Secur-Fit Advanced: Surgical Technique

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Femoral Hip System


Pre-Operative Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Femoral Neck Resection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Preparing the Femoral Canal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Trochanteric Reaming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Broaching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Trial Reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Implanting the Stem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Final Reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Extraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Implant and Instrument Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Indications Contraindications
Indications for use include: • active infection or suspected latent infection in or about the
• Noninflammatory degenerative joint disease including hip joint;
osteoarthritis and avascular necrosis; • bone stock that is inadequate for support or fixation of the
• Rheumatoid arthritis; prosthesis;
• Correction of functional deformity; • skeletal immaturity patients; and,
• Revision procedures where other treatments or devices have • any mental or neuromuscular disorder that would create an
failed; and, unacceptable risk of instability, prosthesis fixation failure or
• Nonunions, femoral neck and trochanteric fractures of the complications in postoperative care.
proximal femur with head involvement that are unmanageable
using other techniques.
Warnings and Precautions
Additional indication specific to use of Secur-Fit Advanced Hip See package insert for warnings, precautions, adverse effects
Stems with compatible Howmedica Osteonics Constrained Liners: and other essential product information. Before using Secur-Fit
• When the stem is to be used with compatible Howmedica Advanced Stem instrumentation, verify:
Osteonics Constrained Liners, the device is intended for use in • Instruments have been properly disassembled prior to cleaning
primary or revision patients at high risk of hip dislocation due and sterilization;
to a history of prior dislocation, bone loss, soft tissue laxity,
neuromuscular disease, or intra-operative instability. • Instruments have been properly assembled post-sterilization;
• Instruments have maintained design integrity; and,
Secur-Fit Advanced Hip Stems are intended for cementless use • Proper size configurations are available.
only and are intended for total and hemiarthroplasty procedures.

For Instructions for Cleaning, Sterilization, Inspection and Maintenance of Orthopaedic Medical Devices, refer to LSTPI_B.

Femoral Hip System

The Secur-Fit Advanced Hip Stem is intended for cementless,

press-fit application. The proximal region of the stem is coated
with PureFix HA over a commercially pure titanium plasma spray
substrate. The Secur-Fit Advanced Hip Stem is suitable for various
surgical approaches.

The total system includes:

• 16 Implants
• Size 4 and 5 in 132° offset only
• Sizes 6-12, two anatomic offset angles of 132° and 127°

The stem is designed for use with Stryker V40 femoral heads and
their compatible acetabular components.

This publication sets forth detailed recommended procedures

for using Stryker Orthopaedics devices and instruments. It offers
guidance that you should need, but, as with any such technical
guide, each surgeon must consider the particular needs of each
patient and make appropriate adjustments when and as required.
Step 1
-Pre-operative Planning

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Pre-operative planning aids in the Optimal femoral stem fit, prosthetic marking is superior to the center of
determination of probable implant neck length, angle and version rotation marking of the acetabular
style and size. The pre-operative can be more closely evaluated component, leg lengthening is
planning process should take with the use of pre-operative X-ray predicted. The desired change in
qualitative and quantitative factors analysis. The following parameters leg length is determined by the
(including patient bone quality, should be determined using an A/P radiographic leg length inequality
density, and morphology) into radiograph: Stem Size, Femoral that was previously determined with
consideration in order to evaluate Offset, Leg Length, Neck Angle, an A/P bilateral film. If 8mm of leg
and select the appropriate and Center of Rotation. lengthening is required in order to
instrument/implant system for equalize the leg lengths, the center
the patient. The Secur-Fit Advanced has two of rotation marking of the femoral
offset options: the standard offset component should be positioned
Place an acetabulum template 132° neck angle and the high 8mm superior to the center of
over the area on the X-ray. Be sure offset 127°neck angle (Sizes 4 and rotation marking on the acetabular
that the cup is well centered within 5 are available in the 132° neck component. The stem size and
the acetabulum and the size fills angle only). Choose the Secur-Fit head offset that most closely meets
between the tear drop and the Advanced template for which the this goal is chosen. The predicted
superior rim. After templating the stem size achieves medio-lateral change in offset is also considered
acetabulum for size, mark the center cortical engagement at the proximal by comparing the relative medial/
of rotation (represented by the green two-thirds of the stem and recreates lateral position of the center of
dot (Figure 1)). the desired leg length and offset rotation markings of the femoral
(Figure 2). For both the 132° and and acetabular components.
127° offset options, the template The templates should be used to
has markings that indicate the estimate the final components that
center of the femoral head for a most closely restore the normal
range of head offset options. offset of the patient’s hip.

The predicted change in leg length Once the final estimated stem size
and offset is determined by the and position is determined, the neck
relative positioning of the center of resection level should be noted
Templates rotation markings on the femoral (Figure 3). This will be used as a
and acetabular components. reference during intra-operative neck
Secur-Fit Advanced For example, if a given femoral resection.
Acetate Templates
Lit# LTEM106 component center of rotation

Acetate templates include 20% magnification.

2 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

Step 2
Femoral Neck Resection

A proper neck resection level

directly affects the final placement
and fit of the femoral stem. By
using the anatomic landmarks
referenced during pre-operative
X-ray templating, the pre-planned
neck resection is made with an
oscillating saw and with the aid
of the Neck Resection guide.

Lay the Neck Resection Guide

on the femur, using the lesser
trochanter and the trochanteric
fossa as landmarks when making
the final cut. Care should be taken
to align the axis line of the Neck
Resection Guide to the center axis
of the femoral shaft; the scales
on the lateral flange or medial
radius of the guide can be used
to reference the greater or lesser
trochanter respectively when
Scale on making the final cut.
Resection Guide
corresponds to
scale on the


Use the Resection

Guide to determine
resection point
based on lesser

39° Neck resection angle

Figure 4


Secur-Fit Advanced Neck Resection Guide


Step 3
Preparing the Femoral Canal

To help ensure proper final

orientation of the stem, lateral
bias during preparation for the
implant is preferred. Retraction of
A clear-out hole has been
the gluteus medius and removal of placed on the back of the
a portion of the lateral neck and/ Box Osteotome that allows
or piriformis fossa will permit true bone chips to be removed
axial introduction of the instruments using a curette or other OR
and implant. A Box Osteotome is instruments in an action that
does not require a force to
useful in removing bone from this
be directed at the cutting
area. Connect the Box Osteotome surface.
attachment to the Modular Handle.
Use a mallet to strike the end of
the Modular Handle with careful
controlled blows to remove remnants
of the superior femoral neck and
open the medullary canal.

Figure 5


Modular Box Osteotome Orthonomic Modular Handle Orthonomic T-Handle

1601-1210 1020-2900 1101-2200

4 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

Distal Reaming

The Starter Reamer can be used

to enter the femoral canal through
the trochanteric fossa. The Starter
Reamer has a point to facilitate entry
and graduated markings along the
shaft that correspond to implant

Enter the canal with the Starter

Reamer attached to either a T-handle
or powered instrument. Place the
Starter Reamer on the exposed
trochanteric fossa and proceed
Depth down into the shaft along its axis
to the appropriate depth and align
12 to the center of the knee. The
10-11 Starter Reamer should be inserted
8-9 Resection such that the appropriate marking
Point corresponding to the pre-operatively
selected stem size correlates to the
5 depth of the medial resection point.

Figure 6 Tip

Depth markings on the Starter

Reamer, which correspond to the
Tapered Reamer depth for each
stem, should be aligned with the
medial aspect of the resection

Secur-Fit Advanced Starter Reamer


Step 3
Trochanteric Reaming

Figure 7

Select and use the appropriate Broach Only Option

Trochanteric Reamer to remove
lateral proximal cortical bone. This The fully toothed Broaches may
will further assist in establishing facilitate preparation of the femoral
proper axial alignment. The canal without the use of Tapered
Trochanteric Reamer is available Reamers. However, a narrow/tight
in standard and large sizes. The diaphyseal shaft (e.g. champagne
Reamer should be inserted to a flute femur) may result in broach
depth such that the distal end of the resistance in the distal canal. If
cutting flutes aligns with the medial resistance is encountered, tapered
resection point. Each Trochanteric reaming is recommended to minimize
Reamer is designed to prepare for potential for distal femoral fractures.
three stem sizes. See Table 1. If the Broach does not seat at the
desired height, ream upward until the
Option Table 1: Recommended Broach seats at the desired height.
For Sizes 4-6, the standard Trochanteric Reamer Sizes The option to skip any reaming step
Trochanteric Reamer is optional and stem tapered
is at the discretion of the surgeon.
to be used according to surgeon’s size reamer

discretion. 7-9 Standard Trochanteric Reamer

10-12 Large Trochanteric Reamer


Orthonomic T-Handle Secur-Fit Advanced Secur-Fit Advanced Secur-Fit Advanced 2 For 1

1101-2200 Standard Trochanteric Large Trochanteric Reamer Tapered Reamer Size 5-6
Reamer 1601-1531 1601-1532 1601-1556

6 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

Tapered Reaming

Size 7

Size 8

Figure 8

Reamers are used to prepare the

canal distally where dense cortical
bone exists, thereby aiding in
broaching. The Tapered Reamer
should be inserted such that the
appropriate marking corresponding
to the stem size correlates to the
depth of the medial resection point.

See Table 2 for a list of

recommended reamer sizes for each

Table 2: Recommended Tapered

Reamer Sizes
stem tapered
size reamer
4 *Starter reamer may be used Tip
5 5-6
If pre-operative templating results
6 5-6 in an in-between size, ream to a
7 7-8 smaller size.

8 7-8
9 9-10
10 9-10
11 11-12
Due to the aggressive cutting
12 11-12 nature of the reamer, distal
reaming should not exceed the
templated size.

Secur-Fit Advanced 2 For 1 Secur-Fit Advanced 2 For 1 Secur-Fit Advanced 2 For 1

Tapered Reamer Size 7-8 Tapered Reamer Size 9-10 Tapered Reamer Size 11-12
1601-1578 1601-1590 1601-1512

Step 4



Figure 9

Assemble the Broach to the Broach the broach has axial and rotational
Hook Handle by inserting the alignment stability. With proper cortical contact,
tab on the distal end of the Broach the broach should not twist or
Handle onto the Broach. Closing the move relative to the femur. If there is
locking arm until an audible click is movement, a larger size broach may
heard secures the Broach onto the be needed.
Alignment Broach Handle.
Generally, if a broach sinks below the
Using a mallet with short, controlled level of the neck resection, advance
strokes, begin broaching and to the next larger broach. If the neck
sequentially broach up until the resection is deemed higher than
desired size is reached. Throughout desired, remove the broach and
broaching, continue to ensure neutral perform a new neck resection at a
alignment of the broach to the long lower level.
axis of the femur.
Upon reaching the final size and
Correct fit will be denoted by a depth of the broach, detach the
change in pitch, tactile resistance, or broach handle from the broach,
when the broach ceases to advance. leaving the broach fully seated in the
Verify a secure fit and ensure that femoral canal.


Secur-Fit Advanced Broach Handle Secur-Fit Advanced Low Profile Secur-Fit Advanced Broach Size 4-12
1601-1100 Broach Handle 1601-3100 1601-10XXA

8 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

Optional Step: Calcar Planing

Figure 10

Calcar planing creates a final resection Initiate power prior to contacting the
plane and angle to optimize stem fit. femur and slowly advance the Calcar
There are two calcar planers in the set Planer toward the broach. Align the
(standard, large). Select the size that tab within the broach body and press
Proper insertion depth of
the broach in the canal is fits the cut surface of the neck. Each down to plane the calcar to desired
achieved when it seats tightly calcar planer includes a spring-loaded level. Failure to operate the Calcar
within the canal based on alignment tab that provides controlled Planer in accordance with these
visual and auditory clues. The alignment and engagement with the instructions may result in damage
surgeon’s clues to confirm broach. to the femur.
implant fixation include
increased pitch of sound
with blows to broach handle
and increased resistance to
advancement. Reliance only
on the neck cut may lead to
improper sizing, inadequate
component fixation, and
femoral fracture.

Secur-Fit Advanced Calcar Planer, Secur-Fit Advanced Calcar Planer,

Standard Large
1601-1400 1601-1420

Step 5
Trial Reduction

Select a neck trial which has the

same stem size and angle as the
planned implant size. This can be
determined in three ways.

1. Match the stem size indicated on

the face of the neck trial trunnion
with the inserted broach

2. Match the neck angle with

desired stem angle based on the
Figure 11 127° trials being gold, and the
132° trials being silver

3. Match the neck angle indicated

Angle 30
Length on the distal portion of neck with
Size the desired stem angle

The table below indicates the

Figure 12
correct neck length for each size
stem. The size of the broach directly
corresponds to the size of the
Warning implant.

Table 3: Secur-Fit Advanced Neck

Trials and Neck Lengths (mm)

neck neck
length length
stem (mm) (mm)
Image depicts size 127° 132°
improper use (GOLD) (SILVER)
of the Secur-Fit
4 — 26
Advanced neck trial.
It is important to ensure 5 — 26
the neck trial is placed
6 28 26
properly onto the broach
to avoid improper ROM and 7 32 30
joint stability assessment.
8 32 30
9 36 34
10 36 34
Instruments 11 40 38
12 40 38
Secur-Fit Advanced Monolithic Secur-Fit Advanced Monolithic
Neck Trial, 132 Degree Neck Trial, 127 Degree
(Silver) 1601-XX132 (Gold) 1601-XX127

10 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

Selection of V40 Head Trial on Trial Neck

Figure 13

Assemble the Neck Trial onto

the broach by hand. Ensure
that the engraving on the superior
edge of the neck is visible, and
Ensure that the broach cavity and V40
the flat lateral edge of the neck trunnion are clear of debris prior to
trial is aligned with the flat lateral assembling the neck and head trials.
edge of the broach. Next, assemble
a V40 Head Trial onto the Neck Trial
by hand. Table 4: Head Compatibility
Head Head Size Head Offsets
Femoral heads come in multiple
22 +0, +3, +8
offsets and are different for each
26 -3, +0, +4, +8, +12
femoral head implant material (see
28 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
Table 4). For this reason, final head
CoCr V40 32 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
material should be chosen prior
36 -5, +0, +5, +10
to trial reduction. Offsets add or
40 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
subtract from the base neck length
of the implant and help to achieve 44 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12

the desired leg length and offset. 28 -2.7, +0, +4

Alumina V40 32 -4, +0, +4
Perform a trial reduction of the hip. 36 -5, +0, +5
Upon confirmation of the selected Alumina C-Taper 28 -2.5, +0, +5
components, remove the trial head (when used with C-Taper Sleeve – 32 -2.5, +0, +5
and trial neck, and reassemble catalog # 17-0000E) 36 -5, +0, +5
the broach handle to the broach. 28 -4, -2.7, +0, +4
Remove the broach from the delta BIOLOX V40 32 -4, +0, +4
femoral canal. The final broach size 36 -5, -2.5, +0, +2.5, +5, +7.5
determines the correct implant size. 28 -2.5, +0, +2.5, +5
delta BIOLOX C-Taper
(when used with C-Taper Sleeve – 32 -2.5, +0, +2.5, +5
catalog # 17-0000E)
36 -5, -2.5, +0, +2.5, +5, +7.5
28 -2.5, +0, +4

+5mm heads are the maximum head 32 -2.5, +0, +4

delta BIOLOX Universal Taper (when
offset allowed for the size 4. used with Universal Taper Sleeve- 36 -2.5, +0, +4
+12mm heads are the maximum catalog #6519-T-XXXX)
40 -2.5, +0, +4
head offset allowed for
the size 5-12 stem. 44 -2.5, +0, +4

Instrument Note

V40 Head Trial Head Trials with an “R” suffix are

6264-x-xxxR made from a radiopaque material,
making them visible on an X-ray.

* For additional Acetabular and Head Compatibility information please see page 17.
Step 6
Implanting the stem

Option 1 Option 2

The Secur-Fit Advanced Stem The Secur-Fit Advanced Stem can

can be inserted by hand and then also be inserted using the Modular
impacted into the bone using the Offset Quick Connect Stem inserter.
Modular Stem Impactor (Figure 14). Place tip of the inserter into the
The Modular Stem Impactor has a drive hole of the stem taking care to
spherical tip, which is placed onto align the version tab on the inserter
the drive hole of the stem. This with the slot in the stem (Figure 15).
instrument allows for off-axis impac- The quick connect design provides
tion of the stem. The Modular Stem the inserter with a stable spring
Impactor does not connect to the connection, but it does not provide
stem, and, therefore, can only be a mechanical lock. Therefore,
used for final impaction of the stem. this assembly should be handled
with care, as excessive shaking
or motion may result in the stem
Figure 14 dis-associating from the inserter.

Option 3

Thread the Modular Threaded Stem

Inserter into the drive hole on the
proximal face of the stem (Figure 16).
The inserter should be fully threaded
and secured to the stem prior to
impaction to prevent damage to the
threads on the implant or the instru-
ment. Using the inserter, the stem
should be inserted into the femoral
canal until it stops.


Orthonomic Modular Modular Threaded Stem Inserter Modular Offset Quick Connect Modular Stem Impactor
Handle 1020-1800 Inserter 1020-1870
1020-2900 1020-1860

12 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

A mallet is then used to seat the
stem into the canal with short,
controlled strokes.

The surgeon should NOT attempt

to continue impacting the femoral
component if visual and auditory
clues indicate that the stem is firmly
seated in the canal. These clues,
rather than the broach seating level,
should be used to determine the
final seating height of the implant.
Continued aggressive impaction
could lead to femoral fracture.
In the event that dense bone is
Figure 15
encountered intra-operatively and
compounding anatomical factors are Figure 16
present, the seating of the implant
may not be consistent with the level
of the broach due to the viscoelastic
Note nature of the femoral bone. If the
final seating height is undesirable,
Prior to implanting the final stem
and femoral head, check the
the implant can be removed using
implants for potential damage. the Modular Threaded Stem Inserter
Ensure that the final stem matches
(option 3) and additional broaching
the last broach used. Use the
markings on the face of the stem can be performed. If the stem
trunnion to verify the stem size and inserter is contacting the greater
taper type.
trochanter during insertion, continued
impaction could lead to a fracture.
Final Implant Trunnion

Face of a Size 8 Stem Size Caution

132° Stem
01 Neck
Angle If the stem inserter is

contacting the greater

V40 trochanter during insertion,
continued impaction could
Lot ID Number lead to a fracture. The
(Varies from implant surgeon should consider
to implant) using an alternate impactor.
Figure 17

Step 7
Final Reduction

Figure 18

Prior to final head assembly, neck length/head offset

may be re-evaluated using a V40 Head Trial. Place the
Head Trial on to the stem neck taper and reduce the hip.
Leg length equality and proper soft tissue tension are Ensure that the V40 taper is clean
evaluated. Remove the Head Trial and dry the implant prior to assembling the head trial or
trunnion with a laparotomy sponge or sterile towel. head implant

Select the appropriate corresponding V40 Femoral Head

(CoCr, Alumina Ceramic, BIOLOX delta Ceramic) or Warning
sleeve and place it onto the dry trunnion of the femoral
In no instance should any attempt
stem with a slight twist. Impact the head with moderate be made to preassemble the
impactions using the Modular Head impactor. Adaptor Sleeve inside the BIOLOX
delta Universal Ceramic Head. Intra-
operatively assemble the BIOLOX
Verify the head is secure on the trunnion after head delta Universal Taper Ceramic Head
impaction by applying traction to the head and confirming onto the sleeved Femoral Stem
and set with moderate blows using
stability on the trunnion. the Stem Head Impactor (1104-
1000). Care must be taken to avoid
excessive impact forces when
When selecting a BIOLOX delta Universal Taper Ceramic assembling the Ceramic Head to the
Femoral Head for implantation with the Secur-Fit sleeved femoral component.
Advanced Stem, use of a V40 Universal Adaptor Sleeve
is necessary. After completing the trialing process, intra-
operatively assemble the Adaptor Sleeve to the Femoral Warning
Stem manually. The Universal Adaptor Sleeve must be
fully seated on the Stem trunnion before the Head is Any debris that is potentially
generated must be fully lavaged
assembled. prior to wound closure.

Relocate the femoral head into the acetabular cup and

re-check the laxity and range of motion. The surgical site
Table 5: Universal Adaptor Sleeves – Titanium
is then closed according to surgeon preference.
Catalog Number Offset (mm) Taper

6519-T-025 -2.5 V40

6519-T-100 +0 V40
6519-T-204 +4 V40


Orthonomic Modular Handle V40 Head Trial Head/Neck Impactor

1020-2900 6264-x-xxxR 1601-1700

14 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

Optional Step: Extraction

Figure 19


A surgeon should use his or her preferred

surgical exposure and technique to
conduct the revision surgery adequately.
A surgeon should also refer to the
subsequent product’s surgical technique
and instructions for use to understand all
appropriate warnings, indications, contra­
indications, and product compatibility.

There are instruments to manage the

extraction of a Secur-Fit Advanced
Stem in both intraoperative and revision
situations. The instrument to use is
the McReynolds Distal Stem Adaptor
(6260-4-090) and McReynolds Driver
(6869-1-000, 6869-2-000, 6869-3-000)
from the Restoration Modular Instrument
Distal Stem


A surgeon must take care to avoid

applying excessive force to the
stem while exposing the joint during
revision surgery.


A surgeon must take care in

assessing stability so as to not
fracture the bone or create any
debris. Any debris that is potentially
generated must be fully lavaged
prior to wound closure.

McReynolds Distal Stem Adaptor McReynolds Driver

6260-4-090 6869-1-000,


Table 6: Secur-Fit Advanced Stem Offset Table
Stem Catalog Neck Angle Stem Size Stem Length Neck Length Femoral Distal Tip
Number (°) (mm) (mm) Offset with Diameter*
+0mm Head (mm)

1601-06127 127 6 120 28 37.2 6.9

1601-07127 127 7 130 32 41.5 7.4
1601-08127 127 8 136 32 42.4 8.1
1601-09127 127 9 142 36 46.9 8.9
Advanced 127°
1601-10127 127 10 148 36 48.1 9.7
1601-11127 127 11 155 40 52.6 9.7
1601-12127 127 12 160 40 53.7 10.7
1601-04132 132 4 110 26 31.5 5.1
1601-05132 132 5 115 26 32.5 6.0
1601-06132 132 6 120 26 33.6 6.9
1601-07132 132 7 130 30 37.5 7.4
Secur-Fit 1601-08132 132 8 136 30 38.4 8.1
Advanced 132°
1601-09132 132 9 142 34 42.6 8.9
1601-10132 132 10 148 34 43.8 9.7
1601-11132 132 11 155 38 47.9 9.7
1601-12132 132 12 160 38 49.0 10.7

* The distal diameter is taken at the location where the stem transitions from a square cross-section to a circular cross-section


ck +5mm heads are the maximum head
Le offset allowed for the size 4.
th +12mm heads are the maximum
head offset allowed for
the size 5-12 stem.


Stem Length

Figure 20

16 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

Table 7: Secur-Fit Advanced Compatible Femoral Heads
Head Head Diameter (mm) Offset (mm)
V40 Biolox delta 28 -4.0, -2.7, +0, +4.0
V40 Biolox delta 32 -4.0, +0, +4.0
V40 Biolox delta 36 -5, -2.5, +0, +2.5, +5, +7.5
Universal Taper, Biolox delta Head 28, 32, 36, 40, 44
Universal Taper Sleeves – V40 stems -2.5, +0, +4
V40 CoCr 22 +0, +3, +8
V40 CoCr 26 -3, +0, +4, +8, +12
V40 CoCr 28 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
V40 CoCr 32 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
V40 LFIT CoCr 22 +0, +3, +8
V40 LFIT CoCr 26 -3, +0, +4, +8, +12
V40 LFIT CoCr 28 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
V40 LFIT CoCr 32 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
V40 LFIT CoCr 36 -5, +0, +5, +10
V40 LFIT CoCr 40 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
V40 LFIT CoCr 44 -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
Alumina V40 Head 28 -2.7, +0, +4
Alumina V40 Head 32 -4, +0, +4
Alumina V40 Head 36 -5, +0, +5
C-Taper Alumina 28, 32 -2.5, +0, +5
C-Taper Alumina 36 -5, +0, +5
C-Taper Biolox delta 28, 32 -2.5, +0, +2.5, +5
C-Taper Biolox delta 36 -5, -2.5, +0, +2.5, +5, +7.5
Unitrax V40 Head 38, 40-56, 58, 61 +0
Unitrax V40 Monolithic Adaptor -4, +0, +4, +8, +12
V40/C-Taper Adaptor Sleeve

Table 8: Secur-Fit Advanced Compatible Acetabular Components

Trident X3 Acetabular Inserts
Trident Crossfire Elevated Rim Liners
Trident Crossfire Poly Liners, 10º or 0º profile
Trident Crossfire Eccentric Poly Liners, 10º or 0º profile
Trident Poly Liners, 10º or 0º profile
Trident Eccentric Poly Liners
Trident Constrained Insert
Crossfire Series II Inserts (2041C, 2042C, 2043C, S2301, S2302)
Series II Inserts, and Series II Eccentric Inserts
Constrained Liner
Series I Inserts
System 12 Inserts (Standard and Crossfire)
All Poly Cup
Trident All Poly Cup
Crossfire Trident All Poly Cup
Centrax Bipolar
PCA Acetabular Insert
Precision Acetabular Components
Trident N2/Vac Polyethylene Inserts
Trident Hemispherical Solid Back Shells
Trident Hemispherical PS HA
Trident Hemispherical Shells (AD and AD-HA)
Trident PSL HA Solid Back Shells
Trident Hemispherical Cluster Shells
Trident PSL HA Cluster Shells
Trident Hemispherical Multi-Hole Shells
Tritanium Acetabular Shell System
Trident Porous Titanium Acetabular Components
Restoration ADM
Exeter X3 RimFit Cup


1601-5005 Secur-Fit Advanced Femoral Preparation Tray
5900-8114 Case

18 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique


1601-5006 Secur-Fit Advanced Procedural Tray 1

20 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique


1601-5007 Secur-Fit Advanced Procedural Tray 2

22 secur-fit® Advanced Surgical Technique

325 Corporate Drive
Mahwah, New Jersey 07430
t: 201 831 5000

A surgeon must always rely on his or her own professional clinical judgment when deciding whether to use a particular product
when treating a particular patient. Stryker does not dispense medical advice and recommends that surgeons be trained in the
use of any particular product before using it in surgery.

The information presented is intended to demonstrate the breadth of Stryker product offerings. A surgeon must always refer to
the package insert, product label and/or instructions for use before using any Stryker product. The products depicted are CE
marked according to the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC. Products may not be available in all markets because product
availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your Stryker representative if
you have questions about the availability of Stryker products in your area. Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate
affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: ADM, Crossfire, Exeter, Howmedica,
LFIT, MDM, Osteonics, PCA, PSL, PureFix, Restoration, RimFit, Secur-Fit, Stryker, Stryker Orthopaedics, Trident, Unitrax, V40, X3.

BIOLOX delta is a registered trademark of Ceramtec Ag.

Literature Number: LSFFH-ST Rev.1

Copyright © 2013 Stryker

Printed in USA

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