17 Sacred Signs Final
17 Sacred Signs Final
17 Sacred Signs Final
From The Universe
Discover Success, Love, and Happiness
SIGNS By Following Life’s Hidden Guideposts!
Alexander Wilson
Discover Success, Love, and Happiness By
Following Life’s Hidden Guideposts!
Alexander Wilson
Copyright @ 2019
Part I: 7 Sacred Signs From The Universe .................................................2
SIGN 1: Angel Numbers.............................................................................6
SIGN 2: Animal Symbols...........................................................................10
SIGN 3: Songs............................................................................................14
SIGN 4: Dream Messages.........................................................................16
SIGN 5: Books Fall Off The Shelves.........................................................19
SIGN 6: Printed Words..............................................................................21
SIGN 7: Repeated Experiences................................................................23
Your Next Steps.........................................................................................26
Part II: 10 Further Sacred Signs of the Universe .....................................28
SIGN 8: Intuitive Insights During Meditation..........................................32
SIGN 9: Gut Feelings.................................................................................34
SIGN 10: Random Thought/ Psychic Perception....................................36
SIGN 11: Symptoms in your physical body/ health issues.....................41
SIGN 12: Other People.............................................................................41
SIGN 13: Synchronicities...........................................................................43
SIGN 14: Technological Malfunctions and Setbacks/ delays.................46
SIGN 15: Signs in Nature..........................................................................49
SIGN 16: Everything seems to be going wrong......................................51
SIGN 17: Objects.......................................................................................53
Your Next Steps.........................................................................................57
Contents | PAGE 3 of 59
Discover Success, Love, and Happiness
By Following Life’s Hidden Guideposts
Songs | PAGE 15 of 59
œ SIGN 4 œ
When we are asleep we are far more open and accessible to receiving
messages as our subconscious mind and higher self are at the helm.
Our negative, resistant conscious mind is not in charge any more. For
that reason, powerful messages are often heard and played out to us in
our dreams. Remember though that the crucial thing to notice is to the
feeling you have upon waking. The nature of dreaming is such that we
often don’t remember specifics, or it can sometimes seem surreal. If you
wake up with a strong feeling, that feeling is the most important part
to pay attention to. The universe is communicating through vibrations,
remember - which means the energy you receive from the sign, through
Synchronicities | PAGE 43 of 59
moment to show us we are on the right track and to give us positive
Synchronicities are also evidence of manifestations being on their
way, in that way what we are calling synchronicity is really the law of
attraction working its magic as the Universe reflects back to you your
alignment. The Universe may start by showing you small examples
of synchronicities like when you think of a friend you haven’t thought
about for some time and they send you a message the next day. Or
perhaps you are thinking of going on a city break to Rome and for the
next week people keep talking about Rome or you meet someone
who has just been there and can offer the perfect advice on where
to stay. These are all little signs that the Universe is nodding at you,
smiling in encouragement.
Synchronicities don’t have to be small things they can be as huge and
life changing as you desire. Often when small synchronicities start
piling up in your life, it’s a sign that bigger things are on the way. Listen
to the Universe and be open to receiving. You could start by listing all
the little synchronicities that occur in your life in a journal, by keeping
track of these messages you are effectively saying to the universe that
you are ready to receive more and that your lines of communication
are open.
In this real-life example written about in her book What if This is Heaven?
Anita Moorjani discusses a strange coincidence that happened to her in
Pune, India, an enormous crowded city of over 5 million people where
she was visiting her mother. She was drawn to walk into a tiny dress shop
on a narrow street full of people selling things and alive with activity,
a place she wouldn’t normally be in. The shop was barely visible but
her eyes were drawn to the skirt hanging outside and so she went in,
feeling compelled. She got chatting to the woman who worked in the
shop and the woman asked her where she was from, as her accent was
different to the locals. Anita said she had grown up in Hong Kong, and
the woman exclaimed how strange, so has the author of this book I am
reading, Anita Moorjani. Anita’s jaw dropped, but that’s me! She said.
The woman couldn’t believe it, she had been obsessively reading her
Synchronicities | PAGE 45 of 59
œ SIGN 14 œ
You know that frustrating feeling when your Internet goes out or you
lose cell phone coverage? Maybe your email just won’t send, your
movie keeps buffering and your car won’t start. As irritating and
disruptive as these technological issues can be, they may also be the
Objects | PAGE 53 of 59
Perhaps you find a photograph of a friend you haven’t talked to in
years as a prompt to reconnect. Or maybe you have been thinking
about children a lot and are wondering whether to start a family and
you come across a random discarded toy when you are out taking
a walk. It could be anything at all that speaks to you, you are really
the only one who can know what the Universe is communicating at
that time.
In this story, Jeremy had recently found himself yearning to revisit
playing the piano, which was something he had enjoyed a lot as a child,
yet he had not touched the instrument in over 20 years. Classes were
not currently a viable option and money was tight for him. Then a friend
of his who was clearing out his house in preparation for a move, asked
Jeremy to give him a hand at the garage sale he was planning. Jeremy
went around to his friend’s house, the day of the sale and helped him
set up boxes and bags of goods. At the end of the day Jeremy offered
to take the left-over unwanted things to the dump in his truck. Arriving
at the dump, he could not believe it when he saw a keyboard, discarded
among chairs and old tv’s. It actually looked as though it was in great
condition. He took it home, gave it a clean and plugged it in to discover
it was perfect, there appeared to be no real reason for anyone throwing
it out other than not wanting it. It was the perfect timing and the right
way for him to revisit his old love of music.
Simple Steps:
»» Surrender your desire/ question to the Universe.
»» Set an intention to receive guidance from the Universe
»» Be open to the truth of what you may need to hear, not what you are
attached to as the outcome
»» Know that you will receive the answer in due course.
»» Release expectations and have faith.
»» Act on the signs you receive.
Most of all have fun as you learn to navigate your way through your
constant flow with the Universe. Open your spirit to the divine
communication all around you, ready to help you move into living the
best version of your life.
Objects | PAGE 55 of 59
How Can you Reconnect to Your Soul Wisdom?
Learning how to understand the language of the Universe is about
remembering the wisdom your soul already possesses. We are all born
connected, we just let life get in the way and forget how to receive the
guidance that is all around us.