School Contingency Plan For COVID-19 Outbreak

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School Contingency Plan for COVID-19 Outbreak

1. School Opening Decision

Outbreak Risk Assessment

1. Beijing Indigenous
2. Hubei/Wuhan
3. Risk of Imported Cases

Policy Tracking School Opening Decision

1. Ministry of Education 1. Staggered School
2. Beijing Municipality Opening
3. Shunyi Education 2. All Grades Open Reporting to
Committee Authorities

School Preparedness
1. Staff & Facilities
2. Communication &
Education Starting the
3. Resources & Supplies Contingency

Staggered School Opening Plan

Grade 12 and Grade 9 begin first.
Other grades of High School/Middle School start subsequently.
After that, Grades 6, 5, 4 in Primary School will begin.
Grades 3, 2, 1 and Foundation Year will be the last to open.

2. Collection of Information Before & After the Opening of School

2.1 Information Collection 14 Days before School Opens
2.1.1 Travel history & considerations for those from specific districts.
2.1.2 Health statement card & health certificates.
2.2 Daily Reporting after School Opens
2.2.1 Student and staff (including contracted employees) attendance records.
2.2.2 Absentee records.
2.2.3 Visitor enrollment.
2.2.4 Roster of boarding students.
Appendix 01 Health Statement Card
Appendix 02 Travel Information & Health Observation

3. Precautionary Measures
3.1 Curriculum and Course Adjustments
3.1.1 Assess the potential health risk for each class (e.g. PE, Music).
3.1.2 Adjust the curriculum and change the teaching practices for classes with higher health risks.
3.1.3 Moderate the use of classrooms in the basement.
3.2. Set up Parent Pick-up Areas Outside of School Gate
3.3 Masks to Be Worn in All Public Places and Outdoor Crowded Places
3.4 Hand Sanitizers
3.4.1 Hand sanitizers will be placed near the doors of elevators.
3.4.2 Hand sanitizers will be places near the door of each classroom.
3.4.3 Hand sanitizers will be placed in public places where there is not water and soap.
3.5 Health Rules in Classrooms and Offices
3.5.1 One-meter safety distance rule: all students and staff should maintain one-meter distance from others
at all times.
3.5.2 Avoid group activities.
3.5.3 Self-reporting of symptoms.
3.5.4 Handwashing after touching public items (e.g. doors, printers.)
3.5.5 Cough courtesy.
3.5.6 Open windows 3 times per day, 30 minutes each time.
3.6 Health Rules for Meetings and Group Activities
3.6.1 Cancel large meetings and conferences (more then 50 people) or hold online.
3.6.2 Minimize meetings or hold online.
3.6.3 Cancel all indoor group activities.
3.6.4 If necessary, arrange group activities outdoors and be mindful of the one-meter distance rule.
3.7 Health Rules in Dining Halls
3.7.1 Stagger eating times to reduce population density, especially important when more than two grade
levels have returned.
3.7.2 Table and seating limitations: large round table, 3 seats per table; middle square table, 2 seats per
3.7.3 Set one-meter lines in areas where individuals collect their food.
3.7.4 Take off masks one minute before eating and avoid speaking during meals.
3.7.5 Retrieve meal all at one time, rather than making several trips.
3.7.6 Use grey collection bins for more dish collection locations.
3.7.7 Cancel the shared morning break snacks.
3.7.8 Cancel event meals and group dining.
3.7.9 Open windows before and after mealtimes.
3.8 Health Rules for Boarding Students
3.8.1 Fourteen-day quarantine required for students coming from outside of Beijing; single room
arrangement and strict procedures for quarantine.
3.8.2 Follow health precautions and procedures.
3.8.3 Hold dorm competition and dorm meetings online rather than in person.
3.8.4 Open windows in dorm rooms 3 times per day, 30 minutes each time.
3.9 Facilities and Ground Transportation
4.9.1 Adjust desks and tables in classrooms, offices and other indoor areas to allow for one-meter safety
4.8.2 Increase number of shuttle buses to meet less than 50% passenger load on each bus.
4.9.3 Close Gyms.

4. Health Surveillance
4.1 Temperature Checks & Reporting
4.1.1 Body temperature checks before getting on shuttle buses.
4.1.2 Infrared ray temperature check at gate.
4.1.3 Body temperature check in classrooms in the morning and after lunch.
4.1.3 Body temperature check in dorms in evening.
4.1.4 Ongoing symptom screening in classrooms and dorms (e.g. coughing, fever, etc.)
4.2 Health Center Services
4.2.1 Separate consultation rooms in Health Center
4.2.2 Separate home medicine area in Health Center
4.2.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for visitors
4.2.4 PPE for medical staff
4.2.5 Specific PPE (protection level 2) for escorting students or staff with fever to isolation rooms.
4.3 Health Hotline Services
4.4 Absence Reporting and Tracking
Appendix 03 Body Temperature & Symptom Report Procedures
Appendix 04 Absence Reporting and Tracking Procedures

5. Education and Communication

5.1 Communication
5.1.1 Weekly communication letter to parents, students, and staff.
5.1.2 Signage stating health rules around the school, including the following locations: classrooms, offices,
public areas, restrooms, elevators, dining halls, dorms, school buses.
5.1.3 Frequent communication through web bulletins.
5.2 Education: Special Training before Classes Resume for Students
5.2.1 Epidemic information.
5.2.2 Health rules.
5.2.3 Mask-wearing & hand-washing.
5.3 Psychological support
5.3.1 Support for groups.
5.3.2 Support for individuals.

6. Sterilization & Disinfection

6.1 Indoor Disinfection Operation Procedures
6.2 Outdoor Disinfection Operation Procedures
6.3 Disinfection Procedures for Toilets
6.4 Specific Rubbish Tins and Bags for Used Masks in Each Classroom and Public Places
Appendix 05 Disinfection Operation Procedures of Keystone Academy

7. Emergency Response
7.1 Temporary Isolation Rooms
7.1.1 Indoor, separate areas, near exits.
7.1.2 Equipped with chairs, water, hand sanitizers, masks, computers, landline telephones.
7.2 Procedure for Students with Fever in School
7.3 Procedure for Infected Cases Reported Outside of School
7.4 Table and Simulation Drills for Preparedness
7.4.1 Table drills: fever in school, case outside of school.
7.4.2 Simulation drills: general operations, fever of student in a classroom, fever of
boarding student.
Appendix 06 Procedures for Students with Fever in School

8. Virus Nucleic Acid Test and Vaccination

8.1 Virus Nucleic Acid Test
8.1.1 Arrange nucleic acid tests in assigned location for at-risk groups, as required by Education
8.1.2 Provide tests for all if available.
8.2 Provide Vaccinations for All Students and Staff when Approved and Proven effective
8.3 Guarantee Quality and Safety when Obtaining Testing and Vaccinations
Appendix 01

Health Statement Card

Name Gender Male
ID/Passport Number Age
Identity  Student Grade and Class:
 Keystone Staff Department:
 3rd Party Staff Vendor:
 Relative of Residents Dorm No.:
 Home Attendants Dorm No.:
 Visitor Host:
 Others Please State Reason for Coming onto
Health Statement
Your Health Observation Status

 I have not left Beijing since 15 January 2020.

 I returned to Beijing on from .

I have not had a fever, cough or other reportable symptoms during the 14-day
health observation.

I have read all the recorded answers included above and declare that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, they are complete and true. I am aware of the health rules on the
Keystone campus and commit to abiding by these rules.

Date Signature
(Signed by Parent for Student)
Appendix 02

Travel Information & Health Observation

Keystone Keystone 3rd Party Residents Visitors

Students Staff Staff (non-staff)

Notify directly Notify Notify Track

Vendor Residents Mobile

Information Report Portal

(Track Statistics)

Health Statement Online Health Health Health

StudentsStaff Statement Statement Statement

School Department
(Review) (Review)

Confirm (Required for All )

Health Center Keep on Record

Security Entrance Control

(Face Recognition)
Appendix 03

Body Temperature Check & Symptom Report Procedures

Student Bus Employee Bus Infrared Thermometer At Employee Car

(Forehead) (Forehead) People Entrances Entrance


Temperature Tempera
above 37.3°C ture
>37.0°C between 37.0°C
and 37.3°C

Check Body
Deny entry Temperature Learning

Symptom Temperature
Screening Screening

>37.3°C or
Procedure Fever
Appendix 04

Absence Reporting and Tracking Procedures

Health-Related Absence
Reported to Health

Phone Consultation and

Information Tracking (Health

Excluded Suspected

Defined the Affected

Information Areas
Tracking Set Entry Restriction

Report to CDC and

Student Return to
Follow Their

Nurse Report to
Relevant Office
Appendix 05

Disinfection Operation Procedures of Keystone Academy

To provide instructions for the cleaning staff on disinfection for epidemic prevention and

The content scope:

Offices, toilets, classrooms, gyms, public areas, dormitories, and all the areas demanding
disinfection and cleanings.

I. Indoor disinfection operation procedures

1. Carry out both wipe disinfection and spray disinfection. Exact methods,
disinfectant solution ratio and operation methods should strictly align with the
standard disinfection operation procedures.

2. All disinfection work should follow the rule of ‘top to bottom, inside to outside’.

3. Well-proportioned disinfectant should be evenly sprayed on the fresh towels for

making them completely moist (or use towels fully soaked in disinfectant) first,
then use towels to disinfect the surfaces of objects.

4. Wipe disinfection should be applied to all indoor facilities and items. For metal
parts or corrosion-prone items, one more wipe with water should be done
several minutes after the disinfectant is applied.

5. After the above steps, spray disinfection should be done in the room.

II. Disinfection Procedures of Public Areas

1. To carry out wipe disinfection and spray disinfection, the ratio of cleaning agents
shall be aligned with the standard disinfection operation procedures.

2. Wipe and disinfect all facilities, objects, and wall surfaces in public areas
according to the rule of “up to down,” “inside to outside.”

3. Spray the mixed disinfectant on to a clean brown towel to make it fully wet or to
soak the brown towel in the disinfectant, then use the towel to wipe the
surfaces of the objects.

4. Disinfect high usage facilities frequently, such as elevators, elevator buttons, and
handrails in the staircase, and door handles.

5. Disinfect other areas regularly, such as ceilings, walls, skirting boards and
garbage bins in accordance with the standard disinfection operation procedures.
6. After disinfecting, wipe metal parts or corrosion-prone objects with clean water
once more. Wash towels regularly to keep them clean.

7. Use a mop soaked with disinfectant to mop the carpet and floor. Replace or
wash the mop frequently to keep it clean, and place “Caution Wet Floor”
warning boards on the floor.

8. Apply spray disinfectant with frequency as directed.

III. Disinfection Procedures of Toilets

1. Wipe and spray disinfection shall be used, in accordance with the
standard disinfection operating procedures.

2. Spray the mixed disinfectant on a clean blue towel to make it fully wet or soak
the blue towel in the disinfectant. Then, use the towel to wipe the surfaces of
the objects.

3. Clean the surfaces of counters, sinks and faucets, by wiping them with the blue

4. Clean the toilet bowls and urinals inside and outside first. Use the yellow towels
to disinfect, and pour some disinfectant into the bowls to ensure continuous
disinfection effect.

5. Use a clean blue towel to wipe and disinfect partitions, doors, door handles, etc.

6. Wipe and disinfect surfaces of other objects. Clean and wipe metal parts or
corrosion-prone objects with clean water one more time. Change or wash the
towels regularly to keep them clean.

7. Clean and disinfect the floor drains. Leave 1 or 2 pieces of disinfection tablets or
pour disinfectant into the drains to ensure continuous disinfection effect.

8. Use a mop soaked with disinfectant to mop the floor. Replace and wash the mop
frequently to keep it clean, and put up a “Caution Wet Floor” warning board.

9. After finishing all the above steps, cleaners shall carry out the spray disinfection.

Matters for attention:

1. Disinfection for office electrical equipment should be applied after switching the
power off or completed with supervision.

2. Clean the surface of objects before starting disinfection. Replace or wash the
towels frequently.

3. Replace or clean towels for specific rooms regularly, in order to prevent cross-
contamination of virus and germs.
Appendix 06

Procedures for Students with Fever in School

Student Has Fever (T37.3C) or Other Flu-

Like Symptoms in Classroom or Dorm

Teacher/Advisor/Dorm Parent/Student
Notifies Health Center by Phone

Health Center Nurse Wears PPE and

Guides the Student to Isolation Room

Facilitate Student
Visit to Fever Clinic

Excluded Case Health Assessment; Suspected Excluded at

Health Center Notifies Acquire Health History; Case Health Center NotifiesFever Clinic
Generate a Record.
School Office/AOD Facilities/Security
Suspend Necessary Activities; Define Affected Areas;
Limit Movement Set up Entry Restriction
Notify Parents; Continue

Rule out COVID-19, Based on


Return to Normal Cooperate with Return to Normal

Procedures Instructions from CDC Procedures

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