Module 1 - Introduction To DevOps - Part 1

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Module 1
Introduction to DevOps

Srinivas Dande

Java Learning Center 1 DevOps

Java Learning Center 2 DevOps
1. What is DevOps?
 DevOps is compound of development (Dev) and operations (Ops),

 DevOps is the combination of people, process, and technology to continually provide value
to customers.

 DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an
organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity:

 DevOps helps the organizations to evolve and improve products at a faster pace than
organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management

 This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more
effectively in the market.

 By adopting a DevOps culture along with DevOps practices and tools, teams gain the ability
to better respond to customer needs, increase confidence in the applications they build, and
achieve business goals faster.

 Benefits of DevOps

Speed Rapid Delivery Reliability

Scale Improved Collaboration Security

2. DevOps Tools

Source Code Management GIT/GitHub , SVN, CVS, BitBucket,

CI/CD Tools Jenkins, CircleCI , Bamboo , GitLab, Team City

Build Tools Maven, Gradle, PyBuilder,MSBuild

Configuration Management Ansible, Puppet , Chef, SaltStack

Containerization Docker, Containerd, rkt

Orchestration Kubernetes, Docker Swarm

Infrastructure Provisioning Terraform, Pulumi, Ansible

Monitoring Nagis, ELK Stack, Grafana, DataDog, Prometheus

Java Learning Center 3 DevOps

3. Creating AWS ROOT Account
1) Open
2) Click ON Create an AWS Account
3) Step 1 of 5 will be displayed.

Step 1 of 5: Provide the Following

Email : __________________________

Password: ___________________________

Confirm Password: ___________________________

AWS Account Name: ___________________________

After Providing above, Click on Continue (Step 1 of 5) Button

Note : It may show Security Question, Answer the Security Question

4) Step 2 of 5 will be displayed.

Step 2 of 5: Provide Personal Information

Account Type: Personal or Business – Choose Personal
Full Name : __________________________

Phone Number: __________________________

Country : __________________________

Address 1 : __________________________

Address 2 : __________________________

City : __________________________

State : __________________________

Postal Code : __________________________

Check the Terms and Conditions Check Box

After Providing above, Click on Continue (Step 2 of 5) Button

Java Learning Center 4 DevOps

5) Step 3 of 5 will be displayed.

Step 3 of 5: Provide Billing Information

Credit or Debit Card : __________________________
Expiry Date : __________ __________

Card Holder Name : __________________________

CVV : __________________________

Billing Address :
Use My Contact Address (Check this)

Use New Address

Do You have PAN Card:

Yes ( Check this)


PAN Card : __________________________

After Providing above, Click on Verify and Continue (Step 3 of 5) Button

Note: Now It redirects to Your bank Gateway and Your bank Gateway Ask for OTP
After OTP Verification Rs.2 will be deducted from your account and ReDirects to AWS

6) Step 4 of 5 will be displayed.

Step 4 of 5: Confirm Your Identity

Verification Code:
Text Message (SMS) (Check this)
Voice Call
Country Code : __________________________

Mobile Number : __________________________

Secuirty Check : __________________________

After Providing above, Click on Continue (Step 4 of 5) Button

Note: Now You will get SMS with Verification Code.
Verification Code : __________________________

Enter the Verification Code and Click on Continue (Step 4 of 5) Button

Java Learning Center 5 DevOps

7) Step 5 of 5 will be displayed.

Step 5 of 5: Select the Support Plan Required.

By Default, It selects Basic Support – Free - Keep it as it is

And Click on Completed Signup Button

8) Congratulations Screen will be displayed.

Now Click on GoTo AWS Management Console

Now It shows the SignIn form

o Select the ROOT User
o Provide email Id and Password
o Asnwer the Securiry Question

Finally You will see AWS Management Console

4. Creating IAM User

1) Logon to AWS Management Console

2) Type IAM in Search Bar and IAM Service
3) Click on Users Group link to create the Group.
4) Provide the Following
a. User Group name : mydevelopers
b. Attach Polocies : AdministratorAccess
Click on Create Group Button
5) Now User Group is Created with the Name : mydevelopers
6) Click on Users link to create the User
7) Click on Add Users Button
8) Step 1 will be displayed.

Step 1: Provide the Following

a. Username : srinivas_developer
b. Access Type : Programatic Access (Check this)
Management Console (Check this also)

Java Learning Center 6 DevOps

c. Console Password:
Auto-Generated Password
Custom password ( Check this)
_______jlcindia____________(Provide Custom passoword)
d. Required Password Reset:
Check No option
Finally Click Next Permissions Button

9) Step 2 will be displayed.

Step 2: Add User to Group.

(Check this) mydevelopers AdministratorAccess

Click Next Tags Button

10)Step 3 will be displayed.

Step3: Add tags

Nothing to Do Here as of Now

Click Next Review Button

11)Step 4 will be displayed.

Step4: Review
Just Check all the data Provided as of Now

Click Create User Button

12)Step 5 will be displayed.

Step5: Success
You can send email to the developer about 3 important things.
Account Number :_______________________
Username : srinivas_developer
Password : jlcindia
Note: Now Logout from Root Account
Try to login from IAM User Account.

Java Learning Center 7 DevOps

5. EC2 ( Elastic Compute Cloud) Service
Q) Where do you deploy the Applications in Cloud?
Ans: Rent Virtual Servers.

 EC2 Instances are Virtual Servers in AWS

 You need to use EC2 Service to Virtual Servers

EC2 Service - Features

 Creating and managing lifecyle of EC2 Instances
 Attach Storage to EC2 Instances
 Manage the Network Connectivity for EC2 Instances
 Auto-Scaling to Multiple EC2 Instances
 Load-Balancing for EC2 Instances

6. Creating EC2 Instances in AWS

1) Logon to AWS Management Console

2) Makesure that You have selected the Region and Remember that Region
3) Type EC2 in Search Bar and Select EC2 Service
4) Now EC2 Service Dashboard will be displayed.
5) Click on Launch Instance Button

Step 1: Choose Amazon Machine Image(AMI) ( AMI is about Software)

Select - Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

Step 2: Choose an Instance Type (Instance Type is about hardware)

Select - t2.micro [ Eligible for Free Tier]

Click on Next : Configure Instance Details

Step 3: Configure Instance

Provide Number of Instances as 1 and Keep the Remaining defaults.

Click on Next : Add Storage

Java Learning Center 8 DevOps

Step 4: Add Storage
Nothing to do here

Click on Next : Add Tags

Step 5: Add Tags

Add the Name tag name
Key : Name
value : myjlc1

Click on Next : Configure Security Settings

Step 6: Configure Security Groups

Do the Following
a) Assign Security Group
Create New Security Group (Select this)
Select an Existing Security Group

b) Security Group Name : myjlc_devops_b1

c) Description : mydevelopers
d) Click on the Add Rule button to add the Rule with following Info
a. Type : All Traffic
b. Protocal : All
c. Port Range: 0 – 65535
d. Source : Anyware

Click on Review and

Step 6: Review Intance Launch

Just Cross check all the Information given and Click on Launch button

Now Pop-Up will Open for Key-Pair

Select the Following
a) Create New Key-Pair ( Select this )
b) Provide Key- Pair Name as myjlc-devops
Click on download Key Pair button.

Note : It Download the Key Pair File. Keep this File Safely

After Downloading the Key Pair file, Click on Launch Button.

EC2 Instance will be Created and will be Started Successfully

Java Learning Center 9 DevOps

7. Connectiong to EC2 Instance using SSH

1) Makesure that You have Created EC2 Instance and Started Successfully

2) Download the Putty

a. Open
b. putty-64bit-0.76-installer.msi

3) Install the Putty

a. Click on the Installer - putty-64bit-0.76-installer.msi
b. Provide Install Location : E:\Putty

4) Makesure that PuttyGen also Installed along with Putty. If PuttyGen is Not Installed
then you have to Download and Install PuttyGen Separately.

5) Open the PuttyGen (E:\PuTTY\ puttygen)

a. Click on Load Button
b. Browse myjlc-devops.pem file
c. Click on Save Private Key and then Save the File as myjlc-devops.ppk

6) Open the Putty (E:\PuTTY\ putty)

a. Select Connection => SSH => Auth
b. Browse myjlc-devops.ppk
c. Select Session and Provide the Following
i. Host or IP : ------
ii. Port : 22
iii. Provide aws-connect-1 as Name and Click on Save
iv. Click On Open

d. When you Click on Open then Putty Command Promt will ask for Username
e. Enter ubuntu as Username

Login as: ubuntu

f. If it asks for Any Confirmation Then Click on Accept

g. Finally EC2 Instance will Connected and You will see the Following Prompt

ubunto@IP: $

ubunto@IP: $ sudo du

root @ IP: : /home/ubuntu #

Start Playing with EC2 Instance – All the Best

Java Learning Center 10 DevOps

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