Village MD CARES Webinar Slides FINAL

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President of Village VMD General Counsel Founder of Mason
Medical at Home Street Consulting

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CARES Act—Relief for Primary Care Physicians

Cares Act Overview

CARES Act Immediate cash infusion from Medicare advance.

Key Programs and Details

Options for loans and potentially loan forgiveness
1. Cash Relief
depending on workforce in place.

Support Options
Other relief is also available in the form of
increased reimbursement and delay on payments.
2. Other Relief
VMD Can Help
VillageMD can help in a number of other ways—
contact your market leader.
3. VMD Can Help

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Key Things to Know
• Relief: The Act provides $2T to help avert economic
disaster by providing relief to individuals and businesses
impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.

• Evolving: Things are fluid and changing rapidly. More will

be known in the coming days. We are considering future
updates as details emerge and the program is clarified.

• Fast: Some of the relief is available quickly and providers

may have opportunities for immediate financial support.

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1. Cash Relief

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1. Immediate Financial Relief – Medicare Advance

Pro tip from Gary Jacobs:

3 months of Medicare payments
Cash advance Paid in advance. This is your best option for a quick
cash infusion, with minimal risk.

7 days
Paid quickly The Act requires CMS to pay this seven days from the
Date of your application.

Refer to your MAC website

Apply online Your revenue cycle people can help you. Each MAC has instructions on
their website for online filing. If you’re already working with VMD and
need help, contact your market representative.

Recoupment of the advance

Offset Medicare will recoup the advance through an offset that
starts 120 days out and ends around Halloween.

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2. More Relief is Available – Depending on Your Need
If you can keep your If you cannot keep your
workforce in place workforce in place
• You may be able to get a forgivable loan • You may qualify for a $10,000 emergency
grant and an emergency loan
• You will hear this called a PPP program

• The point of this program is to preserve

jobs – by covering payroll

• Can apply for forgiveness of 2.5x your

“payroll” for eight weeks (other
limitations apply)

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Quick Comparison Across Programs
Program Funding Timing Uses Stipulations Application
Repayment (offset) will begin after 120
days and should be fully received after 210
Up to 100% of days
Medicare receivables Payments issued within 7 Your Medicare Administrative
Medicare Discretionary
for 3 months based on days Medicare sequester reductions are also Carrier (MAC) website
Payments historical data being waived through the end of 2020
(additional 2%)

Grant does not need to be repaid

Use for debt, payroll
Economic Injury expenses and other bills that
Grants up to $10K Grants payable in 3 days Obtaining $10K immediate grant
Disaster Loan cannot be paid because of la/
Loans up to $2M disqualifies you from applying for PPP
No loan forgiveness for funds beyond $10K
Payroll, health care benefit-
related costs, rent, utilities, Loan forgiveness administered by SBA.
mortgage payments and Forgiveness is offset by changes to the
business loan interest workforce
Up to 2.5x average
Paycheck Subject to lender processing Amounts paid for sick leave Loan forgiveness applies to the cost of licy-issues/top-
monthly payroll or or FMLA related to COVID-19
Protection time payroll continuity for 2.5 months (through priorities/cares-
$10M (whichever is included in payroll
Program (PPP) end of June 2020) act/assistance-for-small-
Loan forgiveness applies to No specific requirement for revenue loss; a
the cost of payroll continuity good faith attestation that the economic
for 8 weeks after the start of conditions warrant it will apply
the loan
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2. Other Relief -
Delayed Payments & Taxes

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Other Relief

Delayed taxes
Tax filings due during the SBA loans Reimbursement increase
period are delayed until SBA loans can be Medicare sequester reductions are also
October. deferred. being waived through the end of 2020.
Thus, the 2% that is usually withheld from
payments will not be withheld.

Tax credits
Through the Family First Act, employers
Payroll tax payment are eligible to received tax credits for
• 2020 Social Security payroll tax qualified sick leave wages and family leave
payments are deferred, with no paid through 12/31/2020.
interest incurred on account of the
• 50% owed on 12/31/2021
• 50% owed on 12/31/2022

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VillageMD is Preparing a Strategy to Apply for
Other Grant Funds

HRSA Rural
Health Initiatives

Public Health and Social

Services Emergency Fund Home Health Provision
for Post Acute Care

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3. How Can We Help?

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Support During COVID -19—and Every Day
➢ Virtual health solution
➢ Best practice resources
➢ CARES Act legislation—simplified and supported

➢ Performance in value-based contracts
➢ Market competitive payer contracts
➢ Retirement planning/strategy

➢ Population health and practice management support
➢ Expert, accurate documentation and coding support
➢ Risk management expertise

➢ Embedded care management team
➢ Clinical best practice protocols
➢ Cognitive ancillary program
➢ Home-based primary care

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Arizona Texas Georgia Illinois & N Indiana
Cindy Song Erin Page Scott Segell Allan Greenberg
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Indianapolis Kentucky Michigan New Hampshire

Marty O’Neill Eric Schmidt Nina Boldt Tom Buchanan
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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