzymes of Krebs cycle are found in
matrix of mitochondria
105. Insectivorous plants trap insects to meet their (C) Glycolysis releases 2 molecules of CO2
nitrogen needs, still they are placed in the (D) Link reaction or transition reaction does
kingdom plantae because not release any NADH2
a. They are multicellular
b. They are photosynthetic 112. Which of the following processes take(s)
c. They are eukaryotic place in matrix of mitochondria?
d. They are heterotrophic
a. Formation of acetyl CoA
(A) Only a and b (B) Only b
(C) Only d (D) All a, b and c b. Citric acid cycle
c. Lactic acid fermentation
106. The correct floral formula for family (A) Only a (B) Only c
Solanaceae is
(C) Only b and c (D) Only a and b
113. Terpenes derivative phytohormone is
(B) (A) Gibberellic acid
(B) Ethylene
(C) Indole-3-acetic acid
(D) (D) Abscisic acid
114. Read the following statements and choose the 119. If the sequence of coding strand in a
correct option. transcription unit is written as follows
Statement-A : Apical bud secretes auxin which 5GGGAAATTT3 then what will be the
inhibits the growth of lateral buds. sequence of complementary strand in 3 – 5
Statement-B :Cytokinins occur in regions
whererapid cell division occurs.
(A) Only statement A is correct
(B) Only statement B is correct (B) 3CCGGAATTA5
(C) Both statements A and B are correct (C) 5GGCCAATTT3
(D) Both statements A and B are incorrect (D) 3CCCTTTAAA5

115. In angiosperms, male gametes are formed by 120. Match the following columns and select the
A which B. correct option
Complete the above statement by choosing a. Cyclosporin A (i) Monascuspurpureus
thecorrect option.
b. Statins (ii) Lactobacillus
c. Streptokinase (iii) Trichoderma
(A) Vegetative cell Is small in size
(B) Generative cell Has large irregularly
d. Lactic acid (iv) Streptococcus
shaped nucleus
(C) Vegetative cell Has abundant food abcd
reserves (A) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(D) Generative cell Is spindle shaped (B) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(C) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
116. All of the following are characteristics of (D) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
insectpollinated flowers, except
(A) Colourful, fragrant 121. Which of the following cannot be biofertilizers?
(B) Large feathery stigma (A) Bacteria (B) Blue green algae
(C) Nectaries are present
(C) Fungi (D) Viruses
(D) Sticky pollen grain

122. All birds and mammals

117. In which of the following organisms, female
(A) Migrate temporarily from the stressful
can produce two types of gametes?
(A) Humans (B) Honey bee habitat to a more hospitable area
(C) birds (D) All of the above (B) Are able to maintain homeostasis
(C) Change their body temperature with
118. Choose the incorrect statement about sickle- ambient temperature
cell anaemia (D) Both (A) and (B)
(A) It is an autosomal recessive disease
(B) Individuals with genotype HbAHbS are 123. Declining population
normal (A) Is called stable population
(C) The disease/defect is caused by transition
(B) Shows bell shaped age pyramid
(C) Has less pre-reproductive individuals than
(D) The disease is controlled by a single pair
of allele
(D) Is young population
124. In grassland ecosystem, which of the pyramids 130. Two copper centers are associated with the
are upright? (A) Complex I (B) Complex II
a. Pyramid of energy (C) Complex III (D) Complex IV
b. Pyramid of number
c. Pyramid of biomass 131. Choose the plant showing plasticity w.r.t.
(A) Only a (B) Only a and b environmental factors.
(C) Only c (D) All a, b and c (A) Cotton (B) Coriander
(C) Buttercup (D) Larkspur
125. Which of the following is not the alien
species for India? 132. Which of the given pigment in plants prevent
(A) Parthenium (B) Lantana photo-oxidation of chlorophyll pigment?
(C) Eichhornia (D) Saccharum barberi (A) Carotenoid (B) Chlorophyll b
(C) Chlorophyll c (D) Chlorophyll a
126. Thinning of egg shells and their premature
breaking is due to 133. Which products is formed by the action of
(A) Eutrophication phosphoglycerate kinase on 1, 3
(B) Biomagnification bisphosphoglyceric acid in glycolysis?
(C) Accumulation of calcium (A) 3-Phosphoglycerate
(D) Thermal pollution (B) 2-phosphoglycerate
(C) Phosphoenolpyruvate
127. Photochemical smog does not include (D) Triose bisphosphate
(A) O3 (B) PAN (C) SO2 (D) NOx
134. The mineral nutrient required for all parts of
128. Which of the following statements about the plant and involved in liberation of oxygen
leaf of C4plants is incorrect? during photolysis of water in photosynthesis is
a. Bundle sheath cells may form several (A) Phosphorus (B) Potassium
layers around vascular bundle. (C) Boron (D) Mn
b. Large number of chloroplasts occur in
bundle sheath cells. 135. Mark the correctoption (w.r.t. pie-chart
c. Thick walled bundle sheath cells are representing number of species of major taxa
impervious to gaseous exchange and of vertebrates)
having large intercellular spaces.
(A) Both a and b (B) Only a
(C) Only c (D) Both a and c

129. Select incorrect statement w.r.t. cytochrome c

(A) Mobile e– carrier
(B) Present at outer surface of inner
(A) (A) Fishes, (b) Reptiles
mitochondrial membrane
(B) (b) Mammals, (e) Birds
(C) Transfer of e– from complex III to IV
(C) (c) Reptiles, (d) Fishes
(D) Directly accepts e– from FADH2
(D) (d) Amphibians, (e) Mammals
Section - B
136. Eukaryotic flagella and centriole share 143. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter
similarityas both of them a. Are autotrophs
(A) Are found in higher plant cells b. Have chlorophyll
c. Use solar energy for synthesis of food
(B) Are surrounded by membrane (A) Only a (B) Only a and c
(C) Has ‘9 + 2’ organization of microtubules (C) Only b and c (D) All a, b and c
(D) Have tubulin proteins
144. Cyclic photophosphorylation
137. Histone protein synthesis occurs in (A) Involves production of NADPH
(B) Synthesises ATP
(A) G1 phase (B) S phase (C) Involves splitting of H2O
(C) G2 phase (D) M phase (D) Requires H2O as an external source of
138. Correct binomial epithet of mango is
(A) Mangiferaindica 145. Interflowering period is not seen in
(B) Mangiferaindica Linn. (A) Wheat (B) rice
(C) Apple (D) Both (A) and (B)
(C) Mangiferaindica Linn.
(D) Mangifera Indica Linn. 146. Choose the odd one w.r.t. Turner’s syndrome
(A) Due to monosomy
139. Viroids differ from Prions in (B) Genetic compliment is 44 + XXY
(C) Are sterile females
(A) Having protein molecules
(D) Have short stature
(B) Having genetic material
(C) Being infectious 147. Select the incorrectly matched pair
(D) Being sub viral agent (A) Adapter molecule – tRNA
(B) Snrps – SnRNA + protein complex
(C) Stop codon – AUG
140. In plants, passive absorption of water (D) Capping of hnRNA – Guanylyl
(A) Is symplastic only transferase
(B) Is responsible for Approx96% of total
water absorption 148. In lac operon, enzyme  galactosidase is
(C) No water absorption by the roots synthesized by gene
(A) lac z (B) lac y
(D) Has low rate of absorption
(C) lac a (D) lac i
141. Solute potential of a solution is
149. Find the example of single cell protein.
(A) Equal to w of pure water
(A) Chalorella (B) Spirulina
(B) Any positive value
(C) Volvox (D) Both (A) & (B)
(C) Negative
(D) Zero 150. Himgiri is a variety of ______ that is resistant
to hill bunt
142. ______ is required in synthesis of auxin. (A) Tobacco (B) Rice
(A) B (B) Zn (C) Wheat (D) Turnip
(C) Mn (D) S
151. I. These animals have an endoskeleton of 154. In female cockroach 7th sternum together with
calcareous ossicles 8th and 9th sterna form __(a)__ whose anterior
II. Spiny body part contain __(b)__.
Read the above statements and identify the (A) (a)- female gonopore, (b)- Anal Styles
animals from below options: (B) (a)- brood, (b)- male genital gland
(C) (a)- genital pouch, (b)- anal cerci
(A) Asterias (b) Pinctada
(D) (a)- brood, (b)- female gonopore
(C) Balanoglossus (d) Echinus
(e) Pila (f) Aplysia
155. Match the column I and column II, and choose
Options : the correct combination from the options given :
(A) a, d & e (B) b, e & f
(C) b, c & d (D) a & d Column I Column II
a. Stomach 1. C-shaped
152. Observe the below figures and find out the b Duodenum 2. U-shaped
correct option regarding symmetry. c. Villi 3. J-shaped
d. Rugae 4. Finger like
5. Irregular folds
(A) (B) (C) Options
Options : (A) a – 3, b –2, c – 5, d – 4
(B) a – 2, b –3, c – 5, d – 4
(A) A – Any plane passing through central
(C) a – 3, b –1, c – 4, d – 5
axis of body divides the organism into
(D) a – 1, b –3, c – 4, d – 5
two identical halves
(B) B – Body can be divided into identical
156. Recognise the figure and find out the correct
left and right halves in only one plane matching :
(C) C – Any plane that passes through the Gall bladder
center does not divide them into equal b
(D) All the above statements are correct c


153. I. It is made of a single thin layer of cells with Duodenum


irregular boundaries

II. Hepato-pancreatic duct

(A) a–hepatic duct, d—common bile duct,

c—pancreatic duct, b—cystic duct
Observe the above statement & figure and (B) b–hepatic duct, c—common bile duct,
choose the correct option. d—pancreatic duct, a—cystic duct
(A) Squamous epithelium (C) a–hepatic duct, c—common bile duct,
(B) Cuboidal epithelium d—pancreatic duct, b—cystic duct
(C) Columnar epithelium (D) b–hepatic duct, d—common bile duct,
(D) Areolar connective tissue c—pancreatic duct, a—cystic duct
157. Total volume of air accommodated in the (A) Both statements are incorrect
lungs at the end of a forced inspiration is: (B) Only statement-I is correct
(A) Total lung capacity (C) Only statement-II is correct
(B) Vital capacity + residual volume (D) Both statements are correct
(C) RV + ERV + TV + IRV
(D) All of the above 161. During muscular contraction, which of the
following events occur?
158. Complete the missing word in the statement (i) H-zone disappears
given below and choose correct option. (ii) A-band elongated
I. The fluid present in the lymphatic system (iii) I-band reduces in length
is called the __(i)__. (iv) Length of sarcomere reduce
II. __(ii)__ and monocytes are phagocytic Options are:
cells. (A) (i), (iii) and (iv) (B) (i) and (ii)
III. Eosinophils are associated with__ (iii)__. (C) (ii) and (iv) (D) (i), (ii) and (iii)
IV. __(iv)__ ions play a significant role in
Options : 162. Consider the parts labelled I, II, III and IV
(A) (i)- lymph, (ii)-Lymphocytes, respectively in the diagram and find out the
(iii)- Phagocytosis, (iv)- Mg+2 correct sequence :
(B) (i)- Tissue Fluid, (ii)-Lymphocytes,
(iii)- Allergic reactions, (iv)- Na+
(C) (i)- lymph, (ii)-Neutrophils,
(iii)- Allergic reactions, (iv)- Ca+2
(D) (i)- Blood, (ii)-Neutrophils,
(iii)- Inflammatory reaction, (iv)- Ca+2

159. Read the following statement and choose the

correct option :
I. ECG is a graphical representation of
electrical activity of the heart during a
(A) I-Ilium, II-Ischium, III-Patella, IV-Tibia
cardiac cycle
II. The body has the ability to alter the stroke (B) I- Sacrum, II- Ilium, III-Tibia, IV-Fibula
volume and cardiac output (C) I-Ilium, II-Ischium, III- Patella, IV-Fibula
III.AV node can generate the maximum (D) I-Coxal bone, II- Pubis, III- Fibula, IV-
number of action potentials Tibia
IV. AV bundle branches give rise to minute
fibres called Purkinje fibres 163. Read the following statements carefully and
Options are: select the correct ones.
(A) II&IV are correct but I&III are incorrect (i) Cardiac fibres are branched with one or
more nuclei
(B) I&III are correct but II&IV are incorrect
(ii) Smooth muscles are unbranched and
(C) I, II&IV are correct but III is incorrect
(D) IIIis correct but I, II&IV are incorrect
(iii) Skeletal muscles activities are under the
160. Statement-I: An adult human excretes, on an involuntary control
average, 1 to 1.5 litres of urine per day. (iv) Smooth muscles are non-striated
Statement-II: On an average, 25-30 gm of
Options :
urea is excreted out per day.
Read the above statements and find out the (A) Only (iv) (B) (ii) and (iii)
correct option. (C) (iii) and (iv) (D) Only (iii)
164. How many parts of neuron are wrongly 166. Select the option with correct matching of the
labelled in the adjacent figure ? structure, its location and function :
Structure Location Function
(A) Pituitary side of
urge for
fore brain
eating and
Ventral mediated
(B) Thymus side of and
aorta humoral
Ca and
(C) Parathyroid side of
Secretes a
Dorsal peptide
(D) side of hormone
fore brain called
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
167. Recognise the figure and find out the correct
matching –
165. Which of the following physiological
functions are regulated by hypothalamus in
our body ?

a − Co-ordinates limb muscles while walking

b − Regulates body temperature

c − Regulates sexual behaviour (A) a - Ureter, b - testicular lobules, c -

d − Regulates breathing and cardio vascular
(B) a - Ureter, b - Vas deferens, c -
Seminiferous tubules
e − Regulates thirst and hunger (C) d - Rete testis, e - Seminiferous tubules, c
(A) a and b only (B) b and c only - epididymis
(D) b - epididymis, d - rete testis, e - testicular
(C) b, c and e (D) a, c, d and e
168. Read the following statements and find out 172. Which two of the following statements are
the incorrect statement. correct?
(A) Humans are sexually reproducing and (A) MTP during first semester is generally
viviparous. safe.
(B) Transfer of sperm in female genital tract (B) Chances of conception are nil until
(vagina) is called ejaculation. mother breast feeds the infant up to two
(C) There are remarkable differences between years.
the reproductive events in male and in (C) IUDs like copper-T are effective
female. contraceptives.
(D) The male and female reproductive (D) Contraceptive pills may be taken upto
systems are located in the pelvic region. one week after coitus to prevent
169. The process of spermatogenesis and (A) a, c (B) a, b (C) b, c (D) c, d
oogenesis is started respectively at :
(A) Puberty and puberty 173. Early symptoms of the most of the STDs are :
(B) Puberty and menopause
(C) Embryonic stage and menarche (a) Itching in pelvic region
(D) Puberty and embryonic stage (b) Fluid discharge
(c) Slight pain
170. Match the columns and choose correct option: (d) Swelling
Column–I Column–II
(e) Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
a. Parturition p. Attachment of
zygote to (f) Still births
endometrium (A) a, b and c (B) a, b, c and d
b. Gestation q. Release of egg from (C) a, b, c, d and e (D) All of the above
Graafian follicle.
c. Ovulation r. Delivery of baby
from uterus 174. How many statements are correct ?
d. Implantation s. Duration between (i) The big bang theory attempts to explain to
pregnancy and birth us the origin of universe
e. Conception t. Formation of zygote
by fusion of egg and (ii) There was no atmosphere on early earth
sperm (iii) The earth is very old-almost 20 billion
u. Stoppage of years old.
ovulation and
(iv) Oxygen combined with ammonia and
(A) a -(r); b -(s); c -(q) methane to form water, CO2 and others.
(B) a -(r); d -(s); c-(p) (v) 'Panspermia' is still a favourite idea for
(C) a -(r); b -(s); d -(t) some astronomers
(D) a -(q); b -(s); e -(p) (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 3

171. Given below are the few statements w.r.t.

175. Darwin conjectured that all varieties of
progestogen-estrogen combination pills.
finches have evolved from the original seed
Choose the option which correctly states each
eating finches on the Galapagos island itself,
statement as true (T) or false (F).
I. Pills have to be taken daily without any break this process is called :
II. Menstruation does not occur (A) Adaptive radiation
III. Very effective with lesser side effects (B) Convergent evolution
IV. Well accepted by the females (C) Saltation
(A) I – F, II – F, III – T, IV – T (D) Stochastic process
(B) I – T, II – T, III – T, IV – T
(C) I – T, II –F, III – T, IV – F
(D) I – F, II –T, III – T, IV – F
176. Miller synthesised simple amino acids from 181. Read the statement and choose the correct
which one of the following mixtures in an option.
experiment ? a. Secretion of interferons is a physiological
barrier of innate immunity
(A) H2, O2, N2 (1 : 2 : 1) and water vapour b. B-lymphocytes produce an army of
(B) H2, O2, N2 (2 : 1 : 2) and water vapour proteins in response to pathogens into our
(C) CH4, NH3, H2 (2 : 1 : 2) and water vapour blood to fight with them.
(D) CH4, NH3, H2 (1 : 2 : 1) and water vapour c. Injection given against snake venom is a
type of active immunisation.
d. Antibodies produced during allergic
177. Experimental proof that some simple molecules reactions are of IgA type.
like H2, NH3, CH4 and water vapour gave rise to (A) a and d (B) b and d
amino acids during origin of life, was provided (C) a only (D) b only
by scientists to support_________.
182. What are the strategies for enhancement in
(A) Special creation theory food production?
(B) Panspermia theory i. Animal husbandry ii. Plant breeding
(C) Chemical evolution iii. Embryo transfer technology
(D) Spontaneous generation theory iv. Tissue culture techniques
(A) Only i, ii and iii are correct
178. Which of the following is correct? (B) Only iii and iv are incorrect
(C) Only i and iii are correct
(A) B-cells are produced in bone marrow and (D) All are correct
mature there
(B) An antibody is represented as H2L2 183. The controlled use of biological agents, such
(C) T-lymphocytes mediate cell-mediated as liveorganisms or enzymes from organisms
immunity to produceproducts and processes useful to
(D) All of the above humans is called as
(A) biochemistry (B) molecular biology
179. Which of the following pairs contains an
(C) biotechnology (D) microbiology
infectious and a non-infectious disease
(A) Typhoid and AIDS 184. The application of biotechnology includes all
(B) AIDS and Cancer except
(C) Pneumonia and malaria (A) Bioremediation
(D) Cancer and malaria
(B) Genetically modified organisms
180. Choose the pathogen for the diseases shown (C) genetically modified crops
in below diagrams. (D) conventional hybridisation

185. Which of the following is for increasing food

(A) Agrochemical based agriculture
(B) Organic agriculture
(Disease-I) (Disease-I) (C) Genetically engineered crop-based
(A) Pathogen for I - Mosquito; agriculture
Pathogen for II - Fungi
(B) Pathogen for III - Protozoa; (D) All of the above
Pathogen for IV - Bacteria
(C) Pathogen for I - Bacteria;
Pathogen for II - Virus
(D) Pathogen for I - Helminth;
Pathogen for II - Fungi
186. Which of the following pairs of organisms 191. Blood (serum) calcium level can be increased
possess stinging capsules (nematocysts) ? by the administration of.
(A) Sea fan and Sea pen (A) glucagon (B) parathormone
(B) Cobra and Scorpion (C) thyroxine (D) calcitonin
(C) Cockroach and Mosquito
(D) Wasp and Honey bee 192. The function of ovary is:
a. To produce female gamete
187. Which muscle fibres taper at both ends and b. To provide the site for fertilisation
their functioning can not be directly c. To provide the site for implantation
controlled ? d. To produce several steroid hormones
(A) Smooth muscle fibre (A) a and b (B) a, b and d
(B) Skeletal muscle fibre
(C) a, b and c (D) a and d
(C) Cardiac muscle fibre
(D) None of the above
193. 'Saheli' is:
(A) new oral contraceptive for the females
188. Negative pressure inside lungs is created due to :
contains a non-steroidal preparation
(A) Contraction of muscles of diaphragm &
(B) new oral contraceptive for the females
relaxation of external intercostal muscles.
contains a steroidal preparation
(B) Relaxation of muscles of diaphragm &
(C) once a week pill with very few side
contraction of external intercostal
effects and low contraceptive value
(D) twice a week pill with very few side
(C) Contraction of muscles of diaphragm &
effects and high contraceptive value
contraction of external intercostal
(D) Relaxation of muscles of diaphragm & 194. The first vertebrate evolved on earth were :
relaxation of external intercostal muscles. (A) Jawless fish (B) Coelocanth
(C) Chimera (D) Ichthyosaurs
189. Osmoreceptors in the body are activated by
195. Convergent evolution of two species is
changes in______________.
associated with :
(A) blood volume
(B) body fluid volume (A) Analogous organs
(C) ionic concentration (B) Recent common ancestor
(D) All of the above (C) Homologous organs
(D) Different habitat
190. The optic nerve leave the eye at a point
medial to and slightly above the posterior 196. The immune system plays an important role in
pole of the eye ball. In this region : a. Recognition of foreign antigens
(A) Only cones are densely packed b. Responds to antigens and remembers them
(B) Only rods are densely packed c. Allergic reactions
(C) Photo receptor cells are present and is d. Auto-immune diseases
called macula lutea e. Organ transplantation
(D) Photo receptor cells are not present and is
(A) b, c and e (B) a and b only
called blind spot
(C) a, b, c and d (D) a, b, c, d and e
197. Damage to thymus in a child may lead to
(A) A reduction in haemoglobin content of
(B) A reduction in stem cell production
(C) Increase in immunity
(D) Decrease in immunity

198. Which technique is used to overcome several

problems of normal matings?
(A) Out crossing
(B) Artificial insemination
(C) Interspecific hybridisation
(D) Cross-breeding

199. The techniques/processes that are included

under biotechnology are
(A) in vitro fertilisation
(B) correcting a defective gene
(C) synthesising a gene
(D) All of these

200. In 1983, which of the following companies

preparedhuman insulin?
(A) Genetech (B) Eli Lilly
(C) GEAC (D) None of these

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