407 Etr Statement
407 Etr Statement
407 Etr Statement
New plates? New address? New car? Your account number: 730 944 164
Visit www.407etr.com to update your account information within 6 Bill date: Jul 1, 2021
days of the change.
Total amount due $23.39
Please pay by Jul 26, 2021
Total amount paid $____________
*73094416420210701S* J4Y 0B9 QC
HOW WE CALCULATE THE COST OF YOUR TRIP If you have no account activity - We don’t send you a bill TELLING US ABOUT CHANGES
All tolls, fees and other charges are disclosed at 407etr.com in if your account has no activity for 2 months in a row. To ensure billing accuracy and timely payments, please let us
the "Rate Chart" and "Complete Fee Details." Rates change However, any amounts you owe will continue to accumulate know within 6 days if you change your vehicle, address,
from time to time. We’ll let you know when they do. When you interest until we receive payment. Credit balances do not earn bank or credit card information, or if your licence plate
drive on the toll highway, you pay toll charges based on a rate interest. changes or expires. If you don’t, you are responsible for all
per kilometre. The rate depends on the type of vehicle you drive, You may qualify for a discretionary suspension of tolls, fees and other charges billed to you.
the time of day, and the sections of the highway you use. You interest. Please review at HOW WE’LL COMMUNICATE WITH YOU
also pay a trip toll charge each time you drive on Highway 407 407etr.com/en/interestsuspension.html. Unless we tell you otherwise, communication between us
ETR. You do not pay a trip toll charge on Highway 407* unless HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION may be by phone or in writing. Communications in writing
your trip continues onto Highway 407 ETR. If you don’t have a We may collect, use, disclose and retain information about you may be sent by mail, e-mail or other comparable methods
transponder, your trips are captured by camera. You then pay a for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy and in suitable for both of us. If we mail you something, it is
monthly account fee and a camera charge for each trip. accordance with Canada’s Personal Information Protection deemed received five days after mailing it. Communication
BILLING AND PAYMENT and Electronic Documents Act and Ontario’s Freedom of by e-mail or other comparable methods is deemed received
We issue bills monthly. Due to processing cut-off times, some Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as applicable. For on the date sent.
charges may appear on future bills. When we receive a payment example, for the purposes of operating and managing the toll TOLL EVASION IS AGAINST THE LAW
from you, we decide how to allocate it to the amounts highway, we may contact you about your overdue Evading, obstructing or interfering with an electronic toll
you owe. Payment is due when you receive your bill. If we don’t balance, request a credit investigation or a consumer system is an offence under section 191.3 of Ontario’s
receive your payment within 37 days of the bill date, we may: report about you, or exchange information about you Highway Traffic Act. A police officer may, without a warrant,
U charge you interest calculated daily and compounded monthly with governmental agencies, credit reporting stop, enter and search your vehicle if there’s a reason to
at the effective annual rate of 26.82% for Highway 407 ETR agencies, collection agencies, or other relevant believe you are doing so.
and 18% for Highway 407*. service providers in Ontario or other jurisdictions. * Includes Highways 412 and 418.
U disable all transponders you’ve leased from us. Please see our Privacy Policy at 407etr.com or on407.ca for
U bill fees such as Returned Payment Fee, Collection Fee and more information. Version 4.0 - Dec. 9, 2019
Enforcement Fee.
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Payment options
Credit Card
Pay online at www.407etr.com. We accept VISA, MasterCard, and
American Express.
407 ETR Pre-authorization
P.O. BOX 407 STN ’D’
Bank or financial institution
SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO ABM, telephone or internet banking, or in-branch
M1R 5J8 Mail
Make your cheque payable to 407 ETR and return it with this payment