Something Surprises You or Hurts You

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To flinch

Tom flinched when Peter suddenly shouted.

- Tom recuou quando Peter repentinamente gritou.

Rachel flinched when she cut herself on the knife.

- Rachel encolheu-se quando ela se cortou com a faca.

- The boy gave a flinch of fear as the dog jumped up at him.

- If you flinch, you make a small sudden movement, especially when
something surprises you or hurts you.

You are on strike, and they are never going to flinch.

- Você está em greve e eles nunca irão recuar.

The first one to flinch loses.

- A primeira a ceder, perde.

I told Scott that he was not to flinch in any way.

- Eu disse ao Scott para não recuar de maneira nenhuma.

There's this guy, when he smiles... it takes a real effort not to flinch.
- Há um tipo que quando sorri é preciso um esforço para não fugir.
- Há um sujeito que, quando sorri, tenho de fingir não estar assustada.

I have to flinch first, is that it?

- Tenho que recuar primeiro, é isso?
"Try not to flinch."
- "Tenta não te mexer."

He didn't flinch at that Hoynes stuff.

- Nem pestanejou com aquilo do Hoynes.

Whatever you do, don't flinch.

- Faça o que fizer, não tenhas medo.

You guys don't flinch or panic in captivity.

- Vocês não se assustam quando em cativeiro.

And my sister didn't even flinch.

- E a minha irmã nem pestanejou.

You didn't flinch, not even a bit.

- Não vacilaste, nem um bocadinho.

- He didn't even flinch when the nurse cleaned the wound.

to make a sudden, small movement because of pain or fear:

- Now I’m going to move the eyepiece right up against your eye for a

second – try not to flinch.
to make a sudden small movement because of pain or fear:
- Murat had looked into the eyes of the firing squad without flinching.
- The sharp surface of the rock caught at her skin, making her flinch.
If you flinch, you make a small sudden movement, especially when
something surprises you or hurts you.

- The world community should not flinch in the face of this challenge.
- He has never flinched from harsh financial decisions. 
If you flinch from something unpleasant, you are unwilling to do it
or think about it, or you avoid doing it.

- he flinched as the cold water struck him

to draw back suddenly, as from pain, shock, etc; wince

- she never flinched from her duty

to avoid contact (with); shy away

- she never flinched from difficult decisions

- ela nunca hesitou perante decisões difíceis
- (retrair-se perante algo)

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