Effect of Viscosity, Surface Tension and Nozzle Size On Atomization in Two-Phase Nozzles

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Effect of Viscosity, Surface Tension and Nozzle Size on Atomization in Two-Phase Nozzles

C.E.Ejim, B.A.Fleck 1 , A.Amirfazli

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada, T6G 2G8

This study compares the mean drop size (SMD) produced from sprays of different viscosities, surface tensions
and sizes of small-scale two-phase nozzles. A drop size correlation was established as a function of nozzle size,
viscosity, surface tension and flow conditions. The small-scale nozzles are geometrically similar to commercial
scale nozzles used in fluid coker (FC) nozzles. The experiments were performed using mixtures of air with various
liquids - water, canola oil and a glycerine-water mixture. The liquid viscosities varied from 1mPa-s to 67mPa-s, and
the surface tensions varied from 25mN/m to 70mN/m. All fluid properties were at 21°C. The nozzles used were a
one-quarter and one third scale nozzle, which were geometrically similar to a full-size (or commercial) FC nozzle.
The liquid flow rates varied from 95g/s to 196 g/s, and the GLR was fixed at 1%, similar to the commercial FC
nozzles. . The mean drop size (SMD) within the spray was measured using a 2-D Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer
(PDPA). Measurements were performed at an axial distance of 100 mm from the nozzle exit and across the spray
within the range -50 mm to 50 mm in the horizontal plane. The results show that at the representative spray radius,
the SMD increased with viscosity by a maximum of 40%. A decrease in surface tension increased the SMD by a
maximum of 9%, which is not significant. Negligible difference in SMD with increase in nozzle size was observed
across the spray for the glycerine-water spray. However, for the water spray, the SMD produced at representative
spray radius increased by up to 32%. Finally, the correlation obtained using an area-averaged SMD across the spray
showed a strong relationship with liquid viscosity and nozzle exit diameter, but a weak relationship with surface
tension. The correlation gave a maximum deviation of about 17% from measured drop sizes. Results from this study
provide a comprehensive means of improving the design of two-phase nozzles, which can be used in the FC.

Introduction easily accessible alternatives to study the atomization

Processes involving the application of two-phase behaviour of FC nozzles in situ. The correlation
(gas-liquid) sprays can be found in aircraft, marine and obtained from such studies provides guidelines in the
industrial gas turbine combustors, incinerators, nozzle development stage and reduces time required to
industrial furnaces and boilers, and internal combustion design the next generation of commercial nozzles.
(IC) engines. These applications require breakup (or Drop size and distribution within a two-phase spray
atomization) of the bulk liquid (i.e. fuel) with assistance depend on liquid physical properties such as surface
from the gas, to produce small drops with high surface tension (γ), viscosity (μL) and density (ρL) and nozzle
area-to-volume ratio in the combustion zone. This characteristic dimensions such as exit orifice diameter
increases fluid mixing and evaporation resulting in more (D) [1]. Liquid atomization also depends on nozzle
complete fuel combustion with reduction in soot and operating conditions such as gas-to-liquid mass ratio
unburnt fuel emission. (GLR), operating pressure (P), and the ambient gas
Understanding atomization in two-phase nozzles is density. For given flow conditions it implies the
also important in fluid coking processes, which are used characteristics of the liquid and nozzle are vital to the
in the petroleum industry. In a fluid coker (FC), heavy atomization performance of two-phase nozzles.
oil or bitumen is upgraded to lighter petroleum by- Classical twin-fluid atomization studies by Elkotb et al.
products e.g. naptha, kerosene distillates and gas oils. [2], and El Shanawany and Lefebvre [3], to mention but
Increased product yield depends on effective liquid a few, have combined the above atomization parameters
atomization. Lefebvre [1] has stated that liquid in dimensionless from to develop mean drop size
atomization is affected by the liquid viscosity, surface correlations. The mean drop size referred to is the
tension, nozzle size and flow conditions through the Sauter Mean Diameter and is denoted as SMD
nozzles. Large-scale studies to determine the effects of henceforth. These correlations distinctly highlight the
the above parameters are not feasible due to effect of the associated fluid properties, flow conditions
inaccessibility of measurement instruments resulting and nozzle geometry on SMD. Elkotb et al. [2] used air
from high temperatures in the FC. Furthermore, it is not and kerosene as the gas and liquid phases, respectively.
cost-effective to carry out drop size measurements using Their results showed that SMD is directly proportional
a full-scale nozzle at commercial operating conditions. to exit orifice diameter (D0.4), absolute viscosity of the
Small-scale laboratory tests provide inexpensive and liquid (μL0.4) and surface tension (γ0.2). El Shanawany
Correspond author: [email protected]
and Lefebvre [3] used air as the gas phase, whereas the air. Lund et al. observed that SMD decreased
liquid phases were water, kerosene and specially significantly (between 14 and 23%) when surface
prepared liquids of high viscosity. The spray data from tension increased from 30 to 67 mN/m. The decrease in
these fluids were studied using three geometrically SMD was found to increase with GLR. Santangelo and
similar nozzles. Similar to the observations in [2], their Sojka [6] observed a maximum of 12% decrease in
results showed that SMD increases with a characteristic SMD (occurred at GLR = 2%) when the surface tension
nozzle diameter, surface tension (γ) and absolute liquid was increased from 29 to 74 mN/m. The conclusion was
viscosity (μL). In the studies mentioned above ([2], [8]), SMD increased slightly with a decrease in surface
the general explanation of the results is that SMD tension. Santangelo and Sojka [6] mentioned that the
increases with liquid viscosity because the latter inhibits effect of SMD on surface tension can attributed to
the change in liquid geometry and delays atomization. differences in breakup mechanisms. The first
The increase in SMD with surface tension is because mechanism is the formation of ligaments from which
surface tension acts to prevent the formation of a new SMD is directly proportional to surface tension. The
liquid surface. Finally the increase in SMD with exit second mechanism is the further breakup of the
orifice diameter is mainly because the liquid jet issuing ligaments formed into drops due to the action of
from the bigger nozzle produces thicker ligaments than aerodynamically induced shear and disturbances. The
in a smaller nozzle. The larger ligaments result in bigger SMD produced from this mechanism is inversely
drop sizes. proportional to the surface tension. Santangelo and
In more recent years Buckner and Sojka [5], Lund et Sojka [14] concluded that the first step of drop
al. [6] and Santangelo and Sojka [7] have studied the formation was more prevalent in their work since there
influence of fluid properties on atomization in was less dependence of SMD with surface tension. The
effervescent atomizers. Sovani et al. [8] have presented observations in [6] and [7] regarding the effect of
a comprehensive literature on effervescent atomizers, surface tension on SMD is opposite to those seen in
which are two-phase (gas-liquid) atomizers in which the twin-fluid atomizer studies ([2], [3]).
gas is injected as bubbles into the liquid through tiny Lefebvre et al. [9], and Roesler and Lefebvre [10]
pores very close to the nozzle inlet section. To study the have studied the effect of exit orifice diameter on SMD
effect of viscosity on SMD, Buckner and Sojka [5] used in effervescent atomizers discharging into ambient air.
aqueous glycerine mixtures (400 < μL < 968 mPa-s and Lefebvre et al. [9] used water and nitrogen as the liquid
γ = 67 mN/m,) as the liquid phase with 5% < GLR < and gas phases, respectively. Tests were performed for
35%. Liquid flow rates and injection pressures varied liquid injection pressures 34.5 kPa, 138 kPa and 345
between 11 and 26 g/s, and 1,000 and 2,400 kPa, kPa, liquid flow rates up to ~ 1.5 g/s, and gas-to-liquid
respectively. They [5] concluded that SMD was ratios, 0.2% ≤ GLR ≤ 22%. The nozzle exit orifice
relatively independent of liquid viscosity. Lund et al. [6] diameter was varied by inserting three different screw
studied the effects of viscosity on SMD using glycerine- caps of diameters 0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 mm, and drop size
water mixtures and Solvent Neutral Oil (SNO)-100 and measurements were taken at the spray centreline. They
Bennzoil Universal Calibration fluid in the range observed that for GLR ≤ 1%, the smallest nozzle exit
20 < μL < 80 mPa-s and γ = 30 and 67 mN/m, within diameter produced the smallest drop sizes, but drop
1% < GLR < 7%. Typical mixing chamber pressure and sizes were about the same at higher GLR. Analysis of
liquid flow rates varied between 239 and 515 kPa, and their data (for GLR ≤ 1%) showed that the maximum
up to 1.5 g/s, respectively. The final observation from difference in SMD between the smallest and largest exit
this work was that SMD increased slightly with orifice diameters was about 90% at 138 kPa and GLR of
viscosity based on drop size data obtained at the 0.2%. Lefebvre et al. [9] concluded that except for the
centreline of the spray. Santangelo and Sojka [7] used lowest GLR, where the smallest nozzle exit diameter
corn syrup, SNO-320 oil and corn/water mixtures to yields the smallest drop sizes, the SMD was largely
study the effects of viscosity on SMD for the fluid insensitive to the exit orifice diameter, when operating
property range: 112 < μL < 820 mPa-s and γ = 29 and 74 at the same GLR. In the study by Roesler and Lefebvre
mN/m. within 2% < GLR < 10%. The liquid mass flow [10 air and water were used at 0.1% ≤ GLR ≤ 5%. The
rate was maintained at 5 g/s, with liquid pressure liquid injection pressures were between 173 kPa and
between 102 and 1088 kPa They observed that SMD 690 kPa, and the nozzle exit orifice diameters were also
increased by about 115% at the lowest GLR, whereas at replaceable, with diameters of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm. The
the highest GLR, the SMD increased by 75%. The conclusion from [10] was an increase in nozzle exit
conclusion from this study was that SMD increased diameter had little effect on SMD. The insignificant
significantly with liquid viscosity. From [5], [6], and dependence of SMD on nozzle exit orifice diameter
[7], comparison of viscosity effects on SMD shows that observed in [9] and [10] was attributed to bubble
it can be different or similar to those of twin-fluid explosion energy, which was sufficient to atomize the
atomizers ([2], [3]), where SMD increases with increase bulk liquid, just after the nozzle exit. This energy does
in liquid viscosity. not depend on the size of the nozzle exit, hence the
Lund et al. [6] and Santangelo and Sojka [7] also variation of SMD does not vary with nozzle exit
studied the effect of surface tension on SMD at the spray diameter. The final conclusions in [9] and [10] about the
axis for effervescent atomizers discharging into ambient effect of nozzle exit orifice diameter is different in twin-

fluid atomizer studies, where the SMD increases with nozzle exit orifice. For a nozzle discharging into
nozzle exit orifice diameter. ambient surroundings of given temperature and
From the atomization studies mentioned above, it is pressure, the following can suffice:
evident that the different designs and classes of two-
phase nozzles exhibit different atomization SMD = f (D, L, ρ G , ρ L , QG , Q L , μ G , μ L , γ, g) (1)
characteristics. As such, the atomization characteristics
of FC nozzles using various liquid properties are likely In the above equation, L, g and Q denote nozzle
to behave differently from the other classes of gas-liquid length, acceleration due to gravity and volume flow rate,
nozzles. To the best of the author’s knowledge there has respectively. Subscripts “L” and “G” denote liquid and
been no study on the effects of liquid properties and gas properties, respectively. Applying the Buckingham
nozzle size on the atomization behaviour of FC nozzles. PI principle, and re-writing the gas density using the
This is the main motivation of the current study. ideal gas equation, one can obtain the following
dimensionless groups:
Specific Objectives
This study is aimed towards comparing the
SMD ⎛ L μG mG PG ρ Q Q2 ρ Q2 ⎞
differences in radial profiles of SMD in sprays produced = f ⎜⎜ , , , , L L , L5 , L 3L ⎟⎟ (2)
from two-phase nozzles. All comparisons are made at D ⎝ D μL mL RGTabsρL μL D gD γD ⎠
an axial position near the nozzle exit i.e. ~ 100 mm. The
flow conditions studied have a gas-to-liquid ratio by In Eqn. (2), PG is the absolute pressure of the gas
mass (GLR) of 1%, which is similar to those in the FC. phase at the nozzle just before the exit, which is also the
The first and second objectives of this study are to pressure of the liquid phase at the nozzle exit. The
quantify the variations in SMD for different liquid symbols RG and Tabs denote the characteristic gas
viscosities and surface tensions, respectively, in sprays constant and absolute temperature of the gas,
produced from a typical one-quarter scale FC nozzle. respectively. Note that the third term in the brackets is
The third objective is to quantify the variation of SMD the GLR, whereas the last three terms are the Reynolds
for two nozzle exit orifice sizes. The final objective is to number (Re), Froude number (Fr), and Weber number
establish an empirical relationship for an area-averaged (We) based on the liquid superficial conditions. Ideally,
SMD in the spray as a function of nozzle size, liquid to study the effect of surface tension on SMD, all terms
viscosity, surface tension and flow conditions. It is within the brackets in Eqn. (2) must be matched, but the
intended that the results from this small-scale nozzle We term must be significantly different. Similarly, to
study could be applied to the full-scale FC nozzles to study liquid viscosity effects on SMD, all terms within
better understand their operating performance and aid in the brackets in Eqn. (2) must be matched, but the Re
the design of future of nozzles. term must be significantly different. In most cases
matching the required terms may not be practically
Methods and Apparatus feasible [12]. Hence, similar to standard dimensionless
The smallest nozzle assembly used during the test analysis, restriction on some of the quantities may be
had conduit length and internal diameter of 368 and 5.2 relaxed depending on knowledge of the dominant forces
mm, respectively. The nozzle exit diameter (D) was (in this case forces affecting atomization) in the system
3.1 mm. This nozzle was geometrically one-quarter as stated by Douglas et al. [14]. In this study, the
scale of a patented full-scale design (US Patent #: nozzles used were geometrically similar hence the first
6003789) employed in a fluidized bed coker for heavy condition within the brackets in Eqn. (2) is satisfied.
oil upgrading. The second nozzle used in the test was Secondly, since for all fluids used μG<<μL, the second
manufactured to be geometrically-similar and was one- condition is also satisfied. The GLR (third term in the
third scale of the full-scale nozzle used in commercial brackets) is an important atomization parameter in gas-
applications in the fluid coker. During the test, the liquid flows (as stated earlier), hence it was kept
nozzles were mounted on a traversing rig, which was constant (GLR = 1%) in our analysis. Note that GLR is
capable of three-dimensional motion. fixed at 1% because it is the flow condition in the
To study the effects of surface tension, viscosity or commercial FC. The mixture pressure, PG is an
nozzle geometry on SMD the flow conditions were important parameter in the gas-liquid atomization of a
determined using the dynamic similarity procedure for given liquid density. Therefore the gas-liquid density
two-phase (gas-liquid) flow stated by Chesters [11]. ratio (DR), i.e. the fourth term in the brackets in Eqn.
This procedure was applied experimentally by Geraets (2) was also conserved in this study.
[12] to estimate the pressure drop along two-phase (gas- The test liquids were water, canola oil and aqueous
liquid) horizontal flows with an uncertainty of ±5%. A glycerine mixture. Liquid density, ρL, was obtained by
similar method was also applied by Hurlbert et al. [13] measuring the volume and mass of liquid samples, using
in predicting pressure drops along horizontal tubes. a graduated cylinder and electronic mass balance,
Note that the above technique is applicable to respectively. The liquid viscosity was measured using
isothermal gas-liquid flows with without mass transfer. Cannon-Fenske Routine viscometers, whereas surface
In this study SMD is the dependent variable (instead of tension, γ, was measured using the pendant-drop
pressure drop), and flow conditions are based at the technique in conjunction with the computer code

ADSA-P (Axisymmetric Drop Shape Analysis-Profile). circulated back to the nozzle. The mist produced during
From the image of the drop and known drop density, the the spraying process was removed from the top of the
software computes the liquid surface tension. The liquid collector tank/reservoir using a mist
properties of the test liquid are presented in Table 1. extraction/ventilation system. The system consists of a
blower and 2.2 kW (3 horsepower) motor assembly with
Table 1 – Properties of the test liquids at 21°C. Data the capacity to extract about 56.6 m3/min (2000 CFM)
with superscripts ‘∗’ were adopted from White [14]. of free air at a static pressure of 0.14 m (5.5”) water
Absolute column.
Density, Surface The SMD within the spray was measured using a
Liquid viscosity,
ρL tension, γ 2-D Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer (PDPA). The focal
(kg/m3) (mN/m) lengths of the PDPA transmitter and receiver lenses
were 400 and 310 mm, respectively. The PDPA unit
Water 998* 70 ± 2 1* consists of an Nd-YAG and He-Ne laser with
Glycerine wavelengths of 532 and 632.8 nm, respectively. During
1200 ± 30 61 ± 4 67 ± 3
solution data collection, the PDPA was operated in forward-
Canola Oil 905 ± 1 25 ± 3 66 ± 1 scatter and refraction mode, and the receiver was set to
a scattering (or off-axis) angle (φ) of 30° for the air-
water tests. Forward scattering is chosen in this study
Figure 1 presents the schematic of the test set-up used in
since from laser theory scattered light from particles in
this study. Compressed dry air and filtered liquid were
this mode is about 102 orders of magnitude higher
mixed at a tee junction and fed through the nozzle
compared to the backward scattering mode [16].
assembly. Air and liquid flow rates were measured with
Furthermore, first order refraction is the most dominant
a thermal mass flow meter and variable area piston-type
flowmeter, respectively. Static pressures close to the scattering mode at φ = 30° for water drops in air [16].
mixing point of the fluids and at the nozzle exit were However, a specific scattering angle was not stated for
measured using a pressure gauge and Validyne canola oil drops or drops from the glycerine-water
transducers, respectively. The room and liquid mixture. For consistency and also based on the high
temperatures were measured using thermocouples. The confidence level in drop size measurement at this
temperatures near the mixing point of the fluids, at the scattering angle [16], the scattering angle was also set to
nozzle exit and within the spray were also measured 30° for these tests. Each flow condition consisted of
using thermocouples. The liquid flow rates varied from about 2 to 3 Runs. The typical sample size and sampling
95g/s to 195 g/s, and the GLR was fixed at 1%, similar time during data collection were set to 12000 or 360
seconds, respectively. This sample size and time were
Mixing tee PDA measurement To mist
sufficient to ensure data was collected for steady state
Nozzle positions extractor
conditions, and independent of velocity samples [16].
Profiles of SMD (and corresponding mean axial
Filtered air from velocities) were obtained within radial (or horizontal)
positions, y in the range -50mm≤ y ≤ 50mm about the
spray axis, and axial positions, x = 100 mm downstream
of the nozzle exit. Data at this axial distance was the
main focus of study since this is the region of interest
downstream of the full-scale (or commercial) nozzle in
the fluid coker.
Liquid by-pass line Liquid
Results and Discussion
Liquid supply line The SMD profiles are presented in subsequent Figures
below. Comparisons of the profiles in each plot are
Flowmeter; made at the radius corresponding to the highest liquid
Liquid filter;
volume per unit radius for each spray. These radii are
Pump; Flow valve; termed representative radii in this study.
Pressure gauge; Check valve;
Effect of viscosity
The SMD profiles across the spray in the air-water
(μL = 1 mPa-s) and glycerine-water systems (μL = 67
Figure 1 - Schematic of the experimental set-up. mPa-s) at an axial distance of 100 mm downstream of
to the commercial FC nozzles. The corresponding the nozzle exit are presented in Figure 2. The
pressures at the fluid mixing section varied from 221 to corresponding liquid mass flow rates for same GLR
327 kPa, whereas the nozzle exit pressure varied from (=1%) and density ratio (~0.0032) were 95 g/s and 137
508 to 990 kPa. Downstream of the gas and liquid g/s for the water and glycerine solution systems,
mixing point the resulting spray was discharged into a respectively. The representative radii are 20 mm for the
liquid collector tank/reservoir, with the liquid re- 67 mPa-s liquid and 15 mm for the 1 mPa-s liquid.

250 250

200 200
SMD (microns)

SMD (microns)


67 mPa-s
50 61 mN/m
1 mPa-s
25 mN/m
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 0
Horizontal distance, y (mm) -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Figure 2: Profiles of SMD in two sprays with different Horizontal distance, y (mm)
liquid viscosities. Figure 3: Profiles of SMD in two sprays with different
surface tensions.
Comparing the SMD data at the representative radii for 250
both systems the glycerine solution produces an SMD
about 40% greater than that of the water system. A 5%
test of significance suggests that this difference in SMD 200
is significant. The presence of the large drops in the 67
S M D (m ic ro n s )

mPa-s compared to the 1 mPa-s can be attributed to the

inhibition of the change in liquid geometry and delay in 150
atomization due to the higher liquid viscosity as
suggested in atomization literature [1]. This viscosity 100
effect on SMD is similar to observations in twin-fluid
atomization studies ([2], [3]) and in the effervescent
atomizer study of Santangelo and Sojka [6]. 50
Big Nozzle
Small Nozzle
Effect of surface tension
Figure 3 shows the SMD profiles for two sprays with 0
different surface tension tensions. The liquid mass flow -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
rates at 1% GLR and a density ratio of ~0.0032, were 95
g/s and 137 g/s for the canola oil and glycerine solution Dimensionless horizontal distance, y/D
systems, respectively. The representative radius for the Figure 4: Profiles of SMD for the two nozzle sizes
canola and aqueous glycerine mixture systems occur at studied using the air-aqueous glycerine mixture system.
y = 15 mm and 20 mm, respectively. The corresponding
SMD is about 165μm and 180μm for the glycerine 200
solution and canola system, respectively. Therefore the
lower surface tension liquid (canola) produces 9%
higher SMD than the glycerine solution spray. A 5%
statistical test of significance shows that this difference 150
S M D (m ic ro n s )

in SMD at this axial location is not significant. This

slightly inverse relationship between SMD and surface
tension was observed by Santangelo and Sojka [6], 100
which corresponds to a liquid breakup mechanism
where the effect of surface tension is not very
distinctive in liquid atomization. The observed variation
of SMD with surface tension is different in twin-fluid 50
atomizers, where SMD increases with surface tension. Big nozzle
Small Nozzle
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Dimensionless horizontal distance, y/D
Figure 5: Profiles of SMD for the two nozzle sizes
studied using the air-water system.

Effect of Nozzle size geometry open squares denoted ‘correlation-fit data’ are the data
Figure 4 presents the SMD profiles within the sprays used to obtain the correlation in Eqn. (3). The Figure
produced by the two nozzle sizes using air and the shows that the maximum deviation between estimated
aqueous glycerine solution. The liquid mass flow rates and actual SMDgb data is about 17%.
at 1% GLR and density ratio of 0.0022 were 95 g/s and
196 g/s for the small (D = 3.1 mm) and big (D = 4.1 225

Measured SMDgb (microns)

mm) nozzles, respectively. The representative radii are Correlation-fit data
15 and 20 mm for the small and big nozzles, Test data
200 Equality line
respectively. The Figure shows that there is no
significant difference between the SMDs from both 175
nozzles. A similar test was also performed using air and
water. In that study, the liquid mass flow rates at 1% 150
GLR and a density ratio of 0.0034 were 95 g/s and 190
g/s for the small (D = 3.1 mm) and big (D = 4.1 mm)
nozzles, respectively. The resulting SMD profiles are
shown in Figure 5. In this case, the representative radii
for the small and big nozzles were 25 and 33 mm,
100 125 150 175 200 225
respectively. The corresponding SMDs were 120μm and
158μm, for the small and big nozzle, respectively. This Correlation SMD gb (microns)
gives an increase of 32%, and is statistically significant Figure 6: Comparison of correlation and measured
based on a 5% test of significance level. The general SMDgb for different nozzle sizes and flow conditions.
result from this section showed that an increase in
nozzle size geometry may increase the SMD produced Conclusions
in the respective sprays. The observed increase in SMD The objectives of this study were to quantify the
with nozzle size in these tests is similar to studies in variation of SMD with viscosity, surface tension and
twin-fluid atomizers [2, 3]. However, the insignificant nozzle size in sprays produced from small-scale two-
change in SMD observed in the tests using the aqueous phase nozzles used in fluid cokers (FC). The final
glycerine mixtures is also a similar trend in effervescent objective was to establish a correlation for SMD in
atomization studies [8, 9]. terms of liquid properties, nozzle exit size and flow
conditions. Different liquids with viscosities (1 and 67
Correlation for SMD mPa-s), surface tensions (25 mN/m and 61 mN/m) and
The final objective of this study was to establish a nozzle sizes (linear scale of 1.3) were used in this study
correlation for the SMD in terms of nozzle operating and the GLR was maintained at 1%. The advantage of
conditions and fluid properties. The SMD used was this small-scale study is to provide a cost-effective
averaged over an area of the spray swept by the SMD means of studying atomization in FC nozzles. This in
profiles within the positions y = ± 40 mm about the turn will aid in the design and development of next
centre of the spray for both nozzles. This region was generation of FC nozzles.
chosen because it contained most of the representative The results show that at the representative spray
spray radii and liquid volume flux across the spray. The radii, the maximum increase in SMD due to the liquid
area averaged SMD is referred here as global SMD (or viscosity was 40%. This difference was determined to
SMDgb). The correlation for SMDgb was obtained using be significant, which suggests that liquid viscosity
some of the variable dimensionless parameters in inhibits the complete atomization of the bulk liquid or
Eqn. (2) and regression analysis. The final form using already formed drops. A decrease in surface tension
all experimental data is given as: increases the SMD by 9%. This difference was found to
SMDgb be insignificant for this measurement region. Depending
= 1641* (GLR) (DR)1.20 (ReL )−0.15 (FrL )−0.48 (WeL )−0.06 (3)
on the type of liquid used, an increase in nozzle size
may increase the SMD produced at representative spray
radius by up to 32% for similar flow conditions. Finally,
The correlation in Eqn. (3) shows that the SMDgb
the area-averaged (or global) SMD correlation derived
depends weakly on the WeL, and is negatively
from experimental data gave a 17% maximum deviation
proportional to the ReL and FrL. However, it increases
from the measured diameters.
with the density ratio (DR) at the nozzle exit. From
The atomization results observed in this study are
twin-fluid SMD correlations by Elkotb et al. [2], and El-
similar to, and also different from observations in twin-
Shanawany et al. [3], the variations of the independent
fluid and effervescent atomizer literature. This suggests
parameters in Eqn. (3) are: GLR-0.29 to -1.0, DR0.1 to0.26, ReL-
0.39 to -0.5 that nozzle design is an important parameter in the
, and WeL-0.18. Except for the exponent of DR in
atomization characteristics of two-phase nozzles.
Eqn. (3), which is greater than unity, the exponents in
Therefore, atomization studies of new or different two-
Eqn. (3) are quite comparable to the SMD correlation in
phase nozzle designs are required to understand their
twin-fluid systems. The accuracy of Eqn. (3) was tested
performance in the respective fields of applications.
using SMDgb measurements from four other test
conditions. The results are presented in Figure 6. The

Acknowledgements 14. White, F.M., Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill
The authors acknowledge the Natural Sciences and Series, U.S.A, p. 771, 1999.
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada for
funding. CEE also acknowledges NSERC for an
Industrial Partnership (IP) scholarship. B. Knapper and
E. Chan are also acknowledged.

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