First World Engineers Helping To Solve Third World Problems

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 First world engineers helping to solve third world problems.

Engineers are solutions-oriented people. We enjoy the opportunity to identify a

product or need, and design appropriate technical solutions. This model can be

effective in high-income regions where the engineering profession is complemented

by communities with strong political capital and tax bases leveraged to provide

essential government services such as water, sanitation, electricity, and roads; an

enforced regulatory environment to maintain the quality and safety of these

services; and business and consumer markets to purchase products and services.

Such necessary social supports are often invisible to the engineer, whose education

does not typically include crash courses in economics or policy. As a result, engineers

are poorly equipped to address or even recognize the existence of structural gaps to

providing public and private services in lower income settings.

Today, over half the world’s population still lives on less than $5.50 a day (The World

Bank, 2018). The burden of disease in low-income countries is overwhelmingly

attributable to environmental health issues including air quality and quality,

sanitation, and disease vectors including malaria-carrying mosquitos (Institute for

Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2019). While the fraction of the world’s population

living in absolute poverty has decreased over the past 50 years, the absolute number

of people in poverty – about 1 billion – has not changed over the last 30 years.
The terms “global engineer” (Amadei, 2014), “development engineering” (Nilsson,

Madon and Sastry, 2014), “humanitarian engineering” (Mitcham and Munoz, 2010),

and “peace engineering” (Amadei, 2019) have recently entered the lexicon of

academia and professional disciplines.

Since 2001, Engineers Without Borders-USA (EWB-USA) has involved engineering

students and professionals in extra-curricular and volunteer engagement in

developing communities. This approach has been recognized as an important

component of professional training (Bourn and Neal, 2008). However, there is

increasing recognition that this approach is insufficient to train globally responsible

engineers (Mintz et al., 2014), and that rigor equal to any other engineering

discipline should be introduced at the curriculum level with engineers cross-trained

in established development disciplines such as global health, economics, public

policy, and social business (Nilsson, Madon and Sastry, 2014).

Third world problems consist of hunger, poverty, illiteracy, lack of infrastructure,

deprivation of health facilities and all other basic facilities.

The cause of this situation varies throughout the different countries. In some places,

it’s because of the concentration of wealth in some population. In other places, the

government has no resources to fulfil the need of it’s citizens. Due to this, the

citizens have to live in inhospitable conditions and are forced to battle diseases,

hunger etc. On their own. In such places, the future generations have no choice but

also to fall in to this dark abyss.

Basically, we can classify third world problems as when their smallest problem is a

‘one time meal’ and not a ‘bad cup of coffee’.

Explanation of some problems:


A country’s supply of natural resources is important. A country with infertile land

and inadequate supplies of natural resources will find income growth more difficult

to achieve than one that is richly endowed with such resources. How these resources

are managed also matters. When farmland is divided into many small parcels, it may

be much more difficult to achieve the advantages of modern agricultural techniques

than when the land is available in huge tracts for large-scale farming. Fragmented

land holdings may result from a dowry or inheritance system or may be politically

Human Capital;

Numbers of people matter, and so does their training and experience. A well-

developed entrepreneurial class, motivated and trained to organize resources for

efficient production, is often missing in poor countries. The cause may be that

managerial positions are awarded on the basis of family status or political patronage

rather than merit, it may be the prevalence of economic or cultural attitudes that do

not favour acquisition of wealth by organizing productive activities, or it may simply

be an absence of the quantity or quality of education or training that is required.


Key services, called infrastructure, such as transportation and a communications

network, are necessary for efficient commerce. Roads, bridges, railways, and

harbours are needed to transport people, materials, and finished goods. Phone and

postal services, water supply, and sanitation are essential to economic development.

Foreign Debt;

The 1970s and early 1980s witnessed explosive growth in the external debt of many

developing nations. Since the mid-1980s, most of these countries have experienced

difficulties in making the payments required to service their debt. “Debt

rescheduling”—putting off until the future payments that cannot be made today—

has been common, and many observers feel that major defaults are inevitable unless

ways of forgiving the debt can be found.

Population Growth;

Population growth is one of the central problems of economic development. Some

developing countries have population growth rates in excess of their GDP growth

rates and therefore have negative growth rates of per capita GDP. Many developing

countries have rates of population growth that are nearly as large as their rates of

GDP growth.

As a result, their standards of living are barely higher than they were 100 years ago.

They have made appreciable gains in aggregate income, but most of the gains have

been literally eaten up by the increasing population.

Climate Change;

Beyond even the chronic barriers to poverty reduction, climate change is

exacerbating and accelerating poverty in some regions of the world. The World

Health Organization (WHO) conservatively estimates that climate change-driven

increases in temperature (heat waves), diarrhoea, malaria, and malnutrition (crop

failure) will result in over 250,000 additional deaths each year between 2030 and

2050 (World Health Organization, 2018). A further 100 million people could be

pushed back into poverty by 2030 because of climate change(Haines and Ebi, 2019).

Most of these deaths and hardships will be occur in developing countries, which are

among the populations least responsible for climate change and least equipped to

manage its impacts.


Many engineering efforts on a community or product scale have required either

volunteer or low-salaried engineering labor, which has the effect of reducing the
professional depth of the contributions of engineers to global development.

Meanwhile, larger scale infrastructure contracts in the United States for work in low-

and middle-income countries are awarded to major engineering and technical

contractors (e.g. AECOM, CH2MHill, TetraTech, Chemonics) that offer competitive

salaries, but may not be mandated or capable of addressing longer term systemic

development challenges.


According to the World Bank, approximately 1.2 billion of the world’s people subsist

on less than one dollar (U.S.) per day. Despite the fact that one U.S. dollar buys much

more in Addis Ababa than it does in New York, Toronto, or Paris, there is still a

significant fraction of the world’s population that is—by any reasonable standard—

very poor.

Many development programs, from household-scale interventions to large-scale

infrastructure, rely on third-party funders and lengthy processes for proposal

development, implementation, and some measure of monitoring and evaluation.

Despite increasing emphasis on the monitoring and evaluation phase, however, the

reality of finite and time-bound funding often means that donors do not receive

information about medium- and long-term impacts within developing countries

which could inform their funding decisions.

Engineering has a rich history of developing, validating, refining, and implementing

standards. Within the global development space, engineers have contributed to

standards for household drinking-water products (World Health Organization, 2011),

household cookstoves (International Organization for Standardization, 2018),

emergency shelters (UNHCR, 2006), and other products and services.

And, with these developments, criteria and realisation engineers can and will be able

to make this world a better place for third world countries.




 Agenda for Change (2019) ‘Agenda for Change’.

 Al-Hamdan, M. Z. et al. (2017) ‘Evaluating land cover changes in Eastern and

Southern Africa from 2000 to 2010 using validated Landsat and MODIS

data’, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. doi:


 Amadei, B. (2014) Engineering for Sustainable Human Development: A Guide to

Successful Small-Scale Community Projects. ASCE.

 Amadei, B. (2015) A Systems Approach to Modeling Community Development

Projects. Momentum Press.

 Amadei, B. (2019) ‘Engineering for peace and diplomacy’, Sustainability

(Switzerland). doi: 10.3390/su11205646.

 Amadei, B., Sandekian, R. and Thomas, E. (2009) ‘A model for sustainable

humanitarian engineering projects’, Sustainability. doi: 10.3390/su1041087.

 Amadei, B. and Thomas, E. (Eds) (2020) UNESCO Engineering Report - Engineering

the SDGs. Paris.

 World Health Organization (2011) Evaluating household water treatment options:

Heath-based targets and microbiological performance specifications, WHO Press. 

 World Health Organization (2018) ‘COP24 Special Report: Health and Climate

Change’, p. 73.

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