Gateway A2 - End of Year Test

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Grammar 3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of 1 Were you think the history lesson was difficult?
the verbs given. ………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..

2 I was hardly never home on Saturday afternoons.

A: Robert! What (1) …………………………………………… (you/do)
here? You’ve got a test at 10.30!
3 You don’t have to leave your bikes in the classroom.
B: We (2) …………………………………………… (just/finish) it. Is that
Someone might fall over them.
your physics homework?
A: Yes. I (3) …………………………………………… (not do) it last
4 If it didn’t rain soon, the flowers will die.
night. I’ve decided I (4) ……………………………………………
(give) a presentation about wind power.
5 The Eiffel Tower was build in 1889.
B: If you (5) …………………………………………… (look) on the
Internet, you’ll find something interesting.
A: OK. Do you want to come swimming later? /5
B: I (6) …………………………………………… (can). I always
Total / 20
(7) …………………………………………… (have) a basketball
match on Wednesdays.
A: Do you think you (8) …………………………………………… (win)
today? Vocabulary
B: Their best player (9) …………………………………………… (can’t)
play last time, but he (10) …………………………………………… 4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
(play) today, so we’ll see! sentences.
/ 10 1 There was a terrible storm/cloud last night with lots of
wind and rain.
2 I don’t have much jewellery/belts. I want to buy a ring.
2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
3 We can’t stop pollution/poverty. There will always be
rich and poor people.
1 Would you like some/a/many rice with your meat? 4 Now her exams have finished Petra looks more
2 Shall we meet under/in front of/above the cinema? relaxed/stressed.
3 The road is icy. You must ride your bikes 5 There are some dangerous sharks/bears in this forest.
4 I wanted to make a cake this morning, but there /5
weren’t/wasn’t/isn’t any eggs.
5 Shakespeare is the best/more/most famous writer in
my country.


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5 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, Use of English
A, B or C.
7 Complete the second sentence so that it means
1 Sophie is very ……………………… and she always gets
the same as the first. Use between two and five
good marks.
A cheerful
B kind 1 The water bottle is nearly empty.
C intelligent There ……………………………………………………………………… in
2 I forgot to take the rubbish ……………………… last night!
the bottle.
A out
2 It’s not a good idea to eat a lot of sugar.
B off
C for You ……………………………………………………………………… a lot
3 You mustn’t ……………………… the ball with your hand. of sugar.
A dived 3 Anna’s dad isn’t a very careful driver.
B hit Anna’s dad ………………………………………………………
C ran
……………… .
4 I’m taking my books back to the ……………………… and I’ll
4 J K Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.
get some more.
A library The Harry Potter books ………………………………………………
B bookshop ……………………… J K Rowling.
C museum
5 What time do you get ……………………… on Sunday
A out
B up
C on


6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

these verbs.

be • chat • discover • fall • get • go • kick

lay • ride • snow

1 We ……………………… our bikes all the way to the river.

2 We ……………………… sightseeing every day in Paris.
3 Can you ……………………… the table for five people?
4 I ……………………… washing the dishes when you phoned.
5 My sister often ……………………… online with her friends.
6 The models for the charity fashion show must
……………………… dressed at 2.30 pm.
7 Joe ……………………… the ball so high it nearly left the
8 I don’t really like skating. I always ……………………… over.
9 Penicillin was ……………………… by Alexander Fleming
in 1928.
10 It’s going to ……………………… tonight so we can go skiing

/ 10

Total / 20

2 of 5
8 Read the notices about three different clubs. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information
Not Mentioned (NM)?

Tennis Club
This has been an excellent year for the tennis club. We started with 20 members and that number has grown to 45.
During the year many of our members played in competitions at school and for the area. David Markham entered the
national championships and came second. Well done, David! Maybe one day we’ll see him playing at Wimbledon. And
speaking of Wimbledon – in July 25 members went to watch the final. They’re still talking about it! Let’s hope next year is
even better.

Book Club
We are a small club, but we are growing all the time. There are now 15 members. We read 12 different books this year
and had some very interesting discussions. This year’s favourite was the second book by the Swedish writer Stieg Larsson
– The Girl Who Played with Fire. We also watched and enjoyed the film. We ran several writing competitions and one of
our members won a magazine prize. You can read her winning story in next month’s Writer’s World. Judith doesn’t know
if she wants to be a journalist or a novelist yet, but we think she will do well in both jobs!

Photography Club
This was the club’s first year and it was very successful! More than 30 students joined and we now have members from
the whole school. The youngest is 11 and the oldest is 18. We meet in the studio and learn about different cameras and
techniques. And we had some very interesting talks from experts this year. Our end-of-year competition was won by
Kenny Summers. Congratulations, Kenny! You can see his photograph – of bees on flowers in a field – and all the other
competition photographs on the club website, where you can also contact the club if you are interested in joining.

1 The tennis club had more members last year. T/F/NM

2 Some members of the tennis club saw the Wimbledon final. T/F/NM
3 At meetings of the book club, members talk about different books. T/F/NM
4 One member of the book club is already a novelist. T/F/NM
5 All the photography club members have their own cameras. T/F/NM
6 A wildlife photograph won the end-of-year competition. T/F/NM


9 Read the notices again and choose the best answer, A, B or C.

1 Tennis club members 4 The book club
A only play tennis at the school. A is just for people who like reading.
B play in other countries. B encourages members to write.
C play matches around the country. C produces its own magazine.
2 One of the tennis club members 5 The photography club teaches members
A lost in a championship final. A new ways to take photos.
B played in a Wimbledon final. B how to repair equipment.
C will play at Wimbledon in the future. C how to set up a studio.
3 The book the club liked best was by 6 The photography club website has photographs
A a new writer. A that were taken by experts.
B a writer from another country. B that have won many prizes.
C a writer who also makes films. C that club members took.


Total / 12

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10 Listen to three conversations. Choose the best picture, A, B or C.
1 What does the boy want to buy?


2 What did the hotel room not have?


3 Which question was the easiest for the boy?



11 Listen again and complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
1 The new sports shop was selling balls at ……………………… price.
2 Flash Sports is less ……………………… than the new sports shop.
3 Kerry’s mum booked a cheap hotel ……………………… .
4 The hotel was ……………………… to the airport than the city centre.
5 Kerry and her family had to take ……………………… everywhere because there were no buses.
6 Question 3 in the students’ exam paper asked about why Leonardo da Vinci was ……………………… .
7 Ben could answer the question about Faraday because he did lots of ……………………… about him.


Total / 10

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12 Your teacher has asked you to write a story about a terrible journey. It can be a true story or one that
you invent.

Write about:
• where you were going.
• who went with you on the journey.
• what it was like.
• why it was a bad experience.

Write 75–100 words.










/ 10

13 It is the end of the school year and you want to organise a day trip to the country or the beach with your
friend. Call your friend’s house and ask to speak to him/her. Use the notes below to help you.

• Explain why you’re calling.

• Make two suggestions.
• Decide how you will get there.
• Plan what you need to take.
• Arrange where and when to meet.

/ 10

Total / 90

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