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Department of Electronics & Communication



III Semester

Department of ECE, RNSIT, Bengaluru - 560 098 Page 1




Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

VISION of the College

Building RNSIT into a World - Class Institution

MISSION of the College

To impart high quality education in Engineering, Technology and Management with a

difference, enabling students to excel in their career by

1. Attracting quality Students and preparing them with a strong foundation in fundamentals so as
to achieve distinctions in various walks of life leading to outstanding contributions.
2. Imparting value based, need based, and choice based and skill based professional education to
the aspiring youth and carving them into disciplined, World class Professionals with social
3. Promoting excellence in Teaching, Research and Consultancy that galvanizes academic
consciousness among Faculty and Students.
4. Exposing Students to emerging frontiers of knowledge in various domains and make them
suitable for Industry, Entrepreneurship, Higher studies, and Research & Development.
5. Providing freedom of action and choice for all the Stake holders with better visibility.

VISION of the Department

Conquering technical frontiers in the field of Electronics and Communications

MISSION of the Department

1. To achieve and foster excellence in core Electronics and Communication engineering with
focus on the hardware, simulation and design.
2. To pursue Research, development and consultancy to achieve self sustenance.
3. To create benchmark standards in Electronics and Communication engineering by active
involvement of all stakeholders.

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The graduates shall

PEO1: Demonstrate the ability to apply fundamental concepts of Electronics and Communication
engineering subjects, mathematics and basic sciences to solve real world problems.
PEO2: Exhibit technical and analytical skills for the design and development of innovative
electronic systems leading to research and product development and to become entrepreneurs.
PEO3: Be able to crack various competitive examinations and pursue higher education in India
and abroad for a successful carrier.
PEO4: Work in multidisciplinary fields encouraging team work to come up with new technologies
for the benefit of the society.
PEO5: Display the finest professional skills: positive attitude, leadership qualities, effective
communication, self education and ethics needed for a successful career and life-long learning.


Engineering Graduates will be able to:

 PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization for the solution of complex
engineering problems
 PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
 PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
 PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge
and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
 PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
 PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess Societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
 PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional

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engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the

knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
 PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
 PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
 PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
 PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
 PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological


The graduates of the department will be able to:

PSO1: Apply fundamental knowledge of Electronics, Communications, Signal processing,

VLSI, Embedded and Control systems etc., in the analysis, design, and development of
various types of real-time integrated electronic systems and to synthesize and interpret the
experimental data leading to valid conclusions.

PSO2: Demonstrate competence in using Modern hardware languages and IT tools for the
design and analysis of complex electronic systems as per industry standards along with
analytical and managerial skills to arrive at appropriate solutions, either independently or in

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Department of Electronics & Communication

Subject Code: 17ECL37 Total Hours: 40
Hours/Week: 3 Hrs Exam Hours: 03
Subject Code 17ECL37
I.A. Marks 20
Exam Marks 80
Course objectives
This course will enable students to
 To provide practical exposure to the students on executing and debugging various
combinational and sequential circuits.
 To give the knowledge and practical exposure on applications of Digital Electronics.

Course Outcomes
After studying this course, students will be able to:

Design and Test rectifiers, clipping circuits, clamping circuits and voltage
Compute the parameters from the characteristics of JFET and MOSFET
CO2 devices. 

CO3 Design, test and evaluate BJT amplifiers in CE configuration. 

CO4 Design and Test JFET/MOSFET amplifiers. 

CO5 Design and Test a power amplifier. 

Design and Test various types of oscillators. 


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CO mapping to PO/PSOs

CO / PO & PSO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
17ECL37.1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3
17ECL37.2 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3
17ECL37.3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3
17ECL37.4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3
17ECL37.5 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3
17ECL37.6 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3

Analog Electronics Laboratory

Evaluation Rubrics

Subject Code: 17ECL37 I.A. Marks : 20

Hours/Week: 3Hrs Exam Hours: 03
Total Hours: 40 Exam Marks: 80

Lab Write-up and Execution Rubrics (Max: 10 marks)

For CBCS scheme:

Total Lab Marks = Record(5M)+Viva(2M)+Unit test(2M)+Observation(1M)+Lab internal test
marks(10M) =20M
Scheme Record Viva (2M) Unit test (2M) Observation Lab internal
(5M) (1M) test
CBCS Complete 5 Answers a This is a write This is given The test is
marks is minimum up test. based on the conducted at
allotted for: of 5 Full marks are recorded the end of the
1)proper questions given based on observation in semester, after
and neat correctly proper design, each lab the lab
ckt diagram ckt diagram, completion.
2) design expected
3)expected waveform and Test is
waveform procedure conducted for
4) theory 80 marks and
5) reduced to 10
Procedure marks scale.
6) Result
7) Graph The marks
plotted split up for 80
is as follows:
Viva- 12
< 5 marks if Conduction-56
any lacuna
in the above < 56 is given

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Conduction , if
the student
fails to
conduct the

For Non-CBCS Scheme

Total Lab Marks = Record(5M)+Viva(2M)+Unit test(2M)+Observation(1M)+Lab internal test

marks(10M) =20M

Scheme Record Viva (2M) Unit test (5M) Observation Lab internal
(5M) Will be scaled to (1M) test
(2M) marks(10M)

List of the Experiments

Expt. Experiment Bloom’s
Num Taxonomy

1 Design and set up the following rectifiers with and L1, L2,
without filters and to determine ripple factor and L3, L4
rectifier efficiency:
(a) Full Wave Rectifier (b) Bridge Rectifier

2 Conduct experiment to test diode clipping L1, L2,

(single/double ended) and clamping circuits L3, L4

3 Conduct an experiment on Series Voltage L2, L3,

Regulator using Zener diode and power L4
transistor to determine line and load
regulation characteristics.

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4 Realize BJT Darlington Emitter follower with L2, L3,

and without bootstrapping and determine the L4
gain, input and output impedances.

5 Design and set up the BJT common emitter L2, L3,

amplifier using voltage divider bias with and L4, L5
without feedback and determine the gain-
bandwidth product from its frequency

6 Plot the transfer and drain characteristics of L1, L2,

a JFET and calculate its drain resistance, L3, L4
mutual conductance and amplification factor.

7 Design, setup and plot the frequency L2, L3,

response of Common Source JFET/MOSFET L4, L5
amplifier and obtain the bandwidth.

8 Plot the transfer and drain characteristics of L1, L2,

n-channel MOSFET and calculate its L3, L4
parameters, namely; drain resistance,
mutual conductance and amplification factor.

9 Set-up and study the working of L2, L3,

complementary symmetry class B push pull L4, L5
power amplifier and calculate the efficiency.

10 Design and set-up the RC-Phase shift L2, L3,

Oscillator using FET, and calculate the L4, L5
frequency of output waveform.

11 Design and set-up the following tuned L2, L3,

oscillator circuits using BJT, and determine L4, L5
the frequency of oscillation.
(a) Hartley
Oscillator (b) Colpitts Oscillator

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12 Design and set-up the crystal oscillator and L2, L3,

determine the frequency of oscillation. L4, L5

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Cycle 1 Experiments
Experiment No 1:-
Diode Clipping and clamping Circuits

Aim : To design and study the shunt clipping circuits using

diodes Components required:
SI. No. Components Range Quantity

1. Diode (1N4001) - 02
2. Resistor As per design -
3. Multimeter - 01
4. CRO Probes - 3 set
5. Spring board & wires - -

A clipper is a circuit that removes either positive or negative
portion of a waveform. This kind of processing is useful for signal
shaping, circuit protection and communications. The clippers are
usually constructed by using diodes and resistors and sometimes to
adjust the clipping level DC power supplies are also used. There are
two types of clippers namely series clippers and shunt clippers. If the
clipping element (diode) is in series with the source then we call such
clippers as series clippers.

Selection criterion for R

or design of R

The value of R should be chosen as geometric mean of and of

Where, → dynamic forward resistance, and → reverse
resistance of the diode.

R= Say, = 100Ω, = 1MΩ, then R =

1) Components are tested for their good working condition.

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2) Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.

3) Apply a sine wave of amplitude greater than the designed
clipping level with frequency of 500 Hz.
4) Observe the output waveform on the CRO.
5) Observe the transfer characteristic curve on the CRO by
applying waveform to channel X and output waveform to
channel Y.
6) Measure the clipped voltage and compare with the designed

Circuits and waveforms:

a) Circuit to remove positive peak above some reference level

(𝑉𝐵 + 𝑉𝛾) :

Input Voltage Diode status Output Voltage

𝑉𝑖 ≥ 𝑉𝛾 + 𝑉𝐵 ON 𝑉𝑜 = 𝑉𝛾 + 𝑉𝐵
𝑉𝑖 < 𝑉𝛾 + 𝑉𝐵 OFF 𝑉𝑜 = 𝑉𝑖
b) Circuit to remove negative peak above some reference level
(−𝑉𝐵 − 𝑉𝛾) :

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Input Voltage Diode status Output Voltage

𝑉𝑖 ≤ −𝑉𝛾 − 𝑉𝐵 ON 𝑉𝑜 = −𝑉𝛾 − 𝑉𝐵
𝑉𝑖 > −𝑉𝛾 − 𝑉𝐵 OFF 𝑉𝑜 = 𝑉𝑖

c) Circuit to remove positive peak above some reference level

(𝑉𝐵1 + 𝑉𝛾) and negative peak above some reference level
(−𝑉𝐵2 − 𝑉𝛾)

Input Voltage 𝐷1 𝐷2 Output Voltage

Status Status
𝑉𝑖 ≤ −(𝑉𝛾 + 𝑉𝐵2) OFF ON 𝑉𝑜 = −(𝑉𝛾 + 𝑉𝐵2)
−(𝑉𝐵2 + 𝑉𝛾) ≤ 𝑉𝑖 ≤ (𝑉𝐵1 + 𝑉𝛾) OFF OFF 𝑉𝑜 = 𝑉𝑖
𝑉𝑖 ≥ 𝑉𝛾 + 𝑉𝐵1 ON OFF 𝑉𝑜 = 𝑉𝛾 + 𝑉𝐵1)

Result: The waveforms have been observed and verified.

ng Circuits Aim: To design and study
clamping circuits.
Components required:
SI. No. Components Range Quantity
1. Diode (1N4007) - 01
2. Resistors & Capacitors As per design -

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3. CRO Probes - 3 Set

4. Spring board and wires - -

Clamper is a circuit that "clamps" a signal to a
different DC level without changing the shape of the applied signal
Clamping circuit introduces a DC level into an AC signal The
different types of clampers are positive, negative and biased
clampers A clamping network must have a capacitor, a diode and a
load resistor. The magnitude R and C must be chosen such that the
time constant RC is large enough to ensure that the voltage across
the capacitor does not discharge significantly during the interval
when the diode is non- conducting. By connecting suitable DC
voltage in series with the diode, clamping level can be varied.

Clampers are very much used in

communication systems for example clampers are used in analog
television receivers for the purpose of restoring the DC component
of the video signal prior to it being fed into the picture tube.
1) Components are tested for their good working condition.
2) Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
3) Apply a square wave / triangular wave / sine wave of
amplitude 10V peak to peak and frequency of 1 KHz.
4) Observe the input and output waveform.
5) Measure the clamping level and compare with the designed

Design of R & C:
Assume C, and for the clamping to occur select R such that RC ≫ T, where T is
the period of the input signal.
RC ≫10T; Assume f = 1 KHz, hence T = 1ms. Choose C = 1µF, then R =

a) Negative Clamper: Positive peak clamper Positive Reference

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Assume Vin = 10VP-P, Vref = 2V, VK = 0.6V
a. During the positive half of the input signal diode is forward
biased D = ON
Applying KVL to the loop
Vin – VC – VK – VR = 0
VC = Vin– VK – VR
VC = 5 – 0.6 – 2
VC = 2.4V
b. During the negative half of the input signal diode is reverse
biased D = OFF
Applying KVL to the loop
Vin – VC – VO = 0
VO = Vin – VC
When Vin = 0V VO = -2.6V
Vin = 5V VO = 2.6V
Vin = -5V VO = -7.4V
The output varies between +2.6V to -7.4V

b) Positive clamper: Negative peak clamped to negative


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Assume Vin = 10VP-P, Vref = 2V, VK = 0.6V
a. During the negative half of the input signal diode is forward biased
D = ON
Applying KVL to the loop
-Vin + VC + VK + VR = 0
VC = - (-Vin– VK – VR)
VC = - (-5V + 0.6V + 2V)
VC = 2.4V
b. During the positive half of the input signal diode is reverse biased
Applying KVL to the loop
Vin + VC – VO = 0
VO = Vin + VC
When Vin = 0V VO = 2.4V
Vin = 5V VO = 7.4V
Vin = -5V
VO = -2.4V The output
varies between -2.4V to
7.6V Result:

Negative and positive clamping observed, tabulated and verified as

per above design.

Viva Questions:
1. Define clipper, limiter and slicer?
Depending on the type of limiting action, the circuit is known as a
limiter or clipper. The limiter limits the maximum value of the input signal to a
specified level but keeps the shape of the input waveform intact. For example,

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FM limiter. The clipper clips off a part of the input waveform. If the clipped
output is a slice of the input waveform with both clipping levels are either in
positive or negative half cycle, it is known as a slicer.

2. What is the applications of clippers?

In digital communication circuits, if noise occurs on the digital pulses it can be
clipped to make the pulses flat top.

3. What is the need of the resistor used in the clipping circuits? Why is
it taken as
It is to limit the current through the diode in order to avoid the damage
due to excessive current through it. In clipping circuits, diode operates in two
modes, ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ modes. When the diode is ON, the series resistor R
must be much higher than the forward resistance of the diode to protect the
diode from excess current. Let it be R = k , where k is a large value. When the
diode is OFF, series resistance must be much smaller than the reverse
resistance of the diode, i.e., R = . Otherwise, large amount of voltage
will get dropped across the series resistor. To suit to two conditions, the
resistance is taken as the geometrical mean of forward resistance and reverse
resistance. We get . Hence,

4. What is a Clamper?
A Clamper is an electronic circuit that fixes either the positive or the
negative peak of a signal to a defined value by shifting its DC value. The
Clamper moves the whole signal up or down so as to place to peaks to the
reference level.

5. Which are the other names of clamping circuits?

DC restoring circuits or inserting circuits.

6. How is the capacitance chosen in a clamper?

The clamper circuit consists of a capacitor and diode connected in parallel
across the load. The clamper circuit depends on the time constant of the
capacitor. The capacitor must be chosen such that, during the conduction of the
diode, the capacitor must charge quickly and during the non-conducting period
of the diode, it should not discharge drastically.
Time constant T = RC.

7. Give an application of clamping circuits.

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In television receivers, the DC level of the video signals will be lost due
to coupling capacitances of amplifiers in it. This DC level has to be restored
since it corresponds to the brightness level of the picture. Clamping circuits are
used for the insertion of DC voltage.

8. Based on the portion of the waveform clipped, clippers are classified

into how many types? What are they?
Clippers are classified into 3 types, they are,

iii) Combination clippers.

9. What is positive clamping?

Positive clamping occurs when positive peaks are raised or clamped to

ground or on the zero level. In other words, it pushes the signal upwards
so that negative peaks fall on zero level.

10. What is negative clamping?

Negative clamping occurs when positive peaks are raised or clamped to

ground or on the zero level. In other words, it pushes the signal
downwards so that the positive peaks fall on the zero level.

11. What are the other names of clampers?

DC restorer or re-inserter.

12. Why capacitors are used in clampers?

The capacitor in the clamper is there to discharge when the diode is

reverse biased.

13. What is transient response?

A transient response is the response of a system to a change from an

equilibrium or a steady state. The impulse response, step response are
transient responses to a specific input

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Experiment No 2:-
Series Voltage Regulator using Zener Diode and
Power Transistor

Aim: To Conduct an experiment on Series Voltage Regulator using Zener

diode and power transistor to determine line and load regulation characteristics.

Components Required: Zener diode (1N4739), Power Transistor (2N3055),

resistors supply and wires


Zener Diode is a general purpose diode, which behaves like a

normal diode when forward biased. But when it is reverse biased above a certain
voltage known as zener breakdown voltage or zener voltage or avalanche
point or zener knee voltage the voltage remains constant for a wide range of

Clarence Zener is the scientist who discovered this electrical property and the
device is named after him.

Zener Diode

Ordinary diodes will not have any significant current (only leakage current)
when reverse biased below its reverse breakdown voltage. When the reverse
bias is increased beyond reverse breakdown voltage its potential barrier breaks
down. This may damage the diode due to excess heat produced by the high
current flow through the diode unless the current is limited. Zener diode also
exhibits similar properties except that it is designed to have lower breakdown
voltage. Ordinary diodes have breakdown voltages in the order of 100 or above.

Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator:

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The function of a regulator is to provide a constant output voltage to a load

connected in parallel with it in spite of the ripples in the supply voltage or the
variation in the load current and the zener diode will continue to regulate the
voltage until the diodes current falls below the minimum IZ(min) value in the
reverse breakdown region. The purpose of a voltage regulator is to maintain a
constant voltage across a load regardless of variations in the applied input
voltage and variations in the load current.
The resistor is selected so that when the input voltage is at VIN(min) and the
load current is at IL(max) that the current through the Zener diode is at least
Iz(min). Then for all other combinations of input voltage and load current the
Zener diode conducts the excess current thus maintaining a constant voltage
across the load. The Zener conducts the least current when the load current is
the highest and it conducts the most current when the load current is the lowest.
A Zener diode of break down voltage Vz is reverse connected to an input
voltage source Vi across a load resistance RL and a series resistor RS. The
voltage across the zener will remain steady at its break down voltage VZ for all
the values of zener current IZ as long as the current remains in the break down
region. Hence a regulated DC output voltage V0 = VZ is obtained across RL,
whenever the input voltage remains within a minimum and maximum voltage.
Basically there are two type of regulations such as:

a. Line Regulation: In this type of regulation, series resistance and load

resistance are fixed, only input voltage is changing. Output voltage
remains the same as long as the input voltage is maintained above a
minimum value.
b. Load Regulation: In this type of regulation, input voltage is fixed and
the load resistance is varying. Output volt remains same, as long as the
load resistance is maintained above a minimum value.

Transistor Series Voltage Regulator is simple series voltage regulator using a

transistor and Zener diode. The circuit is called a series voltage regulator
because the load current passes through the series transistor Q1 as shown in Fig.
The unregulated DC supply is fed to the input terminals and the regulated
output is obtained across the load. The Zener diode provides the reference

Operation: The base voltage of transistor Q1 is held to a relatively constant

voltage across the Zener diode. For example, if 8V Zener (i.e., VZ = 8V) is
used, the base voltage of Q1 will remain approximately 8V. Referring to Fig,
V𝑜𝑢 = VZ – VBE (i) If the output voltage decreases, the increased base-emitter
voltage causes transistor Q1 to conduct more, thereby raising the output voltage.
As a result, the output voltage is maintained at a constant level. (ii) If the output
voltage increases, the decreased base-emitter voltage causes transistor Q1 to
conduct less, thereby reducing the output voltage. Consequently, the output
voltage is maintained at a constant level. The advantage of this circuit is that the

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changes in zener current are reduced by a factor β. Therefore, the effect of zener
impedance is greatly reduced and much more stabilized output is obtained

(i) Although the changes in Zener current are much reduced, yet the output is
not absolutely constant. It is because both VBE and VZ decrease with the
increase in room temperature.
(ii) The output voltage cannot be changed easily as no such means is provided.

Circuit diagram:

The value of RS should be such that it supplies current for the base of transistor
Q1 and for the Zener diode to keep it in the regulating region. The worst
condition occurs at the minimum input voltage and maximum load current. This
means that under worst condition.
The current through RS must beat least IZ (min) = 1 mA and Maximum load
current ILmax = 1A

IB (max) = = 20 mA
𝐼𝑅𝑆= IZ (min) + IB (max) = 1 + 20 = 21 mA Now 21 mA must be drawn by R S
under all

Conditions of input voltage variations .Even when the input voltage falls to 12V
which causes the minimum voltage across RS and hence the lowest value of

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current it will be able to supply. = 166 Ω choose

a) Zener Diode as Line Regulator (for variations in supply voltage):

1. Connect the circuit for Line regulation as shown in fig above

2. Vary supply voltage (Vs) in in steps of 1V from 0 - 30 V and note the
corresponding Zener Current (IZ), Load Current (IL) and Output Voltage
(VO). 3. Plot the graph between VS and VO taking VS on X-axis and VO
on Y-axis.
b) Zener Diode as Load Regulator (for variations in load connected):

1. Connect the circuit for Load regulation as shown in fig.

2. Now fix the power supply voltage, Vs at 15V.
3. Without connecting the load RL, note down the No-Load Voltage (VNL).
4. Now connect the load (RL) using Decade Resistance Box (DRB) and
vary the resistance in steps 1K from 1K to10K / in steps of 10 K
from10K to 100K and note the corresponding Zener Current (IZ),
Load Current (IL) and Output Voltage (VO) for 10 readings and calculate
the percentage regulation.
5. Plot the graph between RL and VO taking RL on X-axis and VO on Y-

Line Regulation:
Load Resistance RL = ____________ (K )

Unregulated Power Load Current Regulated Output

Supply Vs (V) IL (mA) Voltage Vo (V)

Load Regulation:
Input Supply Voltage VS = _________ Volts

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For Load regulation, % Voltage Regulation =


1. While doing the experiment do not exceed the readings of the diode.
This may lead to damaging of the diode.
2. Connect voltmeter and ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the
circuit diagram.
3. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit
connections as per the circuit diagram.

Result: The characteristics and Voltage Regulation of Zener diode are studied.

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Viva Questions:

1. What is the use of power transistor in the circuit shown in figure?

Power transistor acts as a series pass element to dissipate excess power
developed in the circuit and hence protects from thermal run away.

2. What is the use of RB in the circuit as shown in figure?

RB meets the varying current requirements of the regulator circuit. We

know, 𝑉𝑖 = 𝐼𝑅𝐵 + 𝑉𝑍 where 𝑉𝑍 = 𝑉𝐵𝐸 + 𝑉𝑂 and I is the current through
𝑅𝐵.The resistor 𝑅𝐵 controls current I and drops excess voltage across itself.

3. What are the ideal values of line and load regulation?

Zero, which means that the output voltage remains constant in spite of
change in input voltage and load current.
4. What is the difference between p-n Junction diode and zener diode?

A zener is designed to operate stably in reverse breakdown, which is

designed to be at a low voltage, between 3 volts and 200 volts. The breakdown
voltage is specified as a voltage with a tolerance, such as 10 volts ±5%, which
means the breakdown voltage (or operating voltage) will be between 9.5 volts
and 10.5 volts.
A signal diode or rectifier will have a high reverse breakdown, from 50 to 2000
volts, and is NOT designed to operate in the breakdown region. So exceeding
the reverse voltage may result in the device being damaged. In addition, the
breakdown voltage is specified as a minimum only.
Forward characteristics are similar to both, although the zener's forward
characteristics is usually not specified, as the zener will never be used in that
region. A signal diode or rectifier has the forward voltage specified as a max
voltage at one or more current levels.
5. What is break down voltage?

The breakdown voltage of a diode is the minimum reverse voltage to make

the diode conduct in reverse.
6. What are the applications of Zener diode?

Zener diodes are widely used as voltage references and as shunt regulators to
regulate the voltage across small circuits.
7. What is cut-in-voltage?

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The forward voltage at which the current through the junction starts
increasing rapidly, is called the knee voltage or cut-in voltage. It is generally
0.6v for a Silicon diode.
8. What is voltage regulator?

A voltage regulator is an electronic circuit that provides a stable dc voltage

independent of the load current, temperature and ac line voltage variations
Voltage regulator, any electrical or electronic device that maintains the voltage
of a power source within acceptable limits. The voltage regulator is needed to
keep voltages within the prescribed range that can be tolerated by the electrical
equipment using that voltage.
9. What is line regulation?

In this type of regulation, series resistance and load resistance are fixed, only
input voltage is changing. Output voltage remains the same as long as the input
voltage is maintained above a minimum value. Percentage of line regulation can
be calculated by = (ΔV0/ΔVIN) x100
Where V0 is the output voltage and VIN is the input voltage and ΔV0 is the
change in output voltage for a particular change in input voltage ΔVIN.

10. What is load regulation?

In this type of regulation, input voltage is fixed and the load resistance is
varying. Output volt remains same, as long as the load resistance is maintained
above a minimum value.
11. Types of voltage regulators?

a) Series voltage regulator

b) Shunt voltage regulator
12 What is series voltage regulator?

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The unregulated DC voltage is the input to the circuit .The control element,
controls the amount of the input voltage that gets to the output.
For e.g. if the load voltage tries to increase, the comparator generates a control
signal based on the feedback information. This control signal causes the control
element to decrease the amount of the output voltage.
13. What is shunt voltage regulator?

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Resistor 𝑅𝑆 drops the unregulated voltage by an amount that depends on the

current supplied to the load RL .The voltage across the load is set by the Zener
diode and transistor base emitter voltage .If the load resistance decreases ,a
reduced drive current to the base of Q results, shunting less collector current .
The load current is thus larger, thereby maintaining the regulated voltage across
the load.
14. What is improved shunt regulator?

Improved Shunt Regulator: The circuit of shows an improved shunt voltage

regulator circuit. The Zener diode provides a reference voltage so that the
voltage across 𝑅1senses the output voltage. As the output voltage tries to
change, the current shunted by transistor 𝑄1 is varied to maintain the output
voltage constant. Transistor 𝑄2 provides a larger base current to transistor 𝑄1
than the circuit , so that the regulator handles a larger load current. The output
voltage is set by the Zener voltage and that across the two transistor base-

VO = VL = VZ + VBE2 + VBE1

15. What is improved series regulator?

Improved Series Regulator: An improved series regulator circuit is shown

in the below diagram. Resistors and act as a sampling circuit, with

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Zener diode providing a reference voltage, and transistor then controls

the base current to transistor to vary the current passed by transistor to
maintain the output voltage constant. If the output voltage tries to increase, the
increased voltage, sampled by and , causes the base-emitter voltage of
transistor to go up (since remains fixed). If conducts more current, less
goes to the base of transistor , which then passes less current to the load,
reducing the output voltage—thereby maintaining the output voltage constant.
The opposite takes place if the output voltage tries to decrease, causing less
current to be supplied to the load, to keep the voltage from decreasing. The
voltage provided by sensing resistors and must be equal to the sum
of the base-emitter voltage of and the Zener diode, that is,

16. Applications of voltage regulators?

1) Power supplies - simple DC supply.

2) Chopper supply.
3) Special TV horizontal high-voltage supply.
4) Battery charger circuit.

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Experiment No 3:-
Rectifier Circuits

Aim: To design and verify the performance of Center tap full wave rectifier
and Bridge rectifier with and without ‘C’ filter.

Components required:
SI. No. Components Range Quantity

1. Transformer As per design 01

2. Diode(1N4007) - 04
3. Resistors & Capacitors As per design -
4. Multimeter, CRO - 01
5. CRO Probes - 02 Set
6. Spring board and connecting wires - -

Full Wave Rectifier Working & Operation
The working & operation of a full wave bridge rectifier is pretty
simple. The circuit diagrams and wave forms we have given below
will help you understand the operation of a bridge rectifier perfectly.
In the circuit diagram, 4 diodes are arranged in the form of a bridge.
The transformer secondary is connected to two diametrically
opposite points of the bridge at points A & C. The load resistance
RL is connected to bridge through points B and D.

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During the first half


During first
half cycle of
the input
voltage, the
upper end of
winding is
positive with
respect to the
lower end.
Thus during
the first half
cycle diodes
D1 and D3
are forward
biased and
current flows
through arm
AB, enters
the load
resistance RL,
and returns
back flowing
through arm
DC. During
this half of
each input
cycle, the
diodes D2
and D4 are
biased and
current is not allowed to flow in arms AD and BC. The flow of
current is indicated by solid arrows in the figure above. We have
developed another diagram below to help you understand the

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current flow quickly. See the diagram below – the green arrows

beginning of current flow from source (transformer secondary) to

the load resistance. The red arrows indicate return path of current
from load resistance to the source, thus completing the circuit .

230V / 50Hz

Flow of current in Bridge Rectifier

During the second half cycle

During second half cycle of the input voltage, the lower end of the
transformer secondary winding is positive with respect to the upper
end. Thus diodes D2 and D4 become forward biased and current
flows through arm CB, enters the load resistance RL, and returns
back to the source flowing through arm DA. Flow of current has
been shown by dotted arrows in the figure. Thus the direction of
flow of current through the load resistance RL remains the same
during both half cycles of the input supply voltage. See the diagram
below – the green arrows indicate beginning of current flow from
source (transformer secondary) to the load resistance. The red
arrows indicate return path of current from load resistance to the
source, thus completing the circuit.

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Path of current in 2nd Half Cycle

Centre-Tap Full Wave Rectifier

We have already discussed the Full Wave Bridge Rectifier, which
uses four diodes, arranged as a bridge, to convert the input
alternating current (AC) in both half cycles to direct current (DC).

In the case of center-tap full wave rectifier, only two diodes are
used, and are connected to the opposite ends of a center-tapped
secondary transformer as shown in the figure below. The center-tap
is usually considered as the ground point or the zero voltage
reference point.

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Working of Centre-Tap Full Wave Rectifier

As shown in the figure, an AC input is applied to the primary coils
of the transformer. This input makes the secondary ends P1 and P2
become positive and negative alternately. For the positive half of the
ac signal, the secondary point D1 is positive, GND point will have
zero volt and P2 will be negative. At this instant diode D1 will be
forward biased and diode D2 will be reverse biased. As explained in
the Theory behind P-N Junction and Characteristics of P-N Junction
Diode, the diode D1 will conduct and D2 will not conduct during the
positive half cycle. Thus the current flow will be in the direction
P1-D1-C-A-B-GND. Thus, the positive half cycle appears across the
load resistance RLOAD.

During the negative half cycle, the secondary ends P1 becomes

negative and P2 becomes positive. At this instant, the diode D1 will
be negative and D2 will be positive with the zero reference point
being the ground, GND. Thus, the diode D2 will be forward biased
and D1 will be reverse biased. The diode D2 will conduct and D1
will not conduct during the negative half cycle. The current flow
will be in the direction P2-D2-C-A-B-GND.

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Centre-tap Full-wave Rectifier-Waveform

When comparing the current flow in the positive and negative half
cycles, we can conclude that the direction of the current flow is the
same (through load resistance 𝑅𝐿). When compared to the Half-
Wave Rectifier, both the half cycles are used to produce the
corresponding output. The frequency of the rectified output voltage
is twice the input frequency. The output that is rectified, consists of
a dc component and a lot of ac components of minute amplitudes.
Full-wave Rectifier with Shunt Capacitor Filter
The circuit diagram of a full-wave rectifier with capacitor filter is shown below.

Full-wave Rectifier with Capacitor Filter

Circuit Diagram

The filter capacitor C is placed across the resistance load 𝑅𝐿𝑜𝑎 . The
whole working is pretty much similar to that of a half-wave

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rectifier with shunt capacitor. The only difference is that two pulses
of current will charge the capacitor during alternate positive (D1)
and negative (D2) half cycles.
Similarly capacitor C discharges twice through 𝑅𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑 during one full
cycle. This
is shown in

Rectifier with
Capacitor Filter
- Waveform

The load
reduces by
a smaller
before the
next pulse
is received
as there are
2 current
pulses per
This causes a good reduction in ripples and a further increase in
the average dc load current.

For Centre tap full wave rectifier / Bridge rectifier:
= for FWR (both center tap and bridge rectifier)

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For the given calculate and using the formula,

Choose the transformer of rating -0- / for center
tap full wave rectifier and 0 - / for Bridge rectifier.
The value of the load resistance, &
(Use DRB).
1. Components are tested for their good working condition.
2. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
3. Observe the different waveforms on the CRO.
4. Measure using multimeter in DC mode and on CRO,
measure using DC ammeter and using AC ammeter.
5. Calculate from using the formula, for
full wave rectifier.
6. Calculate the efficiency and ripple factor. Compare the results
with the theoretical values.

Note: Formula to calculate theoretical

Tabular column:
a) Without filter:
Circuit 𝜂= 2 2 × 100
𝐼𝑑𝑐 + 𝐼𝑎𝑐
Center tapped
Bridge FWR

b) With filter:

Circuits 𝑉𝑟 ,𝑟𝑚𝑠
Center tapped
Bridge FWR

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a) Without filter: 1)
b) With filter: 1)


Viva Questions:

1. What is a rectifier?
A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC) to
pulsating direct current (DC).

2. What are PIV’s of the three different rectifiers?

For half wave rectifier and bridge rectifier and 2 for full wave
rectifier using center-tapped transformer.

3. What are the advantages of bridge rectifiers over center-tapped

Voltages across the non-conducting diode is 2 in FWR, where is
the peak value of the input voltage. But in bridge rectifiers, it is . The FWR
needs a center-tapped transformer which is costlier. In the HWR, the peak value
of the output voltage is less than the peak value of input voltage by 0.6 V
because of the 0.6 V drop across the diodes in each half cycle. In bridge
rectifiers, the drop across diodes is 1.2 V.

4. What is the peak value of the wave form that can be observed if the
output of a 6V transformer is fed to a CRO?

√2x 6 =8.49 V

5. How do you measure the Vr,rms using a multi-meter?

Vr,rms is the rms value of the ripple voltage. To measure this, connect a
10 µF capacitor in series with the positive terminal of the output to block DC.
Now the rms value of the ripple can be measured using the multi-meter, setting
it in AC volts mode.

6. Define Transformer utilization factor (TUF). Calculate it for HWR.

It is defined as the ratio of DC power delivered to load and the AC rating
of the transformer secondary.


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= = 20.26%

7. What is the TUF for full wave rectifier and bridge rectifier?
TUF for FWR = 0.693; TUF for bridge rectifier = 0.812.

8. What are different types of filters used? C Filter ii) L Filter iii) LC
iv) π Filter

9. How does the performance of the capacitor input filter improve

when RC time constant is increased?
When RC is high, the capacitor discharges slowly and hence the ripple

10. Why the capacitor input filter so called?

Since the unrectified voltage is fed to the capacitor, it is called capacitor
input filter.

11. Why is a choke input filter not used with HWR?

A half wave rectifier does not supply continuous current to a coil.
Interrupted current through a coil will cause distortions.

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Cycle II Experiments
Experiment No. 4:
Drain and Transfer characteristics of JFET

Aim: Plot the input and output characteristics of a JFET. Calculate its
parameters, namely; drain dynamic resistance, mutual conductance and
amplification factor from the plot.

Sl. No. Components Details Specification Qty
1. Transistor BFW10/BFW11 1 No.
2. Resistors 22 K 1 No
3. Digital Ammeters ( 0 - 200 mA) 1 NO
4. Digital Voltmeter (0 - 20V) 2 NO
5. Dual DC Regulated Power supply (0 - 30 V) 1 NO

A field effect transistor (FET) is a unipolar device, which
conducts current using only one kind of charge carriers. FET uses the
Gate voltage that is applied to input terminal to control the current
flowing through it resulting in the output current being proportional to
the input voltage. As their operation depends on an electric field (hence
the name field effect) generated by the input Gate voltage, this makes
the Field Effect Transistor a “VOLTAGE” operated device.

There are two main types of field effect transistor, the Junction
Field Effect Transistor (JFET) and Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field
Effect Transistor (MOSFET).

Junction Field Effect Transistor

There are two types of JFET namely n-channel and p-channel.
N-channel type means the carrier type in the conducting channel is
electron. Likewise, for p-channel type, the carrier type in conducting
channel is hole. JFET has three terminals, which are gate G, drain D and

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source S. The gate is used to control the flow of carrier from source To
drain. Source is the terminal that emits carrier and the drain is the
terminal that receives carrier.
In normal operation, the gate of JFET is always reverse-biased. Thus, in n-
channel type, the gate is biased with negative voltage i.e. gate voltage is less
than zero volt VG < 0, whilst for p channel type, the gate is biased with positive
voltage i.e. gate voltage is greater than zero voltage VG > 0. The source and
drain are biased according to the channel type or carrier type. If it is an nchannel
JFET (electron as carrier), the source is biased with negative voltage while the
drain is biased with positive voltage. Alternatively, it can be biased such that the
drain voltage VD is greater than the source voltage VS. i.e., VD > VS. If it is a p-
channel JFET (hole as carrier), the source is biased with positive voltage while
the drain is biased with negative voltage. Alternatively, it can be biased such
that the drain voltage VD is less than the source voltage VS. i.e., VD < VS

Circuit Diagram:

Expected Waveforms:

a) Transfer Characteristics:

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1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure above.

2. Set voltage VDS = 5V (BFW10).
3. Varying VDD in steps of 0.5V until the current ID reduces to
minimum value.
4. Varying VGG gradually, note down both drain current ID and
gate-source voltage
5. Repeat above procedure (step 3) for VDS = 10V (BFW10).

b) Drain Characteristics:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure above.
2. Keep VGS = 0V by varying VGG.
3. Varying VDD gradually in steps of 1V up to 10V note down
drain current ID and drain to source voltage (VDS).
4. Repeat above procedure for VGS = -1V, -2V, up to VGS = VP;


Drain Characteristics:


(Constant) (Constant) (Constant) (Constant)


(V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA) (V) (mA)


Transfer Characteristics:

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VDS = 1V VDS = 3V VDS = 5V

VGS(v) ID(mA) VGS(v) ID(mA) VGS(v) ID(mA)

1. Plot the drain characteristics by taking VDS on X-axis and ID

on Y-axis at a constant VGS.
2. Plot the transfer characteristics by taking VGS on X-axis and
taking ID on Y-axis at constant VDS.

The circuit diagram for studying drain and transfer characteristics is
shown in the figure1.

1. Drain characteristics are obtained between the drain to

source voltage (VDS) and drain current (ID) taking gate to source
voltage (VGS) as the constant parameter.
2. Transfer characteristics are obtained between the gate to
source voltage (VGS) and drain current (ID) taking drain to source
voltage (VDS) as the constant parameter.

Calculations from Graph:

1. Drain Resistance (rd): It is given by the relation of small

change in drain to source voltage (∆VDS) to the corresponding
change in Drain current (∆ID) for a constant gate to source
voltage ( VGS), when the JFET is operating in pinch-off region.

at a constant VGS (from drain characteristics)

2. Trans Conductance (gm): Ratio of small change in drain

current (∆ID) to the corresponding change in gate to source

voltage (∆VGS) for a constant VDS. at constant VDS

(from transfer characteristics).

The value of gm is expressed in mho’s ( ) or Siemens (s).

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3. Amplification factor (µ): It is given by the ratio of small

change in drain to source voltage ( VDS) to the corresponding
change in gate to source voltage ( VGS) for a constant drain
current (ID).


1. 𝒓𝒅 =
2. g𝒎 =
3. 𝝁 =

Viva Questions:
Q1. Why is JFET called as a unipolar device?
JFETs can be called UNIPOLAR devices because the charge carriers that carry the current
through the device are all of the same type i.e. either holes or electrons, but not both. This
distinguishes JFETs from the bipolar devices in which both holes and electrons are responsible
for current flow in any one device.

Q2. How JFET is a voltage controlled device?

A JFET is voltage controlled device because its output characteristics are determined by the
Field which depends on Voltage applied.
It is a voltage−controlled device in which current flows from the SOURCE terminal (equivalent
to the emitter in a bipolar transistor) to the DRAIN (equivalent to the collector). A voltage
applied between the source terminal and a GATE terminal (equivalent to the base) is used to
control the source − drain current.

Q3. What are the advantages of JFET?

It is a unipolar device, depending only upon majority current flow. It is less

noisy. and is thus found in FM tuners and in low-noise amplifiers for VHF
and satellite receivers. It is relatively immune to radiation. It exhibits no
offset voltage at zero drain current and hence makes an excellent signal

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Q4. What is pinch-off voltage?

Pinch-off voltage is the drain to source voltage after which the drain to source current
becomes almost constant and JFET enters into saturation region and is defined only when gate
to source voltage is zero.

Q5. Which type of JFET biasing requires negative voltage supply?


Q6. What are the applications of JFET?

JFETs can be used for several applications including:

• High input impedance amplifier

• Low noise amplifier

• Differential amplifier

• Analog switch

• Voltage controlled resistor

Q7. What is trans conductance?

Trans conductance is an expression of the performance of a bipolar transistor or field-effect

transistor (FET). In general, the larger the Trans conductance figure for a device, the greater
the gain (amplification) it is capable of delivering, when all other factors are held constant. The
symbol for Trans conductance is gm.

Q8. When the JFET is no longer able to control the current, this point is called as? Breakdown

Q9. What is transfer characteristics? Give the relation between µ, 𝒈𝒎 and 𝒓𝒅?

The transfer characteristic for a JFET can be determined by keeping drain-source voltage, VDS
constant and determining drain current ID for various values of gate-source voltage VGS. The
curve is plotted between gate-source voltage VGS and drain current ID.

µ = 𝒈𝒎 × 𝒓𝒅

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Q10. Why do we get 180 degree phase shift in FET amplifier?

The reason for the phase shift can be seen easily by observing the operation of the N-channel
JFET. On the positive alternation of the input signal, the amount of reverse bias on the P-type
gate material is reduced, thus increasing the effective cross-sectional area of the channel and
decreasing source-to-drain resistance. When resistance decreases, current flow through the
JFET increases. This increase causes the voltage drop to increase, which in turn causes the
drain voltage to decrease. On the negative alternation of the cycle, the amount of reverse bias
on the gate of the JFET is increased and the action of the circuit is reversed. The result is an
output signal, which is an amplified 180-degree-out-of-phase version of the input signal.

Q11. ______ JFET amplifier provides a gain less than 1?


Q12. Why JFET apparatus must be handled with care while performing the experiment?
Because transistors are damaged by excess of heat while soldering or when there is a sudden
urge of current due to accidental shorting of leads while measuring voltages on transistors, in

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Experiment No. 5:
Characteristics of MOSFET:

Aim: To design and plot the input and output characteristics of n-channel
MOSFET and to
Calculate drain dynamic resistance, mutual conductance and amplification


Sl. No. Components Details Specification Quantity

1. Transistor BS170 1 No.
2. Resistors 1K Each 2 No
3. DC Supply, Signal Generator, CRO with Probes


Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET)

has three terminals source gate and drain. It uses a thin layer of silicon
dioxide as an insulator between the gate and the channel. It is also
known as Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor.

There are two types of MOSFET, depletion and enhancement

types. Consider the N channel depletion type MOSFET. Heavily doped
two N- type regions are diffused on a lightly doped P-type substrate to
form source and drain. Between these two N type wells a lightly doped
N type material forms a channel. A thin layer of SiO2 which is an
insulating material is fabricated on the surface above the channel and
the gate terminal is attached to it. Source and Drain terminals are
attached to the heavily doped N type material with metal contacts.

A positive voltage VDS is applied at the drain with respect to

source to establish drain current. When a negative voltage VGS is
applied at the gate with respect to the source, positive charges get
induced in the channel resulting the channel becoming Thinner. This
reduces the current flow through the channel. If the magnitude of VGS is

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increased, the drain current decreases. If a positive voltage is applied at

the gate, drain current increases.

Enhancement type MOSFET does not have a channel fabricated

in it. The applied positive voltage induces negative charges between the
source and drain and a channel forms. BS170 is a low power
enhancement type MOSFET. Some MOSFETS are able to function in
Enhancement and Depletion modes.


Although DE-MOSFET is useful in special

applications, it does not enjoy widespread use. However, it played an
important role in history because it was part of the evolution towards the
E-mode MOSFET, a device that has revolutionized the electronic
industry. E-MOSFET has become enormously important, in digital
electronics and. In the absence of E-MOSFET’s the personal computers
(PCs) that are now so
Construction of an EMOSFET: widespread
would not exist.

Construct Operation of an EMOSFET:

ion of EMOSFET

Figure shows the construction of an N-

channel E-MOSFET. The main difference between
the construction of DE-MOSFET and that of E-
MOSFET, as we see from the figures given below
the E-MOSFET substrate extends all the way to the
silicon dioxide (SiO2) and no channels are doped
between the source and the drain. Channels are

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electrically induced in these MOSFETs, when a positive gate-source

voltage VGS is applied to it.

Working of an EMOSFET

As its name indicates, this MOSFET operates only in the

enhancement mode and has no depletion mode. It operates with large
positive gate voltage only. It does not conduct when the gate-source voltage
VGS = 0. This is the reason that it is called normally-off MOSFET. In
these MOSFET’s drain current ID flows only when VGS exceeds VGST
[gate-to-source threshold voltage].

When drain is applied with positive voltage with respect to source

and no potential is applied to the gate two N-regions and one P-substrate
from two P-N junctions connected back to back with a resistance of the
P-substrate. So a very small drain current that is, reverse leakage
current flows. If the P-type substrate is now connected to the source
terminal, there is zero voltage across the source substrate junction, and
the–drain-substrate junction remains reverse biased.

When the gate is made positive with respect to the source and the
substrate, negative (i.e. minority) charge carriers within the substrate
are attracted to the positive gate and accumulate close to the-surface of
the substrate. As the gate voltage is increased, more and more electrons
accumulate under the gate. Since these electrons can not flow across the
insulated layer of silicon dioxide to the gate, so they accumulate at the
surface of the substrate just below the gate. These accumulated minority
charge carriers N -type channel stretching from drain to source. When
this occurs, a channel is induced by forming what is termed an inversion
layer (N-type). Now a drain current start flowing. The strength of the
drain current depends upon the channel resistance which, in turn,
depends upon the number of charge carriers attracted to the positive
gate. Thus drain current is controlled by the gate potential.

Since the conductivity of the channel is enhanced by the positive

bias on the gate so this device is also called the enhancement MOSFET

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The minimum value of gate-to-source voltage VGS that is required

to form the inversion layer (N-type) is termed the gate-to-source threshold
voltage VGST. For VGSbelow VGST, the drain current ID = 0. But for
VGS exceeding VGST an N-type inversion layer connects the source to
drain and the drain
current ID is large.
upon the device being
used, VGST may
vary from less than 1 V
to more than 5 V.

are classified as the depletion-mode devices because their conductivity
depends on the action of depletion layers. E-MOSFET is classified as an
enhancement-mode device because its conductivity depends on the action
of the inversion layer. Depletion-mode devices are normally ON when
the gate-source voltage VGS = 0, whereas the enhancement-mode devices
are normally OFF when VGS = 0.

Characteristics of an EMOSFET.
Drain Characteristics-EMOSFET

Drain characteristics of an N-channel E-MOSFET are shown in

figure. The lowest
curve is the VGST
curve. When VGS is
lesser than VGST, ID
is approximately
zero. When VGS is
greater than VGST, the
device turns- on and
the drain current ID is
controlled by the gate
voltage. The

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characteristic curves have almost vertical and almost horizontal parts. The
almost vertical components of the curves correspond to the ohmic region,
and the horizontal components correspond to the constant current region.
Thus E-MOSFET can be operated in either of these regions i.e. it can be
used as a variable-voltage resistor (WR) or as a constant current source.

EMOSFET-Transfer Characteristics
Figure shows a typical transconductance curve. The current IDSS
at VGS <=0 is very small, being of the order of a few nano-amperes.
When the VGS is made positive, the drain current ID increases slowly at
first, and then much more rapidly with an increase in VGS. The
manufacturer sometimes indicates the gate-source threshold voltage
VGST at which the drain current ID attains some defined small value,
say 10 u A. A current ID (0N,corresponding approximately to the
maximum value given on the drain characteristics and the values of VGS
required to give this current VGs QN are also usually given on the
manufacturers data sheet.

The equation for the transfer characteristic does not obey

equation. However it does follow a similar “square law type” of
relationship. The equation for the transfer characteristic of E-MOSFETs
is given as:
Schematic Symbols of EMOSFET.


EMOSFET-Schematic symbols

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Schematic symbols for an N-channel E-MOSFET are shown in

figure. For zero value of VGS, the E-MOSFET is OFF because there is no
conducting channel between source and drain. Each of schematic symbols
shown in figures, has broken channel line to indicate this normally OFF
condition. As we know that for VGS exceeding the threshold voltage
VGST, an N-type inversion layer, connecting the source to drain, is
created. In each of the schematic symbols, the arrow points to this
inversion layer, which acts like an N-channel when the device is
conducting. In each case, the fact that the device has an insulated gate is
indicated by the gate not making direct contact with the channel. The
schematic symbol shown in figure shows the source and substrate
internally connected, while the other symbol shown in figure shows the
substrate connection brought out separately from the source.

The schematic symbols for a P-channel E-MOSFET are also

shown. In these cases the arrow points outwards.


Fig 8.1. Enhancement Mode MOSFET and

Expected Graph:

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Fig 8.2: Transfer characteristics and Drain


Procedure (Transfer characteristics):

1. Now vary the power supply V2 and set the VDS to 6v
2. Vary the power supply V1 in steps and note down the readings of
VGS and ID at each step and tabulate the readings in tabular
column 2.
3. Vary the power supply V2 and set the VDS to 12v
4. Vary the power supply V1 in steps and note down the readings of
VGS and ID at each step and tabulate the readings in tabular
column 2.
5. Determine trans conductance (gm) with the help of graph VGS v/s

Procedure (Drain characteristics):

1. Rig up the circuit as shown in fig 8.2 above and set VGS=0v.
2. Then vary the power supply V2 and note down VDS and ID at
each step and tabulate the reading in the tabular column 1.
3. Now set the gate voltage VGS to -0.5v with the help of power
supply V1.
4. Then vary the power supply V2 and note down VDS and ID at
each step and tabulate the readings in tabular column 1.
5. Repeat the same for VGS = +0.5v.
6. Determine drain resistance (rd) with the help of graph VDS v/s ID.

Tabular column 1 (Transfer characteristics):

VDS = 5V VDS = 10V

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VGS(v) ID(mA) VGS(v) ID(mA)

Tabular column 2(Drain characteristics):

VDS(v) ID(mA) VDS(v) ID(mA) VDS(v) ID(mA)

Calculations from Graph:

1. Trans Conductance (gm): Ratio of small change in drain current
( ID) to the corresponding change in gate to source voltage
( VGS) for a constant VDS.

At constant VDS (from transfer characteristics).

The value of gm is expressed in mho’s ( ) or Siemens (s).

1. g𝒎 =

Viva Questions:

1. What is drift current?

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Drift current is the current due to the movement of charge carriers in a

specific direction opposite to the applied electric field.

2. Expand MOSFET
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

3. What is a MOSFET?
It is a special type of FET in which there is a thin layer of silicon
dioxide between gate and the channel that works by electronically varying the
width of a channel along which charge carriers flow.

4. Mention the two types of MOSFETs

Depletion -
t –type

5. Mention the applications of MOSFET.

a) It is used as an analog switch.
b) MOSFET is used as a transistor in integrated circuits.
c) It is used as an oscillator in radio system.

6. What is biasing?
Biasing is a method of applying a suitable potential across any
electronic equipment in order to make it operate as we require.

7. What is the advantage of MOSFETs over JFETs?

MOSFETs have a very high input impedance. MOSFETs are thermally
very stable which make them extremely popular in computer circuit

8. Mention the number of terminals that a MOSFET has.

MOSFET has four terminals:- source, gate, ,substrate.

9. What accounts for the high input impedance of a MOSFET

The insulating layer of SiO2 accounts for the desirable high input

10. Mention the parameters of a MOSFET.

Drain Resistance, Trans conductance, Amplification factor.

11. What is the basic difference in construction of a depletion type

MOSFET and an Enhancement type MOSFET?

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The depletion type MOSFET consists of an n-channel between the two

n-doped regions while the enhancement type MOSFET does not.

12. What does it mean “the channel is pinched off”?

For a MOSFET when VGS is greater than Vt, a channel is induced. As
we increase VDS current starts flowing from Drain to Source (triode region).
When we further increase VDS, till the voltage between gate and channel at the
drain end to become Vt, i.e. VGS – VDS = Vt, the channel depth at Drain
MOSFET end decreases almost to zero, and the channel is said to be pinched
off. This is where a MOSFET enters saturation region.

13. What is Forward Trans conductance?

It is the ratio of ID and (VGS – VGS(th)). In a MOSFET switching
circuit it determines the clamping voltage level of the gate – source voltage
and thus influences during turn on and turn off.

14. Explain the three regions of operation of a MOSFET.

Cut-off region: When VGS < VT, no channel is induced and the
MOSFET will be in cut-off region. No current flows.
Triode region: When VGS ≥ VT, a channel will be induced and current
starts flowing if VDS > 0. MOSFET will be in triode region as long as VDS <
Saturation region: When VGS ≥ VT, and VDS ≥ VGS – VT, the
channel will be in saturation mode, where the current value saturates. There
will be little or no effect on MOSFET when VDS is further increased.

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Experiment No. 6:
Class B Push-Pull Amplifier

Aim: Set-up and study the working of complementary symmetry class B push
pull power amplifier and calculate the efficiency.

Components Required: SL100, SK100, resistors, DRB, DC milli ammeter,

DMM, CRO probes, spring board and connecting wires.

A push pull amplifier is an amplifier which has an output stage that
can drive a current in either direction through the load. The output stage of a
typical push pull amplifier consists of two identical BJTs or MOSFETs one
sourcing current through the load while the other one sinking the current from
the load. Push pull amplifiers are superior over single ended amplifiers (using a
single transistor at the output for driving the load) in terms of distortion and
performance. A single ended amplifier, how well it may be designed will surely
introduce some distortion due to the non-linearity of its dynamic transfer
characteristics. Push pull amplifiers are commonly used in situations where low
distortion, high efficiency and high output power are required. The basic
operation of a push pull amplifier is as follows: The signal to be amplified is
first split into two identical signals 180° out of phase. Generally this splitting is
done using an input coupling transformer. The input coupling transformer is so
arranged that one signal in applied to the input of one transistor and the other
signal is applied to the input of the other transistor. Advantages of push pull
amplifier are low distortion, absence of magnetic saturation in the coupling
transformer core, and cancellation of power supply ripples which results in the
absence of hum while the disadvantages are the need of two identical transistors
and the requirement of bulky and costly coupling transformers.

Cross over distortion.

Cross over distortion is a type of distortion commonly seen in Class B amplifier
configurations. As we said earlier, the transistor are biased at cut off point in the
Class B amplifier. We all know a Silicon transistor requires 0.7V and a
Germanium diode requires 0.2V of voltage across its base emitter junction
before entering in to conducting mode and this base emitter voltage is called cut
in voltage. Germanium diodes are out of scope in amplifiers and we can talk
about a Class B push pull amplifier based on Silicon transistors. Since the
transistors are biased to cut off, the voltage across their base emitter junction
remains zero during the zero input condition. The only source for the transistors
to get the necessary cut in voltage is the input signal itself and the required cut
in voltage will be looted from the input signal itself. As a result portions of the

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input wave form that are below 0.7V (cut in voltage) will be cancelled and so
the corresponding portions will be absent in the output wave form too. Have a
look at the figure


1. Place the components on spring board or bread board and connect

them as per given fig a. Use wires for connection as required.
2. Connect one channel of CRO to input signal and connect second
channel to output.
3. Keep frequency of signal generator around 10kHz and increase the
amplitude. Observe the cross over distortion.

4. Gradually increase the input signal until the output signal gets
distorted. When this happens slightly reduce the input signal
amplitude such that output is maximum undistorted signal. Note
down the Vpeak of the output waveform and VCC.

5. Calculate the efficiency using equation %efficiency = [Pac/Pdc]x 100

Circuit Diagram:

Tabular column:

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RL in Ω Po=(Vop-p)2 / Pin = Vcc x (Idc1 + %ŋ=Po/Pinx100

Vop-p Idc 8RL Idc2)

Maximum Efficiency = _____________

Viva Questions:

1. What is an amplifier?
An amplifier is one which strengthens the signal i.e. it increases its

2. What are the different types of amplifiers?

The different types of amplifiers are voltage amplifiers, current
amplifiers, power amplifiers.

3. What are the different types of power amplifiers?

The different types of power amplifiers are class-A, class-B, class-AB,
class-C and class-D.

4. What are some of the applications of power amplifiers?

Power amplifiers are used in DVD players, audio systems and are also
used as audio and video amplifiers.

5. What is the conduction angle of Class-A power amplifier?

360 degree

6. What is the conduction angle of Class-B power amplifier?

180 degree

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7. What is the conduction angle of Class-AB power amplifier?

Between 180- 360 degree.

8. What is the conduction angle of Class-C power amplifier?

Less than 180 degree.

9. What is the efficiency of Class-A power amplifier?


10. How can we increase the efficiency of Class-A power amplifier?

We can increase the efficiency of a Class-A power amplifier by coupling
it with a transformer.

11. What is the efficiency of a transformer coupled Class-A power


12. What is the efficiency of a Class-B power amplifier?


13. What is the efficiency of a Class-AB power amplifier?

25% - 75%

14. What is the efficiency of a Class-C power amplifier?

Greater than 75%

15. What is the efficiency of a Class-D power amplifier?

Approximately 100%

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Cycle III experiments

Experiment No. 7 :-
Frequency characteristics of BJT amplifier

Aim: To design an RC coupled single stage BJT amplifier and to determine

frequency response, input and output impedances.

Components Required: SL100, capacitors and resistors of required values,

signal generator, CRO, DRB, connecting wires.

A single stage common emitter RC coupled amplifier is a simple
and elementary amplifier circuit. The main purpose of this circuit is pre-
amplification that is to make weak signals to be stronger enough for further
amplification. If designed properly, this RC coupled amplifier can provide
excellent signal characteristics.

The capacitor Cin at the input acts as a filter which is used to block the DC
voltage and allow only AC voltage to the transistor. If any external DC voltage
reaches the base of the transistor, it will alter the biasing conditions and affects
the performance of the amplifier. R1 and R2 resistors are used for providing
proper biasing to the bipolar transistor. R1 and R2 form a biasing network
which provides necessary base voltage to drive the transistor in active region.
The region between cut off and saturation region is known as active region. The
region where the bipolar transistor operation is completely switched off is
known as cut off region and the region where the transistor is completely
switched on is known as saturation region. Resistors Rc and Re are used to drop
voltage of Vcc. Resistor Rc are a collector resistor and Re is emitter resistor.
Both are selected in such a way that both should drop Vcc voltage by 50% in
the above circuit. The emitter capacitor Ce and emitter resistor Re makes a
negative feedback for making the circuit operation more stable. The Frequency
Response of an amplifier is presented in a form of a graph that shows output
amplitude (or, more often, voltage gain) plotted versus frequency. Typical plot
of the voltage gain of an amplifier versus frequency is shown in the figure. The
gain is null at zero frequency, then rises as frequency increases, level off for

increases in frequency, and then begins to drop again at high frequencies.

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1. Connections are made as shown in circuit diagram.
2. Measure the D.C. condition. VBE = ________Volts. VCE
3. The input voltage Vin is adjusted to a convenient value (Approximately
20 to 40 mV) within the distortion less limit and value must be kept
constant throughout the experiment.
4. Frequency of the input signal is varied from 100Hz to 2MHz in steps
and at each step, corresponding output Vo is noted down.
5. All readings are tabulated and graph of Voltage gain in dB V/s
frequency is drawn on a semi-log sheet.
6. 3dB bandwidth is determined from the frequency response curve.


1. A DRB is connected in series with the input as shown in figure.

2. In the mid frequency region (where the gain is constant) with R i = 0,
(i.e., all the knobs of DRB in Zero position.) the output voltage is
3. Now the DRB resistance is increased till the output voltage falls to half
of the initial value.
4. The corresponding DRB value gives the input impedance.


1. A DRB is connected across the output as shown in figure.

2. In the mid frequency region, say 10kHz (where the gain is constant)
with Ro = max, (i.e., all the knobs of DRB in Maximum position.) the
output voltage is measured.
3. Now the DRB resistance is decreased till the output voltage falls to half
of the initial value.
4. The corresponding DRB value gives the input impedance.

Circuit Diagram:

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Let 𝑉𝐶𝐸 = 5V, 𝛽=100 and 𝐼𝑐 = 2mA, for maximum output swing 𝑐𝑐 = 2𝑉𝐶𝐸 ∴
𝑉𝑐𝑐 = 10𝑉;

𝑉𝐸 Is chosen to be 10% of 𝑉𝐶𝐶. (Reason: Values of 𝑅𝐶 and 𝑅𝐸 are so selected

that 50% of 𝑉𝐶𝐶 gets dropped across the collector & emitter of the
transistor.This is done to ensure that the operating point is positioned at the
center of the load line. 40% of 𝑉𝑐𝑐 is dropped across 𝑅𝐶 and 10% of 𝑉𝑐𝑐 is
dropped across 𝑅𝐸. A higher voltage drop across 𝑅𝐸 will reduce the output
voltage swing and so it is a common practice to keep the voltage drop across 𝑅𝐸
= 10% of 𝑐𝑐 )

Therefore 𝑉𝐸=1V ∴ 𝑅𝐸 = 500Ω. (Choose 100 and 330Ω in series).

RC ; VB = VBE + VE; VB = 1.7V; 𝑉𝑅1 = (𝑉𝐶𝐶 − 𝑉𝐵) =


VB ;

1.7V =
10R2 = 1.7R1 + 1.7 R2; R1 = 4.8R2;
R2 is less than or equal to (βRe/10);
Choose R2 = 4.7KΩ. Therefore 𝑅1 is chosen approximately as 22KΩ.

Result: Frequency response is studied.

Viva Questions:

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1. What are frequency response characteristics of an amplifier?

The variation of voltage gain of an amplifier with frequency is frequency
response characteristics of amplifier.
2. Mention the stages in frequency response and give its causes.
a) Low frequency response (due to external capacitor).
b) Mid frequency response (due to amplifier).
c) High frequency response (due to internal capacitor).
3. How does amplifier behave for high and low frequencies?
High frequency: Amplifiers behave as low pass filter.
Low frequency: Amplifiers behave as high pass filter.
4. Bandwidth of an amplifier can be increased by?
Minimizing stray capacitance.
5. Lower cut off frequency of an amplifier is primarily determined by?
Capacitors of coupling and by pass capacitors.
6. The main reason for variation of amplifier gain with frequency is?
The presence of internal and external capacitance.
7. Define bandwidth and cut off frequencies.
BW: Range of acceptable frequencies. (OR) Difference between lower and
upper cut off frequencies.
Cut-off frequencies: Also called as half power frequencies are the frequency
obtained when gain is reduced by 1/√2 times the frequency response.
8. What is the impact of frequency response curve plotted for with and
without feedback?
The gain and bandwidth product remains same.
9. Explain how Gain-BW product remains constant?
Gain-BW product of an amplifier with feedback is same as Gain-BW product
of an amplifier without feedback. Because as we use negative feedback the gain
with feedback amplifier is given by
Af = A / (1+Aβ)

WKT, A×BW = Af × BWf

A×BW= (A/ (1+Aβ))× BWf

BWf = BW (1+Aβ)

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Hence as there is change OR decrease in gain with the factor (1+Aβ), there is an
increase in BW with (1+Aβ) factor. Hence Gain-BW product remains constant.

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Experiment No. 8:-

Emitter follower with and without Bootstrap

Aim: Design a BJT Darlington emitter follower and determine the gain input
and output impedances.

Components Required: NPN transistor, Resistors and Capacitors of

required values, Signal Generator, CRO, RPS and DMM.

A very popular connection of two BJTs for operation as one super
beta transistor is the Darlington connection. The main feature of Darlington
connection is that the composite transistor acts, as a single unit with a current
gain is equal to product of individual current gains. i.e. βD=β1xβ2 if β1= β2= β
Then βD= β2 To make the two transistors Darlington pair, the emitter terminal
of the first transistor is connected to the base of the second transistor and the
collector terminals of the two transistors are connected together. The result is
that emitter current of the first transistor is the base current of the second
Bootstrapping: In the field of electronics, a bootstrap circuit is one where part of
the output of an amplifier stage is applied to the input, so as to alter the input
impedance of the amplifier. When applied deliberately, the intention is usually to
increase rather than decrease the impedance. Generally, any technique where
part of the output of a system is used at startup is described as bootstrapping. In
analog circuit designs a bootstrap circuit is an arrangement of components
deliberately intended to alter the input impedance of a circuit. Usually it is
intended to increase the impedance, by using a small amount of positive
feedback, usually over two stages.

1. Study the circuit and draw the required tables.
2. Place the components on bread board and connect them as per given fig.
3. DC Conditions: - Connect the circuit without AC supply. Set V𝐶𝐶 = 12V.
Measure the DC voltage (using CRO /multimeter) at the Base (𝑉B2), Collector
(𝑉C2), Emitter (𝑉E2) w.r.t ground. Then determine 𝑉CE2 = C2 – 𝑉E2 and 𝐼C2 =
IE2 = VE2 / RE. Then Q point is (𝑉CE2, IC2).

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4. Connect the signal generator and apply a sine wave of peak-to-peak

amplitude 1V, 1KHz. Connect input and output (𝑉O) of the circuit to the two
channels of CRO. And observe the waveforms
5. Gradually increase the input signal until the output signal gets distorted.
When this happens slightly reduce the input signal amplitude such that output
is maximum undistorted signal. Then measure the magnitude of the input and
output waveform. Calculate Voltage gain.
6. Connect input and output (𝑉O) of the circuit to the two channels of CRO. And
observe the waveforms. Note down the waveform on the graph.
7. Find input and output impedance per given procedure.
8. Connect the bootstrap circuit RB & CB and make the necessary changes as per
figure b.
9. Find the gain, input and output impedance with this circuit. Voltage gain for
maximum undistorted output, AVM = Vo/Vi To measure𝐙𝒊:

Darlington Emitter
𝑉𝑖𝑛 Follower Circuit

Fig a1

1. Adjust the input sinusoidal peak to peak in such a way that the
output sine wave is not clipped.
2. Note down this value of the input Vin (Let the frequency of the input
be around 2kHZ).
3. Note down the peak to peak amplitude of the corresponding output
Vo. Let Vo = Va;
4. Connect a DRB (with zero resistance included) in series with the
Function generator.
5. Increase the resistance in DRB and observe the magnitude of the
output Vo simultaneously on the Oscilloscope.
6. When the magnitude of the output Vo is reduced to half of its
original value, stop varying the potentiometer further and remove
the DRB from the circuit. Vo=Va/2

7. Measure the value of the resistance in DRB and this measured value
will be the input impedance ( Ri) of the circuit.

To measure Zo:

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Darlington Emitter
Follower Circuit DRB Vo

Fig a2

1. Adjust the input sinusoidal peak to peak in such a way that the
output sine wave is not clipped.
2. Note down this value of the input Vin. (Let the frequency of the
input be around 2KHz)
3. Note down the peak to peak amplitude of the corresponding output
Vo . Let Vo=Va
4. Connect a DRB (with maximum resistance included) in parallel with
the load as shown in fig c.
5. Decrease the DRB and observe the magnitude of the output Vo
simultaneously on the Oscilloscope.
6. When the magnitude of the output Vo is reduced to half of its
original value, stop varying the resistance further and remove the
DRB from the circuit. Vo=Va/2
7. Measure the value of the DRB and this measured value will be the
output impedance ( Ro) of the circuit.

Let VCEq = 6V and IEq = 10mA;

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We choose VCEq to be usually half VCC for maximum output swing (placing the Q
point exactly at the center of the dc load line).

So, VCC = 12V, VRE = VCC − VCE = 6V; RE = (VCE /IE) = 0.6KΩ. Choose 560Ω.

Consider β1= β2= β =100.

IB2 = IE1 = IC2/ β = 0.1mA;

Therefore, IB1 = (IC1/ β) ≈ (IE1/ β)= 0.1m / 100 = 0.001 mA.

Apply KVL to B-E Loop

V2 = 0.6 +0.6 +6 =7.2 V;

R2 = V2 / 9IB1 = 800 kΩ;

R1 = (VCC – V2) / 10IB1 = 480 kΩ;

(Reason: The current “I” flows through both resistors R1 and R2. Very little
flows into the base of the transistor and is a negligible amount.
To ensure a good stability factor, the current “I” flowing through the resistors
should be in the magnitude of 10 times the base current flow as following. I =
10 × Ib)

Design of Bootstrap capacitor and resistor:

τ =(RB x CB)/D (Eq. 10) This relationship between the duty cycle and the step
response of the system allows us to understand that for lower duty cycles, the
time constant (τ) becomes larger (and thus the response is slower) and that for
higher duty cycles, the response is faster
To satisfy this equation, there are
lot of criterion We choose RB =
100KΩ and CB = 47𝜇𝐹.

Thus the Darlington’s Emitter follower was designed and studied. It is
proved that, by connecting bootstrap circuit, input impedance increases.

Parameters Avm =Vo/Vi Zi Zo

Without Bootstrap

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With bootstrap

Viva Questions:
1. What are the differences between CE,CB and CC amplifier?

1. In CC configuration we use to get the low output impedance where as in

CE we use to get the high output impedance.
2. In CC amplifier we use to have the voltage gain equal to unity where as
in CE amplifier we use to have the high voltage gain.
3. In CC amplifier there is high power gain which is used for impedance
matching where as in CE amplifier due to the high voltage gain the
impedance matching is less impossible.

2. Mention the characteristics of CC amplifier?

At low frequencies and using a simplified hybrid-pi model, the following
signal characteristics can be derived. (Parameter and the parallel lines indicate
components in parallel.)
3. What is gain BW product?
The gain–bandwidth product (designated as GBWP, GBW, GBP or GB) for
an amplifier is the product of the amplifier's bandwidth and the gain at which
the bandwidth is measured.
For devices such as operational amplifiers that are designed to have a simple
one-pole frequency response, the gain–bandwidth product is nearly independent
of the gain at which it is measured; in such devices the gain–bandwidth product
will also be equal to the unity-gain bandwidth of the amplifier

4. What is the effect in the output waveform if the base resistance RB has
been increased?
The base current will decrease and hence slope will also decrease.
5. What is the need of -VEE supply?
It provides bias for keeping transistor Q2 in active region. It also improves the
recovery time and linearity of the output.
6. Justify that the potential difference across R is constant?
Consider the situation at which the capacitor is charging. The potential at lower
end of the resistance R is increasing. At the same time the potential at the upper
end of the resistor is also increasing, since the emitter follower feeds back the
voltage to the capacitor C2 to the upper end of the resistor. As a result the
potential difference across the resistor remains constant.

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Experiment No. 9:-

RC coupled FET Amplifier

Aim: Wiring of R-C coupled Single stage FET amplifier and Determination of
the gain- frequency response.

Components Required: FET BFW10, Resistors and capacitors, CRO

probes, DMM, DRB, Spring board and connecting wires.

The FET is based around the concept that charge on a nearby object
can attract charges within a semiconductor channel. The FET consists of a
semiconductor channel with electrodes at either end referred to as the drain and
the source. A control electrode called the gate is placed in very close proximity
to the channel so that its electric charge is able to affect the channel. In this way,
the gate of the FET controls the flow of carriers (electrons or holes) flowing
from the source to drain. It does this by controlling the size and shape of the
conductive channel. The semiconductor channel where the current flow occurs
may be either P-type or Ntype. This gives rise to two types or categories of FET
known as P-Channel and N-Channel FETs.

Common source FET configuration is probably

the most widely used of all the FET circuit
Like its bipolar counterpart the common emitter
circuit, the FET common source amplifier
provides a good level of all round performance
for many applications.
The common source circuit provides a medium input and output impedance
levels. Both current and voltage gain can be
described as medium, but the output is the inverse of the input, i.e. 180° phase
change. This provides a good overall performance and as such it is often
thought of as the most widely used configuration.


1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Measure the D.C. condition.
3. The input voltage is adjusted to a convenient value within the
distortion less limit and value must be kept constant throughout the
4. Frequency of the input signal is varied from 100 Hz to 2 MHz in
steps and at each step, corresponding output Vo is noted down.

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5. All readings are tabulated and graph of voltage gain in dB V/s

frequency is drawn on a semi-log sheet.
6. 3 dB bandwidth is determined from the frequency response curve
Expected Graph:

Circuit Diagram:




2M 330Ω 47uF

VDD = 10V; VP = −4V; IDSS = 12mA; RG = 2MΩ (Given).
The almost vertical part of the drain characteristics curve is called Ohmic
Region, there
RDS = (−VP/IDSS );

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For a self-bias circuit, there is a medium value of RS at which VGS is half the
cutoff voltage, there RS = RDS ;

Therefore, RS = 333Ω. Choose 330Ω

Solving Shockley’s equation and VGS = −ID × RS

We get ID = 4.6mA (the other root of the quadratic equation so obtained by

solving the above two is not considered as it gives ID more than IDSS )

RD = (VDD − VDS − (𝐼𝐷 × 𝑅𝑆))/ RS;

VDS = (50% of VDD );

RD = 756Ω. Choose 820Ω.




Input Voltage Vin= ________Volts.

Sl. # Frequency in Vo in Volts. Gain dB=20 log10 (Vo/Vin)

AV = ______

BW = ______

Viva Questions:

1 .How to find half power frequency?

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First we have to find voltage gain Av, then we have to divide by then we
will get half power frequency.

2. What is bandwidth?
Bandwidth is a difference between higher frequency to the lower frequency.

3. FET is a which kind of device?

FET is a voltage controlled current device, because the output drain current
is controlled by the input voltage .

4. What is the use of using coupling capacitor & bypass capacitor in an RC

coupled amplifier circuit?
Coupling capacitors used to block dc current flow through load and the
source. The source bypass capacitor is connected to avoid negative feedback.

5. Define amplification factor?

It is defined as the product of Trans conductance and drain resistance.

6. What is meant by amplifier?

An amplifier is a circuit which increases the voltage, current, power level of
input signal where the frequency is maintained constant from output to input

7. What is the necessity of cascading?

To increase the gain of an amplifier, we need the cascading.

8. Define RC coupled amplifier?

An amplifier in which resistance-capacitance coupling is employed between
stages and at the input and output point of the circuit is known as RC coupled

9. What is loading effect?

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Loading refers to the phenomena that occurs when a load circuit having low
effective impedance is connected to a supply circuit having higher effective
impedance. This happens because the net parallel resistance is lower than any
individual resistors making up the parallel combination.

10. Which type of biasing is used in RC coupled amplifier?

Voltage divider biasing is used in RC coupled amplifier.

11. Why RC coupling is preferred in audio range?

RC coupling has a great frequency response. The gain is uniform over the
audio frequency range, hence it is preferred in audio range.

12. Why in RC coupled frequency response graph, the frequency remains

constant in the middle?
As the frequency increases in this range, reactance of a coupling capacitor
decreases which in result increases the gain. However, at the same time lower
reactance means higher loading effect of first stage to the next one and hence
gain decreases. Thus, these two factor almost cancel each other, resulting in a
uniform gain at this mid frequency.

13. Impedance matching is poor for an RC coupled amplifier, Why?

Because the output impedance of RC coupled amplifier is several hundred
ohms, whereas the input impedance of a speaker is only few ohms.

14. How FET will works as an amplifier?

In FET VGS varies as input signal varies in turn the drain current varies
hence FET will works as an amplifier.

15. What is the application of RC coupled FET amplifier?

It is commonly used in RF communication and optical fiber communication

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Cycle IV experiments
Experiment No. 10
RF Oscillators (Hartley & Collpit’s)

Aim: To design and test Hartley and Colpitt’s oscillator for the given
frequency of oscillations
crystal oscillator.

Components required:
Particulars Range Quantity
1. Transistor SL 100 - 01
2. Resistors & Capacitors As per design -
3. CRO Probes - 3 Set
4. Multi meter - 01
5. DCB, DIB - 2 each
6. Spring board and connecting wires - -

An oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a repetitive electronic
signal, often a sine wave or a square wave. The Hartley oscillator is an LC
electronic oscillator that derives its feedback from a tapped coil in parallel with
a capacitor (the tank circuit). A Hartley oscillator is essentially any
configuration that uses a pair of series-connected coils and a single capacitor. It
was invented by Ralph Hartley.
A Colpitts oscillator, named after its inventor Edwin H. Colpitts, is one
of a number of designs for electronic oscillator circuits using the combination of
an inductance (L) with a capacitor (C) for frequency determination, thus also
called LC oscillator. One of the key features of this type of oscillator is its
simplicity (needs only a single inductor) and robustness. A Colpitts oscillator is
the electrical dual of a Hartley oscillator. Fig. 1 shows the basic Colpitts circuit,
where two capacitors and one inductor determine the frequency of oscillation.
The feedback needed for oscillation is taken from a voltage divider made by the
two capacitors, where in the Hartley

oscillator the feedback is taken from a voltage divider made by two inductors (or a

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tapped single inductor).

The basic CE amplifier provides 180 phase shift and the feedback
network provides the remaining 180 phase shift so that the overall phase shift
is 360 to satisfy the Barkhausen criteria. The Barkhausen criteria states that in
a positive feedback amplifier to obtain sustained oscillations, the overall loop
gain must be unity (1) and the overall phase shift must be 0 or 360 .
When the power supply is switched on, due to random motion of
electrons in passive components like resistor, capacitor a noise voltage of
different frequencies will be developed at the collector terminal of transistor, out
of these the designed frequency signal is fed back to the amplifier by the
feedback network and the process repeats to give suitable oscillation at output

Select the transistor having the following parameters,
IE = IC = 2mA, 𝛽 = 100, VCE = 5V;

Selection of RE:

𝑉𝐶𝐶 = 100𝑉, We normally take 𝑉𝐸 to be 10% of 𝑉𝐶𝐶. Therefore, 𝐸= 1𝑉.

WKT, 𝑉𝐸 = 𝐼𝐸𝑅𝐸, hence . Choose 𝑅𝐸 = 470Ω.

Selection of 𝑅𝐶:

Taking 𝑉𝐶𝐸 = 𝑉𝐶𝐶/2 and applying KVL to output loop we have, 𝑅𝐶 = (𝑉𝐶𝐶 −
𝑉𝐶𝐸 − 𝑉𝐸)/𝐼𝐸. By substituting the values we have 𝑅𝐶 = 2.2𝐾Ω.

Selection of 𝑅1 & 𝑅2:

From circuit, 𝑉𝐵 = 𝑉𝐵𝐸 + 𝑉𝐸; Therefore, 𝑉𝐵 = 1.7𝑉;

By applying voltage divider rule we have 𝑉𝐵 = (𝑉𝐶𝐶
× 𝑅2)/(𝑅1 + 𝑅2); By substituting the values we get
𝑅1 = 4.8𝑅2; Assume 𝑅2 = 4.7𝐾Ω, then, 𝑅1 = 22𝐾Ω.

Selection of bypass capacitors:

In the basic series feedback circuit above, the emitter resistor, R E performs two
functions: DC negative feedback for stable biasing and AC negative feedback
for signal trans conductance and voltage gain specification. But as the emitter

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resistance is a feedback resistor, it will also reduce the amplifiers gain due to
fluctuations in the emitter current IE owing to the AC input signal.
To overcome this problem a capacitor, called an “Emitter Bypass Capacitor”, CE
is connected across the emitter resistance as shown. This bypass capacitor
causes the frequency response of the amplifier to break at a designated cut-off
frequency, ƒc, by-passing (hence its name) signal currents to ground.
Being a capacitor it appears as an open circuit for the DC bias and therefore, the
biased currents and voltages are unaffected by the addition of the bypass
capacitor. Over the amplifiers operating range of frequencies, the capacitors
reactance, XC will be extremely high at low frequencies producing a negative
feedback effect, reducing the amplifiers gain.
The value of this bypass capacitor CE is generally chosen to provide a capacitive
reactance of, at most one-tenth (1/10th) of the value of the emitter resistor RE at
the lowest cut-off frequency point. Then assuming that the lowest signal
frequency to be amplified is 100 Hz. The value of the bypass capacitor C E is
calculated as:
, At f = 100Hz, by substituting the values we get C= 33 .
Choose C = 47µF.
(Select Coupling capacitors to be 0.47µF).
Circuit for Hartley oscillator:

Hartley oscillator: Design of tank circuit:

Let ; WKT,

Assume C = 1000pF, then But , Hence,

Choose .

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Circuit for Colpitts oscillator:

Colpitts oscillator: Design of tank circuit.

Let 𝑓𝑜 = 100𝐾𝐻𝑧; WKT,

Assume 𝐶1 = 𝐶2 = 1000pF, where we get, 𝐿 = 5𝑚𝐻;

1. Components / equipment are tested for their good working condition.
2. Connections are made as shown in the diagram.
3. By disconnecting the AC source measure the quiescent point (VCE and
IC = VRC / RC) and VBE.
4. Observe the output wave form on CRO and measure the frequency.
5. Verify the frequency with the crystal frequency.

Hartley Oscillator:
Q Point: VCE = _____ V, 𝐼𝐶 = ______ mA

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𝑓𝑜 Theoretical = __________ Hz, 𝑓𝑜 Practical = ____________ Hz

Colpitt’s Oscillator:
Q Point: VCE = _____ V, 𝐼𝐶 = ______ mA

𝑓𝑜 Theoretical = __________ Hz, 𝑓𝑜 Practical =

____________ Hz

Viva Questions:

1. What are oscillators?

An oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a repetitive
electronic signal, often a sine wave or a square wave

2. What is Barkhausen’s criterion?

It states the two conditions that must be met to obtain sustained

i) Loop gain =
1 ; i.e., Aβ = 1; ii)
Loop phase shift =
0⁰ (or) 360⁰ .

3. How do the oscillation initially start?

When the power supply is switched on, due to random motion of
electrons in passive components like resistors and capacitors, a noise voltage of
different frequencies will be developed at the collector terminal of the transistor,
out of these, the designed frequency signal is fed back to the amplifier by the
feedback n/w and the process repeats to give suitable oscillations at output

4. How are oscillations produced in the tank circuit?

The tanks circuit mainly consists of an inductor and a capacitor
connected together (LC n/w). An LC circuit, oscillating at its natural resonant
frequency, can store electrical energy. A capacitor stores energy in the electric
field (E) between its plates, depending on the voltage across it, and an inductor
stores energy in its magnetic field (B), depending on the current through it.

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If an inductor is connected across a charged capacitor, current will start to flow

through the inductor, building up a magnetic field around it and reducing the
voltage on the capacitor. Eventually all the charge on the capacitor will be gone
and the voltage across it will reach zero. However, the current will continue,
because inductors resist changes in current. The current will begin to charge the
capacitor with a voltage of opposite polarity to its original charge. Due to
Faraday's law, the EMF which drives the current is caused by a decrease in the
magnetic field, thus the energy required to charge the capacitor is extracted
from the magnetic field. When the magnetic field is completely dissipated the
current will stop and the charge will again be stored in the capacitor, with the
opposite polarity as before. Then the cycle will begin again, with the current
flowing in the opposite direction through the inductor.

5. Which type of biasing is used in the oscillator circuit?

Voltage divider biasing is used.

6. What is the use of coupling capacitors?

Coupling capacitors are used to provide isolation between AC & DC

7. What is the expression for frequency of oscillations obtained?

The frequency of oscillations is given by,

For Hartley, where 𝐿𝑒𝑞 = 𝐿1 +

𝐿2 1
𝑓0 2𝜋 𝐶𝑒𝑞 ×𝐿
For Colpitt’s, = where

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Experiment No. 11:

Crystal Oscillator

Aim: Testing for the performance of BJT -Crystal oscillator for f0 > 100 KHz.
Transistor, Crystal 2MHz, Capacitors, Resistors, POT, CRO, Power supply,
Connecting wire Multimeter, CRO probes etc.

A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses the mechanical
resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical
signal with a very precise frequency. This frequency is commonly used to keep
track of time, to provide a stable clock signal for digital integrated circuits and
to stabilize frequencies for radio transmitters and receivers, the most common
type of piezoelectric resonator used is the quartz crystal, so the oscillator
designed using this crystal us called as the Crystal Oscillator.

Circuit diagram:

Select the transistor having the following parameters,
IE = IC = 2mA, 𝛽 = 100, VCE = 5V;

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Selection of RE:

𝑉𝐶𝐶 = 100𝑉, We normally take 𝑉𝐸 to be 10% of 𝑉𝐶𝐶. Therefore, 𝐸= 1𝑉.

WKT, 𝑉𝐸 = 𝐼𝐸𝑅𝐸, hence . Choose 𝑅𝐸 = 470Ω.

Selection of 𝑅𝐶:

Taking 𝑉𝐶𝐸 = 𝑉𝐶𝐶/2 and applying KVL to output loop we have, 𝑅𝐶 = (𝑉𝐶𝐶 −
𝑉𝐶𝐸 − 𝑉𝐸)/𝐼𝐸. By substituting the values we have 𝑅𝐶 = 2.2𝐾Ω.

Selection of 𝑅1 & 𝑅2:

From circuit, 𝑉𝐵 = 𝑉𝐵𝐸 + 𝑉𝐸; Therefore, 𝑉𝐵 = 1.7𝑉;

By applying voltage divider rule we have 𝑉𝐵 = (𝑉𝐶𝐶
× 𝑅2)/(𝑅1 + 𝑅2); By substituting the values we get
𝑅1 = 4.8𝑅2; Assume 𝑅2 = 4.7𝐾Ω, then, 𝑅1 = 22𝐾Ω.

Selection of bypass capacitors:

In the basic series feedback circuit above, the emitter resistor, R E performs two
functions: DC negative feedback for stable biasing and AC negative feedback
for signal trans conductance and voltage gain specification. But as the emitter
resistance is a feedback resistor, it will also reduce the amplifiers gain due to
fluctuations in the emitter current IE owing to the AC input signal. To overcome
this problem a capacitor, called an “Emitter Bypass Capacitor”, CE is connected
across the emitter resistance as shown. This bypass capacitor causes the
frequency response of the amplifier to break at a designated cut-off frequency,
ƒC, by-passing (hence its name) signal currents to ground.
Being a capacitor it appears as an open circuit for the DC bias and therefore, the
biased currents and voltages are unaffected by the addition of the bypass
capacitor. Over the amplifiers operating range of frequencies, the capacitors
reactance, XC will be extremely high at low frequencies producing a negative
feedback effect, reducing the amplifiers gain.
The value of this bypass capacitor CE is generally chosen to provide a capacitive
reactance of, at most one-tenth (1/10th) of the value of the emitter resistor RE at
the lowest cut-off frequency point. Then assuming that the lowest signal
frequency to be amplified is 100 Hz. The value of the bypass capacitor C E is
calculated as:
𝑋𝐶𝐸 = 𝑅𝐸/10, At f = 100Hz, by substituting the values we get C= 33𝜇𝐹. Choose
C = 47µF.
(Select Coupling capacitors to be 0.47µF).

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VBE =______Volts. VCE =______Volts.


1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Measure the D.C. condition.
3. Vary the 1k potentiometer so as to get an un-distorted sine wave at
the output.
4. Note down the amplitude & frequency of the output wave &
frequency has to match with the crystal frequency.


Frequency = __________Hz.

Viva Questions:
1. What is Crystal oscillator?
A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses mechanical
resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical
signal with precise frequency.

2. Which are two modes of resonance the crystal oscillator provides?

i) Parallel
ii) Series

3. What is the typical value of ‘Q’ of a crystal?


4. What is the electrical equivalent circuit of a piezoelectric crystal?

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It is a capacitor C’ connected in parallel to a coil L, a capacitor C and a resistor

R. the L is the electrical equivalent of the crystal mass that is effective when it
vibrates, C is the electrical equivalent of mechanical compliance, R is electrical
equivalent of mechanical friction and C’ is the capacitance between the

5. What are the advantages crystal oscillators?

i) Crystal has very high ‘Q’ value. ii) Generates a
very stable signal. iii) Low level of phase noise. iv)
When used in a filter, it is possible to achieve very high
v) Low cost.

6. Give some applications of crystal oscillators.

They are used in quartz wrist watches, to provide stable clock signal in circuits,
used in radio transmitters and receivers, used in computers etc.. In the modern
age basically almost all electronic circuits contain a crystal oscillator.

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Experiment No. 12:

RC Phase shift Oscillator

Aim: To design and test an RC phase shift oscillator for the given
frequency of oscillations.

Components Required:
Particulars Range Quantity
1. Transistor SL 100 - 01
2. Resistors & Capacitors As per design -
3. CRO Probes - 3 Set
4. Multi meter - 01
5. DRB - 01
6. Spring board and connecting wires - -

An oscillator is an Electronic circuit that produces a repetitive electronic
signal, often a sine wave or a square wave. RC-phase shift oscillator is used
generally at low frequencies (Audio frequency). It consists of a CE amplifier as
basic amplifier circuit and three identical RC networks for feedback, each
section of RC network introduces a phase shift of 60 and the total phase shift
by feedback network is 180 . The CE amplifier introduces 180 phase shift
hence the overall phase shift is 360 . The feedback factor for an RC phase shift
oscillator is 1/29, hence the gain of amplifier (A) should be 29 to satisfy
Barkhausen criteria.
The Barkhausen criteria states that in a positive feedback amplifier to
obtain sustained oscillations, the overall loop gain must be unity (1) and the
overall phase shift must be 0 or 360 . The amount of phase shift in the circuit
depends upon the values of the resistor and the capacitor and the chosen
frequency of oscillations with the phase angle being given as

tan 1 XRC

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Circuit diagram:


Choosing the Q-point,

WKT, 𝐼𝐷𝑆𝑆 = 8𝑚𝐴 and Vp=


Using Shockley’s equation

We get 𝑉𝐺𝑆𝑞 = -3V;

(Assume 𝐼𝐷𝑞 = 0.5𝑚𝐴)

Applying KVL to output
side, we have
+ 𝑅𝑆) For better
amplification select 𝑉𝐷𝑆
such that it is greater than

Let 𝑉𝐷𝑆 be 8V and 𝑉𝐷𝐷 = 34V;

Therefore, if we select 𝑅𝑆 to be 5.6K, then from the above equation we get

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; (We know that the gain of the amplifier has to be greater than 29. So
we have
chosen RD such that the loss occurred in the tank circuit is compensated and
sustained oscillations are obtained)

If 1m , then gain
= 1m × 47K ;

For RC network:

For , Choose, C=0.01uF,

= 25.98 K , Choose R=27K ;


1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in the figure.

2. Switch on the power supply.
3. Connect the O/P terminals to C.R.O.
4. Observe the sinusoidal wave form on C.R.O. Determine the time period (T)
of the wave form and frequency (1/T).


Viva Questions:

1. Classify the sinusoidal oscillators.

Sinusoidal oscillators are classified as RC and LC oscillators. The LC
oscillators are used for high frequency signal generation, while the RC
oscillators are used for audio frequency signal generation.

2. What are the practical applications of a phase shift oscillator?

RC phase shift oscillators are widely used as audio frequency

3. What happens when is removed? Why?

When is removed, feedback exists and the gain of the amplifier
decreases. Therefore, the oscillation gets damped.

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4. Why a minimum value is necessary for the circuit to function as

an oscillator?
A minimum is necessary to obtain sufficient gain for the amplifier part to
satisfy the Barkhausen criteria for oscillations.

5. How does one RC section generate a phase difference of 60⁰ ?

Phase shift introduced by one RC section is equal to . Suitable
values of R and C will provide 60⁰ phase shift between input and output of one
RC network at a particular frequency.

6. Expression for frequency of RC phase shift oscillator.

For a BJT ckt :- ; For a FET ckt :- ; where k =

7. What is the formula for feedback fraction?

Feedback fraction β=output of feedback circuit/input to feedback circuit.

8. What is other name of phase shift oscillator? Fixed frequency


15. What are the advantages of using RC phase shift oscillator?

1. Simple to design.
2. Can produce output over audio frequency range.
3. Produces sinusoidal output.
4. It is fixed frequency oscillator.
16. What are the disadvantages of using RC phase shift oscillator?
1. To vary the frequency, values of R and C of all three sections are to be
varied simultaneously which is practically difficult.
2. Frequency stability is poor. 3. Circuit will give low output.
17. What are the applications of RC oscillator?
1. Used in commercial audio frequency generator.
2. Used in low frequency applications


[1] What are conductors, insulators, and semi-conductors? Give
[2] Name different types of semiconductors.

[3] What are intrinsic semiconductors and extrinsic semiconductors?

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[4] How do you get P-type and N-type semiconductors?

[5] What is doping? Name different levels of doping.

[6] Name different types of Dopants. .

[7] What do you understand by Donor and acceptor atoms?

[8] What is the other name for p-type and N-type semiconductors?

[9] What are majority carriers and minority carriers?

[10] What is the effect of temperature on semiconductors?

[11] What is drift current?.

[12] What is depletion region or space charge region?

[13] What is junction potential or potential barrier in PN junction?

[14] What is a diode? Name different types of diodes and name its
[15] What is biasing? Name different types w.r.t. Diode biasing

[16] How does a diode behave in its forward and reverse biased
[17] What is static and dynamic resistance of diode?

[18] Why the current in the forward biased diode takes exponential
[19] What do you understand 1?y Avalanche breakdown and zener
[20] Why diode is called unidirectional device.

[21] What is PIV of a diode

[22] What is knee voltage or cut-in voltage?

[23] What do you mean by transition capacitance or space charge

[24] What do you mean by diffusion capacitance or storage
[25] What is a transistor? Why is it called so? .

[26] Name different types, of transistors?

[27] Name different configurations in which the transistor is operated

[28] Mention the applications of transistor. Explain how transistor is

used as switch
[29] What is transistor biasing? Why is it necessary?

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[30] What are the three different regions in which the transistor works?

[31] Why transistor is called current controlled device?

[32] What is FET? Why it is called so?

[33] What are the parameters of FET?

[34] What are the characteristics of FET?

[35] Why FET is known as voltage controlled device?

[36] What are the differences between BJT and FET?

[37] Mention applications of FET. What is pinch off voltage.

[38] What is an amplifier? What is the need for an amplifier circuit?

[39] How do you classify amplifiers? ,

[40] What is faithful amplification? How do you achieve this?

[41] What is coupling? Name different types of coupling

[42] What is operating point or quiescent point?

[43] What do you mean by frequency response of an amplifier?

[44] What are gain, Bandwidth, lower cutoff frequency and upper cutoff
[45] What is the figure of merit of an amplifier circuit?

[46] What are the advantages of RC coupled amplifier?

[47] Why a 3db point is taken to calculate Bandwidth?

[48] What is semi-log graph sheet? Why it is used to plot frequency

[49] How do you test a diode, transistor, FET?

[50] How do you identify the terminals of Diode, Transistor& FET?

[51] Mention the type number of the devices used in your lab.

[52] Describe the operation of NPN transistor. Define reverse saturation

[51] Explain Doping w.r.t. Three
regions of transistor [52] Explain the
terms hie/hib, hoe/hob, hre/hrb,
[53] Explain thermal runaway. How it can be prevented.

[54] Define FET parameters and write the relation between them.

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[55] What are Drain Characteristics and transfer characteristics?

[56] Explain the construction and working of FET

[57] What is feedback? Name different types.

[58] What is the effect of negative feedback on the characteristics of an

[59] Why common collector amplifier is known as emitter follower
[60] What is the application of emitter follower ckt?

[61] What is cascading and cascoding? Why do you cascade the

amplifier ckts.?
[62] How do you determine the value of capacitor?

[63] Write down the diode current equation.

[64] Write symbols of various passive and active components [65] How

do you determine the value of resistor by color code method?

[66] What is tolerance and power rating of resistor?

[67] Name different types of resistors.

[68] How do you classify resistors?

[69] Name different types of capacitors.

[70] What are clipping circuits? Classify them.

[71] Mention the application of clipping circuits.

[72] What are clamping circuits? Classify them [73] What is the other

name of clamping circuits?

[74] Mention the applications of clamping circuits.

[75] What is Darlington emitter follower circuit?

[76] Can we increase the number of transistors in Darlington emitter

follower circuit?
[77] Name different types of Emitter follower circuits.

[78] What is an Oscillator? Classify them.

[79] What are damped & Un-damped Oscillations?

[80] What are Barkhausen's criteria?

[81] What type of oscillator has got more frequency stability?

[82] What is the disadvantage of Hartley & Colpit's Oscillator?

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[83] Why RC tank Circuit Oscillator is used for AF range?

[84] Why LC tank Circuit Oscillator is used for RF range?

[85] What type of feedback is used in Oscillator circuit?

[86] In a Transistor type No. SL 100 and in Diode BY 127, what does
SL and BY stands for?
[87] Classify Amplifiers based on: operating point selection.

[88] What is the efficiency of Class B push pull amplifier?

[89] What is the drawback of Class B Push pull Amplifier? How it is

[90] What is the advantage of having complimentary symmetry push
pull amplifier?
[91] What is Bootstrapping? What is the advantage of bootstrapping?

[92] State Thevenin's Theorem and Maximum power transfer theorem.

[93] What is the figure of merit of resonance circuit?

[94] What is the application of resonant circuit?

[95] What is a rectifier? Classify.

[96] What is the efficiency of half wave and full wave rectifier?

[97] What is the advantage of Bridge rectifier of Centre tapped type

[98] What is the different between Darlington emitter follower circuit &

Voltage follower circuit using Op-Amp. Which is better


1. Design a single stage CE amplifier using BJT with voltage divider bias (Q-
pt: 5V, 2mA) without feedback and obtain frequency response, determine
Gain, input and output impedances and find GBW.
2. Design a single stage CE amplifier using BJT with voltage divider bias (Q-
pt: 5V, 2mA) with feedback and obtain frequency response, determine
Gain, input and output impedance and find GBW.
3. Rig up a single stage BJT CE amplifier using voltage divider bias (Q-pt: 5V, 2mA)
with and without feedback and determine the GBW from its frequency response.

4. Design and set up a FWR with and without filter to determine ripple factor and
rectifier efficiency.

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5. Design and set up a Bridge Rectifier with and without filter to determine ripple
factor and rectifier efficiency.

6. Conduct an experiment to test:

(i) Single ended diode clipping circuit.
(ii) Positive clamping circuit.
7. Conduct an experiment to test:
(i) Double ended diode clipping circuit.
(ii) Negative clamping circuit.
8. Conduct an experiment on series voltage regulator using Zener diode and power
transistor to determine line and load regulation characteristics.

9. Realize BJT Darlington Emitter Follower with and without Bootstrapping and
determine the gain, input and output impedances at f=10KHz.

10. Plot the transfer and drain characteristics of a JFET and calculate its drain
resistance, transconductance and amplification factor.
11. Design, setup and plot the frequency response of a common source JFET amplifier
and obtain the BW.

12. Plot the transfer and drain characteristics of an n-channel MOSFET and calculate
its drain resistance, transconductance and amplification factor.
13. Rig up the circuit of a complementary symmetry Class B Push-Pull amplifier and
calculate the efficiency.

14. Design and set up the Hartley’s Oscillator using BJT and determine the frequency
of oscillations
15. Design and set up the Colpitt’s Oscillator using BJT and determine the frequency
of oscillations
16. Design and set up the crystal oscillator and determine the frequency of

17. Design and set up the RC phase shift Oscillator using FET and calculate frequency
of output waveform.

Department of ECE, RNSIT, Bengaluru - 560 098 Page 93


18. Design and test the working of clipping circuit for the following transfer


19. Design and test clamping circuits which changes the positive peak to a level of: (i)
(ii) -2V
(iii) Vγ

20. Design and test clamping circuits which changes the negative peak to a level of: (iv)
(v) -3V
(vi) Vγ

Department of ECE, RNSIT, Bengaluru - 560 098 Page 94

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