Overview of MAS
Overview of MAS
Overview of MAS
Since 1977
Restrictions: no mandatory rules for preparing must follow GAAP when preparing
reports financial statements
Time orientation: emphasizes the future (planning and historical orientation (reports what
decision making) has already occurred)
In general, accounting information needed by internal • Assists in directing and controlling (analyzing and
users differs from that needed by external users in the comparing actual performance to budgeted plans;
following ways: attention-directing to highlight successful or
a. More flexible problem areas).
b. Does not have to comply with GAAP or other rules • Motivates managers to achieve the organization's
c. Forward looking goals by communicating the plans, providing a
d. Timely measurement of how well the plan was achieved,
e. Emphasizes segments, not necessarily the entire and prompting an explanation of deviations from
organization plans.
• Measures performance not only for the entire
The Work of Management and the Planning and organization, as in financial accounting, but also
Control Cycle. The work of managers can be usefully for many subunits (divisions, departments,
classified into three major categories: planning, managers).
directing and motivating, and controlling. All of these • Assesses the organization's competitive position in
activities involve making decisions. the rapidly changing business environment. Looks
1. Planning consists of strategic planning and at how well the firm is doing internally, in the eyes
developing more detailed short-term plans. Most of its customers, from the standpoint of innovation
of what we refer to below is with reference to the and continuous improvement, and financially.
more detailed short-term plans.
2. Directing and motivating involves mobilizing The Changing Business Environment
people to implement the plan. 1. Just-In-Time - The term JIT means that materials
3. Control is concerned with ensuring that the plan are received just in time to be used in production,
is followed. Accountants maintain the databases manufactured parts are completed just in time to
and prepare the reports that provide feedback to be assembled into products, and products are
managers. The feedback can be used to reward completed just in time to be shipped to customers.
particularly successful employees, but more As a result, inventories are virtually eliminated in
importantly the feedback can be used to identify a JIT system.
potential problems and opportunities that were not
anticipated in the plan. Key Elements of JIT
4. Decision-making is an integral part of the other • Improved plant layout
three management activities. • Reduced setup time
• Low defect rates
• Provides managers with information (e.g., product
costs, budgets, cash flows). The information Benefits of JIT
includes financial and nonfinancial data to help • Inventories are reduced.
managers with strategic planning and decision • Space is freed up.
Product costs are assigned to a product as it is being • Communicate information fairly and
produced; they accumulate in inventory accounts objectively.
until the product is sold. • Disclose full all relevant information that could
Period costs are reported as expenses as they are reasonably be expected to influence an
incurred. intended user’s understanding of the reports,
Relevant costs are future oriented costs that differ comments, and recommendations presented.
among decision alternatives.
Irrelevant costs are those that remain the same Resolution of Ethical Conflict
regardless of the alternatives and thus will not In applying the standards of ethical conduct,
affect the decision. management accountants may encounter problems in
identifying unethical behavior or in resolving an ethical
IMA Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management conflict. When faced with significant ethical issues,
management accountants should follow the
established polies of the organization bearing on the
1. Competence resolution of such conflict. If these polies do no
• Maintain an appropriate level of professional resolve the ethical conflict, management accountants
competence by ongoing development of their should consider the following courses of actions:
knowledge and skills. • Discuss such problems with the immediate
superior except when it appears that the
• Perform their professional duties in accordance
superior is involved, in which case the
with relevant laws, regulations, and technical problem should be presented initially to the
standards. next higher management level. If satisfactory
• Prepare complete and clear reports and resolution cannot be achieved when the
recommendations after appropriate analyses of problem is initially presented, submit the
relevant and reliable information. issues to the next higher managerial level.
• If the immediate superior is the chief executive
officer, or equivalent, the acceptable reviewing
2. Confidentiality authority may be a group such as the audit
• Refrain from disclosing confidential information committee, executive committee, board of
acquired in the course of their work except when directors, board of trustees or owners.
authorized unless legally obligated to do so. Contact with levels above the immediate
superior should be initiated only with the
• Inform subordinates as appropriate regarding the
superior’s knowledge, assuming the superior is
confidentiality of information acquired in the not involved.
course of their work and monitor their activities to • Clarify relevant concepts by confidential
assure the maintenance of that confidentiality. discussion with an objective advisor to obtain
• Refrain from using or appearing to use confidential an understanding of possible courses of action.
• If the ethical conflict still exists after
information acquired in the course of their work for
exhausting all levels of internal review, the
unethical or illegal advantage either personally or management accountant may have no other
through third parties. recourse on significant matters that to resign
from the organization and to submit an
3 Integrity informative memorandum to an appropriate
• Avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest and representative of the organization.
Except where legally prescribed, communication of
advise all appropriate parties of any potential such problems to authorities or individuals not
conflict. employed or engaged by the organization is not
• Refrain from engaging in any activity that would considered appropriate.
prejudice their ability to carry out their duties
ethically . Exercise No. 1
Indicate whether each of the following pertains to
• Refuse any gift, favor, or hospitality that would
financial accounting or managerial accounting.
influence or would appear to influence their 1. An internal report used by management
actions. 2. An external report used by investors
• Refrain from either actively or passively subverting 3. A report prepared periodically (monthly,
the attainment of the organization/s legitimate and quarterly, annually)
4. Information is subjective, relevant, future-
ethical objectives.
• Recognize and communicate professional 5. Reports are prepared as needed
limitations or other constraints that would preclude 6. Information is reported at the decision-making
responsible judgment or successful performance of level
an activity. 7. Information is reported for the company as a
• Communicate unfavorable as well as favorable
8. Information is objective, reliable and historical
information and professional judgments or 9. There are no regulations governing the
opinions. reports.
• Refrain from engaging in or supporting any activity 10. A focus on a segment of the business entity.
that would discredit the profession. 11. A report prepared according to GAAP
12. It is driven by rules.
13. It is prepared for shareholders.
4 Objectivity
14. Reporting of historical information.
15. Providing information for decision making and 9. Which of the following statements represents a
planning similarity between financial and managerial
Exercise No. 2 a. Both are useful in providing information for
1. The primary purpose of management advisory b. Both are governed by GAAP.
services is c. Both draw upon data from an organization's
a. to achieve the objectives of the MAS firm. accounting system.
b. to help the client maximize its resources. d. Both rely heavily on published financial
c. to improve the client's use of its capabilities statements.
and resources to achieve the objectives of such
client's organization. 10. Which activity is NOT normally performed by
d. to help the client identify its problems. managerial accountants?
a. Assisting managers to interpret data in
2. Which of the following is a characteristic of managerial accounting reports.
management advisory services? b. Designing systems to provide information for
a. Services rendered are for third parties. internal and external reports.
b. Engagements are usually recurring. c. Gathering data from sources other than the
c. Human relations do not play a vital role in each accounting system.
engagement. d. Deciding the best level of inventory to be
d. It involves problem solving. maintained.
improve operations to become more efficient and 24. Which ethical standard has been violated if an
effective? accountant fails to prepare financial statements
a. Weakest link theory according to industry standards?
b. Just-in-time a. Competence c. Integrity
c. Total quality b. Confidentiality d. Credibility
d. Theory of constraints.
25. Which ethical standard is violated when an
18. Osorio Corporation recently implemented a just-in- accountant uses information from a financial
time (JIT) production system along with a series of statements he is preparing to advise a relative of a
continuous improvement programs. If the firm is stock purchase?
now considering adopting a total quality a. Competence c. Integrity
management (TQM) program, it would likely find b. Confidentiality d. Credibility
that TQM is:
a. consistent with both JIT and continuous 26. Which of the following is not an element of
improvement. competency?
b. consistent with JIT but inconsistent with a. To develop appropriate knowledge about a
continuous improvement. particular subject.
c. consistent with continuous improvement but b. To perform duties in accordance with relevant
inconsistent with JIT. laws.
d. inconsistent with both JIT and continuous c. To perform duties in accordance with relevant
improvement. technical standards.
d. To refrain from engaging in an activity that
19. Ideally, how many units should be produced in a would discredit the accounting profession.
just-in-time manufacturing system?
a. budgeted customer demand for the current 27. The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management
week. Accountants developed by the Institute of
b. budgeted customer demand for the following Management Accountants state that when faced
week. with significant ethical issues, management
c. actual customer demand for the current week. accountants should first:
d. maximum production capacity for the current a. discuss such problems with the immediate
week. superior except when it appears that the
superior is involved.
20. Process Reengineering includes all of the following b. clarify relevant concepts by confidential
steps except: discussion with an objective advisor to obtain
a. constructing a diagram flowcharting the an understanding of possible courses of action.
current process. c. follow the established policies of the
b. redesigning the process. organization bearing on the resolution of such
c. elimination of non-value-added activities. conflict.
d. elimination of all constraints. d. submit an informative memorandum describing
the ethical issue to an appropriate
21. Which item is not an IMA Standard for Ethical representative of the organization and resign if
Conduct? no action is taken as a result of the
a. Integrity c. Loyalty memorandum.
b. Competence d. Objectivity
28. The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management
22. Which of the following statements relating to Accountants developed by the Institute of
Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Management Accountants states that significant
Accountants is correct? ethical issues should be discussed with an
a. A management accountant should refuse all immediate superior unless the superior is involved.
gifts and hospitality offered by one of the If satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved when
company’s suppliers. the problem is initially presented, then the issues
b. A management accountant should inform his should be:
superiors regarding the confidentiality of a. submitted to the next higher managerial level.
information acquired in the course of their b. submitted to the chief executive officer.
work and monitor their activities to assure the c. submitted to the audit committee, executive
maintenance of that confidentiality. committee, board of directors, or owners.
c. A management accountant should prepare d. submitted to outside legal counsel.
complete and clear reports and
recommendations before appropriate analyses 29. An advantage of downsizing is
of relevant and reliable information. a. decreased costs in the long run.
d. Management accountants have a responsibility b. layoffs.
to disclose fully all relevant information that c. one-time losses.
could reasonably be expected to influence an d. reduced communication.
intended user’s understanding of the reports,
comments, and recommendations presented. 30. The question "How much information is enough?"
for managerial purposes should be answered on
23. This principle imposes the obligation on all a. a cost/benefit basis.
professional accountants to be fair, intellectually b. a cost, but not benefit, basis.
honest, and free of conflicts and interests. c. a benefit, but not cost, basis.
a. Integrity c. Maturity d. neither costs nor benefits, but some other
b. Objectivity d. Independence in mental criteria.
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