Azeem English Magazine Vol. 01 Issue 12
Azeem English Magazine Vol. 01 Issue 12
Azeem English Magazine Vol. 01 Issue 12
21 - Issue 12
ft. hamza shafqaat
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in the published articles. The opinions belong to the authors only. We reserve the
right to edit letters for reasons of clarity and space.
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Dr. Muhammad Azeem Farooqi
ft. hamza shafqaat
Deputy Commissioner
How would you describe yourself: as
an individual, excluding the titles?
As an individual I would say that I
believe in hard work, I’m humble, and
I believe in spiritualism, these are the
three things that I think define me as
an individual. I take my work as ibadat young age. This profession might not
(devotion) and take it more spiritually suffice people who aim for money or
than professionally. I think I’ve got a for any other motivation, people
good sense of humor as well: I take should only give it a go if they are
jokes, I make jokes. genuinely passionate: passionate to
serve the people, passionate to serve
If you were to reason with the youth, the nation, for humanity… for Allah’s
on the question of "why should they will.
choose CSS?" How would you answer
them? How important is it to be active on
I believe that the civil services can social media for the DC of Islam-
change the fate of Pakistan. If good abad?
people refrain from joining Civil For any field officer, be it the DC of
Services, then we will be left with Islamabad, or any other serving field
people with the same mindset, as officer, it’s important to connect with
people who served earlier, and the the public via social media, or any
situation might continue to deterio- other medium. So, they can get
rate. That’s why, I believe, better feedback, and with those responses,
people should join the Civil Services better actions can be taken as well. In
of Pakistan. Civil services are such an turn, it makes the public more
institute which can provide with the involved. Also, people who are unable
opportunity to make an impact at a to visit the offices, for instance:
might say, there’s one, and I’d say,
NONE. I’d say one, if you say none. I’m
bound to prove you wrong, some call
it the Philosopher’s Pit, with reference
We live in a matterless society, where to the muddy-stained-drenched in
nothing matters, and everything sweat, with dirt it’s drained: the
does. Nothing makes sense, yet every- Philosopher’s Pit.
thing does. Planet Earth is synced in Only me, or this keyboard, or the
this constant cycle of rotatory screen, or the processor knows: that I
motion. So, do the atoms around the tried… I tried finding the exact refer-
nucleus, and so does blood around ence to this rather unusual term, and
your heart. There’s one single point. almost a pointless claim. I read it
And around that one single point, somewhere, the whole argument, by a
many lines drawn, and many patterns philosopher, where they argued and
layered, laid in the foundational core weighed two different paradigms, and
of everything, a single point, a elucidated similarities between
micro-dot, or as the Sufis said, ik either.
nukta. The claim, or the argument, howev-
There are so many points that could er… was… hope I do justice to their
be added here, affirming the cause, or glory though, but that won’t matter
negating the point. But the point is, either. But what matters, at least as of
that there’s no point. Then why all thy now, is that I put better words to this
thought, which revolves with no end. But, if the answers are well-eval-
resolute; to argue or debate with a uated, well-thought, and well-coun-
philosopher is like fighting the pig in tered, then there might be a chance of
it’s muddy pit. You might run out of some closure. Then arises another,
moves, and hands, and people, and the whole shoulda’ coulda’ woulda’
opposing forces, but that won’t be a paradigm, where the possibilities are
problem for the pig, aka, the philoso- marked with skepticism, and thus
pher. Wanna know why? ‘Cause the should be termed probability.
pig enjoys its muddy-stained… We’ve often heard of the phrase; life
drenched in sweat, with dirt it’s runs in circles. I say, life runs in a loop,
drained… pit. just like the hamster, in a circu-
Pigs love to fight; be it a ground, or lar-wheel-like-cycle. Chasing after
a pit, in a pit, they enjoy it. It won’t some piece of food, cheese, maybe, or
care about winning or losing, the only for any person’s case, the construct of
thing the pig loves to do is to enjoy the a well-organized, and a happy life.
show, and give a competitive game, a Chasing after the richest glory, just to
tough one to the opponent. By the win, with no resentment, stopping
time you get comfortable, in the pit, anyone, who comes in the way. But,
you’re all muddy, and stained, and for the hamster, as well as the people,
filled with dirt. And your cause now as well as the philosopher, as well as
seems like a lost one. Of course, the pig, life is a constant loop, where
because of the reason that most of the one keeps chasing after matter that
people play: only with two possibili- don’t matter. In my opinion, both the
ties in their mind, i.e., either I win, or philosopher, and the pig are aware of
you lose. However, the same should the circumstances, and conditions,
not imply to the philosopher, ideally. and whatever they have been blessed
The philosopher loves to argue, or cursed with, so they don’t care
loves to debate, just for the sake of it, anymore. So, they try to enjoy the
pardon my French, but, for the heck of play, while it still lasts.
it! They argue, regardless of any Rumi said, the art of knowing is to
concern, to not get anything out of it, know what to ignore. But don’t you
just to keep exploring, as I mentioned stuff your head contemplating.
earlier, for the heck of it, and certain- Debate me all you want, but there’s no
ly, not against you. An endless debate, point, or there’s some. And either
like life, seems pointless. No point probability worries me. And this
losing, no point winning. An Urdu article, just like everything else, is….
poet, Qamar Jalalabadi wrote, and I pointless.
quote: Mafroozay ke gird dayirah
Kar lunga jama daulat o zar, us ke baad Dhoka, daleel, phir difaa
kia -Inqalab
Le lunga shaandaar sa ghar, us ke baad
kia Shamma se Shamma Jalay!
The thoughts keep multiplying, as
you explore furthermore. The case of
ifs and buts won’t overflow, cause
there’s so many of them. Moreover,
the whys, if, asked with a critical-just
approach, the debate might not ever
Soon in our world there will be no of gold coin(s) was written as assur-
such thing as cash. In Shenzhen, ance on the paper. The idea of this
China, cash is quickly becoming a new form of a trade was to exchange
thing of the past. All over the world, gold coins with pieces of paper, i.e.,
you need a bank account, get the the paper currency. Since gold was
paperwork done, go to the bank, open heavy to carry, they replaced it with
an account, and after three workdays, paper money. Now, the Chinese are
you will get the card. In China, you the first who moved on from cash.
download an app, WeChat and you They might stop using cash for good.
get your bank account. In the banking system, it’s a prerequi-
Paper money was invented by the site for the client to have a debit or a
Chinese in the 7th Century. Before credit card for transactions. But
that, people used to trade goods, and banking has it’s cons, for instance,
the barter trade system was the deal. you pay $50 to buy from the seller.
If you wanted food and had a t-shirt, The bank is the third party here. The
and someone wanted a t-shirt, but seller instead of receiving $50, gets
had food on them. Bang on! Deal $47 instead. The three dollars go to
done! A third good was required, that the bank, as commission: bank
both parties could deal and trade commission, card commission,
with, and thus gold came into play. seller’s commission, and the payment
However, the Chinese came up with method.
this idea of paper-currency where Then WeChat came into play and
ruled out this idea. WeChat is the give all your information away. The
biggest mobile app in China right app knows how much you paid and
now, and among the biggest in the what you bought, and what you
whole world. The country is becoming received.
cashless. American banks are afraid Alibaba and Tencent collect so
of this bankless transaction system. much information, they know what
In Shenzhen and Shanghai, every- you buy, they know how much you
thing works with QR Code, you scan spent. The government knows every-
the code and bam! They call WeChat thing about you, it’s not a conspiracy
an app for everything… a super app… anymore. The Chinese are not both-
cash is certainly not the King ered about privacy issues: the
anymore. WeChat and AliPay are. government oversees every transac-
AliPay belongs to the AliBaba tion their citizens make. Such a
company. WeChat is a multimedia system might not work in the US or
messenger app like WhatsApp. Imag- other developed nations.
ine, you could do all the purchases In 2019, some tourists found out
and buy anything from WhatsApp. that they could connect to the Visa
From juices, to fruits, to screen Card and use the application. If you
projectors, to bus fare… you could pay think about it, this can happen soon.
just by scanning the QR code. It is not In the Post-Covid world, cash can
only limited to supermarkets and big transmit viruses. A cashless society
stores or local shops, but even fruit might help the cause, or the cure.
vendors with carts use WeChat for Cash could get abolished.
payment. Some Chinese citizens haven’t
If you pay an extra amount used cash in years, and it’s not that
accidentally, they reimburse your they don’t want to, instead, it’s a case
amount, from their account. No more of “they don’t have to”. Paper money
waiting three to ten days for the bank. might become a memory, stuck in the
Half the Chinese don’t even have bank deep-vivid layers of the past. The
accounts. A tourist in China asked a world might not need cash anymore,
Chinese local about this deal of not just scan the code, and voila!
having cash. He replied “That’s rare
and weird. Only the elderly and people
who don’t know how to use a phone pay
in cash”.
All you need to do is download the
app to have a bank account. Any
transaction can be done using this
app. You can receive your salary or
donate money to the homeless, the
homeless have it too. Shanghai has got
to a point where they don’t use cash
AT ALL! Just don’t run out of battery. Getting
It’s a loss for all the banks, howev-
er, you are being watched by the presents
government. All the transactions is more
from WeChat are connected to the stressful
government. When you sign up, you than it is worth
Grief is Genesis;
Love is Finale
Haseeba Abdul Qayyum “Paradise is surrounded by hard-
A Potter Head, Literati, Writer. ships and the fire is surrounded by
~Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)
‘Grief is the price we pay for love’ This inevitable and intricate
~Queen Elizabeth II relationship between the two has
been there since the very beginning.
Love and pain are two different yet In fact, it is the foundation of humani-
interconnected entities. Despite ty. One has to rip himself of all desires
being different in their connotations, and claims to conquer the realms of
both are incomplete without each love. Grief is the door that opens into
other. Where love can relieve pain, it the heavenly dominions of love. Even
can cause pain as well. From birth to people before us had lost a lot in order
death, life is a continuous struggle to attain divine love. Adam and Eve’s
between loss, pain and love. The love for their desire resulted in
tradition of going through pain to get getting them out of paradise. The
love has been here since the birth of legacy continued and passed on. We
the first human being. Grief and love see the association of love with grief
come hand in hand. We cannot have in the stories of Prophets. Prophet
one without another. Grief is genesis; Abraham readily accepted to slaugh-
love is finale. Even if it is not romantic ter his own son to gain God’s close-
or platonic love, familial love, affec- ness. Prophet Jacob accepted God’s
tionate love or Divine love even, will and lost his dearest son Joseph.
comes stacked with pain and loss. He cried for years, lost his sight but
Every good thing has a price. Love then God returned Joseph to him.
comes with demands, punishments, Joseph himself had to go through
loss and grief. many detriments to get God’s love.
Zuleikha’s love for Joseph was also an
“Crush the desire for Layla in your The voyage of Psyche that included
heart,” but I implore Thee, Oh my spine-chilling and unmanageable
Lord, let it grow even stronger. Take tasks made her unite with Eros whose
what is left of me and add it to countenance she never saw. After
Layla’s. Let me never demand from enduring terrible mental and physical
her as much as a single hair, even if pain, the mortal psyche made it to
my pain reduces me to the width of immortal Eros and lived happily ever
one” after.
~Qays If you want love, you would have to
go through the pain. In most cases,
Just like Divine love, romantic love confronting the grief aspect of love
also comes with pain and torment. results in a happy life. On the other
Sometimes even after losing every- hand, for some people grief is perma-
thing, lovers don’t unite in this world nent and only death rids them of their
but in another universe. From ages, anguish and distress. The life of this
suffering has been a part of unfin- world burdens and drains everyone
ished love stories. Incomplete love but in the end, the sky clears away;
stories become folklores. When Qays the sun shines again; the grief fades
fell in love with Layla, the world went away and life goes on.
against him. While Layla surrendered
to the demands of traditions, he [email protected]
In the book Morals and Dogmas, by flags on stage, outside the Kodak
Albert Pike, on page 321, the author Theater, Gates to Ishtar, and Babylo-
named their God, and their God is nian Gods put on the outside of the
Lucifer. It says: gate.
“The Apocolypse is, to those who The whole area surrounding the
receive the nineteenth degree, the Kodak Theater was designed after a
Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which 1916 movie called “Intolerance”,
aspires to God alone, and despises all where they recreated the very set they
the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCI- had designed for Babylon. They have
FER, the light-bearer! Strange and the exact same number of elephants,
mysterious name to give to the Spirit of they have the same Gate to Ishtar, and
Darkness! Lucifer, the Sun of Morning! the exact similar Babylonian Gods,
It is he who bears the Light, and with its over the top of the gates. If you go and
splendor’s intolerable blinds feeble, visit the very home of Oscars, where
sensual, or selfish Souls! Doubt it not!” The Oscars are held each year, you
Symbolism at the various award can see a plank on a wall that says the
ceremonies is enough evidence to Babylonian Court. It could be a mere
draw an analogy between occult and coincidence, but not in plain sight.
the Oscars, every now and then we They know exactly where they are.
keep seeing a checkered floor, or a Where are you?
grail, or the way pillars are placed, or “Signs and symbols rule the world,
the number of candles lit behind a not words nor laws”
performer or a speaker. When the Confucius
Oscars moved from Shriners build-
ing, to the Kodak Theater, there’s a
Sun Motif in the ceiling, checkered
world looks like.
The festival celebrates cultural diver- Lok Mela this year. These visitors
sity, where many forms of expres- include people from all walks of life,
sions are expressed, by the many from ministers to celebrities to artists
artisans and craftspeople present and to craftspeople to “people” people
share their crafted art, including folk and foreigners & tourists as well. This
year was more organized than the Mr. Talha Ali Kushvaha stated that he
previous years, there were pavilions was more than happy with the 7-Day
allotted to the performers represent- Lok Mela Festival 21’. He praised his
ing different regions/provinces of team and management for all the
Pakistan. This is a very well-thought arrangements. In an exclusive word
idea, and should be appreciated, as it with TeamAEM: he believes culture is
helps the visitors in exploring differ- what brings the people together,
ent cultures and subcultures, as well “Such events bring the people closer,
as for the performers, as rushed and people can learn about other
performances, in a controlled people and discover about their
environment, with a limited time slot lifestyles” he added “Passion, humility
were avoided. and respect bring the people togeth-
On the first day, the Federal Minister er, and this is the beauty of culture,
for Federal Education and Profes- that it helps in shaping-up and
sional Training, and Federal Minister understanding the individual and
for National History and Literary collective identity” When asked about
Heritage, Mr. Shafqat Mahmood also the primary goal of celebrating
visited Lok Virsa, and seemed very cultural diversity, Kushvaha said,
keen and interested, which is good for “The primary goal of celebrating
the culture, hope it helps the people culture, heritage, and diversity is to
who make the culture worth it, i.e., connect people with their roots and
the artists, the craftspeople, and the bringing them closer to their (cultur-
folk folks. al) identity”. “This year was a success,
Four provinces of Pakistan, plus because people from many cultures
Gilgit-Baltistan and the Kashmiri were on the same platform, we even
culture(s) were divided on six days, had organized Club Music for the
which means that lok n' folk perform- youth”, he further added.
ers from many localities and different Culture helps in identifying, which in
geographical regions performed and turn helps an individual, in becoming
introduced the world with folk music a better and more aware; as a person.
and performance with the world. Day If a folk mela can bring the people
1, marked the day of Gilgit-Baltistan closer, without any pride or prejudice
Musical Night. Followed by Khyber for seven days, imagine what staying
Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Balochistan, connected with the roots would do to
Sindh, and Kashmir in this order: the society, it would eventually help in
where musicians and folk artists developing more tolerance, empathy,
performed their traditional music. and compassion with the other mem-
Lok Virsa Musical Night was celebrat- bers as well as the other many aspects
ed on the seventh day which conclud- of the society. Hope more such events
ed the 7-day lok festival. It concluded take place that help the cause of
with special performances by various eliminating the little constructed
artists, the highlight of the night was a differences we humans create that
special collaborative performance by take us away from us. Hope that
the Blue Sax Band with Javed Niazi artisans, and craftspeople from
and Babar Niazi. Awards and prize different localities get supported and
money was distributed among the credited for preserving the culture
600+ lok performers who made this and heritage, in terms of exposure,
one-of-a-kind event more special. growth and finances..
Future of Money
control, which has given its accep-
tance to anti KYC - “Know Your
Customer” - elements of the society
already issued its own cryptocurren- ized”. When faced with disruptive
cy named Digital Renminbi or e-CNY. challenges from new technologies
It is in testing phase from April 2021. and new ways of organising society,
There remain many issues to be businesses and institutions then the
solved before DeFi becomes the established players have three choic-
default financial system. Money has es. First, just to ignore the new idea
three broad characteristics: it’s a unit and carry on as usual. Second, to fight
of account, a medium of exchange it through political lobbying or by
and a store of value. For any crypto- smear campaigns to destroy the
currency to achieve all three is going nascent threat augmenting its
to need broad based support of demerits and hiding its potential.
consumers and businesses. It may fail Third, try to adapt it or to incorporate
to earn that support even if the prod- or to work with the new technology.
uct is technically solid. Another Cryptocurrency is at the moment in
important question is what would between the second and third phase.
happen to banks as credit providers Many are highlighting its flaws such
when such an age arrives. What would as the Mt. Gox exchange fiasco or its
happen to all the businesses that rely acceptance in the notorious dark web
on bank credit for its expansion or silk road or its anti KYC stance. On
working capital needs? Governments the other hand El-Salvador has
would not so easily give up control become the first country to accept
over fiat money because it gives them bitcoin as legal tender. Other coun-
unfettered power to print money. tries are also thinking about adopting
With paper money they can raise debt this technology and issue CBDC.
to finance their domestic as well as China is already in the testing phase.
international agendas, purchase According to the CBDC tracker many
arms, launch wars and then demand countries are in the pilot phase and
tax payments in that same currency many are researching this concept. So
to repay debts. the days of fiat currency or paper
Mastercoin’s David Johnston’s currency are numbered. Get ready for
famous quote which is known as digital currency.
Johnston’s law describes the future of
cryptocurrency: “Everything that can [email protected]
be decentralized will be decentral-
Early Biography
Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Baba
Hazrat Khawaja Bahauddin Naqash- Samasi (RA), the champion of saints of
band Bukhari (Rehmatullah Elaih) is his era made a blissful forecast before
the founder and protagonist of Naqa- his birth and his bright future. He was
shband school of thought. He is the taken under Baba Samasi’s spiritual
harbinger of the Prophet's (SAW) pledge on third day of his birth and
sunnah and the teachings of Allah’s entrusted the charge of his education
Book, Quran. He is regarded as an and training to his well-trained
ideal saint and leader of approved disciple, Hazrat Khawaja
righteous-fellows of his time and the Syed Amir Kilal (RA) for his ideal
future. nourishment and upbringing physi-
cally, mentally, and spiritually. Hazrat
Birthplace Shah Naqashband had developed a
His real name was Muhammad bin very close heartly intimation with
Bukhari and family (ancestral) lineage Sultan of Saints Hazrat Khawaja Abdul
Bahauddin and title name was Khalique Ghajdawani (RA).
Shah-e-Naqashband. He was born on
4th Muharram-ul-Haram 718 Hijrah Spiritual Lineage
in Qasr-e-Arafan (Qasr-e-Hindu- Khawaja Bahauddin Naqashband,
Hazrat Syed Amir Kilal, Hazrat 1. I along with devotees and disciples
Muhammad Baba Samasi, Azizan have been taught Zikr-e-Khafi –
Ramaitani, Hazrat Khawaja Mehmood secret remembrance of Allah in spite
Faghnavi, Hazrat Muhammad Arif of a loud one. Enthusiastic pure love
Rawagari, Hazrat Khawaja Abdul and heartly attraction to Allah shows
Khalique Ghajdarani, Hazrat Khawaja me the close direction to my Lord.
Yousuf Hamdani, Hazrat Bu-Ali 2. My path in Sufism is the same path
Farmadi, Hazrat Abu-ul-Hassan as was of reverend companions of
Khirqani, Hazrat Khawaja Ba-Yazeed Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) e.g.,
Bustami, Hazrat Imam Jafar Saddiq, company of Shaikh, affection of
Hazrat Imam Qasim, Hazrat Suleman Shaikh, and service of Shaikh.
Farsi & Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique 3. My method of teaching and training
(RA). comprises non-pursuits of so-called
spiritualists, but is completely dedica-
Death & Tomb tion and attachment with
On Monday, 3rd Rabiull Awal, on Quran-o-Sunnah. My way is to infuse
791 Hijrah, he left for his heavenly loyalty and attraction to Allah
abode. His grave (tomb) was made in Almighty, first, and then adorations
his native town, Qasr-e-Arafan in and Islamic practices.
Bukhar-o-Samarqand. 4. Allah has enlisted the peak and
summit of other Sufis in my first step
Services for Islam to Sufism.
Hazrat Shah Naqashband Bukhari 5. I never allow myself to stay away
Awaisi (RA) was a man of winsome from social, economic, political, and
manners and sincere devotee of Islam worldly liabilities but to perform
who brought about revolutionary them accurately and in an ideal way
healthy norms in spiritual sciences under the umbrella of Islamic codes.
and practices. He spread the message He introduced eleven lessons for his
of Quran-o-Sunnah all over the world devotees with rational elaboration
with his matchless strenuous efforts. e.g.
He enlightened the darkest hearts a. Khalwat Dar Anjuman (to enjoy the
with Allah’s love and devotion. He sweet company of the Lord among
extinguished the darkness of society and people).
ignorance, sins, cruelty, and selfish- b. Safar Dar Watan (to travel/journey to
ness. He showed straight path of heavenly abode).
Islam to all astrayed-fellows of his c. Hosh Dar Dum (to be vigilant about
time. every entity/part of breath). It must be
He was a practical Sufi who busy in Zikre Elahi.
participated in all worldly affairs d. Nazr Bar Qadam (to watch over
dedicatedly and purified the minds, every step on earth). It may not divert
hearts, and characters from laymen from the path of Allah.
to religious scholars and Sufis of his e. Yaaddaasht (meditation for Allah).
time. He had developed close intima- f. Nigehdaasht (to control one’s sight of
tion with all governmental-officials eyes, that may not be alluring).
and guided them to commandments g. Yaad-kard (to recite the holy name of
of Allah and Holy Prophet (SAW). Allah excessively and consistently).
Some of his famous remarks and h. Baazgasht (to have self-accountabil-
pearls of wisdom are as follows: ity).
i. Waqoof-e-Zamani (to evaluate every band Bukhari (RA) spent whole life for
moment of his life to repair it). the cause of Allah. His spiritual school
j. Waqoof-e-Adadi (to recite the holy of thought produced countless
statement Kalimah Tayyaba with odd servants of Islam and guides to show
numbers). right path of Islam. Imam-e-Rabbani
k. Waqoof-e-Qalbi (to look deep into Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Sani (RA), Hazrat
heart awaiting torch/blessings of Khawaja Baqi Billah Dehlvi, Hazrat
Allah’s names and intimation). Shah Wali Ullah Dehlvi, Hazrat Mirza
6. I have been granted the moments Mazhar Jane Jana Shaheed, Hazrat
of acknowledged supplication for Qazi Sana Ullah Pani Patti, Hazrat
thirty consecutive years of my life. Shah Khalid Kurdi and so on.
7. Allah Almighty has promised with Hazrat Shaikh Bahauddin
me to enter my direct and indirect Bukhari (RA) was entitled Naqash-
devotees into paradise (if they are band. It means a man who engraved
steadfast in this way of Allah). the name of Allah at the heart of his
8. I have been bestowed upon boun- devotee very silently and accurately.
ties of Allah when I do Zikr of Allah,
Hazrat Khawaja Syed Amir Kilal,
the spiritual guide of Shah-e-Naqa-
shband Bukhari declared that we have
been granted with four links to Holy
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Addicted to Diction
which are as follows;
i. Through Hazrat Khawaja Kithar (AS) Body-shame: To mock, humiliate, or
ii. Hazrat Khawaja Junaid Bughdadi stigmatize (a person) on the basis of
(RA) supposed faults or imperfections in
iii. Hazrat Khawaja Ba-Yazeed Busta- body shape, size, or appearance.
mi (RA) and through,
iv. Hazrat Syedina Siddique-e-Akbar Livestream: A live broadcast of an
(RA) event, etc., over the internet.
So, in reality: my spiritual method
is salt of saints (milk-ul-mashaikh). It Gribble: Irritable, bad-tempered.
means all types of blessings of Allah
Almighty through Hazrat Muhammad Doxing: The action or process of
(SAW) and four Righteous Caliphs of searching for and publishing private
Islam have been beautifully and accu- or identifying information about a
rately accumulated and mustered up particular individual on the internet,
in my spiritual school of thought typically
proportionately. This is the way of
Shah-e-Naqashband. Astrophobia: A fear of lightning, or of
He made a statement that remem- thunderstorms accompanied by
brance of Allah Almighty is actually, to lightning.
stay away from every type of
ignorance and non-sensibility. Eco-anxiety: A state of stress caused
by concern for the earth’s environ-
Conclusion ment.
In short Hazrat Khawaja Naqash-
P A K I S T A N ’ S B E S T K E P T S E C R E T
Consulate was also established here. sunlight from entering and leaving,
School was also set-up on the ground while in addition to entering each
floor. room, there is a door that opens
The mahal was set ablaze during directly through the door. Inside the
the Hyderabad riots (1988). Fire had palace, the woodwork on the stairs,
caused quite some damage to the doors, furniture, and tables is a
building. Some of the designs were wonderful example, while the beds
hard to redesign but have been reno- are kept in their original condition so
vated very finely. A unique feature the that the viewer can see a picture of
Mukhi House possesses is a minaret. the past.
It is a two-story house with 12 rooms On the walls, many pictures of the
and two large halls. Mukhi House is a Mukhi family are hung as per their
masterpiece of architecture; the request, as well as various influential
people of Sindh. In 2008,
the descendants of the
Mukhi family relin-
quished future claims to
the Mukhi House on the
condition that it be
conserved and convert-
ed into a museum. The
conservation was led by
Dr. Kaleem Lashari from
the Department of
Antiquities in Sindh, and
the Mukhi House was
converted into a
museum in 2013. The
Mukhi family was invited
to inaugurate the
museum. The museum,
however, is open for
According to historical
accounts by Shakun
upper floor has four main entrances, Narian Kimatrai, the construction,
beautiful and large windows around even in 1921, was 2 crore rupees.
the doors so that sunlight could be Although the Mukhis belonged to the
welcomed. social elite for many generations,
All rooms in the house have Mukhi Pritamdas accumulated vast
comfortable beds, spacious windows, amounts of wealth and was consid-
two doors in each room, and beautiful ered the richest man in Hyderabad.
porches. The building also uses stone, His son Mukhi Jethanand extended
marble, and iron. Each room of the the family fortune, and given his taste
palace has a balcony where you can for good living, built the Mukhi
stand outside so that people can enjoy House.
the scenery outside.
The lounge is designed to prevent
Atay maa peyaa man razaayaa ni and fatwa are not in accordance with
Hukm Shara’ shareef Muhammadi the Quran: You accept bribes, you
(PBUH) ne flatter those who support you in these
An-honiaa mana farmaayaa ni immoral dealings. You are not afraid
of God Almighty).
(According to the Shariat of Qazi The marriage party of Saida
Shamsuddin, to obey parents and Khaira of Rangpur had arrived and
teachers is essential. To disobey is a Heer had to be married to him at all
sin. Ranjha has no blue blood. He is costs. The parents of Heer, the Qazi,
homeless, landless. He has no village elders of the family and the town were
and his ancestors are ordinary, determined to forcibly marry Heer to
unknown people. He is just an Said Khaira. This was done. Heer
ordinary farm hand. His total assets refused to accept the marriage and
are his coarse blanket and a staff for declared:
the herd for which he has been
employed). Mian Ranjhya! Umr de paye jheray
The Qazi further says, that which Dukh dard mera kis wandna ay
has sanction of what they call the Khairay naali nahi houna jorr mera
Shariat from the times of Heer will Karey talab te jhaarrna chandna ay
our own times.
(Dear Ranjha, now there are lifelong
Bhooray kamblaa chaa jawab dayye sufferings for me and no one will
Resham naal dou shaaliaa joriye ji share these with me. I refuse to
Bhavein lakh shanas bayraag hovey accept Khaira as my husband and if he
Syed, Mughal, Pathan bee loriye ji dares to come to me I will, with the
help of Punj Peer, beat him up).
(There is no relationship between silk Heer kept her promise and never
and ordinary hand-woven grey accepted the fake nikah. She refused
blankets. They are two different and to be a wife to Saida Khaira. All the
opposing classes. No less than a Syed, time she had been accusing her
Mughal or a Pathan is suitable for parents, maulvis, councilors and
Heer Sial. Ultimately the origin government functionaries, of
matters. Mares are not meant for committing an unholy and anti-Sha-
donkeys and mules). riat act. She kept waiting for Ranjha.
The Heer yells at the Qazi and And ultimately Ranjha came in
taunts him in these words: disguise. Now he was a jogi trained at
the historical Tilla Balnath in Jhelum.
Heer aakheya Qaazia! Dagha keeto Earlier, Ranjha had refused to accept
Keih watna es jahaan tou ji Heer’s suggestion that they should
Bina puchiaa parhi nikah mera elope. Ranjha was hopeful of winning
Eih fatwa nahi Quran tu ji her hand as her parents had given him
Le ke rishwataa karey khushamad tu an unambiguous assurance. But
Nahi sangda Rabb burhaan tu ji circumstances led him to believe that
all moral and legal ways had been
(Heer says, “You have treacherously blocked by society:
deceived me but what will you get out
of this, O Qazi? You performed my Penchaa pind diaa sach tou tark kiti
nikah without my consent. Your act Qazi rishwataa maar ke chor keetay
Pehle hornaa naal qaraar kar ke Khairas. She was shocked at the
Tama vekh daamaad cha hor keetay decision. She had nothing left to fight
for, but in desperation she prayed to
(The qazis have gone corrupt and God to reduce the city to ashes.
criminal. The councilors or elders
have nothing to do with truth. Parents Eda qehr keeta des waleya ne
promise the hands of their daughters Es shehr nu Qadiraa agg layee
to one but because of their greed for
wealth and power, hand them over to Heer never surrendered. She had
others). to suffer a great
In Ranjha’s deal but
view, no ultimately, she
institution was secured her
worth the right to
name. He left freedom from
with no other the Khairas as
way except to well as the
reconsider Sials.
Heer’s earlier Heer’s end
proposal. So is a different
was the case story but she
with Heer. continues to
Both agreed to i n s p i r e
run away to far because of her
away land relentless
where nobody struggle for the
would know restoration of
them. They her fundamen-
were escaping tal rights. She
out of Rangpur, is a beacon
when the light, particu-
Khairas chased larly for
and caught women in
them. They South Asia
were present- fighting for
ed in the court their rights.
of Raja Adali Heer should
who was not be taken as
sympathetic to the love-lorn
the couple but heroine of a
he again sent romantic story.
them to his Shariat court headed by a She is a powerful indigenous champi-
Qazi, no less vile than Shamsuddin. on of women’s cause. She is the Joan
He was already prejudicial against of Arc of the women’s struggle for
Heer and Ranjha whose affair was equal rights in South Asia.
known to him. Therefore, his decision
was obvious. Heer was separated poetic_spurs
from Ranjha and restored to the
A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a
-William Shakespeare
A full pocket shows the world. And an empty pocket reveals your own!
-Ashfaq Ahmad
You cannot continue to victimize someone else just because you yourself
were a victim once—there has to be a limit.
-Edward Said
the little time effectively.
The benefits given above are faults reason we find students having higher
of cramming as it boosts up grades but display zero understand-
Short-term memory (STM) under ing of the subject. Cramming equips
stress. Cramming won’t last long in the society with a braindead lot whose
A Blessing or a Curse
thinking power got severely strangu- the subject long after you heard or
lated in the process. Although they delivered something on that subject.
are good workers but will never rise
to the occasion to become better Getting a good night’s sleep
leaders or think out of the box. The A good night’s sleep gives you the
first casualty of cramming is creativi- power of understanding and reten-
ty. This system feeds the society with tion, you can focus more and sharpen
the lot who are less disciplined, work your mental abilities. If you dream-
shirkers, time wasters, sloppy and walk into the lecture room, there are
practitioners of delay tactics. They 99 percent chances that you lost an
are unable to think out of the box in opportunity to learn.
unforeseen and unforeseeable prob-
lems. They may become good workers Staying organized
but not better leaders. That’s the Stay focused on the study sched-
reason we have a dearth of leaders, ule, timely submission of assign-
scientists, engineers, teachers in the ments, tests and plan each activity of
real sense of the word. In the 76 years the course otherwise you will land
of our independence, we have been into the land of cramming.
able to get one Nobel Prize in Physics
although we have got a lot of PhDs in Studying in shorter sessions
our country. Review material in short sessions
We can get rid of this habit and lasting 20 to 30 minutes. This will
develop creativity if we use these help in improving concentration and
techniques: recall material. Focus only on one
“Spaced learning” is a learning topic or one section at a time over the
method in which learning content is course of days prior to the test.
repeated three times, followed by a
break after every learning. It is a “Cramming produced results gives you
much more effective technique for a bubbly fame which soon vanishes
short-term recall and long-term away if your knowledge is lame”
retention. It helps develop the under-
standing of the concepts and build a Cramming may seem like an effec-
long-term memory. tive way for students to prepare for a
test, but it only leads to more stress
Reading slowly and a disappointing performance. To
To understand what you are get the most out of studying, the
reading and retain the same in your solution is constant, repeated expo-
memory, “read slow and aloud” the sure to the material, and a well-rest-
word sound will enter your ear and be ed and healthy mind.
processed meaningfully by your mind
and retained for future. Faiz Mahmood
She was going through some boy decent human being works. Of
troubles and like the good bro that I course, you will meet your fair share
am, I asked her ‘what’s wrong and of bullies in your life, some of whom
how can I make it better’. While she you will have to teach their place (the
downplayed her situation, she later schoolyard variety) and some that you
decided we can no longer be friends. have to put up with (an insecure
Apparently, her man thought my ‘nice coworker). But that’s life.”
guy act’ was a cover to pursue her. So, But that’s not the only way to live
to save her relationship she cut me a life, is it? This way, if not anything
off. At that moment I really wanted to else, is not sustainable. You act
stop being so darn nice. However, I humble with them, and they take you
wasn’t going to give them that for granted, you don’t, and now you’re
power…. To take my optimism and rude, prude, proud, ignorant,
positivity away.” arrogant, stubborn, aka the bad guy.
This raises the question. Did Well, the nice guy waits, and waiting
some bhayya out there just invent the demands patience. With great
phrase ‘nice guys finish last’ to deter patience, comes great power of
people from being nice and making it withholding, withholding expression,
glaringly obvious what little effort withholding ideas, withholding your-
these budhus are putting in? Potential- self, to the point of letting go.
ly yes. As a doctor recalled how people The nice guy syndrome comes
would mistake his kindness for a lack with a built-in feature of understand-
of assertiveness. They’ll poke the bear ing, and understanding, my amigos, is
assuming ‘it won’t do anything’ until not the best thing to do, not if you’re
the nice guy showed them his asser- to survive in this world. Whatever you
tive side. They’re surprised when a do in your life, just don’t ever be the
nice guy enforces their own boundar- nice guy, because my friend, why be
ies. the nice guy, and suffer, and call your
“People always step on you when suffering as learning, when you can
you show them a nice face. Every time actually be the bad guy, and maybe
I am smiling and funny. So, they just suffer less, and suffice more.
unilaterally decide the arrange-
ments/boundaries without asking. [email protected]
Then be upset that I treated them the
way they treat me.”
Another guy (with progressive
hearing loss) had this to say regarding
their humble outlook towards life. He
learnt quickly that you catch more
unpopular opinion
flies with honey, and in a world that is
stacked against the handicapped,
sweet-talk is a means to survival. Elaichi in biryani
People with physical disabilities are
generally nice, simply because the tastes
world has not been handed to them
on a silver platter. Be it applying for a
job or going to a government office to
get a hold of documents, just being a
A Country that
Connects Two Oceans
on both sides. The water looked pecu- having thatched roofs made from
liar, with red-brownish hues. The palm leaves. These houses are
boat looked unstable and the water, typically round and have enough
very deep. We could hear unusual room for many members of a family.
birds chirping and at times saw The villagers offered us lunch that
turtles slowly climbing to the bank. consisted of scrumptious fish and
We stopped at a waterfall before plantain. Afterwards, they played
reaching the village. The boatman their traditional drum music and
encouraged me to go stand under- danced in a circle. We watched and
spending time with their families. shape your character. You will learn
more about family reunions and You can also play games like Dumb
fights. You will learn more about Charades, Ludo or monopoly with
handling fights and staying calm. And your parents or gather your whole
if you stay connected with your family and play. This will be the best
family, your family members will family gathering and it will be fun. I
point out your mistakes so you can promise it will be one of the most
correct them in the future. Family, no magnificent days you will ever have.
wonder, is the biggest blessing of
Allah Almighty but kids these days Going Outside as a Family/ Eating as
ignore it instead of being thankful for a Family
it. You need your parents more than Going out to a park, mall or to a
they need you. So, kids, it’s important family Gala will be the best gathering
to get some time off from social media for your family. It will be fun and you
and games and spend time with your can also invite your friends and cous-
family. Here are some tips to stay ins too. You can enjoy watching a
connected with your family. movie or going on a hike with your
family. Another best thing is to eat
Try to get under your sibling’s skin every meal with your family every day
Your brothers, sisters and cousins at the dining table together. That will
are a big part of your family and you make you even closer to your family
must spend time and play with them. instead of eating alone in your room.
Getting under someone’s skin means Cousins are also part of your larger
tang karna in Urdu, which brings you family. You can invite your cousins to
closer to your brothers and sisters. stay overnight at your house or you
You should not do it all the time, can host a one-day trip to a lake or
especially not when your brother or park. You can also play a cricket
sister is studying, otherwise, you can match together.
get into big trouble, but that’s how Kids, these are some tips with the
your childhood passes, yes! With help of which you can stay connected
mischief! So go and get under your with your family. Give some time to
brother’s skin now! your brothers, sisters, cousins,
parents and grandparents. It has so
Doing Creative Things//Study with many benefits that would never end.
Your Parents Now, go and spend time with your
It’s really important to be creative, family and live a happy and successful
like building something with a Lego life!
with the help of your parents or
learning to cook with them. This [email protected]
makes you close to your parents and
that’s the best way to spend time with
your parents, especially on weekends.
If your parents are busy, you can
always spend time or play with your Kehwa is
grandparents. They are also a main best
part of your family like parents and served
siblings. You can learn a lot from without
them. They can tell you the story of sugar.
their life and the problems they faced.
coloring activity
o f
Artists t h e M o n t h
learn to draw and I never really did.
From an early age, I just had to pick
04 MINUTES READ up the pencil and everything else just
came naturally.
For some artists, like Van Gogh, art is This makes me insecure about the
about capturing beauty where it fact that my art may not be good
already exists. They do that in their enough but then art doesn’t have to be
own unique styles. They want people pretty or perfect. You’re meant to
to see the world from their eyes. I experience it and feel what the artist
believe it is more important to find wants you to feel. The first black artist
beauty where most won’t. My art is in America who rose to fame in the
about the unsaid and unheard. The whitewashed world of art didn’t paint
things our collective humanity pretty pictures to look at. He painted
enables us to feel, but the quiet and abstract and absurd images which
unassuming ones like me fail to put said what he wanted to say about
into words. America, about art and about being
Not being able to put something black in both worlds.
into words sounds strange coming Art in the philosophical sense is
from someone who does this for a more than just paint and pencil marks
living but I haven’t learnt to introduce on a canvas or paper; it is a message.
myself as a writer yet because I will It aims to make an impression on the
observer. They process the artistic for people who are ill in various ways.
expression and evaluate it. They The universal language of art
experience it with the backdrop of speaks from the heart and addresses
their own point of view. Art is there- the heart. When a work 'works', that is,
fore not just a one-sided expression it moves, points directly to the heart
of a conception. Art is a form of and is printed in the viewer's
communication, as it enables you to memory. The principle of creation of
feel, but also serves as a window into all the works is the same, which is why
the past. an ancient sculpture excites as much
There is a universal language of art, and in the same way as a contempo-
which all humans know, which takes rary one. What drives artists to create
shape and visibility through artistic is the infinite search, and the eternal
and spiritual research. This language works, the ones that will always
links past, present and future, by excite, come from the same point,
means of a feeling inherent in all men speak the same language and are
of all times in every place. directed to the same place, look for
Every artist has something to say the same thing and take away the user
through their art. You find that in making him travel in the world of
common and recurring themes in emotions.
their art. Frida Kahlo’s art was all A work of art is the materialization
about her loss and her experiences of a feeling. Thus, this thesis leads to
with disability. Edward Hopper the question of what importance do
captured the alienation and loneli- reality, distortion or myth have in the
ness of living in a large city like New creation of a work? For this, the
York. intention of the creation and the
Not that my art will ever be as great social framework in which the art
as these people but as I mentioned exists is, of decisive significance. Art
earlier my art is or I should say I want can deceive and can make everything
my art to be about the unsaid and the clear. Thus, art on the one hand is a
unheard, the dismissed and disre- mirror reflecting our perceptions and
garded injustices happening to also an instrument of indoctrination.
women, the unseen and unappreciat-
ed beauty of brown women, the
subdued and suppressed emotions
that are a part of our collective expe-
rience of being human but yet we
can’t share them.
It enables us to see what we won’t
otherwise. It helps us to give a physi-
cal form to feelings, thoughts and
ideas. Inexpressible emotions can be
conveyed through art. Revolutionary
ideas are often first embodied in the
form of sketches and drawings. While
logic and science address the brain,
art addresses the heart. It is not for
nothing that artistic activities are
often used as therapeutic measures
painting; the whiteness of the canvas peasant and artisans shifted Wu Wei
is not filled up in earnest respect of to a practice of attaining oneness with
that elusive element called space… the primordial nature; in fact, it is
nature is not an ornamental attaining through letting go. Lesser
very friendly with him, said, “This is
his heart went aflutter, threatening to the first time you’ve not objected to or
break his rib cage and fly towards her. criticized or suggested any change or
His emotional agony and mental given your opinion on a research.
unrest became unbearable. His heart Highly uncharacteristic of you!”
worded a silent wish to be near her, “Sir, have you ever found that any of
but he kept forcing her out of his the changes or objections or criticisms
mind. or opinions I have made so far were
A few months later, when the dean misplaced?”
welcomed a new faculty member to “No, indeed, I have always found you
the department a lightning bolt speak with an intellectual poignancy
struck him. You! The bewitching soul I and integrity few possess. And that is
am desperately trying to escape! The why, I believe that you might’ve finally
goddess divine I am humbly bowing met your intellectual match.”
towards! He wanted to shout this, but “I consider my colleagues and my
somehow his introduction flowed students as my equals.”
“Ali, you are being humble.” I cannot explain this longing and
On his way home that day, his selfless devotion which makes me forget
heart was thumping with exultation my professional principles, neglect my
and anxiety. He kept driving aimlessly social standing and ignore my personal
here and there. There was so much he commitments, what must the love of
did not want to face. Intellectual God be like? If this single emotion
integrity, as his professor had said, cannot be explained or understood by
demanded that he speak the truth to me and I am forced to accept it as love,
himself also. Was it not true that his then reason speaks that I cannot
wishes with regard to that girl had explain or understand God rationally. I
come true? Was everything a coinci- can explain the physical world, but
dence? Is there really a God beyond God… I cannot deny Him any longer. It
coincidence? How can I explain this is the heart which testifies to His great-
emotional stirring? He shook away ness and oneness. Reason and emotion
these thoughts and engaged himself all point only to Him. In my love for
in routine matters. Shama, I have rediscovered faith. I now
It was years ago when faith had understand what it means to accept
deserted him gradually and surely Him and submit to His Will. Therefore, I
after his family had been murdered accept that there is no god but God.”
one by one because they were part of The affirmation poured from his
a minority community. The hurt and heart and nerve and sinew, complete-
the pain had been so utterly unimag- ly overwhelming him. Born of neither
inably unbearable that he plucked his culture nor inheritance, the testimo-
heart out of his chest and threw it in ny emerged from the combined
the deepest and darkest pits of cold appeal of his heart and mind. He felt
and indifferent rationality to which as if peace was overflowing him with
no light or laughter could reach. He its softness, fragrance and lightness.
had been driving aimlessly for years In the coming weeks, he gathered
now. courage for letting love enrich his life.
A few more months passed in This time, he consciously worded a
this agonized state of mind. He found prayer: Grant me the privilege and
himself defeated in his silently grow- honour of calling her mine and
ing passion for that girl. Familiarity sharing all that I am and all that I have
with her had only fanned the fire with her and only her. Whether Thou
within to an inferno. He was less will it or not, I shall be forever grate-
himself and more at one with her. The ful to You and only You.
one- sided nature of love intensified Shama was considering the two
the pain he felt. All he desired now proposals. One was a well- educated,
was peace of mind. I should talk to well- bred young man who was just
her. But before that I need to untangle starting his career. The second was
the mystery within. He finally became someone currently working in the
determined to address the reality same department as her, well-
avoided for so long. settled, but divorced and middle aged.
One night, he laid open his heart Should it be Shama-e- Ali or Shama
inside his journal: …? After pondering for long, she
“I have tried to justify everything physi- decided to settle the matter by prayer.
cally and objectively without God. Yet,
today, all my reasoning has failed me. If
an object that would robotically take
his orders and complimentary slaps.
04 MINUTES READ Maybe, to the day when the hitting
The doctor’s waiting room felt stifling had turned into a gruesome beating,
and poorly ventilated. She swallowed or perhaps to her present circum-
hard at the sight of a news report that stance where she lived in a constant
had prompted a sinister blood rush to fear of ‘how painful an end he must be
her ears. Some girl named Noor had planning for her?’
met the fate she had been anticipating Dr: “How are you feeling today, Ms.
for herself, the incident had jolted her Gulshan?”
out of her passive hopes that she She had been practicing CBT
phrased often as “it’s all in my head”. during the past sessions where the
In a few minutes she would be the therapist had helped her overcome
next to see the doctor for a therapy panic attacks through rational think-
session. Where should she start and ing and mindfulness.
till when should she describe her Gul: “I think he will harm me very brutal-
experience? From the early days of ly and no one will blink an eye.”
her marriage perhaps? How the She recalled how he would put
traumatic first year of living with blame and threaten people for
husband had substituted her enam- anything, how he harmed people in
our with grubbiness of a limp vegeta- the name of punishing them, called
Challenge to Social Protection
Muhammad Awais
Development Consultant,
Trainer, Writer
whether it is based on donated funds
or other financial resources and
04 MINUTES READ interest-free or with interest streams.
Microfinance for microbusinesses There is a natural statement that one
through interest free in-kind or cash is aware of when doing business:
financial support is always an Profit and Loss. Here we are discuss-
eye-catching endeavor from a social ing micro businesses based on inter-
enterprise to alleviate poverty. Sever- est-free financial support, so conse-
al public and private sector organiza- quently one will establish impacts on
tions are supporting and executing a noble cause e.g. increase in income,
this activity through domestic and better living standards, scale-up,
international funding or donations. schooling of children, accessibility to
Concept of such a remarkable effort is necessities, and affordability etc. The
that instead of feeding someone fish, execution agencies and policy
tell them how to catch a fish and keep communicators always try to address
this chain developing and growing. challenges faced by micro-entrepre-
This is purely a social concept and neurs and rightly so: “ready to accept
well-acclaimed by executors that they the losses as well”. Having said this, a
are doing this activity for a noble question arises “why are most of
cause. However, while establishing these agencies claiming 99.9% recov-
micro-enterprises or scaling some- ery and how do they ensure this
one’s micro-establishment; the unnatural impact?” During global
executing agency makes business economic unrest, profit schemes
models for sustainable growth avoid- shrink, and inflation rises.
ing risk. This way, the executing Micro-businesses face tough times to
agencies try to recover the donated earn for their necessities and pay
funds in the shape of small and liabilities through their respective
easy-to-pay installments and put micro-establishments.
funds into revolving streams to help During the current pandemic or
others and keep this chain going. particularly, in any crisis, social
There are challenges one can face protection becomes mandatory for
during running their businesses any society. Significant ratios of
society that fall under the poverty line Social protection is a phrase
are called as vulnerable, however, commonly used by various schools of
they are the middle class and some thought and socio-economic sectors.
upper class fall just at the edge and Most of the time, policy designers and
become a silent part of the aforemen- decision makers focus only on those
tioned vulnerable part of society. who fall under the poverty line and
A recent case is the private school can survive with smaller donations.
system, which charges about However, those who live above the
Rs.500-2000 per month. After the poverty line are so susceptible that
first lockdown (March 2020), school even one salary delay, or halt of
fees were affected. A dip of 60-70% business operation can push them
and 40-50% in monthly fee in the towards poverty line, and hazardous
month of April and May 2020 respec- society norms pull them back; as they
tively was observed. A little ease in the are stuck mid-air and bear crisis
lockdown situation made the people miserably. A humble suggestion to
go back to work, so the fee collection policy and decision makers; please
in the month of June 2020 brought look down and see for yourself. It will
back near to normal i.e., 70-80%. help you in exercising social protec-
Here the social protection speaks tion with solid rationale.
louder and clearer that only a mishap Considering normal and abnormal
or crucial event pushes the middle business routines, it seems unreal to
class into poverty line and alleviates understand and believe how we forget
the already vulnerable, more vulnera- laws of nature while doing business
ble. The current pandemic situation Profit and Loss. I don’t want to make
triggered three stringent tests; (a) the 99.9% recovery claim doubtful but
Strive for food and necessities (b) would like to insist on the social
Meeting the norms of society and (c) impact of donated microenterprises
Avoid family system disturbances by treating them especially in vulner-
Government helped the vulnerable able conditions that they face and
through charity. However, the deal with. Our focus as a social enter-
above-mentioned dip in collection of prise should facilitate the support of
school fee highlights how a weak the vulnerable and motivate them to
social protection system shattered for pursue microbusiness, addressing
two months and dues were not to be their real time challenges for sustain-
paid. As soon as life came back to able growth and progress. 99.9%
routine, societal norms were happily recovery may be a big hurry, but not
exercised. an impactful achievement.
One viewpoint is that if such a crisis
happened two or three decades ago [email protected]
when we were stronger economically,
due to less cultural disparity; the unpopular opinion
second and third stringent tests could
be healed easily. Social norms in Taking a
close-knitted societies help protect bath by
people’s societal rights, but sadly bucket
those norms have been replaced by is better
money race in every element of than
society. a shower.
is Beautiful in its Horror
Fatima Altaf
Psychologist, Painter
Magical thinking infiltrates as many
acts and events are accredited to
supernatural and ritual, such as
prayer or sacrifice. Evolutionary,
social, and cognitive psychology can
explain some of the behaviors and
behaviors of cult members. There is a
possibility to investigate why mem-
bers join cults, why they are easily
influenced, and why they stay. Cult a personal or professional loss or
leaders use their personality and moved and are vulnerable. With the
charisma to attract followers. influence of both the charismatic
Succeeding a pyramidal sort pattern, leader and forms of persuasion, the
earlier members in cults will attract cult member has trouble making
newer ones, building the cult frame- formal judgment and decisions. They
work. Cults are experts on who to have trouble processing or deciding
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