Clinical Evaluation of Removable Partial Dentures On The Periodontal Health of Abutment Teeth: A Retrospective Study
Clinical Evaluation of Removable Partial Dentures On The Periodontal Health of Abutment Teeth: A Retrospective Study
Clinical Evaluation of Removable Partial Dentures On The Periodontal Health of Abutment Teeth: A Retrospective Study
132 The Open Dentistry Journal, 2019, 9, 132-139
Open Access
Clinical Evaluation of Removable Partial Dentures on the Periodontal
Health of Abutment Teeth: A Retrospective Study
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, School of Dentistry, Prishtina, Kosovo; 2MedUni Graz,
Dental School, Graz, Austria
Abstract: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the effect of removable partial dentures in periodontal
abutment teeth in relation to the type of denture support and design of RPD in a five-year worn period. Methods: A total
of 64 patients with removable partial dentures (RPDs), participated in this study. It were examined ninety-one RPDs.
There were seventy-five RPDs with clasp-retained and sixteenth were RPDs with attachments. There were 28 females and
36 males, aged between 40-64 years, 41 maxillary and 50 mandible RPDs. For each subjects the following data were col-
lected: denture design, denture support, and Kennedy classification. Abutment teeth were assessed for plaque index (PI),
calculus index (CI), blending on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), gingival recession (GR), tooth mobility (TM). Level
of significance was set at p<0.05. Results: According to denture support of RPD, BOP, PD, PI, GR, CI and TM-index
showed no statistically significant difference. Based on the denture design of RPD’s, BOP, PD, PI, CI, and TM-index
proved no statistically significant difference. Except GR-index according to denture design confirmed statistically signifi-
cant difference in RPD with clasp p<0.01. The higher values of all periodontal parameter as BOP, PD, PI, CI and TM
were in patients with RPD’s with claps comparing with RPD’s with attachment. Conclusion: RPD’s with clasp increased
level of gingival inflammation in regions covered by the dentures and below the clasp arms in abutment teeth.
Keywords: Abutment teeth, periodontal health, removable partial denture (RPD).
The main reason for the failure of RPD is the loss of
Removable partial denture therapy (RPD) is an adequate abutment teeth due to periodontal changes and caries [10].
form of treatment for patients with missing teeth. In these Longitudinal studies of RPDs manifested with gingivitis,
circumstances RPDs represent an acceptable and economical periodontitis and mobility of abutment teeth [11]. RPDs can
modality treatment for patients with partial edentulous [1]. increase the incidence of caries; damage the periodontium,
relatively large amounts of plaque and the amount of stress
McCracken proposes biomechanics principles for design
on natural teeth [12-17]. These changes occur due to poor
of RPD’s, which focuses on the distribution of forces in the
oral hygiene, increased plaque and calculus accumulation
supporting tissues by providing retention and stability of the
RPD [2]. Further, Marxkors paid attention that principles
design for RPD was controlling dental plaque for the preven- Therefore the control of dental plaque is important to ob-
tion of caries and periodontal disease, known as hygienic tain good denture prognosis and performance for a long pe-
design principles where the marginal gingival is free [3]. riod. Many studies have investigated the effect of regular
Epidemiological studies in animals and in humans have checkups on oral health and denture hygiene with carefully
shown that dental plaque is an essential factor in the ethol- planned prosthetic treatment. All periodontal parameters
ogy of periodontitis. If plaque control was established, gin- appeared with better results in patients who were going to
receive RPDs and they should be carefully motivated and
givitis and periodontitis can be satisfactorily treated [4]. The
instructed in order to prevent periodontal diseases [14, 19].
RPD in the mouth has the potential for increase plaque for-
mation on tooth, especially to abutment teeth, to which The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the
clasps or attachments are attached [5-8]. The RPD frame- effect of removable partial dentures in periodontal abutment
work designs contribute in increasing oral bacterial flora and teeth in relation to the type of denture support and design of
formation of dental plaque. Kennedy classification, denture RPD in a five-year worn period. The defined recordings of
base shape, denture construction and especially the number plaque index (PI), calculus index (CI), blending on probing
of position of the clasps and occlusal rests also influence (BOP), probing depth (PD), gingival recession (GR), tooth
periodontal deterioration [9]. mobility (TM) were measured on abutment teeth and ana-
lyzed due to design and denture support of RPDs.
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Prosthetic
Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, School of Dentistry, Prishtina, Kosovo; MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
Tel: +381 38 512 525; Fax: +381 38 512 474;
E-mail: The research has been accepted and approved by the In-
stitutional Ethic Committee (School of Dental Medicine,
#These authors contributed equally to this work
Age group
N % N % N %
Rank 34 – 75 46 – 79 34 – 79
Table 2. RPD Denture support according Steffel and distribution of denture arch (n=91).
N %
Quadrangular 6 6.5
Triangular 21 22.8
Linear 44 47.8
Maxilla 41 44.6
Mandible 50 55.4
Kennedy Classification
N %
I 34 37.4
IA 11 12.1
IB 3 3.3
II 10 11.0
II A 12 13.2
II B 4 4.4
IIIA 1 1.1
III B 1 1.1
IV 3 3.3
IV A 2 2.2
Subtotal 10 11.0
Total 91 100.0
Table 4. Bleeding on probing (BOP) index according to denture support.
BOP Index
Denture support Yes No P-value
N % N % N %
N % N % N % N % N %
Table 6. Plaque Index (PI) based on Silness and Löe according to denture support.
N % N % N % N % N %
Gingival Recession
Denture support Yes No P-value
N % N % N %
Quadrangular 6 100.0 - - 6 100.0
Triangular 16 76.2 5 23.8 21 100.0
X2 = 8.5
Linear 34 77.3 10 22.7 44 100.0 P=0.07
Teeth Mobility
Denture support P-value
0 1 2 3 4
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Quadrangular 3 50.0 3 50.0 - - - - - - 6 100.0
Triangular 13 61.9 7 33.3 1 4.8 - - - - 21 100.0
Linear 23 52.3 12 27.3 4 9.1 2 4.5 3 6.8 44 100.0 P=0.062
BOP Index
RPD design Yes No P-value
N % N % N %
Clasps 39 52.0 36 48.0 75 100.0 X2=0.002
Attachments 9 56.3 7 43.8 16 100.0 P=0.963
Table 12. Plaque Index (PI) based on Silness and Löe according to RPD design.
Table 13. Calculus Index (CI) based on Green-Vermilion according to RPD design.
Teeth Mobility
RPD design P-value
0 1 2 3 4
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Clasps 39 52.0 25 33.3 6 8.0 2 2.7 3 4.0 75 100.0 U’=32.0
Attachments 13 81.3 3 18.8 - - - - - - 16 100.0 *P=0.058
Gingival Recession
RPD design Yes No P-value
N % N % N %
Clasps 60 80.0 15 20.0 75 100.0 X2=9.91
Attachments 6 37.5 10 62.5 16 100.0 *P=0.0016
Received: December 20, 2018 Revised: February 21, 2019 Accepted: March 03, 2019
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